styling ... po cnen pear oo ional : o> in. "Lifetime" ck sich -------- elled cabinet, featuring ing ------ floor heat, for more thorough j distribution. Heat outlet albtoe slowly rotate back and forth, spread- bg heat evenly. Push-button-operat- e Portrait, Shawl and Ring "a a i resi em ee eaver! Trimmed-Untrimme , | =. | Gee Brown colour. Button Control Model 8850 rated at 50,000 B.T.U. to heat up to 5 average-size rooms. Luxury Fabrics! | EN BS bet baa on r] ® 4 ) ig) 2 inc (a, High-Fashion Coats i - NEW pate neon" 99 G8 : 4 e : Compact Model 8875 rated at 70,000 B.T.U. PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY! 7 Console Design to heat up to 7 averoge-size rooms. : Le 10-inch t" burner with Siegl- Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders. a "ee beta Prathe " ote tine Siegle > ed top dial controls air and oil sys- tem. Sizes about 375% by 3334 Ban LAVISH FUR TRIMS| ats ve ~NEW Zl Sul 9G ee ey gee e ° . Sweeping Floor Ordinarily 98.95 to 119.00! sewers udees doweine: Mane PHONE 725-7373 @ Collars of . . . Sapphire, Pastel, Black Diamond and Natural Wild Mink; 'sheared Canadian Beaver; Norwegian Fox; Snowtop @ : a" LEGO" System by S AMSONITE and Arctic Dyed Fox; Black Dyed Persian # vw : aight Lamb; Black Dyed Muskrat; Natural Can- eA" Za The Creative Building Set adian Lynx. Some with collars and cuffs. vate LEGO, the play sensation of Europe is now produced in Canada by © Beautiful imported fabrics . . . wool-and-mo- OR Samechite. hair, a oo wool boucles, oe: i The creative building set -- "Lego" is composed of various sized coloured plastic fleecy novelty tweeds | f building blocks which lock together and stay together until they are taken apart. ® Sparkling shades .. . red, green, beige, blue, . It's more than a toy... more than a game . . . children and adults alike can brown, black... with furs skilfully selected : ee enjoy making ships, planes, doll houses, garages, filling stations, skyscrapers, to enhance both fabric and colour. animals, soldiers, mosaics! Hobbyists of all ages can enjoy working with Lego . . « ® Junior Misses' 5 to 15, Misses' 8 to 18, : - treating small scale cities out of the basic building units! Women's 28 to 38 and Half-sizes 82 to Boxes priced according to number and variety of pieces: 18% Box No. 702 -- EATON SUPER VALUE, each Box No. 705 -- ae, ¥ 201-pes. ; ae, | Box No. 708 -- : ; i * amet 244-pes, : F no Box No. 711 -- . , 374-pes: : 3 Box No, 717 --. a pe! i ete Box No. 725 -- Town Ss --_ | oe Plan Set 711-pes. Supplementary boxes of additional pieces, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 Built with Leco Town Plan set PHONE 725-7373 bad , : s s s 3-Season a "Balona Latex Satin Finish iT t : Ve . Only et RATON'S . . . for walls and ceilings, this good it rimm id 0a S : aN # 4 quality latex-base paint applies smoothly, dries quickly and 3 4 ; leaves a glareless finish. When the job's done, just wash oppliers with soap and water, Ordinarily 59.95 to 79.95! | rng yallow i z @ Candy pink Cactus green @ Glacier green indian turquoise © tlght Wedgewood EATON SUPER VALUE, each ! a a = ps |AIM SA VALUE: quart 1,90 cauion 6.50 as, Other quality finishes in the EATONIA range: & aE ERP" : Simm' Semi-Glons quart 1:95 cauon 110 : 1 High Gloss QUART 2. 00 " : , Deck and 1,99 6 95 Fleer Enomel QUART &m GALLON i i i i ti i i @orccece a EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 : i ® Self-possessed coats of assured ~ Clearance of Semi-trimmed "Hawes Paste Wax and meanor . .. maticulously crafted o luxurious imported fabrics. Sunworthy Wallpaper Instant Floor Cleaner ® Wool-and-mohair, wool-and-alpaca llama imaginative novelty wools and airy tweeds. ah ® Styled with half-belts, softly full ] A good selection of patterns for almost every room in your backs, flat fronts. h ome . . . including Kitchen motifs, florals, semi-plains, ® Shades shimmering or subtle... Nursery designs and others. Plan to redecorate your home Instont Floor Cleaner -- Cleans off old wox and ground rb red, beige, grgen, brown, | pow at this special Low Price! ' in dirt. Prepares your floor for waxing, ack. ® Junior Misses' 5 to 15, Misses 8 to 18, Women's 28 to 38 and Half- EATON Special Price, 3 5 EATON Special 1. 'ag sizes 81 to 181%. single roll ......... @ : Price, both ....... Specially Low Priced ! An exceptional Value ! Paste Wax -- Excellent for hardwood, linoleum, or file floors. Dries to a hard, lustrous finish! May be damp mop- ped. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244-444 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373