Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Oct 1962, p. 24

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ya Sele 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, October 11, 1962 REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT = House Path Cleared | By Confidence Vote By MICHAEL STARR, MP Minister of Labor 'The House voted on Thursday) , Might on the Liberal Party amendment declaring non-confi- dence in the Government and the amendment was defeated by 140 to 118. ' This meant that the Govern- ment had been sustained in of- fice by a parliamentary major- ity, as.the Leader of the Opposi- tion had insisted should be done before any further business was transacted. The vote left the way clear for normal business of the House to proceed. This included further debate on measures to be brought be- fore Parliament and forecast in the Speech from the Throne. These measures would come before Parliament in the form of resolutions to be embodied in legislation and to be approv- ed or disapproved by the 'mem- bers of the House. The government could be overturned by a negative vote _ om any of these measures; so © therefore there would be plenty of opportunity for those who wished to do so to express ei- ther lack of confidence in the Government or in the measures the Government was proposing to bolster the economy in the days ahead. DEVALUATION One of the issues to be hotly debated would continued to be the devaluation of the dollar which had been instrumental in a matter of a few months in boosting up the volume of Cana- dian exports by a very substan- tial amount. Devaluation meant that Amer- ican buyers could purchase Ca- nadian products at a reduced rate and as a result volume of Canadian sales in the United States was climbing steadily. At the same time, the price of imported articles and manufac- tured goods from the United States had been pushed up both by devaluation and by the im- port surcharges impose by the Government to protect our ex- change reserves. MORE ECONOMICAL As a result of this measure, it became more economical for in- dustry to manufacture parts in Canada than to import them from the United States. Thus, what had been sought for many years through persua- sion was being accomplished by av. | the reform of the taxation struc. the pressure of these m and fiscal measures applied by the Government. The change was particularly noticeable in the automobile and parts industry, which was being given a sharp boost owing to the advantages of manufacturing in Canada rather than the United States. Canadian lumber was selling in the U.S.A. to an extent which brought demands from the U.S. lumber industry for tariff protection. Devaluation and the import surcharges were operating to- gether to give the Canadian manufacturing industry a shot in the arm. This meant more jobs for more people in Canada. TAX REFORM Another development which would undergo a great deal. of 'y|ture as pr d in the Throne Speech and as already begun through an enquiry by a Govern- ment Royal Commission. This, along with the automa- tion bill, and the forecast legis- use of electrical power, would institute far-reaching and fun- damental changes in the econ- ro which had been long over- jue. minority base, it would be to the Government's advantage to pro- duce legislation that would ap- peal to all sections of the House, and this was precisely what would be done. A great deal of discussion and lation relating to the national Meanwhile, operating from a} oratory of a high calibre has 2 Se erwews " Banks Marshal Industrials To High Ground TORONTO (CP)--Banks led a resurgent industrial pack into higher ground amid moder- ately - heavy trading on the stock market Wednesday. Banks of Montreal and Nova Scotia both climbed 1%, Royal rose 1%, Toronto-Dominion % and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce %. Canadian Oil advanced % to a record 55%, while Power Cor- poration, biggest Canadian Oil shareholder, climbed %. Aluminium advanced ,% Al- goma Steel 5%, Dominion Foun- dries and Steel and Moore Cor- poration % each and Imperial Oil %. Aiberta Gas showtd one of the sharpest losses, falling 1%. Abitibi dropped 14. Among base metals, Interna- tional Nickel gained %, while Hudson Bay Mining declined % and Falconbridge 4. Suburban Group Raps Annexation WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Subur- ban communities launched one} of their strongest attacks on an- nexation Wednesday by intro- ducing evidence purporting to show how annexation would in crease costs for area taxpay- ers: © Hamish Macdonald, the Windsor area. a Tor- onto accountant appearing for three of the suburbs, claimed the loss of provincial grants re- sulting from annexation would amount to $8.23 per person in Mr. Macdonald presented sta- tistical evidence .to the Ontario Municipal Board which he said showed that an amalgamated government would be more ex- pensive for the area than indi- vidual administrations. He said a study h2 made in- Canadian-U.S. Dollar Parity Said Far Off TORONTO (CP)--It will prob- ably be a number of years be- fore the Canadian dollar dicated administrative costs did not decrease as the size of the area administered increased, and noted that Windsvr's per capita cost for general govern- last year. Outside t he hearings, plications. A letter asking for the change was signed by Arthur. Reaume, INDUSTRIOUS VISCOUNT of Lord Avon, the fermr - LONDON (C2) --- Viscount Eden, 31-year-oid bache'or son Sir Antkony Eden, has started a business in Mayfair called "Ex- of the leigslature. ment was the highest in Ontario the three Windsor area members of the legislature asked Premier Obarts Wednesday to change legislation to require that votes be conducted on annexation ap- Bernard Newman and Maurice Belanger, all Liberal members reaches parity with American currency, a prominent Cana- dian industrialist said here Wednesday. J. V, Clyne, chairman of the board and chief executive offi- cer of MacMillan, Bloedel and Powell River Limited, told the Security Analysts' Association that in view of Canada's mer- chandise trade deficit with the United States "it does not ap- pear likely that there will be very much upward pressure on the Canadian dollar." For the last three years Can- ada had faced a net demand on foreign exchange of $500,000,000 a year to service investments and loans, ALL THE YOUNG LOVES AND SENSATIONAL SCENES FROM THE SMASH BEST-SELLER! Careless Hunting Count Brings Fine TIMMINS (CP)--Real Rous- Seau of Timmins was fined $150) , and costs Wednesday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of careless hunting -in connection: with the wounding Oct. 1 of two companions. r val WHEN Police testified Ro eo them' he got " ver and just kept clusive Service All Needs Lim- been provided since the Open- ing of the Session by newly elected members representing NET EARNINGS ited." His services include apartment - hunting, shopping, all parties, and some of whom scrutiny in the days ahead was sa nc eA ceaias RL AE Harada Cops Title | With KO In 11th | TOKYO (AP) -- Masahiko Harada, a_ slight, 19-year-old Japanese who has been a: pro less than three years, won the world flyweight title Wednesday night with an astonishing 1ith lround knockout of Thailand's |\Pone Kingpetch. The crewcut youngster, con- ceded little chance to dethrone the defending champion a se- vere beating before dropping him: for the full count at 2:59 of the 1ith round of the sched- uled 15-round bout. Harada, ranked 10th among the public eye in other capaci-! ties. have been for many years in! Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Chibougamau Campbell looking after dogs and organiz- |ing uppercrust dinner parties. [Mines Ltd., year ended Juely gg eee 8 8 8B, DIVIDENDS By THE~CANADIAN PRESS Loblaw Groceterias Co. Ltd., 80 cents, first pfd. Series A 3714 cents, second pfd. 80 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 7. mon 10 cents, Nov. 16. Neon Products of Ltd., common 20 cents, Oct. 19. record Sept. 28. Steinberg's Ltd., 5% Series A, $1.31, Nov. 15, Oct. 25. Viceroy Manufacturing Co, Ltd., Class A 12% cents, Dec. Dec. 1, record the c ders in the 112-p dj15, record Dec. 1. division, weighed 111% pound and Pone 111. Pone received a $45,000 guar- antee. Harada collected $3,000. Under the contract, must give Pone a return bout in Bangkok within 90 days. acl isan onstrate EES ARTISTIC BIBLE CROYDON, England (CP)-- |Indian clerk Gul Shahani has |spent all his spare time for six |months copying out the New English Bible by hand--200,000 words covering 912 pages. "| don't think there is such a piece of handiwork anywhere else in the world," he said, adding that he hoped to sell it to an art collector. Eaton CoIOW BOTH IN COLOR! "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA > "IMFORMATION PLEASE" ADULT 4 4 Harada 4 BOX OFFICE Opens 7:00 p.m. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! | JACK LEMMON "COWBOY" all color program! pLus ! SON OF SINBAD Loblaw Incorporated, com- Canada} per cent,| t record| public parks say they will obey THUR po ee | 30: 1962, $1,385,620, 31 cents a | share: 1961, $2,019,598, 46 cents. Consolidated Building Corpor- ation Ltd., 6 mos. ended Aug. |31: 1962, $993,901; 1961, $565,610. Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd., lyear ended June 30: 1962, $831,- }666, 25 cents a share; 1961, | $891,819, 27 cents. LEASH PEOPLE HARROW, England (CP)-- |Dog owners angry at a pro- |posed law requiring them to \keep their pets on leashes in Ithe rule only if it- is applied jalso to "two-legged vandals" | whom, they say, cause more 'damage. .. FRI, SAT. OSHAWA ,S RECOR All 12" Long Plays, Only... . @ THE ONE AN HANK S bs " 9 others by Hank Snow vm Movin' In", "Tangled @ THE SINGING RA! 1 Stole Old Andy and 9 others iD ONLY "Ol gan's Gin", id Doc Brown", "Wreck Of The Old 97", plus THE SOUTHERN CANNONBALL . . . Mind' NGER . . . Hank Snow, "Engineers Child", "Night @ BEYOND THE SUNSET . . . Stuart Hamblen sings 12 favourites DS DISCOUNT PRICES - ON ALL L.P.'s EACH INOW ... "Married By The Bible", by Hank Snow. Contains " "Let Me Lover" plus 9 others. , "Honeymoon On A Rocket Ship' 12 instrumentals including BILTMOR } "| SIGMUND RO GOLDEN VOPER ETA SHIRES ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY AT 8.15 P.M. ALL SEATS $].00 mBerc's THE 'STUDENT PRINCE EDMUND PURDOM « ANN BLYTH THURS. OCT. 18 "GREAT WALTZ" THURS. OCT. 285 "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" Regutes | sy "cca a --- A masterpiece TOMORON / in the art of the chase that takes you from London to the Hook You WHO NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL are invited to write for FREE booklet. Tells how you can earn your High School Diploma. AT HOME IN SPARE TIME American School, Dept, 0-17 100 Dundas St., Deseronto, Ont, You -com prepare for a better job or go on to college. : Send Me Your FREE 55- High School Booklet and Sam- ple Lesson. js jm Address | yrepeeeeueen STARRING AS THE INTERNS AS THEIR GIRLS, SUV PARKER | HAYA HARAREET | AN fp Fi SAVALAS | KAY BASED ON THE BESTSELLING NOVEL BY RICHARD FREOE FEATURE TIMES: 1:30 -- 3: | ROBERT COHN | DAVID SWIFT IA COLUMBIA PIC HEAR THE WILDEST FROMTHE INTEPY" PLATA al CALLAN | CLIFF ROBERTSON | JAMES MacAATHUR | NICK ADAMS NEEM STEANE POWER ENO | WALTER NEWMAN sw DAVID SWIFT TURES RELEASE PARTY MUSIC EVER SPT | " Adult Season, SMOKING LOGES 30 -- 5:30 -- 7:30 -- 9:30 i j here's the EASY WAY to land enjoy favorite MAGAZINES 4 ae 3 { from Group A an 2 from Group B CHOOSE MAGAZINES All from Group B MAGAZINES Magazines New Renewal LIFE (Weekly) GOOD HOUSEKEEP HUMPTY DUMPTY POPULAR SPORTS AFIELD CAR and DRIVER JACK and JILL CHILDREN'S DIGES HOLIDAY CALLING ALL GIRL HI FI/STEREO REV! GLAMOUR MADEMOISELLE . MOBILE HOME JO oO000o00 oooo0o0oo0o00000g00 REDBOOK ESQUIRE FIELD & STREAM CHATELAINE U.S. CAMERA PARENTS' FLOWER GROWER GOLF DIGES CANADIAN RT CHILD LIFE (Aqes BOATING POPULAR ELECTRONICS HOUSE & GARDEN ..... SATURDAY EVENING POST ELLERY QUEEN'S DETECTIVE ... POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY . WEEKLY SCOTSMAN -- GROUP ARGOSY (The Man's Magazine) . . BETTER HOMES & GARDENS .... TRUE STORY 205 ccs : CANADIAN SAT. NIGHT MAGAZI SPO! MOODY .MONTHLY CHRISTIAN HERALD -- GROUP A -- ING TEEN-AGERS INGENUE (Ages 3-7) T (Ages. 5-12) $ Ages 7-14) . 1EW URNAL B-- NE 3-10) select UP to 4 4 magazines PLUS 2 CHET ATKINS AND HIS GUITAR... 'Dill Pickle Rag" ; e@ BY REQUEST ... WILF CARTER... Me In Your Pocket" FLATT & SCRUGGS . . . with the Foggy Mountain Boys. Twelve string banjo and guitor tunes. @ WILF CARTER . . . MONTANA SLIM . . . 12 songs by Wilf including "Yodeling Love Call", "You Are My Sunshine" COUNTRY MUSIC HITS . . . 12 tynes by various artists including Sonk Snow, Jim Reeves, Grandpa Jones 2 ALL-TIME COUNTRY AND WESTERN HITS... golden Valley Boys SCIENCE & MECHANICS MACLEANS (Every Other Week) . . AMERICAN HOME PHOTOPLAY TRUE LOVE ... CATHOLIC DIGEST POPULAR GARDENING MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ...... McCALL'S MAGAZINE MINN i) wis. AMERICAN GIRL 3 HUNTING & FISHING in Canade . ATLANTIC ADVOCATE 3 ROD & GUN LE SAMEDI (Fr.) pes LA REVUE POPULAIRE (Fr.) .... LA REVUE MODERNE, CHATELAINE (Fr.) ree LE MAGAZINE MACLEANS (Fr.) . of Holland...through the casbah of Tangier a 12 songs including "Put -- OR -- 2 MAGAZINES Both from Group A EVERYBODY WANTS... 20. Oshawa Times ALL 2 for only 65< week Extra big savings on your magazines Oshawa's own 10 tunes by Gaby Haas and His % 4 CinemascoPEe Co or By DeLuxe A startling few experience from MARK ROBSON who electrified you with "Peyton Place," "Champion," "From The Terrace" GQ Oogoooooo ooo ooo0oob000R0o0R0000008000009 oca0000 co000000000000o O Oo0nDo0oo0o0oOoooogo0o0 oOo ooOooooo0000000009 Do Not Write Here sipeagne Sieh Nemes oss se Tas Convenient . . . your magazines come by mail. "LADY VANISHES" "MIGHT TRAIN s TO MUNICH" "FIVE FINGERS" "THE 3rd MAN" Corrier's Route No, ........... Date . Your newspaper will be delivered by corrier 1 hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription ot the present rates ti THE OSHAWA TIMES for 36 months and the magazines chosen for the tine oe indicated 1 agree to pay 65¢ weekly for 36 months with the understanding that this amount represents full payment et present rates for not only the magezines but alto for the newspaper. Various Canadian artists No Money Down more than 50 ationally famous magazines choose your favorites STEPHEN BOYD:DOLORES HART {FO MeKERN- AUCH GRIT DOALD PLEAS HARRY ANDREWS OBERT STEPHENS: MARRS GOR CONTINUOUS DAILY , 2 FEATURE AT... Off 2:20 -- 4:35 6:50 -- 9:05 ADDRESS . Phone No, ..... PROVINCE ORDER TAKEN BY Young", "Goodbye Mary Dear' ", "Santa Fe", "Wagons W luding "Wabash Cannon % S$... by various artists including if eels, Waltzes rench @ CANADIAN COUNTRY JAMBOREE .. . Garden", "I've A Precious Friend a : Mieke sensehiia Eastern Ontario's PLEASE ALLOW 6 to 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE @ DOWNEAST MUSIC . . . Songs from the Maritimes HANK LARIVIERE . . . 10 songs including 'The Ballad of Rodger @ BARN DANCE MUSIC . . . 10 Jigs, Reels Polkas SONS OF THE PIONEERS... 3 songs including "Waltz Of The if est" ee ee see £eeenrey, AND bo Lage . Songs that sold a million copies WILMA LEE AND STONEY COOPER ... 10 Sacred songs including 0 Pices Of Silver", "Legend Of The Dogwood Tree" SALUTE TO HANK WILLIAM: Rose Maddox, Roy Acuff, Anita Carte FAMOUS CANADIAN FIDDLERS . . . Grohom Townzend, 10 Jigs, @ VAL SES CANADIENNES . . . Favourite French Conadion Waltzes. MES ANNEES DYOR . . . ISIDORE SOUCY . . . Jigs and Reels Canadian Style ik l Pine, Myrna- Lorrie K WAGON GANG . . . 10 sacred songs 'including "In LTD. OPEN EVERY FRI 87 SIMCOE NORTH } Please let us have your renewal today so that you will not miss any copies. lnoremrnncmemneor cnet =~ vo RL) A 11 ne

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