THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 10, 1962 ]3 Farmer Drove Market kicked and finally|law started when he returned } . . . ' Py Tractor Walle ot te oo os oe } . Market told the court he ANCIENT METHOD Impaired {hadn't wey "the ve bee oar | Julius Caesar in 49 BC used ;crop was being harvested, ha ; WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Bull-, become upset. and had gone to solar evaporators to turn salt dozing a police officer cost/nearby Leamington to have | water into fresh water for his $75 and'few drinks. His trouble with the!troops. Political Debut Made By Toronto Financier |which he was appointed, saidjman of the executive commit- @ 'tee of British Columbia Forest|farmer Howard Market Products Limited and director- costs in court. : ships in at least 16 other major Market, 37, was convicted of By RUSSEL ELMAN OTTAWA (CP) --M. Wallace|merely: \McCutcheon, 56, cigar-smoking| "I was very happy to be in- Toronto financier, part -time)vited. I' can say that the prime \farmer and deep-sea fisherman, minister offered me the position has made his debut on Canada's'I now occupy about 48 hours |political stage. ago." | Forty-eight hours after Prime' As minister without portfolio |Minister Diefenbaker formally his job is not defined. offered him the job, he became| "My job is to do what the |Canada's newest Senator and prime minister wants me to | minister without portfolio in the do," he said. 22-member cabinet. Asked whether he considers | With a reputation already the cabinet appointment a per- lestablished in the financial and/™Manent one, the native of Lon- |business circles, his entry into don, Ont.. replied "I certainly politics came as a surprise/think so." -- | giving rise to mounting specula-| "I'm resigning all director- tion as to the role he will play|ships and offices 1 hold in all |with the minority: Conservative businesses and commercial or- |government in the coming ganizations and in a good many) | months. jthat I call voluntary organiza- "My tions." iad i This means that the financier, Lg . * lalso an actuary and a. lawyer, |" "What experience I have is in| wij) relinquish his posts as vice- \the field of business ad) yresident and managing direc- /finance, I suppose you have to\is; of Argus Corporation Lim- /draw your own conclusions from iteq: chairman of the board of that, but I wouldn't draw any's;, Lawrence Corporation Lim- | conclusions myself. ited and the National Life Assu- ° be rance Company of Canada; \SAYS HE'S HAPPY phi nega ve A "Senator McCutcheon, declin-| Yice-chairman of the board of political experience 1s he said candidly. Canadian Breweries Limited, Canadian Equitty and Develop- | companies. WILL STAY ON The only outside post he in- ia} Police constable, testified' driving his tractor while im- paired by alcohol. Jack Miller, Ontario Provin- tends to keep is membership on! he was called to Market's farm the board of governors of the) jyly 12 after Market's wife tele- University of Toronto, from) phoned and reported her hus- which he was graduated with aihand was drunk and needed bachelor of arts degree in 1926.| quieting down. Bcd said he will resign as) Constable Miller said he ar- chairman of the Ontario Cancer' rived to find Market sitting in a Institute. Other . positions he;tryck in the farm driveway now holgs are with the Stratford) Market got out of the truck Shakespearean Festival * un-/when the officer approached dation, Princess Margaret Hos-' ang waiked to his front porch pital, Toronto. and the United 'The constable said Market eer Fund of greater'then kicked a kitten sitting on oronto. the porch and yelled: "That is He added, however, there what | do when you guys are was no tradition that a govern- ayo9ynd." : xi ment me r had t | $ any Bracey Gaseg Crag bis Constable Miller said Market "Any 'change in my invest: oithed him several limes, AS ts will ; . B dihssh "a ments will be governed 'by the Constable Miller went for help, and) CONGRATULATIONS TO Bella Hista A marvelous for modern, suggest you come out to see it this weekend. ALL ALUM- INUM PRODUCTS by: HOLODAY SALES Aluminum Products 30 GRENFELL community family living. We 725-2431 market." His wife, the former Eva Trow Borland, will also come to Ottawa. "lowever, she |! to keep an eagle eye on a 10-year- old daughter. who attends Haver- gal College in Toronto. The McCutcheons have another CONGRATULATIONS AT BELLA VISTA GARDENS ing to discuss the manner in east. Miss Jones will be show- | of Bella Vista Gardens ing vistors around the many | Loupan Developments. model homes, during the | gevink Ottawa Area | ae e Grand Opening this weekend u Photo by Bert Sevink Hospitals Blood Donations Needing Blood Slump Seasonal OTTAWA (CP) -- Two hospi- tals in the Ottawa, area say New Copyright Rule Aids Canadian Books lla meno ong By RUSSELL ELMAN Now Canadian works pub-jon publications, headed by M.| Shortage of blood supplies. teal Canada. hate di io cive, tobe es OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian lished after Aug, 10 will get full-/Grattan O'Leary, publisher of) The Ottawa General Hospital) at Ottawa and throughoutjany of them has more: than a authors and publishers get a term American copyright pro-|the Ottawa Journal, again rec-;and Sacred Heart Hospital in Quebec, hospitals were re- few pints on hand." long-awaited bonus today which tection for 28 years with the|/ ommended ratification in its re- nearby Hull, Que., Thursday re-| norted delaying non-emergency) Ottawa--The Ottawa General may substantially widen the Tight to apply and obtain re-|port last year. This was fol- ported a reduction in surgery.|curgery by as much as twojand Sacred Heart Hospital in market for their books, particu-| newal for another 28 years, | lowed by increasing pressure while three other hospitals sal li weeks because not enough blood|nearby Hull, Que., reported larly in the United States. making a total of 56 years, | for this move to be taken from their supplies were dangerously|i, ayailable for transfusions. slow-downs in surgery sched. The dividend will be reaped| There will be no restrictions in| authors, publishers and other low. Other centres, such as Tor-jedules and three other hospitals in the benefits expected to ac-\the number of books that can groups. Dr. George Anderson, Redjonto, Hamilton, London, Ont..jsaid blood supplies were low crue from Canada's participa. be brought into the U.S Canadian officials say that| Cross medical director, said he\and Saint John, reported defin-|Dr. Anderson said 250 donations tion in the Universal Copyright Fifty-six years is\ the maxi-jlong - standing copyright ar-|Will ask all hospitals to limitjite shortages, although they|daily would be needed in the Convention--a sort of book pro--mum length of time the U.S.|rangements between Canada Surgery to a minimum unlesshave not reached the danger/next few days to replenish the ducer's international bill of/gives copyright protection. In and a number of other countries) there is an upswing in blood do- jevel. local bank, which was down to rights. Canada, the eee : i life-/based on a Ror a of agree-|nations. In the affected ihe phair 200 bottles, Formal Canadian ratification|time of the author and 50 years| ments Jating back to one signed, "'If there were a train wreck,"|Cross officials mappe asty| 'T of the convention, now adhered after his death in Berne in 1886 will continue/he said, "no hospital could han-/plans for emergency blood do Hinged Blood donations to by 41 countries, comes into aN s m to be in force dle the victims." nor clinics. At Montreal, where e averaged about 1,600 bot. effect today. Canada originally MUST BEAR en » Ca. The next major government He 250 < will be the blood bank supply dipped to tles a week for the last six, igned the agreement, worked U.S. officials say all new Ca 4 a a mip vribenia tor eile dar tals all-time low of 11 pints, ra--weeks. Averag po under United Nations aus- nadian works seeking American step which may aid authors and/needed daily in the next few oh arid teicelalon aes ae - Average demand from Ut uncer igs? in Geneva byt/copyright protection must bear publishers is expected to be a days to replenish the local blood "0 oy 4 oy supers hospitals is about 1,750, Com- ane # t did er bio be it/the convention-approved copy-|Tevision of Canada's own Copy- bank. The situation was similar 'sued for donors. missioner L. R. Stringer of the| oS ppr right mark--the letter C inside sieht Act, which was passed in in Montreal and Toronto due to|cy7Es DANGER organ Red Cross said between Main effect of the convention@ circle, name. of the copyright | 19? igs came into force three the holiday exodus, he said, At Ottawa, where the Red'? and 400 bottles remain. in for Canadian publishers and au-/owner and the year of publica- years iater. |. The blood bank is down to\cross urged hospitals to con- the blood banks at Toronto and thors is that they now will be, tion ~ about 200 bottles and the hospi-\cerye supplies, the organiza- Hamilton given the same copyright pro-, Canadian authors and publish- Bl d Sh t tals have an undisclosed num- tion's medical director, Dr tection of their works in manyjers will not be required -to reg- 00 ortages ber. ee _ George Anderson, underlined foreign countries as those na-|ister with the U.S. copyright) . the danger: tions give to their own citizens. office in Washington, but a US. Serious In Quebec SEEK WAIVERS "If there were a train wreck, BOSTON (AP)--Boston Red 20 hospital could handle the This is expected to be of spe- official suggests it might be a : : y cial value in the export of Cana-\good thing from a practical MONTREAL (CP)--The Que-|Sox asked waivers Thursday on Victims." dian works to the U.S., poten-| viewpoint to continue such reg-,bec Red Cross says 163 hospi-|pinch - hitting specialist Dave, Red Cross officials said a tially a large market but rela-| istration. tals in the province are facing|Philley, 42, with the object of/4top in blood donations is nor- tively untapped hitherto mainly} Canadian officials are not'cer-/@ Critical shortage of blood for) giving him his unconditional re-|mal during the summer--due to because of the previous copy-|tain yet how other countries will transfusion. lease. The move was made to| the number of regular donors on right arrangements between the interpret the convention as it| Spokesman Claude St. Pierre open a spot on the roster for|Vacation and a lack of interest two countries. rsa fll aggre set eal pean * the available;ptcher Ike Delock, who has|#Pparently as used by the : . lished before Aug. 10, J. W. T. supply in the Red Cross' Mont-jbeen disabled with an injured|Warmer weather ee oe . Michel, commissioner of pat- real blood bank is down to 11|knee. Philley holds the maior In Western Canada, the sit United Sates ong ay Pg ents, is preparing a paper on/pints--the lowest point it has|league records for most consec-|Uation Is reported normal in Coarse Galea ia pear: what he considers a "very ever reached. She said she didjutive pinch hits in one season, |™@J0! centres, with no danger- ' te Ceaudinha seeking io sel tricky" question. not know how large the blood}eight, and for numbers of pinch 0US shortages. The same condi- sone ee te Moir Following signing of the con-) supplies are in the hospitals. hits in one season, 24 tion applies to Nova Scotia, severely hampered. gy talon igh i peor "All we know is that they are a | Paine lodwrans Island and New Before today the best protec- awiy towards ratification 7 all peri us for more blood and| layed as much as two weeks tion a Canadian publication" ~ we don't have it to give," she! because of the blood shortage. SITUATION IN BRIEF could obtain in the U.S. was a STUDIED BY COMMISSION said a The Red Cross has launched) Quebec -- The province's 163 She said some operations not|an appeal for donors over radio| hospitals are running short. Red five-year "interim" copyright) In 1954 a royal commission | . ' 4 with a maximum quota set ation patents, copyright and indus- considered urgent have been de-|and television stations Cross spokesman, Miss Claude 1,500 copies. At the end of this trial designs, headed by former period or if more than 1,500 Liberal finance minister J. L.| copies were to be sold, addi-|[Isley, studied the matter Its| tional protection could only bejreport issued in 1954 recom-| had by manufacturing the pub-| mended ratification after cer-| lication inside the United States| tain proposed amendments were| so that i could qualify as ajmade to Canada's Copyright U.S.-produced article for nor- Act i mal American copyright. Then, the I oyal ceeaintl Con g ra tu la tio n Ss e ...and Best Wishes to LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS by ment Company Limited: chair- daughter and three sons. To Loupan Developments ON THE OPENING OF Bella Vista GARDENS KING ST. EAST -- Just East of Harmony Rd. is shown on one of the many motorizéd golf carts at Bella street Toronto model Sally Jones | . Vista Gardens, King By THE CANADIAN PRESS |St. Pierre, said exact supplies A seasonal slump in blood do-|are not known--"All we know nations has left supplies danger-|is that they are all asking us souly low in some parts of Cen-/for more blood and we don't We were pleased to be one of the major Suppliers of Outstanding Building Products BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 81 KING ST. W. 725-4761 Bella Wista, another Housing Development We're Indeed Proud : To Be A Part of the New Bella Vista GARDENS A fine development by LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS >. designed for Modern Family Living KING ST. EAST -- OSHAWA Just East of Harmony Road O EXCAVATING ALNOR EARTHMOVING LTD. 723-2542 44 GLOVER'S ROAD Congratulations to BELLA VISTA gardens on the occasion of their Grand Opening . . . We suggest On Your Official Opening you see these beautiful medallion homes on dis- Bella Hista GARDENS KING ST. EAST... Just East of Harmony Rd. ith 2 MLE BRONZE iy ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS on ip as play this weekend. In a Medallion home you are assured of plenty of circuits and service capacity new home . for the safe, efficient operation of all your electrical equipment--no service bottleneck when you wish to add more appliances All Medallion homes have: @ Full capacity 100 amp. main @ Plenty of circuits for today's service needs. wee LECTRIC HOMES @ ond extra capacity for the future, @ Modern full housepower distribution panel, _ OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION J. B. ANNAND, GEN. MANAGER HENRY F. BALDWIN CHAIRMAN