THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 27, 1962 ]] Greatest Card of the Year -- Don't Miss It BRUNO SAMMARTINO SWEET DADDY SIKI Connaught Park Ties Peterboro, Bantam Opener frames but in the 7th, the home- sters scored three runs on two walks, one hit, a choice play and an error, to complete their total. ROUND-ROBIN SET Ward's Billiards And Kent's Get First Wins fice fly by Jordan, for their sixth and final tally. KENT'S -- Legree, cf; Wills, ss; Anderson, p; Short, 3b; Jor- WATER LILY The saucer-shaped leaves of South America's royal water lily often exceed 20 feet in circum- ference. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial ALSO THE noah! a" LITTLE BEAN BEAVER ond TINY TIM. VS Ward's Billiards defeated ba Ploy Low LOW end PEE Plaza Foods 7-4 and Kent's a WEE JAMES Western Tire took a 6-3 decision over Karn's Drugs, as the UAW Softball League's round-robin Oshawa Connaught Park Ban-' ny AA tams opened their Eastern On- tario OASA Zone Bantam fi- nals in Peterborough on Satur- BILLY Red LYONS vs BIG BOB STANLEY *,f = day and the first game of the series an 8-8 tie, with play called at the end of nine innings, due to darkness. Second game of the series will be played here at Connaught Park this evening, six-fifteen o'clock. ed to roll in the third and scored two on singles by Gillies and McQuade and a double by Paul Dick. Jim Bell, rival pitcher, Trailing 5-0, Connaught start-|got under way Saturday after- tried hard to hold the visitors|will then play a final series for noon, at Alexandra Park. In the round-robin set, all teams meet each other and at the end of it, the top two teams dan, rf; Howes, 2b; Malloy, Ib; Stovin, c; Skea; If and ss in 3rd; Shearer, If in 3rd. KARN'S -- Marshall, 2b; De- Gray, lb; McPhee, cf; Brooks, c, Bannon, ss; Dulny, If; Woods, 3b; Nash, rf; Lyons, p; Kirk,| The established, reliable Ges Decler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 RINGSIDE 1.50 -- ADULTS 1.25 HILDREN 75¢ -- GET YOUR" TICKETS FOR THESE FINE EX. TINY TIM --s- PAT. MILOSH, Promoter. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY | AUG. 28th--29th-30th ONLY down but they got one on John|the league championship. Dick's triple in the fourth and : added three in the third, then M bad gro yg: ot one 4 singletons in the 6th and7th, Bxwen 1 for Ward's and stayed until the to lead just for a half-inning 8-5. sixth, when he was relieved b' y is 5 y. Gazdik's homer in the 7th prov Talbot. In the fourth, Pettes d Oshawa's last run. They had homer. P. Mills follow-|© , jte|homered for Plaza's first run " with ano\er homer, to make -- = Sth but couldn't quite then Judd singled, advanced on agentes an error and Breau doubled to Warren Hough went to the mound for Oshawa Connaught and got a bad start when after fanning the first batter, Hail- brook was safe on an error, then Howland singled and Redmond rf in 4th; Thajer, batted in 7th. | BREAKS. OWN CANADIAN RECORD On the way up -- and over, | of Washington youth cracke lanky Brian Sternberg is shown catapulting himself to- wards a new Canadian pole vault record of 15 feet, eight inches. The University Legion couver, on Saturday. d his own record of 15 feet 2% inches, at a Royal Canadian track meet at Van- --(CP Wirephoto) it 4-0. OSHAWA CONNAUGHT -- P. Mike Gillies took over at this Dick, rf; Gazdik, cf; Hough, p; point and quickly put out the Glendinning, Ib; Grieg, 2b; fire but he allowed a run in the Geach, i, Olen, he aad ps second on a walk, choice play ; , i .| McQuade, ¢; Clapp, ss and Ib; and then Hallbrook's triple. Af- john Dick. Dp; B. Reid, %b: ter that, the homesters were held at bay for three innings. In the fifth, Gillies was struck b on the pitching hand by a pitch- ed ball and he had to leave the) Mackness, game. John Dick tovk over and/ Howland, ss; Redmond, and he blanked the Liftlock City| Mills, 3b; Hodson, Ib; Bell, team for three of the last four! Rawlinson, If; R. Mackness, db. Hamilton Midgets Eke Double Win, Cop OBA Series Oshawa UAW Midgets were|out but Corning got the next defeated but by no means dis-|two batters. In the third, Whit- graced when they lost both ends lthen both Fair of a hard-fought, well-played| grow walks, double-header, here at dra Park, to bow out of the On tario Baseball Association Mid- get playdowns, eliminated by Hamilton. Oshawa won the first game of} the series in Hamilton a week ago and Hamilton played bril- liant ball to take the next two ef; Hallbrook, rf; result, | Oshawa, went along brilliantly, on a_ two-hitter, FORT ERIE RACE CHARTS here, winning the first one 3-0| single, scored Hilson. and then nosing out the. Osh- awa lads 2-1 in the third and de- SATURDAY, AUG, 25, 1962 CLEAR AND FAST 4CRYSTAL FIRE ... 9-EIGHT BARS ... 1-NORMANTON Claiming all $2500. Purse $1900. Str Fin +» Jockey Owner 1-% Hernandez ---Hemmer First Race ee aa 290 I and 16th gucwea" con years up. PP Crystal Fire .. Ail Eight Bars .... 110 Normanton... 102 Winter Garden' tr Harrison -- Stafford Fm McComb -- Segedinac 5-3% Roser -- Cairnburn Fm 6-1% Dalton -- Creek Sta 7-nk Wolski-- DG and PSta 7-% 8-5% Krohn -- Parkway sta 10- 9-2 Leblanc -- Mrs. Hunter 9-1 a 9 sla ac -- Clarke TrainerW. The Pool 3, ii. "Double Pool 70,500 omer > Pye mee + yeas * f 8 Nirgal--Shun, 50 Dittfach -- Millard Prusk. Start good, won driving. 10-ISLAND KING Second Race tg @ Faurlongs. Three-year-olds and up. Claiming all $2500, Purse $1800, Wt PPSt % % Str Fin Jockey teal - 123 4 5 7-1% 51 4-nk Ink Robinson -- Russ 120 9 6 9 8-% 5% 21 Remil'd -- Mrs. "Trudell 2% 3-nk Turcotte -- Saliba 1-1 41% Dittfach Hickman 3-1% 5-1% Dalton -- Mrs. Badame 6-1 6-1% Wolski -- Jo-Ann Sta 7-3% 7-3 23.80 9, 118 8 Frohlich Immer 123 Blue Gardenia 110 Dark Jet ove AMD Amber Atom - 116 a 8-no Hale -- Carene Sta 6- 8% 9- Adams -- Dirks Ii Ready Yet. Trainer F .W R.ussell, Start good, won driving Pool 63,943. 4LITTLE WELCH 48.20 20.00 9,: 30 10 3.10 Harrison -- Stafford Fm DAILY DOUBLE 4 and 4 PAID $889.10 8.90 4.80 9.90 Third Race 5-COPPER CLIFF . 2-FROSTY DAY .. 1 16 Miles, 3-year-olds, Wt PP 4-OUR FOOL claiming a11$3500, Purse $2000. s % Copper Cliff ... Frosty Day Str Fin Jockey Owner 2% 1-3% 1-2% Har'son-- WA Graul 7-14 41 2-no Gordon--R D Isaac 2-% 3-1% D'ton--Long View F'm 3-4 4-144 Rob'son--L Maloney 5-1% 5-% Bolin--Mrs J T Tripi = 6-nk Cox-- JH Knox 6-nk 7-1. Hale--Connor Sta - 7-nk 8- T'cotte--C Softley affin Bay. Trainer A I Taylor. Pool 74,395 » 12 COI om nr cig co War Charlie's Folley il it é 4 2 8 7 3 Rascality 5 ig' 20 90 80 0 Winner ch g 3 Coastal Ligh Start good, won driving. 8-ADMIRAL GANGO 16,70 1-BOURBON KING (en.) . Fourth Race 1BOURBON, KING @% Farlongs, 3-year-olds, claiming al1$7500. Purse $2200. Wt PPSt % % Str Fin Jockey Owner 5 7-1% 5-1% 3-1% 1-2% Har'son--D G Ross 3-1% 2% 2% Wolski--Jo-Ann Sta 1-1% 3-2% Rem'lard--Carene Sta 4nk D'fach--Mrs B § Chris 5-h Adams--W J Farr -4 McComb-C Smythe "3% Rob'son--W G Moore -3¥%a Rob'son--S Rotenberg 9-no Roser--Double K Farm F es Gonz'lez--White Oak Sta Quee: - 111 211 dwelt Dalton--J W Smallwood Winner png e 's Crafty Admiral--Reighs Request, Trainer A I Taylor, Start good, won ridden out, Pool 74,442 Admiral Gano Winsmanship .. Crafty Lace .... Roman Dipper Marcus Antonius 115 st Bala Roman jin 7th; Hicks, 3b in 7th. Fifth Race Pee 8 i Miles, bee: and brad Canadian foaled. Allowances. Purse. $2500. t PPSt % % Str Fin Jockey Owner Gut Steel ... Ts 1 3 -2% 1-2 1-% Gon'lez--L Maloney Warferd jo: ne '5 28 23 23 Har'son--H C Burton Dykebar Lad .. 111 5 3 3-1 3 -h but was forced by Kempling. |Then Buist, ciding game. a brilliant no-hit-novrun game.|right field» scoring Kempling, He gave up five walks and hit/who had reached second on an one batter -- the only six Osh-/ error. That was the winning run. awa Migets. to get on base in HAMILTON -- Tambouring, are game -- tiga § "y os If; Fazio, 2b; Hilson, c;Chiarot, playing errorless ba ehind| Duy ; A 3 : him, the UAW team was never Ht; Duty, B; Goring, p; Hyr able to even threaten a rally. They got two runners on one 2 Buist, p in 7th. inning, in the fifth, but there : were two out. Buist struck out], OSHAWA -- Brack, cf; Whit- 16 batters. ing, rf; Crosmas, c; Fair, 3b; ne Mitchell, Corneal, s * Nekkers, pitching for Osh-iter, yf; *Roow 2b; Whitsit. awa, was clipped for eight hits Rospond, If in 8th. but he kept them well scattered| to keep his team in the run-| ning. Hamilton got a run in the| first imning. on Tambouring's single, a stolen base, passed ball and an infield out. They had a couple on base in the third and again in the fifth but bead only scored two more runs, " oth in the seven inning, Charto In l 0 Th ll singled but Duffy hit 'into a be riiler louble-play. Then Buist himself singled, Hyrnick doubled and Belleville Trudeau Motors then with two out and two on,|M0sed out Oshawa Pic-O-Mats Oshawa's only error of the/1-0, to open their OASA Inter- game let these two runners| | mediate "an scor.e HAMILTON Tambouring: If; Ferroni, 3b; Kemphng, cf; Charot, rf; Duffy, lb; Buist, | Hrynick, ss; Cunningham, 2b;|scheduled for Oshawa on Wed- Romanowski, ¢; Corning, batted nesday evening. Harry Towers, on the mound for the Belleville squad, limited the visitors to only four safeties, with Bill Solomon picking up a son, cf; Kempling, lb in 7th; Trudeau Motors Nip Pic-0-Mats |zone finals, in Belleville on Sat- |urday evening. OSHAWA --Brady, cf; Whit-! ing, rf; Crosmas, c; Mitchel, ss; Fair, 3b; Foster, lf; Rose, 2b; Whitsitt, Yb; Nekkers» p; Zak, ¢ in3rd. FINAL GAME CLOSE The final game was a ding- dong affair between the two teams of youngsters with Osh- awa getting _as many hits as Hamilton, six 'apiece, and a lot more walks -- but they also had four errors, two which "hurt" in the final 2-1 result. Brack opened the first inning for Oshawa with a twobagger and Crosmas walked with one Georgie other two. Warren Wilis was the Oshawa Brabin shared the game's only run in the sec- ord stanza when Joe Brooks tripled and scored later on an infield out. "Sambo" worked the remainder of the game for Pic-O-Mats and pitch- ed hitless ball for more than seven innings, claiming strikeout victims besides, 3-1% 3-1% Rob'son--N: Reckless Rick .. 117 = 46% Roser--Double K F'm Argue Around 117 4 5- Rem' olga R Sta Moped be 4 Chop Cho ina, Trainer C F Chapma good, won drivi 1 30,549, Quinella Sod 40,173 Peteila paid $15.00. 1 1 2 2 3 3-3 5 4% 4 5 Pp -- Stal Gardner, ss in 5th; McGahey, PETERBOROUGH -- P. ling walked, Crosmas singled and Mitchell) to force in Whit- Alexan-ling. This proved Oshawa's only run. They just couldn't get a hit when most needed and as a they left 10 runners on the bases, Mitchell, pitching for holding Osh- awa's 1-0 lead until the 7th in- ning. Then he hit the first hitter, Hilson, Chiarot sacrificed and an infield error plus Corning's It stayed at 1-1 until the 9th Chiarot opened with a_ single who took over the Buist pitched the first game, *|pitching in the 7th, singled to nick, ss;Cunningham, 3b; Jack- Eastern Ontario Second game of the round is pair while Jack Mackness and the starter and lost the decision on Smith 10 QUINELLA 1 AND 2 PAID $15.00 Sixth Race 3-MYSTERE 2-PROMPT HERO 6-ADMIRAL ARMBRO 1 16 Miles, turf course, 3-year-olds nape (2 Allowances. Purse $2800. Wt PPSst % Fin Jockey Owner 1h Dalton--J M Jacobs 2-2% McComb--P Del Greco 34% Hale--Armst'g Bros Sta 4-2% Gon'lez--Stafford F'm 5-3% Har'son--Stafford F'm 6-3 D'fach--C Softley bd 7-_ Cox--Windfields F'm junstan. Trainer J J Mooney Sr. Pool 75,453 pt Hero 126 Admiral Armbro 115 Windy Ship .... 121 Wonderwine .... 107 Whiteborough Winner ch h 5 Jet Pilot--Jud Start good, won driving, 7SON BLUE &SWERVE 5-STAR TALK Seventh Race 730 oe. tart course, 2-year-olds, foaledin 1960. Purse $10,000 added. ' Gross Wt PPSt % 115 712 11-14% Ya ay Fin Jockey Owner 4-% 1-1 Roser--W J Farr 2-2% Rob'son--L Maloney ik 3-2% Cox--J E F Seagram 4-1% Adams--R and R Sta 5-1% Dalton--D G Ross 6-2% MeComb--Gardiner 7-3% Hale--D G Ross 8-nk D'fach--Homb'ger, Weil 9-9% Bolin--Bo-Teek F'm 10-Ba10" 9% Bolin--Bo-Teek F'm , 11-% 11-44 Wolski--W G Moore Canadian Shield 12-5 12-7% Cos'tino--Bo-Teek F'm Flippin Floyd 1% 13-_ Rem'lard--Bill Beasley Winner br g 2 Blue Man -- My Wind. Trainer W Thurner. 6tart good, won driving. Pool 87,559 Ta Pines Maple Sea Service 3 Common M'ket™ "us. 12 11 12. Black n' \ French Cartoon Sound Stage ... Viva La Zaca .. Askum ey see Se Foor > er 1-l 2n 5-3 3-h 63 7-2 rey ry * a SP pees ees Ps 3 a 11.40 Eighth Race 6-SMIRLYS a aa 2-WAR CAPE 7SAQUEADOR: 1% Miles, S-year-olds and " claiming all$2500, Purse $1900. Wt PPSt % Str Fin Jockey Smirlys kal 2 2h War Caper .... Baqueador . Royal Ivory .... ee Boy .... = Owner i-h 1-1% Krohn--R E Ross 2-8 211% Har'son--Double K F'm 31% 3-2% Adams--R Gian 43 4% Hale--L Jones 5-2 - FFF 5-2% Mor'le--Davies, Montg'y 2 6-3% G'don--McMacken Sta Wolski-- WGMoore Winner ch g 6 Risque Roug jan Pe Trainer RB Fisher. Start good, won driving. Pool 79,816 Total pool 633,974 'bay Total attendance 36 days--311,478 Gayo--$16,302,008 ABR AIO 3 6 4 7 5 1 Ore seune Bea' Sees Diameter on at. Refrigerators, Ranges, T.V., Stereo, Washers, Dryers, Water Heaters, Vaccums, Polishers, Radios, Bed: score him, In the 6th inning, Pettes sin- gled and Malloy doubled, then got on via interference. But Talbot came in and Plaza could get only the one run, leaving three runners stranded. Maeson homered in the 7th, for their fourth and final tally. Judd started for Plaza and was tagged for two runs in the| first on Woodock's walk, si ingle| by Knox, McMuilan's double and an outfield error, plus .an} infield out. Milton walked in the| second and finally scored on a sacrifice. Ward's shelled Judd in the fifth and Bergiven came in to relieve him. With two out, a walk to Woodcock and a choice play on Knox set the staged for McMullan's homer and _ that blow provided the winning mar- gin PLAZA FOODS -- Boivin, 2b; Sarnovsky, ss; Shearer, c; Mae-| son, lb; Pettes, If; Judd, P; | Breau, cf; Bergiven, rf and p,! in 5th; Davis, 3b; Malloy, rf " 5th. WARD'S BILLIARDS -- Mor- den, c; Woodcock, ss; Knox, lb; McMullan, i Clark, 2b; Geor-| geff, cf; Maxwell, p and rf;| Milton, 3b; Grabko, rf; Talbot, p in 6th. KENT'S TAKE KARN'S Kent's Western Tire were out-| hit by nine-to-seven but won| oe game over Karn's eas Anderson pitched the win and went the distance for Kent's. Two errors and a hit by Woods still failed to produce a run in the second inning, although six| batters went to the plate. | In the third, Marshall walked | and McPhee homered for Karn's| first two runs. They threatened) in every inning as Anderson was} in trouble each time but they got! only one more run, McPhee's second homer, in the 7th. Lyons, pitching for Karn's, had to yield two runs in the second inning and Kent's got them on two bad errors, a choice play and two hits In the) third, Shearer walked and Short homered with one out. Jordan doubled and he crossed the plate on an infield out and an error, to make it 5-2. In the fifth, Short doubled and scored on a sacri- WINS ORFU GAME SARNIA (CP)--Windsor AKO defeated the Sarnia Knights 13-7 before 1,000 fans here Saturday night in a Junior ORFU en- counter at Norm Perry Memo- rial Park, MOTO MASTER "EXTRA LIFE" A leaky muffler can load up your car with dangerous gases that are a menace to your driving comfort and safety. INSTALL A MOTO-MASTER MUFFLER-- for quiet, safer, peace-of-mind driving. You will also gain added horsepower and extra miles on every tankful of gas. For all Cars and Trucks--Save Safely--at Canada's Largest Muffler Installers. sek A Canadian Tire Exclusive ... Extra a -- Make and Year Single Exhaust Passenger Cars Only + Yourself" . Discount Price "Do-ite Muffler MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE CHEVROLET 1951-53 conv.) eee 1954-57 pers conv.) 1958-61 ¢.. 4.20 5.65 6.45 7.90 PONTIAC 1951-53 Can. models 1954-61 Can. models (exe. conv.) . 4.90 5.65 7.15 7.90 DODGE & PLYMOUTH 1949-54, 6-cyl. (exe. conv.) ie 1955-59, 6-cyl, (most) .... 6.20 6.20 8.45 8.45 FORD & METEOR 1949-54, B-cyl. (exe. ) 1955-56, B-cyl. ... 7.90 8.45 Clamps, each 19¢. Similar savings on other passenger cars, includin, discounts on Moto-Master Exhaust Equipment vehicles. Brackets for tail pipe installations (extra, where need lor =commercia jed). imports. Bi: 4 fy CANADIAN TIRE STORE WHITBY ASSOCIATE OSHAWA Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. 115 Simcoe St. $. 728-6272 Bruce R. King Prop. "311 Brock St. 1 MO 8-5828 N. tobaccos gives you TRIPLE FILTRATION! one 'The Imperial Tobacco ists started witha Suites, Chairs, Mattresses, Chesterfields, Bunk Beds, Kitchen Suites, Bed Chester- fields, Lamps, Continental Beds, Hessocks, Dividers, Pole Lamps, Tape Recor- ders, Record Players! ! If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! BAD BOY ssc: APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 * pure-white, easy-draw- ing filter of cellulose-- nature's own filtering agent. two They combined ft with soft, super-ab- sorbent *Astra, This is Canada's most efficient filter. _suresoneecanene ESR Mayfalr's tobaccos--spee cially refined to a new milde ness--add their own recoge nized filtering action. Result: TRIPLE FILTRATION! ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FROM JMPERIAL TOBACCO'S RESEARCH LABORATORIES! "Astra is a registered trade-mark. » NOW! A cigarette that filters ONE...TWO...THREE ways! NEW TWIN FILTER MAYFAIR Not just one filter --TWO! And Twin Filter Mayfair is King Size! This scientific combination of two totally different filtering materials plus the new mildness of specially refined eee ama i lian teaticannTIaLe