LL A A TF ee ee a j ~ " i 'i yee , PPP OR . aiid " y P oe ee . THE OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 15 - US. Concern Sparked . By Canadian Dollar By HAROLD MORRISON |reaction that would bring about] badly hurt by heavy imports, WASHINGTON (CP) -- Can-|the closing of markets against) industries can appeal to the tar , ll over the world." | iff commission to recommend ada's devalued "dollar and,°Ur exports all over ; , ; A withdrawal of tariff concessions Se 5 et Se aoe gt IMPACT UNDER STUDY \to the exporting country. The aroused both sympathy | and) 4 factor that helps support) presi dentdecides whether such concern in the United States. 'pal! is that U.S. industry gen| recommendations should be ac The government and at least/erally is still attempting to|cepted. The softwoods lumber part of the U.S. business com-|measure the full impact of Calindustry now has such an ap expe '2 nog ee to be sym-jnadian policies "i U.S. markets | peal before the commission. | pathetic. They feel it is essen-)and exports. As the months ro ; | tial that Canada remain strong|by, sales figures on .S. Pot Another manoeuvre is to try| ; A ; : jto pin import restrictions on because it is the biggest single;ports both in Canada and else|,' , hel | : : a |legislation moving through the market for U.S. goods and the|where likely will solidify U.S.| congressional 'will, An import! closest ally the U.S. has. opinion, It will be several) "sree is Kennedy's propos| This sympathy also has an-|months before the commerce de|an to slash American tariffs un| other element of self-interest:|partment is able to collect fi8 | ger international reciprocity. | The big $16,000,000,000 Amer-jures on July and August exports : ; | ; ; hoy tant nag Legislators sympathetic with) ican investment bundle in Can-|to Canada. lthe "oil industry's claims { ada. But voices against Canada} ayy competition from Canada| Against this sympathetic view|are being heard. The U.S, lum | ied to pin an amendment to| is th rowing criticism byjber industry is sharply critical gee : - rs _* 4 ' the bill increasing tariffs and, those in the U.S. who are hurtjof the devalued Canadian dol limiting imports. The amend by the Canadian actions. These/lar, saying the lowerpriced Ca) nent sak knocked. dott. critics are trying to build up ajnadian softwoods are cutting) head of steam is Congress andlinto the U.S. market for Amer'SENATOR'S THREAT government. And business andjican softwoods. Now Senator Wayne Morse, government opinion suggests! When Canada followed dollar\Democrat from the lumber| this criticism may grow the| devaluation with higher import|state of Oregon, is threatening longer Canadian austerity re-jrestrictions, the U.S. industry to attempt to amend the bill to mains in force. [wae able to: arouse psa tes restrict lumber when the bill |pathy for its appeal for higher|comes before the Senate. He has AIDS COMPETITION : restrictions against Canada. The! even threatened to stage a fili The main Canadian actions|California fruit industry con|buster in an attempt to delay felt in the U.S. are the devalued cluded it would be badly hit by| passage of the bill if the U.S. dollar and the temporary im-ithe Canadian curbs. This led to} government does not persuade position of tariff surcharges Of/speeches in Congress by Cali|Canada to ease pressures on the et mptes per . Pigs de-|fornia legislators lamenting the/U.S. industry. valued dollar reduces the price/Canadian restrictions. Legislat| . : of Canadian exports in terms of|ors from the lumber states|,. "ether he would be success i 'ai : ful in blocking passage is ques fe een aee nthe te canna 2. Some newspapers'tionable. But Morse is a fiery ing Canadian ability to'compete/took up the cry. : le, 5 : r against American goods in U.S.| joperator and a skilled parlia and other world markets. SEEKS RETALIATION jmentarian, Undoubtedly he At the same time, the addi-| Sympathizing with the lum|could stir up a lot of trouble. tional tariffs tend to increase|bermen, the Spokane Spokes) Among those who support prices of U.S. goods in Canada|manReview urged Congress to|Morse on lumber is Senator or shut them out altogether/give President Kennedy's tar|Warren Magnuson, Washington through price competition. iff . slashing proposals "'rough|Democrat and chairman of the U.S Chamber of Com-/treatment" unless the legisla/Senate foreign commerce com merce spokesman, close to busi-jtion is stiffened to retaliate|mittee, Interviewed, he said his ness and government, summed against Canadian dollar devalu/committee is getting an increas up general feeling this way: (ation. ing number of letters complain "I've just spoken to a num-| The Committee for a Na/ing of the effect of the devalued ber of business executives.|tional Trade Policy, a private/Canadian dollar and the higher ricions, but they bave faith injmen, rejected' the 'idea of te| 0 ead OF OSHAWA'S NEWEST FASHION CENTRE Canada; They know Canada isjstrictions against Canadian UNPOPULAR MEASURES i 4 , 'Canada' may have been jus j in trouble and that drastic ac-|lumber but Kennedy bowed to)... Pores. tion was required. These execu|demands of lumberstate legis|tified in taking the steps -- tives will remain sympathetic|lators and called for negotia she did," he said referring -- : i ore with Canada as long as the re|tions with Canada on the im/to the dollar and the tariffs. md e e 'ati | i i don't know. But naturally there strictions are only temporary|port situation. agit : and will be remove das quickly; It is likely the negotiation|!S @ Teluctance down here ible." |may prove to be more of a mere|@gainst these measures if they / as possible par a of the problem than|ffect the things we are trying : } Fi R DAY AUGUS : 30th TIME A FACTOR a decision to restrict Canadian|to 40. Canada keeps making a ee i This view s echoed in thejjymber exports either voluntar|/Point of saying it is our bes OS U.S .commerce department, butlijy or through U.S. curbs, But|Customer. That's fine. But Ca no official has as yet offered|the industry is watching clos/Madians are buying mainly : & any suggested time limit forjely and with November Con|those goods they don't produce : : t e 7 the higher tariffs. Some author 4 Leal aay @ § , ar gressional elections on the hor themselves. ee : ities are waiting for Canada tolizon, legislators may renew|.. /£ we start moving into Ca unveil its longrange recovery|their pressures on Kennedy un|\tian markets with other program. to be placed before/jess the industry is satisfied, |things that are being produced oe Bred he a As an indication of the reser|in -- hong na gl i a v7 e ® | ace jtivoir of sympathy for C *sitect its industries. Us ey 4 A 'T | | h October. But a general view in)nosition t. obticlat US. pens Canadians) don't consult us. you ove Ss opping " in: government seems to indicate it/there was the recent unpublic|!hey just go ahead. Canada de| j would like to see Canada relizeq actio nb valued the dollar. We can't com : " : y the defence de a the Bs nt com) move the higher tariffs within!partment to reduce inspection|Pete in that way because we one year. : ; costs on American defence con|Ccannot move our dollar up or It appears likely that if Canjtracts awarded to Canadians,|down so freely. Changes have ada does not take action in that/Phe reduction is reported to be|t0 be authorized 'by law and j time, the U.S. government) small but it means a prefer|that means an act of Congress." oe would review its decision not tolence for Canada in relation to| But Magnuson yearns for ee seek compensation for the loss|other world bidders for Amer|ttade peace. : of Canadian markets throughlican contracts. | "Canada and the U.S. have the tariff increases. This could} so many things in common. We otk pelo iggamagg against SEEK OTHER MEANS ;will face common problems in i : Q SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS NON-RUN NYLONS : a 4 yee we gees a cme they mayjgetting lumber into overseas eorge Ball, undersecretary|not get all the help they want|markets once Britain joins the Save on First Quali Nylons at state, says he doesn't like to|from the U.S. government, leg/Common Market, We may. have "Buy by the Dozen' AN Flattering --- Mash i a Heork 2 FOR see trade retaliation for he feels|islators representing states that|to join hands in selling lumber j Dull Matte Finish in two popular € yOns at a special low € 1.00 that "retaliation breeds retaljmay be hit by the Canadian rejoverseas. It isn't good to have shades. price. iation."' : |strictions are seeking action| retaliation. We want to sit down "If we were to use retaliation|through other channels. and negotiate our lumber prob and. restraint," he says, "welback' on" "escape clause" 'aclthe: Cenadiane" 4 DOUBLE KNIT WOOL SUITS CORDANA DUSTERS could very well set off a chain'tion. By taining th are!sonably."" ; oe - ELE LAER OF : . Two-piece Suits, new Fall Styl- 77 Two lovely stylies in printed : | ing in Charcoal, Gold, Blue and e Cordana. Warm, cosy, light- o ee Light Grey. weight, in several shades. a SLEEK, S-T-R-E-T-C-H PANTS GIRDLES - GIRDLES - GIRDLES The fit is terrific, in several new Fall shades. Buy now at a saving. Artfully designed for shapemaking Scientifically sized in proportions to 5 a4 magic Power net pantie and regular 1 Be fit you. @ @ pap alto | | ~corrow mmvcare stouses | ------------ Ge oe: | 7) contmavnetaee ay Gf | -fLANNELETTE PYJAMAS @ i of sateen, print and plains, Lovely Prints in many new iN TG EW ' Le short and long sleeves. In latest shades, all sizes in stock thrill- y ee Fall styling and colors, 2 For 5.00 ingly low priced. ad _* ' soe Buy it now at asaving-- ) 7) ae Use our Convenient Lay-Away Plan WAS SUPPLIED epee HURRY ...3 DAYS ONLY! While Quantities Last AN INSTALLED BY Pretty Silk Scarves 32 x 32, water re- BLACK ee Pa FREE SCARVES pellant treated, to each customer whose purchase is 2.00 or more. | ; Al CANDY AND BALLOONS FOR THE KIDDIES ! ! Sincere Best Wishes For Future Success On Their Grand Opening In Oshawa ! ! : ' MANY OTHER SPECIALS AT THE STORE NOT ADVERTISED See our large selection of HANDBAGS, GLOVES, BRASSIERES NYLON and COTTON LINGERIE BLACK and McDONALD LTD SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED -- 12 - 14 KING ST. WEST F ; ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 101 PARLIAMENT ST. TORONTO, ONT.