FLORIDA PLANS STUDY Canadian Dollar 'Accepted At Par MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Decline.) Miami Beach hotelmen saidjdollar for dollar would be giv- in valuation' of the Canadian|that with low prices prevailing)ing a. discount to the Canadians in, spring, summer and fall, dollar is posny 2 Ales: ay plus commissions to 'tourist om aka ig f pe tele . iscounts for Canadian tourists|agencies, there is little marginlror the Fort Lauderdale Cham- in Florida this winter, an Asso-|left. ber of Commerce. day. The Canadian dollar was dropped to 924 cents by the Canadian government last May and the Florida Development Commission recently sent a form letter to hotels, motels and others asking whether they would be interested in exchang- ing dollar for dollar when Cana- dian tourists come to Florida. But the commission said ac- ciated Press survey showed to- UNFAIR TO U.S. PATRONS « The North Miami Beach "Accepting Canadian money No Discount At Georgia Resort Area JEKYLL ISLAND ,Ga. (AP)|Ping Canadian money dollar for Chamber of Commerce direc- tors will discuss the dollar ex- change at a meeting Sept. 13. An official said he believed many hotels and motels in that area will give dollar for dollar. Some of the larger hotels in the Miami-Miami Beach area serve visitors from a dozen or more~nations, including many from South America and Eu- rope. A spokesman said swap- cepting the Canadian dollar "'is|Hotel operators in this Georgia|dollar would mean a reduction a private matter and up to the|resort area are expecting their|to Europeans and others who individual, resorts." reieneng influx of Canadian|might come in with Canadian A tourists this fall in response to) money. woe ype ne oS oe their decision to accept Cana-| : An Associated Press survey the matter at a meeting next dian dollars without a discount./along the New York state bor- S ae age Oe week, but a survey of several} 'The decision was reached der from Buffalo to Watertown Rockies, Lay | , " v hewan, [larger hotels and tourist groups|after'a survey indicated their showed a loss of business since moved towards Saskatchewan. |." i ated the feeling that a dis-|Canadian customers disliked thejthe Canadian dollar was pegged (CP_Wirephoto) | cunt would be unfair to tour-|idea-of returning for their cus-|at 92/4 cents. ists from other areas. tomary winter vacation and) The survey indicated shoppers paying a premium because ofjare staying home but those Canada's devaluation of its dol-|crossing the U.S. border for en- | EARLY WINTER IN CALGARY Driven by 50-mile-an-hour | power and communications. | boat parked on a city lawn | winds, snow swept down on | More than one inch fell dur- | with a fluffy covering Snow- 'Calgary Friday, interrupting | ing the storm and decked this | fall was general east of the | TO TESTIFY ABOUT BRAWL Mrs. Carmen Brunet, 29, of | helped to safety during the | euperinkeediont Dr. D .M. Wick- Ruto Production Tweed Students Picket School TWEED ,Ont. (CP)--About '400 pupils of Tweed High School vended a brief boycott Friday "but 36 others continued to picket the school, refusing to attend {Madoc High School 16 miles Poisonings LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Egg Powder jware has been unable to trace |the parasite infection in the hospital kitchens. But foods containing egg Suspected In' are' suspected, the spokesman said, The disease}; |has also been known to spread through contamination of chem- lically preserved foods. The q|Parasites -- minute insects--are | NET EARNINGS [««. 4404 This Week TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian By THE CANADIAN PRESS |20 per cent of our trade during|c N i --Pacific .Petroleums .Ltd., .6/2 Automobile production this week|/mos, ended June 30: 1962, $1,- is estimated at 4,404 units com-|430,034; 1961, net loss $783,900. pared with 2,227 last week, says the Canadian Automobile Cham- said Don Negley, president of the Jekyll Island Motel Associa- tion. "Canadian tourists account for good part of the winter,' |c tertainment are still coming. Merchants in some border communities have added a 2% ent service charge for hand- ling Canadian money, making the value of the Canadian dollar there 90 cents. Port Colborne, Ont., will testi- | brawl which involved rival fy about a bar room brawl |-lake union members. She in a seaway hotel near Lan- | walks to the hearing with orafe, Que., at.a commission | seaman Robert Miller who hearing in Toronto investigat- | was in Mrs. Brunet's group ing waterfront violence. Mrs. | before the brawl began. Brunet, a ship's cook, was (CP Wirephoto) GIVEN DEFENDER CUP NEWPORT, R.I. (AP)--Gov- b f Commerce. oro , ernor John A. Notte of Rhode taway. jknown to eat through paper i i 3,551 | Principal W. R.-Hamilton per-|spokesman at the Ontario hos-| ypaoping, Production consisted of 3,551) tong Thursday presented the fguaded his students to return|pital here said Friday contam-| ,.,{¢ars compared with 1,460 and) n tonder Cup to Henry D. Mer- lafter they walked out at thejinated food products are rg Brydon k . vod ene 83 trucks compared with 767.) 06. owner of Weatherly which istart of Fridays 'classes. cause of an outbreak of salmon-|¥ the ap ft tabs fave All companies, with the excep-| has been chosen the United The sympathy boycottjella Newport which has str er a pho! Tr. tion of Studebaker, were produe- States yacht to defend the resulted from break-up of the/more than 0 patients. | "This was probably brought|ing this week. Studebaker is eX-| America's Cup against Austra. 'Centre Hastings high school} Two new cases of the disease} into the 'hospital by an incoming | pected to begin production later] jg challenger Gretel later this iarea which, until Jan. 1 next/_which produces fever and patient," the spokesman said.|this month. month. The 28-inch-high trophy lyear, operates the Tweed and|qiarrhea--were reported in the| Jt can't be classed as foad) Production to date this year|was inscribed with the names of «Madoc schools, last two days, he said, but two poisoning. is estimated at 329,008 units|Mercer, skipper Emil Mos- \ After Jan. 1 Tweed. andiothers have been cured. | Four victims of the disease|compared with 254,826 in the|bacher and all 'Weatherly's ,Hungerford Townships will form) The spokesman said hospital'are in isolation corresponding period last year. stheir own board to operate the 'Tweed school. The board has ordered the 36 students, all from East Huntingdon Town- \ship, to attend Madoc school to yavoid a mid-term switch. * East Huntingdon students will 'have up to 10 miles farther to 'travel to Madoc. ;. Tweed is 26 miles north of + Belleville. The road pictured here bears the time-worn marks of many travellers, Apparently it leads to-some distant village or serves perhaps as a link be- tween more vital thoroughfares. But in reality this road does nei- ther. Once, no doubt, it had a destina- tion, but today it fades away into the woods a few miles beyond--a "dead end." Treasury Bills Up During Week How many lives are like this road? They have promising beginnings, but instead of continuing to worthwhile goals, they wander aimlessly te final dead ends. The Church teaches us to bufld use- ful lives and guides us toward noble achievements and ambitions. Regular attendance at church services gives greater assurance that our pathway of life will not lead us astray. On the contrary, it leads straight to the house of the peaceful mind and the con- tented heart. . «By THE CANADIAN PRESS. Canadian bond prices im- proved slightly this week in rel- atively heavy trading. The 91-day treasury bill yield sincreased to 5.07 per cent from ' 4.95 per cent last week and the , 182-day' bills to -5.27 per cent {from 5.13 per cent. .. 'The rate of day-to-day money ' increased to five per cent from '4% per cent late in the week. On the government market a 'lessening in selling pressure | moved prices up slightly. Prices {on long term Canada issues ad- 'vanced %4 point at the end of {the week on increased account 4 buying. ' On the provincial market a 'new issue of Quebec Hydro bonds was announced Tuesday. 'The issue was divided in two (parts--both in $60, 000,000 ma- { turities. The first was a 5%4-per- cent Oct. 1, 1970 issue at 9834 ' to yield 5.70 per cent, and the ' second a 5%-per-cent Oct. 1, j 1980 issue at 98% to yield 5.85 | per cent, Both maturities were | well received and have since 4 traded at % point premium. THE CHURCH FOR ALL... ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civili« zation can survive. There are four You're never so close as when you're there * Trading in the corporate mar- H ky sound reasons why every person should r "11: Vy RO ae ee the Church. They are: (1) For bis : 1i10n : : Y \ own sake, (2) For his children's sake. { (3) For the sake cf his community In G of C Bonds Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible ; " OTTAWA (CP)--The federal ' government will offer $150,000,- Tucndey *21.Matthew "7 18-28 ; 000 in bonds Monday with 2%4- Wednesday .Psalms 5 1-8 ; Oct. 1, Finance Minister Nowlan Friday .....Acts 9 10-19 + announced Friday, Saturday ...Psalms 46 1-11 in of the loan will be used i ng Service, Inc. , ket was again moderate. snd eons why cer pen had and nation, (4) For the sake of the | ' Offered Monday i oA ene ee a: j 4 : ie os $ : F Sunday ....Mark 1 18 ¢and 6% year maturities from Thursday, ..Hebrews 12 7-18 _Strasburg, Va. : ceesinite amount will augment H the government's cash balances during October and November , and will help financing of large } bond maturities falling due on 4 or shortly after Dec. 1. |B. A. Buys - Superior Propane TORONTO (CP) -- British ' American Oil Co. Ltd. an- } nounced Friday it has acquired ' more than I per cent of the } outstanding common shares of Superior Propane Ltd. ' British American acquired the ' shares under an offer July 31 to purchase any or all of the ; shares of Superior at $18.22% a ' ghare until Friday. The offer : now reverts to $18 a share until + the Dec. 14 expiry date. ' The company originally an- nounced it would offer $18 a share for Superior shares but in- creased it to $18.22°3 to take in ' the regular Superior dividend "vwhich expired Friday. J To be there in person... to take part... to live these moments with the good friends you knew. Nothing can replace your actual presence! This year, take that trip, whatever your special reason. Remember, your visit means as much to them as it does to you. And you can spend i 1. $104 more time there, less time getting there when you fly TCA --no place Colgory/Edmonton sos.» $178 in Canada is more than half a day away. It makes budget-sense, too, when you consider TCA's low Economy fares. Here are @ few sample Econ- omy return fares from Toronte THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS MASTER FEEDS 54 Church St. BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N. GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP See your Travel Agent or contoct TCA at: 70 King St. E. 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario. TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (x) AIR CANADA 723-2229 725-4704 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 67 King St. W. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 725-1764 1016 King St. E. | STAFFORD BROTHERS 723-7822 JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 -- Store MO 8-3334 124 Dundes W., Whitby Sie Tk, ween BOOK YOUR FLIGHT THROUGH DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY MEADOWS - TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 CEMETERY MEMORIALS ROY W. NICHOLS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 MA 3-3553 WHITBY CLEANERS 150 Colborne St. E., Whitby MO 8-2345 SMITH'S HARDWARE 368 Wilson Rd. S. Courtice Bowmanville _ TELEPHONE MO 8-3304 728-2451 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities