'Showers Honor Sharon Stephenson Prior to her marriage to Mr. William Jolin Farndale this evening in Christ lemorial Church, Miss Sharon Ann Stle- phenson has been honored by several of her friends. Miss Barbara Eveniss, Ross- land road. east, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower, assisted] }: by her mother, Mrs. Leslie Ev- eniss. Mrs. Robert Farndale, Tre- sane avenue, held a_ kitchen shower at her home assisted by; Mrs. Douglas Farndale. A miscellaneous shower was held by Mrs. W. P. Stephen-| son, Rossland road west assist- ed by Mrs. Leslie Dyer. A kitchen shower was held by the neighbors of the bride at the home of Mrs, John Ureer, ary street, when Miss Ste- phenson was presented with a chair in Danish style. The bride's mother, Mrs. James C. Stephenson, Mary street, held a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, prior to her marriage. The bridal party was enter- tained after the wedding re- MRS. DUNCAN FOREMAN, president of the Women's Aux- - BEAUTIFUL DREAMER ko and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, all of Oshawa. Mar- lene was four years old re- cently. Marlene Katherine Metcalf, {s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, Winona avenue and grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Poray- Photo by Hornsby hearsal last evening, at the home of the bridegroom's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farndale. iljary, Oshawa Police Asso- ciation, welcomes Sergeant Women's 'Built "A police: woman 's noth? 3! new or freakish; there w:7e| two women enrolled on tie To-| ronto force as long ago as 1913, Ferne Alexander of the Tor- onto-Metro Police Depart- ment to the luncheon for re- presentatives of the Ontario in Nosiness An Asset in Police Work detail this natural aptitude for makes her invaluable in field. "Most major cities have po- --Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Sept. 7, 1962 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES but there 's a new realization| lice women. Metro-Toronto has and acceptance of women as/35; Montreal, 27; Vancouver, 10 specialized iaw-enforcement of-| with a woman inspector, but the ficers." Segeant Ferne Alex-| total for Canada is less than one ander of the Toronto-Metro Po-| hundred as compared with 2800 lice Department held the atten-|in the United States." tion of the members of the} Sgt. Alexander explained that Women's Auxiliaries of the Po-| the carefully selected applicants lice Association of Ontario at a)were given a 10-week training luncheon on Wednesday, during| course and after 18 months of the week-long PAO convention.| regular duty, traffic points and Sgt. Alexander explained the|beats in uniform, were moved difference between a police ma- tron, a custodial officer for fe- out to one of the Metro dis- tricts where they worked in uni- UAW AUXILIARY NO. 27 The UAW Women's Auxiliarv held its meeting in the UAW Hall recently with Sister Ethel Thomson presiding. Roll call and minutes were read by Sister Viola Pilkey. The various committee reports were Training Institute at Port Elgin Educational Centre on Sept. 15- 16 will be Sisters Ethel Thom- son, Frances Bradley, Hazel Farrow, Viola Pilkey, Ettie} Thursby, Mona. Melnichuk, Muriel Kirk, Betty Rutherford! and Florence Lawton, ENTERING QUEEN'S Miss Patricia Findlay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Findlay, Sandra Street, has enrolled in the General Arts Course at Queen's Uni- male prisoners before and af- ter conviction, and a- police woman, an active law enforce- ment officer, trained and rated the same as her male counter- part 'vith few exceptions. "We carry no fire-arms and) we are not assigned night beats) form or plain-clothes. From there many went into the Crim- inal Investigation Brueau where their achievements in the Mor- ality Department has ' been highly commended. "Civic authorities recognize % auxiliaries, meeting in Osh- awa Mrs, John Powell, Osh- awa vice-president, is at the right. | Oshawa Times Photo ciation Auxiliary; Mrs. John | Tustin, president of the Ontario | Police Association Auxiliary; | Mrs. Carman Whyte, Mrs, Er- | nest Barker and Mrs. Jon Jen- | kins, luncheon chairman who in- | troduced Sergeant Alexander, Thanks to the speaker were expressed by Mrs.- Charles Hill and the Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's Mtmorial Church where the luncheon took place, was thanked for catering. | WIFE One homemaking expert re- jcommends stacking dirty dishes with silverware left on plates. This eliminates most of the |grease on the back sides of PRESERVER | Evelyn J. Sargeant Robert W. Carlson Wed at Citadel A wedding of Oshawa inter- est. was performed in the Sal- vation Army Citadel recently when Miss Evelyn Jean Sar- geant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Sargeant became the bride of Mr. Robert William Carison, son of Mrs, Julien Carlson, all of Oshawa. The ceremony was performed | by Major Fred Lewis with Mrs. E. E. McDonald, playing the wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a gown of copen blue chiffon over taffeta with a bell shaped skirt and a V neckline. She wore a white shoulder-length veil and car- ried a white Bible crested with gardenias and pink rosettes and SOCIAL NOTICES -- ENGAGEMENT 1 the enga of their youngest daughter, Betty Diane, to Mr. Kenneth James Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam A. Hicks all of Oshawa, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, October 6, at 4.00 p.m. on St. George's Memorial (Anglican) Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Herne announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Molly, to Mr. Dennis Frank Starkey, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Starkey, all of Oshawa, The marriage is to take place on Friday, Oct- ober 5, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. in St. George's Memorial Church. Mr. and Mrs, Bogden Stezik| ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announc- ed of Marjorie Ann, daughter of Mrs. David Sloan of Vine- land Station, Ontario, and the late Mr. Sloan, to Donald John Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alexander Wilson Whitby. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, September 29, 1962 at 3 o'clock in Vine- land United Church, Vineland ation, Ontario. HOUSEHOLD HINT A supply of hard-cooked cggs in the refrigerator provides quick and nutritious snacks and meals. Use them in salads, \o garnish soups, deviled or "'as is" for a quick treat. cones streamers. The matron of honor, Mrs. William Sargeant, wore pink chiffon over taffeta with a short veil held by a white cabbage rose headdress. She caried a nosegay of pink and white car- nations, roses and _ gladioli. Miss Eleanor Sargeant, flower girl, sister, of the bride, wore a white chiffon dress, white acces- sories and carried a basket of pastel flowers. Mr. Robert Benson was the} best man with Mr. William Sar- geant as usher. Mrs. Sargeant received, wear- ing a brown print dress of silk crepe, beige accessories and a corsage of yellow. Talisman roses. The bridegroom's mother chose pale yellow linen with beige accessories and a corsage | of rust and yellow roses, After the reception which was held in the lower hall the bridal couple left for a honeymoon trip to Utica, New York. The bride was wearing a two-piece beige linen suit, green accessor- ies and a white gardenia cor- sage. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson:-are making their home at 258 Burk) street, Oshawa. WOMAN MAYOR Mrs. Barbara Hanley of Webbwood, Ont., first woman mayor in Ontario, placed 13th in 1937 in the New York Sun list of "outstanding women in 1936." | £ELlik NO iN. NYLONS jidiea @ 4 ---- SHEER FASHION DELIGHT! ~--Glamorously wispy seam- free Mesh Nylons that can't tun, Each stitch locked, so that even it you happen to snag your Non-Runs, a run won't develop. Featured for fall in new Amber Beige. QA! Your satistaction fully Guaranteed -- ZELLER pene ences that a police woman's work|plates. ee) complements the work of a pole sarc HERR DE: SORES aS Patricia Juck lice man," she concluded, | OUST INSECTS | PIANO Seated at the head table with| Soak vegetables such as cab-| the guest speaker were Her|bage and cauliflower in salted is being replaced by the Police| Worship Mayor Christine Thom-|water for half an hour to force at South Simcoe School, Osh- | Department in its crime preven-|as, Mrs. Duncan Foreman, small insects from the centre of | awa, She completed Grade |tion program and a woman's president Oshawa Police Asso- the plants. XII at 0.C.C.I. with honour I What Your... in uniform, These are the only major differences,"' she said. "Emphasis in police work is shifting. Child and home care given and approved. Bowling will begin on Tues- A letter of thanks was re-|day afternoon, September 11. ceived from the Voice of Women| It was agreed to have a speak- for the donation they received/er from the Oshawa Memorial from the Auxiliary. Centre Committee attend our Members were reminded of|next meeting on Tuesday, Sep- the bazaar which is to be hcldjtember 18 at 2 p.m. Nov 6, in th on Tuesday, November 6. in 'he! » AUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The Daughters of England, Sisters Ethel Thomson and s 7 cepted an in-/Empress of India, Lodge 26, + cher suger ec ay tly held their first meeting of the vitation to attend the Silver An- , niversary Banquet and Dance of| Season in the Orange Temple the UAW Women's Auxiliary No,|0n Tuesday evening, September versity, Kingston, and is con- sidering teaching in English or History. She received her primary education at. Perth Avenue School in Toronto, and DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. PHONE 723-2294. a OSHAWA SHOPPING CLASSICAL POPULAR 4 PHONE 723-2209 eek! Dial 725-4587 OSHAWA CENTRE N NE TT SAVE standing; and is looking for- | ward with enthusiasm to col- | lege. at the convention were read and| 50, St. Catharines on November 6 : Attending the Leadership voted upon. The annual visit to Sunny-/ {brook Hospital will take place) 4. Worthy Vice-President Sister | Edna Huband presided with Sis- ter Jessie Madder assisting. COMMUNITY CHEST | The devotional period was) }given by Sister Ethel Horton) acting chaplain. Sister Sarah Van de Walker. Thank you cards were read. Several discussions were held, and plans were made for the Penny Sale, which will be held on Tuesday, October 16. It was decided to have a pan- try shower at the next meeting, donations to be brought in, the proceeds are for penny sale. An invitation was received to attend the installation of Dis- trict Deputy at Cavendish Lodge No. 68, Willowdale, in October. on September 12. A bus will be chartered if necessary bags of treats will be taken up and distributed to the sick veterans. Mrs. Norman McEvers and) Mrs. Alyn Elliot will represent the Auxiliary at the Dedication Service to be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 16, This will be at the Union Cemetery to dedicate the newest addition to; the Soldiers Plot donated by Colonel R. S. McLaughlin. Goods were shown for the and, jmembers wishing to go should) The sick report was given by|telephone Mrs. Eric Jacklin| 725-4168 at once. Four hundred) MEANS TO YOU! This Is The 6th Of A Series To Acquaint YOU The Public With The Operati Your ity Chest y Girl Guides of Canada | _ OSHAWA BRANCH for those who believe in God, the needs of the spirit =< Key Fundamentally, the needs of a human being are food, shelter and clothing. However, these needs take into consideration the needs of the body alone. Givilized peoples also claim as fundamental, sustenance for the mind. And Those who wish to go are to get|bazaar and work given out. The| develop and fulfil these needs. in touch with Sister Kirkbride. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, September bazaar will be held in Novem-| ber. The catering report was given The Movement is oo" PP ald are also important. The Girl Guide Movement, through the fundamental principals it follows, tries to open to thase of every race, color and creed. It is the Guider's res- 60 MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE ponsibility to encourage each girl to carry out her obligations to her own faith and adhere to : her Guide Promise and Law. The Signposts of Guiding are, Intelligence, Health, Handcraft, and Service for others, and all the programmes whether Brownie, Guide or by Mrs. James Anderson and the auditor's report read by secretary, Mrs. Robert Wil- \liams. | A social evening was planned | for September 18, with the| The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal/ Men's Branch as- guests. A s0-| Canadian Legion, Branch 43,/cial evening, for October 16, for! Ranger, are based on tests under these head- held their first: meeting for the|members of Auxiliaries in this| ings. fall and winter season on Tues-|zone, was discussed..The com-| 3 j 'ty idi i H day, September 4, with presi-|ing months will be very busy | ie a Guiding is on Educational Movement,. and 18, The Worthy District Deputy is |}to be installed. Officers are | asked to wear formal dress LEGION AUXILIARY The engagement is announ- ced today and the wedding is to take place on Saturday, October 6, of Miss Betty Diane Stezik and Mr. Kenneth Hicks. The bride-to-be is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bogden Stezik and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs, William A. Hicks, all of Oshawa, The ceremony is to take place in St. George's Memorial Church. Ireland Studio dent Mrs. Norman McEvers| presiding. The . charter draped in memory of Mrs.| Thomas Seton and Mrs. James} Alker who have passed away) during the summer months. | Resolutions to be discussed! ones and a good attendance is ings. Mrs. William Beaton and Mrs, Edward Maidman were report- ed ill in Oshawa General Hos- pital, SLOTTED TURNER FORK 12" long LADLE 11" long POTATO MASHER SATISFACTION G DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SMALL TURNER 934" long 11" HANGING RACK with screws iia es St ies KITCHEN TOOLS BLACK HANDLES - CHROME PLATED SLOTTED SPOON 11" long BASTING SPOON 1112" long 12%" long 9V2" long Lots FO ik Sas, Gk SPECIAL oe EACH COMPARABLE VALUE 49c to 59c GOOD STOCK OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES STILL AVAILABLE ARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED}| 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE was|requested for the weekly meet-| | | | | will lead to useful cit although the girls work for Badges, decora- tion is-not the object, but knowledge which izenship. Intelligence is stressed as one of the fund- amentals and a wide range of tests designed to stimulate mental alertness is provided. Since youth is the time to emphasize the priceless value of health, Guiding gives the chance to teach health to the children with a new fun angle. Baden-Powell, the Founder, in all his writings laid greatest stress on out- MRS. D. E. FOX der to devel h pata led order to develop a he Special handicraft .doars, games, posture, and capable hands, in althy, well adjusted and well co-ordinated child. training such as Cook and Needlewoman badges, teach patience, persistence, and forbearance, They also sow the seeds for hobbies, outside interests which the girl will have in later life. By teaching services useful to the public and to th and community service emselves, Guiding trains the girls in habits of usefulness and helps to make them good housekeepers of the future. Because the Girl Guide Association is world wide, are open to our members to apply for Internationa each year opportunities | camps. Provincial and national conferences afford other opportunities for our Leaders and girls to travel and meet with other Canadian members. For administration purposes, Ontario is divided into seventeen Areas, Oshawa is one of nine Divisions of Central Area, Each Area is headed by a Commissidner and a Council of representatives from each Division. The Divisional Commissioner is the usual representative from the Diwision to the Area. Oshawa Division is divided into five Districts, each headed by a District Commissioner. The names of the Districts suggest their location in the City. Rosslynn District is the northern-most District and the Packs and Companies are wide spread, one being at Thornton Rd. and one has five Guide Companies and six Brownie Packs. at Kedron. This District As a member of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest, Oshawa Girl Guides Association is able to maintain the Oshawa Girl Guide House on Simcoe St. S. This building is in use afternoon and evening six days a week and, in addi- tion, many Packs and Companies meet in schools and Churches throughout the City. Brownies, Guides and Rangers also have the opportunity of camping week-ends all during the year and for longer camp periods during the Summer months at the Division Campsite. --- Camp Ademac. The camp building is filled with 24 happy youngsters with their leaders almost every week-end. . GREATER OSHAWA COMMU 11: ONTARIO STREET HAROLD E. PIERSON, President "eV NITY CHEST PHONE 728-0203 DOYLE, Executive Secretary The Cordella -- Reg. 349.95 AM/FM Radio Combination % Deileratt Cabinet with new mar-resistant duradeil finish. % Matched speaker system consisting of two PM woofers and frequency tweeters. * Gerrard automatic turntable shuts off automatically after playing last record. » Stereophonic % AM/FM Tuner with full provision for FM stereo. % Provision for Electrohome Satellite speakers. %* Transformer powered chassis, %* Available in several finishes. =Sso two high 7 be Cherneyg's fh )