¥ i ON EE EOE Se Ee OO OOS oe" S THE OSHAWA TIMES, ednesday, October 3, 1962 Two Women | 500 Guilty In Frond Try : ROSSLAND RD. W. HAMILTON (CP)--Two Amer- - a were found guilty esday of an attempt to de. fraud a oie "ag Hamilton OSHAWA housewife of $1,00 They were onc in cus. tody until Oct. 9 for sentencing. They are Sharon Holmes, 40, of Detroit and Jane Morris, 30, of Chicago. Both had pleaded not: guilty. Mrs, Frances Lazeo, told Judge John S. Latchford last week that Holmes offered her $1,000 if she could first produce some money of her own. Judge 'Latchford described' the accused's version of the evi- dence as a fantastic, incredu- lous story. "First they say they found the money on the street," he said. "Then turning it over for safe keeping to a complete stranger is even more fantastic." Acting Crown Attorney David Duncan said the accused story was a complete and utter fabri- cation. "Somebody is telling a pack of lies he told the all-male jury. Defense Counsel William Mor-)}- ris said there was no evidence of how the accused were going to get the money from Mrs; Lazeo. » Rough Time or | ) for your Jhanksguing dinner OTTAWA (CP) -- Motorists br " rough bi ne tg hers ------ ' % ~ . ada's police forces had a ' e ' caaetiine Driting traffic offence hess : , Specially Bred For Tenderness tickets. 6 ' wae That's the indication in a re- .. s Fae sd Fine Textured -- Sweet F. lavoured aov't anaes port today by the Dominion " J ae &. 5 -- 12-LB, AVGE Bureau of Statistics on the en- me agg . "i . . 5s q forcement of traffic laws in ' ; 2 j communities of more than 750 eg oO a ? 4 population. te ae : : 5 + It counted 1,142,528 traffic of- a ot : i ; , : : fences reported by various po- Fee cee i "3 ; il lice departments--and the fig-| © RB é a ee , a : ure doesn't include cases han- e : an : { dled by the Quebec Provincial Be : , ae Je a Police. Traffic offences under the Criminal Code increased by 11 per cent to 45,273, with large] | ' ' : : : , inereases in Quebec, Nova Sco) oo ae bes S Presswood Brand Boneless Smoked Conada Packer Devon Brand tia and Newfoundland. There i 4 RR pi aes oot : were 30 per cent more cases of : ly eT criminal negligence--761 -- due a. ; 3 e , ae i C BACON «:. 'Meanwhile, 3,056,038 persons collected parking tickets, 9.6 per cent more than in 1960. § Strikers Plead || w eae 4 J é .* = : MMB mare tear prano SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF . Gilty On mick ; @ *s ee . CELLO §: PKG. 4S patch 65 3 a pe > Wp WiENERS CHUB ° striking glass workers who pleaded guilty to charges of in- : timidation = beni eg er i e S bes A lice were ea ine ani 3 f a8 : ae costs Tuesday or 10 days in jail as el as a result of violence on picket lines five weeks ago. . atic ts ae: sions] POWER SLICED WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT : GUO ee nee nee 4 BESSEE_RK['AE™\ssz"|j_ Dawson, 27, Albert Gray, 27, : William Rideout, 28, and Robert 1 ee E McInnis, 38, all of Hamilton, pleaded' guilty to intimidation- THIS COUPON IS WORTH Dubos 24, also of Hamilton, PURE WHITE GRANULAT s, 24, also of Hamilton, _ or pom guilty to obstruc- ED ion and were given two weeks e 1 om 24-0Z. st week five other strikers ' were fined $75 and costs or 21 LOAVES days in jail for obstruction and intimidation as a_ result - of clashes with police. BAG Windsor Lions | HEINZ CREAM OF | : With The Porehice of @ $5.00 Cider Won't Manage C COUPON VALID TO OCT. 9th. ; | 10-0Z. Ss WINDER, Ont (CP) -- Tos , ] FANCY PEAS 2 «30° Tuesday it will not manage the International Freedom Festival TULIP COLOR QUICK Tealee Rawling, cuca) Sts WILLIAM'S -- PECTIN ADDED MARG ARINE Leg 25° chairman of the festival com- mittee, said in a report to Mayor Michael Patrick that the club would be unable to handle 24-0Z. ASSORTED REG. 6/38¢ the job because "of our own ' WHITE OR club activities and the need for JAR greater work in realizing funds GHOOHATS. f Cc or : under present circumstances. The report said the cost of Windsor's work on the festival, : CAKES which is jointly sponsored by} KAM DEL MONTE MAPLE LEAF b iene and ated hr $5,181. 12-02 ; es 42-02 eceipts provided a $1,637 sur. L : c 4 ; c . PECI ECTIVE TO CLOSING TUES., OCT. 9 plus. It -was the first time in uncheon M i TIN 39 : pp ' TIN E AT SPECIALS EFFEC er ~ % the festival's four-year history Cal inea e ulce ; that a loss has not been in- @ FAST : : curred by Windsor organizers. @ DEPENDABLE "Mayor Patrick had no com- @ COURTEOUS ment on how the festival might Ontario Grown New Crop Luscious California No. 1 Grade aw be operated in 1963 in view of U.S. No. 1, GRAPE SWEET, SALMON FLESH = the club's decision. ' ' . Mushrooms --«c. 49* | Strawberries 3 soxs 89* Customs Collections C : a Total $1,216,589 Cape Cod No. 1 Grade U.S. No. 1 Grade Washed Sweet lw ~Meapragl conn = LB, CELLO Collections of Customs for th Cranberries * &<° 23* | Potatoes 3 us. 23* HAVE YOUR GROCERIES Port of Oshawa during Septem- ber totalled $1,216,589.81, Can- ada Customs and Excise offi- DOOR FOR ONLY cials here said today. Of the total collected, import duty accounted for $1,122,787.85; "craw | ALL POWER STORES WILL BE CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY, MON., OCT. Sth "ooocek To 'ar veuivenen To Your HOME. $324.92 and Sunday collections 9 TODAY OR TOMORROW! totalled $698.15. mainly to a 68-per-cent rise in| » : : ee oe the number of such cases re-) © é ae Veag 2 ' ; < 2¥4-LB, AVE. ported in Quebec. Ae ' es ee Se a HAMS CRY-O-VAC