Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1962, p. 23

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent WELLINGTON STREET WEST, 75 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 31--Automobile Repairs The Oshewe Times; Wednesday, September 19, 1962 27--Real Estate for Sale ota tte et VARCOES road $9800. Six rooms, mod- 6 , workshop, one acre. Bob Sonnsen 728-2548. Howe and Peters. ge oa Guar a: IRNISHED modern, 2-room basement ue Pie entrance and bath brass aes eden apstovents nee eos Parking. $10,950 Lowest Price Ever Offered Five-room -- bathrooms, and 3 p.m. 1876, part- between 10 a.m. two-room furnished a "tnent, child welcome. Utilities paid, $15 weekly. 728-4386 or 723-9180, Brick Bungalow Carries $59.80 Monthly BITSON ROAD NORTE -- ona three-room apartment, vate fe nt door, Abstainers only. Alter 6, kes tae ent, three rooms, kitchenette poy i sana heat- newly decorated, laundry f. facilities. 63 King West, Bowmanville. MA 3-5996. ROOM apartment, _living- with con Washer, or furnished -- apart- ment; single room, private entrance, parking. Reasonable, central, 96 Centre. ADELAIDE East, furnished two-room » refrigerator. ar ccs. ble rent. rtment, Jocation, heated, stov ve, 'abeigurwtoe, Suitable for couple, Private bathroom. 'tober Available Oc! 1. Telephone 725- 5214. 725-3667, ROYAL STREET, 82 -- Three-room apartment, $50. monthly, unfurnished, vate entrance, cupboards and sink, t, hydro, water included, heavy 300 MONASH AVENUE Three- room basement apartment with three- Piece bath, private entrance, telee, phone 723-4788. £0 maul ' SIMCOE North 498, two bedroom ue vember 1. Telephone 728-3945. TWO rooms and bath, central location Private entrance, $57. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, pear monthly. 725-9870. NORTH OSHAWA -- upper four-room » all conveniences, $60 month- ly. Private entrance. Telephone 723. 7539 or 407 Eulalie. CASTLE HOMES - OF OSHAWA. Columbus, seven room house, fot lot, new. pinmbian and heating, $1! iopneos 655-3081. ° be sold at co 'Aopledy at 725-6544 or foot sc be . Bolahood Limited, Real! four- : jut unde a, with "lin attached, atage. r Meta "A * toate, Realtor FIVE room brick bungalow for rent on Si WooderectApoiy 10 Schofield-Aker Telephone 725-1186 NEW $600 DOWN MUST BE SOLD REDUCED TO $11,800.00 3 only, smart ranch type brick and stone bungalows, 3 bedrooms, mahogany kit- chens, 4 piece colored cera- mic tiled bathrooms, alumi- num storm doors, immediate possession, to approved pur- chasers. Call 725-6544. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR PRIVATE SALE Owner being transferred. Lovely 3 bedroom home. Red brick with Angel stone. Partly finished rec- reation room, Will. sacri- fice for quick sale. 728-1210 5% N.H.A. $74 Monthly: P.I.T. $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, patio, large ma- hogany panelled rec-room, built-in book shelves, cup- boards, side entrance, fenced yard, on bus line. Close to school, shopping plaza, Full price $11,900. Ist mortgage 7,000, Owner will take back 2nd. Southmead area; in ex- cellent condition. For Appointment 725-9393 SUBURBAN Phy Road, 320 -- Attractive, four- room, heated apartment, large <itchen, laundry facilities. Separate entrance and bath. eree possession. Adults, Apply 5 - 9 p.m, 468 BIMCOE NORTH --Two-room fur- ue bachelor apartment, sink, stove, refrigerator, also large furnished room, suit gentleman, 723- 7460, ORCHARD VIEW BLYD., 7 -- room heated apartment, private gos and entrance, heavy duty wiring, cup- boards, Close to store, bus and school. 728-9474 BUSINESS PROPERTIES PRIME RETAIL LOCATIONS UNDEVELOPED COMMERCIAL MULTI-USE CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT RELATIONSHIP PAUL RISTOW REALTOR » DURING OFFICE HOURS: EVENINGS 725-8152 52% SIMCOE STREET NORTH Limited Reg. Aker, President ' Bill McFeeters, Vice-President 723-2265 EAST CENTRAL Two storey brick home just 11 years old all in beautiful condition inside and out. Contains large living room, extra large dining room, mo- dern kitchen, three extra large bright bedrooms, 4-piece til- ed bath, tg dees sarge, ved drive, . '$8300 _-- yord. Asking $3,500 down. NORTH WEST 3-year-old brick bungalow all in beautiful condition, locat- ed on Humber Avenue. Handy for school, church and shop- 1935 OLDSMOBILE sedan, radio, rebuilt transmission, excellent motor and tires, Whitby MO 8-5631. RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM toed oy SALES Dealer 59 KING eer WEST 723-7712 32--Articles for Sale .| DRUMS, complete set, $100 cash. Tele-| phone after 6 p.m. Whitby, MO '8-4927, WEDDING gown, floor length, size 15, waite Ince ever. seleata, wl, LAME Sen, By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ine sir aba at eathe: No, 334 was held in the [OOF Fg onsen marine and | Scott 1960 Tee Ne fe poed ousiision Best often, 290 BOAT, 'mot motor and trailer; 1959 19: be La-| Salle Avenue. 708-7257 16 FT. Lakecraft, complete with 1959 po he ene Pe ee Gran Alice 'presided with Sister looey, vice grand, assist- minion| ing, Sister Lunn welcomed th e| park members back after the sum- mer recess. There was a attendance with three | being absent. Second nominations wi WH 2-1 ae MOFFAT electric range, fully auto- maffé, in excellent condition. feason, offer 726-245). ANN ere held and Sister Hooey tneniionsl = annual bazaar. which will be 2 OIL tanks, 200 gallon, and 9 il burner, 7 McKilm Street telephone 728-; a rd ping. Contains 3. bed large living room, kitchen and dining room. Owner leaving city and priced to sell at $12,950, Asking ae.0 carries for $96 monthly, P. |, ond Taxes. You wilt like the low sweep- ing lines of this exciting 6- room brick bungalow with attached garage. Cheery fire- ROSSLAND RD. W. AREA |s#¥.# 14 ACRES, close to school or store. Just off highway. 15 minutes from Osh- awa, $350 per acre, will take late model car as E ivhd payment. Apply 242 Elgin es $5,500 FULL price. 5 room frame house, north east area. Must be baae Vacant. To inspect, please call Mrs. J. Miller _ 725-2993, " representing Cari Olsen Realtor, 723-1193. place, large compl rec, room, plus play room for the children. Extra 2-pce. wash- room. Completely landscaped and decorated. Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. Saturdays till 5 p.m. Art Weinberger Henry Stinson Les Holl Bill McFeeters Steve Macko junfurnished CELINA STREET, 134 -- Four-room apartment, TV outlet, central, adults, Available now. After 6, telephone 725- 1061, AVAILABLE October 1, front rt- ment, 3 rooms and sunroom, private exten and bath, sorts verinnenians wal 725-1483. THREE-ROOM apaitineale private en- trance, refrigerator, range, washer, dryer. Available October 1. Telephone 723-2233, after 5 p.m. 723-7596; 4s rooms and bath, completely tnunished $70 monthly. Telephone 125-9087. LEY modern, one-and two-bedroom new refrigerator, range, laundry facilities, es parking, near schools, shopping. FIVE ROOM desirable Stinson 725-0243. SPECIAL Cadillac Area BUNGALOW location FULL PRICE $11,500 $2500, down, balance one mortgage. Hame all in good con- dition. New forced air furnace, Fast possession. Phone Henry SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King St.W. Oshawa, Ont. Phone 723-2265 Three-room pow nbd pg reese lle kitchen earners. un- 26---Rooms for Rent GLADSTONE Avenue, central, one large room, nicely furnished, clean, cooking privileges, if desired. reason- able rate. After 6 p.m. 728-8402. SINGLE room in private home. Close to North General ors. Suitable for quiet person. Apply 112 Agnes Street, RITSON ROAD NORTH, 343 -- Furnish- ed bedroom, all conveniences, suit leap =. gentleman, Private adult 723-4817. 122 acres ----- good ba 6 rooms, all conveniences, DIVISION STREET, 25 Single or double rooms, for ladies or gentlemen, Use of kitchen, parking facilities. Ap- ply above. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 137 -- Two furnished bedrooms, suit 2 gentle- men, parking available. Apply above address. RITSON NORTH, 105 -- clean, furnish- ed rooms, single or double, DAIRY FARM 410 LBS, DAILY rm, house ond other buildings. Close to Highway and School buses. $25,000. Te REMODELLED HOME -- LARGE LOT treed lot in central Brooklin. 314,000 or offer, Terms. NEW STONE HOUSE With 3 acres on paved road with stream and ravine, near Ash- burn. 2 beautiful fireplaces, large recreation room with door to terrace. $26,000 or offer. Terms. D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN -- PHONE 655-3195. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. 46 Eglington Ave. E. Toronto 12 @rranged. large patio, beautiful large CARL OLSEN REALTOR MASSON STREET -- This is a special in an excellent dis- trict offered at most recson- able terms. Red brick, six rooms with living, dining, kitchen and two bedrooms down one bedroom up, garage paved drive, landscaped yard. This home is in immaculate condition, close to schools, churches, shopping oreo and bus transportation. Call us for more information, 83 THOMAS ST, -- Lovely five room brick bungalow, nearly new, custom built, lot 50.x 150, landscaped and fenced yard, paved drive, complete aluminum -- storms and screens, modern kitchen, large living room ond large bedroms. $2,500 Down with excellent terms for the bal- ance, DIVISION ST. -- Five room brick bungalow, garage and a nicely _ finished room, paved drive, beautifully landscoped with a nice pri- vate yard. To inspect please call us. For further' informati Eight room, 1% sterey modern home, on Simcoe Street North, Dr. 8. J. Phil-|> lips Public School area, Lot 50 x 150, fenced back yard, gaseds. Immediate . Write 8, Oshawa ALBERT STREET, 539 -- three-room apartment, ery clean, self-contained, private entrance, Tele- one 728-6070. Schofield Aker Real APARTMENT buildin m Practical- ly two-bedroom new, six sstoves, pores Berg recreation' Would accept smaller house as down pay- ment. Write Box 716, Oshawa Times. PRIVATE sale: $1,000 down, briek, P oesemg garage, Street, for 276 baa ©: 'Asphalt, drive, fully, dec- BOY Scout -- complete, size 12, almost new, wi coca yas Cost $i gelling $10, Telephone 728-9710," RANGE, Moffat,. Someerens also cubic leet. Both in excellent condition. 41 Street. held the first Saturday of De- cember (Dec. 1). A letter of greetings was read' z,|from the president of the Re- bekah Assembly. Many appre- ciation and thank you cards were received. Vice grand, Sister Allee Hoo- i800 sale, Al 5. Telephone e|WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- hace or anything you have The ding Post Stores, dh: te re Street South and 31 Bond 8 East. 723 Bee: Sew MP 1071, SELLING good used furniture, 2 ances, sewing ma or Nag Cri oom est Call Mid-Town City! activity of visiting ey, gave a full rt of her' e sick and shut-ins during the a summer} months. Sister Gladys Gamsby thank- | ed the officers and members for chine, prices paid, 19 Prince Street, 728-113). 3948 CHRYSLER coupe, good condition, peanigg ye rls custom material ,Tele- wi Sone "aation rir. in ence bel er since new, Automatic bua Radio and white ak, Per B tee Must sell, Private, MO 1957 METEOR V-8, FRENCH Provincial bedroom suite, 5 pieces, good condition, $90. Nearly new 4 burner gas range, $50. Telephone 723-7244, 32--Articles for Sale IGE V! 21" four burner, Ly 'igta Avenue, Oshawa. ter 5 p.m. 125-2755. STUDENTS, 2 Fige J value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (newsprint), for ony $1.00, Makes won- derful copy awa Times, or Whitby, radio, aye ne aa) Telephone 9 a.m. to 111 Dundas Street West. CHESTERFIELD and eal, excellent condition, Telephone after 6 p.m. 723- Bo al Apply Circulation | 1377 aa a "Saale one Talal 16,000 B .F .GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bot- wee Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, miles $800 or make off 728-2873, 1955 CHE LET, door, heater, radio, two tone, wiles and blue. Tele- es 725-5345. TYPEWRITER, adding machine, calcu. lator, check writer, cash register, meat slicer, and chopper; also soale, Snap! 723-4434, Ba ee owner, Toomer: *°8§ PONTIAC 348 motor, dual ex- haust 4 barrel carbar, automatic trans- mission, heavy duty Low mile- after 6 p.m, BABY carriage, white, turquoise, con- ben A al a tro en en). RE Ty BLOWER for oil furnace, $25; also 200 jallon. tank, three-quarters full of oil, $50. 'Tele Telephone MA 3.5578. 1958 JOHNSON ang motor, 18 hp, Lee Cedar strip boat, and Otaco ler, $450, After 5 p.m _ .728-0217. Hall. Sister Emma Lunn, Noble| trict Rebekah Lodge ~ Holds Meeting ste ii bit; & F FE led $1,008.03. The ae amount for 1961 amounted - $1,668.53, * The bank balance as of August 31 amounted to $881.56 with oot in the amount of close to yet to be paid. "These re ordered paid at the an "a the revetne side, aby are still some grants to ed along with other B- which is expected to amount - $218.10. verts into stroller, good condition, $18. Party dress, size 15, worn once, $18. 728-6888. nd AUSTIN Healey Sprite, Breen, im. culate 728-5067 - heavy move 36 inch con- baby carriage: tinental bed; baby crib. All in RANGE, 21 inch Generel Electric, , four burners. Excellent Telephone 725-2835. after five, pn sena nic - ENC eR 1968 Regd Mh gly Biscayne, , by|! ad during " FOOT family cabin pret, 725-9793. yay, 5 = » & ¢ ae an eee om waves w3, Serune as an 508i | ware, 337 Simcoe South, 723-4425. In order to finance the watihd posi, an board is to borrow Imperial Bank of Comm The loan is being backed ve 6 hp Scott and controls, $175, 125-|o'clock, 723-9833, Le ra ereneeiemroertansomeninmneneenineseess "60 RENAULT 32,000 miles, clean. Best offer Telephone 728-9790. JOHN Dere tractor cultivator; also Victor "ey freeze. Telephone 725-9528, and) . deep ste Gag range, fully automatic, | Rea- son for selling, moving, Like 10 Mill Lane, Bowmenville, MA': eo Township of Clarke. the year, the had constructed a new wai FRIGIDAIRE 40" four-burner 1962 RENAULT Gordini Cee radio, whitewall tires. Only 2,000 miles. Tele- Phone after 4 p.m, 728.3806, NORGE 4 burner large yaaa in pe condition. $90 or best offer. 280 Road South, 725-2089, price $11 orated ro landseaped, TWO-BEDROOM brick home, dining roane fireplace: just decorated, twin- Rec. room. Call Earle Allen, Sete and Peters, = 1960 FRIUMPH sport coupe, tion, loaded with fog after four, 72877000 A-1 condi- ag Wil Bee! or offer, Telephone SIX-ROOM bung house. Close to schools in Whitby. "available imag 1952 OLDSMOBILE 98, good transporta- SEVEN piece, light solid oak dining room suite. $60 or pest ol ois 79 Pontiac Avenue, 728-4143. WESTINGHOUSE electric 4 burner range, 25", in excellent condition. Tele- phone 725-4570. tion, $175, 1952 Austin $50. 723-9940. ately, Private sale. T 8-4010, Whitby. NORTH WEST AREA -- One year old, jexceptional fine brick busgslow, color- ed bathroom tile fea atures, in- fi hanced. Guide, Realty Ltd,, Realtor, 16 Simcoe South. Tel lephone 723. 1121. in} and white. Bedie and white walls. 1960 Oe AGEN, $1000, good opacities, FOUR burner range, hea' ly Apt. 2 itby, or MO 8- vy duty, $60. ye Dufferia Street, $ a. oven, oven, deep. trv fry. automatic timer, New conditio 725.2715. pool at a cost of $1500. cost of the new swimmin was totally cleared up Th AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt free estimates, cael ene sentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe the summer from funds avail able -- the operation of tne MODERN bedroom set, eces, with double dresser, ieycle, $15. Good condition, 723-167: it, three 3 lady's park, +e VACUUM cleaner irs, all makes, pore attachments, A ed rebuilt 1960 7onb Fue eS blue Elgin Street W 196%, PONTIAC rn hardtop, 6- | cyl r, automatic, automatic radio, whittwalls, back-up estan. private sale. $1500 DOWN CASH TO N.H.A. MORTGAGE Six room brick bungelow, al- uminum storms ond screens, finished rec room, lund size, 7 725-0243. reve -Pacgg hl so nt) ee sabe fi phn all aed oe, medium DRAMA FESTIV. The Orono Players will . Sf cake in the Drama ival of One Act Plays to 'be held on Sept, 27, 28 and 29, tember in the Orono Town' TYPEWRITERS, adders, rien. war iv als, terms, service. New Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, iio osois. |G GD ian pees This year's entry the co: "Between the Soup and he Be mAVRY me qh Sarpeses could be chang DINING room suite, walnut, 9 pieces, In good condition. $75, Telephone for 8, 725-5933, transmission, $995, Whitby. MO S890 ENGINES -- Chevrolet 283, 1962, $300 $300 each; Powerglide, 6'2 Chevrolet, $150. 655-3516, after o'elock. WHITBY: Blond desk, 6 drawers, $95, | 01° Chrome set, pink and grey, $39, Lazy Boy, newly upholstered brown lenteor, 7|$49. Kroehler pull out couch with new "red eu custom cover, Simmons mattress,| Brooklin sub division. 655-4969 HOMES NEEDED? We have buyers, some with all cash, wanting homes in the $6,000 to $15,000 brack- ets. Both in the city and rural reas. For free valuation and prompt service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 till 9 --- Saturday afternoon till 5 p.m. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V, 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING © TED CAMPIN these homes call us at 423. 1133. After 6.00 p.m. call Jan Miller 725-2993 Jack Cornish .... 723-4545 Wes. Elliott .... 728-0581 optional, gentlemen preferred. Near GM. 725-1300. pr DIVISION STREET -- two rooms, ished, second floor, and attic. 723-2762. CLEAN FURNISHED bed - sitting room or bedroom suitable for one or two. Housekeeping privileges, Parking, Close to north GM, 723-7917. ONE lovely furnished room for gentle- man in private home. Private entrance and bath. Apply 444 Fernhill Boulevard. Telephone 723-7070. BROCK STREET EAST -- Furnished rooms, double and single beds for gentlemen, 2 blocks from North Gen- eral Motors, $6. weekly, 728-6697. ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- Comfortably housekeeping room. Apply between 6 and 9 p.m. evenings. 41 OSHAWA Boulevard North, furnished room, suitable for one gentleman. Near north General Motors, Telephone 728- 1239 for appointment. teenie --sptinnigieie--e nati Ped HOUSEKEEPING room, running water and built-in aa oe Suit gentleman, near North G) stop at door. Parking. 728-8800. LARGE furnished room, kitchen and light + Bus ing, refrigerator, sink, For business lady, 475 King East, 725-9683. 40 KING ST. E. SUSSEX to a nice patio on a large lot. 5% room bungalow, hollywood BRIGHT furnished housekeeping room in private home, couch, refrigerator and large closet, near hospital and downtown. girl preferred. Telephone 725-5228, WILSON South, furnished room in_pri- vate home, bus at door, kitchen and TV privileges. Lady preferred. Telephone 728-9780, FURNISHED bedroom, continuous hot! water, central, suit one or two friends, abstainers. Shift workers welcome. $6 weekly. Telephone 723-9815. ATHOL Street Bast, 182, furnished room for one gentleman. Close to down- fe ag furnished room in clean quet home, board if desired. Central. At bus = Parking space. Telephone 725- Service lots for sale $65.00 o this top location, Dick Barrioge .... §-6243 Jack Osborne ..... 8-5836 Joe Maga ..+.++++ 5-9191 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED DIAL 728-4678 STREET $3,900.00 down -- $93.00 monthly including taxes. This home features a large kitchen and dinette - 3 lovely bedrooms - large living room. - built-in stone and oven and a walkout basement to EASTHAVEN STREET kitchen, 3 good sized bedrooms, many extra's. Asking $13,200.00 with $3,200.00 down. NORTHWAY COURT Very best north end location at Mary St. North and Roberts Street - 4 beautiful new homes by J. Ochonski Construction. Ter- tific Value by one of Oshawa's most conscientious builders. Call today for your inspectioin of the home of your dreams. BUILDERS SPECIAL foot. Contact us to-day to see AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp ...,.... 8-2392 . Ken Hann .... . 3-7963 Everett Elliott 3-9290 Carl Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. West ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and:7 p 82 PARK RD, NORTH 728-8671 PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and double. Television, Dining Room, Lunches Packed. 725-0078 $5,900. Terms. 40 scenic acres near Leskard 20 acres level market garden $7,900. Terms. Only $3,900 27--Real Estate for Sale LOT for sale, Luke Street, east end Oshawa, close to bus and school. $2,500, Fully serviced. . HOME FOR SALE? LIST PHOTO CO-OP 723-1133 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR 3 bedroom bungalow on large $2,000 down. A. J. McGill, Brick house' in Orono. 2 bedrooms, Bath. down, Must be sold at once. Open for offers. Call MA 3-3393:-- Bowmanville, -- or Walter Frank REALTOR 600 acre cattle farm. 4 houses, 3 large barns, 3 silos. Auto- matic feeding system. Presently feeding 300 steers, Peterboro area, Asking only $65,000. -- Terms. 160 acre farm with modern brick home with double garage. Barn set up for loose housing. Excellent soil. Highway location. Port Perry area -- $37,500 50 scenic acres with terrific view. 14 miles N.E. of Oshawa, Pond, stream. 4 bedroom cottage, bathroom. Stream and bush $7,500. $2,500 down. land near Bowmanville, Pond. 15 acres with large troutstream, 4 miles north of Bowmanville Modern 3 bedroom home. Bowmanville. 3 bathrooms, recreation room, Only $15,900. $2,000 down. lot in Bowmanville -- $7,900. $5,000. -- $1,000. 177 Church St. Orono 1407 GUIDE REALTY Limited Realtors 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121 SHERWOOD AVE, -- 6 room brick bungalow in well esta- blished district near schools, transportation and shopping. Has large living room with dining area, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. tiled and colored bath- room, oil heating, rec, roam, lovely garden. Priced at $12,- 900. GRANDVIEW GARDENS--2 level ranch bungalow just 3 years old. Beautiful 8 rooms with attached garage. 6 rooms on main level. Features open fireplace in 17 ft. living room, full suite dining room, very modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms. The master bedroom 13 x 13, 4 pc. tiled 'coloured bathroom with vanitiy. On lower level, family room, rec. room, workshop and. laundry room. One of the Kassinger custom and quality built homes. 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. VARIETY STORE --~ Possibili- ties unlimited, This business located in one of Oshawa's newest shopping plazas, al- ready established in a rapidly developing part of Oshawa. Modern store 20 x 60 with full basement and 2 - 2-pe, washrooms. Ample parking. or sales $70,000 pedi g 'y. 130 ACRE FARM -- 45 miles from Oshawa close to High- ways and school. 100 acres workable and 30 acres bush end pasture. Good garden. Ranch home completely mod- ernzied in excellent condition, 2 barns with water (pressure). Call us for particulars. COMMERCIAL LAND -- We have available subdivided commercial land in good, well populated area, All facilities. CHOICE -- north west area 5 room bungalow with com- plete 3 room basement apart- ment, separate bathrooms, and entrance. Immediate pos- session. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BEAU VALLEY A Pleasant Place MOTORS tor set, $199. French Provincial couch, end tables, offee table, ecasional chair, $275. All artieles like new. Tele- phone MO 8-2401, NOW open for corey Honest Cal's Furniture and Appliance Store, coer King Street East and Vareoe's Road, FURNITURE, Peso, Prov, fui chesterfield poten sional chair, end $275 or sell separately, tay. MO 8-2401. COUCH, pcos, Keystone movie projec-| brown voury" is bei rected by ville Cotts of Bowmanville. Mr. Cotts, although a newcomer . sectional, the Festival, is no newcomer:-4o {the ranks of the amateur ba) tre. Before ing to ville, Mr, s resided in 'o| ish Columbia where he pee lin the production of [ina wagon, ai, ia PHOTOGRAPHIC equipment, Keyston movie os 3 lens, with case, just past Eastway Ten Pin Alley, With our low qeethend we cal offer large [apo vy lights, ete. "hyp anoqeeet be No, 4 of the UCS ae ae jome of Mrs. Victor e| inson on Tuesday creo | eight members present, A flower committee was ap- T=LRVRIOR RCA Vidler, mahogany, appliances, Open 12 hours daily, 9.3 a.m, until 9.30 p.m until p.m, Take advantage of the evening shopping hours and ample FREE park. ing. Use our easy Budget and Lay-A- Way Plans. We are franchise dealers for General Electric and McClary appliances, a carry name brand furniture such as Restonic mattresses and Dubarry chesterfields. Phone Hon- est Cal's (Cal Blake) 728-9191, 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 to Live PRIVATE SALE Fiveplex Near Oshawa Shopping Centre Fully occupied with good te- nants on lease. Modern new building, Five Units, Four rooms, bed- rooms each apartment. Over $5,400. Yearly incorne- on terms $14,000 down. Apply 195 Cromwell Avenue 728-9039 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES We buy, sell, exchange, We buy the most. We sell the most. We pay the most. FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture console model, 21 inch screen, be good Only $95. 8-2401, SHOTGUN, 12 gai ging'; slightly rm id well 'Avenue. pointed for the month of Sep- tember. The October meeting to be held on Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 2 at the home of Mrs, Por- "| ter. The general meeting of the "| UCW is to be held on Sept, 20. The Study Book for the new term was begun and a atcomalen followed, The Study Guid PORPEETE a ae urner, gra at, $100, Telephone 725-7887. the new yy "The World ena and the Way" is also available and wal be eee up at the next » modern six-piece , $25, includes extension table, pad- ded chair seats, buffet with glas MA 3-2426, 728-4401 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. CENTRAL PARK NORTH 5 room brick bungalow, fin- ished rec room and garage. Bus stop at door. Attractively priced for quick sale. TELEPHONE 725-5598 Wednesday's _. Special Ask for a Salesman to show Telephone MO 8-3304 1957 PONTIAC Standard 2 door, two tone, 6 cylinder, very clean interior. $895 HARRY DONALD Self-Storing Windows Aluminum with Vinyl channels, push-button ad. in wo. drums. UPRIGHT pater gi $95, After 6 p.m, telephone 723-3 Justment. Installed. Windows $18--Doors 39,95 100% Satisfaction Guaran- teed or your money. refunded. Phones 728-9257, 728-5253 DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, spirit or stencil, supplies, Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock 8. MO 8.5849. |sianEse ee id for good used furniture, Pretty' Store, now located 444 Simove South only, 723-3271. ALLUX water softener, 90,000 grains, $400 new, sell for $150. Owner m 723-4573. DRAPES Most Modern Designs; ab- Stract, Colonial and floral nar ed ae aition. App Pte of oe ern a Se PLAN CENTENNIAL The Orono United Chured '| Centennial celebration is now being planned by the Orono Cou ples Club. Tentative plans call for «i Congregational Supper to be on Friday, October 26 follow. by entertainment. On Sunday, October 28 thers are to be two church servi with former ministers as guest preachers. Those to be present are Rev, J. E. Griffith ant bad moving.| A. E. Eustace. Telephone 723-9940. patterns, Made to order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98¢ up, M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 LTD. 300 Dundas East, Whitby 28--Real Estate Wanted path Bn with steady but 'i 30--Automobiles Wanted "TAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want en wrecking. Highest prices paid. Wishes Ne barehase 2 or 5 ber Must be reasonabie. room Rear school. | 29--Automobiles for Sale a, $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 ROR WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car ? Sell. your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 End of Season FOR sale: rugs, five-piece bedroom set complete, chairs, tables, recreation room furniture, pictures, Persian hall runner, Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-4450, STUDENT'S violin, music stand, three year lessons for beginner, perfect con- dition; refrigerator; eee washer; dehumidifiers double and springs. FILTER Gucen Sales and Service, Ib: eral trade-in allowance. Free demon: stration, Telephone FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- ry ee, Package deal, $130, 'Telephone GUN (old) wanted, have 30-30 Winches- ter, nearly new and Remington pump shot gun for trade. Phone 725-8183, Clearance furniture, BEFORE buying or selling televisions, | refrigerators, _wesh- ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO ise. By THE CANADIAN PRESS. Kounersreuth, West Germany --Mrs. Therese Neumann, 64, said to have bled every Easter from wounds similar to those suffered by Christ at the Cre cifixion. Toronto -- Horace 0. Taylot, "|72, former chief of court report ers for Ontario. Bea London--Professor Ian 57, noted for his operations t separate Siamese twins. Williams, Calif. -- Kennett Fraser, 35, nal (Alta) Journal assistant editor, in<@ car crash. BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS All at Reduced Prices ! For Example: DEMONSTRATOR Brunswick Cutter Ventura Model LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED XM KRM KKM Xxx X THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION "BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM-. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay Comp with convertible white vinyl top, side curtains and stern cover. Evinrude 75 H.P. Selectric Motor, Tach- ometer, Gator 1,000 Ib. Trailer. List Price $3,336.15 Special $2,495. Bowmanville Marine 164 King Street East Bowmanville (Rear of Robson Motors) WUNDREDS" OF YEARS OLD ARE RED BY lh Veshiek raw "a afd HAVE. LONGER FAMILY WHAT SEEING-EYE Kis7oRy TORIES 1 DOG WAS GIVEN A Manse AT JOKH B, ETSON UNIVERSITY, DE LAND, FLORIDA KANE. 2 &

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