@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, September 4, 1962 : Psychology Part . SUMMER LEAVES A TRAIL OF ROSE PETALS AND CONFETTI _| 0fMuss's Training old approach -to nursing is a thing of the past, says Lucille Peszat, a nursing instructor who has been chosen career: coun- 4 sellor for the Ontario Hospital|Q, For several: months | Association at Toronto. been using @ nylon heir In the days of Florence Night-|The more |! brush the ingale, a woman had to be not|heir | loose, Could it' be only mentally dedicated to the brush? Profession, but physically as strong as a woman wrestler. "Nursing today is more psy chological and less physical, and is trying to produce women n who are contributing members|Women have experienced loss of of society." |hair following the vigorous use This new type of nursing is 7 ane brushes, Suggestion '-- harder than the old' and. te phange to an old-fashioned bristle quires a broader education, she : ; believes, ' No Normal Cholesterol "Psychology and sociology Level now are important courses for i norma pag agen eo has to be Bal Phndsant _-- , need to do more than change dress-'g |; j, impossible to pinpoint: # ings and bed DAA, , "normal" level, Lobordtaries te Miss Peszat is the second car-/ different: methods of estimating eer counsellor in the history ofjcholesterol ond even among the two-year-old career counsell-|healthy persons the range ' of ing branch of the Ontario Hos- ge. is quite great. It is alwcys. - burdening of one who - P.O. Box 97, Terminal "BY, Toronte, pital Association. | viel thd = --s toyour nant, and passively to in giv: Beginning in August, she wili/g," decide "whether cholesterol Ino deliver toler Wine eS acquaint Ontario students, par-|levels are .high, low or "normal" "The doctor delivers @ w a and bye sco ager ip for any individual. ' @ child", medicine, pharmacy, dietetics,|.. nursing, and other related pro-|lt ts your gi ge pag to heve your omenigies Re et fe sions; |p jarmacy of your ice, hoose wisely on basis protes- "There are nursing counsel-|S@nel competency and price fairness, : lors in other countries, but. this is the first time there has been) one counsellor for the whole sii medical profession.' | is i Miss Peszat became familiar} SEEN ARE Mr. and Mrs. , bridegroom is the son of Mr.| CAUGHT BY the camera | son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. UNITED IN marriage re- , awa. The ceremony was per- |with the personal and ecatsiane| Donald Norman Brown| and Mrs. Norman Brown of | after exchanging vows in.| Harry Cookson of Whitby and | cently were Miss Anna Jean | formed in King Street Unit- |problems of teen-agers during cutting the cake at the re- | Bowmanville. The ceremony | Pickering United Church | the bridegroom is the son of pore iggy cee ace ans: ed Church with the Reverend |the last three years while teach- 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE. 723-462/ s . © the bride's parents, Mr. and | United Church with the Rev-| rence Pelow. Mrs. Pelow is at St. Joseph's Hospital School! The bride is the former Eliz- | ing. or her own needs and capabil-| ception held at the home of | was performed in King Strect | are Mr, and Mrs.. Alan Law- ene eo Leonard Pelow, lan and Mr. William. Alber; | L. W. Herbert officiating. As- 88 biology. and social sciences i bert officiat- Donna Evon Cook- +Aldsworth Photography | Blight, son of Mr. and Mrs. | sisting by the Reverend H. A. cg Aire j OPEN EVERY .M. Mrs. Robert Dalziel, Oshawa. | erend L. W. Her the former Donn : Thomas A, Blight, all of Osh. | Mellowy. --Ireland Studio. ee vey beige ate ce EVENING TILL 9 P.M abeth Jean Dalziel and the --Ireland Studio | b= wianapiie og ' . | @ FREE DELIVERY e. ' A, , @ : i e HOUSEHOLD HINT MARRIAGE MONTHS jities,"" she said. | if laundering fails to remove! Most popular month for mar-| ne a garments, don't iron|riages in Canada in 1960 was| over the stain -- heat may set it oi permanently. It's better to treat July with a total of 18,485, and) the stain and re-launder, if nec-least favored January with essary, before ironing. | 5,220, FOR YOUNG TEENS FIRST pearagty }| CHOICE for class or campus Get a smart start off to class and 0 d | of $0 campus... pick your shoe wardrobe from ma p le yg our large assortment. We've collected : op all the styles you're sure to vote 'most popular." _--/> JETS MARRIED recently in Ajax ; ald Leveridge of Ajax and the Baptist Church were Mr. and | Jate Mr. Leveridge and the rn ties ae bridegroom is the son of Mr. home in Whitby. The bride is | 8nd Mrs. Norman C. Cochrane | the former Peggy Jane Lev- | of Ajax. --Photo by eridge, daughter of Mrs. Ger- | Elizabeth Horton Garry and Mrs. James Pudde-| Showers Honor phatt assisted the hostesses- | SEEN SIGNING the regi-| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Relatives and friends of the| ster after exchanging vows in | Francis Armstead of Oshawa M McG bridegroom were guests at al St: Gregory The Great| and the bridegroom is the son ary airy miscellaneous shower given by, Roman Catholic Church are | of Mrs. Anthony Busuttil of : Mrs. Michael McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Busuttil. | Sliema, Malta and the late | Miss Mary McGarry whose|ih. Misses Carol and Mary Me-| marriage to Mr. Terrance Mc- = The bride is the former Miss | Mr. Busuttil. i Laughlin. Laughlin took place on Satur- ' F Dorothy Jean Armstead --Aldsworth Photography jar ae Santos prior to the| A tehearsal party was held at Sizes 4/2 to 10 event at several showers. Mrs.|the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nich- Widths 2A and B KEEP IN TRIM Donald McGarry was hostess at|Olas Coady, Parkview boule- a kitchen shower held at the/vard. home of Mrs. Kenneth Noonan. | Intelligent Mother Plans Nosoan snclaied the fotoes ai Let's Have a Party We now have a wide selection of Fall Styles in refreshment time. | Mrs. Victor Mitchel roger Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses stock. High and Illusion heels at the regular "Tam- Healthy Life For Her Family otis, Geonge 'tate 'anal ranch 'Sows Stommed "Wine | |Miss Vicky Mitchel arranged a\f @nd Cocktoil Glasses, Bun my Price" of 9.99. ' neighborhood shower of miscel- Baskets, Ice Buckets ! Silver Candelabra, By IDA JEAN KAIN I was overwhelmed by such a} 5 final, The hour was noon. The place, |common sense attitude. How] jancous So le Silver Tea Service. | F ASHION the check-out counter at the/different from: the young home of Mrs. James DeMille| COFFEE URNS supermarket. An attractive|mothers who, when the kids with Mrs. Nicholas Coady as 25, 30, 44, 55, 75, 1 SHOES 4 : , 30, 44, 35, 75, 100 | 'young -woman was waiting for|balk at going into kindergarten, é her groceries to be checked|stick a chocolate bar ty their cen eis. Doma Cup Sizes, through. She had two fine look-jhands and shove them in the|_. . ing youngsters about four and/door. The teachers tell me this|PUnishment. Sme mothers try Sargeant 's Rentals five. These children were per-jis an everyday occurrence, | Prove they love their children haps the only ones in the store] 14 f by giving them too much rich Phone 725-3338 at that hour who were not eat- any mothers inadvertently food to eat. The mos' sensible ing candy, or cookies, or having encourage their children tolattitude toward food is a simple} a soft drink, or chewing gum. form wrong food habits. How? enjoyment of good nourishi Struck by this singular fact,|/0€Y use food as a bribe, or a I commented: "You have two|"°¥@™, or withhold food' as b-e-a4i-t-i-i-l children," spell ing out the adjective. Their mother beamed. She then went on to explain that it was 11 years in their marriage before the children came along, and she felt so grateful she wanted to give them the very best stant in life, and the very best/ food habits. ef Now on ee i *'°D Loh Home Permanent "I plan their meals," she ex- plained, when she saw I was ' really sutgiagaae "Each Ars " i Oe they have a yellow vegetable ! a Oo] 3 ra e and a green vegetable, fruit : $4 aes) Special 79 SIMCOE ST. 728-2491 « juice, fresh fruit, a whole grain cereal and their full quota off J Sale milk, as well as lean meat or f : Hid Dw terse ; fish, chicken and eggs." In : reg $2.00 size other words, she plans meals | ' | It's a tact mat more s Beople ing to crisp, clear Labatt's. Pilsener: the basic ective food io. e rotective - ! / ; ! _ id a . oa ,¢c s j to any other beer. Try sometoday. . .. groups. Refrigerators, Ranges, T.V., x : ; How does she keep ee chil- Sores, ivashers, Dryers, : : with crystal-clear waving lotion dren from eatt tween 'ater Heaters, Vaccums, esis? 'They. bave a rule Polar, Reis, Bedroom | for deep take curis ; ir house, that wheneve: ites, Chairs, ,Mattresses, | i Sy gag ceeth wan Be Chestertields, Bunk Beds, Limited Time Offer brushed! "Sometimes it seems Kitchen Suites, Bed Chester- sae easier not to be always eating -- --, a " 8, lassocks, ividers, than always brushing," she Th teuee Yees Boe ee the -ice cream man , dors, Record Players 11: comes along just, before the I¥ You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's hood kids run out for. & treat, YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! ae 28 KING DIAL : he child: look littl . wistful... s0 then they" get to FURNITURE ST. EAST 723-4621 -- a coo they) : } ve ' | he ojo] OO APPLIANCES DRUGS _ WATCH CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL cream at 5:45, now th pen Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 . : : which is our dinner time." KING ST. E. AT -- 728-4658 | OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M.--FREE DELIVERY I pa