Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1962, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, August 14, 1962 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WKBW-TV Chanre! 7--Buffalo CFTO-TV Channel 8--Toronto TUESDAY EVE. | 5:00 P.M. |2--Debbie Drake 11--Family Theatre | 9:30 A.M. 6--Bozo Theatre 4--People Are F 2--Susie 4--Five O'clock Show | 5:30 P.M. | 7--Early Show | ews 3--Movie Museum 2~--Sea Hunt 6:15 P.M. 6--Sports Huddle 4--I Love Lucy | 10:45 A.M M. Weather; 11:00 A.M. 7--~Tennessee Erni $-2--Price Is 4--The Verdict is 11:30 A.M. {1--Tug-Boat 6:30 P, 11-9-5-2---News; Sports 6:45 ".M. | 6-- Muntley-Brinkley | 7:00 M. ®~--Bachelor Father 6--Seven-o-One 5--National Velvet 4--The Phil Silvers Show 7--Yours For A | 4~--The Brighter 3--Ren Casey 2--Ripcord 7:15 P.M. Friends U--Family Theatre 7--Jane Wyman lovie 5-2--Your First t--News: Weather Impression 7:30 P.M. #--Theatre 7~--Bugs Bunny Show 6--Beachcomber S-2--Laramie 4--The Desi-Lucy Comedy Hour 8:00 P.M. 7--Bachelor Father 6-3--Talent Scouts 8:30 P.M. l1--Official Detective 7--The New Breed $-2--Alfreo Hitchcock 4--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M. Sports 12:15 P.M House 9--Free and Easy 12:30 P.M 7--Camouflage 5-2--Truth or Consequences 12:45 P.M 4--Guiding Light 1i--Grand Jury 1:00 P.M. 6-3--The Comedy Spot |11-Gene Autry $-2--Dick Powell Show) 4---The Comedy Spot 9:30 P.M. 1l--The Detectives 9--Checkmate 7--Yours For A Song 6-3--Playdate 4--Ichabod and Me 10:00 P.M, il--Bob McLean 7--Alcoa Premiere 5-2--Cain's 100 4--Talent Scouts 10:30 P.M. $---Tombstone Territory 6--Recital 3--King of Diamonds 11:00 P.M. (1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News: 11:15 P.M, T--Late Show 6--Viewpoint 3--Movie 1:30 P.M. 9--All Star The | 3=Movie 2:00 P.M. 11----Cannonball 9--Theatre |5-2--Jan Murray 4--Password 2:30 P.M, li--Pride of the | 1--Seven Keys | 5-2--Loretta Youn; Theatre 4--House Party | 9:15 A.M. | &-The Art of the 5-2--Piay Your Hunch | | 3--Christian Science 9---Free and Easy | $-2--Céncentration 12:00 NOON (--Bugs Bunny and 9-4--News; 'Weather 3--Popeye And Pals 4--Speaker of the 4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 7--Afternoon Show 5--One O'clock Movie 4--Meet the Millers 2--Mid-Day Matinee CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe! 5--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 6-3- Moorgate Pog | 4--Edge of Show | 5 "Here's Hollywood | 2~Three Stooges |VEDNESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. |{l--Family Theatre | $--Kukla 4--Five O'clock Show 2--Captain Bob 5--Theatre 3--Ramar of Thee Jungle 5:15 P.M, 4---Dick Tracy's Adventures 5:30 P.M. | 7--Early Show | 6--The Living Sea . | 4--CH 4 Theatre 2--Felix The Cat . 6:00 P.M, ie Ford, 9--The Lawman 'unny | Right 6--New: ews Yours} 3--Three Stooges 2--Sea Hunt * sig (2 Annie 6:15 ?.M 6--The, People's Choice 6:30 P.M, | ll--News | 9-5-3-2--News, Sports 6:45 P.M, 11--Family Theatre Show 9-6--News, - Sports. | Huntley Brinkiey 7:00 P.M. 9--Movie Theatre 6--Seven-0-One 5--Real McCoys | 4--People Are Funny 3--The Tom Ewell Show 2--The Pioneers 7:15 P.M. 7--News; Weather 7:30 P.M. 7--Howard K. Smith 6--Sea Hunt 4--The Alvin Show |5-2--Wagon Train $--Bacnelor Father 3:00 P.M. 9~--77 Sunset Strip 7--Miami Undercover Song Day Weather, 4--Window On Main Street 8:30 P.M. ,;U--Cheyenne 7--Top Cat 6-3--Parade 5+The Rebel 4--Checkmate 2--The Rebel 9:00 P.M, 9--Theatre 7--The Hawaiian Eye 6-5-3-2--Kraft Mystery Theatre 9:30 P.M. 1--Zane Grey Theatre 2 4--The Dick Van Dyke Show atre 4--The World Turns Show family 10:00 P.M, 1--Bob McLean 6-3--Dennis the Menace | "CROSSWORD i | | | | ACROSS 1. Kind of music 5, Dots 11. Region 12.To run off the rails 13, Circum- ference, as of a tree 15. Little cat 16.------ Paulo, Brazil 3. Cipher 4. Slate- trimming tool 5. South Dakota? abbr. 6. Weasel-like animal 7.---- the Red 8, Island off 8. California 17, Manila 9. Small violin hemp 10, Crafty 19. Moslem call 14. Initiates to prayer with 20. Lick horseplay 28. More 18. Stripe comfortable 19. Publicizes 26. Discharge 21. Sacred @ gun chest 27. Culture 22, Equal 34. Not tool 30. Prickly' envelope of 37, Sandarac a fruit 32. Towns; colloq. 35. Axlike dressing fETAIR MCh Jolald Dotted with figures tree A tennis stroke Constellae tion An age 38. any 39. 41. And: Latin | 28. Chop finely 2 29. Camera e 8 {2 }Iio parts 30. Oriental JANE ARDEN PERFECTLY S EDDIE'S/ BUT DONT L His HOUSE UN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES) NNO/TM NOT ) THAT SCARED/NOT AFTER WHAT TH MICKEY MOUSE POOR GOOFY HURT , HIS ARM..-LET'S PAY Th HIM A VIS © ise ak Dreney Praductions Workd Rights Reserved iS WHAT'S THE HOLE IN_ YOUR CAST FOR, GOOF Y? $0 I CAN TELL wey TIME BY MY WRIST WATCH! market place $1, Turkish cap 32, Hum like 11:30 P.M. 11--Blockbuster Movie 9--Mahalia Jackson | Sings } 6--The New Breed 5-2--Tonight Show | 4--Millionaire 3:00 P.M. 1i--Randy Dandy 6-3--Summerama 5-2--Dr. Malone 7--Naked City 6-3--Sightline 5-2-- Piay. Your Hunch 4--Circle Theatre 3:30 P.M. 10:30 P.M. a bee 38. Harden 35. Man's name 38. Work 4--Theatre 3--One Step Beyond 12:30 P.M. 4--Half-Past Midnight WEDNESDAY 7:45 A.M. T--Popeye and Pals 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 2~Today Show 9:00 A.M. 11-7--Romper Room 5--Movie 4~Popeye's Playhouse News | 7--Who Do You | 6-2--Verdict is l4--To Tell The 4:00 P.M, | 9--The Hideaway 6--Playground Daddy | 4--Secret Storm 3--Playground 4:30 P.M. ll--Yogi Bear 1 5-2--Make Room For '7--Jungle Jay Show 9--The Detectives 5-2--Brinkley's Journal 11:00 P.M. -9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Late Show Trust | Yours | 8-2--Our Five Daughters), 9 7, Truth | 7--American Bandstand 6--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 1l---Blockbuster Movie 9--Mahalia Jackson Sings 6-- Maverick 5-2--Tonight Show 3--Highway Patrol 4--Theatre 40. Jewish festival fruit 44, Princess of Oz | 42, Citrus | 45. Simplest 46, Never: poet. DOWN 1, Toothlike projections 2. Operatic melody B i4 YEP, GRANDMA, ON THAT INSURANCE WHEN THEY FOUND OUT TI 1 WAS TURNED BOW | I TRIED T'GET/ BILLE... OCCASIONALLY HAND YOU ENVELOPES THAT CONTAIN ...THEY DECIDED I WAS JOO MUCH OFA RISK./ --, © King Pater Sytiotsme 1988 Wil hte remmrva Police Eye Sanctuary By RICHARD O'REGAN BUDAPEST (AP) -- Tweniy- four American children, faces smeared with warpaint and cake crumbs, streamed out of the American legation in Buda- 'pest after a costume party. | They were surrounded imme- diately by Hungarian secret po- llice. Could one of the boys be |Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty in disguise? The police weren't taking any chances. They scrutinized every small jabbering face. The Roman Catholic Primate of Hungary was not among them. He still was inside the le- gation, where he sought refuge 54 years ago, after the Hun garian revolt. Ever since, Mindszenty has lived in two rooms on the third floor of the five-storey corner building in the centre of Buda- pest. The cardinal is likely to re- main there until Hungary's Communist regime gives assur- jances for his safety and re- {sumption of his post as head of the church in Hungary--which it may never do. BLESSING IN DISGUISE For the regime, Mindszenty's jvoluntary confinement is a jblessing in disguise. It means Mindszenty does not have to be | publicly tried and imprisoned im a country which still is ardently Catholic. Meanwhile, Mindszenty's life --he is 70--is bound up inex- tricably with the lives of the 18 U.S. state department and |military personnel and their |families who live in Budapest. Two police cars wait day after day outside the legation for the redoubtable opponent of | communism to set foot on the sidewalk. Mindszenty is in excellent health and mentally alert. He keeps himself busy learning English, studying world. affairs and keeping a schedule of reli- gious devotions. He celebrates mass on Sun- days and holy days for the Ro- man Catholic members of the American community. Wives of staff members wash and iron his church vestments, as well as his personal clothing. The cardinal takes a daily ex- ercise walk around an inside courtyard, eats his meals at a basement snack bar. At mght jhe erturns to his third-fleor |room where a steel door is closed gently behind him, and locked. 230 KING STREET 1958 CHEVROLET "2-TON PANEL Finished in cream and red. New tires. Thoroughly reconditioned. Licence 11401C. Full Price . . WEST THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TRUCK SPECIAL ... $949 TELEPHONE 723-4634 25 Forest Fires Burn In Ontario TORONTO (CP)--The depart> ment of lands and forests re | ported today 25 forest fires were | burning in Ontario woodlands. The fires are located by dis- SURE, FAT LI'L ABNER TO HAVE HER ABOARD J'-|F SHE'S YOUR KID, SHE MUST BE SWEET! | SWOON WITH RESPECT IN YOUR PRESENCE, O VENERABLE SAGE' HOW DONALD DUCK A MAN HAS A RIGHT TO EXPECT ABSOLUTE, OBEDIENCE! HANOLE HER RIGHT AND SHE'LL KNOW HER PLACE! ROLL UP A NEWGPAPER AS GIVE HER A SPANK! Fy i" epaelaene reese, " THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER 7168 / HOBIE! | SENTENCE YOU BOTH TO HARD LABOR! * WELL UNTIB THEIR HANDS--| ~y King Protance Sraticate, tet, 1068, World rights reserset. tricts as follows: Sudbury and North Bay, nine each: Sault Ste. Marie and Pembroke, two each, White River, Parry Sound, and Lindsay, one each, _ All fires were reported small in area and under control. NEWS BRIEFS FISHING AGREEMENT OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Nor- way and 'he Soviet Union have ratified an agreement on fish- ing rights. The Russians may fish in an area between six and 12 miles off the Norwegian coast, while the Norwegians may operate in an area of the Barents Sea once closed to for- eign ships. | CALENDAR COMMITTEE | JERUSALEM (AP) -- A spe- jcial calendar committee hag jbeen set up to combat a pro- posed world calendar system |which the council of the Israel Chief Rabbinate says would cause a fluctuation of the sab- ch relative to the days of the TD SETTER SAVE THIS PAPER .,,GHE WT WANT TO 628 IT! King Proberse Byaitoets, te (982 World rights reamed, JULIET JONES BURRIS,_I MEAN, IS HE...WELL... Seed © King Features Spoidicate, lac, U962. World signee ceserved. IF YOU'RE ABOUT TO ASK~IS HE | ADARLIN'--YES. HEY-- RK WHY THE CURIOSITY % <a WELL, ITS THIS WAY... MRS. FARGE CONSIDERS HERSELF PRACTICALLY ENGAGED TO TOM BURRIS! HURRY--YOURE LATE J' FOR "WORK ALREADY GET UP... MR, DITHERS MAY FIRE YOU FOR SLEEPING TILL, NINES? mK > aie : : aN : Vas "iy io RATHER BE FIRED FOR SLEEPING TILL NOON 'LARRY BRANNON CALLS HUGH WILLS, THE CROWN ATTORNEY, W PETERBVILLE ONT. HUGH, THOSE CONNECTED WITH THE ARE NOW IN \ CUSTODY. ' iS Y BACK uP WW THE PETERS- VLLE JAIL, IT HAPPENED AND t CAN WILLIE FOXS BELIEVE THE TRUTH $0 S'LL GET HANGED... 4 GONNA SAY 1 B/D SHOOT MALLOY AND PLEAD SELF-DEFENSE / ~ ERNIE CAY AovANSULATION "CROWN DIAMOND PAINT ""1t it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" | PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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