27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sole |32--Articles for Sale The Oshawe Times, Tuesday, September 18, 1962 ]7- MO} for further 1958 CHEVROLET coach. Good condi- ition. Nsw paint job. Telephone 728-0003) farnure,Pres's Ruriare Star, new 444 Simcoe South only, 723-3271, as Street West, comme building, six two-bedroom ly new, accept brick home, dining} Call Allen, Howe an¢ and Peters, 725-7732. ; |54,500, FULL PRICE, spotless four-|for 5-room TD | RARE OPPORTUNITY -- New brick lot. Call .. Joi Bosco, Realtor| eit featur- ing many extras and only $ price with low down Powe dA, sally Wallace, 725-9870, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. smaller house ment. Write Box 716, Oshawa Times. | ment. 725- just decorated, twin- Earle' Allen, | Mr.) Tim | schools, churches, buses, street lights, full |paved street, IN ym house, large lot, new yok and heating, $11,000, We have buyers, some with oll ry wanting homes in the $6,000 to $15,000 brack- ets. Both in the city and rural oreos. For free valuotion and After 6.30 call 728.1165, » seven Too! Colum -|VLA APPROVED -- One acre of land "| at west city limits, very close to trans- portation, Mr, Hodgson, 725-9870, Jo-|! ; |seph Bosco, tor. Lege mee Se -- service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 till 9 -- Saturday afternoon till 5 p.m. PRIVATE SALE Fiveplex Near Oshowa Shopping Centre Fully pg ee with good te- monts on lease, Modern new building, Five Units, Four rooms, 2 bed- rooms each apartment. Over $5,400. Yearly income on terms $14,000 down. Apply 195 Cromwell Avenue 728-9039 low taxes, $75. $9,500, full price. George Koorneef, 7: 9870. 'eck Bosco, Realtor, =| BEAU VALLEY A Pleasant Place to Live JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE OFFICE HRS. 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, $10,950 Lowest Price Ever Offered Five-room Brick Bungalow Carries $59.80 Monthly CASTLE HOMES OF OSHAWA Telephone 725-1186 PRIVATE SALE NORTHEAST OSHAWA Five room bungalow Finished recreation room, fire- place, broadioom. Close to public schools, bus service, excellent location. $13,900 Full Price $1,000 DOWN FOR APPOINTMENT 728-8964 ARRANGED BOUGHT AND SOLD! $500 DOWN Eight rooms and firepiace, five rooms on first floor, twenty-seven foot living raom NEW $600 DOWN MUST BE SOLD REDUCED TO $11,800.00 3 only, smart ranch type : brick and stone bungalows, 3 bedrooms, mahogany kit- chens, 4 piece colored cera- mic tiled bathrooms, alumi- num storm doors, immediate possession, to approved pur- chasers. Call 725-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD "LIMITED REALTOR with fireplace, basement fur- nace, private drive, double goroge, quiet street close to bus. Asking only $7,900 full price, Must be seen call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, $7,000 -- 7 ROOMS Large home, hot water oil furnace, garage, taxes, only $170. South end, Must be sold. Asking $2,500 down. Call Jack Appleby ot 725- 6544 or 723-3398, GLIDDEN ST. One yeor old five room very modern bungalow with at- tached garoge. Fireplace, nate BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETERS REALTORS -- 725-4701 TRY AN OFFER On this 6 room spacious fomily home on Central Pork Blvd. with divided basement, beautifully landscaped lot with flowers, shrubs ond trees. Asking only $1,900.00 with terms, Call BOB JOHNSON 728-2548, $9,800.00 FULL PRICE Neor G.M. 6 yeor old 4 room bungolow, good condition, o inum storms and screens, heating cost engeouinately 3100.0 00 Coll ROLANDE TIERNEY 725-5207. OPEN HOUSE 884 GRIERSON ST. ural LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $400 DOWN PAYMENT ONE MORTGAGE $9,200 FULL PRICE 5 room brick home with gor- age situated neor all -- and -shopping, new oil furnace installed, 'te 9 con't beat this for price, so hurry to see this one. Call ti right now ot 728- ONE IN A THOUSAND BUNGALOW DOWNTOWN $13,500 FULL PRICE Just 4 years old, 3 bedrooms, LLOYD REALTY. ee truck. Bargain, Tele- ALLUX water softener, 90,000 Sk aw) ah Be Siok Owl naoria 'Telephone 723-4873, frig AY 2 p.m. 725-5555 . 1950 AUSTIN Sprite, one owner, 16,000 eles eee oF 'make offer, i isis CHEVROLET, two door, heater, , two tone, white and blue, Tele- e 725-5345, 1958 PONTIAC 348 haust 4 barrel carbar, paged rail aed uty springs. Lo aun taba after 6 p.m. cloy brick, stone front, storms and screens, yes a recreation room too, Family size kitchen. Don't delay to inspect this mies Call Ed Drumm at 728- INCOME HOME $11,900 FULL PRICE Two family home brick con- struction, oil heat, only $900 down at $85 per month. Call Bill Johnston now ct 728- 5123 or 728-1066. EASTHAVEN STREET pa 723-1375, "0 RENAULT 32,000 miles, clean, Best offer 728-9790, offer, Telephone |treg 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88 four<loor sedan, g00d condition, radio, ype pret ty Ms om white bp F sal mileage. original $13,800. FULL PRICE 3 bedroom bungol with 1962 RENAULT Gordini deluxe, radio, tires, Only 2,000 miles. Tele- Hollywood kitchen, Jorge liv- ing room, good size lot and very well laondscaped. Call Bili Johriston at 728-5123 or 728-1066, : WILSON ROAD PRICE $11,500 PRICE DOWN $1,500 DOWN 3 bedrooms, large modern kit- chen, recreation room, living room with large picture win dow, hedged lot. Hurry call phone after 4 p.m, 728.3806, 1960 TRIUMPH tion, loaded witht extras." Wit $1,200 or best offer, Lae ye William (Headball) Huculak and Raymond Workman (rear) high "| were escorted to the Edmon- after four, 728-7790, ~ hee oe trai ion, 175, 1952 Al #0. rie VOLKSWAGEN, $1000, After 6 p.m. po rae ae aars two-door, oaela white. Radio and white walls, Elgin Street West. 1958 CHEVROLET % ton truck. Apply 684 Glencairn ton Bill Horner. now at 728-5123. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian hardtop, 6- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor -- 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. Open Every Evening radio, lights, private sale. B > 655-3534. ae aa, mo' exce! con Ly S| transmission, $995. Whitby, MO iseed NGINES -- Chevrolet 283, 1963, each: Powe: le, 6'2 Chevrolet, . Telephone 18, Brooklin, after 7 whitewalls, back-u; rooklin evenings, throughout. Asking only $14,200. Call now to inspect Jock Appleby 725-6544 or 723-3398. TUES, AND WED. 4 P.M. to 7.30 -- Exceptionol value, --_ bric low, large nicely land: lot. EARLE ALLEN 725-7782. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Wrecking business with about 135 ---- some in running 4 acres of land, works! property, Good value. CENTRAL PARK NORTH 5 room brick bungalow, fin- thed rec room and' garage. Bus stop ot door. Attroctively priced for quick sale. TELEPHONE 725-5598 J. A. SHERIFF REALTOR 25 ONTARIO STREET Call Joe 'Crawford MA 3-3672 or 623- $2'2, $550.00 DOWN $2,700.00 FULL PRICE, 3 bedroom furnished cottage. Call RALPH STUTT MA 3-5212. GUIDE REALTY we $500 DOWN -- 5 room bun- galow, frame, new oil furnace, new modern kitchen, tile and hardwood floors, 3 piece bath. Y2 acre of land, more avail- SOLID FIELD STONE --~ Fully modernized 2 storey home on 2 acres. Set back in off the road amongst towering shade trees of pine, maple ond cedar. Large mode ern kitchen, natural fireplace in livingroom, 4 bedrooms. 150' drilled well gives 20 gallons to the minute. 15 CARL OLSEN REALTOR FARMS One of the best farms In the Ashburn district is this 195 ocres of productive clay loam with never-failing creek run- ning through pasture. Good buildings. 100 acre farm, 1 mile from Orono, close to 115 highway, Ideal stock farm with good buildings. 20 acres with 8 acres cedar and hemlock, 2 acres pine with a good creek. 1 mile west of 15. Full price $3,500 with terms. $5000. Down will secure this 25 ocres with a very large deposit of peat moss. For further informction on above or other properties call minutes from Oshawa. Road now paved -- school bus at door. Make certain you see o one. Listed ot $16,000.- RANCH BUNGALOW -- 6 rooms, attached gorage, 12- 60 sq. ft. of living area, plus shower P pe! stool in se- ment. A real buy at $13,- 990. with $2500 down and one open mortgage for bal- once. Real value here, $8,500 FULL PRICE -- 5 room bungalow just off Sim- coe Street North. Close to school; bus and shopping. Taxes only $159.00. Illness forces sale. Will accept $1,- 000. down. TOWN LINE SOUTH -- 4 year old brick bungalow -- Y acre lot. Owner moving and must sell. $1,000 down and open mortgage for bal- ance on easy payments. In- spect and make an offer, WE HAVE OTHERS Charles Naylor at 728-2857. DIAL 728-1673 | _WHIT BY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Thi large ean aa, ge refrigerator, Lege iy dryer and geet MO 8-4728. better choice. Ha' we,| Office Equip., 137 Brock S, MO 8-5849. ters. Buy early for milton FOR SALE -- Coleman oil burning floor furnace. Suitable for cottage or FOR RENT --Three-room self-contain- ed apartment with bath, heavy wiring, antenna. 1625 Dufferin Street, MODERN two-bedroom Call W. Schatzmann, Realtor, M MO 8.3253. apartments, 1 8-3338 THRE! M apartment wanted by couple, small house. New | sea included. Telephone MO 8-44: CASH your ey baby bonus cheque at the Mercantile and receive entry form to monthly draw. Prize $25. in merchandise and tickets for Mom and Dad to police dance at Club Bay- view, October. 19, Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby, Ontario, METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL: 728-4678 BRUCE STREET 6 room brick home - nice condition - $1,000.00 down - full price $9,100.00 - one mortgage for balance. DREW STREET 4 room home in very nice condition = good lot - $8,900.00 - early possession. WILLIAM ST. EAST Good 6 room 2 storey home in spotless condition - private drive and garage - $2,900.00 down. AFTER 5:30 CALL: 8-2392 Everett Elliott 8-5836 Ken Hann ....+ es 5-9191 Dick Barriage 3-9290 3-7963 5-6243 John Kemp ..ees- Jack Osborne ..... able. Inspect ond make cn offer. OLIVE AVENUE -- Only 514% interest on this at- tractive 5 room bungclow with 3 rooms partially finish- ed in basement, $1000 DOWN -- for this beautiful 1 year old, brick and stone bungalow. One mort- gage only $85 per month. Aluminum doors and windows. T.V. Aerial, sized lot, T.V. aerial, good extras, Full price $13,500. IN THAT RESIDENTIAL AREA OF KING STREET EAST -- thot presents charm and stability, this clay brick, 7 room home has two full bathrooms ahd one partial. This home has reduced $2000 from an 'original price of $16,900. Terms. NORTH WEST AREA--Ranch BUSINESS PROPERTIES PRIME RETAIL LOCATIONS UNDEVELOPED COMMERCIAL SUBURBAN MULTI-USE CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT RELATIONSHIP PAUL RISTOW REALTOR DURING OFFICE HOURS: EVENINGS 728-9474 725-8152 52% SIMCOE STREET NORTH home on big 5% acre corner lot. Excellent location. Must be sold due to vendor's ill- SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 Telephone | -- food "condition, b> aa ton courthouse by .RCMP Monday for the opening of tele-| their Supreme Court trial on * MURDER SUSPECTS of capital murder, The two Edmonton men were charged after the disappear- ance Apeil 19 fate. Sere Frank Willey. Willey --(CP Wirephoto) BABY carriage, white, juoise, ary des size i icon os. worn once, $18. cashiers, rent- used. service. and Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 6-5849. Lg room suite, walnut, 9 pieces. In good condition.- $75, ate a : Telephone BOY's bg Bp hn Magy newly it ed, fe Cee ith generator, $18. Telephone HAMILTON (CP) -- Joseph Augello, 35-year-old laborer from Buffalo, told Magistrate John S. Latchford Monday how -|he happened to be at the spot | 32--Articles for Sale 2 CUB UNIFORMS, 2ind Pack, size 6. Ie condition. 73 ofl CHESTERFIELD and chair, condition. Telephone est. 77. RANGE Viking 21" four 302 Buena Vista Avenue, ter 5 p.m, telephone 725. i, Ope 7 excellent after 6 p.m, 723 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All. Makes ond Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. i agar Auto y. 30--Automobiles Wanted |appliances, 'also ' rant cars for wrecking, Highest prices pole 725-1181, " " and est Cal's (Cal Blake) 728-9191, evening|ply 46 Fai P R for oil furnace, $25; also 200 Ae | Pailon. tank nk three-quarters fal of oll NORGE oll burning space heater with pipes, Will heat four or or tive rooms, $65, Only used one season, after 5 p.m. 10 8-5043. po. i adn RAT MOSER ERE NY Ye GHESTERFIELD suite, two piece, $35. "Three pairs natural bamboo drapes, various sizes, long, complete $15. Ap- $50. Telephone MA 3. 1958 JOHNSON outboard motor, 18 ie 14-ft. Cedar boat, a trailer, $ $450. After 5 p.m |! KROEHLER chesterfield $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 DRAPES Most Médem Designs: ab- stract, Colonial ond floral patterns, Made to order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98¢ up. 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to. the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 and medium green, also Mason and Rolec standard upright plano, reconditioned, Telephone Brooklin 655-3080. FINDLEY oil burner, with fan pipes, stand drums included, also '3 blue hen size 6. in excellent condi- m. 723-9449, or baby carriage; 36 inch con- Loyd bed; .baby crib, All in good JARS, heavy glass, 5 gallon (Imperial with lid, ideal for pickles, ete. $3. '%. Harrison and Kinsman Hard- ware, 337 Simcoe South, "a! Miore Testimony In Heroin Trial where ROMP officers stood watch on a $50,000 heroin cache, ' Augello and Michael Tascar- ella, 41, also of Buffalo, have pleaded not guilty to charges of possessing narcotics for the pur- pose of trafficking. Augello explained Monday that he had come to Hamilton June 5 to visit an uncle: "I knew he wouldn't be home until 9 o'clock, so we just went for a drive," he said. "We stopped for a coffee and then Tascarella told me he wanted to relieve himself, But we were on the main road and there was a car behind me. I saw a farm road so I pulled in there." Augello said it was still day- light, so he drove some distance up the West Flamborough side road before he stopped. Tascarella got out and "the next thing I knew there was p26?! lot of noise and a man at the chair,| Window of my car holding a gun," Augello said. Police earlier testified they had set a trap at the spot after Allen Hynds, a 15-year-old farm boy, said he ha? seen a man pn &@ woman leave a Package ere. A white powder in the eight envelopes contained in the ne age was later analyzed as 78- per-cent heroin. BARGAIN! 15-foot cedar strip boat, Best offer over $50, Apply 849 Sylvia Street or 725-2549. GAS range, fully automatic, $80. Rea- son for selling, moving, Like new. 10 Mill Lane, Bowmanville, MA 23109. en SHOP SMITH, five power tools in one, 2 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs ness. Also garage and other L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 PARK RD. S. FALL SPECIALS $1,000 DOWN 6 room ig Be bores, ciean. and modern, 4 piece tiled bath, 723-9810. 725-8761 5 . Apply Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. 810. Seeeewaniya: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, hg oe a & specialty. es Tom: Iie Fitting Hone. CLEARANCE sale of men's dress trous- ers. Values to $14.95. Your choice at $5.00 per pair. No charge for altera- Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby, For RENT -- eekcecon aparknests . $85 monthly. Available Oct, 1. 725-8020, STUDENTS A su: value, proxi mately 630 sheets Of lett gy 'yping STORAGE space for boats. Large te in. 7 building. 1% miles north a on 12. Telephone MO 0.9752 di SEPTIC ray cleaned. Walter Ward. Chestnut Street West. Telephone 24 MO |, FHREE - bedroom unfurnished apart- location in Whitby. Apply an. ee ree telephone CLEARANCE sale of better dresses. values to $22.50. Entire rack of dresses to be sold at '$10.00 each, Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby, Ont. WHITE P Paper in 100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, banquets, ete. Available at the Circula- tion oo Oshawa Times. 77 per ro! DUFFERIN APARTMENTS 1_ and 2 bedroom suites. $79.50 and up. Now ovail- oble. Newly built, recessed balcony, dining area, TV outlet, washer, dryer, park~ LOAM -- FILL GRAVEL 'Driveway and Concrete For Delivery Call ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer ond guor- enteed trouble free all win- ter, If you purchase "White Rose" unifined fuel oil from « Western Oil Company. _ing, heated, fans, etc. WHITBY MO 8-5212 LADIES Avon Requires Sales Representative Full or part time, for this busy Fall and Christmas sea- son. Here is a wonderful op- portunity to earn extra money No previous selling exper- ience necessary. Why not write AVON PRODUCTS -- P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA' oil f lot with storage shed, ideal for mechanic, pat $8, 700 fan price $1,000 DOWN Duplex, 2 four room, self contained apartments, modem kit- chens, 2 three piece bathrooms, hot water by oil heating, pri- vate drive with garage and parking area, only $10,500 full price $1,000 DOWN 8 room family and income home, brick construction, on older home in excellent condition, storm windows and 'doors, TV tower, paved drive and garage, north central location, one open mortgage. $1, 200 DOWN Just a few years old, 5 room brick and stone bungalow with recreation room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled both, forced air by oil heating, owner now living in Toronto, must sell, we wel- come your offer, NORTH SUBURBAN Split level, 7 rooms, practically new, many extras, 2 bathrooms, built in garage, large lot with shade trees, $2,500 down gives possession. $2,000 DOWN Just a few years old, 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow where the work has been done, nicely decorated, paved drive and garage, 35 ACRES Vacont land, comer property, located Harmony Rd. North, 13% Acres, beautiful subdivision land, Ritson Rd. N. an 2 ravines with small flow of spring water, Ritson For further details DIAL 725-1212 t Please call Tony Siblock of Sid Martyn 723-9810 or 725-8761 building started on the same property. Asking price 'much below the value. Call in for particulars, GARDEN LAND -- 17% acre land -- strawberrles and raspberries. with barn and smalj. cottage. Very close to a. Excellent terms. TOWNLINE NORTH--Lot for sale over ¥% acre land. 72 foot frontage. Only $1150, INDUSTRIAL LAND -- 9% a Srastngs to Steven- son .' Close to sh centre, All facilities. ~~ For full particulars call 723-1121 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, ~ HOUSTON'S. GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 GARAGE SPECIALS! 10 x 20 ft. $250. 12 x 20 ft. $280. Other sizes ilabl ' Beaver scroll saw, heavy duty motor. 6" planer with sions. % hp motor GE, DeWalt radial 2 hp saw, heavy duty 6 extra blades and Dado's. 180" lineal ft. 2 x 8 oak plank new. 2 house doors, one new front, one used, Between 3 and 7 p.m. Apply 684 Glencairn Street. Objects Of Search Found In Cruiser BUFFALO (AP) -- A Roman Catholic priest and his brother and sister, reported missing in a eabin cruiser Sunday, were found safe Monday at the Buf- Complete Home Improvement SERVICE Bath RENAULT---PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 32--Articles for Sale WEDDING gown, floor length, size 15, white lace over taffeta, veil.Like new, $40. 728-5688. 29--Automobiles for Sale TENTS, camping supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, guns and 1959 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, two tone, power equipped, radio, perfect condi- tion, Telephone 728-0563, Best prices. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. vata, at cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, Lge Sey 1954 FORD % ton pick up truck, running condition. $350 for 83 Ritson Road South, Station, OVERHAULED matic, ress (rear door). ick sale. Texaco 1953 Chevrolet ° 'Apply 127 Park Rosa South parts, good Recreation Rooms Home Extensions Aluminum Siding Storms ond Screens, Awnings. No Down Revert : FR E 40" four-bu Sutomatio timer, $125, New 725.2715. warming oven, Dutch oven, deep. £7, fy. Fange,|falo Canoe Club on the shore of Lake Pog in nearby Point tion. | Abino, On' Martin B, Attea, 27, of Clare vision, $75, Meagher's, 5 West, T 723-3425. ONE only RCA Victor portable tele- King Street ence, owner of the 22-foot boat, said the craft was towed to the GRAVITY oil furnace, could ed to coal, best offer. Phone mo Sasos. chang-|canoe club by an unidentified boater Monday after its gas set, $25, includes extension table, ded pert seats, MA 3-2426, DINING room suite, modern six-piece buffet with glass doors. tank ran dry Sunday night. With Attea on the cruiser were his brother, Rev. Antoine also small Coleman oil ie Free Custom Built Homes From $8,900. Cottages from $528, LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION LTD. 178 Siméoe Street North 728-4614 Open 9 a-m, Until 9 p.m. teed 1 rebuilt Rentals. Vacuum. Cleaner Repair 'ber. vice. 728-0591 anytime. BOAT, motor and Cog 1959 10 Aa Scott motor; 1960 Tee Nee trailer, in good condition, ed otter, 290 La- Salle Avenue. 728-725' VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY ' Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Qust-East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Be A Happy CAR BUYER 1959 Chevrolet Belair 4 door hardtop, 6 cylindet, automatic custom radio, padded dash, - FT, eo eaysy campiata ised 1959) "est | ip. Many extras, Pickering WH 2-1597, MOFFAT electric fully auto- matic, in excelient *eondition Reason- able offer accepted. Telephon 720-2451. 2 OIL tanks, 200 gallon, and o 1] burner. telephone 728. biden age nee rk wood, "William Long including bench, Telephone 128960." BOY Scout possi complete, size 12, almost new, once, Cost $18, selling $10" is se lapone 23.9710. TYPEWRITER, Underwood No. 5, good condition, va, pus 'ical 6.30 p.m. 284 Trent Street. 7: RANGE, ar qaasoes also forage Electric refrigerator, 12 cubic Both in excellent condition, 41 Comuraght Street. We buy, sell, exchange, We buy the most. We sel] the most. We pay the most. FOR 'YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 discs. $1895 Harry Donald Ltd. 300 Dundas Street Eost Whitby MO 8-3304 Open 9 A.M, until 9 P.M, Self-Storing Windows Aluminum with Vinyl channels, push-button ad. Justment._ Installed. Windows $18--Doors 39.95 100% Satisfaction Guaran- teed or your money refunded. Reasonable. gs 4 217 McKilm Street or End of Season Clearance BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS All at Reduced Prices ! For. Example: DEMONSTRATOR Brunswick Cutter Ventura Model Complete with convertible white vinyl top, side curtaing and stern cover. Evinrude 7§ H.P, Selectric Motor, Toch- ometer, Gator 1,000 Ib, Trailer, List Price $3,336.15 Special $2,495. Bowmanville Marine 164 King Street East Bowmanville Phones 728-9257, 728-5253! (Rear of Robson Motors) in Two drums. Telephone 733-2829. Reasonable. Apply 4 Duke Street, manville or telephone MA 3- § 6 p.m. telephone 723-3792, LARGE Findley oil burner, with fan, Both 45 gallon oll DINETTE suite, eight pieces, like new, » Bow- UPRIGHT mahogany piano, $95. After P, Attea, 28, assistant pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Buffalo, and his sister, Mary, 32, of Clarence, Several coast guard boats and a U.S. Army helicopter were used to pine dR Lake Erie and DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, the Niagara River. spirit or stencil, Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock S. MO 8-5849. 34--Lost & Found Dominion Workers LOST on Labor Day, set of gg leather case. Finder call 728-4143, ward, $5. x! Vote Strike 35--Legal KITCHENER (CP)--A major- ity of the 1,100 employees of the LOCK'S LADIES' WEAR LIMITED Notice Is hereby given that Lock's Ladies Wear intends to surrender its Charter, Dated at Oshawa, this 24th day of July, 1962. President W. J. Lock tire plant of Dominion Rubber Company, Limited, have voted in favor of striking to back up contract demands. Of the 911 who voted Sunday, 903 supported the ace tion. Representatives of Local 80, United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America (CLC), now will apply to the union's international office for sanction of the move. CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES A sole of lands in arrears of taxes in the City of Osh- awa will be held in the Council 'Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the fifth day of December, 1962, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the Ist day of September, 1962. Copies of the said list may be obtain- ed at the office of the City Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, this 4th day of September, 1962. HE. TRIPP, Treasurer, Officials said one more at- tempt would be made to reach a settlement before the local executive will set a strike dead- line. Negotiations have been going on since February with points in dispute including union de- mands for wage increases, im- proved seniority provisions and paid vacations. BARGAIN BEER CASTLE BROMWICH, Eng- land (CP)--A new pub herey celebrated its opening by selling beer at a farthing a pint. A brewery official said it was the cheapest beer since the 17th century. The farthing--a quar- ter of a penny--now ir out of circulation and childrea did a roaring trade selling the coins to customers.