Albert W. Worsley Eileen L. Hamson | Take Nuptial Vows A wedding of Oshawa interest was performed in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church recently when Mr. Albert William Worsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worsley, Oshawa, took Miss Eileen Lenora Hanson, daughter of Mrs, James Hanson of Oshawa and the late Mr. Hanson, as his bride. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 5, 1962 9] PEACH-OATS CRUMBLE with thick fresh cream. lemon juice and % melted butter. 2-3 cup flour ¥Y% teaspoon salt @ 2-3 cup rolled oats Peach-Oats Crumble will al- ways be a "sure-fire' dessert treat, especially when served Place 4 cups sliced peaches in a buttered baking dish and sprinkle with two tablespoons teaspoon cinnamon. Over the peaches, sprinkle the following ingrei- ients which have been previous- ly mixed with one-third cup degrees F. for 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown. If this dessert is to be stored for any length of time, it should be tightly covered to prevent drying of the peaches. As this results in a slightly less crumbly top, it is most likely the co will be preferred crisp and "fresh from the oven'. id GUZZLE BETWEEN BARS A "guzzie' -- in Cape Cod, Mass., lingo--is a small chan- ne] between two sand bars, the The ceremony was performed) by the Reverend L, T. McGough | with, Mr. Jack organ- ist and Mrs, William Kinsman, soloist. | 'Lhe bride was given in mar- 5 \riage her uncle, Mr. Ambrose Whalen of London, On- tario. She wore a gown of silk jorganza over taffeta with lily- jpoint sleeves. The round neck- line and the-skirt were accented with rows of French lace and a flowing back panel formed a chapel train. A large rose held jher 'shoulder - length, bouffant veil and she carried white, baby gladioli, pink rose buds and ivy. The maid of honor-was Miss ® Elizabeth Hanson with Mrs. LICE ASSOCIATION CONVENTION -- [issk, Mig, snd Mex. Fav |Barks as ga aeeragrira They to right are Mrs. D. McFar- Falls; Mrs. G. Blake, first | wore street - engt resses of} ' | site : ; i Hamil- | vice-president, St. Catharines; |dusty pink chiffon. featuring these socks, simply send a | of Ontario is holding its 30th | meetings and being entertain: oe 8 eogg 3 pealingpen | Mie Rice: Sol vine preat: | acuare nenklitienand wide sing stamped, self-addressed en- | : annual convention in Oshawa, | ed by the Oshawa Auxiliary. | ing secretary, Windsor; Mrs. | dent, Metro Toronto. | belts. A cluster of flowers held, members of the Women's! The visitors above from left | J, Tustin, president, Niagara | Oshawa Times Photo |their Short veils and they car-| : a ---- ~ is --_--__--_------J|ried bouquets of white carna- -- = 2 tions, pink rose buds and ivy. " é : PERISHABLE PEACHES The bride's niece, Miss Patricia) blue silk ensemble with a white} Peaches, one of our most pop-| Hanson, was the flow irl. Shel cloche hat, banded in blue, and) yjar jJate summer fruits should) Seer contin" week nea | u ss wore a short white organza velope plus ten cents for hand- | : ling, to the Needlecraft De- e i Evelyn Reid, Melvyn Collins WOW. * . . a corsage of tea roses. be stored under refrigeration in|qress with a pink sash with|!¢s and a corsage of yellow car- , j ' Are Married in Edinburgh | The couple took a short) the home. However, as their life| white and pink baby chrysanthe-| tions. : | . ; Dunbar, E t| ' A - : % cup brown sugar National Geographic Magazine Pack very lightly, bake at 375 says. i - ae Blacks... unfurl a wonderfully" colorful world of PLAIN SOCKS you would like to obtain the | basic knitting instructions for | Everyone loves handknitted socks. The ones shown above have been knitted from a bas- ic sock instruction. You might like to knit them in a solid color as shown on the right or a heather mixture like the sock on the left. The instruc- tions are given for either a long or a short leg length. If IN TOWN:FOR THE ONTARIO PO While the Police Association | Auxiliaries are also holding | groom's mother was in a navy partment of: this paper, re- | questing the Plain Socks Leaflet Number 6-62. honeymoon at I East] is limited, they should be used'mums forming her headdress.' For their honeymoon trip to The bride's parents, Mr. andj and Miss Margaret Milne Po negra ae Wl taint ot Laniciatriuhediel possible. 4 _|She carried a basket of flowers. beers DC., og Lag pi s. Willi Reid of Oshawa|Strathmiglo, Fife, bridesmaid. |, pis Sati The best man was Mr. Jack|ned a white suit of sack clot Mrs. William Rei | 8 England. Mr. and Mrs. Collins| TEMPERAMENTAL Worsley with Mr. Carl teat let yellow accessories and a were present at the marriage|They wore olive green and)...' making their hom : . ; | thelr daughter, Evelyn Doro-|dusky rose, respectively, in(*"®)" g r home in To sidsiercite ee elasas . jana Mr. Frank Varga as ush- Orne Gadi couple fl ite a s s ~e thy, to Melvyn D. Collins in Old|peau de soie, fashioned with, |, { : ae ! l Restalrig Parish Church, Edin-|scoop necklines, lily Pai chose : oe ve noe not recommended, say foods ex-| The bride's mother received|their ve sage ate perry iva i sleeves, fitt ists ell ' suit wi hey ee i j nue east, Oshawa, on their re- aE ee ees lskirts, Their hats were match.|@ccessories of black, yellow and)Perts at Macdonald Institute,/ec OM Tor*eotitaus Hall in a|tU. T. Collins of Edinburgh. ing pillboxes and they carried| Tange. |Guelph. Green tomatoes should) ¥"5 ' : : 5 : rn : i | "\sheath dress of sage green 1 The Reverend Ewen A. Mac.|posies of pink gladioli and white be kept at 55 degrees F. or high-| stalett b a | HEAVY EATER | : handba Lean officiated and the bride's| stocks. | DISTANT STARS crystalette, beige accessories A lined summer ndbag ' , er and used immediately upon|and a corsage of pink carna-| The praying mantis, a preda-|should be cleaned with a moist ae ore pag ee ge a raph ag Pager fas Boi t er ayy 0 galaxy yet de-/ ripening. Ripe tomatoes shouldjtions. The bridegroom's mother|tory insect, consumes its own|sponge, a small chy ata grin ne ee ani neck rtected by telescope i \chos ' | wei i i tuff with. tissue fo' of white brocade on princess|both of Edinburgh, ushered. cope is about|be held at 45 degrees F. and|chose a sheath dress of luggage|weight in other. insects every/Dry and stuff wi of silk net and she carried a| wore a matching dress and jack- | spray. bouquet of pink roses,|et of royal blue shantung with} Kent, was the matron of honor'ed her corsage. The bride- | | Foshions this Fall compete for lush rich- ness with bold splashing col ors of changing leaves. The deep tones ond the floir of this season's styles reflect even the mellow beauty of Autumn- hued sunsets. You'll not only say "'lovely', you'll say, spectacular!' when you see our smart col+ lection, eh WIFE PRESERVER fines. with a cowl neckline and| 'The reception was held in the 5,000,000,000 light years away. _ chilled only for immediate use, tan and white, white accessor-| day. 'winter storage. See lily point sleeves. A coronet of|Masonic Hall, Charlotte street,| | pearis held her fingertip veil| Edinburgh. The bride's mother) H lilies of the valley, stephanotis|a high pillbox of royal blue | i | and white heather. jena green feathers. Yellow) oe : ; : Mrs. D. G. Watts of Chatham, |roses and stephanotis compris- | &f i p % -. 1 Ss -- -- fa SS Velo WK LI RAAT a Ay $ 4 eh < v "J \ lA Meat Specials! This Weekend! THURSDAY ONLY ! LEAN, SWEET PICKLED COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c--STOKELY'S es FANCY TOMATO JUICE . . KRAFT READY DINNERS . |SAVE-ALL WAX PA PILLSBURY CAKE MIX ..... COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c--HEINZ . BREAD'N 16-OZ. ; 4 ¢ V bl 2-LB. ECONOMY 49 Pickles 21° | Vegetables . rs S 10-07. 1 G omato oup TIN BUTTER JAR POLY BAG COMPARE AT $1.05--FREE---WORLD ATLAS with COMPARE AT 49c---WAGSTAFFE COMPARE AT 33c---FRESH PACK TOOTHPA ' 49°*| Crest ™"*"" 79° | Strawberry Jam "« 39° FALL'S... FUR-TRIMMED COATS Fur and fairer is the forecast for fall, os fashion ' lavishes coots with the most elegont ond luxurious trims... mink, mink and more mink... Lynx, fox and a wealth of other fur favorites. There's ful for col- lors, fur for cuffs, fur every- where. Add fabulous fabrics, superb silhouettes thot reflect the new trends . . . and you've the coot of your dreams, here now! At 79.95 to 169.95 UNTRIMMED COATS 1-LB, PKS. Saltines ""' 2 COUNTRY FRESH--GRADE "A'.--LARGE é . Cottage Rolls FRIDAY ONLY SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS 39: LEAN, SLICED COOKED HAM » 99. THIN SLICED BEEF LIVER » 39%: EVISCERATED BOILING FOWL 29 WHILE THEY LAST 3--4-LB. CUT-UP CHICKEN ! WINGS us, 29° BREASTS un, 59° TENDER RIB STEAKS | vu. 89* SALISBURY STEAK ». 69* COUNTRY SAUSAGE......... 2-Ibs. 49c SAUSAGE MEAT. .......:cenr:. .2-Ibs. 49e VEAL PATTIES.......... .-. delbs, 1.00 BOLOGNA (by-the-piece)... .3-lbs, 1.00 FRESH SPRING LAMB LEGS LOIN & RIB CHOPS ; LB. SHOULDER CHOPS..................Ib. 69e LAMB-IN-A-BASKET .....,...-....-.. Ib. 45e "LAMB STEW..............4-lbs, 1.00 79° MILK FED VEAL LEG RUMP AND SIRLOIN ROAST SHOULDER CHOPS. eee a LOIN & RIB CHOPS. ............ VEAL STEW LB, + #ReTobeyeremens + - EGGS «49: RED BRAND (First Five Ribs) LEAN, TRIMMED BUTT PRIME RIB ROAST +79: PORK CHOPS ... » 69: FRESH CHICKEN WINGS. ........ +++ + + LB 29 APPLES = 59° | romarors = 49° SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner or KING ar RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA You'll have thot glamourous "on stage" feeling in these luxurious coots of soft wools and high fashion blends. "Leading lady" quality, practical price! Ranging from 49.95 KNITS Moving smartly into fall go the knits, fashion-favored for their figure-fol- lowing lines, and especially favored by you because they're olways per- .fectly poised. From our extensive collection at 25.00 to 79.95 'DRESSES See the supple shapes . . . see the happy hues... see the# fascinating fabrics. See how charmingly fashion has planned = for your fall wardrobe of dresses. Spare and flare, skimmer ands sheath, casual and costume . . . every exciting style is here,* awaiting your selection. 16.95 to 49.95, "2 Drop in todey and browse through our fell collection * snow, ne obligation to buy . . . view our new merchandise and choose the fall wordrobe to suit your personality, Blacks 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN --* FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 LADIES' WEAR LTD, ao BETS OH® & P.M. --i_ 725-1912" oe eke ata aie tot eean eo pe + 3%. % Eade Bie t at