27--Real Estate tor Sale Estate for Sale '27---Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Reol Estote for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, { Tuesdey, August 14, 1962 43 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, also tingle room, privete entrance, parking, feasonsble, cextral. 96 Centre Street. $1,000 DOWN buys # good 7-room two-|3 storey brick, oll gg? garage, cen- ig, only $10,900. W. i 27--Real modern near OSHAWA Bahl SOUTH, 258 -- Three- it $12,- schools, house, oil a Low 25-0345. 000 with large down 725-1846. McAuley Realtor, yf ..|153 Windsor Street. rince Street, 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. ELENA AVENUE -- furnished apartment, ice bath, heat, lights, water adults preferred, parking, $65. Telephone 725- 4957. THREE-ROOM apartment, partly fur- aished or unfurnished, cu » clean, private entrance. Tae! f for quiet work- ing couple or pensioners. -2798. UNFURNISHED batts upper apartment, sep- res ree rooms es heavy aiuty cable, suitable for Reasonable rent. egos Road Please call 728-7770. gerrmrgg 9 saTaroiabed, gece. Heated. Apply 68 po sagged STREET, 364 -- Three- apartment, private 'bath, mais p rmend parking. Telephone 728-2958. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, central lo- cation, TV outlet, laundry room, $75, or SHOW ME Where con rent a house os cheaply. This 2-storey brick house canbe a single family dwelling, or @ 2-opartment house, with income paying for your home. LOW TAXES -- NEAR G.M, OSHAWA LOW DOWN PAYMENT CALL er aeree city, As $250, 78 PRIVATE sale! Country liv' Sg stiose to Centre $15,900, Taxes Scotts Road. Telephone 725-9506, bungalow, lovely recrea: : ce, Telephone 1: 8 4 willing to sacrifice. Te! LE oso Co, Ltd., 723-9810. $2,600 ghey clean and modern three §.|5 ROOM modern bungalow and Lor 49 x 150', aaa Partly | 1998 serviced, terms. CHEVROLET Biscayne, dition, $1,395. Telephone on 2 acres land, beige for VLA, HORTOP ST. 2 Storey Brick Home PRIVATE sale. Three bedroom brick ppliances and some niture goes with the house. 15 min- utes walk from GM south plant, $5,250 down payment, balance $8,900 on one 6 per cent ments $85 includes principal, and taxes. Phone 725-9239 after 5 p.m. mortgage, monthly pay- 'nterest OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY MO 8-5853 a inetudin TV set, im- $100, furnishe iz Fon-1903, SIMCOE Street North, 408; One and two furnished, Apply Apartment 1, Bucking. ham Manor. "Telephone 778-3945. GRENFELL Street, 209: Completely ished, 3% rooms, furni: two-piece bath, TV, eg 4 duty range, air conditioner. | | Adults. 725-3667. THREE room Pog woop paves Pes trance, close to South General Motors and bus, $60 monthly. Apply 303 Hill- aide Avenue. CADILLAC Avenue yor girl to poets furnished apartment same, twenties Sierred. on between 3.30 and 7 p.m., 725-3129. Pee THREE room iparimaal and bath, brand new, refrigerator, stove, drapes. Telephone 728-8754. FULLY modern, one and 2 bedroom apartments, new apartment building, refrigerator, range, laundry facilities, ed parking, near schools, shopping. '23-2570. ¥ BOOM apartment, partly "furnished, private entrance, newly decorated, cen-/ tral. 14% Bond Street East. Telephone| 728-1359, j THREE -ROOM apartment, private Dath, centrally located, electrically equipped, stove and refrigerator, $65. fSpply 295 Simcoe South. Pe STERLING AVENUE, 510 two- room apartment, builtin cupboards, all modern conveniences, private en-) trance, children welcome. Telephone 725-7970. SYLVIA STREET -- large, modern fur- Rished three-room apartment, private ce bath, hot water, parking. Avail- able September 1 Telephone _ 725-2 2549. FIVE-ROOM heated apartment, fully equipped with refrigerator, stove and dryer. Telephone Newcastle 3938 KING AND PARK ROAD, -- $95, two- bedroom apartment, main floor, refrig- erator, stove, free 'laundry facilities, parking, adul dults. Telephone - 728 4500. ALBERT STREET, 7i -- Two-room | apartment, private bath, close to Lob- law's parking lot. Available now. Tele phone 723-7994, = fee SMALL bachelor apartment, down- town area, reasonable rent, laundry facilities, parking Telephone 728-4646, TWO -- three room apartment, unfur- nished, stove and refrigerator in one Available now, Suitable for quiet couple. Telephone 725-3777. | $70 THRYE- ROOM 'apartment, "private eated, vicinity Welker and King. Daytime telephone 728-6279. | CABOT Street, 110, main floor, 1 mod-| ern five-room apartment, near shopping centre. $105. Available September 1, after 6 p.m. 725.5085. THREE room apartment, centrally lo- cated, electrically equipped, stove and tefrigerator, $65. Apply 295 Simcoe Street South. ae TRULL'S Road South, available Sep- pcr 1, Three room apartment, pri- bath and entrance. Utilities paid. Xauits, $70, Telephone 728-8066 MITCHELL AVENUE, 21 -- Large, three-room apartment, unfurnished, in sew home, heavy duty wiring, near -- and bus; heat, hydro. * $65, wea ROSSLYN PLAZA -- Attrac tive basement apartment, furaished or partly furnished, air conditioned. Pri- vate entrance, bathroom, ail convent- ences. Suitable for 2 teachers or couple. $65, monthly, 725-9730. VERDUN ee 320 -- Attractive, four-room, heated apartment, large kitchen, Lone gud facilities. Separate and. bi posses- sion, Adults, 'Apply 19 p.m. $80 MONTHLY modern, two-bedroom, apartment in apartment building, large near 26--Rooms for Rent i srg pig ts -~ One furnished in vate home, central, parkiag | facilities. Telephone 728-8706. RITSON Road South, 275: two furnished rooms, equipped with stove, refriger- ator, cupboards, etc. Telephone 728-7119. J. A. SHERIFF REALTOR NORTH-EAST SECTION Lovely 3 bedroom brick and stone bungalow just listed. Abso- lutely spotless. Includes 12 ft. dining area, modern kitchen, fully fenced yard, all aluminum 'storms, screens ond doors, re- creotion room with bar, hobby room, separate laundry. room, Close to Vincent Massey School in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods. One 6% N.H.A, mortgage, corries for $97.00 Principal, Interest ond Toxes, Call now for details $1,000 DOWN 2 Bedroom modern bungalow on ¥ acre land on Town Line South, Only 4 years old. This property is clear and owner will toke back open mortgage for balance. Priced to sell at $10,500. Make an appointment to see this one.soon, as owner is leaving city. 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 SUBURBAN LIVING $10,500 -- Beautiful ond chic, 4%2 room house, both with vanity. Large well landscaped lot; Garage, See this todoy HARMONY RD. N. Nearly new 3 bedroom bungalow, large kitchen, paved drive, close to schools, bus etc. Asking $13,900.00. Try an offer on this one y Jack Osborne Dick Barriage Joe Maga 723-9290 728-2392 723-7963 728-5836 725-6243 725-919) Everett Elliott John Kemp Ken Hann Howe & Peters REALTORS -- 725-4701 NEW--$8,900 FULL PRICE 2 bedroom brick bungalow with gorage and henhouse situated on 3 acres of level land close to school and bus. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548, $9,900.00 WITH TERMS 6 room home with a terrific view. of Lake Ontario between Oshawe and Bowmanville, good condition, oil hedting,, suitoble for V.L.A, Call Joe Crawford MA 3-3672 IMMACULATE HOME--NEW LISTING 6 room ranch bungalow with ettached gorage, paved drive, beautifully and professionally landscaped with stone planter and shrubbery, many extras including built-in china cabinet, lazy suson, stone fireploce. Located in north west crea close to schools, churches and shopping. Call Earle Allen 728-2548 FOR SALE OR TRADE $1100.00 DOWN, 6 room brick home with garage, paved drive large modern tiled bath, one open mortgage for balance. College Hill district, Coll Mrs. Tierney 725-5207 $60.00 PER MONTH $5,900.00 FULL PRICE, low down poyment, locoted in Nestie- ton on large lot with garage and henhouse. LOT FOR SALE, 46/2 x 133 ft. neor school, sewer and woter $1300.00 with $400.00 down. Cell 725- 4162 and ask for Ralph Stutt. "16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 | THREE rooms for rent, kitchen and two bedrooms. Apply 491 Simcoe South. FURNISHED room, suitable for gentle- man, board optional. Parking. Apply ll Rowe Street. Telephone 728-3350. APPLE Hill district. Large furnished housekeeping room for two, single beds, private entrance and bath, Bus near, Telephone 728-3814, BITSON Road South, doubie room, fur. nished, suit two gentlemen, pore op- tional. 728-9385. rent. NEAR KING and Park Road South, two rooms, furnished, light housekeep- ing optional. 723-4909. TWO rooms, completely furnished for Ught housekeeping, including electric refrigerator and television, central to downtown and Shopping Centre. Suit working couple, $15 weekly. 725-5227 CLEAN, hese single room or close to South General "Motors. bus at door. Felephone 725-1238. FURNISHED room for rent, board op- tional, central location, parking. Tele- phone 723-958 s FURNISHED bedroom and_ kitchen, centrally located, parking, space, close to bus. Apply 20 Elgin Street East. 725-4150. E comfortable bedrooms for rent for single m near North Gen- @ral Motors, Telephone 728-3258. ONE or two housekeeping rooms for rent, reasonable, heat, light, water sup- plied. Suitable for women, central loce- Hon, Telephone 723-2512 RITSON North, 105, clean furnished ,» suitable for g fast optional. Near north GM. phone 725-1200, LARGE housekeeping room, private en- trance, main floor, Apply and Celina} Street or telephone 724-525: ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 reak- Tele- L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 725-8761 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 WARREN AVE., nice 4 room brick bungalow with nicely finish- Si0900. in basement, adrage with paved drive. Asking only ALBERT ST., 6 room family or income home with 2 kitchens, full price only $8,900 OLIVE AVE., 5 room bark gorage, good buy at $10,900 WILSON RD., 12 storey, 5 room brick home, asking $12,5 with poyments of $80 month 1.P.T COMMERCIAL LOT at King & Wilson with 5 mom bungalow, | only $14,500. i BLOOR ST. E., 2 acres with 6 room home and barn, must be sold. OXFORD ST., immaculotely clean 5 room brick . bungalow, N.H.A. resale carries for $89 1.P.T, THORNTON'S RD. S. 4 acres with 4 room bungalow, garage & apple storage Bidg., 98 opple trees, must be sold, price re- duced for quick sole | | brie bungalow, paved drive with WHITBY, new 17 x 50 store with full basement and new oll furnace, located in a plaza, will lease on a 3 yeor term or sell et $18,500 with $3,000 down SIMCOE ST. S., Near downtown jarge commerciol bldg. with 2 stores and ry room dwelling, good revenue, priced at only $27,500 Building ond apartment lots priced. from $2,000 and up Buying or selling it will poy you te coll "SNELGROVES" 5 Offices at Toronto. 1 ot Lindsay, Barrie, Pictos & Oshawa, serving Ontario for o quorter of a century. By calling SID MARTYN OR TONY SIBLOCK ot 723-9810 or lg Th you get the best possible coverage of BUYER OR LU } LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER DUPLEX $12,500 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN Two metres, brand new oil furnace, central location, both rented, one mortgage for the balance carries for $85.00 per month interest ond principal. You can live in here with very little cost, Call Ed Drumm without deoy ot 728-5123 BONNIE BRAE POINT FULL PRICE $8,900 DOWN $1,200 TOWN This 4 bedroom home, over- looks Lake Onterio, warm os © bug in a rug in the winter (new forced air oil furnace) cool as a cucumber in sum- mer. Excellent for children at the nearby pork, Complete in every detail. Aluminum storms and screens, and doors, metal awnings etc., bus oat door Just listed. Call Bill Horner now ot 728-5123 $14,900 FULL PRICE 4 bedroom home on King St, "E. opposite Seven Day Ad- ventists church, This home is in immaculate condition with recreation room, two bath- rooms ,large kitchen ond din ing room, Only $3,000 down, Coll Bill Johnston ot 728- 5123 or 728-1066 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA LIMITED, REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST OPEN EVERY EVENING GUIDE REALTY LIMITED---REALTORS hI DID YOU KNOW That $65.00 monthly, which cludes both interest and principal, will retire a mort- goge of $6,600 12% years? Did you know that the average rental for the sa period is $12,000? What ro difference ownership will mean to your family is eas- tly imagined. If you have $900 to pay down this can be yours, by the purchase of this 9 year old, two-bedroom bungalow, full basement % acre of land. Close to town, Call for further parti- culars. FAMILY HOME -- Close to North G.M. This bungalow has many desirable features --paved drive, finished rec room, | -pc.. bath, 1, 2 pc. down, new forced air oil furnoce, Close tool! schools, walking distance from down town, Asking only $11,900 Call today without delay FENCED YARD bungalow only poyments only $89.00 per month including taxes. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Enjoy your home where you just move in and. live, all storms ond acreens, ond T.V. cerial in- cluded. Newly decorated Call us today BEAU VALLEY Ultra modern 512-room bungalow with carport many extras in- cluding twindows ond screens, built-in exhaust fan, built-in dish washer and garbage dis- posal unit. Rotor T.V. anten- na with outlets in every room. Finished rec, room and bar 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Own er leaving the country. $1,000 DOWN ~~ Attractive end in beautiful condition bungalow. 4 rooms, and 4-pe. tiled bathroom up, 2 rooms and 2-pce. washroom in fin- ished basement partment Garage, asking $8,900 NORTH WEST--New three bedroom bungalow 1,100 sq ft. Priced to sel] at $12,500, NEW HOME -- Only 412.- 600 full price, hase very lorge kitchen ond dining room, 3 bedrooms lovely stone work on front. Close to stores and factories and bus. Immediate possession. Call us for full detoils in. lovely 4 yrs. old, For full particulars call Steve Zurbe; Roy Flintoff, Leon Manitius, Charles. Rankine, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jeon Peacock, Dick Young Lloyd Corson, Lucas Peacock at 723-1121. Open 9 a.m WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP to 9 p.m PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and double. Television, Dining Room, Lunches Packed 725-0078 27--Real Estate for Sale A FAMILY with younger children wants to buy those outgrown toys. Use an inexpensive Classified ad to get in touch with them fast. Dial 723-3492 joday FOUR BEDROOMS HALF-ACRE LOT GARAGE, PAVED DRIVE $11,500---$1,500 DOWN | CALL WES, ELLIOTT 8.0581 | CARL OLSEN REALTOR--723-1133 FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT 50,000 SQUARE FEET LAND SPACE Commercial Zoned Land fronting on three streets with 120 Ft. on Simcoe Street. 20,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE 99 Simcoe Street South, 104 and 108 Celina Street includes 4,000 Ibs. capacity elevator system, and finished offices. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING ST STORES FRONTING ON SIMCOE STREET OFFICE SPACE PARKING ORAGE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY For Long-Term tenants will undertake alterations or construction of new building to suit. INQUIRIES PHONE OWNER 725-2802 3 Bedrooms, Garage Owner Moved To London Owner will hold Mortgage Call Jack Cornish 723-4545 Carl Olsen Realtor -- 723-1133 Call 726- 7pm. | PRIVATE -- La for eels, ge Ap ply 296 Elgin Street West, Telephone, after five, 725-9652. Bro 1955 DODGE, no ger agp offer te- fused, T 723-4437, '|32---Articles a! Sale 32--Articles for Sale a- pov Electrohome, speakers, cord model, ke new. 'wilt accept § red and 30 OU. Fr. Woods, chest type treezsi, or best offer, 728-0840, GAIL boat, i6 fH. 5 iy ome nag hog GERBARD Heintzman piano, priced for quick sale, Apply cron sails, $200, Adelaid 725-6762. 3400 DOWN -- Reusporceoms , heat: double garage, centrally a price $0900. Telephone 725-1806, Sent att at ata 6. Telephone after 5 p.m, 723-1248, be Nipissing, ee: 97 Agnes Street. HIGHEST Lacing Bek had located 444 Simeoe Bouth only, Sar M4ft, cedar strip, oars, cover, Otaco boat tralier, 'comp! $195. Brooklin 655-4525. PORT PERRY, 7 iarge rooms, hard- floors downstairs, fall Da basement attic, ol) furnace, newly painted, large lot. 985-2423, sedan, standard, nt condition. Apoly riref Avenue. 723 y|Yolvers and pistols; also old cartridges. || Telephone 725-6183, Oshawa. OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- pth sag mg cruiser, 25 deer fave in aut nee Nes tale suburban AJAX -- Modernized four-room be) 'a> YMOUTH Custom |four-door, automatic, radio, new finish, owner, reason- low, gas furnace, phone Ajax, WH 2-3015 e- one able, Port Perry, betes PRIVATE SALE --191 Cromwell Ave- nue. New 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen. Close to A Centre and schools. Apply above. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Modern bungalow, 4-piece bath, "%-acre garden land. Low down payment. Terms ar- ranged. Al Marshall, Manila, not raced, 15,000) '6 MGA ss! Must sell. | *" one-owner, miles, excellent condition, eau RANGE, Moifat, electric, automatic, | oven and warming oven, ideal for cot- tage, $30, Telephone 725-4920, ere" Goer ect Douiee tee a oe foe Teeter FQQeOnADED,, Tite B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|! vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. =. 17" TABLE model TV, Crosley. Exeel-, lent condition, ts Pg 'igphces 123g FURNACES (oil) $239, burner, $149. 4 per cent finance, tos |. 725-4729, 0 MORRIS "hae $775. needs tees: +2540, 1959 GMC pickup truck, long fleet-sidi DINETTE suite, maple with Welsh CABIN a 20°, with 25 hp Evin- , Asi i pe lg orteins mia dresser, $0. Telephone 425-8139. box, new paint job, heavy duty springs, Good agen aitie on. $1,050, Tele. NEAR Schools, $900 i968 PONTIAC eT e576. reg new good bri nee 725-803, NIAGARA arthritic heat chair, ted leather, cost $500, Selling for $300. Tel phone 725-0479. ag 4 $159. 6 apply 399 Ritson Road a South, PORT PERRY HOUSE BARGAINS Brick House, 9 rooms, suit~ able for income property, sacrifice to settle estate, only $6500 Frame home, centra| foca- tion, extra lots; real value $7500 Modern home, 5 rooms, ¢x- cellent location, $10,500. For house values call Howard Mackey | PORT PERRY 985-2127 H. Keith Ltd., Realtor | | | | S. D. HYMAN | REALTOR 39 Prince Street 728-6286 $500 DOWN 4-room bungalow' on Simcoe N., Tip top. condition, im- mediate possession, Call Ho- word McCabe at 728-6286 $500 DOWN 6-room, 2-storey older home Central location. A little point will work wonders. Call Lorne Hartford at 728-6286 NORTH WEST Immaculate two-storey brick with attached garage. Owner leaving city and must be sold. Asking $12,750. Call Doug Bullied at 728-6286. NEW! NEW! $700 down. 5-room clay brick, N.H.A. financing, Loaded with extras. Close to schools and shopping, Call Bob Stevenson ot 728-6285 JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST: S$ | OFFICE HRS, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m MORTGAGES | ARRANGED, BOUGHT and SOLD SACRIFICE SALE Two-storey duplexed brick home, on Elgin St. E., upper dulpex furnished, home is spotless, 2 car garage, vwner must sell at once. Asking $12,500. with $1,500 down. Call Jock Appleby ot 725- 6544 or 723-3398 DUPLEX Neor Oshawa Shopping Centre, Only 1-year old, 2, five-room apts. fully leased, extra 3-pc. bath in basement. Many extra features, must be sold, owner transferred to U.S.A. Call now to inspect, Jock Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. SUBURBS Ranch style brick with attach- ed. garage. Full basement, large lot, Hanover. kitchen, folding closet doors, vanity in bathroom with large mirror, Beautiful view from picture window overlooking Whitby. To see this call Mr, Ratcliffe today ot 725-6544, |SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED | Reg Aker -- President | Bill McFeeters - Vice-Pres. 723-2265 TERRIFIC VALUE List price $11,500 - 8 yeor old 1% storey brick with new garage. This home is in wonderful condition inside ond out. Tiled bathroom, Koolvent awnings, aluminum storms ond screens. Oil heot- ed, paved drive, fenced in back yard with lawn and gorden. | CENTRALLY LOCATED | | | | | _| ESTATE SALE & room brick 24% storey home located Handy to G.M. North Plant walking distance downtown. Home is in excel- lent condition inside and out. Clear property open to offers. IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY A beautifully kept built by Kassinger's -high standard of excellence, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kit- chen with Redwood Cup- boards, Spacious L-shaped living room and dining room. Finished play room, 2. car garage. Tastefully decorated | -- throughout. Open evenings till 9 P.M, Saturdays till 5 P.M Bill McFeeters i Henry Stinson Art Weinberger home #s Hal! PRIVATE SALE FOUR BEDROOM Attoched gorage. Located on Grandview. Owner willing to sell for _ $2500 DOWN CALL BILL MILLAR | 725-1186 or 725-2557 PORT PERRY | COCHRANE STREET Eight room frame house, 3- piece bathroom, oil furnace, double garage. House recent- ly decorated and painted Corner lot with shade trees; neer church, school and shop. . TOTAL PRICE $7,000 DOWN PAYMENT $1 ,000 CALL: PORT PERRY __ 985-2575 _ | | | | } i | | | | "LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED $10,950 Five - room brick bunga- low carries $59.80 month- ly N.H.A. mortgage. W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd Call Mrs. Handson Telephone 725-1186 NORTH-WEST - New five 'room bungalow, large kitchen and dining room, beautiful bathroom, decorated, carport, sodded, and many other features. | _ PRICE $15,775.00 | $2,175.00 DOWN | | | | JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 $2,000, | Five Room Bungalow on Lot 50 x 175' with Garage ond private driveway | Apply After 6 p.m _130 PARK RD. NORTH DOWN! For more information Soe be- tween 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. le- | Year, BO. HOME furnishings, complete sell-out. LARGE size Norge refrigerator, good order, unit overhauled last lephone 723-1246, 1958 CHEVROLET, og Bn pee four new tires, Telephone 725-5556. 1964 PONTIAC | corer ga six, four door, Pia $000. |ivories, felts, recently tuned, $65, Tele- UPRIGHT Saas new no, Phone 728-0503; after 7, 728-7966 GRAVITY wee, and Pipes, "va. 10, Good double bed good Apply 149 Burk Street, 1959 MERCURY Parklane 4 door hard- top, black, sharp, excellent condition, ful ly powered, radio, tires and upholstery. No reasonable! < offer refused. Private sale, No dealers, 309 Dovedale Drive, Whitby, after six p.m. 1950 CHEVROLET % 4 stake truck, Good sone ate good tires, $200, Telephone 725-7970. 1955 BUIOK sedan, two tone green and white, radio, automatic transmission, $495 or best offer. 725-5055, \'68 BUICK "Century hardtop, | like new, }low mileage, white walls, power steer- jing, brakes, windows, radio, Has to be [se en to be eapadiaisn: Telephone 725- 6131, i088 FORD Ve in good condition. Tele- phone 723. +1857 evenings, i160 CHEVROLET 1% ton truck, can be financed. Low mileage. Apply hg Wilson Road South Telephone 723-1724 105) PONTIAC coach, voy sonalisons s Bec: ond owner, Has to be seen to be ap- preciated. Apply 51 N 10 CHEVROLET pick up truck, good condition, only 12,000 mileage. Tele- phone 728-1359, 1961 NSU Prinz, Good condition. Best |; offer. Apply 310 Park Road South or |telephone 728-9949. 5 good whitewali .. | stration, Telephone 728-4683, .|Hamiltons, 137 Brock South. MO 8-842, and springs, $10, 0, Telephone 725-8719. DUPLICATORS, hand and ,eleciete, 37 Brock $, MOTOR scooter, $125 --_ or best _, Vespa scooter, 150 Telephone supper time, 723-9677," milton MO s-0442, MeCLARY 17 cubic ft. deep freeze, Het 6 months, $200, Telephone WE buy, sell and only MA sland = and yeni - Crane reat Vee Ae Pinger" Telephone 723-2938. Pies used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street | East, 723-1671. FILTER Queen Si ROTISSERIE, Berkley make, electric, Poeable used twice, just like new, Cost 69, selling $35. Telephone 725- 4920, JOBSON spar motor lawn mower 21" cut, oll and gas, good condition, Best offer, Telephone 723-4102, BOAT, moulded "pipwoods" "Paceship, hp Evinrude, Call alter 5 ) p.m, TENTS, camping supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, guns and) bicycles, Best prices. a Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street st, TYPEWRITERS, ad tals, terms, service. p, 18 Brooklin 059. 3889 cashiers, ten- New and uw: BABY carriage, Thistle, two-tone light and dark blue, only Pad Ape old, vox $40, hi |1955 TRIUMPH THQ sports car, wire jwheels, new set of tires, Telephone | Joe, 738- 1947, good MO 8-5962, i AWNINGS, canvas, Promp) service, free Chair, table rentals, |1956 OLDSMOBILE @ cylinder, auto- jmatic, good paint, good mechanically, |radio, $675, Telephone 726-5068. 1961 DELUXE Volkswagen, excellent condition, Reasonable. Telephone 965-2816 Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. SHOP until 9 p.m, for used appliances and machinery, Buy, sell, trade, Skin. ner Appliazices, Four miles west of Brooklin on No, 7 highway, Telephone 655-3440, LADY'S 1960 Vauxhall Victor Deluxe, low mileage, no trade in, Telephone 723-1249 between 4 and 7 p.m. BEFORE buying or veiling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, sto' wash- ers. Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 100 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, radio, white walls, excellent condition, one owner, 32,000 miles, $1,125, Telephone 28-9068. STOVE, General Electric, heavy duty, four burner, in good condition, $45. Telephone Whitby MO 8-4908 or apply 1613 Dufferin Street, Apartment 5. -|or after this date, August en 35--Legel I will not be responsible hey debts jcontracted in my name y anyone 08 out my written consent.--Geza Kormos, 178 Albert Street, : DONT KEEP ITEMS longer use. Sell them and have cash, instead arte o fast-action Classified Ad. Dial OIL BURNER CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the De- portment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, Eost Block, Parilament Buildings, Toronto On- ig until 3.15 p.m, tpt 1960 TRIUMPH sports coupe, dition, loaded with extras, sell. Telephone 728-7790. 1937 VOLKSWAGEN car in excelient|? condition. Asking $600 or best offer, Telephone MO 8.2348. 1959-40 MERCEDES.Benz 190D. humac ulate condition, bucket seats, reclining passenger seat, FM-AM radio, combin- ation wiper-washers, night driving mir- tor. Many other extras, Brooklin, __..| 635-3749, '#2 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- top, automatic transmission, V-6 engine, radio, record player, fender skirt, whitewalls, wheel cae, 6,000 miles, T A-1_ con Trade or ° BOAT, beautiful 14 foot Montreal, ply- wood, 30 hp electric start Johnson, Gagor trailer, equipment . very om: plete. An excellent buy for $695. 60 Harris, five to eight p.m. DEEP freeze refrigerator and treezer combination, ga in good condition, Telephone 723-97. GE wringer aaber iis like new -- Eaton's Teco Deluxe Tavanawan, 0, Telephone MO D 8-4616. CHROME set, brown, five "piece, mult. able for kitchen or dinette, like new, Telephone after 5 p.m, 723-1218. BOAT, motor and trailer, 1960 Scott 40 horsepower, electric start, boat POR dias Telephone 728-1095 or 728-2456. 4,000 mile 725-7986. HERTZ Drive-Yourself CARS AND TRUCKS |728- 9493 or 728-9641 | Foote's Shell Station | 97 King E., Oshowe 1859 SCOTT 25 hp aie boat, trailer, complete $450, Will nell separately, soa Gouallinee, 14 foot, 1962 model, convertible top, 40 horsepower, John- son motor, Tee-nee trailer, After 6 p.m. apply 736 Whitman Crescent or tele- Phone 725-7292, HOT Water t tank, brand 'new, with ele- ment, insulated jacket and stand, $25, Lawson medicine> cabinet, new, with ee. # fos mirror, $5, After $ p.m., |. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trode up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, $ Tae "5421 Tilden CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models CALL 725-6553 ° 14 Albert St, LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME a little better a little cheaper @ little different @ little more convenient In a Subdivision Architecturally controlled on Rolling terrain with Curved streets Q Prepaid services Then you will want to see "DOWNSVIEW PARK by Holshawa -- Contact LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E 728-4678 [28---Real Estate Wanted SPOT cash or terms. We ne We need homes in the $6,000 to $12,000 rangs, now, Sales are tremendous. Call John A, J. Bolahood Ltd., 725-6544 anytime. 29--Automobiles for Sale BUYING OR SELLING VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V, 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake A Pils Garage A SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 imately 630 sheets of-letter size paper -~-|rail and ladder, $57.83, Spring filled wacuta cleaner repairs, all makes, rts, attachments, brushes, guaran- |teed rebuilt machines. Estimates tree, jRentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser j¥ice. 728-0591 anytim i962 CRESTLINER convertible with 4 40 horsepower Johnson and trailer. 8800 down and take over payments, Tele- phone 728-5336. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962 for the ly and Installa- tlon of (11) eleven oil fired warm alr furnaces and con- vert (10) ten existing worm furnaces for oll firing, in the Staff Houses at the Ontarle Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specifications, Tend. er forms, Tender envelopes Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6527, East Block, Darlloment Bud 8, Deportment of Public We Toronto 2, Ontario, wren phone No. 365-1152), and may also be viewed at. De- partment of Public Works, Office, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario, Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on $ sup- plied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond conditions a8 set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not STUDENTS, = super value, approxi (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won- derful copy paper. Apply Circulation papers Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West, BEDDING bargains at the new Wilson Furniture Company, Smooth mat- pega hundreds of coils, lovely tick- ings, sale price $26.88, Continental beds spring filled, large assortment, any styles and sizes, complete from $28.77 iy PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1962. 4 2 MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of gia Works, Ontario. Bunk beds, maple or acorn finish, com: Plete with springs, mattresses, guard mattresses from $11.88, Foam pillows, Spring filled crib mattresses, $5.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, BOATS Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, 30--Automobiles Wanted pathetttNRP fh hehe tute slsiate Ua wand ato Mae ihe ore Auto Wreckers want cars 1. wee Highest prices paid, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines MARINE CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin -- 655-3641 Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends __ |PARKING LOT LIGHTING ONTARIO HOSPITAL COBOURG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM ee ERS properly endorsed, forms supplied by the De portment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Porlioment Buildings, Toronto torio, until 3.00 p.m. ttt) on $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- Res. 725.5574 1960 VOLKSWAGEN HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 DELUXE -- This very clean, RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN one-owner cor is fully cov- ered by officic! V.W. Verified | Warranty. $1345 Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 CALL JIM SABYAN SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | Authorized V.W. Dealer | TELEPHONE 723-3461 Open Evenings | 334 Ritson Rd. South |32--Articles for Sele | | REFRIGERATOR, Viking, 13 cubit foots | Kenmore range 30", Viking dryer, Gen- | feral Electric washing machine, Many! rege? household articles. Must be sold/ y: Friday. Appliances in excellent con- FREE Hove your furnace cleaned free this summer ond guaran- | teed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified ag oil from West. ern Oil C DIAL 725-1212 {ation 723-7818, | } } i | PAINT SALE 20% DISCOUNT 'Highest Quality Exterior White ALKYD ond. LATEX Regulor $6.80 Sale $5.49 10% Discount All Other Finishes Special: Cellar, Masonry Floor Paint Gal. $2.99 Sold at the PARROT Paint Company 1051 Nelson St., Oshawa OPEN 10 UNTIL 6 Telephone 728-3622 | The only Point Manufatturer ln Oshawe. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1962 for the Supply and nstalla- tion of Light Standards for Parking Lot at the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Ontario. Plans, Sepecifications, Tend- er forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 1704 (Tow- er), Department of Public Works, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, iy Aa (Telephone No. 265- r Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond conditions as 'set forth therein. A Deposit of $15.00 CASH, or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise forfeited, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, AUGUST 8th, 1962 J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario