Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Aug 1962, p. 7

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| Double-Ring Ceremony Unites icin' "they "wore entcailpridegroom's mother 'was "in| NEWS IN BRIEF gowns of charm pink silk or-|blue organza over taffeta, sheath| anza, over taffeta, with distyle with pl | g eta, with round|style with pleated cummerbund! OVER FORTIES B ] G W ll S h necklines, short shirred sleeves|and side drape. Her corsage} ever. y rant, 1 lam mit jand bouffant skirts. They wore|was of pink roses. PE agg (CP) ae "a a : Se ; : pillbox headdresses with chapel For a motoring honeymoon|*lore D. Tas, president . 2 bags Pre anel yoni ee ereint Mie a Vall ails to diatel thele gowns anditrip to Quebec and United| the Canadian chapter of the In- é ur ay ernoe, porge F > -- 0, W } Doe |carried cascades of white shasta/States the bride wore a caramel|ternational Council of Execu- rg Pe rage By nna - iL|"The | Lor. snd "the Wedding|chtysanthemums centred withjsilk tweed suit with a beige|tive Women, says this year's jliam Arthur Smith exchange an e ing} petal toned hat and brown ac-|@nnual meeting in Holland fea- a ree * pink feathered carnations. I n nuptial vows. The bride is the! Prayer. iss Janice Cochrane, of\cessories and a corsage of tured discussion of the woman . ' A . " Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 daughter of Mrs. Harold W.| Given in marriage by her Pg Scotia, and niece of the Pumpkin - tinted pinocchio pom-|°Ver 40 returning to work. She Grant, Oshawa, and the lateinrother-in-law, Mr. Lloyd Weir,|bride, was the flower girl. She|Poms. said the need for reform in this THE OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 7 (Mr. Grant, and the bridegroom) +), bride wire a gown of glitelace « pink dress of charm| On their return Mr. and Mrs. area has already been started Ei poled Mrs. bg heas 3) sitk organza over taffeta with|pink silk organza, over taffeta, Smith will reside in Oshawa.|in the U.K., where special re. _ PE NAL Mr Arthur Smith." |" "#!©ilily-pointed, sheath sleeves and|matching the attendants, with| Guests were present from/€ducation for women is spon la : : chapel train. The princess line|an embroidered headdress to,Aurora, Bloomfield, Ajax, To-|Sored by industry. Pin Miron lictigee ee pas bodice featured a bertha collar)match her dress and carried alroate, Courtice, Whitby, Iova HOME NURSING Mr. and Mrs: Ted Remington, |ing England. They sailed from/qouble . ring etal Mrcies Get a ee white and pink car-/Scotia, Brantford and Ottawa. During 1960, a total of 40,645 Grierson street, bave as their|Montreal on the Empress of)w f& G. Summers, of Whitby, |bearls cand 'sequins Matching . | HOUSEHOLD HINTS medical-surgical cases in Can- guests, Mrs. Remington's par-|England and returned by air.|piayed the wedding music andilace appliques fashioned the| Mt Robert Winter was best; 79 shorten boiling time on po-|ada were discharged after re- § 2 5./ overseas vis " bs | sea Sabi gegen Sooo ology on yg Og 84 ee Daniel of the iong skirt, man = me re gy were MI-ltatoes rinse them in hot water| ceiving home care from the Vic- by. YRS sete ajee VStY; ; | ' scaag PP arris a r. Graham Boss A . : Vyner Jr., of Edinburgh, Scot-|Leeds. Many members of the|and Mrs. Robert McKee, Long)" Peat! embroidered crown WacMillan, all of Oshawa. r etter paring and washing. torian Order of Nurses. land, who are here on a month's|family gathered to celebrate/Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Henry|Held her finger-tip veil and she thi, vecacslign was 'old in the vacation. Mr. Vyner is em-|their return at a welcome-home|Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin|C@ttied a white Bible crested| Ser coesehielieg | ployed at The Scotsman,|party held at the home of Mr.\Bruce, Mrs. Thomas Ashton,|With pink sweetheart roses and/Masonic Temple where the) published by Mr. Roy Thomson, and Mrs, John Milne, Grierson|Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Austin|streamers entwined with pink bride's mother received wearing owner of The Oshawa Times. _ | street. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter|Tosebuds. a beige satin and chantilly . Mills, Mr. Paul Metcalfe and| Mrs. Lloyd Weir was matronjlace draped sheath dress with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Ward, who) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beath,|/Mr. Peter Metcalfe, all of Osh-jof honor for her sister and the|a matching nylon tulle hat and celebrated .their 50th wedding) Wayne and Grant, RR 2, Osh-| awa. bridesmaids were Miss Diane|brown accessories. Yellow roses anniversary yesterday, were|awa, are visiting friends in) ~ es . rar honored last evening by a fam-|South Carolina, U.S.A. ily dinner party held at the Osh- = awa Golf Club, with their three Miss Joan Luxton,- grand- daughters, Mrs. Leon Rolson, daughter of Mr. Harry Manning, 9 Bessborough drive, Mrs. Donald Albert street, has enjoyed tour- Brown, Masson street, and Mrs. ing Europe for a month, Douglas. Calhoun, Somerville street, as hostesses. Guests at the Cochrane- ; Mies Joves Kennedy of To- Leveridge wedding were Miss/ RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS jronto, formerly of Oshawa, Mary Montgomery, Frankford; : etl j Kaufman 7% 2 ES ae | spent the weekend with her par- a pohg ie eae H a Ml. cx Posie ee BS Fren peer pe Earle Ken- Hanthorn, "Carrying Place; Mr. "CHARGE-IT"! NO DOWN PAYMENT! ie efFoa nedy, Hillcroft street. d Mrs. Frank Alexander and BOWMANVILLE NEWLYWEDS ce oie, come ea " " Mrs. Earle Kennedy, Hillcroft Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wil- PORTABLE Lady Torcan HAIR DR Seen after their marriage} tell. The bride is the former <treet, held a dinner party last|. 1 as Violet May Severn, daughter [Sunday with Mr. ier ' an son, Coe Hill; Mr. and Mrs ceremony when they were es- | of Mr.an d Mrs. R. G. Severn | James Pillinger, Mrs. Marguer. Arnold Heron, Mr. and Mrs VALUE $14.99 a SPECIAL corted from Trinity United | 4¢ Bowmanville and the bride- jte McLaren and Miss Joyce Lat! Heron, Pickering; Mr. and Church by the Bowmanville | groom is the'son of the late 'Kennedy, all of Toronto as MTS:,,rerrance Madison, Mr. Legion Pipe Band are Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. W. Thertell. guests and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Mrs. . -Position Heat Control ee a Mrs. Glen Orville Ther- --Mary's Studio. E. Crone, Miss Dorothy Vander. a "en oo 4 ee ee ae a - The following campers have|Dent, Mrs. Hilda Ashton, Mrs. eee returned from Camp Comak in|Raymond Cooper, Miss Vida @ Whisper-quiet @ Extra large hood a Gey JUNIOR SANDMAN These gaily-patterned jadi Sd . Douglas Norman and Miss Tina} i gall Vin troy Savery. all of T to: the Rev: Peggy Leveridge Goertzen as attendants. They) rae gg boll ol pve erind cna Mra. Rendsth Gaia " washable corduroy slippers take plenty of wore mauve dresses of silk participating in the camp's Fit bell, Milton; Miss Maude Hill, @ "Charge-It"! Pay Only $1.25 Weekly wear. Elastic side-bands insure perfect fit. There's carefree comfort in the bouncy Robert Cochrane organza with matching head: teenth Anniversary Season:|Mrs. D. Norman, Dunbarton; x dresses and carried ye.!0W Thomas Patterson, William Pat-| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elliott, Mr. "habbletubber" siidsoles, and tha leather OSHAWA SHOPPING 4 outsoles won't mark floors. Sizes 6-3. : Sweetheart roses and -mauve torcon and Mrs, Matthew Miller, Whit- . " Married Recently chrysanthemums. Miss Michelle by; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Walker, DOWNTOWN ZELLER'S CENTRE || ' $2.98 r yer-g re ' ; " ; 21 SIMCOE ST- SOUTH Alexander, flower-girl, wore a Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bunner,| Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. James PHONE 723-2294 PHONE 723-2209 haw 'hurch re-\Yellow nylon dress and cat-|Hilleroft street, have returned/Curran, Guelph;. Mr. and Mrs. ome on Tle pects duaalred a basket of yellow and after spending five weeks tour- Douglas Bruce, Riverside; Mr. se Best . (mauve flowers, " See aN OS Sona END PNET ert Leveridge, daughter of Mrs : Gerald Leveridge of Ajax and. The best man was Mr. Wal- the late Mr. Leveridge andjter Mills with Mr. Ronald Mr. Robert Michael Cochrane,,Cochrane and Mr. Douglas son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman|Bruce as ushers. C. Cochrane of Ajax- were) The reception was held in St united in marriage Paul's United Church. Mrs The Reverend Kenneth Camp-|Leveridge received in a_ yel- sl : ; bell officiated at the service,)low and white figured sheath / 3 i JUNIOR ROGUE Made of durable corduroy assisted by Pastor Ronald Bax- dress with three-quarter coat j in colours and patterns youngsters like. ter. The organist was Mrs.\and a corsage of yellow Sweet- hia m Just toss these slippers in the washer when R. D. Campbell with Miss Doro-|heart roses. The bridegroom's : ; : ae they get soiled! Foam rabber soles ate thy Vanderbent as soloist. mother chose a sheath dress in . # (i eld ob, can't oisid dan: Sisal Given in marriage by herjbeige with a matching jacket Y ZG 3 ta ke h ' 1 oer dieses uncle, Mr. James Leveridge,| and a corsage of orange roses : ait f oe) eather outsoles are quiet round the house. the bride wore a white full-/ When the bridal couple left oi f } Sizes 6-3. $2.98 length gown of silk organza|their honeymoon trip to the over taffeta on princess lines, Thousand Islands and New s : j with short sleeves and a sc00p| York State the bride was wear- 4 ; : $ d ; ' neckline. Her three-quarter/ing a knitted black and white s 4 \2 f /é : MISSES PLAYGIRL Little girls will love these length veil was held by a pearl) suit, black and red accessories j ; j slippers of sweater knit fabric with stylish ' Pee f cuff and tiny golden crown at side. Millions tiara and she carried a bou-|and a corsage of red roses. of tiny air bubbles cushion the soles of the feet, give that "walk-on-air" feeling. Wide The ceremony was perform- quet of. white carnations and' Oy their return Mr. and Mrs. ivy. ' ~ # vag| Coch H ke th h ; van : : tn an Peed peor es way. eae nates FRESH KILLED GRADE A : ey choice of fashion colours, all washable. pe ect alco ene USE Ra te lt } Sizes 11-3. : anaareee 5 y Soft, smooth, } OR FRYING lb. and always Neat... FRESH CHOICE CHICKEN LEGS er BREASTS » 59° eg LEAN TRIMMED BUTT FRESH Kaufman "Foamtreads" NO NAILS comfort and long wear NO STITCHING PORK CHOPS ssi 69° WIENERS 3 A 1.00 | CRAFTED BY KAUFMAN Makets of Packard Shoes and Slippers, Snowbelles, AVAILABLE FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND Kingtreads and waterproof footwear BARBEQUE CHICKENS TUMEELE otk BUY YOUR FOAMTREADS AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STORES COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-3476 COMPARE AT 33c -- ALLEN'S JOHNSON'S KLEAR PASTE FRUIT DRINKS 4° 1.00; WAX"" = 71° COMPARE AT 49c -- TREESWEET JOHNSON'S KLEAR LIQUID ORANGE UICE ae 39° Salas : OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TO 9 P.M. COMPARE AT 89c -- BUY J GET ONE FREE : wae a7 AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES : -OZ. IT'S PRESERVING TIME MIR DETERGENT "=: 79° . vast gg ff catante, snorin cane, WHY MASON JARS pag 1.45 Doz. PHONE 723-7411 PHONE 725-6671 PHONE MO 8-3412 COMPARE AT 4,39 BUSTER BROWN. || GRANULATED SUGAR -- =: 3.99 | PHMLINE SPiCEs ht 2c: HOUSTON SHOES -- . WHITBY Mir acle Nylo -Vel. | GREEN PEAS 7" ECONOMY Age CHASE AND SANSORNE CERTO CRYSTALS axes. 33° WHITBY PLAZA PHONE MO 8-4901 | rouy BAG INSTANT COFFEE '2% 79° NYLO-VEL--that os -_ at the fork H 10c OFF SUPER SAVE seae Save : SEAL-A-WAX 2 PKGS. 33¢ ots dene dty--te cbpiy vied nto tio A Bg + 59: | PEANUT BUTTER '2% 37° | PICKLING SALT sa a1¢ }| MODEL SHOE STORE ' U PKG. JAR sow Saverite tor echool days. There's plenty 55 KING EAST (Corner of Albert) OSHAWA of foot-soothing comfort, too, for. those | happy play days ahead: Come-in soon. DUCHESS No. 1 QUALITY FREESTONE PHONE 725-1521 SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF APPLES 6-QT. 59. » h 6-QT. ¢c : SHOES FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL BASKET : eac es BASKET . a wgas . | BURNS pra LOOK TO... 2 KING AT SIMCOE 725-4611 i+ ¢ix ay Ey Does OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TILL 10 P.M: FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ae. 2 7 =" 6©DAVIDSON'S ' _ Shoe Calcd 31 SIMCOE ST. _N. 725.3312 FOR . . . @ PROPER FIT see @ RIGHT PRICES 4 Oshauta DANCEY"S ~ GOODS SATISFACTORY OR YOUR MONEY ~ | | 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-1833 REFUNDED su ee | * SAVE \ 'GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED' > : ss OPEN EVERY FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. , abt ae eae {corNER oF KING a: RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA |" sania he ee a a ae eS ae ee ee ee ee ee ee SS eee ee Se ee ee ee i ee ee

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