Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1962, p. 3

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oe An Air Force KC135 Strato- Tanker crashed in woods US. AIR FORCE STRATO-TANKER CRASHES nesday, trapping its three- man crew who died in the flaming wreckage. The plane while coming in for a land- ing at Hanscom Field Wed- CAPSULE NEWS NAIROBI (Reuters)--One of a gang of cattle rustlers being chased by police was eaten alive by a crocodile when he fell into the Tana River in Cen- tral Kenya, police here re- ported. During the chase, the five rustlers had fired arrows at the police party, which re- plied with gunfire. The' police caught two men and recovered ihe geattle, stolen at Thika, about 30 miles from Nairobi. BOATS SINK SEOUL (AP)--Typhoon Opel swept into Communist North Korea after sinking five boats and damaging at least a dozen off South Korea. There were no reports of casualties. WILL INVESTIGATE JERUSALEM (Reuters)--Sy- rian border guards opened fire with machine-guns at Israeli tractors near Tel Elkadi in the northeast corner of Israel, Is- raeli sources said Wednesday. United Nations truce observers wiii investigate the Israeli com- plaint. SEIZE LEADER TOKYO (AP)--Police raided 19 homes and offices and seized was inbound from Wright- Patterson Field, Dayton, Ohio. (AP Wirephoto) OBITUARIES Progress ARTHUR HENRY NOBLE Arthur Henry Noble, of Balti- more, Ont., died Wednesday, Aug. 8 at Cobourg District Gen- eral Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was in his 79th year. Born in Baltimore, the de- ceased was the son of the late Alexander and Lucinda Noble. He was general merchant there! for over 40 years and postmas- ter for 46 years, retiring in 1960.| An adherent to the United) Church of Canada, Mr. Noble was a member of St. John's Lodge, No. 17, AF and AM, at Cobourg. For some years he served on the school board. He is predeceased by a broth- er, John A. Noble, who died in 194) Surviving are two brothers, Frank and Murray of Baltimore and a sister, Mrs. W. E. Mann (Muriel) of Oshawa. Funeral services will be held Friday, Aug. 10, at 2.30 p.m. at the McCoubrey Funeral Home, Cobourg. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Baltimore 8. WALTER TRULL §. Walter Trull of Balsam, died Wednesday, Aug. 7 at Osh- awa General Hospital in his 77th year. He had been in failing health for the past year. A son of the late James Trull and Isabella McLellan, the de- ceased was born in Pickering P Township. Surviving are a son, Ross of Toronto; two daughters, Mrs. Phyllis Michael of Oshawa and Mrs. James Davidson (Ruth) of West Hill as well as two sisters, Mrs. Russell B. Collins, Whitby and Mrs. Walter McClellan, To- ronto. The funeral services will be held at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, Friday, Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery. DANIEL JAMES HEENAN A' lifleong resident of Lind- say, Daniel James Heenan died there Wednesday, Aug. 8, in his 89th year. Mr. Hi ad Albert of Pickering and John| of Cornwall, Ont. Ten grand- children also survive. Mass will be sung at. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Lindsay, Saturday, Aug. 11, at 10 a.m., after resting at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lind-| : ar say. Taleerient will be in Mt, | meet today with a conciliation fary' board amid reports that. prog- seas dex cocci lress is being made towards set- MRS. JAMES WILDE tlement of their contract dis- HAVELOCK -- The death oc-| pute. curred at a Peterborough hos-| Mr. Justice Craig Monroe of pital, Tuesday, of Mrs. James) the British Columbia Supreme Wilde, a resident of Havelock) Court, chairman of the board for the last 35 years. I studying the dispute, said Wed- Born at Mount Clemens, Mich.,| nesday he is "hopeful of the out- Elizabeth Ann Kidd, daughter of} come" of the talks. the late Mr. and Mrs. William) fe said "good progress" has G. Kidd, she was in her 61st/heen made toward a possible year. She received her educa-| settlement. tion in Mount Clemens. The meeting was held amid hi =~ Wilde is a her| -peculation that the board could usband, James Wilde, one| turn in a unanir recommen- daughter, Mrs. Graham Taylor] gation for settlement -- some- (Lois) of Toronto, one son,| thing that h.s not happened be- Donald, of Oshawa, two grand-|fore in the history of non-ops children, Kim and Karen Wilde) gicputes. of Oshawa, and two brothers.) Jf the speculation--without of- Carl and Willard Kidd, both of] ficial confirmation--is true, it Mount Clemens. __|would bring heavy pressure to She attended the United) bear on both the railways and Church and was a member of|the union to accept the board's the UCW, of Prosperity Chapter) findings, paving the way for an 63, Order of the Eastern Star,|ynexpectedly quick agreement and of the Havelock Women's|on a new contract. Institute. Neither party, however, is Funeral at the Curtis Funeral|bound by the board's recom- Home at 2 p.m. today. The Rev.| mendation. 'aul Newman officiated. Burial i HAS NO COMMENT ee oe ee Mr. Justice Monroe declined . . lati Two Die, Nine Hurt! ssvinz he couta 'not go beyond By Typhoon Opel) his comments on the progress that has been made and his hopes for the future. TOKYO (AP)--Typhoon Opel) slashed across the Japanese is-| hoard are David Lewis, Toronto land of Southern Hokkaido to-||awyer nominated by the union, day, killing two persons and in-|and Halifax lawyer Gordon juring nine. Another was re-|Cooper, the railway representa- ported missing. ' | tive. Opel swirled through south) The last non-ops contract dis- Korea Wednesday leaving 718| pute, finally settled 15 months homeless, but no casualtics|ago, saw the 15 CLC-affiliated were reported. More than 20\unions that bargained for the fishing boats were reported|non-ops set two strike dates. sunk or wrecked. | -The first, set for just before MONTREAL (CP) -- Nego- tiating committees representing Canada's railways and their 100,000 non-operating employees been in failng health for the). past two years, A son of the late Timothy)" Heenan and the former Brid-|/ the deceased)" was born in Lindsay and mar-|' ried the former Lillian Woola- get O'Donahue, cott there around 1908. Mr. Heenan retired as a loom mechanic at Horn Wool- len Mills, Lindsay, 10 years ago. He was a member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Lindsay. Predeceased by his wife, he is survived by three daughters, Hilda (Mrs. Charles Polito) of Oshawa, Gertrude (Mrs. Wal- lace Dillman) of Oshawa and Florence (Mrs. Fergus Cudda- hee) of Lindsay, and two sons, U.K. Opposing Move Against Katanga Break UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) Britain has made it hi United Nations and \the United States that she is axainst any form of economic (sanctions against the secessionist Congo) ° province of Katanga, reliable sources said Wednesday night. The sources said that discus- sions on a plan to bring pres- sure on the Katanga regime of President Moise Tshombe still were continuing without any fi- nal agreement. The discussions centre a 21-point plan. submitt Acting Secretary - Gene Thant, last Friday, United States. The plan was prepared in consultation with Britain, Bel- gium and France. The sources said Britain was prepared to go along with the certain parts of the plan which would '!make life more diffi- cult" for the Katanga regime. She was prepared to honor no longer Katanga passports and visas, the informant said. However, Britain had in- formed Washington that she was always loathe to apply eco- nomic sanctions and would pre- fer to avoid any such action if at all possible. und to U the es 4. Eis 'g ey Bs AUTO HITS LIGHT STANDARD Spectators jammed the | for head lacerations at the Bond-Mary street intersection | Oshawa General Hospital and Wednesday following a two- released. Driver of the other oe car involved in the acci- ca: collision that sent one ve- | dent was. David J. Topham, hicle crashing into a traffic 1358 Minden street. light pole. Driver of the car } was estimated at $800. Con- in the above picture was stable Gary Patton Lorne Ferguson, 144 Elgin gated. street east, He was examined In Non-Ops Talks The other members of the} two men described as leaders jof a North Korean Communist lring spying on U.S. and Japa- nese installations. The suspects were identified as Song Bong Ok, 55, and Pai Byong Hon, 54, |bot!. operators of small fac-| |tories. | PERU RECOGNIZED the Christmas rush in 1960, was) OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- erased by government interven-|ter Diefenbaker announced Can- jtion and the scrubbed out by the settlement!itary government of Peru. He) |reached only a few days before|said in a statement that recogni-| |the deadline. jtion came when the Canadian | The non-ops' new demands|Embassy in Lima acknowledged were' presented last December.|a note of July 18 from the Peru- They asked for a 22-cent-an-|vian foreign ministry. The new |hour wage increase and a/Peruvian regime has been rec- |job security program that\ognized by many NATO coun- jamounted to a virtual job|tries, including the United King- | freeze. ldom, and by several Latin | The railways offered an in-| American Republics. definate wage increase and a! | promise to provide work for em-| __ SURROUND CAR |ployees with 20 or more years|, MONTEGO BAY (Reuters)-- | seniority |More than 5,000 excited Jamai- The non-ops, workers not in-|cans hemmed in Princess Mar- | volved in the actual operation of|garet's car when she arrived in |trains, now earn an average of|this resort town with her hus- /$1.91 an hour. hand, the Earl of Snowdon. Po- jlice had to clear a way through| cheering throngs as the couple} jwere driven to the hotel where| |they will spend today before re- \ CMD = . SR ae neal | | .» | DUBLIN (AP)--The talk of | PARKED CAR DAMAGED ithe Dublin Horse Show today is | John Hrico, 244 Central Park} : [ : |the horse with the gold teeth. boulevard south, left his car Pioneer; a 12-year-old grey parked in front of a taxi stand, gelding bred in Ireland and rid- on Bond street east near On- : , lden by Capt. Piero d'Inzeo of ao. street, wag 9 11.30 P.M.!ttaly, 'got four gold-plated teeth eanesday. en he returned to enable him to eat in comfort a few minutes later, he found) ster he knocked out four of his the grill and three headlights) 574 teeth in a water jump fall smashed. Damage to the car} 4+ a Geneva' show. was estimated at $45. Constable} ARCHBISHOP DIES L. A. McLaren. investigated. BRISBANE, Australia (AP)-- | FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS |The senior prelate of the | The Oshawa Fire Department|Church of England, Archbishop jresponded to four ambulance|Sir Reginald Charles Halse, 81, calls between 8 a.m. Wednes-|died in a local hospital today. day and 8 a.m. today. There|He had. suffered a stroke July were no fires reported in the|24 while en route home from a same 24-hour period. world tour. SUICIDE FAILS | IZMIR, Turkey ESP aaehetanaal Report | | STILL SERIOUS COBOURG -- Condition of H. Crocodile Eats Cattle Rustler |ble." The Hong Kong post of-} jlisted four jurists to help the second was/ada hus recognized the new mil-|19 jto A. R. Clarke and Company's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 9, 1902 boosting Japanese exports to the Soviet Union. The delega- tion, which includes 16 company presidents, is headed by Wosh-| : inari Kawai, president of the giant Japanese engineering firm, Komatsu. JUMPS FROM TOWER PISA, Italy (AP) -- Rosanna Abbandoni, 31, jumped to her death Wednesday night from an upper balcony of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. She was the sec- ond young. woman to commit suicide from the tower in the last two months. Police said she left a note in her purse saying, "I do not want to explain my reasons to anyone." HALT FOOD PARCELS HONG KONG (AP)--Commu- nist China is clamping down on shipment of food parcels and other gifts from Hong Kong. Officials of this British colony said today packages mailed by Chinese to relatives and friends on the mainland are being sent back stamped "not admissi- fice has handled more 7,000,000 gift packages last seven months. HELP FRAME LAWS UNITED NATIONS (AP) --! The United Nations announced! Wednesday that Acting Secre- tary-General U Thant had en- than} in the, | Congo government draft a new federal - type constitution. The team of jurists is expected to arrive in Leopoldville by Aug. Owen McCusker, 29, of Waterloo and Galt, Ont., shields his face as he is taken into court Wednesday by Cpl. William Heller (left) and Port Colborne INCo Union Hearings Open TORONTO (CP)--A concilia-| tion board opened hearings here) Wednesday between the United | Steelworkers of America (CLC)) and International Nickel Com-) pany's Port Colborne oper-| ations. | The union, seeking its first) contract at Port Colborne sincc| it ousted the International Un-| ion of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (Ind.) as Inco bargain-| ing agent there last Dec. 21, de-| manded an unspecified "sub- stantial" wage increase. The union also is seeking a wage study plan, a guaranteed| annual wage and improved health, welfare and vacation benefits. The board, headed by Judge Walter Little of Parry Sound, is| expected to sit until next Wed-) nesday. : The union made it clear it ex- pects the board's decision to set the pattern for relations with Inco which Steel described as "giant among giants" in the profit-making field, but a "'lag- gard" in the wage field. The union bargains for 2,000 employees at Port Colborne and also has bargaining rights at MAKES FIRST CALL NE WYORK (AP)--A French- man has made the first busi- ness telephone call via Telstar, the communications satellite, according to American Tele- phone and Telegraph Company. A transatlantic flight reserva- tion was made Wednesday from the Paris office of Air France to the New York office of the airline, with a French business- man booking a flight from Paris to Mexico City via New York. There was no charge for the call. | | AID HEART VICTIMS HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- The Pennsylvania turnpike commission said today it has equipped 94 state police cars with mouth-to-mouth apparatus to aid heart attack and' other accident victims. The units con- sist of an eight-inch plastic tube and mouth guard with an air passage into which an officer -- breathe fresh air to vic- ims. Bomb Started Tannery Fire During Strike TORONTO (CP) -- A police spokesman says a "Molotov cocktail" started a fire which caused $1,500 damage Monday tannery, hit by a strike, now seven weeks old. FACES MURDER CHARGE man at a plant where Me- Cusker was employed as @ punch press operator. --CP Wirephote FORT ERIE ENTRIES FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1962 Const. Edward Reiha. He was charged with capital murder in last week's slaying of John Dowbush, 45, a night watch- jold maidens. Claiming all $2500, Purse s |eritical. Mr. Taylor was taken + heimer announced here today. Damage | investi- | --Oshawa Times Photo Ollie Taylor, counties registrar and chairman of the Cobourg and District Collegiate Board, remains the same. Mr. Taylor is on the serious list, though not to the Cobourg and_ District General Hospital 10 days ago following a heart attack | WIN SSECOND PLACE | Douglas Ruttan, of Bowman- | ville, won second place in the einen for unlimited pleasure jboats at the regatta held Satur- day at Trent River. FINE MASKINONGE Robert Millar, of 536 Park) road south, Oshawa, caught a} 37 pound maskinonge, measur-| ing 52 inches while trolling with) a silver flash at Percy Boom Lodge, near Meyersburg |last/ Saturday night. The fish had a} girth of 22 inches. j Churches' Council | Plans Conference | PARIS (Reuters)--The World) Council of Churches plans a con-| ference on the unity of the| church in Montreal July 12 to 26 next year, Dr. Robert F. Bil- ing a picture of Marilyn Mon- roe, a 36-year-old Turk jumped into the Aegean Sea Wednes- day. Passersby rescued him. The man was identified as Bayram Kandemir, married Sgt. Cyril Cole, head of the Metro Toronto arson squad, said only one of two home-made bombs placed in the tannery ex- ploded. He said police recovered the and with three children. Friends said he had been in an acute state of depression and had been drinking heavily since reading of Miss Monroe's death. STILL IMPROVING LONDON (AP) -- Middlesex Hospital said today Sir Winston Churchill is "still making -satis- factory progress."' Sir Winston, 87, has been in the hospital since June 29, when he under- went an operation to mend a broken thigh. He fell in his hotet suite in Monte Carlo the day before MONUMENT GOES PRAGUE (Reuters) -- The huge 18,000-ton concrete Stalin monument in Prague will be re- placed by "a moderate - size building which will serve the city's social and cultural life," it was announced today. SEEK MORE TRADE MOSCOW (Reuters)--A group of leading Japanese industrial- ists arrived here by air today for talks aimed at substantially second bomb, a gallon-size jug filled with a petroleum product. It had matches tied to the top for an ignitor. Sgt. Cole said the bomb had been hung from a window or wall by a metal cord with a three-pronged fishhook attached to one end. A second cord, found in the debris where the fire started, appeared to have been fastened to the bomb which exploded, he said. Both cords and jug have been fingerprinted and the contents of the jug are being examined by the attorney general's office. Meanwhile, the tannery gen- eral superintendent, L. H. G. Kortright said a proposed inter- national boycott on the firms products would not work. The boycott is being organ- ized in North America, Western Europe and Great Britain by the Amalgamated Meat cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America (CLC). The union seeks a contract and wage in- crease for the striking workers. Huntingdon, W. Va., and Thompson, Man. A decision as to whether it will replace Mine- Mill at Inco's 15,000-man Sud- bury operations is expected to be made by the Ontario Labor Relations board later this) month. | SOME FACTS ON PEOPLE AVERAGES Thirty-two per cent of married women work at jobs outside home. Trend is upward. More than 50 per cent of women age 44-55 work regularly at pay jobs. Girls marry at 20, average-- their mothers married at 22. Women live seven years longer than men and marry two years younger. You'll find interesting and outstanding values for that new built-on room, by checking Oshawa's biggest supermarket -- the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Save money by turning to Classified for a full and de- FIRST RACE -- Three and four-year-|Navy Ruler, Turcotte X105 Rocky River, Harrison (A)XX101 Queen's Song, Fitzsimmons 106 ~ Battling Way, Griffiths X101 Battle Station II, NB 105 Starry Crown, Dittfach 118 Lisa K., Clark 110 Princess Guard, Wolski X108 Malucina, Wolski X103 Level Streak, Dalton 120 (A) Stafford Farms entry SEVENTH RACE -- Three-year-olds and up, claiming all $4500. Purse $2100, One mile and 1-16, turf course. Ess Jay, Potts (A)113 Regent Street, NB 108 Airco War, Fitzsimmons 198 Mr. Rooster, NB 110 Edgor's Lane, Potts (A)110 Falls View, NB 113 Mr. Jacopo, Clark 115 Prince Tour, Gubbins 110 Daring Bill, Dalton 118 (A) S. J, Langill and Edgor Ridge Stable entry $1800. Six furlongs. Vat Cured, Griffiths X103 Chopday, Turcotte X103 Choppy Gale, Krohn X98 Our Danny, Griffiths X103 Donnon, NB 108 Dark Selection, NB 103 Favor Me, Krohn X117 Ocean Wind, NB 103 Arctic Trust, Turcotte X117 Graybrook's Last, NB 112 Moon Step, Dalton 115 Nomanton, Dalton 108 Also Eligible: Chopora, Robinson 103; Sandys Request, Harrison X105: Loch- inbee, Rogers 108; Scoot Joe, NB 108; Sweet Fashion, NB 103; Wartaga, Kal- lai 110. SECOND BRACE -- Three-year-olds| foaled in Canada, Claiming all $250 Purse $1800, Six furlongs, Well Chosen, Bolin 114 Doll's Son, Potts 119 Hy Elector, Gubbins 116 English Mint, Robinson 111 Sports Lady, Gubbins 114 Ocho Rios, Turcotte X114 Miss Tareen, Rogers 111 Edgor's Flirt, Wolski X112 Grey Duke, Harrison X111 Menetair, NB 117 Teacher's Pal, Harrison XX110 Stan's Ace, Dalton 116 Also Eligible: Honey Boots, NB 114; Cinderette, Anyon 111; Queen's Har- mony, Tureotte X106; Especially, Har- bison X112, THIRD RACE -- Two-year-old maid- ens. Claiming all $5000. Purse $1800. 5% furlongs. Foaled in Canada, Prize Geisha, Gubbins 115 Missy's Love, Parnell 11 8 Bella Prestia, Potts 115 Leaves o' Gold, Gubbins 115 Roanaway, Adams 115 Junior Edition, Hale 115 Royal Tragedian, Turcotte X113 Senior Master, NB 118 Jeannie Doo, McComb 115 Flaness, Harrison XX108 Canadian Shield, NB 118 Black n' Red, Rogers 118 Also Eligible: Crescent Rhodes, NB 115; Courier du Bois, Fitzsimmons 118; Blue @., Fitzsimmons 115; Brown Joe, Dalton 115 Spring Eclipse, Wolski X118 Colonels Choice, Kallai 110 Joe the Captain, Dalton 113 Taquomee, Dittfach 113 Traffie Count, Fitzsimmons 180 Sunward, Turcotte X113 Tom Bartle, Turcotte X118 Who Goes, Fitzsimmons 118 POST TIME 2 P.M. CLOUDY AND FAST ACC--X-5, XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs. COMING EVENTS BINGO St. John's Parish Hall (Corner Bloor and Simcoe) 20 games $6 and $10. FRI, AUG. 10th -- 7:45 5 -- $40 Jackpots High Numbers NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:48 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL, (Albert and Jackson Sts) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $180 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TO-NIGHT 8 P.M. 20 games at $20, 5 gomes at $30. 1 -- $150 Jackpot 2 -- $250 Jackpots. NUMBER 52 - 57 RED BARN FOURTH RACE -- Two - year - maidens, foaled in Canada. Claiming all $5000. Purse $1800. Five and one- half furlongs. (Division of the Third). Devon's Pet, Krohn X110 Bob Rushton, Bolin 118 Pick Field, Anyon 118 North Cairn, Gubbins 115 Moochin Minnie, NB ll 5 Bobby Brier, Potts 118 Betsy's Joe, Fitzsimmons 118 Arctic Bud, Wick 118 Whizzinby, Griffiths X113 European Jet, Turcotte X113 Jambie, Remillard 115 Jane Street, Parnell 115 A LSO Eligible: Breakfast in Bed, Krohn XX111; Mazarette, Harrison XX108; Cyranto, NB 118; More Pride, Simpson X113; Comets Trail, NB 115. FIFTH RACE -- Cherry Hill Club Purse, three-year-olds and up, claim- ing -all $6000, Purse $2100, about 7 fur- longs, turf course. Bull Pine, Viola (A)113 Champagne Velvet, Anyon 113 Brown Panther, Harrison XX106 Bobby Pin, Turcotte (A)X103 Quintain, Turcotte X103 Cairnfield, Fitzsimmons 108 Overjoyed, Dittfach 113 Page Service, Dalton 113 (A) M. Viola entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- Betie Day three- and four-year-old fillies. old tailed list of large or small items to suit your needs. Do | Dr. Bilheimer, a Presbyterian) from the United States, was ad-) dressing the council's 100-mem- ber central committee, holding a two-week conference here. More than 500 leading Protes- tant, Anglican and Orthodox theologians from all continents will meet in Montreal for a study conference on "faith and order." The conference will deal with theological and organizational barriers to unity, PRIVATEER'S DIARY HALIFAX (CP--Nova Scotia archivist Dr. C. Bruce Fergus- son has- completed the third -voi- ume of the diary of Simeon Parkins, highly successful pri- vateer who sailed out of Liver- pool, N.S., during the late 18th century. tl. BEAU VALLEY GROWING! ' | | te T i Come and see our ill 1962 "Dream Homes" now under construction =¥ =f OF, --sTomey Secs aeemmonermnnn qn DX ii | t EYE . EXAMINATIONS by cppointment PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D. | 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | DRIVE UP TONIGHT! KASSINGER ora vauuey PHONE 725-9121 TO LIVE" Salesmen on location 7 to 9 p.m. daily. Oshawe Bivd. North (Just East of Simcoe off Rossland) SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING WEST--723-2265 ance. Purse $2400. Six furlongs. ONE STOP YOU GOING. ~ AT REASONABLE RATES AUTO"=> Guaranteed mufflers REPAIRS to fit any model car Our mufflers are guaranteed for the life of your car. We carry a complete stock to fit any make or model. Free installation in o Jiffy. Economical rates. MOTORS @ BRAKES @ TRANSMISSION WHEEL ALIGNMENT @ MUFFLERS Budget Terms Available COOPER'S TEXACO SERVICE STATIONS 56 BRUCE STREET 723-9632 410 RITSON NORTH 725-8033

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