27---Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sole 8 a Ca EE Ee t 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale Phat OS op He wS rere oo 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale' |29--Automobiles for Sale THE. OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 4, 1962 17. LOT FOR SALE -- 45 x 115 feet, at 170 Cromwell Avenue, North Plant, 'TRADE. Owner will sell or accept trade|iace, 725-6297. Joseph Bosco bedroom, 2 otis becky brick, ot PORT PERRY, 985-2446. ae > ae to menoela. aise aapotee, 723-2594. rd, |New modern well locat Sart three-bedroom Abii Pisce garage. Price $9,995. Weeeatetes as. = Realtor, 725-9870, | 723-1133. Lovely 1a jot and p | pitare Z ineluded, Listed at only ne 000 | 900 a ee gh a gh on two-year-old brick duplex, fully rent-| 725.9870. Martin $8,800. BUNGALOW with new oll fur- nace and large lot, near hospital and Terms to suit. Sally: ood JAD EAST -- at Zion. to school, nice telephone Avenue, Oshawa. "| Telephone 1957 FORD Fairlane 500, automatic, |. Excellent condition, :132---Articles for Sale ed. a 728-9714, Joseph Bosco ai| Handy To G.M tion room, forced ow Prefer good down payment, Box 524 Oshawa Times. FIVE room bungalow, finished reerea- air oil furnace, stool in basement, storms, screens, large ga- Write wo ari » wall to wall : ive, er iaones. 91 CADILLAC NORTH -- Five-room |bungalow, two bedrooms, den, paved 30--Automobiles Wonted -- in Bn = iy adiuably White enami adjustable. spring, vi LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want) Highest cars for eee eae 725-1181. INQUIRET! ze ar a CHEVROLET AVENUE 'Lot 71 x 118 foot. BEAU VALLEY Excellent location, A Pleasant Place 728-2939 to Live South Plant oS $1, i a Le fs with aunts ond schools close, lorge kitchen 0. this bungalow, 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited larg yard. Full Price $12,350. 2 bedroom and den in Whitby ABOUT wage NEW HOMES THE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE) Veterans NOW HEAR on large lot outside of sub- EXCHANGE YOUR PRESENT HOME!! FOR A beautiful new two storey or bungalow. FREE appraisal on your present home. SEE OUR MODELS 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES OF OSHAWA LIVE RENT FREE! ! On Brock Street Only $700.00 down payment for this well kept brick home. A real money maker, Conven- ient, clean and very good looking home. It costs nothing to look. Call Jim McMullan, 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real -Bstate Limited division erea, cozy fireplace, large Fitchen, car port ond many extras. Full price/$11,- 800, with small down pay- ment. Lovely 3 bedroom brick home with car port on Rosemont Street, Oshawa, priced to sell et $13,700. Immaculate in every way. $2,000. down with reasonable payments. Gordon. Osborne Insurance Real Estate 218 Dundos Street East, Whitby Phone MO 8- 5431 THIS $11,950-$11,950 In The City Bungalows Built Ye Acre Lots 3% -- $49 Month $1,750 Down $1,750 Call Bill Millar, 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES 725-1186 Schofield-Aker GRAVEL FARM HIGHWAY 35 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 WILLIAM STREET EAST 000.00 down -- 6 room brick home. in spotless condition @ good boarding orea. EMERSON AVENUE 5 room home with carport -- large kitchen -- a very nice living room, FAREWELL AVENUE $14,500.00 -- 6 room home -- new with carport. SUSSEX STREET $3,900.00 down -- $93.00 monthly including taxes. This home features a large kitchen and dinette -- 3 lovely bedrooms -- large living room -- built in stove and oven and a walkout base- ment to a nice patio on a large lot. AFTER 5:30 CALL: Everett Etliott 723-9290 Dick Barrlage 725-6243 John Kemp 728-2392 Jack Osborne 728-5836 Joe Moga 725-9191 + Ken Hann 723-7963 $3 in 13,500.00 bedrooms ond 192 acre farm with 2 storey 9 room brick house, barn and other buildings, contains huge deposit of gravel right on high- $18,800 ie. Tests will likely prove great value .in deposit. Price WAGON WHEEL RESTAURANT HIGHWAY 12 This proven business well known to many satisfied customers Is mow for sole, it has been very successfully operated for many years by present owner. Great potential" for expansion, extra acreage available. Contact D. Andrews --° Brooklin 655-3195. J. A. Willoughby & Sons Ltd., Realtors, 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12. Limited 360 KING ST. WEST $1500 DOWN 4 year old brick bungalow lo- cated convenient to Public and Separate School, owner transferred has priced to sell at $12,800. Asking $1500 down, Home contains 3 bright bedrooms good size living room and dining room, mod- ern kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bath, THREE LEFT -- $990 DOWN They're scarce at this price and what value. A three bedroom brick bungalow -- large modern kitchen ond tiled bathroom. These homes. -- located central to downtown -- on Adelaide West -- are complete with oil heating, storms, screens, and front lawn sodded, Available for fall possession, WILSON & NORRIS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 fenced back yard with trees and _-- For information phone Henry Stinson 725- 0243 or 723-2265. CITY LIMITS (EAST) $8,900. Lovely 5-room frome bungalow situated on large scenic treed lot. A place you can enjoy modern living in suburbon surroundings. Large graceful kitchen, spacious liv- ing room, 2 good size bed- rooms, plus utility room. -oil heated, 'ow taxes. Call Henry Stinson 725-0243 or 723- 2265, PRIVATE Sols. Taree heteoem Pee home, four old, Sharbot Street, |Oshawa. a Spaewh cnr 88, Caw. BAT ment, 725-2802. SIX-ROOM brick house, throe bed- rooms, central location, $8,900. Finape- ing arranged, $ALL CASH$ For clean cors we deal up or down, Liens paid off, JOHN A, J. NICOLS_MOTORS LTD. burne 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St. S. OFFICE HRS. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD BOWMANVILLE 45 CARS WANTED Canada, ong Tariff Cut Buying a New Car ? Sell your used Car e "Ted" Talk yenCash'" to New Car Dealer and SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 8 ROOMS, 5 BEDROOMS 31--Automobile Repairs Brick, 2 storey ecg on Arthur St. hos garage, paved drive, ering pat S10, 900 with $1,500 down and car- ties for $70. monthly, call Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. A little gem and only $500 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR. TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST __ 723-7822 irs, all = shes, ee cleaner parts, attachments, teed rebuilt machines, Ratincates tree. te. down, full price $6,700, 4 rooms, all conveniences. Full basement. $65, monthly, low taxes, long term mortgage. Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544. EIGHT SUITES Asking only $42,000. for eight suite opartment, each RENAULT---PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 suite with kitchen and bath- 32--Articles for Sale room, brick building with full basement. garage for three cars and parking for rest. Fully rented, bringing a good income. Call Mr, Ratcliffe to- doy ot 725-6544, |STUDENTS, a super value, (newsprint), for only $1.00, Makes won- derful fa paper. Apply Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, ae Dentas re West. mately 630 sheets of letter size paper Te ma Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 728-0591 anytime. fap el en oe Bg merlne bicycles. Best weg g 'Tire, 48 Bond t West. ranges from $29; 60 new chrome chairs, each $3.10; Beatty sump-pum; 25 new hassocks from rth tape-re- corder, Karting Stero $129.93; 3- Space- Bevery each $49.95; 2 new trunks, var 6 student desks 'ee $14,.%; 2 hairs $9.99; Street, across from Gray Coach Bus Station, 798-1131. 3 REFRIGERATORS from $39; 6 the WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City 28--Real Estate Wanted Street W WOULD like to buy small war time house without basement, in good condi- FILTER Hate Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, 728-4683. T sy overhauled, 09. Meagher's, 5 King 1671 'ost Stores, 446 Simcoe Street Bond Street East. 723- USED forced air oll furnace, condition. Delivered to your basement. Contact Jack Perry, 723-3443 or 723-7944, tion, in good locality and Price. Write Box 621 Oshawa Times. B jtores -- Tires, bet- HOMES NEEDED? We have buyers, some with all cash, wanting homes in the $6,000 to $15,000 brack- ets. Both in the city and rural areas. For free valuation and prompt service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 till 9 -- Saturday afternoon' till 5 p.m. F 8 teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, _tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, KROEHLER chesterfield and chair in perfect condition. Telephone 723-2153. WESTINGHOUSE automatic washing machine, deluxe model, .ew condition, Telephone 728-2502 afte: six DINETTE suite, maple ie Welsh dresser, $90. Telephone '25-8 TYPEWRITERS, gga 8 ter For ren- aa eee service, and used. .| AWNINGS, canvas. joe vind prices paid for good furniture. Pretty's Furniture Store, now located 444 Simcoe South only, 723-3271 used! iff wall on fine paj VACUUM cleaner ra By makes, parts, attachments, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. gg free. Rentals.<Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 728-0591 anytime. KROEHLER rebuilt chesterfield, $20 Lazyboy and stool; walnut bureau, mir ror, four drawers, $10; contin bed, $15. 728-8514. gee wervice, Brock South, MO 8-5849, free rentals. HOME FOR SALE? JOHN A.J. CUSTOM BUILT HARRIS COURT BUILDERS OWN HOME Lorge stone and brick bungalow with paved drive and double brick and block garage, home is expertly finished throughout and bosement contains knotty pine rec. room 13 x 26, with bor ond sink, also finished office or den, also finished room for work shop etc. Laundry room, and a shower that can not be replaced today, many, many more extras, see this true value home today, Call 725-6544, BARGAIN $14,500 3 YRS. OLD 7 ROOM SPLIT FIREPLACE -- DOUBLE GARAGE Easily worth $4,000 more to build wor" 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1500 square feet. Why say more? Call now and inspect this tremendous deol, call 725-6544. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED INSURANCE REALTOR L S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 PARK RD. S. CENTRAL $10,900. full price, 2 bedroom brick bungalow, modern kitchen, living ond dining rooms combined, finished 'room in basement, paved drive and garage. 7 ROOM SPLIT LEVEL Only $14,900. North-West, 3 years old, noturol fire place, 2 bathrooms, built in garage, 'large treed lot, asking $2,500 down. LESLIE ST. $12,900, $1,000 down, 8 room brick home, beautiful condition, 2 kitchens, good family home with income, paved drive and garage, hurry for this one, a rare opportunity. BLOOR ST. E. 2 acres ew 6 room house, barn and Implement shed, only $11,500. A good deal for someone. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. $1,600 down, cash to mortgage, ond payments of only $80 per month including taxes for this 1/2 storey 5 room, 3 bedroom brick home just a few years old, all conveniences. 723-9810 725-8761 THE MARKET BASKET WINDSOR ST. 5 room home all in perfect condition, good for barber shop, beauty salon, ect. and rent other store for incomé, Asking $15, Potatoes $1.75 7 per 75-Ib.. bag 5 BAGS FOR $7.50 Free delivery Oshawa, Whitby and vicinity Phone Whitby MO 8-3501 SPECIALIZED GROWERS ASSOCIATION LIMITED 1206 DUNDAS STREET, EAST NO. 2 HIGHWAY, WHITBY listed at $12, 900. with terms. PARK RD. Duplex, 2 self contained, fully. modern suites, hot water by oll heating, good size lot with large garage, fully rented, full price only $10,500. with $1,000 n, another rare opportunity. COMMERCIAL Good launderette location, good. size lot and 5 room bungalow, asking $14,500, 2 STORES 5 room home all in perfect condition, good for baber shop, beauty salon, ect. and rent other store for income. Asking $15,- 900. See this today. "For any of above or end gue call Tony Siblock or Sid Martyn at 723- 9810 or 725-8761 BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S., OFFICE HRS. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, MORTGAGES ARRANGED BOUGHT AND $500 down, $6,900° full price, $65 monthly, 4 rooms, sun porch, full basement. Close to bus, schools and shopping. Call Mr. Gower at 725-6544 CONNAUGHT ST. 7 large rooms, including fam- ily room, br fire- D LIST PHOTO CO-OP HPaenTEE: add ealeu- Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe *Northe ing lator, check writer, cash register, meat aga chopper; also scale. Snap! OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. 725-8183, Oshawa. ' it intervi recorded at pall and ca p $22.0;| ried int he current issue of us. News and World Report, American weekly magazine. . "If we tore up the tariffs on paper, all kinds of. paper, be--- tween Canada and the U.S., it. is quite true that the American' paper industry would be able to' put paper into Canada. It is: equally true that we could ship! paper into the U.S, and com-' pete very easily with the Amer-, ican industry which has been: sheltered by this great big tar-; Ambridge said he would like ' -|to go farther than a Canadian-' an-|U.S. customs union. He would like to see it develop into a'- North American common mar: 7| ket -- Mexico brought in as! wel Williams said Canada would have an advantage in a cus- toms ynion with the U.S. cause of lower Canadian Baty re-|rates combnied with higher bor efficiency. " GE stove and refrigerator, 10 cu. ft. Both I condition. 723-1133 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR 'elephone 6 to 8 p.m., 725-0202. COLDSPOT refrigerator, 11 cubic ft. deep freeze 15 cubic ft., double bed and washer and KIRBY vacuum cleaner, walnut bed- zoom. m suite, three pieces, dinette table, four chairs, dining room table, buffet, six chairs, walnut, full eg fur coat, 29--Automobiles for Sale 38 CHEVROLET, sixcylinder, me- chanically re gy new ee Pn seg ack. 1130 King Street East, telephone 723-4288. VACUUM cleaner for sale, in new con- dition. Only used three times. Tele- phone 725-7735. dryer, automatic, anf Grand piano. Other household articles. Townline North, telephone 728.9790. CLEAN up sale! Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 725-6511. Patio torch $2.09; 18" folding barbecue $4.24; baseball gloves $1.71; baseballs 75c3 bats $1.13; picnic jugs $3.56; chaise lounge and mattress $18.72; umbrellas 'int job). CHEV. se i ernanically pas $95. Telephone 725-8316. We buy, sell, exchange, We buy the most. 1961 CORVAIR, 2 door deluxe, auto- matic. Many extras, excellent condi- tion. Telephone after 5 0.m. 728-0536. We sel] the most. We pay the most. "60 RENAULT 32,000 ao clean. Best offer Telephone 728-97! 1958 METEOR sapemaies four doors, radio, Will accept trade. Telephone 723-2644, FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 $3.61; bags $5.48; sets $16.31; lawn mowers $32.95; cabin tent $50.55; picture window tent $63.25; Holi- day tent $76.53, Dominion Tire Store, 43 Bond Street West. 725-6511, 12 Per Cent Hike DUBLIN, Ireland (Reuters)--., Ireland's exports rose by 12 ge cent the last fiscal year to record £181,000,000 with gains o Britain, the United States, bee | West Africa, the Irish exports board has announced, DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, spirit or stencil, supplies. Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock S, MO 8-5849. FLOAT THROUGH THE SUMMER on one of the terrific Turn back today. The board said goat 3 exports to Canada received severe setback because of a A) cent increase in Canadian im- Section,| port duties. Chocolate crumb, the most valuable export to 1956 MONARCH 2<door hardtop, radio, new tires, oe shape, 193 Bloor East. 'Te 123-7650. place, garage, 3 bathrooms, spotless condition, must be seen, asking $19,500. with reasonable down payment. Call Jack Appleby at 725- 6544 or 723-3398, $500. DOWN $500. BALANCE ONE MORTGAGE ONE Smart new ranch type brick bungalows, sparkling 4 pce. ceramic tiled baths, many extras. Call 725-6544. $10,500 FULL PRICE Storey and a half brick, din- ing room with hardwood floors, large living room with glass door, paved drive and gorage, close to school and bus, asking only $1,500 down, call Mr Ratcliffe at 725-6544. 1955 CHEVROLET convertible V-8 auto- Ratio, with radio, $395 or best offer. 3-5732, Bowmanville. DRAPES 1960 MGA convertible, fully equipped, low mileage. Telephone after 6 p.m. 725-3315. 1956 PLYMOUTH, push button auto- matic, A-1 mechanical condition, $400 or best offer. Telephone 728-4925, Most Modern Designs: ab- stract, Colonial and floral potterns, Made to order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98¢ up. 43 PONTIAC, one owner, radio, heater, ny. yr, Sanipved, licensed, $175. After 6.30 34--Lost & Found Canada, would be badly hit and so would other commodities. LOST: tarp, vicinity of Wellington or"Wentworth Street, 20 foot square. Reward. Finder please tele- phone 725-8704. 35--Legol WALLET, lady's, deep red bat gpl con- taining valuable papers and of money. Vicinity CNR Station fe, *Divi- sion Street. Finder keep money. Kindly return wallet and papers. 723-3231. GLASSES, man's, brown and white, lost Sunday night, downtown Oshawa. Re- ward. 699 Mary Street. 725-0760, M and C 1955 CHEVROLET, two door coach, a aoe good pee $450. Terms. » MA A 2175, Dry Goods 1958 CHEVROLET coach, blue and white, radio. Perfect condition. $1,200 or best offer. Telephone 725-8383. 75 CELINA ST. 723-7827 1950 CHEVROLET % a wea $195. Telephone after 6 p.m. WRECKING 1952 and iss pyaaath eed parts. Telephone MO 8-8198. cny- e. 1953 ea ae sedan, good me- chanically, all good tires, iradio, $100. Telephone Whitby, MO 8-4908. 1902 PONTIAC Parisienne four-door sedan, automatic, 6-cylinder, custom radio, whitewalls, 12,000 miles, Like new. Private. WH 2-0344, $1500 4 rooms and sunroom, 2-pe. both, pressure system, 'ot 30 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, Excellent condi- tion. Sacrifice price, $1,045. Cash, Tele- Phone 728-9968. 0 -- Simmer home near Tiaeos and Taunton Rd. Call Jack Appleby at 725- 6544 or 723-3398. GUIDE REALTY SEPTEMBER SPECIALS PETERBORO p A | N 1 BOAT S A L F New fiberglass, windshields AUGUST 27 -- SEPT, 8 'ond steering 25% REGULAR PRICE $775 WILL TAKE DISCOUNT * All Exterior Finishes. $525 Per Gal. $4.99 OTACO All Interior Finishes, TRAILER Per Gal. $4.49 Special: Cellar, Masonry, New, heavy duty, A frame, Floor and Barn Paints. s tilt ond winch, Per Gal. $2.99 $200 Sold at: Pa pipet The Parrot APPLY Paint Company LIBERTY NURSERIES One block east of Ritson Road and Simcoe St. S. 128 LIBERTY 'ST. N. BOWMANVILLE OPEN 10 UNTIL 5:30 MA 3-3074 THE ONLY Late-Summer SALE CLEARING SPECIALS PICNIC TABLES Only $15.95 1000 SHEETS POPLAR UNDERLAY Va" x 4x 4-ft. Per Sheet $1.11 WINDOW FRAMES, SASHES CLEARING AT VY) Price MANY OTHER SPECIALS CASH AND-CARRY "BUY YOUR BILL-DING SUPPLIES WHERE SERVICE COMES FIRST" McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. 1270 Simcoe Street North MEMO CALL SPEEDY 723-7435 To Replace AUTO GLASS Immediate Service all makes and models. Customer Service. We will not knowingly Be Undersold, SPEEDY Auto Glass Ltd. F, HOOD, Manager 299 Simcoe Street South PAINT MANUFACTURER e IN OSHAWA es OSHAWA--728-4688. Telephone -- e 18-radio-equipped- shops on wheels. Complete stock Canada's oldest and larg- est Dealer,» Factory to LIMITED - REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 ECONOMY, COMFORT AND APPEARANCE--all yours for $8,900 with the purchase of 1960 VAUXHALL super sedan, excellent condition. New tires, battery, clutch and brakes, Lady's care. Apply 33 Arliagton after 5 p.m. held VOLKSWAGEN van, good motor sar » $450, Telephone Whitby, MO '|1980 CHEVROLET %4 ton "Fleetside", 1956 MONARCH Richeiieu, hardtop, all extras, immaculate throughout. Nearest 20.837 . $900 considered, Telephone 1957 € CHEVROLET, BelAir, Sierra gold and beige, six cylinder, automatic, radio, washers, perfect condition. 104 Annis Street, Oshawa. YOU CAN BEAT ANY WEATHER BUT NOBODY CAN BEAT 'THE PRICE ALL SELF-STORING ALUMINUM WINDOWS with vinyl channel and push button adjustment $18. INSTALLED DOORS 39.95 INSTALLED OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Sct MOST ANYTHING CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, this 4th day of September, 1962. H. E. TRI GO Treasurer, 100% satireonen or your money 728. 9257 or 728-5253 ANYTIME GARAGE SPECIALS! 10 x 20 ft. $250. 12 x 20 ft. $280. Other sizes available, long box, custom radio, like new. Ac- cept trade. $1,495. Telephone 728-5179. Complete Home Improvement SERVICE 1955 CHEVROLET convertible, stand- ard; 1956 Austin hogs Bins Monza conver- 5466, this fancy brick, 3 b home. Needs some decorat- ing. Call now for full inform- ation. $8,500 FULL PRICE -- for is 7 room brick near North GM plant. Well kept and spo- cious. Clear property and good terms. "SPOT CASH PAID FOR | Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 Bathroom Recreation Rooms Home Extensions Aluminum Siding Storms and Screens, Awnings. No Down Payment Free Estimates Custom Built Homes 4 BEDROOMS--in the beau- tiful almost new tri - level home in north-west area. Priced to sell at $17,700 Terms. COMMERCIAL PROPER on King St. W. This building with d opart- HERTZ .Drive-Y ourself CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493. or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97: King E, Oshawa From $8,900. Cottages from $528, LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION LTD. 178 Simcoe Street North 728-4614 Open 9 am, Until 9 p.m. 'ment on second floor and large store on first floor must be sold. Callus. JUST LISTED -- frame bun-. galow on Quebec St. Asking $5,400 with terms, Immed- late possession. APARTMENT BUILDING -- New 6 plex. All rented, In North-west area. Only $45,- 000 with $10,000 down. Buy this one and let your initial investment assure your ture, BUCKINGHAM AVE. -- A doctor leaving the City has his well kept two-storey home for sale. Garage, paved drive, six rooms with 4-pe. tiled bathroom and finished room in basement. Wired for dryer. TV aerial and many extras. One 10 year mortgage. © For full particulars call 723-1121 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN- MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Food.-For Four $14.95 Weekly TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All. Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's| Garage FINA SERVICE Oven 9 a.m. to 9 o.m, FOOD FREEZER 80% Regular Groceries Included A most pleasant way to Shop and Save TELEPHONE 728-9403 Our Food Counsellors will come into your home and assist you in planning your FOOD SUPPLY to suit Your Family's taste and fit your Food Budget needs, Books For Sale GRADE. IX GRADE X Complete set of Grade X books Donevan Collegiate used 2 months 725-0298 Wayne Ellwood 306 Pdrk Rd. N. 728-3337. Grade X, O'Neill Collegiate GRADE X! GRADE XII Grade XII (Gen.) Anderson High Whitby, MO 8-2339 ' GRADE Xill Grade XIII (Gen.) Anderson High Whitby, MO 8-2339 449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS SWAP COLUMN SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOLs&sBOOKS! LIST YOUR NAME -- PHONE NUMBER -- SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE ONE INSERTION 50c Books Wanted GRADE IX GRADE Xill * OR ROD 8 bar ee ae vy om