THE OSHAWA TIMES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 a | eee 2s: Cheese For A 'Happy Ending' 3 Canadians Attend School | stg. aaa A Se. Or Start To Almost Any Meal In Castle : ae ht te" There's nothing quite like a many packaged process and - As to serving these cheeces be cut in wedges og send gene mr r ees tray to start "ohs' spread cheeses, the favorite Cheddar, which same as an apple. Its color By ALAN WALKER ae the family: elie SINCE ALL these cheeses aré has a range of flavors from will add a gay note to the LLANTWIT MAJOR, Walee 4 : aie 'And Whal «kelp itis to 800d with fruit and crackers, mild to sharp, may be cut in cheese tray. (CP) -- Canadian youn ' . } Wes ; ihe Gaaal plkaier team them up with an eye wedges, slices, fingers, or The general rule\ for the attend an international "'scho "i F : d to beauty as well as family cubes. Swiss cheese is always choice of cheeses. to be used for peace" this fall in an an- F p j , , ° F Easy-to-do Mee lecorative -- }ikes. Choose the fruits in sea- sliced thin, Brick cut pretty on the cheese tray -- some cient castle on the craggy coast ' i ' : , j enough that it serves as the son and arrange them on your "much as you please, Camem- mild, some sharp, some soft, Wales : ee. 'é | centrepiece on the dinner table, gift cheese tray, your cry- bert usually comes in neat some hard -- applies to the of south ales." ck ook ; % : j ~ the family-style cheese tray is stal appetizer platter or even _ little triangles, foil - wrapped, family - style service, How- Three Canadians have bee o ' ' f : as accommodating as it is on the kitchen bread board. which may be left on or re- ever, known favorites plus one accepted so far and we hope to i pi , 3 . mi . popular, As a matter of fact, these moved as you like. Blue unusual cheese to arouse cur- build up the Canadian coatin- ; m * All there is to it is choosing heretofore only useful boards cheese may appear as a - josity, is what we usually gent to 10 or 15 in the = . - i the varieties of cheese your ead seeing 2 such ie i wedge, just Nke it's cut from build upon. couple of years," Robert Black- 2 , ag family likes best. If you've and g esigns that they a wheel of cheese. : 4 ie con director of studies at At- *'. , ' x been a one-cheese devotee, do can go on the list of what the ihe ee tengo = thorn lantic College, said in an inter- : ' 3 i a little sleuthing and you'll well-dressed table will wear. CREAN cheese may be left cratike dor ah hear OF 40 oe' ate ' ie: i 4 : ; find yourself. adding to your Add a baswet of assorted in loaf form, cut in cubes or P' ort + ike Mave This bee) lage are bicht fa. + . iis ' aia favorite Cheddar on the week- crackers and a dish of butter. fingers. The pretty little red '© Dring out the of rind eye some tom Bey q | _ * a ' 3 ly shopping list--Swiss, blue, Many people want butter with ball--Gouda, small, cousin of is especially true of a <a tions will live and 'study to- ; : $ cream, Camembert, brick, cheese and crackers or like the Edam, which you must like Camembert, best when nd gether in St. Donat's Ca , é ' ' eae ' ney" Gouda, and many others. If to do a little mixing of their meet if you haven't already, is soft, almost fluid consis former European retreat of i : ae cal ish j F 4 pa Ay there are young cheese lov- own, such as blue cheese may be left whole with the top ency. This obliging little trait American newspaper baron Wil- ' ips fe i ae . ers in your family, you may creamed with butter, adding a cut off so the cheese. may be enables the home-maker to ar- liam Randolph Hearst--and the cease ge "NE F want to include one of the dash of Worcestershire sauce scooped out with a teaspoon range the tray well ahead of founders hope the schoo! will 'i j 9 ' mild cheese foods or from the perhaps. or cheese seoop, or it may the dinner hour. help break down "national prej-! : ; ¥- Pes ae 2 oe : 'i ' fe, i ee " udices."" a oe ee F ~e% ae Lee: e ch Alastair Hunter, 15 of Hawkesbury, Ont., Jay Lum-} iere, 17, of Lennoxville, ee and Charles Kingston, 18, of North Hatley, Que., are the C | nadians already accepted, Each must pay an annual fee of 500 "We are very pleased with the quality of. the three Cana dian beys we have accepted," Blackburn said The study program is equiva lent to the last two years of Canadian secondary school edu-| cation and Blackburn said C a-| nadian universities have agreed to accept the youths when. they graduate from Atlantic Colleg Students will st udy mathemat- ics, science, erature of the own country : [on | ll A & P Offers Quality oa opiasie EEE Fresh, Canned Foods physical fitness and public serv- SLICES SLi ice as well as academic achieve-| For the pick of the crop of produce is brought to A & P's 4 2 at E Facil top quality canned and fresh shelves beings Risiose ign yy need vegetables, there's a wide And in addition there's a om os CO 1. ey i ' selection awaiting shoppers wide selection of frozen foods and mountain rescue patrols wisi i at their neighborhood A & P to choose from. and fire lookout stations. ' 3 . ws. store The thrifty homemaker and Plans for other Atlantic 'Col- Only high-standard canne od shopper who tries to stretch leges in Canada, the . United food -- both fruit and v her food dollar buys at A & P g 7 States, France, Germany and tables - are purchased wy where food is kept. con- : i i? Greece are under way. : : z A & P's well-trained staff, stantly fresh by fast-moving f % Cows Sir Lawrence Darvall planned There's a variety to tempt every taste on this at- and the same rigid standards sales at low, money-saving i j ee oe the Atlantic College when, as : are maintained when fresh prices. % ae * 4 commandant of the NATO de- tractive cheese tray. Just the thing for party nn : _ fence college in Paris, he no- me 3 _ . ' : . "tt ticed that national prejudices| snacks or entertaining. Why not pick up some this ton, Oe . : ; 4 With "back-to-school" days just around the gets and save dollars on a wide variety of quality among officers and diplomats} y corner, A & P's giant "Stock-Up-the-Pantry" Sale food items. Check the many "specials" advertised broke down when the men were] week at your neighborhood A&P, at : forced to work for a common| -- -- offers a timely opportunity to stretch food bud- in this section. oar ari "If we can plant the germ of new loyalties in mature men how much deeper are the roots! Feature Special ! ; mee OY Rig ; : we could sink in the youth of ' the Atlantic community, if at 3 j ne their most impressionable pe- bY ; oe riod we could gather them to- 2 FREE gether in a residential college, making them members of a self-governing community which! 3 5 ' demands much of them?" asked! Hend Pointed -- , Z PLUS bet Sir Lawrence. f : ee) é CHICKEN is F lf Collectors' item St. Donat's Castle, a Norman building partially restored by $ 5 ton' Hearst in the late 1920s, was gy oo" purchased with contributions N = * / } aa 3 ' from foundations and private individuals. _ How Doctors IN EVERY oo : ie s ie "CANADIANA" LUNCH KIT Feel About | Bo aie z : { f genes and matching OwCaven. (Mother Parker's! Wem Ny | ROD |S Tepics This Week: How | doctors feel about their own i careers, hay fever, and syn-~ | 90 TEA aR / \ . . thetic suntan d Ft 4 * : + ee d ee CAREER SATISFACTION : , i | z Tas Are all general practition- Le ; ; SAVE d | 4 IANT STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY NOW ! f g a e ' is : uring [ Ke U / ers and specialists happy in | their chosen careers? A sur- vey published by Medical Economics shows the vast majority are satisfied with their profession of medicine. But when it comes to their own specialty, the happiness ' yr. ! curve drop -- sometimes . F Stokely S sharply. , 3 , ty : Psychiatrists are the most c ) Z : J Fancy satisfied lot. Ninety-three per Z cent of them are happy to be 4 ny : ' ~ / 48 oz. tin in medicine and 85 per cent | are satisfied with the spe- ro cialty they selected | Pancakes with butter and syrup make good eating Wea C At the bottom are pedia- | tricians, the specialists who | | on almost any occasion. Served with hot choco- handle child and infant ill- | "ak nesses. Eighty-seven per cent ate, they make an appetizing dish after an evenin are happy to be medical. doc- f - ° oe tors but only 63 per cent are of ni football weather. satisfied with their specialty, my POLLEN AND HAY FEVER Many hay fever sufferers | have discovered their miser- ies can't always be measured | " by the pollen count. Dr 4 James A" Mean ante SAVE during the GIANT ist at the University of Michi- | gan Medical Centre, thinks he | knows why | kG / Counts are made by "'catch- | : Motheups the, ing" the number of pollen grains that stick to a glycer- ine-coated glass slide' in 24} hours. | + 'But McLean says the num- | Puritan Brand Ber of grains that get stuck | S27 HREDDED NEW vary with wind speed and di rection. More important, he | ) ECONOMY Says, each person's symptoms | , 's i ; are influenced by such things WH FAT SIZE : as damp weather, sudden actions and emotional tone, | v4 IDEAL FOR . OQ) Bi Finally, concludes, pollen | : yg Pies Eleg ae | Pecan aN age QUICK LUNCHES CY ig Cc ww 6 18-oz. . Cc SYNTHETIC SUNTAN ; Sante FOR THE i Tin \ Pkg. for Drinking large amounts. of SRE Pi» Z SCHOOL CHILDREN ' ; Carrot juice might not Sharpen your vision, but 'it | will give you a synthetic sun- - ---- | sesniuaiiane tan. Two medical investigators cms" |A&P...Top Quality Meats...Guaranteed To Satisfy! tal. . 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