| A kitchen shower was heldjroad north, by fraternity) jat the home of Mrs. James| brothers of GMI, when he was| Falloon, Ritson road south, |where many friends from Gen-\Presented with some camping | . jeral Motors Personnel Depart-| equipment. | SUMMER STOCK SELLS AT A LOSs! {ment presented her with a set| 7! san} jof TV trays. She also receiver Office, where the future b-ide! Prior to her marriage in|Many useful kitchen items is employed, presented her} Northminster United Church to-| Mrs. Merlyn Cranston non- ~~ a arg Feta ao morrow to Mr. Leslie Blaine|ored her sister-in-law wita aj, 1h ANC UTS: 1 eter ean Boswell, Miss Jean Marie|miscellaneous shower for many he baa egies es Mise banie! ES Cranston has been feted by) friends from Oshawa and Kitch- ad ion Pare t if | Dear Ann Landers: Is itjturns sour. Can it be, Ann, that|Many showers. jener at the home of her mother, night. af . ke -- eg some people pre mareage is not for everyone?--| , The con tae ae eer ce ee ou beh | jnot cut out for marriage? I'm! | Gaya > ; r 2 e | ipeginning to think I'm one of gy eh Marriage|¢#"! Pascoe and Eugenia|was presented with a set of ig nm pect ' : % se Voy i i i ; ine agi accel 45 who has béentis Me ky poke oe: bag oe Plan Ottice, TSteand ars, gg Oe the bride- Boe Th gyal nig ey turn| chapter In MY entertained the bride-elect at a\groom was held at the home}them lengthwise, paint and add| widowed three times -- twice|recent book. - grass and once sod. In all hon-| A successful marriage is ___!of Mr, David Hardy, Haimony!shelves of contrasting colors. '<. esty I must count the last mar--a matter of luck. It is riage a failure because it was|achievement. Marriage de- heading for the rocks when my| mands a mature response to ob-| husband died. \ligations and not everyone i I could have sworn that each) equal to it. | of my marriages would last for-| Some women (and men, too)! ever. I believed myself to be|enjoy the glamorous and ro- madly in love every time. This) mantic aspects of - courtship. is what frightens me. How does'They imagine it will continue] a person know? forever. When reality klops| The man I'm going with noW/ them in' the chops' (diapers, in-| is wonderful. I'm crazy about jaws, doctor bills, mortgages) |him but I'm afraid to accept the/they become disillusioned and |ring he's been carrying in his|pitter, | |pocket for five weeks. He has) Marriage is not for the self- had two marital flops, which) centred, the coward, or the un- gives us a combined. total of} forgiving. It is only for those| |five failures. who know how to love--and | I'm extremely happy when | give, |I'm going with a man, but once Dear Ann Landers: Will you) we ete marries everything | kindly explain who pays the) |baby sitter when a man takes| jsurely our standards for our| out a widow? Here is what hap-) children will become the stand-|pened and I would like your ards of other parents? Who can opinion. doubt that you and I are, in| It was my very first date with the long run, most responsible/the woman. We had a lovely for juvenile delinquency in the/time and I knew I'd be asking | wider community? {her out again: soon. Just to be Therefore I propose that civic) polite I offered to pay the baby _j|elubs and organizations and/sitter when we got back to the }church organizations in favored|house. I was dumbfounded ;economic areas, and especially} when the woman held out her jthe local PTA, start this com-|hand and said, 'Why, of jing year with programs de-|course you can pay her. That |signed to consider ways and| will be $3.25." I've been paying) means of bringing up their own] the sitter ever since. Look To Your Back Yard To Reduce Delinquency children in ideals and modes} This woman has a nice in-| conduct and citizenship}come and she owns her own) : ay . ial Ds ; ' ».| of By G. CLEVELAND MYERS jeged homes, other people's worthy to be imitated by alljhome. She works part-time to} Always juvenile delinquency)Children. There's a smug atti-|children everywhere. keep busy and is not hard up| has been high in low-economic| tude that we are going to uplift] | propose that among' the\for money, I'm not hard up areas, notably the slums of big) them. things discussed should be thejeither, but the principle seems & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 17, 1962 Many Entertain For Jean Cranston Prior to Marriage | ANN LANDERS _ True Marriage Means The staff of the Benefit Plan| MEN'S COTTON KNITTED CLEARING AT 5.00 -@ SHIRTS *"° 1.99 . . just an example of the losses we are taking to cleor our shelves for fall! This stock must go! Drop in soon and choose from this stock while selection is at its best. i John PRESTON'S 201 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-1551 lie Vee Gas Co 4 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | proud grandparents are Mr. _ oe a faa | and Mrs, Albert Baldwin, e, Laurie Jean will be two f pe dheaare years old tomorrow. Her | Adelaide avenue, Oshawa. cities. Also it has been increas-- OBVIOUS FACT ing in high-economic areas, in) When will we, who think we suburbs and suburbia. You and are comfortable and well edu- responsibility of parents to pro- vide a good and loyal parent- child relationship and a family wrong. Since she is just as well off as I, do you feel it right that I are constantly amazed aticated, awake to our obvious|atmosphere of love and under-|I should be stuck with this ob- newspaper accounts of children|fact that our own children's|standing; and such guidance)ligation? -- NOT A MILLION- from so-called good homes go-/mode of behavior helps set the/and discipline of children as| AIRE ing wrong. ; _ {pattern of behavior for alljwill cultivate obedience in them| Dear Not: The woman should Yet at our PTA and club dis-|children and that the more we|and bring about regard for the|pay her sitter, but if you were cussions we dwell almost tise parents are looked up to injrights of others and respect for/not sincere in your offer you on the children of underprivi-jour community, the m reconstituted authority. should have kept your bazvo ee eas : 3 Scam wrens: ~ |closed, Now it's a little late to | renege, without making an issue : of it. 2 | Dear Ann Landers: A close | friend of mine is expecting her first child in a few months. I jhave two children in school lI've stored the nursery furni- ture in my attic. My friend | phoned yesterday to ask if she could borrow the furniture "'for a year or two." : I am pregnant again, but I don't want anyone to know it, las I am only in my second |month. How can I refuse to let her have the nursery furniture without telling her the reason?, Please give me a sample sen- tence as you have often done for others. Thank you -- PLENTY SURPRISED Dear Plenty: One sample sentence coming up: "I hope one day to need the nursery furniture again, so if you don't mind I'm going to hang on' to it." Confidential to WANT TO HELP: This girl needs more help than you can give her dur- ing coffee breaks. It sounds as if her mother gave her an in- feriority complex for a birthday ipresent. She should have ther- | apy. Read what the Wesingi's have to say about Natural Gas in their home . . . "We consider the COST of heating our home with gas REASONABLE. However, as parents of two small active boys, the big factor in our case is the constant hot water provided by our gos water heater." Ditiicin ak PIANO CLASSICAL POPULAR z4,buck st Dial 725-4587 OSHAWA (Gonsumers' (Sas 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723 3468 A dainty ruffled doily wiil enhance the appearance of a dresser or a coffee table. If you would like to crochet this model, you may obtain in- | velope plus 10 cents for hand- structions by sending a | ling, and a request for Leaf- stamped, self-addressed n- let No. D-130. "OO _--, Labatts JUST ARRIVED ye LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS 2.98 CHECK OUR VALUES IN FOUNDATION GARMENTS: GIRDLES Complete assortment ... 1.98 & 2.98 BRASSIERES ,,.7°% ",......... FROM 1.00 TO 2.50 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE For. cooler nights ahead, Youthful in appearance, soft to the touch. Attractively tailored in pink and blue. ONLY LSENER , taste that flavour crisps.clear LABAITS is your kind of beer A