Seg ne EN RT I \ 16 ™ COHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 30, 1962 S| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== 3--Pets & Livestock 9--Summer Properties 16--Female Help Wanted |1: 17--Male Help Wanted' 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, maie, 3 for Sale or Rent HOUSEKEEPER wanted for sm a))|BELLHOPS required. Apply in person bearer ig Barer Pk at. nosha ty salon or years old. Telephone 725-0221. 35.800. FULL | PRICE --~cottage and|home, one school-age child: Write Box|Genosha Hotel. - ber shop, beau! BEAUTIFUL baby woneien. ready for|contents, only 94 miles from Oshawa|26- Oshawa Times. pg Ailieky mua BLN ber Mowe Caste poten to suit tenant. Call Mr. Bole. et oe. 'Jou, Monk Lake includes 100 ft. of Pri-/mQUSEKEEPER wanted to take carejessential, for Oshawa 'area. Fuller neni "ita oat oe _____| Vale beach, of disabled lady. Live in. Practical|Brush Company, Toronto. Telephone|$?% completely furnished bs UP sail boat, one iP 35 Tele-| Walnut 4-8347. 3-room apartment, private bath ee en- M Z | HP Sonnboa itchen, close to stire, , toy fursing experience preferred. old. outboard includes trans- 7036 trance, large ki With collie, are "| porting trailer. cottage size 21 x 95,]2rone Tat TO. ENERGETIC salesman needed to sell|Suit working couple. 356 Cadillac South. upstairs|NEED extra money? $80.00 and more,jreal estate. For confidential interview,|THREE room apartment and bath, ; . ; are (sleeps six), fae stove, refrigera-|can easily be earned by showing our|contact Mr. Martin, Joseph Bosc0,|Stove and fi Vacant August 31 65. Building Trades Money to Loan Plumbing and Heating 4--Market Basket tor, space heater and all furniture an|fapulous Christmas artis, rohit toys,| Realtor. Telephone 725-9870. : Aealy H 1% Bartwate S35 Simcoe meson nog ora 1 Is eo of repairs and remodelling, |CORN, 2c. dozen; tomatoes, 2c. six-|Peoseg" or" Guide mean Licnien, [to fiends and FOR SALE -- Well established bakery |S ute! South, Oshawa. _ CLASSIFIED AD RATES NOTHING TO IT! Wa 0 gasy and toc ged gue feces PARR AE oP ge a gg Aes Tae-ose9 or Guide ys r '|s8-page color catalogue iain it euny Ager dey Hig earnings tor -- CONSECUTIVE Drives Whitey, MO 85612, '|Sust dial 729-3499 forthe 'friendly 'Ad|rates Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J. Wie Gant ot Hicker' arabe Cention: y; Send no money. Write today |qualified man. Write Box 308, n Ten- , 25 words or less ||SOUrt - rt " syi.| Writer who's waiting to help you. Do Foley. Gs aa ts tee cee '111--Articles for Rent fo ai blot) on 'Times. ned oon hydro and heat. Telephone Cash Charge |/ROOFING repairs, all kinds, tree esti-| it today SERN ae * FUEL OW sale 6 CONSECUTIVE mates, guaranteed. W. Wallbridge,|-----------__---- ----|Rug Upholstery Service RBarmars Colne : esese" Dept. 16, 47 East Ave., FUEL OWL sales aces Big TWO bedroom apartments for rent, $08 Insertions 3.73 4.13 Hreese7e. MORTGAGE LOANS CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, x Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses ae inca ME Ply Jack Perry, -|Steatton Piicock Buldingy Waites ee 4 Consecutive : for | in first 2 tes| CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid) Punch Bowls," Coffee Urns CLERK-CASHIER for dry goods de- ae 5 os Weersione at 20 UR cae. trae, uatenes a "e eae ae ond lg po: Big opera for dead and crippled farm stock. neg if partment, full- or pains. good | YOUNG MAN to work as pharmacist's |8-3338; evenings MO 8-3253. toops. Gordon May; 728-0394. Ong secone martgee . . Mattresses' rebuilt. Oshawa Up-|Telephone Collect. Hampton COliax Teo Towels -- Luggage wages, Write stating qualifications to assistant. Must be willing and able to|TWO. THREE-, and four-room apart: "If not paid within 7 days the stoops. i c residential, industrial, city, , Co., 10 Bond W. Dial Was-0514, 39-2721, Margwili Fur Farm, Tyrone. Box 733, Oshawa Times. learn. Grade 11 or better education and|ments, in apartment building, stove, Chorge rate will apply BULLDOZER for hire, $8. per hour. suburban, a! and sum- pe De ~ 1 Licence ! Train Cases, etc. ner ---|preferably 20 a of age or older. | refrigerator, ample closet, space, park re, 1 . ESTE an RESPONSIBLE lady to taki Typing and knowledge of foreign|ing, Above rates apply only to original Oshawa Garden Service, 1259 Simcoe! mer cotta re-styled. Free estimates, See 'our ma-| LACOMBE BOAR | for sale. One cutter, Sargeant's Rentals children in their heen 2.30 to 8 Norte language an nat Permanent employ- a nt Wie aoe. ra for consecutive insertions, }/Street North. 723-3222. ae SUMMERLAND ead ioe terial for re-covering. Daito in good Brooklin oc yy lg Telephone 72s-s0e0. ment. Write Box 846, Oshawa Times 25-3938. Sreertiene: ocdered. 6 Ue canee, vorandabe LIMITED ing. 76 Charles Strest. 723722 725-3338 ' ; later date constitute © new original fires ning, cement work, chimneys, fire- 112 Simcoe St. North CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- : : f , block work.| 4 P 6--Auction WHEEL CHAIRS _|2& eat. Shift work, good wages. South| after school, from 4 until 6 p.m. and|Parking. - Reasonable, central, 96 Centre. order. ie wis Places, houses bricked. block wor _Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 covered like pon et the 'bevt for tess! WHEEL CHAIRS End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street Eas:. |all day Saturday. Must be 15 _ Yeats) PALACE Street, 233, Whitby: Three 3 -jold. Apply 64 Ritson Road South G 728-6451, F timates. Hospital beds, invalid wolk- | ba room. apartment, refrigerator and 7:50 per = for 3 lines ny JAMES O'MALLEY co CONSTRUCTIO' MONIES FOR South. Call 728-6451, Free estimates AUCTION & SALE SP bedside cones | $23 WEEKLY f hee wearing lovely range, nicely decorated. Call Oshawa ational line $1.60 Additions, renovations, new homes. pip eg ising _[waare® Ziven you as bonus. Just show! 18_ Male or Female Help (725-4 Oshawa and District. "Insist on the MORTGAGES Surveyors " 4 'ict crutches also slenderizing ise American Fashion Frocks to Siege peas ~Saeieras one and F Peden " structions ' o 4 Each word, initial, abbreviation Ln ae Monies available on First |HOBTON and Wallace, Land Survey- pfollut hanieek Tut 'co machines and roll - away jexperience necessary. North American|-------- PPE .|apartments, new apartment building, er figure counts os a word, Box liyour local chimney cleaner, ¢ Chim- Mort: es ot 7% per annum ors, 130 King Street East. Telephone rom e : * beds. Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 industrial EXPERIENCED orgadist required. refrigerator, range, laundry facilities, charge 15c¢ additional, neys built and repaired, gas linings 999) , 728-9161. __| | will sell by public auction FOR SALE OR RENT jBivd., Dept. K-2600, Montreal 39. | Apply in person, Genosha Hute., main|P&Ved Parking, near schools, shopping. installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free| without bonus. ' DONEVAN and FLEISHMANN, On-| the estate of the late Mr. | | : desk. | 723-2570. "All Classified Advertisments |! estimates. 723-2997, é Monies also available on |tsrio Land Surveyor. Commercial blag. Charles Puckett at 928 Mas- ; 725-1644 to ae aquired. Apply ¢ ' Gibe Since, BT Wises teak See ust be in by 5 p.m. the day be- ~~~! Second Mortgages. print, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. < 20--Room and Board bese range supplied, private: en- after 5 p.m. : TWO-ROOM partly furnished apart WANTED: experienced waitress. Must BOY with bicycle to deliver groceries|ment; single room, private entrance, eRe ntl S turday fore publication except Births, | d Agreements "son St. Oshawa on Sa a WwW wom eed |trance, $60 bore Sort} oni ee NI K DYRIW | der' She xocued Ag Mm gy ins ll = September 1, 1962 ct 1:30 Vi Articles ented |MOMAN needed for ge ge te PICKERING VILLAGE -- Room and/month. Apply apartment 2. Telephone Peele ee Lat ond found ond H a East. Phone 725-6881. | p.m, the following. SELLING good used furniture, appli-|pay. Vicinity of Mary Street, After €|D0ard, $18, weekly. Apply Pickering! bb © ligtiona end Corrections #30 EXCAVATING | M. F. SWARTZ | ances, sewing machine, or any article? |telephone 725-4242. Coffee Shop or telephone WH 2-1771 Vi a ROAD, 320 -- Atiractive: anc - : . si pa Sees H rhe . ' 3-piece chesterfield, Kelvin- Highest prices paid. Cail M | MILL STREET, 147--Room and board |four-room, heated apartment, large kit- a.m. Office decade Daily 8 Short - term and Builders Tailors ' | i sé Furniture, 19 Prince Street, 728-131. | TOY }for gentlemen, near South a TV|chen, laundry facilities, Separate en- Saturdey 8-12. H BASEMENTS DUG | Mortgage at ___ reasonable LEN 1 PULLAN -- otor hh ele cg ' chest BF drekace alae SHAW | Privileges, single beds, 725- a ay py ve" : a wae posses- rates, | s s, 7 is ' i % 4 lu pply_§ a ere Times will 'not be | TRENCHING | 26% King St. East } (ENGLISH TAILOR) tric stove, dining room suite, | DEMONTRATORS pS sg a aac "Privaie| | om, board optional, Teaches packed| WILSON Road South. 1 128, ground floor, meaponsibie for fg hee go | Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 for all tailoring requirements | washing machine, rugs, lib- AUTO WRECKING CO. Show the finest selection of |if desired. $15. weekly. 728-3357. pees room apartment, in new building, a | | ired. $15. weekly. 728-33: Sritina, not for more than one |) _723- 3898 iy ela Elves ior one use Our experienced services | 'Ory table, studio couch, Wants cars for wrecking. | "ew toys ond games through {ROOM and board, gentleman, ice | ts. 79an wood floors, $70 monthly. Vacant, ster Ge xe s egistere iC } Q * }¢ theorreet momarten bg et. H FEI Stal Rtn eis nthe i LES for both suit and dress re- we nagar ie" -- Parts for sale, also scrap iron | The Toy Chest, party plan. |iunches packed, parking. Close to Show. ins SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- One- p silo for a single insertion of [HARRISON CONST. pairs and alterations: : AD Setesed sales deg and metals, etc., bought | No iavestment, deliveries or | ping Centre, South General Motors,|and two-bedroom apartments, self-con- the advertisement in which error (Ons ee 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 electric floor polisher, vac- Open Saturday all day. Phone | collections. 81 Park Road South, |tained, stove and refrigerator. Tele- intario . to classify advertising according to' |) clean quiet home, good home cooking (next to Bus Station) uum, tosis, utility table, PHONE WHITBY MO 8-8757. |KING STREET EAST, 992 -- Room! In the case of display advertise- 2ND OR 3RD and other articles too numer- WANTED ie EXECUTIVE |DRPW Street, 544, room and board forldryer supplied. 725- 1 Wg ape ala ad TV, BADIO, car radio repairs, alll | gentlemen, rhe beds, $15 week each.| --.- occurs, And also reserve the right j | 'en ----- phone 723-9132. | lamps, bedding, smokers, (725- 5-231) -- 89 BLOOR 1s | OR TORONTO 284-1 1800 and board for two gentlemen, home|MONTRAVE AVENUE -- near - Shop- its own classification. ROOFING DIVISION | Is Your TV cu Radio Repairs | dropes, fernery, cedar chest i cee sind ked meals. }ping Centre, 4-room apartment in new | ments, The Times will not be heid | ous to mention | I |399 KING WEST -- fi fsponsible for more space than R O @) F | N G } makes, Thompson Electronics, 157 El-| | Telephone 725-704 ee ve-room 1 liott Avenue, 723-9792, (Fred) Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY ment, $80 monthly. Lights and water Lani ee a a aiaaavour } Mortgage Sogo eae eee nn AND FEATHER TICKS } SECRETARY Segepidad bgt AE Srrg Private entrance and bath, | TV RENTALS, by the day, week or| Auctioneer Bo 23-2643, to reproduce all advertising matter Scrap Iron and Metals 4 Private entrance, i | month at Parkway T sion, 918) correctly, but assume no liability | SHEET METAL WORK | COMING DUE ? (eo eet eh | JonTeoilers alles Excellent salary parking, Telephone 723-1359. ___|TWO woome and bath, central location, i { ---- h = - 'an of advertisment, if a ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE and vadio|; 'a APAOME aus Weal Galles par and benefffs |SIMCOE NORTH -- two private rooms,|phone Joseph Bower" Realtor. 725.9870. NEW -- Re-Roofing Before Renewing See Us |repairs to all makes. R. Holmes, 725-| ; TURNER suitable for two girls. Teachers prefer. es i 1 |fect condition. Used only twice. Re-/ | WHITBY MO 8-8181 jred. Adult home. Close to bi Tel DIVISION Street, three-room apart- RO et ERR Se __|tails $895. Attractive savings to inter- oy) me. SO » 00d Appraisers Homes --- Commercial ABOUT A 4 V TOWERS ested party. Apply 390 'Gibbon Street. | 723- 2043 723- 2281 \-- PDS Se SR REN Ea 8h Rs a om ---- oe: floors. a "eeveiok ta mt ROOM and board for two 5 gentlemen, MO 8-2398. Shingles --- Flat Roofing | « * ea |13--Business Opportunities ee to share, single beds, $15, five _ 9 esorts PATRICK G, McDANIEL, A.A.C.1. Re Low ost MPI |days, $18 seven, 725-9087. "rooms and bath, ga Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby.| Chimney Flashing i All galvanized, no paint -| wisanees property, located on busy school, Oshawa 15 Tinutes, © ee See | Mortgage Loan | LEN & rg | Wooded Lakefront [eit carijtutts!| rut oy cat me for chs |21---Room & Board Wanted| esate o5 Sam Accountents | Eavestroughing he BOWMANVILLE -- apartment, 1 three + Oil heat. Close to all schools and ladies' sportswear sh E > ts an tt e ing, oi ive la sportswe Op. | TEACH R requires room and board in| rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, heat- are ee" Ge MO 8-8420 Kini: Melty. Repoouets ANTENNAS | ofS 2nd. cottages se tiseet sie Rss OF | Experience in selling sports: |seraWen areas Repent ane oo RET ecaoteatat nandry, Tatas HOB CLANCY' 0 . | Low Monthly | suey 3 SEC BTR Service. Complete bookkeeping service, | y | On beautiful 'Gunter Lake, BUSINESS property, located on busy). "°° desirable, Pleasing per (9 ' ie Baek Sireet, WOR THT. PP) WE HAVE 30 YEARS OF | No*Bonus |_728-5804 or 725-7844 | covemment approved sub [erm mos renting as snack bar; 3| sonality, good appearance | 22--Storage Space (ieee, "eens with baile 723-7605. : No Extra Charges GEORGE' S division, sandy beaches, ex- japartments ha 7 garages now rent: and references essential. Sal- | and Garages lin cupboards, refrigerator, private MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and ROOFING SERVICE IN | ' cellent swimming and fish- |Ghurches' Write: Bor aig onan] ary in accordance with abil- » Chartered in any form are contained therein. | OFFI fi . | batl ple preferred. Accountants, gwar Ale ONTARIO | No Legal Fees j TV TOWERS | ing. Parking and picnic area a ee Omave ity to sell. Apply in person esesnauiy Pind cnt OOM apariment, self-contain- Cart SPECIAL «PRICE Westen oe oon ee y *s'oy'smee| SEIGNEUR'S _aroae -- baseman two Stert telephone iopgon ee | F R | 0 R IAL «PRICES | installed, ten cottages avail. |Road, near City Limits, 3 bay ga show windows, $175., heated, 299 Sim-|GREENNOOD AVENUE 7" Bankruptcy, 64 'king Street East, ri ygl Wis, Ramee cence S U P | Oshawa Licensed | ouis od Site fer ae nts, "Reesarent SPORTS WEAR LTD. poly South. Scholield-Aker Ltd, 723- [large room apartment Gonawa, 728787. i one and insured. Phone| DISCOUNT . LIMITED CALL 723-9525 1 10% down Easy Monthly fetes foie Tooke thr ave cen tek OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE aes AVAILABLE .newiy allt; decorated, close to ces pote &. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- : | or 723-7521 Payments. Drive north from |each have separate entrance. For ua! 17---Male Help Wanted elevator service; bright, freshiy paint-|T¢!ephone 723-3568. fied Public Accountants, 172 King ; | "The Fastest Growing All- PE lth sn bn | Madoc on Hw 2, particulars call Guide Realty Limited.| * ed, tiled floor. Can be available in| KING EAST disirict. Six-room 1 upstairs Street ee Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. Dressmaking 9 es turn 1793-1121. PRR aNERLManECCR gS | days. Moderate rent, lease avail-/apartment, private bath and Phy seve Ses peers Geaepaeg| Contn Lom Coron |TV TOWERS | Ten geste Pere bopeiben ALIVE (i i n> eee cae 17 SIMCOE ST. N. & Forests, turn right ond and ANTENNAS | follow .signs for the best in | | "Experienced salesmen to re- |STORE FOR RENT C -- 360 square feet |rooms, kitchen, bathroom, separate em Sapunar living, BUSINESS at 152 Simcoe Street South. Telephone |trance, heat, hydro, garage. Reason- present growing company in 1725-4277 or 725-3911, ans, rent. Brock Road. Claremont | Sales P \ ; aa ton wo cr Teoeeas | OWNERS SACRIFICE this area, oge, no borrier, |23--Wanted to Rent 6s ELGIN' STREET EAST | WILSON Ws, yp ioocanlllon neu I ae Street East, Osh-|ing, pant cuffing, shortie drapes. | moe Oakawa awa; Ronald D. Wilson, CA;/sonable rates. Dial 724-9565 anytime. G. parce, CA, 728-7554. Seesiae Janes steees, Coteel| Fuel ond Wood | OSHAWA 725-6541 Scie Gales awa Shopping Centre. 725-9953. | FREE | ROLLAND TV Auto Parts | Have your furnace cleaned | Mortgages ----|__90 Cromwell -- 723-4849 APARTMENT. on ane a farm. @& and kitchen with re- USE WANTED, couple requires frigeretor arid 1 stove, TV outlet and air shing f, rt must have cor, leads sup- two or three-bedroom house for Octo ber 1. Between King and gen Street, --- { | | | Miss Anne Collins 344 Bloor | Sa At Western free this summer and gua-on- |FIRST and second mortgages. Sale|" ere 5 | St. W., Toronto, Ontario or '$1400 -- Easy Terms | ve . teed trouble-free all winter, ete cad Hesaiees warsiotens' ai Bing T V Picture Dim: | Phone collect Toronto, 923- F | plied, earnings unlimited. rent, T 1723. uaa -- furnished self. Pally Centre if igre Hi cg rie Street East. 723-7232. REPLACE 2495 aoe aes sl eb pace = | Two or three "al ment, Private bate parking Testers : al ' qi y rooms by September 1 with da: re i irs to All Makes colo Ss |PRIVATE and corporation monies t0| YOUR PICTURE TUBE |. etc. Have a lease on proper- | WHITBY MO _8-5875 |srees br Soetecines 1. wa 309, Oshawa |prexeTTed: $80 monthly. Telephone 725. om : lend on all types of mortgages; Mort- SACRIFICE (Re-Sale) $2695 | Tim ifs NSED MECHANICS | = DIAL 725-1212 |kages and agreements of sale - ° | or offer ! Owner tronsterred, ss ni _ > inte busin | CHARTERED MOTHER aad Dpcarou anager We ey "VERDUN ROAD -- 'Modera three $e ae ees 72R NO i Sonph Murdoch. 'See heading' "arricere> | 2()% OFF NOW | new two bedroom modern | °™ 'oF Yourself _ ACCOUNTANT'S OFFICE |suire housekeeping room wiih reiahle shaban ie ci ome x id O SERVE YOU" re lenin an us ies sees des tt - T S person who will take care of girl while|ing, Close to bus. ait. BAYS TO 'SE een 9. tt shi FIRST and second mortgagee available. TRIO TELEVISION | ong et tage, an deck O INSPECT CALL | REQUIRES Fie a 4,004), Femuazration. is DREW aRERT ee "ee Barristers LOAM GRAVEL Brock Building, Whitby, MO 8-3338 and hydro. See above f | ~ UNE Man requires |{urmished housekeeping rooms. Suitable OSLER OS, , a | ove for SENIOR Ma, RICULANT |e@uIeT SINGLE young man requires | for couple or two. h worn girls. Appl: 5. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- 171 BOND STREET EAST directions. J small furnished apartment or similar. | hetw ely tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. WASHED STONE (To. Van sielreten Wentttce es 728-6781 } '= : CA, [Available September 30, Whitby or [2 le Otlien T8-4101. 725-5542, MULCHED FILL pe ma Wise Gttet Ean, Oeaan, 9--Summer Properties REALTOR interested in entering A. Oshawa. Write Box 525, Oshawa Times. BLOOK EAST VICINATY -- Fully fae ietoe, 'entees ba ier Troctor and load fo crvenn Cond seve) Service | __for: Sale or Rent 723-2333 - 728-6954 se PHONE 728-7371 ___|ground "floor, centrally' 1s eaters |Avaianle' Seolember ih Feleprone Solicitor, Notary ic. Mortgage roctor and loader wor! re ae | "apa - - - ua r, central located, fall after fi 725-9449. Flo tae cases Mreet East.) Lots levelled. Reasonable rates [Nursing Homes TV AERIALS (a SCUGOG. 3 miles "north 'oo $ ren --}'725.2347, ee Are. % a ; ¥ ; e ~ ctive ree-bedr t-1 4 i LOUIS S, HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll 725-2156 JSUNNYBRAE Nursing dome, (RN in DO WEAR OUT! _ tse, for, sale. Inside conveniences, 1 --Employment Wanted DRYWALL MEN 24--Houses for Rent Oshawa's Finest citer, Notary, Alger Bullding, 37 King ar tea tar eae [Reavy wiring, good boating, swimming. |LADY to look after child In her home, Street East, 723-4963. Mortgage mon-| OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE « {Whitby and Oshawa). Let oui {See Langille, Honey's Beach. five days weekly, Telephone 728.4597. pe : tage. Available Oct, 1 Apply College's, tert SOYGRYN cal MILL LIMITED ~~ DOORS ~ of "Sunset | eas REPLACE NOW [Now 1s Tae TINE to purchase that FOUNG "married married man 'experienced in for joint taping West Beach, Bowmanville. PARK LANE . = é Rest Home", 106 Church St. | Situated = 2 luced.|hardware, grocery and automotive as 329 FAREWELL Avenue, _six-room N, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% ' on the north shore of Foote|clerk, kin, I Tel ' MAN, -- ee sane rs 6 a LOAM ce FILL | Bowmenville, officially open. While weather ond prices ore Lake about 4 miles net of Ny oe {8 3808, "Ask for Mr. Gordon Bene Steady . employment brick house, three bedrooms, hardwood ; : pg ~ ._ Gerdo floors, oil furnace, very clean, close to APART ENT. w 1 fs ome ant, ed July 22, 1962. Licensed at their 'best | north of Oshaw a. A incswk atone RESPONSIBLE iady will give day Apply: 7. & daprehall bus and sc Vacant no M 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby. GRAVEL _ STONE | hich th about 600 ft., only four years old with care to children in her own nome. pply: |. F, arsha GEMOOM hou ee Geer toni fis, MO 8-2761, 725-5203. NHA and othe+ | home in which the aged may TRIO TELEVISION 2piece washroom. Located on a well|©l% to north General Motors. Tele- LOW RENTAL Also two rooms and kitchenette, com- mortgage funds available. | find not only comfort, but a 171 BOND STREET EAST jtreed lot with small sand beach and |DbONe 728-0954. pletely furnished, Adults only. Apply 2 BEDROOM SUITES SAaEx DAVE LL) iLL a | = F ; ti |ferved by & good road right to the cot-|WILL LOOK after small child a at ay 641 Merritt Street. Ema sims Bons. TO "hase ------_--"73-9928_| essing, Semi - private ar RIZE STB) __ag: Fecuane acts Petco [Wiles Soke Sash tats Agta] HOUSING PROJECT |warrar -- ror sso reat wii] --Elevotor Servic " ie sia ee ee eattiieds bonnie 'e u! dence 728-0264. O S HA WA | Piasabhibt pond vf aa SAMSON 4330 or Guide Realty Limited, 723-44). papa pA "is tis a DAYS 728-9761 price oe gigs Fs eet] =--Private Balcony BsGsRRON sad RANTED0, Bexzisters, WBE des ts nike pi 'i HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES day to Friday, half or full day, #.30 to felon age it So solid brick bun-| ----Paved Parking visi . > - af North, "ies Webs Charles C McGibben, G A R D E N | ace er dutdoor BCONGMY She haLines Kennesis Lake, sandy beach, Telerbone 728-2600 en ee EVENINGS 723-1243 Phone MO 8-5408, legs aes --Controlled Entrances QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. Z ian fue fGpNAE cAtoime. Buy Now 900d trout fishing. Vacan.. |MOTHER with school-aged children PORT | PERRY -- Groom house, 2 bath- JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, CENT RE FOR BEST PRICE cies Aug.. 25 on. Cheaper |Wey mind child, aged 1 to 4, in north. CLERICAL ing asd ining sontas, OU apres bent: Contact ewer, Danes te een, Ofiee,, 18% ponte all alge -agi Tika FINANCING ARRANGED rates Sept. to Oct. 12. Mrs. |FoUNG ~-MARMGED wees "dear ers supplied. Large lot and garden. King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. garet Adams; 106 Church ' - 12. Mrs, |¥OUNG "MARRIED woman desire Garage. $85. monthly. Apply PO Box MR. DON HOWE } | 8 Be Eien an merit eee| |7>° SIMCOE ST.N. |S. Sommerville, MA 3-5613 OSHAWA TV Teaniarnden, <Pox 420, Hol- eee a Serta Sthtina aenet| ASSISTANT __ |s:tet pecos ont |Optometrists Telephones: Business: 723-2201; Resi 723-3222 SUPPLY LIMITED __iburton, Ont." hone 2318. Telephone 723-9401. : ; th Cee Chitares 3 725-7732 or dence 728-5373. Optometris! . 361 Gibbons | BALSAM | 16--Female Help Wanted To construction SUPEFIN~ | come. Apply 142 Division Street. 723-9692 Evenings MANNING F. SWARTZ and DONALD All Your Gardening Needs. | F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. 728-8180 LAKE DEPENDABLE ae a tendent --- to maintain |MODERN three - bedroom home, recre- : Also Top Soil and Sod. lienves Ios Siuaoe, iste Ai Comers, DAY OR NIGHT } one adult, oy A atternoons| Material and wage rec- [ihe Septosaber' 15, Telephone a0i0s, Howe & Peters, Realtors i | Cottage -- furnished, ¢ and evenings. Also some other cve- " ; 5 Fiag Stone, Patio Stone, [arene by appointment. 723-4191. go urnishe wo ords, time keeping and soe dina tvcerninfidoh | nings. East Oshawa limits district. 'RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, barrister, Rockery Stone. |C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. | Please Well Drilling -- Digging | bedrooms, access to water. Particulars, Write Box 622, Oshawa! miscellaneous clerical od SE Th ; , Oe ee a eee | Bee Stone Work In Town, {Bene or 74 Burk Street, Invalid ex. W. WARD $2500. CASH SS aaa duties. are eT ore SPOOR Por raed amined at home. Dial 725-4587. SS " ~~ EXPERIENCED | 4 soi| Household Repairs } WELL DIGGING by MO 8-4581 PRESSER | Some knowledge of construct- | |Painting and Decorating MACHINE | YEP LI se ver aes ; jon trades essential. Exper- Ge See, Seo Fee ~~ HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE | aiccag--- tciae--carchal oar oro: SPECIALIZING IN a0" Tn: | BUCKHORN Apply: | ience in similar work desir- | 2 GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Solici- REPAIR SERVICE sonable rates. Telephone 723-4847. | | PICKWICK. | able, required to work in [SEPTIC tanks eee, Se oe beta afylsty Tenteetoe spatinnent, WS aSh" andes pi'eh ead va] RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, | DODD & SOUTER | mo WHIBY: ONTARIO LAKE Ajax area. Reply in own 20, Chsstt Pecans teen 723-2278. Residence phones: J M. O 8-2563 MO 8-3809 CLEANERS handwriting stating age, ex- Greer, BA. Be. 735-9063. Terence V. POLISHERS, IRONERS | PAINTING AND DECORATING | 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | | 434 $i : . perience and salary required |FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, three and THREE ROOM apartment wanted by a . i j i apa 5. 8! »|couple, first week of Se ia A. MacDONALD, BA, ger sien oe. rience Pp, Pirehgginal sol ete ae -- ed ene RG EEN | an the Kawarthas laced a cara ve to: ugar downtown' ana school. Laundry,|Oshawa Times, Whitby. Rex No. 0, Barrister and Solicitor and No y P | ainting, Paperhanging jotary Pu > king and children's pl nd facil lie. The Commercial Building, 266 King| Formerly with THOR of Conada | Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, BILL LEMON Located in good fishing EXPERIENCED -- | - BOX 619 ter. 300 High Street, "Whitby. MO Soar rgom apartment, $8 West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking TEL. 725-8296 { Spray Painting WELL DIGGING waters. 2 hour Wnve from | ® . available. | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY ; SALE egds this Friday, Augus' 31.|--- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN ana '4 Instruction | DAYS MO. 8.5231 Clennouns, Desdenings Com: Toronto. Good swimming. 3 OSHAWA TIMES '|Men's all wool suits, extra pair of| RECONDITIONED student typewriters. 1 % ; trousers no ebarge, 'luring this sale.!Buy early for better choice. Hamilton Barriste: i tates Putte PRIVATE teacher, student counse NIGHTS 725-7426 pressor work, clearing and | good locations. New two and WAITRESSES | Blercantile Depastment Store, 105 Brock office Equip., 137 Brock S. MO #-5849, | | King Street East, 723-4697. Resi-}--~ 723-4029, ' three bedroom archit de- Street North, Whitby, -- Building 16 years' experience. By interview : fencing. a ect de : --.| DRESSMAKING: ia is, ava, Oster! o. TE-006. Residences: | oni only, Act now. 725-1054, ____|Personal Service 725-0665 signed cottages with 'sun- S ALESMEN bal SALE: qiner washing 1 mySimon |lteratons Wp covers: duaiea, Winiag 8554; G. L. Murdoch; 723-4768,|LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing SEWING machine repairs. service a | \MO e-4804. i specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8.2379. dacks and screened in por- ~ and js GOOD STARTING |WHITE newsprint paper in convenient ought, sold and arranged og Pgs rag ee sr consent Street, Whitby. MO 8-4340. | 1--Women' 's Column ches. Cottage and lots priced W | NTED {29,000 GRAIN water vortener, 2 ye years |100 ft, rolls, suitable for picnic tables, Building Trades : Street. 723.7253. : "| PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- | oe $6,500 with SALARY | ng. Telephone 725-4573. ee 'ion Department. Oshawa Shevee te BURNS | School of | Dancing. Repistra-| dressing. 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone payments to suit your. bud- {APARTMENT FOR RENT. $100. | large per ro) ; 725-5363, 2 $ five-room lower duplex. Lawn and gar- AVAILABLE |Siegf rsa! nti? oot atc MODERN GRILL get. You con inspect these BENEFITS, Who -are earning $7000 |aen"aimacdiate 'asain Wht gees srupengs ea alley, amare ral Park South. Ballet, Tap ete. Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey 2--Personal rate for responsible tenant. 425 Dundas | | : oa : | cottages this weekend. For ' yearly (or men who would Street East, Whitby. paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- Loader with back hoe, Ten --_----- -----.----- Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home GENTLEMAN desires ride to Toronto. | appointment to inspect, call For Appointment +* | like to be in this bracket), sesooenante of sale|School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, pre-|All makes, Reasonable. L. Davison, 308 Ae ctl enn nn nnn | PLY Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, BOARDING SCHOOL for boys. Excel- Telephone 728-5642 for further inform TWO-BEDROOM apartments, spacio' Dundas Street West. i nt ca id tuitio: Elementary,, Made Pies and Desserts. sg) PBF Hill ot T t ree | j H - |{modern, ranges, refrigerators, drapes, Septic tank and other drain rl 'sete and ition in | Elementary Be erry Hill at Toronto 364. | Call to sell this leading prod kitchen fans, etc., from. $90 up. Mr.|DONT KEEP ITEMS you no longer work done. | Dr. fartin, Christ College and| WE DELIVER IF YOU HAVE a drinking probiem. | with ns fast-action Classified Ad. Dial lephone LOU HAAKSMA Seminary, udreuil, Que. 6 - write to Box 333, Whitby, or call! Coch L | site Fiea. 10 HP} _Telephone | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH MO 8-3034 oF 725-0893. ocks imited, realtors, MA 3: 3373 demand FOR SALE -- 8-foot Sea Flea. | 723-3 ' [D y <i } AR NRE" me Mercury motor. 5. Telephone Mi ee (oI 655-4746 LEARN TO DRIVE | 725-3887 Removal of superfluous hair, _Peterborough a sienaiichinicbsc tas piu ae ee his laige cotnsration a div: her al re fs 2S Whitby' Ss only 4 fuel _ Oshawa Driving School |CLASS 17 Marie Murduff will be in : ision of Fleet Aircraft, will |FOR RENT -- Two apart self-| dealer carrying a : DAY or EVENING Pt bi d Heati Oshawa Sept. 11th and 12th ; |. thoroughly train you, if you bevingy eget meee ee tee | ii f FUEL C c M N T Lote Models, Standards -- a = ee ~ ee Phone Genosha, Hotel on OPEN FOR INSPECTION | are the right man. Earn while |phone MO 8-4379. comp ete line o | | these dotes for ointment. | "y -- Ground floor, ' Automatics, Dual Controlled REPAIRS And remodelling of all types, apie as THIS WEEKEND | eee i a ps bans ah ee "blue coal" in various sizes, WORK COS Se' es eae eee "|. ELECTROLYSIS | Le Me sere ptetartahacnanns uo snare| _Semet -- Solvay Coke, CALL 728-0091 opie Sta et SO | } coupe pis nae actrees 2 New cottages at McNaughtons Riviera. Easy access by good | FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment , . F : ALL PLUMBING and heating supplier. 723 4641 {| N 9 McNaugh R Easy by good : For ® Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. 'Patios Our Specialty Lawn Mowers |Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, --~| roads, located 6 miles north of Peterborough, short. distance off '| Ample parking Gace. "Sida ag | Briquettes and Charcoal --_--- | Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer-| 3. Pets & Livestock ¢ 28 Highway, Our signs are on 28 Highway. just south of Lake- piel Oo ha September for Grills, Hardwood and | 5500 or write Bowes and uct which is in popular |pai y, MO 8-4775. juse. Sell them and have cash instead «@ WALKS @ STEPS @ CURBS WE SHARPEN N and | RENT ing. 255 Simcoe Street South, | -- | field, Choice of treed or open lots. 80° frontage (1500 square @ BLOCK LAYING ALMOST EVERYTHIN iPS, six weeks old, Tele-| feat), Clean water, good shoreline and gradual. Full price + | LOAM -- FILL Softwood Slabs. HING | ALL WELL... 2 | | GRAVEL Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils * Guaranteed ---- Recommen- Ss j But if you insist bena Kennels, Telephone 725-6321. | mortgage at $35.00 monthly. Other terms may be acceptable. \ | + dations. Supplied. S 1 A N ' S i on the best . . . coll GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ax weil Come and inspect. Talk to the happy owners. For private appoint- | 333 Simcoe S. | : Id, female $15, $: e | : ERT McLEAN CORNER KING AT BURK sts. [GUSCOTT PLUMBING |stiver arey. Telsgnomy Yoeewe. "| for Gordon Trick or crite Boies end Cocks Limited, Realtors, 728-1651 For Delivery Call (WHITBY) LIMITED B c | and HEATING LIMITED |Pexixces® pups tor sale.-Apriy 7i3| Peterborough. ERIC \NTON | 244 Brock St. § 723-2867 723-3224 'Free Estimates --- Work GIVE US A CALL BOARDING, bathingy Cm eer $3,550 with down payment of $450. Balance on one open ; Driveway and Concrete SAWDONS ment or further information call Toronto 364-5500 and ask Dundas West, Whitby. Telephone MO 1 207 Simcoe St, $. -- 725-5132 'basoe MO 8-2660 MO 8-3524 Whitby