2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 Player's Death Ruled Caused By Stimulants MONTREAL (CP)--An au-| McArdle, a 200 - pound, 28- topsy into the death of Robertiyear-old tackle with the T-ois- (Bob) McArdle, who died 24|Rivieres Braves of the Quebec hours after he collapsed dur.ng|Intermediate Football Confer- a football game Sunday, has|ence, collapsed midway through pinpointed the cause of death as|a game with the Laval West over-exertion caused by stimu-|Hurricanes. The game, first of lants. the season for both teams, was However, the type of stimulant|played in 90-degrees heat. used and the amount taken! When he was admitted to hos- may never be known, |pital, McArdle, who had not shock and a collapsed kidney, probably the result of over: stimulation caused by barbitu- rates, as the cause of death. "McArdle died of shock neph- rosis, hyperthermic insojation and over - exertion probably caused by the taking of an overdose of stimulants," said Dr, Fontaine. "All organs showed acute congestion due to a supreme effort. "Too many people take these stimulants. Almost all athietes, students, businessmen, profes- Sear had temperature f 103 Sask. Loses oi." 68 Doctors In 7 Months | |CALL AUTOPSY siona! men and others are mak- | An autopsy was called after|ing too great a use of them |Chief Gaetan Belisle of the Le-|Death seldom occurs and it val West police force called for|comes to our attention only a provincial police investigation|when an overdose has been into the possibility that McAr-| taken." die was using barbiturates. | Dr, Fontaine said it is un- Dr. Rosario Fontaine, chief likely the exact nature of the medico-legal expert for the|stimulants would ever be {province who conducted the au-| known. SASKATOON (CP)--The Sas-| katchewan College of Physi- cians and surgeons said Tues- day the province had a net loss of 68 doctors in the first seven months of this year compared with a gain of 10 last year. A spokesman for the college jsaid the high loss was a direct jresult of the medical care dis- topsy, said the autopsy showed) pe-TURNED THIS YEAR pute. { Trois-Rivieres coach Bob Me. | Leod. McLeod said he had no idea |McArdle was using stimulants. Oscar Trepanier, owner and OFFERS BABY IN TRADE Mrs. Jean Rook, 33, mother | for not paying rent, is stay- of six, holds month-old daugh- | ing temporarily at a Derby, L T | McArdle, an electrician who Since January 89 doctors left | played three seasons with Ver- . Start Again |Saskatchewan and nine died; 30 dun Shamcats, returned to font- ball this year at the urging of | OTTAWA (CP) -- Fourteen jmen head back to the confer- left are children Lyndsey, 1, |registered for practice and 90 Tony, 13, Nigel, 7, Jacqueline, |were brought in by the provin- \cial medical care commission ence table today.for their sec- ond round of talks on the tick- lish problem of Canada's mount- ing lumber exports to the Uniied States. manager of the Braves, said he first suspected something was wrong with McArdle when the player wanted to fight with the trainer for no reason at "|S THANT VISITS K _U Thant, right, United Na- , talks with Khrushchev and -_ ag m Raga gg Seo a other top Soviet leaders dur- al, posed wi oviet Premier | ; ' i ' ; Nikita Khrushchev Tuesday ing his present Russian. trip. At rear in this photo from during visit to Khrushchev's ; summer retreat at Yalta on | Tass, Soviet news and picture ter, Jacqueline, who she said | England, hospital. Husband * Tuesday she would give up in loved ta at exchange for a house for her | Jim, 35, unemployed, is at a * family. The family, evicted! Salvation Army hostel. From Rowena, 2, and Bernard, 11. --(AP Wirephoto via cable from London) after the first quarter. "Later,' "he added, "I no- ticed his eyes were glassy and he didn't recognize me. He looked like a guy who was during July's medicare dispute. | The super-secret discussions The province's doctors, op-/opened Tuesday between the posed to the provincial govern-|eight American and six Cana- ~|ment's medical care plan, boy-|dian government officials. No cotted it when it was imple-| details came out of the 24-hour mented July 1, | session. drunk so I took Him out of the The boycott ended July 23 ttawa meeting was re-|8ame." | when the government agreed al Te ott the U.S. arnatamen McArdle walked to the bench amend the Medical Care Insur-| after lumber producers in the |and collapsed, ance Act. It was amended|v.s, northwest, backed by some; Evgeni D. Kiselev, presently under-secretary for political and security council affairs at the U.N, --(AP Wirephoto via cable from London) - Workers Raising Sunken Vessel WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Work- men Tuesday began trying to raise the sunken motor vessel Montrose from the bottom of the 'Detroit River, | A hole was cut in the star- board side above the water line and deck cargo and fittings 1e . . azZil S the Black Sea. Thant has held ; « ce ; Aug. 2. : - |comgressmen, called on Wash-| | INTERPRETING THE NEWS eadies Hh cess id, ote gn ao einer QM Upholds | ges doctors imported during] nadian softwood lumber. | p the dispute still were in tempor-| Since devaluation of the Ca.| MONTREAL (CP) -- Georgejhis appeals for the shooting ofjcurrent issue of Le Magazine ary practice in Saskatchewan jnadian dollar last May sales of | School Board el Hl I 1e Vy a ers Lincoln Rockwell, U.S. Nazi/French President de Gaulle,|Maclean which quoted Mr, Ca-| College records show that at}Canadian lumber in the region| party leader, says he is all|Western and Eastern Commu-jouette as oe during anjthe end of July there were 955|have been leaping. Devaluation ae ready to set up a coast-to-coast/nists. interview that Hitler and Mus-\doctors registered in Saskat-|lowered Canadian prices' in D : * Canadian Nazi party with head-| Such action could be avoided solini were his political heroes|chewan, including 90 doctors|terms of U.S. dollars and Cana-| ecision Os roposa S quarters in Quebec --bui he if oe sorerepesia prevent gee ® : ig in during the dispute.|dian lumber is undercutting " OTTAWA (CP)--The Ontario t fi ] laws i it possible for e artic "aus: 1 i ly ; r ij in i ses tean't find a leader. aws making it pi icle caused a smali/The figure at the end of July,|U.S. lumber industry in its Sdvnicipal earl: has upheld "a By HAROLD MORRISON He arrived in Montreal Tues- them to "gas Communist trait-|furore in Canada. 1961, was 922. market. the question of what caused 'day on his way home from|ors and Zionists because there|------ fet Sain dahl 8 "s | ' ; " Europe where he maintained he aren't enough electric chairs. county. court decision to allow the Ottawa separate school «(board to collect a percentage of isi veral t Rockwell said that he knows) § shad visited several countries ' ws| * because of his concern "'that the) Very little about the Social] 'Germans might rise up against/Credit party in Canada "except the Communist tyrants because) that they are a right-wing group of the Berlin wall." of Christians that agree with me Rockwell's hotel in Montreal that Communists and interna- was watched by - two Montreal| {ional financial dominaton ' _|should be wiped out. police cruisers and plainclothes-|"",, : men were inside. He said he}... dont know Mr. Caouette, Sot : (Real Caouette, deputy national did not notify the press of his * her visit to avoid: antagonizing the|eader of the Social Credit| 9 is : aie (party) but I agree with his or Ee be nay " dis: choice of heroes."' Rockwell was ' "He pone to say exactly why referring to the article in the he was in Canada or why he) visited Europe so soon after his) expulsion from the United King-| dom earlier this month. Man Faces Trial While denying he was in Can- For Matricide ada to meet supporters, the Nazi leader said Montreal-based TORONTO (CP) -- Joseph anti'- Communist organizations, g7aho, 23, was committed Tues- "especially the Polish.and Hun- day for trial on a charge of| 7 garian groups," had been in) murdering his mother in April, touch with him. 1956. "SUNNY WEATHER WEATHER FORECAST Canadian Press Staff Writer Just five months ago Presi- ja company's assessment based jon the number of Roman Cath- lolic shareholders. The case involves the Banque Provinciale du Canada in Ot- tawa. Sixty-three per cent of its shareholders are Catholics, and |the board's decision means that jthe separate school board can jcollect 63 per cent of the bank's | assessment in Ottawa, | In-its initial attempt to co ]- |sessment, the separate school board lost its case in the court of revision, The decision: was appealed and was upheld by County Court Judge Peter J. Macdonald, The public schoo! board then appealed to the OMB last Feb. 14. The board ruled that a com- pany does not have to notify assessment commissioners that 4)some of its assessment is to go \to the separate board, but if it ;wants to give such notice only a reasonably convincing proof of shareholders' wishes is neces- sary. It was not known immediately whether the public school board would appeal the decision to a higher court. CHARLESTON PREDICTED | North BOY vccese v0 |Sudbury .. tellites and caused one iaunch-|Sudbury: Mostly ing postponement, the civilian) warm Warm Weather Seen Thursday Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- lar cells on several orbiting sa-|magami regions, North Bay,|Trenton ...... sunny and/Killaloe ... today but with some|Muskoka .... space agency reported Tuesday.|afternoon evening cloudiness | ------ {Barlton Kapuskasing White River. | Moosonee | Timmins |Sault Ste. Marie... Observed Temperatures Dawson ../ |today and Thursday. A few scat-|Vancouver . tered showers or thundershow.|Victoria ... lers both days, Winds 'Ight, | Edmonton | - Regina ... | Forecast "Temperatures Winnipeg | Low tonight, High Thursday Lakehead .. WIRE oss icccsces. 67 |White River \St. Thomas.. London .;... |Sault Ste. Marie... | Kitchener : Windsor, Ont.,. the Supreme Court of Canada approved an jattempt by the Ford Motor Company of Canada to have part of its assessment go to separate schools. But the Privy Council upset the verdict. 54 SPENDS TO SAVE RICHMOND, England (CP)-- The Duke of Zetland is spending £125,000--to economize. That's the cost of demolishing part of his stately home in Yorkshire. He says the house will be cheaper to run when smaller and modernized. jlect a share of the bank's as-| In a similar case in 1947 in| dent Kennedy pledged with great fervor that the United! |States never again would agree} to. an uninspected moratorium) lon nuclear tests. | In effect he said the U.S.) would not trust Russia's word; | jthat the U.S. could not atford| jto allow Russia to gain the ad-| |vatnage of secret test prepara'| jtions while' pretending to agree |to a test ban. | | He indicated that before sign- jing any test ban agreement, not jonly would the U.S. demand full jon-site inspection of unidentified) jexplosions in Russia but also! jinspection to make sure Russia! wasn't secretly preparing to| jbreak the agreement with new) jexplosions. | That was a strong and deter- {mined policy adopted against a \background of Soviet breach of ja three - year test moratorium jand discovery by the U.S. that jthe 1961 Soviet detonations |showed spectacular progress in |Russian nuclear technology: | Now, suddenly, Kennedy ap- pears to have changed his posi- tion and watered down his de- mands, Along with Prime Min- ister Macmillan, he has offered |Russia an uninspected ban - jtesting in the atmosphere, in Kennedy to change his position. And if such an offer could be made now, why couldn't it have béen made last spring? | The most pertinent point) about Kennedy's March 2 state-| ment when he yejected any fur- ther moratorium was that he} was under great political pres-| sure at home to resume atmos-| pheric testing. He bowed to that! demand, Now the Russians have un- dertaken a second series, Car- rying out a threat to test every time the Americans test. Meanwhile the non - nuclear) powers have maintained their| clamor for a halt to all explo-) sions. The new Western offer in ef: fect challenged the Russians to agree on a ban of the :ests most; harmful from the viewpoint. of radiation--those above ground. In the opinion of the Wash- ington Daily News the Anglo- American offer was merely a calculated political risk fur pro-| paganda purposes, based on the} expectation that Russia would| reject it. | Even if the Russians| accepted the offer, it says, "there is small chance that such a deal could get past the Senate." | space and under water -- an \offer that contains some of the elements of a moratorium, with! the exception of underground detonations, The initial Soviet) reaction was '"'nyet," | The curious aspect of the present Anglo-American offer is} were removed. It is estimated it will take 50 to 70 days to raise the vessel. uVY, ON "Going, Going, Go--!" YES! Only 3 Ravine Lots Left! viet. 2. Us tofiight and see how your "dream home" can come true in. Beau Valley! SEE "THE ANTIQUA" NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial CONTACT LENSES | Phone 723-4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D: 136 SIMCOE NORTH The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 | Beau Vatiey Ploce To Live" "A Pleasant KASSINGER PHONE Gael PHONE 723-2265 | | Wingham .. |Kapuskasing ..... North Bay........ |Mount Forest.... | Hamilton St. Catharines..... | Toronto |Peterborough .... Toronto Se oe aly Killaloe Ottawa . bashes Quebec .......5.. jand chance of a few scattered) and Space Administration in-|8h ower s or. thundershowers.| sisted that the radiation is no|Tiods and one or two showers or, menace to the US. man-in-| Thursday sunny with cloudy pe-| space program it will not delay|thundershowers. Winds light. | the orbital flight planned in} Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie,| about a month of Walter M.|Cochrane, White River regions: | Schirra, NASA said. Partly cloudy and a little cooler | Rockwell said he had ha At the time of her death | met with any Canadian politica! Szabo, then 17 and an honor|| leaders. P Grade 12 studen,t was found un- _The Nazi leader expanded: on rit for trial and was committed {to the Ontario Hospital at Pene- |tanguishene. Psychiatrists now Court Hears jconsider him mentally fit to istand trial. | s Detective Sgt. Robert Smollet; Testimony \described in court Tuesday how jhe found the body of Mrs. Eli- jzabeth Szabo, 48, in a green- In Fraud Case house at the rear of the fam- lily's home in suburban Etobi- QUEBEC (CP)--Two Crown|coke. witnesses testified Tuesday that) Sgt. Smollet told Magistrate they worked at the suburban|James Butler that Mrs. Szabo) and summer residences of Ro-|had two bullet wounds in her| . Forecasts issued by the Tor- sario Lemire, former provincial/head. He said he found a .22.;onto weather office at 5 a.m.: Liquor Police director for Que- calibre rifle, a red-stained rag) Synopsis: A slow - moving bec City district charged with|and a flashlight in the green-|high-pressure area will bring 'fraud, but they denied being)house. |fair and very warm weather to paid for this work beyond their ----------| southern Bsus ey So tgiag regular salary. . | Ontario today an ursday. Louis Letarte told the court U.S. High Blasts L take OL Claie Lake Bee. he F ajacocag to - this =" 7 mi |Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- Work when not busy as chau) |tario, southern Georgian Bay, feur ba coger Ra Aug do.| Hurt Satellites Haliburton seen Wicdeor, ing chores at the Lemire home} .\London, Toronto:' Sunny and better for my health" than eg Pibetenag, tinder P eye Beet _ borne ers today and Thursday, ting. around the office of the lation frem the shag ign-ai a wine light, now-disbanded force. utde hydrogen-bom» explosion} ""Romauld Lambert said he? the Pacific has damaged so- never missed work because of his services to Lemire. Lambert said he added a lit- tle mileage to his expense ac F ' counts sometimes when police But the National Aeronautics duties took him to Lemire's home. He said he never charged ex- penses when he went,to work at Lemire's residences "volun-| tarily," only when he went on "imvitation" from Lemire. Now on at... SAD rators, Ranges, T.V., shers, Dryers, Heaters, Vaccums, Radios, Bed Suites, Chairs, Mattresses, Chesterfields, Bunk Beds, Kitchen Suites, Bed Chester- fields, Lamps, Continental Beds, Hassocks, Dividers, Pole Lamps, Tape Recor- ders, Record Players! ! if You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! | BAD BOY sme If your present furnace is old and inefficient, now is the time to have us re- place it. A smart, new, en- closed model will give you more usable space in your basement; improve the Cou can have your new oil furnace installed for less than $10 a month! It's different, it's dignified, it's delightfully refreshing! Cosy, enchanting, quiet, spacious modern . . .-all these plus many more words could easily apply to this pne palatial home, It has features like you've seldom (if ever) seen. Paneled walls throughout fully equipped kitchen and laundry room -- (frig, stove, dryer, washer) --- complete sections of wall are - to ceiling" window (with drapes too) -- 2 fireplaces plus built-in "barbecue outside unique lighting plan -- 2 bathrooms --~- 3 bedrooms ----- 2-car garage, etc., etc Ste Water Dalich ? value of your home and give you better, more ec- onomical heating. Let us quote you on the unit of shaded by some of the most magnificent trees you'll THURSDAY -AUG. 30th-3 P.M. to 8 P.M. this magnificent home torierrew. Sewn 220 WINONA - OSHAWA SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 360 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-2265 Just a small deposit is needed, and you can spread the payments over the next 5 years. KES, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA your choice. Complete Privacy !s ensured. The huge | is beautifully landscaped with handsome hedges terraced rear section is lot APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 |} KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 PHONE 725-3581