we teow ee OOH AVerTV ee Seer CS ers Oshawa Times, Septe , 1962 Cymry Wasgar--Welsh in eculiar longing for home steel girders support the roof| All spoke in Welsh, follo pie sad Hall every St. David's = ; eters nit a Ret exis wnee 10,000 persons in that haunts ther' when theyland orange drapes cover the|the Eisteddfod's Welsh - y. the Eisteddfod pavilion cheeredjare forced to leave. stage. But on either side tri-|rule, designed to encourage rs ag Walters of Edmonton, | ' 2 e their overseas compatriots, Although their, nationalism is|angular plaques covered with|use of the language. Miss Every leaning' on his white cane, de-| Tears of joy filled many eyes|4 fierce one, it is based more/the names of famous Welsh po-|said she was sorry to have to how tis had| { e s e as the Cymry ar Wasgar stood|on language and culture thanjets remind onlookers of the|return to Canada after the fes- scribed group | i on the vast stage and heard|that of many other peoples.|purpose of the Eisteddfod--to|tival. chartered a plane to reach the} 1 ¢ the audience sing the tradi-|Zven though some of the Cana-| provide a home for all that is} «1's a terrible thing to Eisteddfod. H , tional welcoming song to harp|dians here had been away from) most beautiful in Welsh poetry}ieave," she said. 'I fought] After the ceremony and the g onor t ete accompaniment. Then Sir|Wales for as long as 50 years,/and music. against the hiraeth all year un-|round of music and poetry com- Thomas Parry-Williams, presi-|their Welsh remains as good as! Before the ceremony all the|til I got here and I'm happy|petitions, the Canadians joined : : dent of the National Eisteddfod|their English. They keep it up Cymry ar Wasgar gathered injhere. But I must leave." thousands of others jammed "LLANELLY, Wales (cP) -- this year's Royal National Eis-|Court, praised the intrepid|by attending Welsh church serv-/q tent near the pavilion. Mem-| she told the group about her|into the small seacoast town's The Welsh can never really|teddfod. homecomers. ices and by holding Cymry club|pers from the countries with hatte with' Tomato oMidals cubs to sing, of course. The ave their homeland and 35] One of the most impressive| Such a ceremony seems pe-| meetings in Welsh, the greatest representation . : Welsh sing. at the drop of a hat anadians helped prove this|ceremonies at the week-long|culiar to Wales. The Welsh use| The Eisteddfod pavilion is an|brought greetings led by Miss|that ended with the flying Ofjand they are the acknowledged they made social trips to culture festival was that of the|the word "'hiraeth" to describe ugly, squat building. Garish}Greta Every of Toronto. the Welsh red dragon flag at'champions of the world, -- : Specials for Thurs., Fri. 2 ry 3 SEPT. 20: 21 and 22. | READ "as" 2" 376 ATURAL GA FORCED AIR «ow. MARGARINE' 489° CIGARETTES &."°* 3.09 REGULAR 98c -- COLGATE'S DENTAL CREAM 'sz: 89* _ FREE WITH EVERY PKG. OF "LIQUID OR POWDER SUPER SUDS THE ELEGANT BLACK CUTLERY... BUY A PKG, TODAY. SUN BEAM MAPLE GUEST CARE "xi" 35° CRISCO -- REG. 1.15 SHORTENING 1.05 BUTTER FIRST GRADE + 49° With the Purchase of 2.00 or over of Meat LIMIT 3 LBS. TO A CUSTOMER KELLOGG'S COBN FLAKES = 19° amon Oi aie MATCHES """ cts 19° FLOU rh oe oe .< 47 CHRISTIE'S SLICED, LARGE -- REG. 59c sy" FRUIT CARE *<" 54° Choice Fresh & Smoked Meats ' CHOICE ROUND TEAK or ROAST sc: u.79* RUMP ROAST or BEEF "rl or ROUND END 7 w.7 9° PORK HOCKS "" "A us, 5] POBK CHOPS "tc 2 ws: *] WEINERS > 3 us] BACON RINDLESS BREAKFAST ae 59 (Well-Known National Brand Name) IF YOU ARE NOT NOW USING GAS WE WILL GIVE YOU A BRAND NEW AUTOMATIC NATURAL GAS FURNACE ... FREE! » You Pay Only for Installation EXAMPLE: You receive furnace FREE! We supply and install enough hot and cold air ducts to heat 6 rooms for only $339. ¢ NO DOWN PAYMENTS © NO PAYMENTS TILL APRIL 1963 * PAYMENTS OF 1.75 AWEEKON YOUR GAS BILL Investigate this offer to-day - Time Limited! SHORGAS LIMITED See the complete range of Natural Gas Appliances in our TELEPHONE CORNER OF ATHOL + cELIMA STS. 728-944) FRESH EVISCERATED BOILING FOWL = =. 39° FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES | BANANAS """" 2.x 29° PFARS B.C, EATING iy von 2 5s POTATOES ""°" ss. 79° TOMATOES °°" wscr 49° FROZEN CHICKEN, BEEF OR TURKEY T.V. DINNERS ".-: 59° FROZEN BEEF Reg. 2 for 59c MEAT PIES "2... 53° FULL LINE FROZEN FISH ON HAND Special in Our Drug and Clothing Dept. LONG SLEEVE gy geo race T SHIRTS 52 r 69° NORTHRITE -- GIFT BOXED FOUNTAIN PENS "* ic 2 9BF VICK'S COUGH SYRUP "* *'. 59° PHILLIPS --- REG. 69c | MILK of MAGNESIA. 59° VICK'S COUGH DROPS = 2 25* REG. 2.29 7 RAZOR AND FOAMY. 1 Gillette § SHAVING CREAM on | 95 15's, 20's, 25's and 30's Reg. 3 for 25c a) FUSES "wu. 3 ™ 19° NYLON FILLED-- REG. 25c EACH \ TOSTH BRUSHES 2" 25° All Summer Clothing Drastically Reduced SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S | Open Daily Till 10 p.m.