Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Sep 1962, p. 16

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- Frage, hen Fu eRe eg ene Coeur ew Lat oe 27--Reol Estate for Sale THE MARKET BASKET 25--Apts. & Flots for Rent ADELAIDE East, three-room self-con- -- catrance, "besvy auty'wirkas,| Fata "parking, Bos sop. 723-0199. $8000, $600 down, one open mortgage, Seer Aaa Cal dros | Realtor, i shedopag Potatoes $1.75 per 75-Ib. bag 5 BAGS FOR $7.50 Free delivery Oshowo, Phone Whitby MO 8-3501 SPECIALIZED GROWERS ASSOCIATION LIMITED 1206 DUNDAS NO. 2 HIGHWAY, WHITBY raeee sale, cotens built home, | adloom throughout, walk-out living agra gg a mag -- THREE storey brick, os- phalt ming very "saat backyard, playroom basement, Pg te Oa laa "¢ way. erate é Bat 27--Real Estate for Sale GLENALLAN Street, excitingly differ- ent 7 room tri-level home,,with attach. at garage. Scenic, treed lot, $' ith terms. George Koornoeees, 723- 2859. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. | sy PRIVATE sale! This is a good buy, worth seeing. New, modern five-plex, (ood ineome, near shopping centre, é i "Aventie. 'Telephone 728-9039. 27--Real Estate for Sale TAUNTON ROAD EAST ~-- at Zion. Lot 82 x 260, close to school, nice loca- tion. For information, .elephone 728- 1986, 306 Muriel Avenue, Ushawa, Diecisen bie, hard ei ont tt four. bath, wood al floors, oi! heating, garage. North Osh- mjawa. Quick possession. Private sale. 'elephone Tas-8201, storms, saigane, tens sult, © r shopplag, fins, substantia down pay meat 'ent to schools. : bus, etc. ae ee See 723-2594, Whitby and vicinity stacox t00rm, oa -- tapes TME! on second floor, kitch-| how, aix two-bedroom sul cept practically jing only $10,500. stoves, re- for balance. To inspect Call 'aon paved parking Would se Korte by, 125-6544 oF 729-3908, John A. 27--Real Estate for Sale jin yates g/d =H negiar THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Sept. 7, 1962 15 ses nuihto on fone brick ingalow, for sale. For * perce lars 'apply 587 Olive Avenue, Oshawa. 27--Real Estate for Sale "| FOR SALE or rent, six rooms, corner ---- 27--Real Estote for Sale LOTS for sale, two, four and 10 acres,|LOT . Tele. | Close McMillan and Bond, suitable for small| picketing and phone Toronto, HUdson 8-0937. ess, Good agree vacant now. 6% Prince Street. 'to sensolee poone MO ead, nieanaion Jones Real Estate, $600 DOWN. Six room two storey brick. THREE bedrooms, $8,500, $600 down, terms $500 DOWN, spotless home, 2 storey, ee erie, aa Lindy ng oe house Reply to Box 534 Oshawa Times. LLOYD REALTY TWO-ROOM spart- single room, ite entrance, parte Laie Centre. partly [APLE Grove Bow- Reasonable, central, 96 bog pap AR ii manville, Six-room, brick, % nee, Darel, "many extras, Low down Terme: MA GOOD income heals nine rooms, two]. modern kitchens, modern bath aluminum storms, ge new oil fur- nace, low taxes. $2900 oe et open LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER payment. 3-2452. |3-2289, SES STREET, EAST Brock 'street. 'ast #7) BLOOR AND PARK" "[Call ob. Ste tor. only: $11,200, Should be seen. a Stevenson at 728-6286, S, D.|\Vtite Box 839 Oshawa ALMA beg Mee Dag mal gy a see 4 Toronto HUdson 8-0937. badongo Modern solid brick 3 bed- storms and screens,| $1,000 full] Osha PRIVATE SALE: Custom built m wa room to balconys. la 500. Substantial ou paymi ayment. Tele- Phone 728-8695, FRESH RIPE 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FULLY mod one and 2 bedroom 'tev snt building, HARRY MILLEN ' ZONED COMMERCIAL . Duplex home completely rented, For the person wants a good investment with only $3,000 down. Call Bill Johnston now at 728- BEAU VALLEY A Pleasant Place int to one 6 er cent mort- $700 DOWN, Gee ae Price $11,600. MO 8-5409, $1,000 DOWN Nassau git tor Calahes. Call 728-6286. 8. D. eo completely persion a oll Tai iene ea atk ion h oaly $9,800. 'Must 'be 'seen. ¢ OH oF. Ltd., SOLID BRICK Terms Arranged 5123 to Live FERNHILL BLVD. TOMATOES Right from the patch for table or preserving. . 6-qt. baskets--49c 11-qt. baskets--75c Bushel--$1.49 DELIVERED Phone 1725-3445 new tor, range, laundry facilities, oe parking, near schools, shopping. REAL ESTATE THREE-room furnished apartment, pri- vate bath, parking, TV aerial, large closets, continuous hot bg TB -- for two adults, 728-1679 a ed ce, vate ei s By P saaglhand TWO rooms bath, at i tion, near OCVI bt private entrance. Tele- phone Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. KING and Ritson area, IGeal, line.Telepbone 723-1032. NIOELY ae ea" ce at home. Board if desired. Central. bus stop, Parking. Telephone 123.3879, $1,000 DOWN Five-year-old brick bung- alow, three bedrooms, | apartment, two large rooms, furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink. sGuiet of copes man KENNETH Street, 58. bed- room, very central, te north GM office. op. ruraished 'bed-| close to schools, Asking Adult home. Break- fast 723-2357. price $10,900. Call Lor- CADILLAC SOUTH -- coe large room apartment, private entrance and bath, second floor, heat, hydro includ- ed, laundry facilities, Between 4 and 7. 725-3071, een Kellett 723-3770. for further information. CLEAN, veges wend Cea room or housek. Rea- eeping roo: home. sonable. Close to to mBouth" GM. Bus at door, Te! 725-1238, 22---Storage Space and Garages OFFICE AVAILABLE. newiy railti|n elevator ny service; bright, fresh "gs pl tiled floor, Can be availab! ud The} Telephone BOND STREET -- Three-room self- ----, Street, 1a, at at Fy Sage Furnish- contained apartment, stove, laundry facilities, aaa $75. monthly. Telephone 723-27, 94 ROYAL Street. hog room unfur- nished apartment, all private, adults, 725-2809, LOTS ON EASY TERMS Lots, on Westview Heights, Newcastle. Overlooking 401, $7 weekly, Dishes, ii linens, " retrigera or, hot plate supplied. Central. Near hos- pital and north GM.. CELINA Street, 218: Large housekeep- ing room, Fae entrance, main floo Teleph 5253. days. Moderate rent, onal avail- able. Ask for w Times Bulld' Mary and Streets, Oshawa, MALAGA Road: Three room ryt OFFICE SPACE ment Couple pr ferred. Available October 1. Rent "10 monthly, Telephone 728-5819, just off Mill Street Cloverleaf, Roads and municipal water in and fully paid for by Sub- TWO furnished rooms, heat, water, -|hydro included, suitable for couple, near South GM, $45 monthly. Available now, 728-6862, RAY STREET OFF KING EAST 28 x 31 ft. second floor, with store front type picture win- Two pelgebcangar gated kitchen and oy es » two minutes walk to South GM, private catrance. $15 weekly. 728-2607, divider. smicoe North, three di Some lots suitable for V.L.A. business girls to furnished house everything 'or Three bedroom bungalow situated in the heart of res- idential area with schools and churches near by, This one corries for $98. includ- ing taxes. with reasonable down payment. Call Bill John- ston ot 728-5123 or 728- 1066. EASTHAVEN STREET Beautiful 4 yeor old three bedroom bungalow' with Hollywood kitchen and din- ing room, One N.H.A, mort- gage ot $93.50: per -- including taxes. Down ment only $3,800, Call PBT Johnston at 728-5123 or 728-1066. LLoyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited Realtor 728-5123 GEORGE BLYLEVEN. ' REALTOR Maple Grove -- Three- bedroom home in excel- lent condition on nicely landscaped lot with gar- age. Asking price $12,- 900. with $2,000 down. Balance one mortgage. Two- bedroom bungalow with 3-piece bath, floor furnace and garage on spacious lot. Asking price $8,500. Give us an offer. Centrally Located GOOD INCOME Ist Floor: Living, din kitchen, 2 bedrooms ai drapes and venetions. 2nd Floor: Separate entronce, 4 housekeeping rooms furn- ished, and bath, ASPHALT DRIVEWAY GARAGE AND WORKSHOP ; LANDSCAPED GOOD BASEMENT LOT 60 x 100 FEET New oll furnace, hot water heated, Aluminum windows, doors, iron railing on all landings. $4,000 CASH Balance Terms WRITE BOX 521 OSHAWA TIMES Lynwood Acres MILL STREET Pickering THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ON LOTS 75 x 125' COME AND 'SEE OUR MODEL HOMES OPEN EVERY WEEK-END AND EVENING Easy to Find TURN NORTH OFF 401 PICKERING CLOVERLEAF AND FOLLOW SIGNS PHONE 725-3406 and beth 101 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN EVERY EVENING Call: MA 3-5300 Tel 725-5207. others fully N.H.A approved. Couple NORTH Oshawa: upper four room apartment, all conveniences. Suit busi- ness couple. Private entrance. Tele- phone 723-7539 or 407 Eulalie, FRENCH Street, two unfurnished rds, ase ion General » cupboa: Prices from $20,00 per foot Motors. Telephone 728-1: frontage with 15% down and the balance over 3 years at dow, private entrance and washroom, Will furnish in- terior to suit tenant on long- term lease. Suitable professional offices, eter ster tal FURNISHED room, ants bed, me re two willing to share. Two e Or ome gg hog North GM. $6 weekly, 7%% interest. No Bonuses. 28-6697, MONTRAVE AVENUE -- near dryer supplied, 725-1604, . TELEPHONE 728-8853 $45 MONTHLY. Three cone heat, hydro i centre and down- STORAGE and OFFICE LEASE or RENT Warehouse 4,000 ft, office, three rooms all conveniences. WILSON & KING VACANT MACKIES' VAN & STORAGE Ltd. DAYS TELEPHONE 728-6279 Kened Telephone 728-5385. NORTH END: Self ONE unfurnished. Apply 498 Simcoe North, 7 A ni 728-3045. --~|BROCK Street East: Single furnis! Shop- bedroom, use of kitchen, Jaundry facil- Your choice of 3 plans, (1) Time Payment, (2) Cash and choose your own builder. (3) Choose your own plan and we will price with land as a packoge deal. hed for 45 DREW Street. One large housekee ing room, refrigerator, stove. Sulted f for one or two gentlemen. Abstainers pre- ferred. Telephone 728-4594, s This i i i \ but MARY STREET NORTH --" Spacious a 9 Noto ginniic-out a genuine deal for the prospec- hree| w, room apartment, private bath, Bus at door, Abstainers only. After 6, tele- Phone 725-3383, BOWMANVILLE apartment, three rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, heat- ed, ne' decorated, laundry sacilities 63 King West, Bowmanville. MA 3-5996, in quiet home with two bathrooms, gentlemen - ots. bg Parking space. celephons LaBae furnished room near south GM, in new home. Suit two people 728-7793, gchar light housekeeping room tive home owner. NEWCASTLE DEVELOPMENT SIMCOE NORTH, close to Four Cor- ners, three-room apartment, also bache- lor paar stove, Park' Close to General Motors north plant, Telephone 723-7917. SINGLE room, warm, in new CO. LIMITED [i ogg bath, Evenings, eens private entrance.|home, 725-0853. near south General Motors, ample parking, bus stop, available Sep- tember 15, 728-7793. Mr. Roberts NEWCASTLE 4391 four-room upper duplex. Available October 1. Adults. Telephone 723-4127, FIVE room home, 3 728-8706 © ONE CANADIANNA IN STONE Just a short distance from Oshawa you'll find on exquisite early Canadianna Stone house which has been remodelled to include all conveniences without destroying pioneer motif. Large beamed living room with massive field stone fireplace, beautiful wain- scotted dining room, functional kitchen, ofd hand pump retained in pantry, four large bedrooms with new bath, upstairs, etc. And there are 160 acres of good farmland with ravine ond creek, an excellent barn and other buildings. Many other unusual features make this-a very attractive buy ot $37,000.00. Terms may be arranged. D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN 655-3195 vate pri pg Ha pee "heileoes 23--Wanted to Rent 'TWO bedroom, four room ground floor At bi send Street East. "Available Oc! call 725-5373. and' rooms with equipped kitchen, furnished SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED - | ELGIN sea ant +2 weekly, Two 'arge -|to suit, private entrance and bath, Suit two ladies or gentlemen, 725-0128, apartment, vicinity Colborne, Elgin or Brock, od. "Altera Saerane fem weetee Ry sacri' downtown, Write Box 841 awa Times. Must be Osh- or 3 rooms, kitchen, BACHELO! bath, heavy Shoppin; Cabot Street. ft. Available. September 725-5085. Reg. Aker, President oie TAIRS apartment, Poesia Tooms and Ls heated, hot wate rals rT, unfurnished, monthly. ve for couple. Tele- Phone 725-6133. PONTIAC INN - Rome, | Single and double, Bill McFeeters, Vice-President PRICE $8,000 PRICE MODERN tre heated, near Centre, bi mn 1 After 6, telephone » separate entrance facilities for 2 adults, Box 631 Times. Dining Room, Lunches Pac 725-0078 Beoutiful 1Y2-storey on Rit- son Road N., living-dining- room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, CENTRE Street,' central location, cosy two large rooms, furnished, heat, hot water, hydro, $60 mon Tele Phone 723-3211 or 725-2539, 3 immaculate in every way, $75 monthly, principa} and, inter- est. ATTRACTIVELY , EAST of city limits, yp oa a GIBB Street, three-room sparcaer and $70 Fo FURNISHED ROOMS Hebi, NORTH-EAST garage. No further i: A In private home. 723-4884 after 5.30, FIVE or six-room house or two family home required by October 1, For par- ticulars telephone 725-8114, 24--Houses for Rent AJAX -- Four-room bungalow, modern bathroom, oil heat, $80 monthly. For iculars telephone Oshawa 723-3160. FRONTENAC AVENUE --- One-bed- room ee in triplex (near Shop ping Centre), modern conveniences, eee dryer. After 6 p.m., telephone Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 728-8671 3-yeor-old brick bungalow with attached garage. Own- er transferred forces sale of this excellent bungalow in a Longmen igs apartment, vicinity Wilson and King, heavy duty wiring, all private $71 OF |Telephone 728-6279. FIVE room farm house for rent, % mile east of Ajax on Base Line. Tele- phone Toronto, OXford 9-6102 after 5. RENT or sale: 5 room brick bungalow, Wilson South near Taylor, oil aeat, fenced yard. One mortgage. Low down payment. 725-5122. WHITBY: Three "bedroom 'brick spllt| mosthiy, MO MONTRAVE, 116: = room, small un- furnished house, $65 month. Mon- Oy 7 t 9 p.m, or fele-|jq phone MO » finished rec-room, with extra ec washroom. On E bg Henry Street, $ $108 dry TWO b it, $96 and $91 per month. Call W. 'aoe Realtor, Brock Building, Whitby. MO 8-3338; evenings MO 8-3253. MARY Street, 531: Completely furnish- ed one room apartment, with all con- ogo a Abstainers, adults, Telephone ot/27---Real Estate for Sale choice area, close to new school, 6% mortgage. Rea- sonable down payment. Be to see. Should sell quick- ly. EXTRA LARGE -- NORTH Over 2,000 sq. ft. of modern living in this outstanding brick ranch bungalow, listed CHEVROLET AVENUE Lot 71 x 118 foot. Excellent location, 728-2939 ROSSLAND Road East: Two b apartment, refrigerator, stove, washer, monthly. 725-1310. KING Street East, 235. Main floor apartment, 3 large rooms, private bath; bedroom on second floor uption- al. Parking, central. Reliable adults only, 187 GIBB Street, three-room apartment, newly decorated, private bath. Garage No childre: FOUR-BEDROOM: house. Two baths, recreation room. Close to high and pub- lic schools. Good sized sore ina shade trees. Telephone Whitby. MO 82786. HARMONY Road South, a room house er, TV outlet and parking. $92.50/ at a reduced price as owner leaving city. 23 x 15 ft. liv- ing? room with stone fire- place, 3 extra large bedrooms, large dining room, very mod- ern kitchen, 7 rooms in all. Walkout basement, 2. fire- places, recreation room, 2-car garage. Close to public end HOMES NEEDED? We have buyers, some with all cash, wanting homes in the $6,000 to $15,000 brack- ets. Both in the city and rural areas. For free valuation and prompt service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 till 9 ---- Saturday afternoon ARTHUR Street, two-room main floor Tel till 5 p.m. separate schools and shop- apartment, One child Phone 725-6457 . BROCK West, 114: Three room apart- ment, Private entrance and bath. $65 baeck iy 4 all pA Mg rao gravity fur- Telephone 8 + able for couple. 728-7925. Suit- MODERN three-bedroom home, -- tion room, near schools and bus. A' able September 15. Telephone Tebtes. SIX-ROOM brick bungalow with ga- four - piece bath, ofl bteated, hardwood and tile, vacant now. -- SIMCOE Street South: Three room eee gorge ated bath,- In fourp! jundry faci! "ag 'arden, Parking. $75 month. 725-5746, é THREE unfurnished r rooms, good loca- pina. Price reduced over $2,000, to a low price of $19,900. Asking $5,000 down. HOME FOR SALE? LIST. PHOTO CO-OP 723-1133 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR Open Evenings Till 9 P.M, Saturdays Till 5 P.M. Henry Stinson, Art Weinberger, Les Hall, Bill McFeeters. tion, central, parking space, Qetober 1, 725-5748, phone 725-8188, JARVIS Street, 302, ae apart. AJAX ,rent or sell, 6 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, aluminum storms. ser-o~<. fenced yard, one qertanee Low down payment. WH 2-6746. . FIVE room bungalow, close to bus and General Motors, Tele- phone 725-7141. GLADSTONE Avenue, four-ro0m hou->. ae ited, ion, Telephone after 4.50. p..u. weak Gays 723-4924. ment, iv month- 630 KING Street West. Three-room fo ry ga jot couple, 'Rens stove, sult- r quiet coup! ea: Available Sept, 20. an UPSTAIRS apartment to rent, banks Street. Available Oct .1 Atala preferred. Telephone 725-5063. Small house --- 2 bedrooms -- good area -- $8,000.00. Modern bungalows in Ajax --- Southwood -- various prices. Call for information. High St. Brick bungalow built on a 66' lot -- lore kitchen with breakfast nook -- 3 bedrooms -- oil heating. Call Audrey Moore MO 8-5853 or MO 8-4088. UPPER spices oil heated, central, im- mediate ssession. Fi rth rer) veaaed THREE - Lot gg Py Aga Riad monthly, Telephone 725-0147 he pair ee in apartment BROCK West, 114 Wircecoum ag private entrance and bath, . Immediate able for couple. possession, Suit- 72 close to centre chang go ee use gf and drye: nal rent, App! rtm: ne 7, Westmount Street or telephone 725. VERDUN Road, 320 -- Attractive, four- room, heated apartment, large kitchen, laundry faciliti Se Athol St. -- 10 room 2 storey house in excellent condition, Oil heating -- built on a 70' lot -- garage. New homes with various designe, Houses'for rent -- 2 only, We have clients for farms, list with us. a ae Ne mer self-contained, "private. te entrance and bath. Immediate possession. Adults, Apply 5 - 9 p.m. or BRUCE Street, 220: "Three room flat with private bath, heat, ae and '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent water 728-7279, OSHAWA 725-1442 -- MRS. WALKER OR CALL OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE $90/range and refrigerator igera ROX Avenue, 203. Availabl 18, Large bedsitting room and Kitchen, eaild sta woe Day care of one . 728-3068, 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY MO 8-5853 PARK LANE APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service ~ --Private Balcony --Paved Parking WELLINGTON STREET WHITBY 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS In new building with balconies Telephone after six. MO 8-875] JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD INSURANCE LTD, REALTORS OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END $662 FULL DOWN PAYMENT --Controlled Entrances Contoct MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors SAGUENAY APARTMENT TWO: BEDROOM APARTMENT All Conveniences, Residentjal Street CALL 723-2563 or 725-5787 $12,950 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom elay brick bungalows, 1035 ss. ft., custom built, extras galore, choice of all colors, brick, ete., prepaid services. Ravine and Court yard lots on Taylor Ave,, 6%2% N.H.A, mort- goges. For information call Mr. Gower at 728-1005. J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., REALTORS 46 EGLINTON AVE. EAST, TORONTO, HU 1-3391 OPEN HOUSE $1,298. FULL. DOWN PAYMENT FULL PRICE ONLY $13,110 MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME 3-BEDROOM COUNTRY HOMESITES Your family deserves the freedom of country living. 10 acre homesites offered or good farm land close to Oshawa at $4000.00 with easy terms, also mortgage PAUL RISTOW- Oshawa on Highway. Choice wooded and rolling lots. . CALL 728-9474 or 725-8152 EVENINGS 52¥% Simeoe St. N. Oshawe. ' arrangements for home building. Wooded ravine and everflowing creek on 23 acres partly cleared land five miles North West of Oshawa. Natural beauty spot with possibilities for a small lake. Asking $8,000. with easy terms. CARL B. OLSEN : REALTOR: DUCK HUNTERS Plenty of water is supplied by a winding river and joining creek through 200 acres wooded hunting ground; close to Lake Scugog. A natural for wild duck hunters, Inquire for location and price. For information on the above properties Telephone Howard Forder, 725-3568 Evenings Brooklin 655-3853--.,No Toll Charge NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD., 112 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA d t ~ aa BEAUTIFUL) " SECLUDED LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE Situated on the quiet section of the Lake on the northern edge of town, turn in just above Hospital. Two bedroom, completely furnished and with all conveniences, plus boat and lawnmower. Situated' in lovely surroundings and good neighborhood. Offered for $7,200 with $3,000 cash, balance at 612%. D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., REALTORS 46 EGLINTON AVE. EAST, TORONTO, HU 1-3391 EAST END with np I ch fini reation room with maheeand™ ling in ber, Hollywood itchen, spacious 'ving room, This home is in immaculate condition and only three. yeors old. TRI-PLEX : Two yeor old building, north'; -- oreo. a room opartments, leased ~ ond fully equipped with stove. - , washer and dry-» 24,900. with a Orr will trade for clear house. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. New bungalows located in'* p Sgpivt Heights, ready> for occupancy in ten doys, 6% % N.H.A, Mortgage with low down payments, Still time for you to choose your own colours. For further information call 723-1133 AFTER 6:00 Jeck Comish 723-4545: Wes, Elliott 728-0581 Mrs, Jon Miller 725-2993 299 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA CLAY BRICK BUNGALOW Loaded With Extras! 36 SOLD THIS YEAR DIRECTIONS:-- Proceed along King Street East one block past Grandview, turn right on Rockcliffe. Exclusive Agent SD. HYMAN ~ 39 Prince Street METCALF' REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 EMERSON AVENUE $13,500.00 for this 5 room, 6 year old bungalow with carport, This home very well. worth seeing. Call today, WILLIAM STREET $2,500.00 down--?7 room brick home in lovely condition with more land available at rear of lot. ARLINGTON STREET 5 room 2 bedroom brick home--netural fireplace--forced oir with oil heating--good location and excellent condition, Ideal for older couple. CALL US TODAY New homes in ony locality and all price ranges, some as low as $595.00 down. After 5:30 call: Jack Osborne 728-5836; Joe Maga 725-9191; Ken Honn 723-7963; Everett Eliott 723-9290; Dick Barriage 725-6243; John Kemp 728-2392. TELEPHONE 728-6286 ECONOMY HOME There are two three-bedroom apartments in this reasonable well situated home in Port Perry. On a quiet street close to shopping and schools. Excellent for large family, or revenue-home, And it is priced at only $8,500. D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., REALTORS FARM HANDY TO OSHAWA Ideal 50 acre farm just 2¥2 miles north Port Perry with good barn, three-bedroom house, two wells, springs, and good sandy loam soil. This farm has supported up to 25 head beef-cattle. If you like the country, buy this farm for the price of a city bunga- low. $15,000.00. Terms arranged. D. H. ANDREWS ~ BROOKLIN © J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD., REALTORS '655-3195 46 EGLINTON AVE. EAST, TORONTO, HU 1-3391 {ADULTS ONLY} ¥ ' GUIDE REALTY. Limited - Realtors * 16 Simcoe St. S, 723-1121" BRICK & STONE ----- Bunga-.. low with over 1200 sq. ft... va noe 'ene Basernent. Priced be=" eigen cost at wd 000. Excel-" lent terms, INCOME PROPERTY. Would you like to be financially* independent in 15 years The purchase of this new eo plex will do just that. Come in and talk it over. JUST REDUCED -- This: two storey brick home is ima maculate. Spacious rooms,,.. new gerage ond paved drivesne~ Priced to sell at $12,500," Terms,. one mortgage FOF balance. ek op al con hen: buns with a big corner ~ The house Is in very» good kg gd to Wh: Very ened tenes Hedy toxes, full price $8, 900. 1 YEAR OLD -- brick bun- - . golow with @ new garage," Tv Pet bv nneitn ar kitchen, lumpy doors**" and windows. ve oe property clear, vendor te. carry the mortgage. Call us to show you this house. ** $3,500 -- Port View Beach, Lake @ solid six room dag: | basement, well cott insulated and could be @~" year-round home. -- Electric stove and refrigerator, vil space heater and other fur- niture _ included, also a@ double tot. BUCKINGHAM AVE. -- If you are looking for a well built home in good 'condition and a fine location, see us about this one. 6 room 2 storey ~ gg garage ond hardtop drive, living room, family dining room, finished room in basement, oil heat- ing, Close to O'Neill Collegi- ate. For full pean call 723.1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 46 EGLINTON AVE, EAST, TORONTO, HU 1-3391 (Continued on Rage 16)

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