' 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, August 16, 1962 RA aye 26--Rooms for Rent 5 furnished for| OSHAWA BLYD, SOUTH, 258 -- Three- TWO rooms, completely central house, oil furnace. Low/ply 725-0345. PRIVATE -- Lot for sale, 55 x 133. Ap- 298 Elgin Street West. Telephone after five, 725-9652. HOUSE and 2 acres, Hydro and well,|NEAR Schools, $900 down, new mod. poe ngood of 7A Highway and 900 full THE MARKET BASKET light ton venga ay 9 including electric al and Centre. Suit alow and garase. working couple, $15, weekly, 7255227, |5 ROOM modern bungalow and garage after| price $400 DOWN -- Four-bedroom home, , centrally located. Full 00% 725-4606, 34,800. Telephone VISIT THE soiate las nc osek cove to 1 sa Aske Prigin" Street' ast. PARK ROAD NORTH ATTRACTIVELY PORT PERRY, 7 large rooms, hard- 'wood floors full b or the owner, Toronto 741. and attic, oll furnace, newly painted, large lot. 985-2423. GOOD LOTS FURNISHED ROOMS Farmers Market PRIVATE SALE 191 Cromwell Ave- nue. brick bungalow, 3 Available in private home. Overlooki Oshawa Golf Cann NHA. Approved. Water and sewers. $55 PER FT. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON and. Low stone beth Snare gorden| al acre L down payment. teres ox ranged. Albert Marshall, Manila. TELEPHONE 725-2774 Custom Brilt For present Owner EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME Located North-West Corner OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Behind BA Station King St. West NEW OPEN AIR MARKET 27--Real Estate for Sale 3 BEDROOM modern bungalow, near schools, bus. Bargain at $12, 000 with large down payment. 725-1846. 153 Windsor Street, $7,800 FULL PRICE $700, DOWN FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW ON VERDUN ROAD CARRIES FOR $65 MONTHLY J NORTH-WEST New five room bungalow, large kitchen and dining room, beautiful bathroom, decorated, carport, sodded, and many other features. PRICE $15,775.00 $2,175.00 DOWN AMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 County |ern . Ready road, $2, price. Fred Cook Rea!-|in. Only $12,500. W. McAuley, Realtor, tor, Phone Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleica,|28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 68-5765. 986-4894. $13,300. SIX room bungalow, ly finished in or out, Terms 728-9754 five-room bungalow Re; 29-----Automobiles tor Sale 29--Automobiles for a fully powered, 1959 MERCURY Parklane 4 door hard- top, black, sharp, excellent condition, 1954 PONTIAC coach, A-1 condition, sec-, ond owner. Has to be seen to be ap-, Apply 51 Nassau Street. . radio, good ji NSU Prinz. Good condition. Beste setae. Park Road South ore telephone 726-0040. 161 DELUXE Volkswagen, excellent' fevaiion Roceenae ©, Telephone' LADY'S 1960 Vauxhall Victor Deluxe,, low mileage, no trade in. Telephone, 723-1249 4 and 7 p.m. 1900 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, F PHONE 728-6357 Pickering Village Solid hag and stone ---- bungelow, cut stone fire- place, 24 x 15 Knotty Pine Family Room, large living room, plus full dining room, cherrywood kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, thermopane win- dows, plus aluminum comb- ination storms and screens, beoutifully londscoped cor- ner lot, two car garage, Owner transferred, Act now! You can now shop in cool, outdoor comfort under canopy for your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. N. and G. Market Specials this week: TOMATOES, Oshawa Grown, Fresh Ripe. PerLb.11c Per Basket 69c FRESH RIPE FRUITS PEACHES, PEARS, PLUMS WATERMELONS and CANTALOUPES Shop Until 10 p.m. Ween, 9 p.m. Saturdays FREE Parking Space -- FREE Delivery Service ITALIAN IMPORTED FOODS N. AND G. FRUIT MARKET 399 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 723-2648 Near Oshawa Shopping Centre J. J. GIBSON & SON LTD. Processors of The Famous QUALITY MEATMASTER BROILERS FLAVOUR USED EXCLUSIVELY BY ALL LEADING BAR-B-Q'S PRIVATE SALE FOUR BEDROOM Attached garage. Located on Graridview. Owner willing to sell for $2500 DOWN CALL BILL MILLAR Telephone owner 725-1186 or 725-2557 Whitehall 2-6403 J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA -- TEL. 723-4471 Whotever kind of property you want to buy . +» We have it for sale A BUNGALOW OR SOME ACREAGE. FARMS FROM 10 TO 200 ACRES A STORE OR AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY Ask for information. WE STILL WANT NEW LISTINGS, AND WE WILL WORK HARD ON IT. WHITBY PROPERTIES HOUSE TO RENT OR SELL Three bedroom bungalow, large modern kitchen, beautiful living room with plonter. Three finished rooms in basement, two bathrooms. Aspholt drive, storms & screens, rental 125.00 monthly. Call Mr. Roe R. Jones at Whitby MO 8-4003 now. STORES TO RENT WITH PARKING Two stores to rent, opprox. 1,400 sq. ft. and 1,500 sq. ft., both heated, excellent for restaurant, variety store with lunch counter, ond in a very good location on Dundes Street W., Whitby by the Whitby Professional Building. Call Rae Jones MO 8-4003. PRESTIGE OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Modern, bright, well decorated, office space in WHITBY PRO- FESSIONAL BUILDING & 'THE DUNDAS BUILDING, located Dundes St. W., Whitby. Cleaned daily, tel onsweri service if desired. Parking, Call Mr. Roe R. Jones. MO 8-400 PETER FEDDEMA REALTOR TOBACCO FARM 210 ocres -- 28 ocres rights, full line of buildings. Price $30,000.00. Down $10,000.00, DAIRY FARM 133 acres -- 11room brick house, double gor. age large L-shaped barn, painted. Milk house, cooler, 905 milk quota. Price $39,500.00, Down $13,000.00. GENTLEMAN'S. FARM 40 acres -- 8 room fully modern house two barns all buildings in excellent repair, small stream, pond, @ real buy at $25,000.00 Terms. 40 acres -- very scenic, 660 ft. lake frontage, sandy beach, Price $5,000.00. 4 bedroom house, near schools $10,500.00. Down $1500.00. Small bungalow, both, garage, shaded lot. Price $4,000.00. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF --OVEN READY FRIERS -- ROASTING CHICKEN -- BOILING FOWL -- CHICKEN CUTS -- TURKEYS ESTABLISHED IN PORT PERRY SINCE 1946 J. J. Gibson & Son Ltd. Serve -- Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Beaverton, Lindsay, Peterborough, Fenelon Falls and districts. When shopping, be sure to ask for, and obtain Meatmaster Quality and Flavour. J. J. GIBSON & SON LTD. PORT PERRY, ONT., PHONE COLLECT 985-7393 Dept. of Agriculture Certificates 5-248 & E5-248 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THRE! apartment .| THREE room apartment, private en- auaed oo caren , ew ts peeny see trance, close to South General Motors Eerete entrance, Ideal for quiet work-|&"4 bus, $60 monthly, Apply 303 Hill- couple or pensioners. 728-2798. Side Avenue. CADILLAC Avenue South, girl to share UNFURNISHED upper apartment, sep- arate entrance, three large rooms and jfurnished apartment with same, early twenties preferred. Telephone between bath, heavy duty cable, suitable for! 5.30 and 7 p.m., 725-3129, couple, Reasonable rent. Ritson Road | - ~ South. Please call 728-7770. FULLY modern, one and 2 bedroom apartments, new apartment building, SMALL bachelor apartment, down- town area, feasonable rent, laundry |paved parking, near schools, shopping. facili parking. 728-4646. . Owner will sell or trade. Price 5 room bungalow, bath, furnace. Full basement. Price only $6800.00. Low down payment. 3 acres, 7 room log house, needs repair. Price $2500.00. Down $750.00. Several building lots in Newcastle and Orono, priced as low as $800.00: Highway 2 east of Bowmanville -- MA 3-3644 A. McGill .... Orono 1407. C. R. Lovekin .. Newcastle 2248 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON ANY OF THESE METCALF MID-SUMMER SPECIALS $10,000 full price -- 3 bedroom oil heated home on forge landscaped lot. Must be sold. Cash buyers invited. $10,500 -- 5 rooms, decorated nicely. large landscaped lot & oe. et evoilable, oil heated -- Mople Grove orea close to schools. $11,500 -- Darlington Blvd. -- 5 rooms with 2 car sized car- port -- worth your time to inspect. $11,900 -- Delightful brick bungalow on Oakes Avenue, all the extras included plus wonderful landscaping -- very good value here -- well worth a look. $11,900 -- Ideal small bungalow for newlyweds or retiring couple -- 2 nice bedrooms & all very modern. $13,000 -- $14,000 -- We have several new listings in all sections of the city. Whatever the type of house you desire, we have a home in this location for you to see. Call us today for full information. : refrigerator, range, laundry facilities, }. | 723-2570. {2 ROOM apartment, partly -furnished, |private entrance, newly decorated, cen- tral, 14% Bond Street East. Telephone 728-1359, STERLING AVENUE, 510 -- two- room apartment, built-in eupboards, all modern conveniences, private en- trance, child: sf T 725-7970. ' SYLVIA STREET -- large, modern fur- nished three-room apartment, private 4-piece bath, hot water, parking. Avail- able September 1. Telephone - 2549. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment, fully jequipped with refrigerator, stove and VERDUN Road, 165, four-room apart. |orver. Telephone Newcastle 3938. ment, private bath and entrance, all|KING AND PARK ROAD, -- $95, two- conveniences. Parking. Apply above or/bedroom apartment, main floor, refrig- telephone 723-3096. Jerator, stove, free laundry facilities, ELGIN EAST, 188 -- A home away|P@rking, adults, Telephone 728-4500. from home. Two-room furnished apart}; THREE - room furnished apartment, ment, new range and refrigerator, suit-|private bath, parking, TV aerial, large able 2 gentlemen or 2 bu: women,/closets, continuous hot water, suitable $15 week. 723-1692. for two adults, telephone 728-6504. FLENA AVENUE, TWO-ROOM apartment, completely fur- apartment, ate nished, bathroom, shower, private en- refrigerator, cupboards, trance, close to bus, no children, Tele- $65. montnh. 725-4957. Phone anytime 723-1720, SIMCOE NORTH and oe one-/TWO -- three room apartment, unfur- ent = inch hydro, suitable for one or two people nished, stove and refrigerator in one. only. Call Mr. 728-5125. EULALIE AVENUE, 238 -- Three- room unfurnished apartment, heat, lights, heavy duty 725-3608. wiring, $60, month. ARTHUR Street, 218, near downtown, three-room apartment, newly decorat- ed. Range, refrigerator, private bath- room. Telephone 725-5909. WELLINGTON STREET WHITBY 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS in new building with balconies Telephone ofter six. FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, three and fi Ale Dp % area, near downtown and school, Laundry, | parking and children's playground facil- ities. 300 High Street, Whitby. MO FOR RENT -- Self-contained apart- ment. Four rooms with bath. Gas heat- ed. Suitable for couple.. Garage. $60, Available Sept. 1 or before. Telephone 8-3476 or 83714 after 6.30 p.m . FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Third floor. Private bath. Heavy duty wiring, $70 monthly, includes heat and hydro. Telephone MO 8-5709. Available now, Suitable for quiet couple, Telephone 725-3777. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, central lo- cation, TV outlet, laundry room, $75, or $100, furnished including TV set, im- mediate possession. Telephone 728-1203. $70 THRFE-ROOM apartment, private jentrances, all conveniences, heated, vicinity Walker and King. aytime telephone 728-6279, THREE room apartment and 5 brand new, refrigerator, stove, drapes. Telephone 728-8754. THREE - room apartment, antarpished. centrally located. Apply 68 McMillan ve, TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, also single room, private entrance, parking, reasonable, central, 96 Centre Street. CABOT Street, 110, main floor, mod- ern five-room apartment, near shopping centre. $105. Available September 1, AFTER 5:30 CALL 5.9191 Everett Elliott .... 3-9290 . 8-2392 Dick Barriage .... 5-6243 . 3-7963 Jack Osborne .... 8-5836 GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 INCOME PROPERTY FIVE MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN -- Reduced to $15,900. Has 5 rooms and 4 pc. both- room on first floor. 2 rooms ond 3 pc. bathroom on 2nd. 2 nicely finished rooms with stool and sink in basement. A good home. Must be sold due to illness, 6 PLEX APARTMENT BUILDING -- in beautiful Elgin Court. All 'apurtments rented. Asking $45,900.00. Terms, LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME a little better a little cheaper a little different @ little more convenient In a Subdivision 1953 PONTIAC sedan, heater, new tires, good -| After 6 apply 390 Ritson Road South. ssion,|1958 CHEVROLET, good m echanically, four new tires, needs paint job. $800. T 725-5555. ied rer y on Rolling terrain with Curved streets ond Prepoid services Then you will wont to see "DOWNSVIEW PARK by Holshawa -- Contoct LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. 728-4678 NORTH WEST--3 bedroom brick bungalow in new con. dition, $13,200. $17,500 FULL PRICE -- this nearly new tri level home. Features 4 bedrooms, See this one before you buy. GUELPH STREET -- 2 veor old rug brick home 'n ex- cellent condition. Close to schools and St. Hedwigs Church. Large living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled bath- room, NEEDS PAINT & PAPER BUT -- with a little imag- imation and money could be made into a very nice home. bedrooms, large livin room and kitchen and an x 22 ft. sun room, Priced at $7,400 with excellent terms. Owner anxious to sell 8 ROOM HOUSE -- Only Garage and private driveway. color turquoise, Apply 149 Burk Street. brakes, $159, 1954 PONTIAC standard six, four door, inically. good mecha: Five Room Bungalow on 1962 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Only 5 months old, all fea- tures like new List price $6,700. PHONE 728-0811 Lot 50 x 175° with Apply After 6 p.m. 130 PARK RD. NORTH GEORGE 28--Real Estate Wanted BLYLEVEN REALTOR MAPLE GROVE 45 acre farm with 8 room frame house, barn ond drive shed. 38 acres workable land. Asking price $18,900 with CUSTOM BUILT - 2 BEDROOM BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $1,050, 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars oe i an Highest prices paid, CARS WANTED BRICK BUNGALOW NORTH OF KING ST. Will Pay Cash WRITE BOX 741 OSHAWA TIMES substantial down poyment, Newtonville close to Hig! 401 85 acre farm with room frame house, spacious implement shed ond bom. Asking price $15,000 with 000 down. Owner is olso willing to trode for small home, CALL MA 3-5300 $1,500 down, located cn Oshawa Blvd. N. This 24 storey house with garage 's in immaculate condition end must be sold as the owner is leaving town, r For full porticulars call 723.1121 Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, JOHN F. DEWITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 334] 150 Acre farm with excellent set of buildings on 28 High- way. Brick house with all modern conveniences. Large L-shoped bonkbarn, water- bowls, etc. Only $9,000 down. 100 Acre farm, close to a highway, L-shaped bankbarn; 6 roomed home. Asking $11,- 000. with $3,000 down. 92 Acre farm, excellent soil, large L-shaped bankbarn, ~ silo; 8 roomed home. Water in gil buildings. Asking $14,000. with $4,000 down. 230 Acre farm, 2 barns; 8 roomed brick house, stream. Asking $16,750. Easy terms, 15 Acres on No, 2 Highway with small barn; 8 roomed home, modern conveniences. Asking $10,000. Terms. 50 Acre farm, 80' x 35': barn, hen house; 7 roomed home, bathroom, running water. Price $6,000. Down $2500. 200 Acre farm with stream, good barn, garages, drive HOWE & PETERS Realtors 725-4701 29---Automobiles for Sale ARR eutectic ld 1959 CHEV: dition, $1,395, Telephone /28-4 'MS DODGE & cylinder, standard trans- mission, fair condition, olfer, Telephone 725-6934. '63 OHEVROLET %-ton panel truck, in good cond: excellent spares. Telephone 723-7043. ig CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, good condition. Apply 741 '4 CHEVROLET Bel-Air sedan, excel- lent condition, two-tonoe, radio, $300, Te ie 725-8555. "© SIMCA $475 or best offer, Original Ad FLEMOUTS V8 $550 or best offer. Texaco Station. HERTZ Drive-Yourself CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 King E., Oshawa Buying a New Cor? your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer ond 'SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ALL CASH$ For clean cors we deal up of ROLET Biscayne, good con- i731, $195 or best e 7: L ition, good tires, with four Avenue. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723-9421 down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs _ HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION je, 25,000. Apply 83 Ritson Road behind Texaco Station, Ritson Road South vehind 23 ACRE FARM with proximately 800 Melntosh, Spy and Delicious apple trees 7 room brick bungalow, good condition, Any one interest- ed in a good producing young opple orchard must see this 1957 VOLKSWAGEN car in excellent mn. Asking or best Telephone MO 8-2348. 1959-60 ulate condition, bucket seats, reclining passenger seat, FM-AM radio, combin- ation tae oe » Might driving mir- ror. any other extras, Brooklin, 655-3749, : offer. Tilden CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St, BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN MERCEDES-Benz 190D. Immac- Property located close to Osh- awa City Limits today. 98 ACRE FARM in good lo- cation bordering 2 paved roads, nearly all workable good productive' soil, modem bath in house, water in barn, Inspect this property without delay. About 15 minutes from Oshawa, Asking only $18,- 900 with terms, 140 ACRE FARM on paved rood, mostly workable, large 8 room home with bath, good implement shed, bam and piggery. $8,900 New brick bungalow -- to Oshawa, school and $2,700.00 with $600.00 down, 5 room furnished cot- oge. $45.00 per month. VISIT HARMONY VILLAGE 1959 Volkswagen DELUXE VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Deoler tor Renault KING STREET WEST 723-7712 32--Articles for Sale SAXOPHONE Crestone, alto ,four months old, new condition with case, 59 Sun roof sedan -- Blau- punkt radio - New paint Job in gleaming red -- seot covers - excellent tires - low mileage. Fully Guaranteed A real beauty $1295 SABYAN Motor Sales. Ltd. 1959 NSU PRINZ Up to 60 miles per gal., radio, enforced bumpers. Ideal se- cond cor. $395.00 PHONE AJAX WH 2-0409 ca $139, Terms arranged. Before 6 p.m, MO 8-8791. PIANO, Heintsman, natural walnut small upright model, with matching bench, splendid condition, $400. MA CHESTERFIELD with slip covers, pri- vate, good condition and on very NEW a over satin, Telephone MA WATER softener, large size, in excel lent condition, still under guarantee. Half price. Telephone 723-4573, GE stove and refrigerator, 10 cu, fe Both automatic, in excellent condition, Telephone 6 to 8 p.m., 725-0202. REFRIGERATOR, Viking, 13 cubit foot, Kenmore range 30", Viking dryer, Gen- dress size 14, length with train, $49. 3-7250, i nd 334 Ritson Road S. Telephone 723-346] (opposite Donevan Collegiate 2 beautiful homes completed, others being built. Trade in your present home. After hous please eal! Earle Allen .... 725-7782 Rolande Tierney 725-5207 Joe Crawford . MA 3-3672 Bob Johnson -- 728-2548 Rolph Stutt .... 725-4162 shed; 10 roomed home: Ask- ing $14,000. Terms. 100 Acre form on Highway, 90' x 35' bankborn, 2 hen houses, drive shed; 9 roomed brick house with furnace. Asking $9,000. down. Price arranged. 85 Acres Highway farm, near Port Hope, large stream A-1 soil, 122' x 36' bankbarn, waterbowls, etc.; 10 roomed brick home, all modern con- veniences. Has to be sold soon. 36 Acre farm, excellent soil, 80' x 30' born, hen house, garage, etc.; 8 roomed home, all modern conveniences. Only $5,000. down, 2 Lots left on Taunton Road. Price $750. per lot. Fronk Hunter. ... 725-2974 Don, Mountjoy. .MA 3-3950 Idso. Wiersma. . .Orono 1649 after 6 p.m, 725.5085. MALAGA Rd., 255, $85 Five minutes walk 4. MO 8-875} Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevotor Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlied Entrances Contoct MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe & Peters, Reavtors FOR SALE, LEASE OR THREE large unfurnished rooms, sink, cupboards, heavy wiring, parking, adults. Telephone 725-1030. 'SIMCOE North 86, four-room ed apartment, $70 monthly. 723-2118 or 725-4462. 26--Rooms for Rent COMFORTABLE furnished room in pri- vate home. Suitable for lady or gentile man, abstainer. Oshawa Boulevard! North, 161. Telephone 723-4078. NEAR KING and Park Road South, two rooms, furnished, light housekeep- ing optional, 723-4909, LARGE housekeeping room, private en- trance, main floor. Apply 218 Celina Street or telephone 728-5253. PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and- double. Television, Dining Room, Lunches Pocked 725-0078 unfurnish- Telephone | Commercial Zoned Land fronting on three st Simcoe Street. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING STORES FRONTING ON SIMCOE OFFICE SPACE PARKING of new building to suit. 50,000 SQUARE FEET LAND SPACE 20,000, SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE 99 Simcoe Street South, 104 and 108 Celina Street includes 4,000 Ibs. capacity elevator system, and finished offices. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY For Long-Term tenants will undertake alterations INQUIRIES PHONE OWNER 725-2802 RENT reets with 120 Ft. on STORAGE STREET APARTMENTS or construction SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Reg Aker, President Bill McFeeters, Vice-Pres, 723-2265 4V2% MORTGAGE 6 room rug brick bungolow convenient to downtown. Here is an opportunity to hove a nice comfortable bungalow consisting of liv- ing room, 3 bright bedrooms, tiled kitchen, 4 pec. tiled bath, new forced air oil furnace, Paved drive. List price only $12,800. PORTER STREET $12,700 asking. $1,700 in for this 4 yeor old ranch bungalow, has extra wide eaves and the best bork brick gives this home on extra fine oppearance. Has 3 good bedrooms, forge living room, modern kitchen, extra dining area, high dry basement, forced air oil heating, large lot, on quiet street. BROCK STREET room brick 2% walking dis- tance downtown. Home is in excellent condition inside and out. Clear property. Open to offers, Open evenings till 9 P.M, Seturdays till 5 P.M, Art Weinberger Henry Stinson Les Holl Bill McFeeters ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL SELLING BUYING oes ae Is worth trying NEW OR USED "Loans arranged" BRAND NEW 1962 Volkswagens AS LOW AS $195.00 DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS Prices have not yet increased SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. 334 RITSON RD, S. OSHAWA Open Evenings 723-3461 machine, Many . Must be sold in excellent cons eral wa cone ienernene 'y. Appliances aition, 723-7818. HI-FI Electrohome, 4 speakers, Com cord model, like new. Will accept $200 or best offer. 728-0840. cor gad wanes rifles, Figen) Te volvers and pistols; also cartridges. 'Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, teles vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. /25-4543. ° FURNACES (oil) complete $239, leas burner, $149, 4 per cent finance. free delivery. Installation arranged. 725-4729. DINETTE suite, maple with Welsh Gresser, $90, Telephone '25-8139. NIAGARA arthritic heat chair, red leather, cost $500. Selling for $300. Tele- Phone 725-9479, ' HOME furnishings, complete sell-outy For more information telephone be+ tween 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. 723-9953. GRAVITY furnace, and pipes, $40. Good condition. Wood panelled double bed and springs, $10, 725-8719, Liens paid off OR Payments reduced $25 down Plus small service charge and 6% interest 10% OFF FOR CASH Condition Guaranteed Serviced By Class 'A' Mechanics TODAY'S SPECIALS 1955 CHEVROLET Deluxe -- Much better than rage condition. $498 1957 WOLSELEY A luxury sports sedan, twin carbs, radio, Immaculate leather interior, point and tires. excellent. 90-day guar- $798 FILL HER UP! ! GAS SATURDAY THRU MONDAY 10% OFF FIGURES AT 35.9 B.A. OIL .49 QT. CAN STEWART MOTORS (Class "A" Garage) KING W. at THORNTON 725-1667 Open Until 11 P.M. It Does Not Take A Lot of Money To Buy A Car. 1958 Pontiac Sedan _ 8 cylinder, stick shift. Standard 6 cylinder. 1956 Chevrolet Coach 2 to Choose from. 1957 Ford two door 1957 Austin 6 cylinder 1955 Meteor Sedan 1953 Chevrolet Coath 2 for. Your Choice. 1959 Hillman Two Courteous Solesmen: KEN MURRAY AND ED WELLMAN WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. Authorized Rambler -- Hillman Dealer 100 NONQUON RD. PHONE 728-7351 DUPLICATORS, hand and elecizie, spirit or stencil, supplies. Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock S, MO 8-5849, MecCLARY 17 cubic ft. deep freeze, only beng months. $200; Telephone MA WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671, FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib; eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683, 'TENTS, camping supplies, marine iotin Ben ie ate po icycles, Bes ice. ominion , 48 Bond Street West. 1957 Chevrolet Sedan |rire TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren- tals, terms, service. New and used, Hamiltons, 137 Brock Southt. MO 8-5849, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service » table rentals, North. free estimates. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe SHOP until 9 p.m, for used appliances and machinery. Buy, sell, trade. Skin. ner Appliances, Four miles west of Pheri y on No. 7 highway. Telephone 655-3440. FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer and guoran- teed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose' unified fuel oil from West. ern Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 BOATS Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE 'Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin -- 655-3641 Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends (Continued on Page 18) '