ce mec 00 FT Sea: Ia ta: Fae THOUGHT FOR TODAY Modern teenagers know the value of a dollar -- not quite three gallons of gasoline. She Oshawa Times ERR aN SIN te eT WEATHER REPORT Clear and very cool tonight. Sunny and a little warmer Satur- day. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. EIGHTEEN PAGES VOL. 9-----NO. 192 16 Secretaries Named To Cabinet Ministers OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment|carries a salary of $4,000 a year|-- to Fisheries Minister Mac- jof 16 parliamentary secretaries|in addition to the regular $10,-| Lean. ; to federal cabinet ministers was|/000 for MPs. Alfred D. Hales, Wellington announced today by Prime Min-| The lineup of parliamentary|South--to Labor Minister Starr. ister Diefenbaker. secretaries, their constituen-| Mrs, Casselman -- to Health The 16, all Conservative|cies, and the ministers they will] Minister Monteith. members of the Commons, in-|assist: Warner Jorgenson, Proven- cluded four re-appointed to sec-| Theogene Ricard, St. Hya-jcher, and Louis-Joseph Pigeon, retarial posts they held in the|cinthe-Bagot, and Gerald W.|Joliette - L'Assomption - Mont- last Parliament. Among the 12/Baldwin, Peace River -- secre-;calm -- to Agriculture Minister newcomers was one woman MP'taries to the prime minister. | Hamilton. --Mrs. Jean Casselman, mem-| Heath Macquarrie, Queens --| James McGrath, St. John's} Russian Carnival Air : Ne el a today. Artist applies brush to | Nikolai Lenin, Soviet Union's portrait of cosmonaut Andrian | former premier and Commun- Nikolayev. Vase on table, cen- | . se ; ist hero. ter, has picture of cosmon- | aut Pavel Popovich on it. | Other vase bears portrait of MOSCOW ARTIST N. Bor- dyukov works on decorative vases bearing portraits of Soviet space heroes in this photo released by Tass, Sov- iet news and picture agency, -- AP Wirephoto via radio from Moscow Awaits Two Spacemen as. Green. It was believed the first time| Thomas M. Bell, Saint John-| Frank McGee, York - Scar- borough -- to Immigration Min- tion. A brief shot on Moscow)while Nikolayey and Popovich television showed Nikolayev| stand on the upper level with that a woman had been ap-|Albert to Justice Minister lathered up, as a barber stood Khrushchev and other top So- by to shave his growth of beard .viet leaders, MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet capital donned carnival attire today for the arrival of the Russian space twins, Maj. An- pointed to such a post, whic UN Warning h) Fleming. Wallace Nesbitt, Oxford -- to {Trade Minister Hees. | James A, McBain, Elgin -- to Transport Minister Balcer. Harry Jones, Saskatoon -- to /Veterans Minister Churchill, | Robert McCleave, Halifax -- ister Bell. Mr. Ricard, Mr. Bell, Mr. Jones and Mr. Jorgenson are the holdovers from the last group of secretaries, The 16 appointments are the maximum that can be ap- ; cost-sharing program to assist J. W. MONTEITH | No Reason Seen To Alter U.S. ey DRUG-BABY COST PLAN FFERED BY MONTEITH Federal Offer To Share Cost OTTAWA (CP)--The federal government today proposed a in diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of thalidomide de- formity cases. Health Minister Monteith made the proposal in opening a conference of federal and pro- vincial health and welfare of- ficials called to consider t he problems of deformities in chil- dren associated with the drug, sold for 11 months in Canada on doctors' prescriptions. Mr. Monteith said 'we are prepared to share with each of the provinces the cost of assess- ment for each individual case, which would include medical, | psycho - social, and economic features." 'In addition, we consider the cost of essential transportation jot an infant and parent as |Shareable- under this arrange- |ment. to make funds available on a matching basis through welfare grants with respect to mainten- ance cost and related welfare services for programs which are considered essential to the welfare of these children." Mr. Monteith said provision of federal assistance towards the cost of home, foster home or institutional care and main- tenance "may find usin cer- tain situations where we have no direct responsibility." "We want to feel free to share with a province half the cost where extra expenses may, in es cause, be called 'or. He suggested that if this was agreeable to the provinces it would not be a precedent af- fecting other health and welfare programs. "The situation we are dealing with extends beyond expenses which could be insured in con- nection with a normal child. Issued To pind to the post under tv.) Serace Program drian Nikolayev and 'Lt. - Col.' from four days in space. GIVE AN ACCOUNT to Works Minister Fulton. | _"From the federal point of Pavel Popovich. Soviet officials announced that their big parade will come Saturday. The cosmonauts' ready have been brought to Moscow for the festival. The celebration got an added boost by the announcement that Air Force Day, previously sched- uled for Sunday, will be moved forward to Saturday. Both cos- monauts are air force pilots. The cosmonauts themselves have been flown from Kara- ganda, their landing area in Ka- vakhstan about 1,500 miles southeast of Moscow, to a nearer _ undesignated base. There they continued to rest and to undergo examinations of the effects of weightlessness during their record orbital flights that kept them in space four and three days respectiv- ely. Both were reported feeling "excellent" and apparently families al- Heward Grafftey, Brome-Mis- The bright weather that pre- ree vailed in Moscow during most Today, the cosmonauts: pre- of the cosmonauts' flights gave sented to an official commission way Thursday night to rain, 4 detailed and scientific account but preparations went ahead f their parallel orbits. ; for their triumphal arrival. Red Moscow radio said they gave Square was full of cranes and their rep ir town construction machinery as pla-,0" the Volga. toons of workers threw up view-. There, the radio said, they ing stands and other trimmings faced a state commission, be- pret go with Moscow celebra-jioveg composed of scientists ions ; ? Tradition calls for the newest|@"d Physicians, which ques- heroes to be flown to Moscow)tioned them at length on their in a big plane with a fighter voyage of 64 and 48 orbits escort. Premier Khrushchev will around the earth respectively. | meet them at Moscow airport F and ride with them into the city] where thousands of Russians sisquoin -- to Finance Minister Nowlan A. DeB. McPhillips, Victoria! a CNE Opened Today By Premier Lesage TORONTO (CP) -- A tide of fun-bound visitors flowed stead- DRAGON'S BLOOD, WASHINGTON (AP) -- De-| fence Secretary McNamara sees MARKET CURBED |"° reason why the United | States should alter its care- NEW YORK (AP)--From fully charted space plans be- now on, you can't stock up jcause of Russia's spectacular on such items as "bat's |double orbit. blood," "air sanitized jinx | yt can be said authoritativ- chaser" and "dragon's blood jely that McNamara does not incense" in the nine city- j¢. leased markets. The edict was issued Thurs- day by Markets Comms- sioner Albert .Pacetta, It's part of a crackdown on "'false advertising and misrepresent- | ation," Pacetta said, He added that the sale of "magic Katanga ELISABETH VILLE, Th Congo (Reuters) -- The Unite Nations charged today that Kz tanga troops have launched an attack in the northern part of} the secessionist province and warned it would intervene Bet Ng Feta og hg dis lily through the historic. gates stopped lof Exhibition Park today' as; ; mat a Katangan" government |SU22¥ Skies broke over the 84th| spokesman denied Katangan edition of the Canadian Na- troops had made any attack. tional Exhibition. eport in a '"'large jcerned about the military im- plications of this latest Soviet experiment, He does not believe that changes should be considered in either the U.S. military or space The CNE--claimed to be the programs as a result of the dou- feel there is reason to be .con-| view, it is believed that this program could largely pe met through national health grants. "Second, we believe that the national health grants could also be used on a matching ba- sis for surgery, medical care, prosthetic devices, and rehabil- itation therapy and training, as Cee by individual assess- ment. ". .. Third, we are prepared Change will jam Red Square to hail them. Khrushchev, who has been vacationing on the Black Sea, has already promised to meet} the space twins in Moscow, The cosmonauts' families can expect to review the demonstra- tion from the second level of Ex-Con Claimed To Know Who Pulled Robbery In a note to Katanga's for- eign minister and acting presi- dent, Evarist Kimba, the UN 'said that following an attack by the Katangan gendarmerie (army), hostilities had broken out in the Mukato-Kyayo area.} The UN note made no men-| | {world's largest permanent ex- hibifion--will be opened offi-| icially at 2:30 p.m.. today by {Premier Jean Lesage of Que-| |bec. By the time he pushes the jbutten to release dozens of ae-| rial salute bombs and open the} | he will seek legislation to bar i ig recep-| Lenin' Square' BOSTON (AP) -- A published|tion of when the attack too sprucing up for the big Tecep- Lenin's tomb on Red Square report today said a Rhode Is-| Place, but UN sources sai land ex-convict claims to know|fighting began Wednesday and who pulled off the $1,500,000 mail/still is. going on. The sources b robbery at Plymouth Tuesday.|/Said the fighting was "pre-| 'aks It said he wants to make a deal|Sumed to be more than just a| WEeas. q|Show, thousands of persons will) already be milling through the} maze of displays which have| in preparation here for| potion" items ran to "mil- | lons" each year. Pacetta said he has no present authority to order the potions or articles off the shelves of private stores, but those sales, too. | Last week, astrologers, | crystal-ball gazers and tea- leaf readers were targets of offcial probers. | Captives Emerge, erect Tell Of Cruelty As the Federal Reserve Bank} Last April 6, Meo tribesmen skirmish." The area involved lies tween Albertville and Baudoin of Boston raised the amount of|-: : |} the langest cash robbery in U.S plore seg hoppy ll history by more than $50,000--)|?° ; ' 3 to an official figure of $1,551,277) 28 no troops in Albertville, ex- --police circulated throughout cept for a few technicians, but and Pathet Lao troops turned} Ay : camnncite|it maintains a civilian staff : the United States composite them over to North Vietnamese} ere. be- VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters)| Five Americans and a Filipino | Councillor Named In Permit Racket ble orbit feat. Like McNamara, U.S. civilian jspace officials say they see no |need to change their space pro- gram. James E. Webb, admin- istrator of the National Aero- jnautics and Space Administra- told a Wednesday press tion, conference that the current pro- gram is "fast paced." Webb said the United States could gain time in the race to the moon if it shifted to a "crash" offort like the one that produced the first atomic bomb. But he said it would cost more money and "undoubtedly cut the military program." McNamara's view that no chances are needed will come as a disappointment to certain air force officers who advocated emerged from long Communist captivity today and one of them told of crue] treatment that in- cluded being kept in wooden stocks for 14 hours a day : The six, cheerful and emaci- ated, arrived here in a Soviet- built plane after being held prisoners by the Communist Pathet Lao forces for periods ranging from 15 to 20 months, | The Americans were John Shore, 30, of Galloway, Tenn., a helicopter pilot; John McMor- row, 21, of Brooklyn, N.Y., an aerial mechanic; Sgt. Orville Ballinger, 28, of Columbis, Ohio, a US, military adviser; Maj. Lawrence Bailey, of Laure], Md., an assistant U.S. military attache, and Grant Wolfkill, 39, of Shelton, Wash., a National Broadcasting Company news cameraman. Wolfkill, Shore and McMor- row were captured May, 15, 1961, when their helicopter was forced down in Pathet Lao ter- ritory about 70 miles north of Vientiane when ground fire hit its tail rotor. "We came down in the jun- gle all in one piece," Wolfkill said, "but we made the mistake of staying where were were and suddenly machine-guns opened up all around us." The fire was so heavy, he said, "that we were lucky to be captured, not shot outright." They were taken to a camp guarded by "hard young Meo tribesmen with sub . machine- guns who gave us a hard time." For days, Wolfkill continued, "we had nothing but rice and salt to eat." "Then they took us from the original cell and put us in a black room where we hardly saw light," he said Later they were put in wooden stocks for 14 hours a day. He did not make clear how long this particular treatment lasted, forces, who 'treated us well in| @a¥ings of two of the White} " Ss Glove Gang their camp Tt fact k d "ho a : E le composites bore striking B : The other two Americans and | resemblances to the notorious! oar aerial mechanic Lorenzo Frigil- e MONTREAL (CP)--The city's; said the bylaw is aimed at wip-| To Co id administration has charged that|ing out the permit racket by for-|ican space effort in the milit- nsl CT two companies. trafficking in| bidding any -person to holdjary field. ; 'rigil-| Robby R. Wilcoxon, 32, form- . |taxi permits operate out of the/more than one 'permit. i | This segment of air force lana, 39, of Aringay la Union, leriy of Duke, Okla. and Albert| New Heating Plan ottice of City Councillor Harold) Mr, Cummings had no imme-|opinion sees the Russian exper- Gat Gratin wo a es 27,,wanted by the) TORONTO (CP) -- Board eee oat Pied of Montreal's| diate comment on Mr, Saul-jiments as aimed at developing pe Se Ne |e >» | nies ae Ss ealers, Inier's s | mili 51 j i j civil_war in this Indochinese ong ae. bok" Bad Brook-!control will be asked today to "Talon Sauleler, chairman of jar pr bgg d ts ewe ee te el aie mee soe kingdom. bude ated: eae consider a heating system foritne executive committee, said] swer them. "'at the proper time|ons, possibly super bombs of The war officially came to an| Even with 60 postal inspectors) the new city hall that will abol-| in making the charge before]; Fontana?! lee 1 Fg 0 ay 4N/ gathered from as far distant as\ish fuel bills. | pens PiAce: [the type the Russians have end last June with the forma-|Pittsburgh and Miami, solving) a bigger and broader Amer- OTTAWA (CP)--The federal health department said today that the manufacturer of the baby-deforming drug thalidom- ide attempted in 1960 to get the department to re-consider its de- cision requiring a prescription before use of the drug. A departmental document is- sued to delegates to a federal. provincial thalidomide confer- ence said William S. Merrell Company of Cincinnati was ad- vised Nov. 28, 1960, that Keva- don--Merrell's trade name for Thalidomide -- "should be sold only on medical prescription." On Nov. 30, the statement said, "William S. Merrell Com- pany asked for reconsideration of the above decision in view of the established safety. of this product.' " The. company was advised Dec. 12, 1960; that the federal food and drug directorate could give '"'no encouragement" to the possibility of reconsidering the prescription requirement. In a detailed chronology, the This assistance will be limited to babies with congenital (birth) malformations where the drug thalidomide has been taken by the mother during pregnancy." The closed conference was scheduled to continue most of today. In addition to opening statements by Mr. Mon- teith and provincial represen- tatives, background documents tracing the thalidomide story in Canada were issued. Sought On Prescription departmental statement said Merrell advised the department March 24, 1961, that symptoms of peripheral neuritis--tinglng sensations in the extremities -- "occur n a very small per cent of patients on thalidomde ther- apy."" The company said fiere were reports of 30 out of more than 1,000,000 users. _ (The drug had been in use in Germany since late 1957 or early 1958 and in a number of other countries, including Brit- ain and Australia) The company is quoted as saying it did not consider the peripheral neuritis a_ serious problem. The symptoms disap- Peared rapidly when the drug was discontinued. Merrell proposed to advise doctors of the symptoms and recommended immediate with- drawal of the drug from the pa- tient. The statement said Kevadon <-- sale in Canada April ' |city council Thursday night that) Mr, Saulnier said the two|tested. ; ae Heat would be supplied from , ings' as ' ; ' ition of a coalition government. the crime would be a long, ardu- the normal wanten piven off ed ig atuttlon are no longer| cent dealing in taxi ber- ling in ©. BOW y the sign-jous process, said Chief Postal|by human bodies, machines and! catisfactory and added that thel ¢ sn tnine" oth 5. oN ie Tec: [ins in Geneva in July of an in-|Inspector Henry B. Montague,|light bulbs. 'council's honor "is placed in summings' office are the Elec-| } j ternational agreement guaran-|50, but he was confident the| Ald, Charles Tidy said the doubt." ' tra Taxi Service and the Geor- 9 agg -- a reg _-- oe alse Me he is pushing is so good) The administration said that arr which Ran se prance: EES ve Gan afford to pass it up.' a high-flying racket is operating! deal with Mr. Cummings' car Observers here noted that! these were by no means recent! needs and that warnings like] Alsogaray's to reporters Thurs-| day night -- this is about the country's last chance" have been heard before and ignored. The cabinet also maintained that. the military crisis: had not} shaken the political basis of the Thrasher Dief's Executive Officer OTTAWA (CP) Richard D. Thrasher, 40, of Am- herstburg, Ont., former Progressive Conservative MP de- feated in Essex South in the June 18 federal election, has been appointed executive officer to Prime Minister Diefen- baker. N C e in iaxi permits, with the take|firm, hold a total of 24 taxi o Compromise Hope SPE jracket has sprung up in which s |much as $15,000 each, Working On | Mr. Saulnier. was speaking! effort and even sacrifice' to|essential services and agents."'| pree The latter find stability. jadded, Argentina needs "polit-| i Most observers here were of ical stability, order and disci-| Leng at me yo Swe LATE NEWS FLASHES | 'i'n: sre sn seat | compromise. . ee ae ai tes his Quebec Accountant Dies Suddenly abayloag Trower eae Sang liam. McNeely of the homicide jthe victory of the '"'legalist" | 4 bd government and pledged, in generals who oppose them. any case, 'that the country's the heart with a .32-calibre gun. The body was nearly nude, running to more than $8,000,000. | permits. The permits legally sell for $81, but the number available was frozen years ago at 4,925. Seen F or A tl BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- on the basis of monteary sta The "rebel" before the council as it started) M d * : 3 5) ary - be generals are\¢ i i 2.| --- ages in-|bility, fostering of farm produc-| arch anti-Peronists. The Pr pn ig ; eal al deniing| urder ase ed nor able today to heed tion and balancing the budget ists" favor accommodation with|with taxis. : | TORONTO (CP) Polish- Mr, Cummings has vigorously) speaking detectives chosen from support! opposed the bylaw. lall stations of the Metropolitan "ee et ; | the opinion that' the military) Prine in all spheres of national! paar rift that has wracked the coun: f the shen have been. breaking try since Aug. 8 had little the barrier between investigat- ors and Julie's Polish-stock rel- --a victory by the "rebel" MONTREAL (CP) -- T., Vincent Burke, 61, former generals led by Gen. Federico president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants'of Que- Isquad |Toranzo Montero who touched bec, died suddenly at his home today of a heart attack, A |" sTulio's body was. found S loff the present crisis by calling native of Ottawa where he received his early education, he day a eae iss filled ditoh northeast of Toronto, She had} | Members of both groups did,|'free economic and social sys- baer pogat Thursday -- tem'"' would be retained. Julie was lured away from |the aegis of army commander- ie ed 3 h > by seas gallbe aes WARNS OF CONTROLS ome by a telephone caller a in-chief Gen. Juan Carlos Lo- week before her body was found. The caller, who claimed to be a| | closaneeiatd ASSES As a result, the city says, a |the permits are sold for as a cabinet appeal for "'serious| through the suppression of noOn-|the Peronists to a certain de- achieve political and economic, But to accomplish this, it} i ; Sait | among the younger officers. Mayor . Jean Drapeau has Toronto police force are in the chance of working iself out in| atives and-friends, They are un- |for a new secretary of war, or was a-frequent lecturer at McGill University. been raped and shot through|'¢ rio. The rebel leaders pro-| But if the unrest continues, claimed a 72-hour cooling - off Alsogaray told reporters after teacher, told Julie she had to} go out to write another exam-| ination. | Police said they believe the mystery caller picked up his knowledge of the girl's school and home life at weekly Catho- lie youth organization and Pol- lish dances, CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 period in their attempt to gain\the communique was _ issued, control of the military the country will be led "straight! Armed Bandits Rob Food Market to the controls, economic inter-} ISSUES COMMUNIQUE vention and dissolution of trade WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Four armed men today forced The cabinet, after two meet- unions." their way into Discount Foods Store at the newly-opened ings held at the request of Eco- The unions account for much| Gateway Plaza and stole an estimated $2,000, Four employ- nomic. Minister Alvaro Alsoga- of the backing of supporters of|. ees working in the store were herded into a large meat cooler and the door slammed shut by the intruders and jray, issue da communique) exiled former dictator Juan Pe-} 1 |pledging "prompt developme\t|ron. ' barricaded grom the outside. = a ict. at a ane - SEARCH FOR GUERILLAS. gan early Wednesday and was still reported underway today. Forty Communist Viet Cong guerillas were killed and 60 Vietnamese government troops watch U.S. Marine Corps hel:icopter move in to pick up ammunition seized -in massive operation in ° man- grove swamps at southern tip of Viet Nam. Operation be- were captured. Six Marine | helicopters ferried the ammu- | nition back to a'government- controlled area. It was big- gest haul of Viet Cong ammu- nition so far in war against Communist guerrillas. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Sgigon