26--Rooms for Rent RITSON ROAD NORTH, 343 -- Two-| etc Estate tor Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 27, 1962 13 \LOT 4 x good oe Partly | six rooms, new, $93 monthly, includes |Marviced, "Terms. 128724 |city taxes. $600 down payment. Call and three-room apartments, < ae ee ae water included, on bus, ine ROWE STREET, 11 -- furnished room, suitable for gentleman, in quiet home. Board optional. Parking. Apply above or 3350. FURNISHED housekeeping for gentleman. Dishes, linens, refrigerator, hot plate supplied, central, near tal, North General Motors. 12 Elgin BEAU VALLEY lawa Limited Realtor. A Pleasant Place KAISER CRESCENT 3 bedroom, split level home, to Live on Ravine lot. SIX room clean. bungalow, hot water, oil nag lovely garden, Ful: price -|$9,400 with $700 down and $60 monthly interest and principal. Cail now, Jack at Lig gtend or 723-3398. John A, J. Bolahood L: SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. PORT PERRY. Telephone 985-2446. New modern well located frame bungalow, garage. Price $9,995. 0 er hls ga ger condit'on. 728-0930 Pm. '00 FRONTENAC ae py 72,000 |PRIVATE Sale, 470 Beveerly Street, One owner. accept ve-room brick bungalow, two bed-jolder model in trade. 723-1650. rooms. Morotgage arranged. Call mal PREFECT. 1 Ideal for 4 975. appointment. 725-6398. parts, teed TENTS, camping hardware, outboard | sohgar Best VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, a attachments, rebuilt 32--Articles for Sale 35--eLegal Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. 728-0591 anytime. DINETTE suite, macle, with Welsh $90. 725-8139. perk . "65 adition. Tele- property in Whitby. Rare bargain. Fulj|'$5 PONTIAC, good co: price only $9,250 cash. Don't delay. Call|phone i wu Apply 1102 King Street W. McAuley, Realtor, 723-2512 or MO| South, Whitby. 8-5765, '54 BUICK, two-door hardtop, red and white, automatic, radio, good condition, | ed Tire, gon marin and *\LAWN a hand aa -- heat- er, used, 40 galion tank. condition. 725-5389. BEFORE bu; selling tele ag fg maaeet pen prices paid for good used furniture. Pretty's Furniture Store, now | leeated 444 Simcoe South only. 723-9271. East at Simcoe, 728-8365 $8,000 CADILLAC Below -- Furnished bedroom in priva home, central, parking space. Salassene 128-8706 , CENTRAL, three -room furnished apartment. Also furnished bedroom in --_ quiet, oe home. After 6 p.m., telephone 728-59: ROOMS only or room and _ board|- weekly or monthly. Apply 260 Athol Street East anytime. CLEAN, furnished single room or housekeeping room, new home, Rea- sonable. Close to South GM, Bus at door, T 725-1238. TWO furnished rooms, heat, water and lights, suit couple, $45. pigeon tty Avail- able August 25. Telephone 728-6862. WIDOW would like quiet woman to share her home, near Shopping Centre. Write Box 710, Oshawa Times ONE lovely furnished room for gentie- man in private home, private en- trance and bath. Apply 444 Fernhill Boulevard. Telephone 723-7070, FURNISHED room, clean, | quiet, close to hospital, Light housekeeping if de- sired, Telephone 7: 728-5984. ONTARIO Sireet, 77: Comfortably fur- nished housekeeping room on ground) floor; also same on second floor and/ furnished bedroom, OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH -- Room, $6; with housekeeping privileges, $8; fe- males. Telephone 728-6108. BED-sitiing room, quiet home, abstain- er. Kitchen privileges. Near bus, ehurches, central. Nurse or teacher, References. Box 811 Oshawa Times. 27--Real Estate for Sale | ROOM bungalow. Close to schools in Whitby, Available immediately. Private} sale. Telephone MO 8-4010, Whitby. FARM for sale or trade for grocery | store, 4 miles west of Omemee with; conveniences, 133 acres, plenty of! water and wood, good for beef or cash) erop. Commercial property with 3] acres of land, 35 and 7 Highway, 2) miles south of Lindsay, Apply S. Hus- sel, 35 and 7 Highways from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 324-2067 METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E DIAL 728-4678 WILLOWDALE AVE. 3 bedroom ranch bungalow on large lot --- $3,000.00 down, make us. an offer. SUBURBAN LIVING $10,500.00 -- beautiful and chic 4Y4-room house ----- large well landscoped lot, garage, bath with vanity. See this today HARMONY RD. N. Nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow, large kitchen, paved drive, close to schgols, bus, etc. Asking $13,900.00 -- try an offer on this one. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Reg. Aker, President Bill McFeeters, Vice-Pres. ONLY $1500 DOWN 8 room brick, 2¥%2 storey home located handy to GM North Plant walking distance downtown. Home is in excel- lent condition inside ond out. Clear Property. Open to of- fers NORTH-WEST | $2,800 down. House private- | ly built by owner. 6-room | bungalow, very large modern kitchen and dining room, 3 bedrooms, well - landscaped with garden and fruit trees. ROSSLAND RD. W. AREA You will like the low sweep- ing lines of this exciting 6- room brick bungalow with at- tached garage. Cheery fire- place, large completed rec. room, plus play room for the children. Extra 2-pce. wosh- room: Completely landscaped and decorated. Open evenings till 9 p.m. Saturdays till 5 p.m. 723-2265 Henry Stinson Art Weinberger Bill McFeeters "| Les Holi AFTER 5:30.CALL Ken Honn 723-7963 Everett Elliott 723-9290 Dick Barriage 725-6243 : John Kemp 728-2392, Jack Osborne 728-5836, Joe Maga 725-9191 WALTER FRANK REALTOR 177 CHURCH ST., BOWMANVILLE 125 acre dairy farm with brick house, 2 bathrooms, furnace, pointed L-shaped barn. Smoll creek plus overflowing spring. On paved road, 7 miles from Bowmanville. I!!! health forces immediate sale. Asking $32,000.00. Insul stone house with both- Only $16,000 -- 100 acre farm near Enniskillen. room and furnace, Painted born 30' x 120'. $5,000.00 down. 60 acres with troutstream and pond near Blackstock. Corner property on new highway. Asking $8,000.00--$2,000.00 down 20 acres with good stream and pond site. Paved road frontage. Clarke Township -- $4,500.00. 1 acres wooded cottage lots on Wilmot Creek -- $1,100.00 each 5 acres with insul brick house, running water. Garage, near Leskard, asking $5,800.00, terms. 1 acre with modern bungalow -- 2 miles north of Bowmanville, $9,000.00 -- $1,900.00 down. 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot in Bowmanville $7,500.00 -- $2,000.00 down. 3 bedroom brick bungalow -- garage Southway Drive. $2,750 down. Balance easy terms, Coll MA -3393 or A. G. McGill, WHITBY CLASSIFIED BEAUTIFUL fibreglass boat. 40 HP|SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward. | Johnson motor and trailer, $500 and 204 ion Street West. Telephone! take over payments. Telephone MO/MO 8.2563. 8-5993. ee aa Orono -- 1407 PLETE, ~-----|FOR RENT -- $65 mont ly, thre 90,000 GRAIN water softener, 2 yea' ur-room apartments. Becdettial ate | old, like new. Sacrifice, must sell, mov-/near downtown and school Laundry, | ing. Telephone 723-4573, |parking and children's playground facil- LIKE TO REFURNISH a room on a (ities. 300 High Street, Whitby. MO budget? Check "Home Fur for | 86287, ag Classifi section. Seis" in. WOhy 6 eae \FOR RENT ¢ two bedroom 'apartment FoR t RENT: Two bedroom apartment, | private, Ample parking space. Washer dryer, Available September 1 $85 monthly. Available Oc- tober Ist, Telephone 725-8020, | phone MO 8-2786 '| MEN's square dancing shirts in two) Special price on set APARTMENT tor B aso modern, self- by gy Mercantile Department Bary. | contained, one bedroom, couple pre-' Brock Street North, Whitby, ferred, available October 1, MO 8-4507 re Lt #40 DUNDAS Street East. Apartment for rent. Children . welcome, playground, Low rent. # ' i . Call E. Robinson, Apartment No. } SALESLADY wintkD" ae THREE-ROOM unfurnished heated and Lovell Drug Store, Whitby Plaza apartment. Central. Available now _ Reasonable rent Telephone MO FOR RENT -- two bedroom apartment,| 8.2775. private, ", poe. Available Oct, 1.| bh 725-802 #0 DUNDAS Street. Bast Whitby. One siiNiisbeniad | unfurnished housekeeping room for/THREE-ROOM apartment wanted by rent. Apply to Mr. Robinson at jer' couple, first week of September Apply ment No. Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. 810. |FOR RENT: T LOAM esac FILL | monthly ApDly ee Fgom_avartinent, $45 GRAVEL Pickering. Driveway and Concrete |RECONDITIONED student geen For Delivery Call ERIC BRANTON |Buy early for better choice, Hamilton MO 8-2660 MEN'S made to-measure, Extra pair of trousers. No charge. This offer good Large until August 31, ghey D Available now.'Store, Whitby, Ont 6 Rye fice e Equip., 137 Brock Ss, MO 8.5849. | DRESSMAKING: : Suits, coats, dresses, jalterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting} \a special rs. Toms, MO 8-2372, |WHITE n newsprint paper in convenient 100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, banquets, etc, Available at the Circula- jtion Department, Oshawa Times. 77c/ per roll. | |STUDENTS A super vah [mately 630 sheets of letter s' yp! ee gag {news print) for only $1.00, Ap} iply awa Times se ba Whitby, ill Dundas Street We Whitby's. o pe fuel dealer carrying a | complete line of FUEL | "blue coal" in various sizes, Semet -- Solvay Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes and Charcoal for Grills, Hardwood and Softwood Slabs. Texoco Fuel ond Stove Oils SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 Whitby Holiday Equipment for Rent = Canoes, car top boots $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; boat, 5 h.p. motor and trail. er $35; boat, 18 h.p. motor, trailer $65; 5 h.p. motors $16; 7% h.p, motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9' x 9: tourist tent $8; 9' x 12' ety tent $10; 9', 9 x 12' wall tent 315 stoves, lanterns ond coolers $2, We also rent cots, air mattresses, life jack- ets, etc. Large and small boot and box trailers. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E., Whitby MO 8-3226 Beoutiful 14% storey on Rit- son Road N., living-dining- room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms. Immaculate in every way. $75- monthly, P. & |. Easy financing. Call for appoint- ment. Art Weinberger 723- 7244 of 723-2265, CARL B. OLSEN REALTOR Full price $8,900-00, six room, 1¥2 story brick. Gar- age, oil heated. Low down payment, one mortgage. To inspect please call Wes. El- liott 728-0581. MOHAWK ST. Semi-split, attached garage, corport, many extras. Three bedroom brick, Owner mov- ing, must be sold. Sunset Heights School In immediote vicinity. Call Jack Cornish 123-4545- GASPE STREET Ower leaving country. Take advantage of this six room compact completely furnished bungalow. Priced right ot $12,900.00 for quick sale. To inspect please call Jock Cornish 723-4545 HORTOP Six room, two storey. brick, gorage, dining room, finished play room, fenced yard, nice- ly decorated: Please call Mrs. Miller 725-2993 LOTS 75 x 180 in residential area. Full price $2,200.00.. Terms arranged. Close to Maxwell School. We have only two choice lots left on Grandview South, Completely | serviced. 'Taunton Rd., W. -- 5 acres good level land 264 x 823. Very choice land. Two choice building lots .on Windsor Avenue $2,750.00 each. Terms arranged. NEW . BUNGALOWS Ready for occupancy in ten days. 642%, N-H.A. mort- gage, low down payment. Lo- cated in Crestwood Heights, Still time for you to choose your own colours. 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA 723-1133 HARRY MILLEN Real Estate 728-1679 ARTHUR STREET 3 bedroom brick 11% storey home, completely renovated throughout, new forced air oil furnace. Home in excel- lent condition. Asking Price $11,700.00 with $1,50000 down. For further informatior: call John Field, Days 728- 1679, Evenings 723-2874. OSHAWA BOULEVARD NORTH OF ROSSLAND 2% years old -- 7 room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, pan- elled rec room 19 x 21, well landscaped beautiful home in select area, carries for $112. per month, principal interest and taxes. For information call Syd Goodfellow 723- 7335. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH WEST AREA Close to all schools, shopping and playgrounds, 3 bedroom bungalow, N.H.A. resale, $98 per month. Hurry if you want this choice location. Coll Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123 PATRACIA AVENUE $10,500 FULL PRICE 2 'bedrooms, large dining room, lovely living room with fireplace, nice quiet area of the city, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123, LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED, REALTOR, 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N, OPEN EVERY EVENING "GUIDE REALTY | LIMITED REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. §. 723-1121 YOU MUST SEE THIS 17/4- ACRE MARKET GARDEN -- to appreciate the quality, lo- cation and financial possibil- ities, 4 acres of raspberries, in top. bearing condition. Small .cottage and barn: Only $12,500 with ebout $3,000.00. down. FOR THE AMBITIONUS COUPLE ---~ who like a little land and a good home, 5 acres On Taunton Road with an outstanding brick home. Inspect and make your offer. ACTION -- THE VENDOR SAYS SELL -- 4 rooms, bath- room, oi! furnace, all in new condition, ¥2 acre of choice land $8,800.00 full price. Name your down payment. SECLUDED EXECUTIVE HOME Situated on a private road- way just off No, 12 High- way, only a few minutes drive from Whitby or Oshawa. This tri-level stone and brick sub- urbon property hos 3 large bedrooms, . play. room, well planned kitchen and a full size dining room. The living room is 24 ft. long with a massive open fireplace and |} mantle, While the usual dull hallway can be mode alive with the star lit bubbling fountain meandering through lush living green foliage. The extras here are many, includ- ing a well planned patio and brick borbecue for. healthful outdoor living. Taxes are rea- sonable here too! Full price $28,000 with any reasonable down payment accepted GORDON OSBORNE INCOME HOMES -- A large | selection. for your choice from $12,500.00 to $14,500.00 for full particulars call us now. TOO BIG FOR TWO PEOPLE ---This almost new tri-level home needs a larger family to keep it happy. Priced at $17,700.00, terms 88 WELLINGTON STREET-- ° 3 bedroom rug grick bunga- low on large landscaped lot, 5% mortgage that carries for $76.00 interest, principal and 'taxes: LARGE RANCHER--in Apple Hill District over 1300 sq. ft. with attached garage, large lot. Property clear, ask- ing $17,900, good terms. SUBURBAN RANCHER -- on large landscaped lot. Broad- loom in. living room, tinished recreation room 11 x 24, all aluminum storms and screens: Asking only $1@- 900.00, good terms. FOR RENT -- 6 room rug brick and stone Rancher on 2 acre lot just west of Brook- lin, brand new home in ex- cellent condition For full 723-1121. 218 Dundas Street East, Whitby MO 8-543] JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St- S. | OFFICE HRS. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought. and Sold RANCH STYLE BRICK Quiet residential location, sidewalk already in, fully dec- orated inside, move right in no work, landscaping all done.. Repay at only 6%. Don't miss. Call Mr, Rat- cliffe at 725-6544, $1500 4 rooms and sunroom, 2-pe. both, pressure system, lot 30 x 70 -- Summer home near Simcoe and Taunton Rd, Call Jack Appleby at 725- 6544 or 725-3398. 8 large rooms, modern kit- chen, garage, new furnace, close to public and separate schools. Asking $10,000. Full Price and $1,000 Down, easy payments, immediate possession. Call Mr. Gower at 725-6544. porticulars call Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. GRAVEL FARM HIGHWAY 35 192° acre farm with 2 storey 9 room brick house, barn and other buildings, contains huge deposit of gravel right on high- rid Lise Tests will likely prove great value in deposit. Price WAGON WHEEL RESTAURANT HIGHWAY 12 This proven business well known to many sotisfied customers is now for sale, it has been very successfully operated for many years by present owner. Great potential for expansion, extra acreage available. Contact D, Andrews -- Brooklin 655-3195. J. A. Willoughby & Sons Ltd., Realtors, 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12 SPECIAL CADILLAC AREA FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW on good lot, paved drive ond garage. FULL PRICE $11,900 Carries for $55.17 per month P.I.T., on .c 444% mortgage. Very clean home. Hurry for this one! To.,inspect cal] Les Hall Doys 723-2265; after 5 p.m. 728-5513. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA |REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE| 200 ACRE farm, 120 workable, Downy- ville, Ontario. Eight-room house, barn, creek. Telephone Omemee, 799- 5128, OLIVE AVENUE, 587 -- Brick bunga- low, modern, three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, ekg bath, oil heated. 1 Tel 25-3219. $295 bank r wagon, A-1 condition. ONE ee a. almost new bushel one tity 11 "4 baskets. Ghecoet Bu. an quai ° me 174 Ritson Road South, Osh- or best offer. Appiy 1457 Oxford 38 CHEVROLET Brock wood ag awa. GE stove and refrig stoves, ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 1201 KRANICH and Bach apartment [ard with bench, new, walnut finish. erator, 10 cu, ft. pee Sewanee, is eiceiee ae to 8 p.m., 725-0202, 1820 any time. ei fyi akin B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, o suit, ete, Used a few "60 RENAULT 32,000 miles, clean. Best! times, Any offer offer, T 728-9790, 728-9833, refrigerators,~-tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 125-4543. $1000 DOWN, | for room home, near playground. Call Bill Johnston 728-5123 Lloyd Realty Oshawa $75 monthly six/1959 PONTIAC Parisienne sedan, auto- matic, perfect condit Asking $1,600. pe get coal and a oi ee hot Telephone 723-3398. point range. Telephone day to Friday, 725-439. MAN'S or boy's CCM bicycle, new tires -jand tubes, Excellent condition, $15, Telephone 728-0729, Limited Realtor. CORNER land, 2 to 10 acres across from Grandview Golf Course, in full view of 401 Highway, on Bloor Street East; also 2 or 4 acres fronting gon beside Creek. Private sale. Write Bo: 659 Oshawa Times, SEVEN-ROOM t brick, clean, good family home. New bathroom, ga- rage. Located on Celina Street. Must be sold. Asking only $11,900. with $1,000. 1955 VAUXHALL sedan, 4 tires. Mechanically fair, Price best offer. Telephone 725-5055. 1952 CHEVROLET parts for sale. 6 volt batteries, $4 each, Tires and wheels complete. Telephone 725-5055. 196 CHEVROLET, new motor, steer- "linge tires, brakes, for 5 or 5% motor. 725-1716. new or FURNACES, forced air, age nll gr antee, $2.25 per week, no ay Ph Package deal, 8130. Feltebons 125-4729. GENDBON baby carriage, tn dition, light grey, $15. 723. EASY good vena en . seven years old. good con- Telephone Sales and pay-jeral trade-in allowance. 728-4683. with pump,|free FILTER lib- Service, Free demon- pO YOUR Save time, ads SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING Appliconts must hove Muni- cipaal. experience or Engin- eering degree or equivalent. Township has population of 20,000 and growing rapidly. Regulor benefits. Solary based on experience. Apply To; L. T. Johnston, Clerk Brougham, Ontario. Telephone 728-07! '51 CHEVROLET in good Telephone condition. 723-7043. BLACK and Say two-inch portable down, Call Jack Appleby, Mier ts or 723-3398. John A. J, TO SETTLE estate, four-room Tr j\low, Oshawa boulevard, newly decor- ated, modern bathroom, oil heat _ electric hammer for drilling and chan- nelling in concrete stone cr brick, used only two hours since factory rebuilt. ag at a of new cost. Tele- 1955 BUICK sedan, radio, automatic, new paint, palm green and white, ac- cy aoe in, $495 or nearest offer. garage, Low taxes, i Hiate posse: sion. Full price $7,000. Telephone 795. 2577 «or 728-3689, NORTH-WEST, $11,500, full price. Brand new brick bungalow, 3 bed- reoms, over 1,100 square feet, 11 feet x 19 feet, kitchen and dining area. Call :|Big V-8 automatic, power steering and ie '60 VOLKSWAGEN, one owner, 30,000 miles, Like new, will trade, 728-5179. Travel, '38 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible! jen Motorola, console, a. lg cabinet, 17 inch screen, excel- it condition, . After 5 p.m. tele- pool 728-1324, 728-5179. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes,| parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- brakes, radio, lik new. Must sell. 723-1121, Guide Realty Limited. SELF-serve modern grocery, meat and jconfectionery store. Modern rug brick building, including luxurious § room, 3 bedroom apartment, located in south west section, A very sound investment "57 GMC l-ton tow truck, A-1 condi-\teed rebuilt machines. Estimates ~~ tion, fully equipped. No reasonable offer Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair .Se refused. Telephone 723-9005. vice, 728-0591 anytime. '61 PONTIAC four-door station bie WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- automatic, low mileage. Apply 4 ty anythin; rou have. The Adelaide 'East or telephone 723-4044. |Trading Post Stores, Cy Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street nd only $34, 000 with $19,000 down, plus voice. Please call W. Mc- 28 Prince Stree: 723-2512 HOME FOR SALE? PHOTO CO-OP 723-1133 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR __|- HOMES NEEDED? |K5 We have buyers, some with | ash, wanting homes in | 000 to $15,000 brack- th in the city and rural 3s. For free valuation and | prompt service call Schofield- Aker Ltd. 723-2265, open 9 till 9 --- Saturday afternoon till 5 p.m \29-----Automobiles for Sale SPOT CASH F PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up | or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | 723-9421 Ip WkEC 54 Ford and '$1 Buick.| All pa are available, Telephone Bow: | | ING ' 55 CHEVROLET station wagon, green a and 31 Bond Street Kast. 723- es, ery | CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1960 TAKE NOTICE that the plication of WILL fr Fi CHARLES PIERSON, R.R, Ie Raglan, Ontario, to chonge his name to WIL- LIAM CHARLES FEARSON and the application of MARY MacLEAN LOGAN PIERSON to change _ her mame to MARY MacLEAN LOGAN PEARSON and the epplication of MARIE ANN PIERSO to change her name to MARIE ANN PEAR. SON will be made on Friday 9g white, A-1 mechanically, needs iit- Kk, SHOP until 9 p.m. for used appliances and machinery. Buy, sell, trade. Skin. ner Appliances, Four miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 highway, Telephone 655-3440. BEDROOM suite, library table, book- case writing desk, miscellaneous chairs, RVA. 00 sedan, xcellent con- dition, $1550. Telephone 725-9156. *53 CHEVROLET Belair cedan, original condition, many extras, perfect run: ning order, $350, Terms. Bowmanville dns RO AIRE OEE French doors, refrigerator, electric 4 CHRYSLER -Very good mechanic-|stove. All good condition. 725-1774 or ally, $350 cash. Apply 24 Durham Street | 728-9202. bec ______| FURNACE, Gurney, gravity with pipes, '62 OLDSMOBILE, , four-door hardtop! Cee to oll, good condition, ideal Bomdaras maroon, pow . Only $40, T 7 6,000 miles. Accept fade. Must sell.) lenis. Lect ____|NORGE dryer, 975; grey baby stration, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren- tals, terms, service. New and used. Hamiltons, 137 Brock South, MO 8-5849, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ACC 120 bass Hohner, tow condition, Per gg Ge -------- 125, lll Mary Stre puPniGATORe sane wy electric, spirit or stencil, suppli Office Equip., 137 ae 8. MO 8-58: FLAT bottom boat, ft. weight 140 Ibs. Takes motor to % hp, $60. Tele- Phone 725-2101. LAWNMOWER, Jobson Spar mower, 21- inch cut, operates on oll and gas, good condition, $50 or make offer. 723-4102. 17" TABLE mode] TV, Crosley, excel- lent condition, perfect for cottage or "|second set. Telephone mics 3553. AWNINGS, canvas. rompt service, free estimates. Chat, a rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe Nort! GREEN chesterfield chair, Sane for cottage, reasonable. Telephone 723-2078. ALLEGRO portable electric organ, like new, After 5 p.m. telephone 728-0137. Povgaponed super Ikonta, Tessar lens, case and accessories, $75, Tele Phone 726-2604, OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. 'Telephone | 725-1 8183, Oshawa. FIBREGLASS boat, for sale, cheap, also smal! sail boat. Apply 116 Tecum, seh Avenue '25-| FIBREGLASS boat i4ft, cedar strip, 10 hp °59 Scott motor with tee-nee trail- er. $400 complete, 728-7257. INTERNATIONAL stake truck model| $20; Isarge size baby crib, $20, youth » 5 ton. A-1 condition. Excellent/bed $20; both in natural finish, Bassi- motor, body and tires, Sacrifice for $525 nette, with stand, lined and covered, Broo! BLACK and Decker skill saw, 74" with guide, Nearly new, $50. Telephone 723-7602. cash. 597 Simcoe South, Oshawa. Tele-|$6, studio couch, $15. T: k- |Phone 725-9216. |1953 OLDSMOBILE sed automatic, |STUDENTSs, a super value, approxi- radio, good tires. Better than average|mately 630 sheets of letter size Paper condition. New brakes, exhaust system | (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won- jand tune-up. $300 or best offer. Must|derful copy paper. Apply Circulation | sell, 728. 0558. | Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 1956 OLDSMOBILE, super 88, sedan,|1!11 Dundas Street West. jautomatic, in good condition, $695 or! BRIGHTEN your floors this fall with | best offer, 725- 8566. new patterns and colors in floor cover- |'S4 CHEVROLET Bel-Air sedan, excel-|0%8. Thousands of yards to choose lent condition, two-tonoe, radio, $300./m. Gold Seal Congoleum, Armstrong | Telephone 725-8555. ize aker, Belflor, Rexoleum , Sandran, jlin 655-4866. | |COLDSPOT refrigerator, 11 cubic ft., deep freeze 15 cubic ft., double bed and mattress, Kenmore washer and dryer, automatic, Baby Grand piano, Other household articles. Townline North, telephone 728-9790. the Fourteenth day of Sept- ember, A.D. 1962 at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon be- fore His Honour Judge Alex. ender C. Hall, in Chambers, ot the Court Houge at Whit- by, Ontario. Dated at Oshawa, this 10th doy of August, A.D. 1962, JONES & GREER, Barristers, &c., 130 King St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicants 34--Lost & Found WATCH: Lady's, Westclox, lost prob- ably around Riverside Drive North, Oshawa or City Hall parking lot, Mon- day. Reward, Telephone 728-9774 - EXTERIOR PAINTING --- alatum and Vinyl forecast. Wail to 1957 CHEVROLET, stand "shit | wall floor coverings from 23 cents per A-1 condition, low mileage, 35--Legal new tires.|ft. Congowall, Sandram and Ar $895 for quick sale. Apply 83 Ritson|wall coverings. All reduced. "Clear out Road South (behind Texaco Station) | from 39 cents per foot. Genuine San- 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condi-|dtan floor coverings regular $1.89 sell tion, sacrifice price, $1,045. Telephone|°Ut $1.39 sq. yd. 6' x 9° borderless # i rugs and remnants. Clear out $2.99. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, utomatic, custom | j Oshawa. daa Se a ares ae Sor arts manville M A 3-3490 \1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe » sedan, very very} $695. 1955 Ford standard, $395. 1955 Ford) |30--Automobiles Wanted 'COR, SIMCOE - BLOOR ST. clean, one-owner car, fully guaranteed.| $ Sabyan Motor Sales, telephone| ,, OLDSMOBILE, {$100 or best 'offer. Apply 33 Whiting| | Avenue 728-9970 | VOLKSWAGEN deluxe sunroof | pos Blaupunkt radio, new paint in| gleaming red, seat covers, excellent tires, fully guaranteed, $1,295. Sabyan Motor Sales, elephone 723. 3461, HERTZ ; in good condition. | % ton truck, $295. Mike's BA Service | Station, Raglan 655-3528. | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | LUMBER - DOORS - WINDOWS 725-1181, FLUORSCENT FIXTURES $ALL CASH$ FURNACE For clean cars we deol up or | down. Liens paid off. STRUCTURAL STEEL, ETC; MO 8-8001 Drive-Y ourself | CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 King E, Oshawa ae | VOVO. |. | THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 | 1962 MODELS | NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE __ 449 RFTSON S.--728- 0921 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) | _723-4494 _ Res, 725- 5574 | STEW'S SPECIAL | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 4 GARAGE DOORS Salesman on Job CARS WANTED Buying a New Car ? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 Food For Four $14.95 Weekly FOOD FREEZER 80% Regular Groceries Included A most pleasant way to Shop and Save NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ROSS CLEVELAND WOOLACOTT, GENERAL MOTORS EM- PLOYEE, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of ROSS CLEVELAND WOOLACOTT, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, General Motors Employee, de- ceased, who died on or about the 16th day of July, 1962, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 25th day of September, 1962, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the Personal Representa- tive will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 22nd doy of August, 1962, CLARENCE GREENTREE, Executors, By his solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. deans ) wee TELEPHONE 728-9403 Our Food Counsellors will come into your home and assist you in planning your | FOOD SUPPLY to suit Your Family's taste and fit your Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING eset WEST 723-7712 Food Budget needs. 32--Articles for Sale 1958 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF Two-tone, custom radio, auto- matic; immacutote. $998 STEWART MOTORS KING W: AT THORNTON 725-1667 BRAND NEW 1962 Volkswagens | AS LOW AS "$195.00 DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS Prices have not yet increased SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. | 334 RITSON RD. S. | OSHAWA Open Evenings 723-3461 | CLEARANCE | | 1959 CHEVROLET | | DUMP 28,000 Ibs. GVW Rating In Good Condition $2,395 1956 INTERNATIONAL TON Van = Stoke, $850. 7' x 11' COMBINATION | Dual Wheels | DUMP | Body and Hoist, Good Cendition 395 | PICKERING WH 2-5097 | SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS SWAP COLUMN SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS! OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS eyonl E MOST ANYTHING ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM .TEN- DERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the De- partment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliae ment Buildings, Toronto 2, /Ontario, until 3:45 p.m, (E.D.T.) on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. Sth, 1962 for the Exterior Painting of the building as specified of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes ond Con. tract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed ot Room T 704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, Telephone No, 365.1079), and may also be viewed ot the Builders Exchange ot Oshawa, Ontario. A $2,800.00 Bid Bond end © 100%) Performance Bond will be required os specified. Tenders will not be ¢onsid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond conditions as set forth therein, A Deposit of $15.00 CASH, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Trease urer of Ontario, will be ree quired per set of tender doce uments, which will be ree funded if documents are :@- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. escape! Zand. 1962. MILLAR, hiounane of Publie Works, Ontario. Deputy Minister, LIST YOUR NAME -- PHONE NUMBER -- SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE ONE INSERTION 50c August Specials Books Wanted GRADE IX Books For Sale GRADE IX Jinnie Smith, PAINT 286 Tennessee St. ED 7-8863 Grade IX (Gen,) S.C.1.T.S. GRADE X GRADE XI GRADE XI GRADE XII GRADE Xil GRADE XiIll GRADE Xill SALE AUGUST 27 -- SEPT. 8 25% DISCOUNT All Exterior Finishes. Per Gal. $4.99 All Interior Finishes. Per Gal. $4.49 Special: Cellor, Masonry, Floor and Barn Paints, Per Gal. $2:99 Sold at: The Parrot Paint Company 1051 Nelson Street, Oshawa One block east of Ritson Road and Simcoe St. $. OPEN 10 UNTIL 5:30 THE ONLY PAINT MANUFACTURER IN OSHAWA Mid-Summer SALE CLEARING SPECIALS PICNIC TABLES Only $15.95 1000 SHEETS POPLAR UNDERLAY VY" x 4x 4-ft. Per Sheet $1.11 WINDOW FRAMES, SASHES CLEARING AT Yo Price MANY OTHER SPECIALS CASH AND CARRY "BUY YOUR BILL-DING SUPPLIES WHERE SERVICE COMES FIRST" McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD, 1270 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA--728-4688