ANN LANDERS Uses Telephone For Low-Down Trick Dear Ann Landers: What do you think of a girl who would telephone a friend and get her to talk about someone in a most uncomplimentary manner when all the time that someone who was being talked bout is listen- ing on the extension telephone in the first person's house? Isn't this about the lowest trick you ever heard of in your whole life? I was trapped into such a situation and I would like to have a comment from you. --VICTHMIZED é Dear Victimized: Yes, this is indeed a shabby trick, but it should teach you a_ lesson. Never say anything about any- one on the telephone (or any- place else, for that matter) that you would not say to that per- gon's face. & - And as for'the eat who framed you, she's a promising candi- date for the All American Skunk! genius.' I think he's a fine Award (Female Division). player, but he can and does ' Dear Ann Landers: You will) make mistakes. As for me, I'm never print my letter because) a good player, but I don't pre- nobdy wants to face the truth'tend to be infallible. about this subject. The other evening we had an- You often use a sentence that other couple in for bridge. Since makes me laugh. I quote: "The| my husband has a habit of over- law says a4 man must support bidding I was upset when he his wife and children."' Well, 1) opened with a wild bid of five have news for you--the law may) spades. I quietly said: "I hope] Say so, but in this state it's just) you know what you're doing. I a joke. think you're crazy." | I speak from experience, and) He gave mea withering look here's what it's like. The sup-|and said: 'Just shut your big,| port department at the state') fat mouth and play the hand." attorney's office takes your; We didn't make it, and he name and all the information.|was furious. After our guests) They tell you to wait three|left he said: 'Your cutting re-| months. You wait. Then you ap-|mark rattled me znd that is| pear again and are told they|why we lost. I-refuse to play| are trying to contact him, You! cards with you again." | wait another three months.) I think I should be the one} After that they tell you he is not) who is mad. Do you agree?-- at the address you gave them.|/SET So you phone and find he is| Dear Set: You were both out there and has been all along.jof order. With temperaments) You go back to the state's at-jsuch as yours, I can think of] torney's office. They say they'lll 52 good reasons why you and) look into it. In three months|your husband should not play| they call and say "He hasn't/cards together. Throw in the any money. Do you want to'deck permanently. press charges for non-support! and have him put in jail?" | What good is he to you in| jail? So you say: "Skip it." My advice to women with children is this: Stick it out un-| til the kids are old enough to} stand on their own feet. Once a man, leaves, your chances for getting support money are mighty slim.--Been Through It Dear Been: Some states are tougher on the scoundrels than others. I'm in favor of clobber- ing these low-lifes who try to run out on their responsibilities. Regardless of the law, your last paragraph makes a lot of sense if a man is short on integrity. Dear Ann Landers: I don't know if you play bridge but I think you can advise me whether or. not you know the! game. - My. husband and I play a lot of cards, He considers himself --| Dn't put too much faith in No- vember's "'romances,"' however. | These are likely to be on the} ephemeral side. || A child born on this day will) be amiable, reliable and ex-| |tremely honorable. | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA | FOR TOMORROW Congeniality will highlight this sxe day. In both business and per-| DAY AFTER TUnURnen: sonal matters, dealings with] Be extremely tactful in per- others should prove highly stim-|sonal relationships on Monday. | ulating -- and productive! A Some persons may be a bit) long-pending problem may sud-| 'edgy' and it will require much| denly be. resolved, perhaps)tact and patience to deal with| through the aid of an influential|/them. Be careful in financial] friend. matters, too. | FOR THE BIRTHDAY FOR THE BIRTHDAY ¥f tomorrow is your'birthday,| Jf Monday is your birthday, make it a point to put forth|your horoscope indicates good your very best efforts now. This| Prospects for the next year, Yu ges for all activities--business,|have just entered a fine perid financial, personal. | for making gains in both job and September is your month, and monetary matters. Capitalize on | every opportunity to further it will be an exceptionally goud| your H : A month, planetarily speaking, in your goals now since, if you do, pet Sak and ThORALETY iat there is every reason to believe joym "ith iors Hemslis you Deein:te at before another year has lled i i achieve during this period will ee ee you wil Wet ae ay " enviable position where career. be multiplied during the next/nrestise and financi lity ten months, with a fine show. e : aacalne aie etna ing indicated during 1963. Abe Concer See, . Except for- brief periods in} Personal relationships will be|October and February, personal under generous influences for|relationships should be ex- most of the year ahead. Justitremely harmonious, and you don't yield to emotional out-jcan look for extremely happy bursts during October or Feb-jromantic developments this ruary. These could "upset the|month, in December and mid-| apple cart." 1963, ° | For those of you who ave} A child born on this day wili| single, look for happy romant:c\be self-reliant, ingenious and| situations, this month; also in'gifted with a great love of| December and during mid-1963.\ knowledge. SUMPTUOUS SPOTS -- SUMPTUOUS Somali leopa- ard is draped into a Gothic silhouette by Andre Fath, noted Parisian couturier. The coat is narrow at the top, | straight and fiat, failing from out a small concealed yoke. --By TRACY ADRIAN flaring from the waist, Side fullness from hip t 4 'Versatile Styling in Sofas Brings Variety to Furniture By ELEANOR ROSS jing basic designs that We found much of interest in/neither traditional nor contem- the sofa section of the fall furn-| porary, leaving it to be the con- iture market. sumer to choose the upholstery For instance, the love seat,|fabric that will place the long out of popular favor, is|in the proper category. coming back, while sectionals are less in evidence, a romantic setting are very Styling is simpler, less fussy,)much to the fore. French court|dian styling offer touches of/ptime cushiong for sofa seat-| covered in a gay "Caribe" printjtypes of backs, | pieces are formal and delicately|drama, especially in choices of/ing in quality pieces, Sometimes/fabric. 'The foam rubber cush-|arms and an assortment more temperate in tone. | warm and Inviting and Regency] or Directoire heds. are available for those wno dare to choose elegance as their motif and who have the accessories to carry out this are theme effectively. MORE CITIFIED . Early American - type- sofas piece|are becoming more citified t0\brocades are séen in greater, | blend with the new emphasis 0n|quantity -- many pretreated to! Styles that lend themselves to| Chippendale. Mediterranean and East In- Many quality houses are us-|feminine; French Provincial is| fabric. sofas and dayjhas given way to contemporary urious' pouffy profile, Otherwise, Simple, unaworned modern; wrapped for a softer, more lux- | throughout- it is glued in layers, with super-| Colors are lush--with greens|Soft latex foam on the outside and blue-greens predominating.|and a firm.dénsity core of foam Floral, even tropical prints are| Within. important and' available in| Much admired was a new 86-| many fabrics, including some!inch foam rubber sofa that was) handsome linens. ' curvaceous and beautiful. Rich silks, matelasses and, FLOATING SOFA Floating on a walnut aase it) has a free-form sculptured look repel stains and soil. | the' that is especially effective when Foam rubber remains it is channeled, tufted oriion is Dacron - wrapped, then 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 8, 1962 7 tufted for a further look of opu- lence. Another attention'getting sofa was a contemporary sofa with a table fitted into the back that can open to 72 inches for dining. Still another is built into a base that flanks i} with 'cabinets for stereo set and speakers, One line of sofas will be of- fered with a choice of three six types of! of legs and bumpers. The buyer can put her ver sion together by ring thi various' component parts ant stipulating any size from 50 t 101 inches. But the manufacturer, course, does the assembling! BARBECUE SAUCE In grill barbecuing, the sauct should not be brushed on unti: five or 10 minutes before cook ing is complete to avoid burnin) and flavor loss. ... WE WILL PAY YOUR GAS BILLS THIS WINTER IF YOU INSTALL A NEW GAS FURNACE IN OSHAWA AND ARE NOT NOW USING GAS! e to hemline gives the majes- tic, up-sweeping lines in- spired by. medieval cathe- drals. In back, the fur lines ® Corner of Athol and Celina 728-9441 |