L. SION LOG 'HCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLI-TV Channe! 6--Toronto 'Vv ' WBEN-TV Channet 4--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WOKR-TV Channel 13--Rochester MUNLas 6:30 P.M. pkg Weather; 4--News 6:45 P.M. State Republican Com. mittee 2--It's A Man's World 8:00 P.M. 1i--The Loretta Young Show 9--Dick Powell Theatre 6--Yes, Yes Nanette 4--Opening Night 8:30 P.M. . 13-7--Law of the Plains- man 63--Garry Moore Show 4--Father Knows Best 2--Saints and Sinners 9:00 P.M. 11--Don't Call Me . Charlie 9--Story of Jack Benny 13-7--Surfside Six Goes To Washington 6-3--Temps Presents 8-2--The Price Is Right 4--Mantovani 1€:00 P.M. 1l--Toronto Tonight 9--To' Tell The Truth 13-7--Ben Casey 8--Bell Telephone Hour 6--Concert 2--Floyd Patterson Story 4--The New Loretta 11--Loretta 13-7--Sven Keys 12:30 P.M." Right 4--The Verdict Is Yours 730 A.M. 137--Yours For A Song 8-2--Concentration 4--The Brighter Day 200 NUON 11--Bugs Bunny with Bill Lawrence 9-4--News; Weather; Sports | 13-7--Jane Wyman Show 8-2--Your First Impression 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15 P.M, 9--Free and Easy 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 13-7--Ca 13--Mickey Mouse Club 6-3--Vacation Time 4--Edge Of Night 2--Capt. Bob and Mickey Mouse Club TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. u--famuy Pheatre 1 4--Five O'clock Show 5:30 P.M. 13-7--Early Show 6--Cartoon Party @--Theatre 3--Yogi Bear 3+McGraw 6:00 2.M. 9--The Lawman 6--News 3--Movie Museum 4:30 P.M. 11-9-8-4-2--News; Weather; os Ea ge EY Up oy ee pe ee I ye a a ee ee ee ee ee oe ee Se ee 9-24 6:45 &--Huntley - 11--Family Theatre 7:00 ".M, 9--Real McCoys 6--Seven-o-One 8--Keyhole 4--The Phil Silvers Show 3--Wagon Train 2--Ripcord 7:15 P.M. U--Family Theatre Movie | t--News: Weather l--The Flintstones 9--Theatre 13-7--Bugs. Bunnny Show 6--Beachcomber 8-2--Laramie 4--Marshal Dillon 8:00 P.M, li--Outlaws 13. B $2--Truth or juences 4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 12:45 P.M. 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 13--December Bride 11l--Mid-Day Matinee 7--Afternoon Show O'Clock Movie 8--One 4--Meet The Millers | 3--Popeye and Pals 2--Mid-day Matinee 1:30 2 Miss Brooks - 13--Our 4--The World Turns 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 13--Day In Court 8-2--Loretta Young 13--The U U--Bob McLean Young Show} | 4--Garry Moore Show hel Father 9--77 Sunset Strip | 6-3--Car 54, Where are You? 4--The Lieyd Bridges Show 8:30 P.M. 13-7--The New Breed 6-3--Perry Mason 8-2--Empire 4--Red Skelton Show 9:00 P.M. | 11--The "ntouchables 9:30 P.M CROSSWORD | 21. Covered saint of 38. Break 47. Street: ACROSS 46. Hand- 1, Seed wipers ui 'VILLA VENICE FIRE 2 i 48. Not any 49. Man's 10. ETH ie ee te Ait a i Hi id Hy bl; or A aes iret gees ¢ fie Hi ma ke ae i i a lj it 4 i ij t nt He "ght i E pie i rh Th $ feat i sé i g name 50.Travel by 14. cart entrance ox: 12, Market for DOWN 19. Exi Sst pasm DIVIRISHERIAL "eee NIEATT BOIL IEK : STV ISMEBIEIRIT] 2, Smell 23. 3. Prima fighter Saturday's Answer y donna plane 16. Business- 4, Paper- 25. Self 39, Toward condition fastener 27. Salad the lee diagram 5. Behold! greens 41. Movable 17. Sing 6.Aftermath 29. Slight barrier 18, Timber 7. Asterisk 32. Greek 42. Domestic wolf 8. st. --, letter slave 20, Road: abbr. patron 36. Mist 43. Bmit Sos one MICKEY MOUSE with sailors of day ~ abbr. flowers: Her. 2 + s 7 |2 [9 Z rail zs 8 s E zt 3 EF 24, Printer's 12. 9--Jack Paar Show 8-2--Dick Powell Show 7--Yours For A Song 63--Front Page Challenge 4--Jack Benny Show 10:00 ©.M. 7--Alcoa Premiere 5-2--Hollywood -- Thi Golden Age e 25. Greek letter 26, Arab chieftains Union Plans . Motorcade To - Queen's Park PORT ELGIN, Ont, (CP). The United Auto Workers Un. 28. Impati Simi i "3 30. Snubbed- ZA! GRANDMA, DON'T | | NO, THANKS, nose dog YOU WANT MY BERTIE / 31. Ahead GLOVE T' PLAY 33. Cross, as & FIRST BASE ? stream {| I JUST NEVER SEEM --WITH SO MANY FISHIN'> .[T' NEED AGLOVE... 4 POLE PADDIN' MY HANDS / ion's Canadian council has ap. proved a motorcade to Queen's Park to draw attention to the Problem of runaway industry. Date for the trip, in which all UAW locals in Ontario will CU peninie 34, Man's Te Pi. Heiner pet | Han org | Siieniie aA > Caran : be asked to participate, has not 13-11-9-8-74-5-4-2--News; |11--Randy Dandy jes wouties! Debate 35. Pleated r Za~ ' . been set. berate PM. Yoon M oe een Sogn Diamonds collar Premier John Robarts is ex- H - Malone | ea. r 11:00 P.M. pected to set a date soon for a a | : ams canta aes ? only : M, a é g ; \ movement com to ss 13;--American Band Viewnoit : = p oer ! the question of industries mov- : : ing out of the Windsor area. Ontario Labor Minister War- ilewuat of Peg Sr Sua me gation o! anada |'SPlerre. Berton ie Egg bird bminagy from Windsor on the --Late Ww | same e. George Burt, Canadian UAW director, told the council's quar- We Are Now Accepting Orders For 1963 Model PONTIACS, BUICKS, ACA- terly meeting this weekend that attention was being focused on THE - DIANS, VAUXHALL and G.M.C. TRUCKS! Come in Today and Get a FIRM Se coe eee CLIFF MILLS Price From One of Our Courteous Salesmen. Take Advantage of your current KING ST. WEST at oe of t,he percent MOT ORS LTD. year trade-in and SAVE. Tel, aaanhe * syed "Where Else But At The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD." wide aud can sffect any of our NATCHERLY, )NATCHERLY pag lcd dg SEEA ah tse DONT BE ANGRY aur at tee ea 'foe al- reai rantford, atham, Ajax, Oakville and Toronto." Judge Upholds Tweed School Area Boundary BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Judge J. C. Anderson dismissed Fri- day an application by Larry Jones, 16, of Hungerford Town- ship, for a writ ordering the principal of Tweed High School and Central Hastings High -|School Board to admit him as a_ student. The original motion came be- fore the judge on Sept. 12 and judgment was reserved until Thursday. "| The youth fought the order after more than 30 students in Hungerford Township, who for- merly attended school in Tweed, were told that this year they would attend Madoc High School 10 miles away. Judge Anderson said the law makes it abundantly clear that a school board which is oper- ating more than one school has the right to set the boundaries within which students must live if they are to attend certain schools, The Tweed High School will 2 NOW be operaed by the Central . eee MYSELF IN THIS VOTE ANCE TO PERMIT | |CALL ASSOON Hastings District High School N y ° * ule iN 2 | BUSIN IGS CHART board until Dec. 31 after which THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER Tweed and Hungerford Town- ships will form their own board. BEETHOVEN SPECIAL © iu '| A dramatization with music of 7 | A Beethoven's middle years--1794 to 1809--will run in two one- Ce Sy 4 SALLY'S SALLIES "gl i D hour parts on NBC-TV Nov. 18 H and 25, 1 TULIET JONES -- i 4AURETTE DANTON A METIS PROPERTY OWNER AT LAC Dy BO/6, AFTER HE HAS HINTED TWAT THE METIS