se Si. don Sik Je ae ee a co a an eee ene tenn cancion teases Hid on anh a ea ce ety torte PE IEE TIO EI EOE IO " hak tie ine ty a i i Ae, At dedi a A, i a dake PEDO OD FOTO IME GENATTA times, Weanesaay, Vetoper 3, 1702 ZR , Sa 63 MONTEREY is the biggest Mercury The '63 Monterey is a big new approach to motoring--an imaginative car! Its name and money saving habits are borrowed from last year. But its roofline is new. Its power is new. Its very nature is new. You can equip your choice of fourteen new models as lavishly as any car in North America. Or you can buy one for little more than a compact. The price is 2 your choice. The quality is ours. We choose to make Monterey say quality--and mean it! This is probably the best Mercury ever buittyajonterey. Until you see your Mercury dealer, here are some of Monterey's fine features for '63, , c Exciting new "Breezeway" roofline. = Polite new "Swing-Away" steering Mente Mighty new power choice. Choose a ge® Ye, Built-in tong life. When Monterey says oN Raked-back rear window keeps rear V9 ot wheel. "Swing-Away" steering wheel 220 hp, a 300 hp, or a 405 hp Marauder : quality, it says it with such long life ser- a vision clear in all weather. New canti- / ~ moves out of your way at a touch for } 3 V-8, or an economyconscious Six for sat- vice features as; 36,000 miles between / Bi ( KK \ isfying power. Engines feature advanced r major chassis. tubrications: oll changes --= \ to lever design increases rear seat head- | | Semoun easy exit and entrance. Steering whee! : Ww = automatically locks in. position safely,, short stroke design for maximum econo- 4 A 6,000 miles apart; brakes designed to when transmission is engaged. my, minimum wear, high performance, room. Rear window can be lowered for straight through ventilation, adjust themselves automatically. é a Qua First with the 12,000 mile/12 month warranty, Ford of Canada 1963 products are Certain features mentioned or illustrated are optional at extra cost,' ; a" : ' |\WARRANTED FOR 24,000 MILES OR 2 YEARS, whichever comes first. Mon terey at your Me reury dealer Tomorrow" Mileage figures quoted are based on normal driving, ' BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 723-4615