BUY MORE-SAVE MORE... "eae PRICES SLASHED UP TO 50% 1.8 REFRIGERATORS, e Across top freezer @ Family size ® Dairy bar @ 5-yr. guarantee-reg. $239.00 WRINGER Ta 3-year Guarantee With Trade $ Reg. $149. ELECTRIC RANGES @ Apt. Size @ 4 high speed burners $ ® Automatic Oven Temperature Control--Reg. 179.00. TONIGHT TO 9.30 P.M. SATURDAY TO 6.30 P.M. MONDAY TO 9.30 P.M. STINGHOUSE crm, 4 Wey Combination y Hi Stereo PGUBLIE Tne tig. ae hao § = Wcrsil * pleybeck i Reg. $289. 5 Bie i . nee at # zi "eget TV | aa iin A | WESTINGHOUSE | AGL aT IN j ' a A \ \E a4 we i tas F is \w gs | vr a : gs arcane y teen < is Cc. tage j ° | ? i wn = | 100 - 3! With ps ee fromen food bs A "ae ag . A e@ 5 Yeer f [Trade 2 Fenn ax. fs ane Guerentes q. ' " @ . a Ad TROON STEREO ff Wks, a ae a0" nests Ranges i i ] A 8 Hee ins @ With Trade va 39 a 108 eevee "498 Bicc'svss 19.88 Za | comers srs incuting Wari set 2098 Gf irons ........9.88 B kerns ......5.88 | x SS SS a cartes. y aes a DOWN oe . , Maror = tit Sei 9.88 | Sts). Siu OTP aston 4.88 DANES Pecans" 24.88 Ea 7.95 | Somes"... 6.88 LESS _KING ST. ot gl Ld vt GARDEN HOSE en preg and 6 eor 6 olishers. Com- RULE . 19 OW ci cise 97 bination Deal 7.8 RCA Tane Recorders f= = ne : se PHONES: 728-4658 -- 728-4659 JUST EAST OF THE CITY LIMITS! |