Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1962, p. 31

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B86 POU NTO NT Np hg co, ti id 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent ___|27--Rebl Estote for Sole _{27--Real Estote For Sole|27--Real Estate tor Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Getober 3, 1962 3] apart |i) BROOK STREET BAST --Tataelwew /sPurrueVEL bung helatiton bouta Fanch|EARGE SEVEN-ROOM home, central, THE MARKET BASKET ment eerste ktchgh for SORTA lire log ea piven Fea ed rs acre heat, Cablnglod.|eiyle bi nig ul reg fay "Lat elose to schools and shopping, Goot/27__Real Estate for Sa'e |29--Automobiles for Sele le . Abern '» wi je > 1 ™ gall sll diamasttowaronasa fe : eee {hd Sereens. Nol, ACRES tand with evertowing ertek,|19s0 CHEVROLET eee eee : 5 "Td at LARGE ee Gen es built brick in Oshawa, $5,000 with $2,000 down. W.|tuns good, $100 cash. 7283510. ' MPLETELY furnished bedroom bungalow, built-in stove and oven, Ses DOWN. ta one of Geh- awa. wi 4 5 : Ar on hee, teeorated. 'Apply "9 and kitchen, with refrigerator anl rang- ~ PRIV ATE to wall carpet, ceramic tile bal om vas reel a. Tare Boe ord Realtor, = pind Street, ey RENAULT 38.000 tiles heen. Bast ORDER YOUR TURKEYS sined. | newiy eee He, Suitable for gentlemat. Apply 237 plus two other washrooms, Stone : = offer Telephotie 728-9790, brick with carport. Take over one mort- THANKSGIVING oe ee eee [oO ig A recto 8m, age for balance, Home situated in|LANDSCAPPED LOTS, 4° x 130, vue FHREE room, light housekeepin CENTRAL -- Nicely furnished bed- atage, many other age | larmony area close to all schools, Call/serviced North-west city. oonge oy sepa- 1967 CHEVROLET, two door hardtop, RKEY NOW Private bath; heat, al; hydro. Central at Mik Chad, Gull bite, CA NORTH WEST Very good. location, $10,000 down, OF ag: 0868, . 3 us| faa, eld automatic, a . and CAPONS beteg M pny sy: $20 weekly. Tele-|festreas" at. bus. stop: parking pace. nearest, offer. After 5, itby : rate, hi Fh. gohocles shopping. wi ora * beh ee N ag aver th Ve "Telephone 725-387 5500 DOWN PAYMENT... For the four-|!ine. There's no turkey like @ OME ang "bath. conta Tec al home just in outskirts of city. . . freshly - killed turkey. for TWO ROOMS And bath. cental, cs Dey naar, Te EW BERERT, «8 -- Two party fur. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW LOTS orgs nd mater. Payment 'eh f12.000, NMA Resale, Apple HLL Very ES VAUXWALL sedan. red, vin tx. *< flavor and tenderness. Dressed ond delivered | montaly. kaa 6 os Gite Be po We, ery bet A skh nia 6 Oo TO INSPECT GO TO | wd ne ne Fee Pane Tonk act | cludes taxes. Call e Koornneet,| MO. #-3407. vo get _the best when you buy 9370. SEN HOGE-NGaTa-i0 = desk| 479 FERNHILL BLVD. IN PORT PERRY -- |ity. Guide Realty Lia, raa-ini, - |729-2889, Joseph Bosco Realtor, ab "<9 Townline Ranch Turkey, PHONE 725-6837 be HOGARTH STREET -- Four-room, inisned single room. Breakfast OSHAWA : FRADE immaculate NHA brick buhga-|g - Freshly killed and dressed. a, with garage. Available now.|5), gentleman preferred. Near North Group of six 70 x 135 each. B AY RIDGES low, 5 years old, recreation room. thontly. General Motors, 725-1300. Accept late model cér 6s Must be seen : rage, paved drive, for two wlarey nome, itso AUSTIN' Healey: Black, new tire : FauhiROOM unturalshed ape : ty! "|new paint, A-1 condition $1595. After Some delivery service. FRANK HO AG REE-ROOM er ert to bake down payment BROOKLIN Haare Soveph Bosco Heelies 728-0000 [rian a in iprivate bath, laundry facilities, wing ' NORA ond, extra nice "brick bungs-| com TOWNLINE on lemma ga MALAGA Road, 100 feet off Park Road. fe $500 DOWN low, near schools 'and bus, Monthly pay- aan, 3500 TURKEY RANCH ROSSLAND RD. WEST |gincom srneer NORTH, i508 --one.|L¢t 5? x 161 city serviced, sidewalk. GUIDE RE ALTY " sic teak teak ra B99 Includes taxes. ar pei mi Pitan i eg TF alg jewt ony een i 725-4233 OSHAWA ined wPerteny ahtehna, Avaliable H : wt ise? Con maa \alarish Eetainanie ise Immediately, 728.0808. Limited - Realtors METCALF | Detached Bungalow SREBEGUE sqilaper Tiving | S008: 380000 in ---- none MO 8m | sé : WELLINGTON Strect West, 75: these 4 1¥e YEARS OLD quarters and enint in Oshawa, good| 1959 CHEVROLET impela Ve four-door Thanksgiving Week-End Specials foom apartments, unfurnished, private LLOYD REALTY 16 Simece St. S. 723-1121 REAL ESTATE LIMITED terms. For sale, rent or exehange, W.|hardtop, radio, po |». two coat entrance; heat, hydro, water. $65 | TAKE OVER PAYMENTS OF McAuley, Realtor, a Meg Street, hod eieeliet cin, ir cash. onthly. From 4 to 8 evenings, 728-8579. LIST WITH LLOYD : 40 King St E EDR fir vent, FULL PRICE -- ! ig ot. E. . ; sa j rj Myre, farmer, waamer and dizer] THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | PROS trckhome on Dn: | Dial 728-4678 $117 MONTHLY [Rass mess, pa vapeaty ser pe cis sy eter td, eet cet tT er ection a eries Pee rere | ONE IN A THOUSAND ision St., with mortgage pay- Includes Principal, Interest | Vate- Best offer: 235 verdun Read. Tm-|t condition iat. oh ping Centre. 728-86 + mediate possession. 723-1 UNFURNISHED four-room rt BUNGALOW DOWNTOWN| ments of $65.00 per Papi ARLINGTON AVE. _ ond Taxes. Suaranaeal Foca eax fot "ep reqs rg PUMPKIN AND MINCE TARTS per doz, 486 (2) Sermo. 2rrh sires) $13,500. FULL PRICE | | Sl feat Eat home mice | aitreetive. 6 room home, gare ONE N.H.A. los. rege, bot water, lt |nn, Pai, Tele i ih a * : ; OH AOE Os TORO | é, storms, screens, 4 rooms MORTGAGE {psu 6 éylinder, Fadio, condition. ee ee eee» ASC [eraramcan acre, mreerann apr] 2st A yeom old @ becreeme, | so, NA. RESALE -- 3 | Gnd both down, 1" bedroom CE | SICE_JAO BLS. Bor Tapani al nanos Belen ment, unfurnis! . > 7" ' : | ' WITH WHIPPED CRE TUF i4.in5 59C |private. entrance, abstainers please.) and screens. Yes o recreation bedroom brick bungalow on | up, natural fireplace, good Extras Recreation room, T.V.| east Seine an tee see phn 9 ee aire ra iran eee Available immediately. room too. Family size kitchen. Emerson Ave. Double povéd | sized rooms. Asking §10,- | tower, storms and screens, -- |195.2363, matie, 6 cylinder, fatio, seat belie a MINCE PIES 9-inch A5c WiitbY -- Threeroom apartments} Don't delay to inspect this drive with a threé room apart- | 900.00 with reasonable down | shower doors. sSoee cocina tae wiractively "decor. padded dash, power fallin, Alter' . very central, suit couple or elderly) tome Call Ed Drumm at 728- rent in' walk-out basement; | pgyment. Balance on | open | Telephone after 6 p.m. ated brick ally t 53-3610. ASSORTED COOKIES, 5 dozen Si Vee s c4 98c Perot ie Whitby: MO. 61063. aed 5123. how occupied and rented for mortgage. for GM workers, south plant. Hes many | 1955 ney convertible, Va %, automate, a < 3 | $70.00 per month with pt Be TE 9. 3661 cor ae ee Must ell. P . ' , & -- Two, ti | | at. 4566 Mell's BA Specializing in birthday cake, wedding cake, all varities pumpkin WAP eee bpetuoain, iaundsy| GROCERY STORE AND ate entrance. CONANT STREET sccminc colin niaediai = cult cecil Be SE OR a lier 1s tiny, Newell baked goods for weekend. facilities, Ample parking, Apply Avart) "1 IVING QUARTERS TROUBLED BY A SMALL | Duplex -- 4 room plus lorge "| PHILLIP MURRAY _[seitcontatned, 'private 'catrance, "Tele: |i458 FORD, good condone -- FOUR-ROOM apartment, built-in cup- ONLY $13,900. | HOME? -- Then you'll really -| sun room down -- 3 room om. trike: bubice! |phone 728-6070. : PERFECTION BAKERIES {boards, stove, dryer, paved parking VERY CLOSE TO enjoy the comfort of this 4 | self contained co rigiags nei Cy scored vt ne [fen room double house in » th country, Hoey sreeailt eations a 4 Par |space. Located on Highway 2, near| + bedroom stone and brick, 1% | Separate entrances -- 1 oe + @lachIRUiN: eh hear Oshawa. Each part has living! tandard, $295, Mike's BA, Raglan. jCourtice. Available November 1. Bow DOWNTOWN i Apidce tiled bath: | ie Asking $12, 008. 00 | sement, aluminum storms jroom, Kitehen, three bedrooms, double | ¢55.3598. 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 116 BROCK ST. SOUTH | manville, MA_3-2138. WILL TRADE ON pel ae Se Ee | and screens, 1 fortgage. |lot. Near schools, church, bus. Reason- | -------- . FULLY Whodis, Sead Weobemtbon LTR 2- OR room and 2 piece powder | with low, low, down payment. | pie. $12 900, Make offer lable terms, 728-2890. 1955 HILLMAN: 'good condition, engine OSHAWA 725-9624 WHITBY, MO 83706 |apartments, new apartment building, | 3-BEDROOM HOME room. Only 10 years oid ond | Balance on | open mortgage. | ' \i8 KING STREET EAE -- Tae perfect. Ideal second ear, $290. 'Tele- refrigeratof, range, laundty facilitics, IN. OSHAWA in beautiful condition. Rea- : | Taunton Road, 7. room, 3. |@lay brick home with two full bath.) ---------- oo _ a 18--Meéle or Female Help (|24---Houses for Rent [paves parking, near schools, sigias scnably priced at $12,900 SOMMERVILLE AVE. | pedroom, 2 storey brick home, |pfoms- , Finished | reetebteh re om.) ye eg ae fone er ie i. ae 23-2570. S $3,900 down is all thot is ¥ ny Paved drive and garage. Reduced to whit Wanted HOWARD STREET, 589 -- Gight-room|FOUR-ROOM upper duplex, range and| vuired bi h ' Convenient financing = owns = | $1,000.00 down -- new 5 | tiled floors upstairs, modern $14,909 for quick sale. To inspect, call wall tires. $1,100. Telephone 728-4411 or ee . -- ; ; ater,| required to buy this growing i , Phyllis Jubb, 723-3240 or 723-1121, Guide | WH 2-4153, home, twe bathrooins, garage. Children |refrigerator, automatic water heater, ; er will carry on one mortgage. decorated bungalow ized throughout. Vacant, ; a WOMEN OR MEN w 'Telephone 723-3705, 'od location, suitable adults only.| concern including all the room de 7 i ott, elete te: bus line only $11, Realty Ltd. Realtors, 1b58 SUPER 88 Oldsmobile, excellent INEAR st Se a jlable November 1. $75. month | equipment. One mortgage for BIG FAMILY -- Only a fam- storms, screens, tile + i 900 with mortgage , INCOME home, close to Ritson Gehodl, | Condition, fay Legeeor plus = TAXI DRIVERS junfurn snapping , "heater, $73 Telephone. 723-305. s | the balance carries for $75 ily of four children or more | eft, A on oh. nah ibe oars Reese arcdant ee rivine Asoo ef ee Preferably between 25 - 40 month. Telephone 725-4035. [BIMCOE Nees 488, (two beitraete ux| per month. Move right in and will appreciate the roominess | pee AR ie Ree hood 9 roomed country home near {fierce SRArta RE, On, ee Oe ee ee VANGUARD sede blue and ings. Appl |FIVE-ROOM winterized cottage with|vember 1. Telephone 728-3945. | be your own boss. Call Ed | of this brick 2 storey. Three | 1) NTE. morgage. Blackstock, ideal for a large Phone 725-7414. white, ood tires, heater, sturdy body, Top earnings. Apply 8 : ; diate occupane track ARON ETON MEEETOE NEN . |bathroom, 38 Waverly Road, CedarltHREE ROOMS in new home, private| Drumm immediately ot 728- bedrooms, one 16 feet long, {| date occupancy family, adjacent to pond, on | PRIVATE sale -- four-room bungalow, |$40. 1954 Ford panel trutk, 675, Te MERCURY TAXI |crest Beach, Bowmanville, $60. month-|hath and entrance, first floor, south) 5123. and a second 1714 feet, 1 bite lot witb barn on pov. |{¥e bedrooms, living room, kitchen and phone 25-5991, ly. Child welcome, MO 2-3542, end, suitable couple. 725-2318. which can readily be made | AFTER 5:30 CALL ed roe bath. Mansville siding. Price $8,500.|i860 TRIUMPH sport coupe, A-1 eondi- 725-477) \NORTH Oshawa: two bedro ou me 5 | own payment $1,500. Payments $75|tion, loaded with extras. Will sell or OL beat, avauable Noyemnee te ie | ARTHUR STREET, 205 Two:r0om | LARGE FAMILY? into a second bedroom. Fam- | a Call monthly. Hospital disttet. Write Box!trade, $1,200, or best offer, Telephohe t urnished apaftment, close to Nor 10 ROOMS | ily kitchen and large living | 2 Oshawa Times. alter four, 728-7700. 19--Opportunities for Men (eee, dance Write Box 842, Oshawe General Motors, $60. monthly. 'Tele- | Acta | 3:7963 FRANK HUNTER | Thin : | phone : 728-2753 room with fireplace, ahd full seneee 1955 CHEVROLET Belair, excellent and Women \E cabs "AVENUE, 339 -- Three. |arinivn GahEr. fr -- Threcroom| Very, stately brick home on dining room. 1% bathrooms | fjotk Osborne: 5.00 SS896 725-2974 ; cpadition, GccePt Wace ot beat, offer. Pr empuRneee ~ room house, convenieitces. adults pre rs . | Kendal Avenue, close to h 1 for | Owner Loss Phone 725-3796 951 Simeoe were COUNTRY MUSICIANS wanted to fered, Fur farther oon nat japartinent, close to North General) Go ei it and attached garage. Cal | John Kemp ......, 8-2392 Ss North form band, beginner band inrsicians | phone 725-178 Motors, Private entrance, $68. month.| wn, wo car gar- particulars and to inspect | 28-275 - ick Barriage a Pp h $ H 1055 PONTIAC, $295. preferred, Write Country Music Enter- 28-27 53. ee | age, many features too num Dic it urc aser Ss ain obile, #398, Both tien, prises, Box 281, Willowdale, On'ario lat Dates EET Sevenrwom howe -ALDWIN STREET, sib -- | Modern,| erous to mention, For more | $8,500 FULL PRICE -- for | Everett Eliott 3-9290 onn Ve Wi s:dealah ic " [as Ritbon Road Boo "pote are "tttes and school. Available yccv0.1 .o, | ATCe-TOOM, Abartmeht, main floor, new! information call "Bill" Hor- | this attractive white frame | Realtor | room bri ome Station. 20- --Room ond Board Hampton Co: 3-243, ibaa tactics, Seas, OO) et of 726-8123. home. Neat ond clean, Spa- sect Licsuacacimebnalencs completely - detotated 1b60 PONTIAC, Birato-Chiel, two %, 935 BRUCE STREET -- Gentlemen |CORDOVA ROAD, 210 -- Four-room KING EAST, 671 -- Fiveroom furnish cious modern kitchen. Lot Newcastle 3341 Large family kitchen two tone greéh ahd White, whee | boarders, twin beds, home cooked| bungalow with garage, close to South|sq apartinent, private entrance, seapal $1,500. DOWN | over 200' deep. Tetms | D. W. McQUA Y partially finished tec- an owner, $1,700. | | meals, Cobeding Sie tentral, close to/General Motors, $65 monthly, Tele- parking, suit couple of three. gentle- ie aR LOR: peer aad room, ouvred doors, bus stop. 728-25 phone 723-2003. hen, Modern five room brick home $1,000 DOWN; FULL PRICE TV 'antenna, walking ae iggy m3 seta, ep 'tre yen WALTER FRANK distanee to public and aew rr tireos ROOM and board for gentlemen, singie|FOUR ROOMS, private entrance, all LAREMOUNT -- Near GM South piant,| Just o few blocks frem schools $8,900 -- Attractive, 6 room REALTOR separate schools, jehees. Ohe or two children wel- hi i i¢ely land- f ' beds, good home cooking, close to north cone. Ren ' Mi latge furnished housekeeping room,| fd shopping, nicely lan clay brick home. Features oil General Motors nd Fittings. 148 Ritson i me. References. Apply Mrs. Erle/ suitable couple or two gentlemen. $14 scaped and hedged, back Aare | | illey, Tooley's Road North, Couttice. . ' pedo edged, e f 3 piece bath ond | 1952 ven: Hood mechanically, 71 9 week. Télephone 723-0965 A urnace, piece | A T R° H $950 DOWN , 9073 i aaGOE TREE NonTa aS. yard, Oil heating. Storms and garage. Terrific family home, WHITBY PLAZA RE i O tadio, eon pest Been # and tires, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, ~ @86--Room | 5 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST -- 'our-bed.| 5 Es cET » 468 -- Two-| sereens, only $11,500 full 313 Brock St. South $95. 793 Glenfore: reet, 725-9568. CALL and board. for gentlemen, single beds.|;oom farm ho: Mod ;.|room furnished bachelor apartment, i weg . } 177 HUR H EET 062 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 8 lunches packed, TV privileges. C@lilences, $100 per month 'Telephone MO sink, stove, refrigerator. Suit gentle-| Price and $95.00 monthly in CHOICE -- North West rea c CH STR RS, HANDSON 725-1186-7 inder automatic, radio, low bate | | 4 | M 725-8255. SEE OY is mO|man. Telephone 723-7460. |= Cludiig toxes, Hurry call-Ir- | 5 'room bungalow with ¢om- Open nie MO BSbee | BOWMANVILLE | W. T. Lamson Real Estate | telephone 723-4815 after 5 ae nom AND BOARD for two gentle-|ALBERT STREET--Sevenroom house|CLEAN: Central, three-room apartment,| win Cruikshanks ot 728-5123 plete 3 room basement apart- | Whitby B i959 T-BIRD, uly: equipped. Ne ps: | | | | | single beds, lunches packed,|in Oshawa. May sub-let, close to bus range, refrigerator, TY outlet, parking or 728-5205 ment, separate bathrocms, # MA. 3-3393 gonable ¢ash ¥, Suit business couple. Available Octob: Toronto | jaahiry desired. Home cooked) and schools, Available \ October Oi tian UCU and entrance. Immediate pos- : méals, Close to Duplate, 723-1248. Hampton CO 3-2413 GONVERIENT * S|. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, késsion | 104 Acres North of Oshawa. eerie ane -- nee NVE) NT location, downtown, self- | { i on ildi ABTHUR STREET, 952 -- oom and|NINE-ROOM brick home, 44 Bigin| contained three-room apartment, sult| Realtor -- 728-5123 Excellent five ond a half Excellent buildings. Health poard, singlé beds, lunches packed, con-|©25t, $150 monthly. Possession Ogto-|,, je: ¥ di 4 : | For full particulars call 723-1121} room brick bungalow be- f le. Onl 28,000 Sapees het winter, ult gentionen, After hg Harry Millen, Real Estate, 728- Pelephone 123 cil, nie rigincemes 101 Simcoe St. N. | tween Whitby and Oshewe, eslient teed. $ TED CAMPIN 4, 728-0723, 50E BTREET NORTH, 12 -- Open Every Evening Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M | in @ quiet location on a cer- $7 500 ROOM AND BOARD -- suit lady or/25----Apts, & Flats for Rent) Usfurmished small apartment, suitarie! ner lot -- fully landscaped. 189 Acres overlooking Rice id offiee worker, lunches packed. $15) leony ne nal Biceododlsa e' ar halen, #5 phone 128-4646.) _ a Siciteenincsii +++} Equipped with Thermopane, Lake. Excellent soil, good MOTORS ve een rt] Furnished unfurnished, 'built. ey By SowMANVILE Rae apart: | f an ee ae + -- wy vince BUNGALOW pig oT Wik Song BULALIE AVENUE, 235 -- duty wiring, gas heating, sandrat lino- Sa 6 bl A | screens, potio, cedar hedge Terms. ust East of Wilson Road): Pee, Welechone PANTS Ts /leum, Immediate possession. Abstala 2 feces 720 ge ir ge eo ag om orta e ivin | and rock garden. Asking ne ON OSHAWA'S . 723-4494 | Res. 725-5574 ini sa cilities, 63 King Street West, Bowman: | j | : MILL STREET, 197 -- Near South GN | nowMANVIETE -- Rett titar FOR $15,500.00. a 5 O00. mon WATERFRONT SPOT CASH | pas room and board for \briek y well furnish: |iap | " Ne level brick near Kendal. fede peas, television privileges, $16.05" CROMWELL, 19% -- Upper duplex, two- Atractive split leve ric ists of outstondin we 725-7754, pedicg led "eit ented, cepgd eT ee eae cane $700 DOWN $700 home with built-in garage New N:H.A. Homes in Bow- coe te room with roped PAID FOR ou 'er pI gg ee Rg ee By feo month. MA Set it UDFAzY- | Telephone 725-0660. ae a eee Neh Clee is manville. Immediate occu- lace, 2 bedrooms and spo- Good clean cars. Trade up la @one, rental. Telephone 728-| qq 7 FERNHILL BOULEVARD, 196 -- Fur- 1100 Square Feet of Modern Home é oailad de cious kitchen. Lot over 300 or down. Liens paid off. hed ; et churches and new " sada - ar SAGUENAY AP* APTS. private ib, Kihthen Gichee na alee : Near the Sho ping Centre, shopping centre. Asking Three bedroom brick bungo- feet deep, your own privete DODD MOTOR SALES B+ BOSSLAND area. Comfort: KING AND PARK ROAD Christian home, for Indy abstainer. Easy To Heat, Nice and Neat $17,500.00. low in A+! condition. $12, beach, city water oh proper- 314 PARK RD. SOUTH able room, private bath and entrance, 723-7036. ty and the sewer coming. A Stoeoa eas, Wnuanty, parking: Apply MODERN TWO ONE-BEDROOM, Semi-detached five room ee. ie Se sure investment with low 129-9421 fb arg Avene parking. Apply BEDROOM APT. kitehen, furnished, yh gore TELEPHONE BILL MILLAR 725-1 186 brick bungalow with private deck Ricard . MA 3-3154 down payment and easy TILDEN ~ hydr, id heated, af 7 ;, * 0 MILL STREET -- room and board| All conveniences. Adults only. [641 Merritt Street. aida driveway, Aluminum storms Andy McGill... 1407 Orono terms. For appointment call i gentle Privat jom and park- For. infor io REE coset SASL nd on AY) : : att ce Telephone 728 476i 723-2563 ry 795-5787 CASTLE HOMES cedded ane. bend lot, Well _| Arthur Weinberger GAR AND TRUCK KINGS COURT _ - --.--| decorated and nicely kept. FS creses_ Asking $11,000.00. PHONE 723-7244 ALS . me _tmgernse | Onhawo's Fines | "APARTMENTS | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED elena J. A. SHERIFF -- Ppt sng set STORE FOR RENT, heated, 360 square Industrial building 35' x 45' | CALL 725-6553 eet, at 152 Si Street South, $63. with 14' ceiling in Generol REALTOR S teonthiy, 'elephone Y25agv7 or 725-3011 PARK LANE AJAX REALTORS Business reo, 220 volt ser- 25 ONTARIO STREET | 5, ; igi ? Pewsk. 5 OFFICE AVAILABLE newiy 'uilts | ice, tly used Id- is is @ lovely 2storey 7- clevator service: bright, (reshiy paint: AP A T No Lease Required. ANNOUNCES ing chee. Gee 'eeation, Aike RANCH BUNGALOW -- at- room family home with |80----Automobiles Wanted $5 SN. "Webecnto veh, leave avail | Approximately 10 miles ing $8,000.00 cash tached ga é 260 nicely finished rec room and |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wa few days. Moderate rent, lease avail f Osh id . i ' ee Sarege) PAVE Er: = H ears for wrecking. Highest prices pal able. Ask for T. L, Wilson, The | epbhldiee Soebsabater sq. ft. of living area tra garage, Koolvent canopy in ant Times Building, Mary and King ' Opposite large Shopping Centre For inspection of ony of the canke back, La modern kitchen |725-1181. Streets, Oshawa, 2-BEDROOM SUITES heat schools, churches, ete, above properties ask for Se ipeactes pag by cagetton airing tlt and = spacious 23---Wanted to Rent Elevator Service Large One-Bedrom mn $2500 down. Open mortgage living rogtn. Comfortably oil $ ALL CASH $ ; fer this TAROR Hots --<--Gamiy| Private Bol for balance. heated, We now oF wath By -B a pee A Y omawe ik tea $73 Residential Acreages ce valuable property at only For clean cars we deal.up or 7 ; T COLBORNE ST. EAST -- 3 $16,400 with reasonable down. Liens paid off, faa :¢6hUC a Controlled Entrances Two-Bedroom $79 618 NIPIGON ST. i orate Ms calls bedroom brick home in good Bown, Payment. To Ne me NICOLS MOTORS LTD Two. OR THREE. ise | f: z : 'g co eV a ad - ee eae ae eh os Contact TELEPHONE Friday, Oct. 5 and Saturday, Oct. 6 Businesses Teabed Norge clothes incr | 5868. or at Schofield-Aker | . 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ae ee MR. DON HOWE 2 9 included with home, close to Ltd. 723-2265. MO 8-8001 AJAX WH 2-2001 mem schools, bus and shopping. 45 CARS wae 24---Houses for Rent -- 725-7732 or esetiond Ke i Listed at $13,000. 5 ACRES OAKES AVENUE, 87 -- Six-room brick 723-9692 Evenings 26--Rooms for Rent ee oon oe SCHOFIELD AKER FULL PRICE -- $8500 -- 2 Seldom do you get an oppor- Buying @ New Cer bungalow, unfurnished, completely dec- bedroom bungalow on Solina tunity to buy 5 acres of fer- Sell your used Car to tad SCHOFIELD-AKER [Met Saar ep LTD, | . BUYING OR SELLING car CeAGRUAL 'urea, heats ATHOL Street East, 182, furnished| Nipigon to Open House : LIMITED orated, rf for $100. Rents $105. month. 728-6591. Howe ¢ Peters, Realtors jroom for one gentleman. Close to down-| Reg. Aker, President Rd. South just off No. 2 tile market - gardening land Talk "Cash" tothe New | town aE es ht on No. 2 Highway, Car Dealer and "SAVE". WILSON South, 304: Furnished room,| Ranch Bungalow Bil} McFeeters, Vice-President Highway, 9 years old, all cop- ' Hod of Gihawa. : Heat 14 zs private home, bus at door, Kitchen and| -- per plumbing, built-in frig., hy 16 make'o Bub- TED CAMPIN MOTORS HITBY CLASSIFIED no Lady preferred. $6 oe We Invite Your Inspection _ ae OUTSTANDING VALUE ty. oerial, large modem kits yer cl income ach yoo perio' Res. 725-8574 W ARGE Gea WHEY wera 7 .room modern split leve chen, vanity in bathroom, Call Steve Macko 728-5868 s mae Parklag. apece" avaliebis. ne. HUNTERS me FISHERMEN witn cathedral type ceiling arene pees in ying ot at Schofield-Aker Ltd, |31----Automobile Repairs . 10 minutes walk from 4 corners. Tele- ; over living and dining room. room, t. garage, alumi- | 723-2265. 7 ey re eee Oe A PARADISE roam. "Youngstown © fily. | fam windows and door, 4 TO ORVICE STATION 4379 right corher room, furnished, i ly-si f acre lot. This one you should | and SERVICE STATION 107 Keith Street. Telephone MO 8~ |price, $19.95 each. Mereantile Dept.|cicse to hospital, light housekeeping if kitchen. 3 lovely-size bed y' i . . Call now to inspect j FOUR room apartment for. rent, $65) sete oe | Mesited. Dial 728-5084, rooms Modern tiled both see. pect. 29--Automobiles for Sale BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- monthly. Heat and hydro eeinaed | |DUNLOP Street We PARKROAD AND KING STREET -- | room. Professionally lands- - PLETE BRAKE SERVICE Teepnens BO. beets. laential" lscatisar retrigeraion, 'stove,|7W0 furnished rooms, light housekeep- LAKE SHORE LOT- 300 ACRES | coped iat cond fenced Ahaled DIAL 728-1674 a Has) ae ae oe ae MOTOR TUNE-UP AND WATER softener, 90,000 grains. Owner|washer, dryer, TV outlet supplied. |("8 Mf desired. 723-4909 after 5 | patio. Close to Public and lres. Extra wheels. Best offer, 723-9662. GENERAL REPAIRS § i we Full Hh tires. Extra whee st moving. $150 or highest bid. Telephone |' rons 4 ample parking. Tele- ag lh le id ingle. be oom. Separate schools. Full price iss5 PONTIAO four door sedan, new 67 KING ST. WEST $13,800.00. with reasonable | radio, low mileage, excellent condition, es DRESSMAKING: 5 . are FOR RENT: Lovely large three bed.|¢% i private home, for lady, parking 3 MILES FROM MAD! i $675. Wi id 30 725- 723-7822 cherstane np ores goats, reares. room bungalow with ualiteosa re pea space. Telephone 728-0296. ele down payment. Rema rkable 15588. se ae ee M ierecialty. 'Mra. 'Toms, MO 62372." |attached garage, tice. location. Eatly| GIBB TRERT -- Close to OGVI-Tar V2 MILE OFF HIGHWAY | NORTH-END santos airing -- possession. Telephone 728-4257. nished, bright front bed ~ sittin, . 2 | ay ean pele eo page FOR RENT -- Basement apariment,|!@¢y or gentleman. 'Telephone' 'after: | FOUR-BEDROOMS VALUE | THE HOME OF we aes net nae AOU DO OETORE Oifice Eaulp., 137 Brock 8, M one bedroom, heavy wiring, heated, TV|"007S, 725-0675, a é Twovenrold <2 storey brick tile yeas IAAL ee realy ra Chet a 87 bos pektwam'" kaanen ts |ple felephone Mo est Suit cou- HOUSEREEFING Foom, | suitable for (@) Private Spring Fed Lake, with 2-car garage otteched: i|GOOD USED CARS peg ai lay Sauce segs ; . . . 8 " ly, sink, cupboards, us top. Py ra dh | Please cal ° Bg Con, Sensteeeace, Mealter "Me FOR RENT -- $65 monihiy, three and|Reasonable. Telephone 725-1615. Plenty of Trout, Bass, Pickerel ine Sac living ae gia Only $11,900. 'Raters Vou B tion on memérals, Mount Lawn. 733- 7RRER-ROOM apartment wanted bs four-room apartments, Residential area, |'TWO furnished rooms, kitchen and bed- shade Gabtoiblamcd Adar storks de ' | etore You Buy 2633. . couple, near downtown and school. Laundry, | sitti ' ; dining area to patio. The A . " # September, Appl sitting room. Close to downtown d ee tines, Me ee No mie. | Parking and children's playground facil: |hospital. Reasonable. Telephone 725, 7 deer taken off Ist day last year. Large brick house suitable modern woman's dream of a Give Bill a Try v 680 i Stree : ; Cena Times. Wr oes ee ies, "S00 High t, Whitby, : for hunting camp or club house. kitchen. Four beautiful. bed- A centre hall bungalow with | Bit) WHITTICK eatsits Chestnut Street West. T TWO furnished rooms, bedroom rooms, washrooms, Taste- . ; " STUDENTS A super value, kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in one. fully decorated and_ profes- 3 big bedrooms. Large family? Oo eieas fo eee. WALNUT Street, f Street, 901: room and "Sarsleapat (aawe San eure eh $1. ne Apply "oo Elgin. Street East" reralons 70 ACRES CLEARED sionally landscaped. Located The kitchen in this spotless MOTORS LTD, x for gentleman, quiet home, 6 days|Ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby in Beau Valley. Owner has bungalow is truly big. inches packed. 816, MO 8-4768|111 Dundas Street We: LARGE . bright foom,. compietel ') XX RXX Sooky. ™ Lrconaraa Bac wee nished for light housekeeping, Lo been transferred and must 146 BROCK ST. N. 0 "DUFFERIN APARTMENTS WHITE newsprint paper in convenient ing electric refrigerator and stove. Cen.| Suitable for playgrounds etc..If purchased for club, will build sell. Winter is coming, but this WHITBY 100 ft. rolls, suitable f mic _tabl imming poo! i ome : 2-BEDROOM SUITES ll itge are for precio tables, tral Se tee re, Centre. swimming |, and bulldoze scenic road around property, for h is equipped with alum- NEED A NEW MO 8-4741 and MO 8-4025 tion Departnient, "Osh . NORTH WEST = $92.50 MONTH bite, Pe' meni awa Times. 77c ee. Si : $1,000 extra 3 year old. brick bungalow inum storms and screens and STOVE OR "FRIDGE? iow available. jewly it, FOR -- Lai thi ag | rooms jor ~~ Fent, , suit all i beautiful diti ially finished _ recessed balcony, dining area, |ment, heavy duty wiring, with natural |xeuucmen: APPlY 260 Athol Street East. Sell to only 25 Couples and sell as low as tooeted on "Humber "hverie. Se , fireplace. Available Octobe: FURNISHED room, Kitch hi : Recreation room, decorated : & 4 TV es ar tank phone M0 Vet Wee NoMa ee cae caren a mci 0. share $50 Down and $10 monthly Handy for school, church h h | dd na JAKE BILL 5 BUY' EM WITHA parking, heate ing. Private entrance. Close to North ~ and shopping. Contains 3 Throughout, touvred doors a Lo WHITBY | MO 8-5212 | FALL § SALE" General Motors. Reasonable, 725-2251, _ Turn over key and deed. bedrooms, large living room, Television Antenna GARAGE LOW.COST, LIFE-INSURED Used Boats, Motors, Trailers, kitchen and dining room. : ~~ Whitby' $s "only fuel cabin trailers, tent 'taller, PONTIAC INN | Owner leaving city and The large lot is completely authorized VOLVO dealer xx AXE dealer carrying a comeing, garden, lawn equip- his Hak Ak de | FULL PRICE $] 2,000 : coe S00 Me cok sodded and fenced. TUNE UP AND complete line of FUEL WILDE RENTAL waevain Ghckee few ries for $96.00 monthly. "Blue Coat" in vorious sizes | SALES and SERVICE "Lanches Packed. LESS 10% FOR CASH wade We Repeat A'SPECIALISTS © XXX Semet -- Solvay Coke, 1415 Dundas St. E. | Open Evenings Till 9 p.m Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Whit 10.8. 32 725-0078 H is} p.m, Briquettes arid Charcoal a ea © APPI SA RA Sat Till 5 p.m Only $11,900 Full line of batteri for Grills, Hardwood and F R EE Y M Y MISE EC sis $ 1 vita, 'pias grein dl ge LOAN Softwood Slabs | ATTRACTIV rae ae Teaco Fur ond owe ois. | fete tuners Here | FURNISHED ROOMS ----~- MADOC, ONTARIO wie aces correc rhe cla womm | THE BANK OF > ; Ee ' Art Weinberger fr season, SAWDONS' atone trouble free eo Aviileblk 1h pavete' Heme: , Bill McFeeters | Telephone 725-1186 Genet Repair and Fina Service : NOVA SCOTIA Store, Whitby. xx x * x x x x * <x x xx xO * a oe % x x x x xxx «Km. xX x x * x -- xxx x «xx x x KRIOOK * x x «>It x OOK = x x x x x xXx x x x x xe If you purchase HITBY) LIMITED Rose" unified fuel oil from | _ Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. Les Hall rat "liege rectly Mince thseagea re eee hy RD. NORTH THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND, Steve Macko W. T. LAMSON 449 RITSON RD. S. * lenry Stinson r . MO 8-3524 Whitby DIAL 725-1212 | 728-8671 OCTOBER 6, 7, 8th. ne REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-0921 (Continued on Page $2)

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