Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1962, p. 8

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(UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIE PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club held the weekly meet- ing at the Legion Hall with president, Mrs. Elwood Brad- ley presiding. Mrs. Leonard Fisher who is on vacation in Vancouver sent best wishes to the members. There will be no meeting next Monday, October 8. At the next meeting on Oc- tober 15, Mrs. Lloyd Annis and Mrs. George V. Lee will' show films taken on their visit re- Reasons for thanksgiving were given by each one present, The guest speaker, Miss Marie Armstrong, recently re- turned from South Africa, show- ed colored slides which not only depicted the beauty of the coun- try, but also showed the less attractive aspects of it. She said she had seen great improye- ments in the 10 years she had ances and dozens-of apartment buildings had been built. She felt purchased, and articles made for the bale. A social half. hour followed closing prayers: KING STREET UCW (Del-Mar Unit) The September meeting of the Del-Mar Unit of King Street UCW took place recently in the church parlor. The Unit leader, Mrs. Robert Johnson, opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs. Johnson was in charge} ¥ of the devotional period, with Mrs. Ronald Leonard reading the scripture. The minutes were read by the cently in England and Scotland.|that there was less racial ten-|secretary, Mrs. Ronald Leon- A visit to Hillsdale Manor will/sion there than in some other|ard, be made on October 22 and the countries, and that the negro General items of interest to regular meeting held there. Mrs.|people had no desire to be in-jthe unit for the coming months Frank Boughton of Weston, On- tario, was a guest at last week's meeting. freshments were seryed by Mrs. George Whitbread and Mrs. George Hall. CALVARY B.W.F. The Calvary Business Wom- en's Fellowship met Monday evening, October 1, at the home of Mrs. Reg Cook with Mrs. Chris Galloway presiding. The theme of the meeting was "Thanksgiving". Several hymns of praise were sung followed by A THANKSGIVING DESSERT the Scripture reading. Mrs. Vanilla Wafer Crumb Crust 2 | Holds Cranberry-Orange Cream New desserts for fall and each| stiff. Add nuts and cranberry ! 4 starts with a package of cnokies| mixture to whipped cream. Line Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 and a can of cranberry savce.}9 inch pie plate with vanilla Vanilla wafers, gingersnaps and] wafers, arranging them around 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 5, 1962 graham crackers team withjedge, also. Pour in cranberry canned cranberry sauce to] mixture. Chill thoroughly. Gar- 'make these Thanksgiving des-|nish with whipped cream or sert treats. Here are two des-|walnut halves. serts for the refrigerator, easy} Cranberry Ginger Dessert ake, yet special enough forjuses layers of ginger snaps, tare, b d cream for a lj 1 tte e's Crancbrry Re|<iiee whe ehcerase," | Harold James Ellis Marries _frigerator Pie with a vanilla) CRANBERRY s Margaret June. Cornish . wafer crust holding a creamy GINGER DESSERT * cranberry orange filling. \% pound ginger snaps : CRANBERRY % pint cream, whipped The marriage of Margaret)Detroit, Michigan and around REFRIGERATOR PIE 1 Ib, can jellied cranberry! tine daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|Lake Erie. For travelling the *1 cup whole cranberry sauce ' sauce William Cornish of Bowman-|bride chose a knitted suit in} ¥% cup light brown sugar % cup nuts i ,|ville, to Harold James Ellis, soujraspberry red, a white velvet| ~1_ package orange flavored | Line a pan pie a Lethe Ollof Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bllislhat. black accessories and a cor- >. gelatin - _\eoeet snaps. Beat 4 fold i/o! Oshawa, was solemnized by|sage of white carnations, | yi ee whipping cream (%4)sauce with beater and fold tithe Reve-end A. E. Larke in| 'The couple are making their| whipped cream. Spread a layer} : ' -% om sti finely chopped] of the cranberry whipped cream tog Street United Church, re-/home in Oshawa. afers, about 25 [mixture over the ginger snaps. . Chaar verr right! There|Repeat with alternate layers of Mr. Alan Reesor, organist,|windsor, Oakville, Toronto, " isn't any water in this filling).| ginger snaps and whipped cream played the wedding music and Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, > Mix cranberry sauce and sugar|mixture. Top with chopped nuts accompanied Mr. Kenneth Hai Little Britain, Peterborough,| * in saucepan. Bring to boil. Re-jand let stand in the refrigerator lett who sang "The Lord 8 Pray- Bowmanville, Colborne > move from heat. Add package of/4 hours or longer. Serve in sher-/er', To Thee Beloved and| Kingston, Ontario: » erange gelatin and stir to dis-|bets and, if desired, top with a The Wedding Prayer'. * solve. Let cool. Whip cream until]small amount of whipped cream.| The bride's father gave her in : Walter Is Wed in marriage. She wore « gown Sunset Heights H&S Julie Ann Walter Is Wed To Robert John Armstrong embellished at the Sabrina neck. line with sequins sand pearls. Holds Autumn Tea Self roses accented the chape! train and a crown of pearls and| Bronze chrysanthemums and crystal drops held her shoulder-| yellow candles on the tea.table, tegrated with the whites. The next meeting will be held were announced. Mrs. Joseph Guest reported 15. 7.30 p.m. at the|on the bazaar, which is to be At conclusion of meeting re- Hatten se .; riviek, 529|held on Wednesday, November Woodcrest. A demonstration with driftwood will be shown. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD Mrs. W. E. Baker, president, presided at the October meet- ing of St. George's Women's Guild. Reporting on the recent fall luncheon, Mrs. F. C. Pipher thanked all members who work- ed towards making this. Guild project such a success. Mrs. Baker acknowledged the gift of roll baskets and can open. ers for the Parish Hall kitchen by the Mothers' Group Commit- tee of the 7th Scout Troop. The Induction Service for the new Rector for St. George's An- glican Church, Rev. F. G. Ong- ley will be held on Wednesday, October 10, Due to this service, the cooking school sponsored by the Westmount Group scheduled for October 10, has been post- poned until October 18, A discussion was held regard- ing the Christmas Tea and Ba- zaar on November 24. Mrs. Al- bert Barnes will be general con- vener: Following the meeting the Margaret Hart Group served tea. ST. PETER'S W.A. Opening with prayers, the fall and winter season of St. Peter's WA was held recently. Presi- dent, Mrs. Charles Templar wel- comed all back. A warm welcome was extend- ed to Mrs. Douglas Jackson, wife of our new rector. | The secretary, Mrs. Lloyd! Plume, and the treasurer, Mrs William Boorman, gave their as read. | that articles for the November possible. Plans were finalized for the Communion Breakfast served to the men and boys of the congregation. been there, Vast slum clear. Special guests that attended the meeting were Mrs, Wesley Herbert, who brought and in- troduced a new member, Mrs. Alan Taylor, and Mrs. Harry Blakely, who spoke about the membership drive, that is go- ing on at the present time. Refreshments were servd by Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs. Ron- ald Leonard and Mrs. Joseph Guest. COURTICE NORTH H - 8 The September meeting of the| Courtice North Home and School opened with Mrs. Thom- as Gladman, president, welcom- ing all parents. Mrs. Charles Archer read the minutes of the last meeting, followed by Mrs. Barry Johnson with the trea- surer's report. Mrs. Gladman called upon Mr. Bruce Lush, principal, to introduce the teaching staff. The room count was won by Mrs. Lenor Hoar, of the Highway school and Miss] Caroline Rogers and Mrs. Har-| old Teirs tied for the North) School, An euchre was planned for) October 24 at the Highway School, was given funds for sport equipment. Grade Mother positions were filled for the year. The evening closed with the singing of "'The Queen". Re- freshments were served by the| trying on outfits with the aid executive membrs. NAVY VETERANS' AUX. held their first meeting of the season at the Navy Club on Wed- nesday September 26 with Mrs. Guests were present fromjreports. They were approved|Herbert A. Maynard presiding Minutes of the previous meet- surer, Mrs. Earl Myers. Mrs: Gordon Dowling, the date and the time. TO MODEL IN FASHION SHOW Miss Jan Moore, left -and right, QUEEN ELIZABETH H AND § ASSOC, to the members of Home and/chairman introduced. Constable} 5 5 Tane and Mrs. Leonard Haigh/Vember 6. Children's Reading of Mrs.. Evelyn Montgemery, in anticipation of the fashion show to be held next Wednes- ren participated. Mrs. Kenneth McMinn, Safety|the mothers of Grade 7. day under the auspices of St. Andrew's United Church Women. --Oshawa Times Photo tober 10 at 8 p.m. and it is|Constable McDermaid who is|' Mrs, Heard announced the IX. |hoped that we will see more|Now Detective McDermaid of the|Area C Conference to be held The Navy Veterans' Auxiliary) members out. Please remember| Oshawa Police Force. | \in Belleville. Two delegates were A film of interest to parents), i was shown by Mr. Gordon i pcoanage + ker of the Safety Patrol Jam. boree held in Ottawa this year Safety of our children on the|in which a group of Oshawa chil- Mrs. Joseph Patterson asked|ing were read by_secretary,|streets was the topic of a talk|d Mrs, P. Tullock and the finan-|/given by Constable William Tane and|bazaar be turned in as.soon as|cial report was read by trea-| |School recently. Oshawa and District Home |and School Council is to be held November 27. Refreshments was served by Next meeting to be held No The auxiliary would like to| In the city of Oshawa we have|expressed the thanks of the As.|being the theme of the program. her assistance. Lunch was served by Mrs. P.| schools. It has been proven to bejthank Mr. Nicholas Olesuk fo-/800 children acting as Safety|sociation to Constable Tane and Patrollers.representing 31|Mr. Baker. : Mrs. Carson Heard presided! For glamorous and easy-to HOUSEHOLD. HINT Dorcas secretary Mrs. Regi-|Tullock and Mrs. H. Maynard.|that the accident rate to children|Over the business meeting. |clean closet shelves, cover them The next meeting will be he!dihas dropped since the organiza-,/Room prize was won -by arg oilcloth or adhesive-backed nald Anderson, reported that wool and material were to beat the Club on Wednesday, Oc tion in 1955 of safety patrols by|Lawrence Haisell Grades 6 and7. St. Andrew's United Churchja circle neckline, trimmed with was the setting for the wed- ding of Julie Ann Walter, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman H. Walter, to Robert John Arm- strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, all of Osh- awa. The Reverend John Leng, DD, officiated while the church organist, Mr. E. Kelvin James, wided the wedding music. r. Ross Metcalfe sang "'O Per- fect Love" and "Wedding Prayer." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- clipped French lace which also adorned the skirt. A matching pillbox headdress secured her mantilla veil and she carried a white cabbage rose. The maid of honor was Miss Wendy Neilson of Toronto who wore bell-skirted pink peau de soie. The bridesmaids, in paler pink, were Miss Beverly Clap- pison, Toronto; Miss Sal'y Arm- strong, Miss Nancy Chambers and Miss Gail Marshall, all of Oshawa. Their sleeveless dresses were fashioned of heavy length veil. Her flowers were Sweetheart roses and steph- anotis. Miss Margaret Ellis was maid of honor and the attendants were Miss Sheila Truelove, Mrs. Marcel Grenier and Mrs. Bev- erly Brown. They were dressed alike in turquoise peau de soie with short veils and headdresses of matching velvet und satin leaves: They carried nosegays of pink carnations and white chrysanthemums. Mr. Robert Stacey acted as best man. The ushers were Mr. gown of ivory peau de|French lace over peau de soie. Edward Cornish, Mr. Marcel peor with lily-point sleeves and ee Many Entertain Donna Molly Herne Being Wed Today Several showers have been held in honor of Miss.,Donna Molly Herne whose marriage to Mr. Dennis. Frank Starkey is The flower girl, also in pink, was Janna Bray. Their head- dresses were circlets of pink and white Sweetheart roses and they carried baskets of the same. Mr. Stephen Eric Olmstead was best man and_ ushering were Sprague Furey, Ross Bow- man, Robert Grace, Robert Grenier and Mr. Bruce Hurst. Receiving the guests in the church hall, the hride's mother was wearing a draped sheath of teal blue crepe and a corsage of pink carnations. Assisting, the bridegroom's mother was in olive green silk organza with a re-embroidered overskirt and pleated bodice. White carnations O'Brien, all of Oshawa, Larry|COmprised her corsage. Dew, Sault Ste. Marie, Brian Seaton, Brampton, and Robert Rayner of Toronto. A reception was held at The taking place this evening in St.) Flying Dutchman, Bowman- The honeymoon was -spent in SOCIAL NOTICE formed an autumn setting for the annual Grade 1 Mothers' Tea held at Sunset Heights School recently. The mothers were received by Mrs. B. J. Salmers, president of the Sunset Heights Home and School Association, Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick, wife of the principal of Sunset Heights School,' and Mrs. R. J. Kimmerley, convener of the tea. They added to the general autumn theme with their beautiful corsages of fall flowers. Mrs. B. J. Salmers welcomed the mothers on behalf of the Home and School Association. Mr. L. Weiderick, principal of the school, spoke briefly and in- troduced the Grade 1 teachers, Mrs. Jack Mountenay and Mrs. F. G. Coulter. Also present at the tea was the school's nurse, Miss Mary Lou Boland, who spoke for a few minutes on gen- eral health rules. Mrs. B. J. Salmers and Mrs. . Weiderick poured tea. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. J. Kimmerley, conven- er of the tea, assisted by Mrs. plastic. e's Memorial Church __ | ville. The bride's mother re- ENGAGEMENT F, R. Jones, Mrs. Carl Fleisch- pga party and miscel-| ceived wearing a draped dress| The Canadian Ambassador to)man, Mrs. J. W. Button, Mrs. laneous shower was held at the|of navy blue crepe accented|Japan and Mrs. William Fred-| Stanley Jackson, Mrs. E. R. home of Miss Florence Long,| with clipped, white French lace; jerick Bull announce the-engage-|Schonau and Mrs. Norman Toronto, attended by the bride's|a white hat and white orchid)ment of their daughter, Freder-| Laughlin. associates at General Sound|c ors age. _The bridegroom's|ica Joan, to Mr. Everett Flem- and Theatre Equipment Com- mother was in brown and gold,jing, son of Mr. R. Russell TURKEY THAW pany, Toronto. Co-hostesses muted print chiffon with a gold,|Fleming of Whitby and Mrs.| When thawing a turkey in the were Miss Joan Shields and] petal hat ato golden ag dvnsiiie Gh uke oa The iy gg pec gt haa A iss e| e couple is residing a ace in/pound, then cook within 24 to Mrs. Donald Sage. Miss Hern Tokyo early in November. 6 hours. A NEW. STAN DAR ID OF IAC BLILENCE was presented with a crystal] Thickson's Point, Whitby. vase on her departure from the company. The future bride and bride-| groom were honored by) the staff of King Street Senior Public School, of which Mr | Starkey is a member, at a but-) fet supper at the home of Mr.) and Mrs. J- D. Galbraith, Con- naught street. The couple was resented with a woollen lanket. A miscellaneous shower by Miss Diane Starkey, brides- maid, and Mrs. Kenneth Sud- dard, at the former's home. , Many gifts were received by the future bride when friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Mary street. Co-hostess was Mrs. Harold Cornish. Out of town guests attended from To- ronto, Milton and Bowmanville. Neighbors of the bride-elect held a miscellaneous shower al the home of Mrs. Carl Wahrer, assisted by Mrs. Donald Kil- burn. Friends and relatives of the| Prospective bridegroom were entertained at the home of Mrs. Tra Gillette, Mary street. They presented a gossip bench and footstool and each guest con- tributed . gift for the kitchen Guests were present from Wil- lowdale, Toronto and Ayre, The bride's mother, Mrs. Don- ald Herne, Cloverdale street, held open house last Saturday and Mr. and Mrs Frank Starkey, the bridegroom's par- ents, entertained the wedding party, following the rehearsal on Wednesday evening. nga To THE TP Specials Oct. 5-6-7-8th Only 'Curb Service Special 95 A generous portion of finger lick"n" chicken fried to a crispy golden brown. Served in a basket with krin- kle cut french fries, cole slaw, cran- berry syrup dip and a toasted roll. Restaurant Special 1.39 Chilled. Tomato Juice Grilled One Half Pound Boneless New York Sirloin Steak served with krin- kle cut french fried potatoes. Crisp garden greens tossed salad with a tangy chefs dressing. Toasted rolls. Sneek fabs tip Atehdih a duinprinchoniniohsh tious dasnkandi ad, FREE HOT DOG to Children under 12 at Curb Service Only! : Visit TP RESTAURANT & MOTEL LIVERPOOL RD. BETWEEN HWY. 2 and 401 140 BOND ST. iT, OSHAWA, ONT, NTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE 725-6501

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