14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 28, 1962 Todays Stock Market 11 AM, STOCKS p FORON Tye Canadian Press * nange--ept 'Toronto Lge apres ed $. Reece xa--exdividend, | xr--Ex-] xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is geo poardot closing sale.) 11 Net Bees Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge i ie Sausetelz é i Net BSotck Bales High Low s.m. Ch'ge 1% 4 +% 'w Bh--% $l il UN +% 3% 6% Bh « sl 2 62 160 160 160 $114 114% HK-- % $18% 18% 18% 24h $37%% 37% 25 $11% 11% wa 7 a H i 7 2 B23 S58E8es ae oosere Lae oe SySRSeE i AAA aie8 $2i%4 2 25 $105 10% 10% $19% 19% 195% 7 oH 87 ee 171 $17% 17% 17% 225 $16% 16% 16% 3 $17 WV W #10 $13% 13% 13% 100 $10% 10% 10% 100 270 620 210 $15% 15% 50 $51 51 25 $124 12% 553 316% v0 315% 430 $334 116 48% 33 $2 rr o70ege eye 2 F232 Res 270 154+ % 16% 15% 15% 33 Br 52 39% % 58 100 $16% 16% 1 $19 19 125 220 810 810 7.7 FR 212 30 30 30 400 400 400 + 220 $43% 43% 0% -- 23 $53 SS 53 rege gcceaggzy yyy vt iia $11% 11% 11% 100 $19% 19% 8: $13% 13% 13% -- % "4. i +3 31% 31% -- 2 Mm + 735 37% -- %| Dicknsn 11% 2% |} 1% 14) Midri 4|Paramaq 4 | Peerless | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 11:00 Net High Low s.m. Ch'ge loa 3% 104--1 im 0 bi +3 1 im -3 105 4 1% M4 16 «14% 18% +1% 222 =--* 2 2 2 240 10% 10% 104 + % 420 420 420 +5 1 its $A 23% 23 $11% 11% 11% Bs 8B 8 0 4 4 4 26% 26% 2516 --4%4 $47% 47% 47% 42 @ #@ =--3 84 8% Bh +1 700 700 700 --5 18% 18% BK + 400 39 395 --5 -l Pce Expi Pitch-Ore Pros Air Sherritt Siseoe Steep R Sud Cont «|lower than rates in Ontario. Our For NS. By GREG MacDONALD Canadian Press Staff Writer Nova Scotia is more than a province of farmers, fisherman and unemployed miners, says E. A. Manson, provincial Trade an Industry Minister. "About the only time someone hears about Nova Scotia," said Mr. Manson at a press confer- ence, "is when a. coal mine closes down. "Sure the dying coal mines are a problem. We admit that and we are trying to solve that problem. But Nova Scotia has more than just unemployed miners. Our province is on the move and industry, both prim- ary and secondary, is making solid gains." Mr. Manson and. a delegation from Nova Scotia's Industrial Estates Ltd., a provincial crown industrial development corpora- tion, were in Toronto earlier this week to preview a film called "New Nova Scotia" to indus- trialists, bankers and invest- ment dealers. "We have a responsibility," said Mr. Manson, "'to show Can- ada--in fact the rest of the world--of what Nova Scotia is, what it is doing and where it is going." HAS THE INGREDIENTS Frank Sobey, president of In-| dustrial Estates Ltd., said Nova Scotia 'has the ingredients for good sound industry,'"' "We have power rates com- parable and in some places | does Active Future Seen ties and through a system of lease backs which can give in- dustry "'a good flow of tax free capital for 10 years." He said the corporation can build a factory and lease back to an industry in a long-term agreement or enter into straight rental contracts with industries. Rober Manuge, general man age of Industrial Estates Ltd., said the corporation has spent more than $10,000,000 since it was formed in 1957." " vA lack of capital," he said, "will NOT be a factor in our aid- ing development in Nova Scotia. Our prime purpose is the pro- motion of secondary industry and we can supply capital on a basis comparable with the rest of the country." U.K. Against Extending Embargo LONDON (Reuters)--Britain not favor extending -to Cuba the strategic embargo which the West imposes on trade with Communist coun. tries, authoritative sources said here Thursday. The United States has not for. mally proposed such action freight rates for shipping to Western Canada are also com-| parable to those from such points as Montreal and Tor- either through the 15-nation co-opera- strategic restrictions on trade Stock Indices Change Seen MONTREAL (CP) -- The Montreal and Canadian Ex- changes announced Thursday; that a new set of stock indices grams Ltd., ye 31: 1962, share; 1961, $30,944,406, $3.53. $31,613,490, will be adopted starting next Monday. The new indicators will in- clude an 84-stock composite in- dex which the exchanges claim will be the most accurate over- all reflector of stock fluctuations in Canada. The new indices will have a base year of 1956 -- compared with 1926 for the old averages-- and will be calculated on the same formula as the Standard and Poor's 500 - stock index based on the New York Stock Exchange. Starting Monday, the ex- changes will publish a 64-stock industrial index, a 13-stock utili. ties index and a seven-stock index at 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m, and at the market close. The eight paper stocks in- Cluded in the industrial index will be published as a separate ag subindex at the same times ZELLER'S 7 SPECIAL PRESTONE BRAND _ ANTI-FREEZE ro, 2,47 ZELLER"S 21 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-2294 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ie 723-2209 ite index.! along with the directly to Britain or} tion committee which deals with! {ANATOLI WILL BE RELIABLE | FURNITURE 96 KING ST. EAST CLOSED SUPER 6-20 with two 16" chains $224.60 less trade-in WHEN YOU TRADE Wp TO CANADA'S NNO. 1 CHAIN SAW PIONEER symbol of chain Saw quality A. W. RUNDLE 1015 KING EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO + SOO? he See ees WE ALSO RAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF RECONDITIONED sm 29 onto." with the Communist countries, reeery sagt il F 3 ty $Su wry 6 6 86 310% 10% 10% 162 162 10 9 250 135 1 ---% +2 1 West Mines Willroy Wr Harg Zenmac Bales to 11 s.m.: 508,000. 100 700 a 2100 «82 82 82 1500 30% WH 3% + Slaughter Cattle At Highe TORONTO (CP) -- Trading was active and prices were higher on all classes and grades 'of slaughter and replacement cattle at the Ontario public week. Veal mr =_--, br --_ steady to lower while hog prices 'were higher. Sheep and lamb were steady, Cattle receipts were some 500 Bad more than last week and about 2,000 head more than the game week in 1961. Receipts from Western Canada totalled 401 head of cattle a decrease of 135 head under last week. Western stock calf receipts were 284 head more than last week at 385 head. There were '97 cattle and 51 calves received from New Brunswick. No ship-) ments were made to Eastern Canadian slaughterers, how- ever, one load of 22 head was qogected off the market to the Slaughter cattle: Choice r Prices steers 29-30 with sales to 31 and a few fancy loads to 31.80; goods 28-29; mediums 24.50 - 27.50; commons 20-24; heifers 24- 25; choice 26.50-27.50 with sales to 29.20; mediums 21-23.50; com- mons 16-20; choice fed yearlings 28-30 with sales to 39; goods 25- 27.50; cows 18-19 with tops to 19.50 mediums 17-18; com- mons 16-17; canners and cutters 11-15.50; good heavy bologna bulls 1919.50; sales to 20; com- mon and medium 15-18.50. Replacement cattle Good light stockers 25-28; with stock calyes 28-33; common medium 21-24, Calves: Choice vealers 32-34; odd tops 35; goods 28-31; me- |diums. 23-27; commons 19 - 22; boners 1418. Hogs: Grade A 39.30 - 33.60; heavy sows 22.75 - 23.65; light sows gaining a two dollar pre- mium; stags 17.50 on a dressed weight basis. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, common 25 cents, Nov. 1, record Oct.5. Turnbull Elevators Ltd., com- mon 15 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 2. Union Acceptance Corpora- tion Lid., first pfd. common 78% cents, Nov. 1, record Oct. 4. Wool Combing Corporation, common 15 cents, Oct. 15, rec- ord Oct. 5. PETER PAN Mary Martin will repeat her "Peter Pan" role in a two-hour NBC-TV color broadcast Feb. 19, the fourth television per- "There is opportunity in Nova Scotia for industrial develop- ment. There are 2,000,000 con- sumers in the Maritime provin- ces and Nova Scotia is the cen- tre of that market." Mr. Sobey emphasized that manufacturing, rather than fish- eries and farming, is the major industry of the province, with an annual -production about $430,- 000,000. "Nova Scotia," he said, "is 500 miles closer to Europe than Bos- ton and New York and 500 miles closer to South America. "We also have a way of life attractive to employers and em- ployees alike, and more educa- tional facilities per capita than any other province." the sources said. | But it was learned from dip-| lomatic sources that the United! States had made it clear to Brit-| ain that it would like to see the/ embargo applied to Cuba. | The fact no formal proposal| because Britain and other NATO countries have made their opposition clear in ad- ng diplomatic observers said, effect of a selective embargo on trade with Cuba could never be more than marginal now that. Russia has clearly com- mitted itself to economic sup- port for Cuban Premier Castro. has been made yet is largely | The British view is that the! SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th AUAHUUANUOATAAN for the celebration of "Rosh Hashanah" Inauguration of the Jewish New Year if DEAL DAYS SPECIAL GOOD FOR PERIOD SEPT. 15-OCT. 31 This coupon is worth $10.00 on the purchase. of any new Pioneer chain saw. Trade-ins are accepted on this offer ASSISTS INDUSTRY Mr. Sobey said the province- owned Industrial Estates Ltd. is a non-profit real estate corpora- tion with the authority to assist industry by entering into tax agreemens with the municipali- How To Stop Smoking If you smoke and wish you didn't ... then read in October's Reader's Digest how to be your own boss when it comes to formance of the play. 24 HOURS OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE C.K.L. B. stop smoking forever). Is to- bacco really habit-forming . . . does it help ease nervous tension . . » how does it affect the rest of your body? Get your copy of Reader's Digest today .. . 39 articles of lasting interest. DOUBLE GUARANTEE Oshawa Discount House All Merchandise is the manufacturer and Listen to CKLB for the Oshawa Discount House Guaranteed by Both Oshewa Discount House NO DOWN AT Oshawa Discount House Use Our Revolving Credit , . . Start an Account Now !! PAYMENT "NITE SHOW" and hear the spectacular things that are happening at the OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE... i! COUNTDOWN For "Operation Thousands of dollars worth of cameras, appliances, etc to be drawn climaxing "OPERATION 24" at OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE. 1038 KING ST. WEST (ATOP MOUNT LAWN CEMETERY) 24" Has Begun NAME .. ADDRESS PHONE .. BLAST-OFF IS SCHEDULED FOR 10:24 A.M. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1s! @ 24 FREE ATTENDANCE PRIZES @ é POP wee wee Peewee seererenenne ] Fill in Ticket and Deposit in Box at the Check-Out Counter between Hours 10 P.M, and 10 A.M, Any Nite during "OPERATION 24". Seer eeereeeeresenes i ee 728-0311 OPEN TILL 10 p.m. EVERY NITE-CLOSED MONDAYS-SAT. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. CONTINENTAL BEDS (BUTTON TYPE) 36" or 39" Complete et HONEST CAL'S ONLY .. the OWL'S HAVE IT! 3s .-.-and So Does ONEST CAL! A Real Eye For Value ! Here Are More Of The Outstanding Price - Blasting Values At Honest Cal's Chrome Table with erborite top end feur matching chairs. At HONEST CAL'S ONLY .. Kitchen Sets 99 WAGON WHEEL BUNK BEDS mattress ONLY With plaid box spring ond mete cas A OS HONEST CAL'S ONLY . 89.95 CONTINENTAL BEDS (SMOOTH TOP) Complete with head boords 36" er 39° width. at HONEST CAL'S ONLY BUNK BEDS Complete with spring and mattresses. At HONEST CAL'S -- ONLY 39" 39» \ BED-CHESTERFIELD With high quality, weer resistent materials, choice" of colors et HONEST CAL'S ONLY : 3-PIECE Bedroom Su Full size, with double ite dresser, bookease bed and chiffonier et HONEST CAL'S ONLY ......:---> SMOOTH MATTRESSES 39" or 54" widths et HONEST CAL'S ONLY .. TOP CHROME CHAIRS and HASSOCKS In sets of 2 or 4... . your choice (cosh & carry) et HONEST CAL'S ONLY JUST PAST TOWNLINE EAST AT VARCOE'S RD. 19: "Honest" Buy et Dinette Suite Buffet, table end four matching choirs, A real HONEST CAL'S ONLY FRENCH PROVINCIAL AND 2 ITALIAN PROVINCIAL Chesterfield Suites Top quality et HONEST CAL'S ONLY HONEST CAL.ts Phone