" a4 te BS Sg ee ee ed a alt de a a a ae a a a ee a ea ee fe at , F ak a th gies 4 vv 7 é vy , e # - vv IS St ta ae tia) SAR ee ie Me in a | eee 9 _- THE OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 Gems From Mail To Columnist By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP)--Things a columnist might never know if he didn't open his mail: Some 22,000,000 Americans have no teeth except those put in by dentists . . . This includes two - thirds of those over 75 years of age, Production of che wing to- bacco has fallen off sharply, but snuff is as much in demand as it was 10 years ago. To cure chapped lips, accord- ing to pioneer backwoods lore. you kissed the third rail of a ve five-rail fence. , Gee mn ly It was hard work for grandma : f to boil the weekly wash, but! Every week, A & P's special values help stretch food budgets for thous- tests indicate her method prob- ands of shoppers. This week there are extra special bargains during the ably got rid of more harmful ' " " Sasena than today's washing giant Stock-Up-the-Pantry Sale. machines do. E The price of tension: About 49,000 Americans are away from their jobs each day be- cause of tlcers rae __ Friendly, courteous service of staff, from grocery gg oy poe ee sre fp ts checkout cashier, re shopping with mosquitoes, the female is i Cl4W7 pleasant and easy at your neighborhood A&P caer maves' tat ly '4ons RS VE dling the o£ Supermarket where big savings on Food are al- ; , e | ANT bite People 50 per cok tore i cto ' the. ant ' / ways in session. This is particularly true during yf \ SAVE-during the Worth remembering: "Crime ck p ry 5 A&P's giant "Stock-Up-the-Pantry" sale. So now is i ' / has the st: t union in: t ; ; has the stronabe yr dh = the time to stock up these everyday items at truly \ ip ok iy the pam YY Oh. no dues, attend few meetings, big savings. All advertised items are top quality carry no cards -- and are au- d \ hs tomatically retired if they are pro jucts, caught working." Sometimes originality doesn't MONARCH coy pee ae SNIP DOODLE Modern Handling in a frogman's suit She didn't win. The sweet smell for money: Hi . Americans now spend $200,000,- ' i . | g 000 annually on anti-perspirants -- If 1 ua i] vf and deodorants Nature notes: An octopus is a sissy--it actually turns pale New taste treat from Monarch A&P Food Stores take several important steps t g tru i i i at the approach of an intruder for school lunches or efter four snacks to assure their patrons nothing but the finest in prod- bigger than itself A polar ' : bear can sniff a seal a mile Snip Doodle uce items. away The Australian kiwi Coffee Cake Mix First, the cor : ; . " ae . st, mpany buys only the freshest foods yer t f wate y buy } never takes a drink of water in Complete with its from farm or factory. It facilitates quick turnover by its life F ; hc : It was Henry David Thoreau own crunchy self-topping. buying only in quantities for its current needs. atom _ eee oon | ee i No fuss, no muss, Secondly, foods are shipped quickly to stores, Boke all at once. and they are kept under proper conditions of temp- eratures and humidity. s D te Children Play ' ' Three delicious flavors Finally, they are priced to move quickly from H A N D Y Q U A RTE RS Coconut, Cinnamon, Maple the store to, the consumers. a \ Hide-And-Seek et eM ' \ . The thrifty homemaker and shopper. who tries 20K f to stretch her food dollar buys at the A&P, where In Graveyard é } reg yg of homemakers attest to the high quality J- ' ™ Z and low prices. By GERRY McNEIL Highly perishable meat, fish and produce items ~ QUEBEC (CP)--Children skip are kept under: constant refrigeration in all stores. i = e tombstones of the The same holds true for dairy produce, frozen' foods nerable cemetery on Rue St and ice cream ' Jean, playing hide-and-seek and ; T lb. tg organs ihe Helanes ge op gal Dry groceries, likewise, are subjected to com- eo a ponies aor pany freshness control procedures. The merchandise ; Pkgs ihe ligtttd 6nd Bustle of & Gown. 1s constantly rotated on the grocery shelves to pro- . vide customers with the freshness every food buyer town district, and for the chil- dren, the greenery is a natural attracton It is the oldest Protestant cemetery in Québec City, The tombstone of Alexander Cam: éron, a Scots soldier, says he "died of a féver on this spot "hata ine year Gen m: SAVE during the GIANT James Wolfe lost his life win- ning French Canada for the English. His monument how. | f P| e stocleup the panbry Sabo! seeks, M Aunt éver is on the Plains of Abra- ham HISTORIC MARKERS The Cameron tombstone, like many others, was erectéd by his fellow officers. In those days, the British army did not take the body back home. A man was alone except for his, comrades in the regiment | Ensign John Taylor, 20, died in 1821 of pulmonary consump-| tion. James C. McLean was 23 when he died of 'Asiatic chol- éra" in 1832 Among the civilians, Eliza Willeock's epitaph tells a tale that was repeated many times in the following céntury, She died at 19, aboard ship, victim of hunger and _ privation. Thomas Townshend, master of . 3 f and the English barque Joshua, died it : e ' two days before its arrival here / e : d in 1844, 4 '" : . The marker for Brig.-Gen. , 4 rl a Henry Hope, lieutenant-gover- nor of Quebec who died in 1789, ¢ shows he was only 44. Another j notable name is that of Thomas 3 Great Blends... Seott, brother of Sir Walter NAN : i Scott. a had served with ~~ " EZ ea One Suits 70th Regiment in Cornwall an pe AS aD : \ Kingston, Ont., before coming ; | YOUR Taste. to Quebec -- 5 1816, and he Sanaa | mM was buried in 1823 SRE f ' Hy MH YOUR CHOICE -- SOME MYSTERIES \ , NOW _ Quic k Cooked CUSTOM GROUND Some broken or grown-over monuments, their inscriptions FOR YOU! A&P believes you should have chipped by time and weather, \ f provoke curiosity. W. L. Mac. ; or Flavor and Tenderness 0 ene, oRoeE B 0 K Hi R a choice of blends -- in order "STUKP Save THE PANTRY SPECIALS! ENJOY MAGNIFICENT COFFEE FLAVOUR... iJ "muss ltt kenzie King, former Liberal one of ees bed died in 1950, us to wa ' Ground To oave } to suit your taste exactly . . . Tote C= . around the cemetery looking for : a Pe : hae > _ Hae burs sae senate 14 $ That's why A&P coffee if father. He never did loca . , jo z = bl ms "i No one has been buried in the - OZ. Cc C 0 a P < 3 Soha Pre teragton Bie 4 : €€5: by these three A&P coffee a. WeenabecRGses cate cemetery since about 1860, says » 8 by, er of . tearby moray Tins ONE OF Acs FIN€ coFF blends than by eny other cof- ] fee, Enjoy coffee mill flavour, nearby mortuary. On one side of the cemetery = " is St. Matthew's Anglican ek a: P ' T Chureh, the lawn beneath its *) Hi cool grey stone the b ygoermny i . | | resting spot for tired passers- vy W th A&P Ab. i | by. But the cemétery itself is ave I = = a | ia iANI not specifically Anglican, and a = ; sari the G = } te SIV ¢ Ct Ani ty ~>* . 4 Pose gr 'ae a Pa city ae 3 and chure! cials makes sure < j cae, Ze Low, Low Prices rit et wil phe b. that it is kept in good condition SPECIAL! ELECT PRESIDENT - JERUSALEM (AP)--Israel's parliament will elect a_ state president to a five-year term of office Oct: 30. Izhak Ben-Zvi 78-year-old incumbent, is @x i pected to be among the candi- A dates. _-- | a ' eo