THE OSHAWA TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 9) Top Fashion Designers Style Nurses' Uniforms By ELEANOR ROSS the typical costume fg a modestly - cut morning dress, n ~~ Page al get aoeereencty knitted shaw! and bonnet. urses' unifo! ' , : 'sa : | ver, we're glad to report The 192 versions certainly It goes almost without saying g And iad 'on are hs dedi- demonstrate that uniforms have that all these stylish uniforms) cated Sean who wear their -- "ae & fashion never' is, completely and safely ma- i i i oe ere F shine- ble and need on! uniforms with such pride. The hits of the show included eae ee aewessing, je 6 at FAMOUS NAMES Adele Simpson $ Fortrel - _ groomed nurse would ever The newest uniforms for|cotton one - piece t u ao == ,e dream of wearing a uniform) nurses are now being designed) sheath. This ipa we neg og more than once without its be- with flair and imagination by|Side from a stand-awa) coll ing laundered. top fashion names -- such as\has a peplum and elbow-length| > i c \sleeves. wag Cal Gaaaee aa ear and! A chic Ceil Chapman design ACTIVE MOTHER i i idea! s for the fashion - conscious MONTREAL (CP) -- Marg Se nurse who loves the much-|Cunningham, character actress DELVED INTO HISTORY touted "'little nothing" look of|on radio and television, finds The fashion featured not only,complete simplicity. Her side-|time enough in her busy acting the latest in handsome, easy-|fastened dress is sophistication| schedule to play championship care, easy-wear uniforms, butlitself, with bateau neckline,|golf. A mother of two, she has delved into history for a look\dropped waistline and flared|won club honors at Montreal's at nurses' attire all the way!skirt. Rosemere Golf Club for the last jlovely crisp material, was se-| lected for this next little num- ber. The nurse who loves a shirtwaist will find Anne Klein's uniform suited to her special taste. This buttons to the neatly - cinched waist from a) collarless neckline and flows into a gathered skirt. back to revolutionary days when) Fortel-and-cotion ottoman, altwo years. 9 SPORTSWEAR, Ltd. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DON'T MISS IT TOMORROW - FRIDAY - SATURDAY OUR ANNUAL PRE-SEASON SALE DAYS SLIMS © SWEATERS © SKIRTS HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM REDUCED FROM REGULAR PRICE 10% to 50% | A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE ALL SUMMER STOCK ¥ PRICE AND LESS WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF LADIES' SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA See Our Gorgeous New Transition Dresses, You'll Love Them. A real Pick-Me-Up for Now and Through the Fall. From only 10.98 AT REDUCED PRICES ALL SALES FINAL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SEIGNEUR'S SPECIAL! ALPINE CLUB GINGER ALE cr oFL. OZ. JAR bis, PKG. LIME RICKEY .... SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES --LOBLAWS PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES ...2 2. &Qe SPECIAL! " HEINZ KETCHUP .. 2... 45: SPECIAL! ALUMINUM REYNOLDS FOIL WRAP unite Oe SPECIAL! E. D. SMITH'S PURE STRAWBERRY AM 31: JAM 27¢ off Regular Price BLUE CHEER wz 1.03 APPLE PIE .:::., 39: SERVE WITH LOBLAWS TANGY OLD WHITE CHEESE ss OATMEAL COOKIES... 29¢ SPECIAL! HOSTESS ad SULTANA SQUARES 33: SPECIAL! LOBLAWS MADEIRA CAKE... ... 33 SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES Carnival ASSORTMENT..::3;.. 39¢ SPECIAL! FROZEN Snow Crop Orange Juice J" Us' SPECIAL! FROZEN FANCY CHOPPED Golden Acres BROCCOLI 2 «:: 33 AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL! IMPORTED LAMB, SHORT SHANK 30 FL. OZ. BTLS, MEATY LAMB LEGS vx: ... 51 SPECIAL! VAC PAC Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls .. 6 5< SPECIAL! NO BONE -- MINIMUM FAT "IDEAL FOR SUMMER COTTAGES OR PICNICS" HICKORY SMOKED SX. COOKED HAM. +: 2.69 SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS .. 39¢ SPECIAL! Swift's PREMIUM FRANKFURTS SPECIAL! SWIFT'S Premium: Rindless Side Bacon . SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM LIVER & BACON SAUSAGE, BRAUNSCHWEIGER SAUSAGE or SANDWICH SPREAD ROLL SPECIAL! SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS PENNY WISE Chopped Beef Steakettes @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY ~ SPECIAL! GOLDEN FRIED -- JUST HEAT &<SERVE COOKED COD FISH STICKS ..... +2: SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS RAINBOW TROUT PKG. 1-LB. PKG, Enjoy Fresh Produce on the Holiday Weekend ! LUCIOUS TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! ! PLUMP JUICY CALIFORNIA'S BEST GRAPES 2 POUNDS 29-< TEMPTING AS A PEACH! TASTY AS A PLUM! QUART NECTARINES - 3 y ' ONTARIO GROWNI TOP QUALITY! YOUNG SWEET & TENDER! BUNCH CARROTS ....3 %% DBBe FOR SALADS SUPREME! No, 1 GRADE! VERY MILD & FLAVOURFULI ITALIAN RED ONIONS roitien De LUSCIOUS FLAVOUR COMBINATIONI LOBLAW MARKETS CLOSED SEPT, 3 4-Quert Bosket MARSH POTATOES ¥34 Coupon Exp. Sept. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 29, 30, 31, SEPT..1 us. 47¢ 29¢ PKG. 55¢ With Coupon & Purchase EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS SPECIAL BONUS! EXTRA | STAMPS with this coupon and *10° ORDER With Coupon & Purchase Va Gel. Corton TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM ¥+ Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 7-01. Aerosol Tin NOXZEMA 3-WAY LATHER SHAVE Y4 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 48 fi, ox, Tin Del Monte Pineapple- Grepefruit or Pineapple- Orange Drink Y7 Coupon Exp, Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase 12-02. Tin SPAM Y10 Coupon Exp. Sept. 8 With Coupon & Purchase Twe 7-oz, Tine HEREFORD CORNED BEEF Y13 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase ~ Twe 1-lb, Pkgs. ALLSWEET REGULAR MARGARINE Y16 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 84-02. Pkg. COCO PUFFS ¥19 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase T-ox. Pkg. TUFFY'S NUTS'N BOLTS Y22 Coupon Exp. Sept, 5 \ With Coupon & Purchase 14-02. Pkg. Betty Crocker Date, Honey Bran, Orange, Corn or Wild Blueberry Muffin Mixes Y25 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 24 fl. oz. Tin MAPLE LEAF Liquid Detergent Y28 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 24 fi, ox. Plastic Bottle TUB TIME BUBBLE BATH Y31 Coupon Exp. Sept. S With Coupon & Purchase Dozen Cobs FRESH CORN ¥35 Coupon Exp. Sept. 8 ory ere eT ee ee ee ee ee eS ee FF es EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS K EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase" Twe 16-02, Pkgs. HIGHLINER FROZEN FISH & CHIPS Y2 Coupon Exp. Sept. § With Coupon &. Purchase 16-02, Peckage SNOWY BLEACH YS Coupon Exp, Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase Two 3-02, Tine PURITAN MEAT SPREADS Y8 Coupon Exp, Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase Any Two Bottles ESQUIRE SCUFF KOTE Y11 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Two 15 fi. ox. Tine, CLARK'S Yellow Eye Beans WITH PORK & MOLASSES Y14 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 1S-ox. Tin 5X. BEEF & KIDNEY STEW YIY Coupon Exp, Sept. & With Coupon & Purchase 15-ox. Pkg. BETTY CROCKER BROWNIE MIX Y20 Coupon Exp. Sept. $ With Coupon & Purchase 9-or. Pkg. WESTON Chocolate Chip COOKIES Y¥23 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Any Size Pkg. LOBLAWS TANGY OLD CHEESE ¥26 Coupon Exp. Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase Any 614-0x, Aerosol Tin FLORIENT AIR DEODORIZERS Y29 Coupon Exp, Sept. 5) With Coupon & Purchase Two 5 fi. oz. Plas. Cont. LIME OR LEMON EASY JUICER Y32 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Quert Box BARTLETT PEARS Y346 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS dD EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS mk EXTRA STAMPS mk EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 2-lb. Plastie Conteiner BILLY BEE Creamed Honey Y3 Coupon Exp. Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase 9 fl. ox. Jor CHIVERS Strawberry Jam ¥6 Coupon -Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Two 7-02, Phos. KRAFT DINNER Y9 Coupon Exp. Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase Two 15's Phos, 9" DUCHESS WHITE PAPER PLATES Y12 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Two 1-Ib. Certons JEWEL SHORTENING *¥15-Coupon Exp. Sept. § With Coupon & Purchase 104-02. Pkg. Y18 Coupon Exp. Sept. 8 With Coupon & Purchase 14-02. Pk. BETTY CROCKER DATE BAR MIX Y21 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Giant Tube TOOTH PASTE Y24 Coupon Exp. Sept. 3 With Coupon & Purchase 16 fl. oz. Jor HEINZ Bread 'N Butter Pickles Y27 Coupon Exp. Sept. 8 With Coupon & Purchase 8-oz. Pkq. BLACK DIAMOND Plain or Swiss CHEESE SLICES Y30 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase 1-Ib. Pkg. PENNYWISE CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES ¥33 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5 With Coupon & Purchase Extra Large Bundle CELERY HEARTS Y37 Coupon Exp. Sept. 5