ca a Pl le CTEM NES IG Sa Gti Ae CCE IG POOLE IEE TONED GIO GIT acs hh: Ses ; eh en tan Roa pgm ds BE rr ee, 2. July Rains And | | Bargain Rate Sic: aes heart in, LOttenham Hotspurs mie Name Lake In Honor Late DuckCrop Start In High Gear _ ToBrave Fans passer canada'sy jrodus| By M. McINTYRE HOOD last season at the hands of the will play at inside right for his) MILWAUKEE (Af) -- Males ' league baseball tickets for 39 ing waterfowl, thanks to good a league champions. So the FA]new club, and that means good- ---- each? That's the super-|ad July rainfall and relatively cool Charity Shield again sits beside} bye to his international chances,) mark: Cinei: Veteran S ortsl! : Ke hi : weather . . . Some areas re- The Oshawa Times the English Cup in the Totten-las he cannot hope to disiasdiee Uaendae Wares ae main critical, but m@>*djstricts| LONDON -- Tottenham Hot-\ham Board Room. Jimmy Greaves in that posi|game on Labor Day, Sept. 3, at|to.the stadium. ' with significant sprig breeding| spur have started the 1962-63). .eocn opENING tion... Bobby Charlton, Eng-(County Stadium, | "| The Braves have not had 30,- By CHISHOLM MacDONALD Seer a, --, = e Lag soccer season in all-conquering|" the Scottish pened|!and's left winger, will miss the| A food store dhain announced = bond a Fong this season since WINNIPEG (CP) -- Changes ke y* : St| style, Playing at Ipswich in thel with the first series of games in|first two internationals of the|Monday purchase of all tickets, \°P°™D8 Tay: in the map of Manitoba were : _ oy sckevet '|Football Association charity|the League Cup competition.|season and Manchester United'sjexcept season tickets and those numerous during the 80 years Aer cage cance contain.|shield match between last sea-/Right off the bat, Rangers and first 15 matches. He has gone|already sold in advance, for the LOVE LIGHT that Isaac Pitblado was grow- ; by 'gid ipa faci grid Come inc|Son's league champions and FA|Celtic, who won from Hibbs and into hospital for a hernia opera-|game. The flashes of fireflies are ing up with the province. Z ike Una seh Dekel he) cup winners, they produced a|Hearts respectively, revealed|tion which means three months| The tickets will be sold injcourtship signals, a means of Naturally, I've regarded oe og Sar or a new-style defensive formation,|that they are going to be teams|0Ut of football action. stores throughout Wisconsin for'finding a mate in the darkness. them as a matter of normal Al P herent Sean . plus a goal-scoring punch, to|to be reckoned with this development," says the 95-year- ' Nace ontenies "the opinion|9Verwhelm Ipswich, the league Milmarnock and Motherwell old practising lawyer and out- ; " hak in coma § 1968 im.| 'champions, While the scorejalso served notice that they are door sports enthusiast. me Bhi ig part pddag a was 5-1, it might have been|going to be in the running for - +. but I guess now this : ; ete drought losses to a mini much higher had some of the|the honors. Falkirk, just up ge acy is i ree é : ree aan phe joadtr ong A Fs vation Spurs' near misses gone into|from the second gees i iteriap change he refered I \soseage oie rosie Peo ene een ars eum Me of Big Grass Marsh, a 50,000- ; f | duced will reach flight stage suc.|, Tollenhants Mey ing The|the day acre waterfowl sanctuary in the fe : cessfully and also states flint] ormen ph crocper ye aang a eal ee : : production has increased con.|{tll backs, Baker and Henry,) Dundee failed to produce the Langruth-Plumas area of Mani- R= siderably in the last two weeks|t00k positions in the middle|form that made them league! toba, to Pitblado Lake in his , and that this followed a slow alongside .centre-half Norman,| champions last season, and they) honor. = 4 down, after a mid-June flurry jleaving the wing-halves on the) lost 3-2 to their next door neigh-| The sanctuary, about 90 miles ' particularly in Saskatchewan, |touchline to tackle the Ipswich|bors, Dundee United. Aberdeen northwest of Winnipeg, is the ' Later the report reveals that/Wingers. This defensive plan/pulled the surprise of the day) second largest duck factory in Bags "newly hatched mallard and|Mullified the Ipswich attacking) with a 21 victory over Par-| Western Canada. Its renaming some pintall broods are stilj|{ormation of the three inside|tick Thistle on the latter's! beautity your home the modern, by Hpoogye Heron egy igi rans appearing and production may|{orwards up and the wingers/ground. | functional way; clean, durable a perp : continue through late summer,| back, and it proved a solid bar-| pins AND. PIECES lost ; inaust and lengthy record of its name- |. Lasser scat and pada tier 40 the champions' efforts. " A et gy ME ast a housetime. Inquire now, sake. jappear to be headed for a good TWO-MAN: PUNCH 'ardutonat Winger te likely AG ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS FROM NOVA SCOTIA j , year. Jimmy Greaves and Bobby|play his football for Everton in nith started the season in bril-|the coming season. Everton liant style, providing the Spurs'|have. agreed to pay Chelsea When Isaac Pitblado came to p. 4 é 7 = The picture contained in the) ¢, Winnipeg from Glenelg, in Nova ie y : aia ae Ducko" appears to follow the Scotia's Guysborough County, . f j z : ay ha: sage ane aaa the prai-| attack with a two-man punch| $90,000 for Brabrook, and 'while in 1882 he was 15 and already te ; , bedi donee le early that gave Greaves two great|he would prefer to remain in a university student. Spears" ee : rshay re ha me ay Suc-| goals and Smith one. At times,|London, it is likely that he will! Those were the days, he re- pote en So? -- u _ sie rg y early Spurs toyed with Ipswich, mov-|sign for the Liverpool club... calls, when Red River ox carts igs = : aia el = -- ~~ od .. + Generel. ing the ball at snail's pace from| Bobby Robson, English interna- were rumbling -- and bogging Ramm ' ; "Ae . ot ate to very late] man to man. Ipswich were out-| tional wing half, has been trans- down--along the main street iiige -- : ried rood size is normal to) witted, outplayed and out-ferred by West Bromwich Al-| here. a eS ee : et : . i fen + |gunned and Tottenahm had ajbion to Fulham for a fee of Today, in his trophy-filled of- § ; sf j ee ithe "61 io te a ing oa sweet revenge for the two/$75,000. He went from Fulham fice hea tg the same ae 'ae Bite : : : Er scanalie lig de ig bt eo league defeats they suffered!to West Bromwich in 1956, Hel can look down' on som , / : 4 : @ | Reatat \ a be| ------_______-- changes he helped bring about { Le . j er oe se --* during the years that added up ; : i : : mditions ... a higher to his becoming what is gener- Oa Ly Ge percentage of the broods pro- ally believed Canada's longest- : A, \duced will reach flight stage|« practising lawyer | eo : : ; successfully How does it feel to have a ; : : : | é : . : Ss rg Pyeng £4 eae | ae ae Vhaiiee Wants U.S. Gov't. | ; a ee Ms a | i With an alertness belying his i . % 4 Ss ? = years, Mr. Pitblado says sim- > . : Ban Duck Hunting| ply: "It certainly is a great honor. 1 ; si ' s WASHINGTON (AP) -- The But I actually haven't had time gqyyJ, ACTIVE -- Isaac Pit- , sanctuary, located 90 miles president of the National Audu-| to get the real feeling of it blado, 95, practising Winnipeg | north of Winnipeg, has been bon Society urges that the} At the 19th holez more golfers relax | ey yet. = + ; When Mr. Pitblado decided to} gicp) ducks he shot during | honor hunting of ducks this year. th M ] 13 ; t take law, there was no law a bunting trip. A 5,000-acre ~(CP Photo) | Carl W. Buchheister told the) wi 0 Son. S x or } j | school in Winnipeg and he re- National Water Fowl Advisory} ceived his legal education by ; ay oe sce 4 aah i Committee in a closed session} study and working in a law of- for higher freight rates. 1 Wass Politicians eg ; he ots Wednesday that this is a critical] fice. He was called to the barjone of his biggest cases with|"'predicted that not enoug ies se i Tota gh woul he creed ever ate, PunN than any other ale Hi fame a a lawyer grew and covered 19,000 pages of evi-|the railroad in Western Canada years of drought in the princi-| from his close. association with] dence jto pay for the axle grease OM) ha) nesting areas | two great issues of the West's| "In my early years," he|the wheels of the cars a ,.|. His position clashed with the ' A pd sire life -- freight rates|mused, 'the whole town was| The biggest railroad yards in Look in on any friendly clubhouse from east to west. You'll recommendation of the National and the marketing of grain. |gambling on the Canadian Pa-|the country now are not fat| Flyway Council for easing of! find most thirsty golfers addressing a tall glass of Molson's ' 'lw, " He was counsel for the Win-|tions, } . ' : $80,000,000 bid by the railways' Winnipeg." _ alpen Genin Rxchange at heart te Export Ale..And golfers aren't the only ones. Molson's LTD mtr ae At 80, he handled and won anjcific Railway soon to reach|{rom his Winnipeg office. present duck hunting restric The fish and wild life service} ' ings of the royal commission) gave the advisory committee "Ex" is Canada's largest selling ale--more than 1,350,000 SPORTS OUTDOORS By Jack Sheridan °, 2722 !",2% and 1807. The|forecass tuesday inat the fail yal Er es 8 as earings iaste 4 days acros' ghts of ducks will show small| ints are enjoyed ever ay. Pick u our case today. ey sage ma +o = to moderate declines compared} P sided y y PY v INTRODUCI FoREIGH Gaus." om, rance, elgium, €iwith last year. anne i a alk al sea ss vie ie a Bree pus nc us ine aan Netherlands and the United ---------------------- 1S 1 LLING BECAUSE IT'S BEST ASTING yop Lay ie 1g one or ities he shared with Winnipeg SERVICEANITH FEW SUCCESSES. | Premiers, JODN) athletic teams. Bracken and T. C. Norris, had! petirement? "'Gosh, no," he their names cleared of charges! answered, "y was born in the when represented in court by ' Mr. Pitblado. year of Confederation, and I have to keep up with my coun- In earlier years he was ac- ' wn."? tive in baseball, tennis, foot- try, Its not slowing down. ball, lacrosse, curling, golf mit -- . game-hunting. An incident still is recalled of his undertaking SHORGAS one time to run the bases of a| HEATING & baseball diamond against time. When he crossed the home APPLIANCES plate, the watch showed he had} 1 : beaten. the world record. He ndustrial and was the sports hero of the hour, Commercial e@ says, chuckling. A re-meas- urement of the diamond showed om bray nyplhty og ~ it was considerably smaller : than regulation size. 31 CELINA ST In his office, where he still practises law nearly every day,| (Comer of Athol) Mr. Pitblado is surrounded by 728-9441 BARROWS A t bee trophies of th i- Beosunsr 1es0 THR f i ip) e outdoor active | ' as le OY Make lt a "Date" NOW! WERE BROUGHT IN FROM CHINATO \ 1M 1080 AMD ENDED mi ParLume.\\ YI) -- To Attend The -- PRAMASED WITHE WILLAMETTE VALLRY. © SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY a ZS ZNSE ED Mh, on WON 7h: ALEXANDRA PARK MON. TUES. WED. . AUGUST 20 - 21 - 22 DEPEND ON US FOR | SEE! Canada's Finest Harness Races PROMPT OIL SERVICE | In Action Tuesday and Wednesday! We're only a call away! OIL IS BEST : P Order your fuel oil supply FOR HEATING: . now for the coming winter. | @ It's Safe Call today for fast delivery! © I's Clean | .uromATic DELIVERY © Deépendable BUDGET TERMS © Economical AVAILABLE Saisie Grandstand Telephone 723-2481 | shee Tues. and Wed, MIDWAY gy McLAUGHLIN HEATING CONKLIN'S $[ Bing Wacki's & The Whole Family orld's Finest A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. pl tf Adults 50¢ © Public School 110 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA Children FREE © High School ' Students 25¢. ©