1G. HE OSHAWA TIMES, Tossdey, September, 11, 1962 eRe DUNES STE ll the Direct <e Number 723-3492 i THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE agg: é BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY 4--Market Basket 13--Business Opportunities 16--Female Help Wanted 20--Room and Board TOMATOES and carrots, 6 quart basket 25e;3 a 'ag Pick your own, Bring| re! Eymann, % mile aol -- Nichols" Garage, Courtice. north to first corner. SERVICE station on highway No, 2, for avall- able snack bar, Telephone MA 3-3921, with knitting Apply by letter, stating previous ex. DOWNTOWN income property, «stab-| APPLES and potatoes for sale, reason. able, Cag | Road, half mile north of ad, Algoma Orchards, Building Trades Money to Loan TV--Radio Repairs ELASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE ae " Cash Charge 3.75 4.13 2.25 2.48 within 7 days the " Charge rote will "apply 'Above rates opply only te original 6 CUTIVE secutive 3 Con nadie ory feel ng ecteoes. sidewalks, stoops.| Gordon May, 728.03%. | BULLDOZER for hire, bee per hour. Oshawa Garden Service, 1259 Simcoe! Street North. 723-3222, JAMES O'MALLEY ngage tbody vations, new 'ops eg reno! D pay ts best." 723-7122. JULLDOZING for excavating. Free bay ates, Call aries I Bros., 26 Hill- court Drive, Whitby. MO 8-5612. orders for Insertions We nigree ota loter date constitute a new original order. la 3 lines yaa a line $1.60 Pr dings to vk = of prob- pas Degln, wit ith inexpensive Classified | Ads. 724-3498 today. YOUR cl chimney cleaner, Chim- bed built and repaired, gas linings installed, ors vacuumed, Free estimates, 723-2997, Rdditional Each month, €c initial, abbreviation anton e en ts as a word, Box charge 15¢ additiona' _ ens s nEGULATIONS, Times will not be responsible for errors, In advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not id Pe ay oder ' mt, pb ond ~, price charge "Yor a single insertion o' in which error J the Sp oh got neal ihe Fight CEMENT WORK PATIOS OUR SPECIALTY Smoll Block laying jobs, ete. Free Estimotes Call BERT McLEAN 723-2867 NICK DYRIW MORTGAGE LOANS - Available for loan on first TV, SAPO, car radio re; repairs, makes. Electronics, 157 all | bushel, = tomatoes, right from the bre for table or preserving. 6-quart baskets; 490; 1]-quart baskets 75c; $1,49, delivered, Telephone 725-3445, Thompson Elliott Avenue. 723-9792, (Fred), and second mortgages ond. residential, industrial, city, nang 9 anglais and sum- mer c SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED radio R. gg a ELYOTRICAL | sprite appliances 062, TV RENTALS, by the day, week, or month at Parkway Television, 916 Simcoe North. 723-3043. 5--Farmers Column CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid for dead and a gag farm stock. Collect. COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Licence 149, 12 Serce St. Ni Oshawa, Bee St ens MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies: also available on Second' Mortgages. '7--Trailers T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint. COLLAPSIBLE house trailer, 10' x 7' wired, extra wheel, will load boat. Sleeps four. Telephone Orono 1308. 8--Resorts LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased, M. F. SWARTZ Short - term and Builders' Mortgage at reasonable rates, 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723.4697. Registered Under Mortgage TV TOWERS and ANTENNAS Free Estimates ROLLAND TV 90 Cromwell --- 723-4849 Wooded Lakefront Lots and cottages On_ beautiful Gunter Lake, government approved sub- division, sandy beaches, ex- cellent swimming and_ fish- ing. Parking and picnic area provided. Roads and hyclro installed, ten cottages: avail- able. Brokers' Registered Act. EXCAVATING Mortgages BASEMENTS DUG TRENCHING 723-3898 occurs, And to'tlassify advertising its*own Y Scalticotion. case of dispicy rage yp on Py Times will not be held rsponsible for more space than that in a the actual error Cartage He JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661. PRIVATE and corporation monies to lend on all types of mortgages; mort- gages and agreements of sale pur- chased. Creighton, Farser, Drynan and Murdoch. (See heading "'Barristers"'.) PRIVATE party toAdnvest in first and second mortgages, Agreements for sale and mortgages rehased. No waiting, GEORGE'S TV TOWERS SPECIAL PRICES Oshawa Licensed CALL 723-9525 or 723-7521 - immediate service, For quick results call 723-3211; evenings 725-2539. TV Picture Dim? FIRST and second mortgoges. Sale gener purchased and sold. Hen- Barristers, 31 King dvertisin matter te tenreduce all 2d me no liability correct! "advertisment, if ony inaccuracies fan form are contained therein. Dressmaking Street East. 723-7232. DRESSMAKING, alterations, plain sew- ing, pant cuffing, shortie drapes. Rea- sonable rates, Dial 723-9565 anytime. Nursing Homes LYNTONHURST Manor has warm com- fortable bed or up Fuel and Wood for patients, reasonable rates. Telephone Orono 1308. Appraisers ANIEL, AACI. Real EAE Sea arene WaT. Phone MO 8-2311. FREE Have your furnace cleaned Accountants /PKINS and Company, Lag renal Pde Accountants, 172, King East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. | FRIEDLANDER AND CO., BET Accoun' a Licensed Mod tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371. s MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and free this summer and guaran- teed trouble-free ail winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel. oil from West- ern Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Gardening and Supplies ace ace Sie orth, a ad wh WH 20000. Wi Whitby, MO 8-4131. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. plete bookkeeping service 184 Hesd street, West, 720-0597, Hes. 7123-4005. WILSON "sad BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 116 King Street East, Osh- ¥. D. ison, CA; ye CA, 728-7554. LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL DOORS of "Sunset Lodge Rest Home", 106 Church St., Bowmanville, officially open- ed July 22, 1962. Licensed home in which the aged may find not only comfort, but o blessing, Semi - private ar- rangements 'con be made, Reasonable rates, registered nurse visits daily. Beautiful surroundings for outdoor leisure. For further informa- tion visit or phone Mrs. Mar- garet Adams; 106 Church ' REPLACE YOUR PICTURE TUBE 20% OFF NOW. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND. STREET EAST 728-6781 Drive-In (and save) Service TV AERIALS 10% down. Easy Monthly Payments. Drive north from Madoc on Hwy. 62, turn right one mile past Jordan Loke park at Dept. of Lands & Forests, turn right ond follow signs for the best .in Summer living. Sales Personnel on property every weekend or contact Miss Anne Collins 344 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario or phone collect. Toronto, 723- 2495. SACRIFICE (Re-Sale) $2695. or offer! Owner transferred, new two bedroom modern design cottage, sun- deck large lakefront lot. Dock and hydro. See above for directions. 9--Summer Properties : for Sale or Rent DO WEAR OUT! REPLACE NOW While weather and prices are at their best. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 St., Bowmanville, MA 3-5813 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Kennesis Lake, sandy beach, good trout fishing, Vacan- cies Aug. 25 on. Cheaper rates Sept. to Oct. 12. Mrs, C: Harnden, Box 420, Hal- iburton, Ont. Phone 2318. SAMSON Tractor ond loader work. Lots Levelled. Reasonable rates Optometrists TV TOWERS 725-2156 NARD JAMES BROOKS, Spe cod ecountant, Suite 205W, Osh- Cen 9953. wblic A "6! Cc. H, TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please its at Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- jamined at home. Dial 725-4587, uto Parts Save At Western 'Service Centre irs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" OSHAWA ¥. gee med BLACK, et aged of Optom. etry, examination eyes, contact Patong vitae Simcoe North at Colborne. venings appointment, 723-4191. ECONOMY AND DELUXE Buy Now FOR BEST PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED OSHAWA TV GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3222 Barristers , Barristers, Solici- GOSES ent KELLY, Darel Dia tors, ete. iid est. Greer, BA, Be.. 725-3963; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 720-5832. All Your Gardening Needs. Also Top Soil and Sod, Flag Stone, Patio Stone, Painting and Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murais, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO. 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 SUPPLY. LIMITED 361 Gibbons 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT KAWARTHA lished store, apts., ga rages. Ideal for snack bar. Simcoe Street South. 103 MILL Street, room gentlemen, Private room and Lunches packed, Telephone room and board for parking. down payment, Apply Box No, 430 Osh- awa es. TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY ROUTE MAN SPARE TIME Pacific Coast concern wishes to contact capable persons in two small children, $20 tween 5 and 7 telephone 723-9274, cau, easily. be my igh t can ea ea our ea cheat 88-page color Fo gli it easy to ee Pag of orders. N rience Send no money, Write today ie saunipies, on approval, of Christmas cards and free catalogue. Mon. Card Co., Dept, Hamilton. Be-| Nic! 16, 'a East Ave,, lonarch) Lunches ROOMERS or boarders wanted. School teacher Telephone two. amell. children," $30 weekiy. "Be-| =e room. with board in new adult home forvefen et ot weacher Lunches packed, TV privileges. 723-2481 after 6, PRIVATE Room, board optional, lunch- es packed if desired. $15 for five days; $18 a Very central, Telephone Pevercagell bibige room and parking. 728-4763, 103 'MILL Street, room and board, for| 1% ing pion Baar 296: es oe $23 WEEKLY for wearing lovely he given you be bonus. Just og North | -- shion Frocks to this area. If you have your OWN business . . . either part-time to supple- ment a present '.comé; or perhaps a full time endeavor with a handsome monthly in- come, this may be the oppor- tunity for you. We are looking for reliable people who ore sincerely interested in sup- plementary income by own- ing their own part-time or full time business. This is ROUTE WORK, in which there is NO SELLING or SO- LICITING involved, just strictly collecting and deliv- ering in your own car for a few hours per week. We offer a marvellous opportunity backed by full company as- sistance. $900 to $1900 in- vestment required for imme- diate start. Estimated net pro- fit potential $300 to $500 monthly. For personal inter- view with factory representa- tive, state age, martial sta- tus and amount of spare time available each week. UNIVERSAL Distributing Co. Box 633, Oshawa Times . North A Fashion 3425 penn Bivd., Dept. K-2896 " "Montreal 39, WANTED experienced waleiaal 'and| and aie -- waitresses. hag le apply in ane Pe 53 Kiing | * Coffee' Bireet "Bast, SINGLE Room, for lunches packed, very Pi» Hid also double room, le beds, all conveniences, sing! tants aga A, food meals, Telephone 725-3887. von PARK sib SOUTH board Room -- private bathroom, for ORTHODONTIC assistant, Wonderful psec age laa young girl to rg in- 5 p.m. 725-1915, ning STREET EAST, 202 -- Room and board for two ba Busi-| Cooked. meals. ness course not necessary but helpful. Grade 12 preferable. "ger! stating age, DRFW Street, 544, room and board for gantiornen, AO oo ge $15 week each. number to Box 644 Oshawa Times. no oe ae girl to work in var- store. Apply 317 Simcoe Street Bath or telephone 725-3932, ATHOL Street East Vicinity, babysitter wanted. One r daily, except Thurs- day which will be six hours. Tele- Phone 725-5018, 25-»-Apts. & Flats for Rent GIBBON Street, 301: Three room apart ment, Linea -- erode rent, parking space, soon and board for 2 gentlemen, single beds, willing to share. meals, laundry aaiv ee priv. ileges. Telephone 725-175: ROOM and board for = gentlemen, abstainers and non-sinokers, -- Noi rth | central, WINDSOR Street, 20, basement apart Good furnished, able "now." Telssaee ma, Se THREE-room du oil ie" want, uplex, oll heated, General Motors. Tel 28-3713, SOUTH End clean furaished rooms in 17--Male Help Wanted Canadian home. Board pa lunches Parking. packed. git 1359, kins, full time.- Markham to Oshawa, Oshawa to Port Hope. Age forty to fifty-eight, Apply by letter, rank Helferty, Hampton. APPLE pickers. Apply Pollock Orchards, one, mile north of Whitby. FINISHING carpenter wanted 'or cup, boards and trim work. Good working conditions. Call Ted Van Schyndel, 728-8841, PRESSMAN Heidelberg, experienced only. Top wages. Steady. Paid vaca- tions and holidays. Arjay a Lim- ited, 188 Simeoe Street Sou TWO openings, sales and delivery, Wat- i ROOM and aan for gentlemen, single | site beds, good home cooking, close to north General Motors and Fittings. 148 Ritson South, 725-7800. tral, adults, a now. after six, 725-106 78 GIBB Street: Two rooms for rent with ladies or FOUR room apartment, TV outlet, cen- Telephone CARNEGIE. "Avenue, 708: Comfortable room and board, quiet home, lunches packed, home cooked meals, laun parking, private entrance and ba' gentlemen, 22--Storage Space and Garages STORE --- bg BS peo b gentlemen. Central ra eoeiee. BRUCE Street, apartment, »|cetral location, private Cen bath, suit busi- .|hess couple. Telephone 728-3588, JARVIS Street, 302. Two-room apart ate completely furnished, $35 month- BROCK We 114 Three-room ment, priva " entrance and bath. ss two » heated, 299 Sim- EXPERIENCED glaziers = store hog mechanics a grag Fully quali- ly to N 14--Employment Wanted -- YOUNG married woman, three years' nurses training, will care for small child, five days weekly. Good home. King Street - Harmony Road area. 723-3377, appl: pte ae South, Oshawa SALESMAN remtied by established Oshawa furniture store, salary and pug Bees Phone 728-8545 between - 9 pm 314 Simcoe Street show coe South, tohoticla Aten Lid., 723- 2265, OFFICE for rent on street floor, private entrance, parking facilities, central. For further details telephone 728-8441, able for couple. VERDUN Road, 320 -- Attracti room, heated apartment, laundry and bath, _-- Possession. Adults, Apply 5 GARAGE for boat storage. Available now. Apply 102 Church Street, Tele- Phone 725-0355. eeROOe. sais furnished apart. ment; single room, private trance, Parking, Ri central, 96 Centre, "A" mechanic, specializing in PETER PAN day nursery school, Mon- day to Friday, half or full day, #.30 to |5.30 p.m, 581 .Simcoe Street North. \T elephone 726-2604. |EXPERIENCED woman wants steady .|five day housework, 9 to 5. References. Best offer. Telephone 728-1260 after 6. front-end work, brakes, wheel balanc- ing, Telephone 728-6221. General Tire of cent Limited, 534 Ritson Road WE will train the right man for the Position of night desk clerk in first class hotel. Retired gentleman would 16--Female Help Wanted SALESLADY for part-time work 6 to 10 p.m. in drug and clothing depart- ment store in Oshawa. Write Box 738 Oshawa. Times. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, full or pas} time. Apply in person, 264 King Street" East, Oshawa. Reply stating full par. ticulars to Box 635 Oshawa Times. * STORE for rent, heated, 360 feet at 152 Simcoe Street South. *Srele-| ma Phone 725-4277 or 725-3911, re| ALBERT Street, 539. Three-room apart- ment, self private or 728-607 OFFICE AVAILABLE , newly alits elevator service; bright, freshly paint- ed, tiled floor, Can be available in few days. Moderate rent, lease avail-| m: able. Ask for T. Wilson, Times Building, Mary and King Streets, Oshawa, six delivery men, $1,50 per hour. Car essential, for Oshawa area, Fuller Brush Company, Toronto, Telephone Walnut 4-8347, SHORT order cook, grill and steam table work. Excellent wages paid. to a Person with experience. 8 hour shift. Apply Mr. Gaye, MA 3-7242, WAITRESS Hotel. RELIABLE person required for house- keeping, live in. Private room, Apply LAKES OSHAWA 54 MILES Lakefront cottage lot over one acre, lawn, trees, hydro, $2,950.00. Also others at various prices. Fall Speciol -- 3 bedroom cottage close to lake, shelter- ed boat anchorage, swim- ming, fishing, $2650.00 Well Drilling -- Digging Directions: Leave hwy. 7 at Reaboro east of Lindsay, Fol- W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE Rockery Stone, Best Stone Work In Town, H, DONALD, BA, Personal Service SEWING machine repairs, service. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHIBY, ONTARIO low yellow Sunny Vale arrows Large sign at entrance. Open weekends. Strassburger Devel- opments Ltd., 129 Elgin St., Lindsay. 324-6371 wages. Must be fond of children. Tele- phone 725-7704, BABYSITTER nr required, five days week- ly, to care for baby (11 months old) jwhile mother 1 egg For information, | Steady position, | | Telephone 728-1623 SERVICE salesman, Preferably with GM experience but not essendal. Must be capable and have desire for advance- High}ment. Permanent position with group benefits, Write Box 737 Oshawa Times. TWO men to work 5-9 p.m, daily, $50 per week. Wri week. Write Box 713 Oshawa: Times, ~ CLERK TYPIST | $30 WEEKLY ipaackbaalne in centrally located doctor's home, Live in, private room, faite gd for right person, 723-1677 after 6. |HOU: SEKEEPER WANTE WANTED to take care care |of disabled lady. Live in. Practical nursing experience preferred, Tele- | phone 723. 7275, WOMAN with cooking « experience, to work in kitchen, must be dependable jand have good character references. no late night work. Hotoel Lancaster, Oshawa, | WAITRESS for night shift, nours 6 to 2 |P-m:, at the Modern Grill, Married lady preferred, Apply 345 Ritson Road | Apply | South | WANTED -- Reliable middle - aged woman to baby sit by the day, Tele. |phone 728-4927 for r_particula: rs. |RELIABLE middle 5 aged woman, live in To handle accounts re- ceivable and _ general office duties of building supply dealer, Salary commensurate with experience. Reply in writing to Box 537, OSHAWA _ TIMES TECHNICIAN 23--Wanted to Rent ROXBOROUGH Avenue, 203. 18. Large bedsitting room and ed, range and refrigerator su 4 'onth. Day care of one 728-3068. "The| extra, eg nn BROCK West, 114: Three room apart- ment, private entrance and bath. 868 it. able able for couple. 728-7925, HOUSEKEEPING room, central north or central east wanted by educated,| clean, well mannered gentleman. 725- 4856, 4.30 p.m, to has p.m, WANTED to rent in Bowman ville, bed-sitting room with kitchen facilities - omnes Sry od for lady teacher. Pho TW inom a room ground floor apartment, vicinity Colborne, Elgin or Brock, unfurnished, After 4 telgphone 723-2056. FURNISHED room wanted by married woman with persian kitten. ge, close to downtown, Write Box 841 awa Times. THREE get rooms, good loca. . central, parking allable October 1, 'Telephone 725-5748. s/SAGUENAY APARTMENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT All Conveniences, Residential Street CALL 723-2563 or 725-5787 (ADULTS ONLY) 24--Houses for Rent PINE Avenue, 372: Small house, suit- able for young couple, $50 monthly, 'Telephone 723-1303. SIX room house, three close to North General Motors and school, Private driveway, Telephone 723-7664, RANCH style six room bungalow, broad- fi lace, newly decor- ated, $100 per month, basement eccu- Pied, Telephone 725-7928, HOMES built for as low as $5900 down, one NHA mortgage, as low as $65.42 per month, plus taxes. Call Mr. Brown, from 9 until 9 p.m, 728-4614, EXECUTIVE type home, three bed- WELLINGTON STREET WHITBY. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS in new buliding with balconies Telephone after six, MO 8-875] rooms, den, recreation room, two fire- Places. Schofield-Aker Ltd, 723-2265. MERRITT and Bloor, two-storey brick, Oshawa's Finest tractive, four- large kitchen, © 1 I I a ee re eo ee eee ere ane ae 7 oe we ew ee «oe ee eee ee LABORATORY |and care for ten-year-old boy. Liberal jtime off. Close to bus, Telephone after six room house, three Household Repairs $80 month, Apply 6¢1 Merritt Street. All makes, Reasonable, L. Davison, 508} (AQ 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 Notary Public, 52% Simcoe Rorth, fon 200, Res. 120- HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience Formerly with THOR of Canada "Instruction TEL. 725-8296 Centre Street, Whitby. MO 8-4340, MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies ond Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 2|LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, Dancing School. Ballet, tap, ose poe F; '8, Satur- - MUSIC lessons, classical ind popular, bg Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street, WINDOW Piano accordion, violin, guitar, saxa- Phone, clarinet, drums etc, New and instruments, Alto Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe Street South. 725-1501. CLEANING By the week, experienced MO. 8-8404 and arranged. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- South, 725-9592, Resi. tor. ie Simcoe "|wig's Parish Hall, Olive and Central lort.| Prk South. Ballet, tap, ete. 728-7902, -|HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Hat e land, pe ALL types of repairs and cemodeiling, BURNS School of Dancing. su gio September 8, 10 a.m. to noon. St. 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O, BOX 329 BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings ,Com- pressor work, clearing and fencing 725-0665 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. [lelephone 725-5363. dae pcg also slips, panty briefs, Spirella garments. Mrs, J, Hendershot, 324 Admiral Road. foundation garments and Plumbing and Heating 11--Articles for Rent 2 Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses Punch Bowls, Coffee Urns Tea Towels -- Luggage Train Cases, etc. Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, ers, bedside crutches also mochines and beds. FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 invalid walk- commodes, slenderizing roll---away Beauty Special PRIVATE poten dl tay counsellor, 16 years' By = intervi: only. Act now. 725-1084, " ALL PLUMBING and ca meas. lew|Phone 725-3521. Harold H. » Ltd, heating and tap, RAD 'en * Regi % t.. sata, BA, Barrier, & Solici- North.| PIANO classical and High! now, 424 King Street West. 723-6122, Simcoe Street South. TWO WEEKS ONLY 11th THRU 22nd ow and used yrig Reasonable free, pular, For in- formatiion contact (Tuck), Patricia wa. 725- Tuck, 74 Burk Street, O; rates. Dial 728-6931, J, Foley. -4587,| REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, A ¥, BA, » Notary Public. Mortgage hg mag A mee Street East, 1107. Res. Loum 5. han, ar Barrister, Soll- eitor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Street East, age mon- jes available. LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING | HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- = * jarristers, Solicitors, 36' East, an Lote Models, Standards, A ics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA ond WHITBY CALL 728-0091 » 725-5203. NHA and other 'funds available. MeGIBBON and get tgy barristers, Bolicitors. ents' funds available for first. mortgages, 20 Simeve Street per! 725-3566; Charlies C. McGibbon, QC; -Bagar F. Bastedo, Qc. ART Instruction Building Trades -- G repairs, all geo esti. mat guaranteed, W. Wallbridge, '728-9970. - HARRISON CONST. (Ontario) Ltd. ' ROOFING DIVISION ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK NEW = Re-Roofing Homes -- C ial _|WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17 Richard Grove NEW FALL CLASS Six Months Course Registration accepted from now until October 17. Telephone 7 p.m, until 9 p.m. 725-7671 new and used materials. Reasonable rates, free estimates. 725-1334, Me- Grath Plumbing and Heating. ALL WELL... But if you insist on the best... caf GUSCOTT PLUMBING and HEATING Limited M7 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 $10 PERMANENT ONLY $5 SHAMPOO and SET $1.75 Call 723-2552 for appointment SIMCOE BEAUTY SALON 492 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 12--Articles Wanted WANTED apartment size piano. Cash. Telephone 725.3774, space heater, must be in good condition, Telephone 728-5071. IMPERIAL Loyalist bookcase and desk, in red maple; also walnut tea wagon, wanted. Telephone 728-6875. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Scrap tron and Metals (collect) __J,. TURNER= 723-2043 -- 723-2281 2--Personal LADY would like ride to _-- oa Dundas district, arriving Please call 728-5874. Rug Upholstery Service SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cors for wrecking. DRIVING to London via 401, leaving CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and er _ Free estimates, See. our ma- te: Oshawa Friday evening, Anyone inter- ested kindly telephone 725-1457. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day, Phone lor . Dalton ing, 75 Charles Street, Tes ois recovered, TRY the Oshawasn Frigidaire Begg CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? Our cates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstery, Co., 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0311. for the fastest, cleanest 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E, | six, 725-8102, ~~ | HOUSEKEEPER for family with three jchildren, Prefer someone to live in. Telephone 725-9641 from 7 to 9 p.m. intend sett Main ABE ston EXPERIENCED presser wanted. Ap- |ply Pickwick Cleaners, 434 Simcoe |Street South, Oshawa, WOMAN who can drive. If you would enjoy working three or four hours a day calling regularly each month on a sroup of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and | #round Oshawa-Whitby, and are willing jto make light deliveries, |STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. |CDS-54, 840 Lafleur Ave., 4 | Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. CAFETERIA HELP FOR SECONDARY. SCHOOLS After 6 p.m. Telephone 728-0875 We require a Lab- oratory Assistant with one to two years experience for quality control analysis of raw materials and fin- ished products. Experience with Industrial Coatings and Waxes helpful, For Appointment, Call MR. H. SMITH Temuss Products SALES CLERK FOR WEEK-ENDS PART TIME WORK Preferably person speaking English, Polish and German. Previous sales experience helpful. Apply in person Vianna Delicatessen 543 Ritson Rood South CANADA LIMITED Ajax -- Whitehall 2-4880 NORTH Oshawa: two bedroom house, oll heat, available November 1 to 15. oie Sartiemiare write Box 842, Oshawa es, 3 - BEDROOM HOME Fully furnished broad- Joom throughout, patio, double. garage, refer- ences needed. Reason- able rent to relioble person, VACANT NOVEMBER 1ST APPLY | 76 EASTLAWN PARK LANE APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM SUITES ----Elevator Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlied Entrances Contact MR. DON' HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Self contained apartments. Faking, ae, ee ee and nad water so vapplled. el $75 PER WEEK RELIABLE COUPLE WITH REFERENCES TO WORK IN SMALL HOTEL IN TORONTO Write BOX 629 OSHAWA TIMES | HIRING jundry 481 Simcoe Street South, IF YOU HAVE a 13--Business Opportunities write to Box 333, Whitby, or call MO 8-3034 or 725-0893, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs. re- rene aoe ye Get the best for less Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates, Removal. of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Sept. 11th and 12th Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor, eggs of blue- print. 11 Ontario Street. 725- i. FLIM AND FaOLLorES Ontario Avenue Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 RESTAURANT Modern equipment, good lease in new Oshawa Shop- ping Centre will sell, lease or trade. Ideal for young couple. PH. 728-6094. TOY DEMONSTRATORS Show the finest selection of new toys and games through The Toy Chest, party plan. No investment, deliveries or collections. ; PHONE WHITBY MO 8-8757 OR TORONTO 284-1800. 13--Business Opportunities NEW LOCAL MEAT MARKET EXPANDING OPERATION IS NOW INTELLIGENT YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN FOR POSITIONS AS FOOD CONSULTANTS. Call Mr. Elbert 9.a.m, to 11:30 a.m. 728-0610 or 728-7331 GOLD SEAL FARMS pode Leonid One aaa Bier | bedroom Resid .|FOR RENT: Four room unfurnished apartment, third floor, private bath, One child welcome. $70 in- cludes heat and bel Available Oc- tober 1. MO 8-5709. stor pg stove, TV cules 'owimming pool. Telephone MO 8-4298. = FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment BB cul and dryer. Telephone MO Call W. Schatzmann, Realtor, MO 8-3338 evenings MO 8-3253, SELF contained plo room furnished veniences. lca young STORAGE space for oy po in- sulated building, 1% oe, Pky Highway 12, "reasons. MO ot) SEPTIC tai ais RENT -- Apartment, two rooms and bath, main floor, private couple, Telephone 'MO 8-4610. tanks cleaned, Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone MO 8-2563, fon Save -- oe, bow oak range, refrigerator, con a utilities paid. $65 monthly. 8-387. FOR RENT --- One-| a er apartment, in modern building. Central- ly located. 605 Green Street, Apply Apt. 4. Telephone MO 8-4923. THREE-ROOM apartment Babe FP couple, first week of Septem! ba "74 Oshawa Bend Whitby, er No. 810. apa near downtown and jag and fee a pened ae 8-8287, neritic RECONDITIONED nage? , veewreae Buy early for better choice. Hamiltos Office Equip., 137 Brock 5. 'MO 6.5849, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, Siena sli La sar drapes. a » Toms, MO *. FOR RENT -- private, $85 mont. Available Oct, 1. Telephone 725-8020 WHITBY: 3 room er bawecaaat apartment, suit couple. Some Pate required, materials Part! d if pte newsprint paper in carina 100 ft. rolls, suitable for vib ibe. tables, banquets, etc, rae eed a bP ge tion Department, per roll. oe Reasonable ell Evenings, 72 Whitby' s only fuel Land Surv 216 Adel East, Phone 725-6801. 3--Pets & Livestock Tailors SINGLE horse trailer, oy extra ae tures, Germ LEN PULLAN Shingles -- Flat Roofing Chimney Flashing | Eavestroughing MO 8-8420 WE HAVE 30 YEARS OF Lawn Mowers (ENGLISH TAILOR) WE SHARPEN ond RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVEUSACALL., . STAN'S for all tailoring requirements use our experienced services for both suit ond dress re- poirs and alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 next to Bus Station) pies. * Champion blood ines. Black with cream or tan. Telephone 655-4662. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. COCHIN Bantam a buff, for sale. Telephone 728- CATUASUK pay. 6 wk Ge weeks old, pure: female. wu '31645; CORNER KING AT BURK STS. ROOFING SERVICE IN ONTARIO GET IN the money by using Classified Ads to quickly sell your still good, but Ro longer used itemg te cash buyers. 723-3224 BOXER Paps, a weeks old, female. Telephone 723- il PIGS, 9 se olds 8 pigs, 14 weeks old. Cluaran Farms, RR 3, Oshawa, 'Dial 733-2608 today, Brooklin 655-3734, WAREHOUSE FOR SALE, LEASE, OR RENT 66 Nassau Street 100 x 40 ft. Two floors Driveway and Drive-In-Door Suitable for storage or Small Service Shop TELEPHONE 723-3211 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for young girl, all conveniences, near bus, lunches packed, home privileges, For more 'nformation telephone 728-2815. ROOM and board, suit lady or office worker, lunches packed. Close to bus, shopping centre. $15 weekly. Telephone and board, gentleman, nice, neral Motors. 31 BUSINESS girl, room and board, in private adult home, north residential section. One block to bus. Telephone 725.8013. Z dealer sbi a complete line of FUEL "blue coal" in various sizes, Semet -- Solvay Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes and Charcoal for Grills, Hardwood and bby tg A Sot near value, aed eons mately 630 sheets of tetter paper (news print) for only "e100. 'er Ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby. 111 Dundas Street West. DUFFERIN APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom guites. $79.50 and up. Now avail- able. Newly built, recessed bolcony, dining area, TV) outlet, washer, dryer, parke ing, heated, fans, etc. 8-5212 Softwood Slabs. ' Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED ROOM and boadd, for ladies and gentle- men, close to downtown. Good home cooked meals, Telephone 728-3643. 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 Whitby LOAM -- FILL GRAVEL Driveway and Concrete For Delivery Coll ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660