en | VINTAGE CARS | VENICE JUROR - { @yyp qgyekwa TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 2] Student Part | 1 THE FASTEST TWO HOURS Comedian Harold Lloyd--just| Director Ronald Neame-- -- emerged from a two-decade re-|whose 'Tunes of Glory' and| In 1956, the life expectancy for|was 67.61 years and for a fo Of G F pee crated choad et li a Fe oni eh two 1920 Rolis!-rhe Horse's Mouth" won best a Canadian male baby at birth|male 72.92 years. i o i 5 Troup or | | Royces on blocks at his Holly-|actor awards the last two years \ > ; a IT PLUNGES YOU INTO jwood estate "for sentimental --is British juror at the 1962) gamgem ' a TONIGHT ONLY! i WYlarsh: Foreign Jobs 5 ANEW DIMENSION OF FEAR! | reasons." Venice Film Festival. z.. voi pe a : ' 8 ae eRe eR RECENT GEES LLNS, --_ eo SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! LT | : ee | By JOY FENSTON ' TY THE ONLY THROUGH RAIL SE E esa i A | ' D.E.A. pNONTREAL, (CP) -- Pate IMPORTANT! SEE UMS OF OU TH OVERNIGHT ro CHICAGO | \| 'toes covon rroctast J) SCHOOL OF DANCING unn is a member of a rapidly be: his "WORLD BY NIGHT" | growing group of students who} f ( 4 : join IASEC for sumnier jobs in -- NO CHANGE EN ROUTE 4 ~~ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- fel Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, 5 'TROY DONAHUE -- CONNIE STEVENS -- Bd "4 Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. foreign countries. i, ; ; Peter, 19, comes from London} % Ye at Travel relaxed--arrive refreshed 4 pe eA and is taking an honors eco. . , j Pog For information phone Vos asia i SUSAN SLADE : REGISTRATION: ian ie at the University ' inburgh, All LASEC train-| 4% / 4 q . | " " ees must take at least one| 7 4 c ' : 1,,,,__ NAKED SPUR" Color course in economics. cual o a % @ CANADIAN NATIONAL TOMORROW! Knights of the Round Table" SATURDAY, SEPT. 8th ' for a "traineeship" as the sum- 144-61 mthe initials Pag the "| . . , ee b. Sister The Sto , Se ea :.. OSHAWA 10 a.m. te 1 p.m. ternatanal Association of Se: | SPASTEST, FUNNIEST sow OF i Ait Timer 3: a Rive-IN | AT THE "4i| MASONIC TEMPLE ence, Economics and Com- merce Students. It tries to find ve Seeker se CHARLIE CHAPLIN ove Fuensnns - PEARL WaT | jobs that will give its trainees : TO 3 : e~ WHEN, OF a grounding in some aspect of ™ é ate A Days f THRILLS HEN COMEDY WAS ASKIN business or industry. ' %: : 4 LAUGHTER Wn 20. The Funniest . { ee ee Sak tas oy Z be. 'BI ey rim ocautinet Ey BIE THORNTON RD. AT TaBreeAY 401... PHONE 723.4972 | 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA tine, But they do provide an op- SS P 4 . g ; ) tine, But they do provide an op- ¥ , : BILTMORE et TODAY Thru THURSDAY CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON ] | Information: 723-7253 mer travel, The trainees are 4 pees é ; given reduced travel rates, they earn enough to support them- selves while working and to fi- ee COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A BLAKE EDWARDS PRODUCTION | ' Peter is working in the offices of a soft drink firm here. He ° ' finds his clerical job fairly in- teresting "'as long as it's only e for the summer." TIMES: Gal "I don't understand how peo- 1:15 ple can work all their lives in 3:15 i STREET SOUTH an office,"' he said 5:15 ° "] don't know what I'd like to 7:15 wm J 64 eg be. There are so many things LAST SHOW to do, it's difficult to choose. I 9:15 : think I'd_ like journalism -- AIR you're using you mind and Fe CONDITIONED you're working under pressure ae I'm not sure whether I could do ' : peg teens it. I don't want to be 'just good s anouets' OPEN FRIDAY NITE SORRY! ! Peter has already travelled SALE 'TIL 9 P.M. NO PHONE ORDERS Surope -ontinen N on the European cont n nt and ; seins LOTS OF PARKING SPACE ia Bee to Israel, as well as his trip to | Canada and the U.S. this sum- ¥ | STARTS ? All Goods Subject Te Previous Sole. mer. "T was disappointed in New York,"' he said. 'Now I realize 4 | why American tourists in Eng- o iy land are so overwhelmed when F j : j ursday you stop to give them direc- ; . 7} tions, or walk-with them a little a3 way. People in the U.S. aren't ' ' & : Au ust particularly friendly--I felt like E: ae g an' intruder for days in New : : York, then I realized everyone nm 4 does j | t 'In Israel it's the exact op- posite. But that has its disad- % y ie vantages too. Friends of mine "a 4 nee PROMPTLY who stayed on a kibbutz de- 4 ik 5 = 3 cided to leave after six months : . eee They said that after a while you = 'a a | AT know what everyone thinks, a ° how they move, the sound of 5 ' their footsteps." , ; ' Peter is one of 70 overseas eines $ 9:30 students in Montreal this sum-| ' i] mer. The group includes an % Italian girl who holds a pilot's) ; | jicence as well as a degree in) Pu TS. 2 ; a economics, a 25-year-old lieu- tenant in the Swiss army and) a Dutch sociologist who claims| that "people in America eat too; | er Pa ' pw ae cial . ~ Seer ee Re ne ac" MONROE wonnws | ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS [--crnuorews wide arc with his arm. "But he was one of ie few aa 9 of her greatest Nylon Hose | EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THE ENTIRE STORE REDUCED] Ankle Sox qualified liking for North Amer-| jean food. Many ask, disbeliev-| pertornences New Fall shades, seamless FOR EAGER BUYERS AND % LENGTH ingly, if Canadians eat the same styles, oll sizes. Reg. 1.00 Ser ner nme as | io sche. Ail "name bron ay jeer 9 1 Bl rag: gr gge| FOLKS WHO BUY QUALITY AT BARGAIN PRICES | see ontane 5g | WILL SNAP THIS STOCK UP QUICKLY _-- 4 piece BILL LY Ly e ADULT ENTERTAIN! Tap, Baton RY Twirling or | OTHER BUSINESS INTERESTS COMPELS THIS a0 TB a ve eg 7 | DRASTIC ACTION 4 P.M, for Fall term IRENIE HARVEY | ; cpt tT PRICED TO MOVE! neh. ati 424 KING ST. WEST "CABINET OF CALLGARI" . PHONE 725-6122 Plus "PAY OR DIE" ic settee e PURSES and HANDBAGS é Sizes 2 to 6 Reg. 5.95 to 8.95 Brand names, in Jim wd ip = all widths. Great- Fido Th a ie - " La;} 3 8 § ly reduced.. ursday i riday, Saturday YS Ss +> ha and Sunday =| -- Holiday-Wear Hovard lay to figure out = | im ' st ia accgestage MOCCASINS as ; BLACKBOARD 4 a FOR MORNING... FOR AFTER- what to do J N . OONS . . . AND LITTLE FOR MEN, with them SPECIALS EVENINGS . . . SMALL, LARGE REG. 3.98 WOMEN Ane ee gg SHOES FOR SCHOOL . AND SHAPELY. kia : hesda Leena Ths! SAVE PLEN TY NOW ! WOMEN'S SPORTY [ Now' BY LEADING MAKERS CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR { SUMMER FASHIONS ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND SIZES, ALL FITTED BY EXPERTS LIMITED QUANTITIES IN SOME LINES Shoes with high or REG. PRICE } REG. PRICE REG. PRICE REG. PRICE REG. PRICE illusion heels, gracefully 3.95--NOW md Pied 5.95 & 6.50 6.95 & 7:95 8.95 & 9.95 curbed pumps, in popular widths, and most sizes. Our reg, Prices 15.95, 16.95, 17.95. Now on Sale Pair It's a Store-Wide Close-Out Sale 9.67 ATE Ca, Discontinued Styles and Ri NaK JAMES GARWER Tony Rawonu, | WOMENS FAMOUS MAKERS) FOOTWEAR, SEES Hor dass or campus WN A MARTIN RANSOHOFF PRO vS PRODUCTION . heels .. . mide-heights and illusions. WOMEN'S AND TEEN-AGERS' a Men's Dress Shoes -- Reg. CASUAL SHOES and FLATTEES REG. PRICES NOW ON SAL ; oo-stsieien Bove' 8 elir || 9.95 - 11.95 - 12.95 REG. PRICES. prices 13.95 - 15.95 - 17.95. JANET BLAIR PATTI PAGE WW eas agg pata ena hatha g Net ett' Sizes, Clipe - Out on pense y \ i ; e JESSIE ROYCE LANDIS OSCAR HOMOLKA sossso vonns so f Price Poir Tad bole, gts athe 47 ae ge @ green, otc., et-. Reg. ' i @) 8 8 prices 4.98 and 5.98 pr. PAIR . Pair - HOWARD DUFF METROCOLOR Sy =-- woe [Rguqggnmnf: || HOUSTON SHOES x 305 BROCK ST. "2 OOL CK Ss » PLAZA PAIR A KIMCO- FILMWAYS PICTURE an 3IVI necease baa FEATURE DAILY AT ARK JIM BACKUS:RUTH MCDEVITT-LARRY KEATING] 1:30 - 3:30 - 5.25 . 7:20 - 9.35 ee A Famous. Vliayers heatte d .