Brougham Roads Chief Dies From Burns -- Che Oshawa Time THOUGHT FOR TODAY Stretch pants come in three sizes: small, medium and don't- bend-over. age 4 Sunny, cloudy 'periods and cool today. Mainly sunny and not . quite so cool Friday. Price Not Over VOL, 91--NO. 185 10 Cents. Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, payment of Ottawa and for Postage in Cash, EIGHTEEN PAGES Somes alee HAMILTON (CP)--A 17-year- old youth has been charged with capital murder in the shooting TWO MEN KILLED IN CRASH nesday in the wreckage of; to land on the Red River. | into a grove of trees, but did | this Piper PA-11 after it | The privately owned, dual con- | not burst into flame. crashed in nearby St. Vital | trol aircraft was practically during an apparent attempt! demolished as it careened (CP Wirephoto) Ronald Evans, 42 of subur- ban Kirkfield Park and Thomas Seavers, 29, of near- by Charleswood died Wed- Soblen Still In UK. _Latse Forest Blaze Sweeps | As Criticism Mounts Riviera Area LONDON (CP)--The British; The home office extended thejhad not changed the Isracli DRAGUIGNAN, France (Reu- government came under mount-|deadline on its order to E! Al/governments position on So- ters)--A big: forest fire, swept ing fire from the press today|to fly Soblen to New York from|blen. across the 'millionaires' play- as.the deadlock continued over|midnight Wednesday until mid-| "We, are ready to take So- Sround' of the French Riviera the fate of Dr. Robert Soblen,|night Friday. It also gave the|blen back to Israel, if asked|0¢@¥s Sending movie actors the runaway spy. , jairline the option of designat-|by the British to do so. but we a Bag | to --. Several newspapers ques-jing another line to act a sits) will not send him on one of our a te pe By ne pe a tioned Home Secretary Henry|agent in transporting Soblen. | planes to the United States or stg Mb Mae at the: Mattie, Brookes insistence that the El} But El Al, acting on orders anywhere else," the spokesman ble Fhelis.s Bavhal acm. Sol Al Airline, owned by the Is-/from the Israeli government,| said. more rig raeli government, fly the 61-/insisted that if Britain hands} : : j -d $100,000 bai! "res st. year-old psychiatrist back tojover Soblen, it will fly him to Soblen. jumped. 9 Ai OMe acres of forest 4 : I in New York in late June and) More than 1,000 firemen, sol- Md Ase snl an foe Hides 2a ministry spokes-|{l¢4, #0, Israel, using his dead diers and volunteers. joined ia 7 bs . at 4 °S-/brother's Canadian passport. {fighting the blaze which was sia during the Second World)man in Jerusalem said the 48-| Israel, which does not have| one of the worst to hit the area War. hour extension of the deadline tradition treaty with thelif many years. Reds Using Blood -ling before Magistrate John E far it has destroyed about 15,-/dri From Dead People | itag He 8 down on a farmhouse where 250 prallen gunk oe a as te oi actors and film technicians were MOSCOW (AP) -- The Rus-jto be stored for any appreciable sians have used 30 tons of blood| time. | York with a U.S. marshal making a wine harvest scene from thousands of dead people} and plunged a knife into his) Several' villages and large abdomen during the flight. Two camping' sites also were evacu- British courts ruled that he had) ated in the face of the advanc- no permission to remain in ing fire which has spread along Britain and could only stay un-'the coast of the Antheor region death early today of Mrs. Pearl Warner, 39. Charged is Gordon Henderson 17, a next-door neighbor of the Warner family. He was remanded without plea for one week after appear- Robinson, Mrs. Warner, mother of two, was shot twice below the heart with a .22-calibre rifle. Mr. Warner told police they were visited by a youth Wed- nesday night and talked for a few hours. He said he went to bed about 11 p.m. and left his wife and the youth talking. Police said the youth left) jabout 1:30 a.m, but returned a} \few minutes later and said his car was stalled. 2 SHOTS FIRED } Mrs, Warner went outside} with him, they said, and min- jutes later two shots were fired. |The woman collapsed in the veway but struggled to her eet and staggered into the house, screaming for her hus- and. Mr. Warner found his wife dressed in a blouse and shorts-- lying in a pool of blood in the; hallway. Boulder On Track After Tour Passed STONEHENGE, Jamaica (Reuters) -- A two - ton boulder fell onto a railroad line near here Wednesday night five hours after Princess Margaret trav-| til he was able to travel. and on both sides of the Argens elled along the track between) Youth Arrested In Rifle Death The Warners live just outside the Hamilton city limits Burlington. Henderson was driving his car when police picked him up for questioning. The Warner children are Ricky, 10, and Leann, 6, Mr. Warner is a driver for a truck- ing company. Britain Denies! Heath Giving Slanted View LONDON (AP) -- Britain de- nied today French' allegations that Deputy Foreign Min:ster Edward Heath has presented a|(CP)--Peter Day, 24, serving a|the cabinet changes. one-sided version of the doad-|<ix-year term for the beating) The other two new members| er in Timmins, |of cabinet--Richard A, Bell, 48.) the Common|Ont., escaped from the main|year-old lawyer and MP for| locked negotiations for British membership of Market. A foreign office spokesman said that a report made by Heath Wednesday constitutes in the British view "an accurate assessment of the stage reached at the end of a meet- ing in Brussels last weekend." Heath emphasized the provi- sional nature of the agreements reach on the problem of tem- perate foodstuffs, the spokesman said. The meeting to which the spokesman referred was-a 17- hour marathon session in Brus- sels that failed to reconcile con- in| MICHAEL STARR Beating Death Convict Loose NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. | | jdeath of a min block of the B.C, penitentiary) jhere Wednesday. | Prison officials said it wasn't jcertain whether Day reached the outside..A search, aided by police dogs, was being, concen- trated in the prison, inds. | Day was convicted in Comox, |B.C., earlier this year along |with Garry Verne Parkinson, |18, on a manslaughter charge in the death of Donald Butler, 24, of Timmins, Butler was |beaten to death in a brawl out- \side a cafe. | Day was not reported miss- flicting British and French ideas|\"8 until a routine check was on protecting the food markets| made. Police said he may have of three Commonwealth -coun-|made his escape during a rec- Nowlan Fleming OTTAWA (CP) -- George Nowlan was sworn in as Can- ada's new finance minister to- day succeeding Donald Fleming who shifted to minister of jus- tice and solicitor - general as Prime Minister Diefenbaker ~ shuffled the federal cabinet. In the first major shift of portfolios since October, 1960, the prime minister gave new jobs to six ministers and brought three new men into his cabinet. All vacancies created by the defeat of five ministers in the June 18 federal general election were filled. The biggest surprise was the appointment of M. Wallace Mc- Cutcheon of Toronto the Senate and minister without portfolio The 56-year-old vice-president and managing director of Argus Corporation Limited had _ not been mentioned in the wide- spread speculation preceding Carleton, and Paul Martineau, 41, a lawyer representing Pon- tiac-Temiscamingue -- had been expected to join the ministry. Mr. Bell; parliamentary sec- retary to the finance minister sin¢e 1957, became minister of citizenship and immigration. Mr. Martineau, deputy Speaker of the Commons in the last Par- liament and a_ parliamentary secretary to Mr, Diefenbaker before that, was named mines minister. The other veteran ministers besides Mr. Nowlan and Mr. Fleming who changed jobs were Davie Fulton, Hugh John Flem- ming, .Mrs. Ellen Fairclough tries -- Canada, Australia and/reation period two hours ear- New Zealand. lier. and Ernest Halpenny. The 46-year-old Mr. Fulton, CABINET SHAKE-UP REVEALED BY DIEF Given s Job justice minister since the first Diefenbaker cabinet was formed in 1957, became public works minister. The former works minister, David Walker, was defeated in the election in Toronto Rosedale. Mr. Flemming, 63, the for- mer Conservative premier of New Brunswick who was brought into the cabinet in the fall of 1960 as Canada's first Forestry minister, succeeded Mr. Nowlan--who is the same age--as minister of national revenue. os Mrs. Fairclough, Canada's first woman cabinet minister, was appointed postmaster-gen- eral to succeed William Hamil- ton, defeated in Montreal Notre- Dame-de-Grace. The 57-year-old Hamilton chartered accountant had been immigration minis- ter since May of 1958 and be- fore that had been state sec- \retary from 1957, Mr. Haipenny, 59, was made state secretary and the muinis- ter who will report to Parliae ment on broadcasting matters. He had been minister without portfolio since late 1960, Pre- viously Mr, Nowlan reported on tr Diao si T, ine cogent: te , MacLean J ies "MEULACOE Aa ies nister . now are the only cabinet mem- bers who have held the same portfolio continuously since the Progressive Conservatives came to power in 1957. The prime minister, as pre- dicted, gave the portfolios of justice and solicitor-general to one minister. Previously, Mr. Fulton held justice alone while William Browne, defeated in St. Johns West, was solicitor-gen- eral. The British account of the pee : for a film called Follow the The airline landed him for transfusions in all kinds of 18 ADVANTAGE IN Boys. The cast and crew were sos , |Kingston and Montego Bay. _| meeting left the impression that hospital cases--and they claim! 'This constitutes one of the GOVERNMENT SHAKEN . ; -s The boulder blocked the line|the impasse was reached after River. Many roads were blocked by Britain after he slashed a wrist/eyacuated in a fleet of trucks. it's as good as blood from liv- advantages of cadaver blood Soblen had been hustled out ing donors. Gregory A. Pafomov, head of the laboratory for blood trans-| fusion and preservation of tis- sues at Skilifosovsky Institute, an arm of the Soviet ministry). of health. The hospital, not far from Red Square, is Moscow's chief| form blood for a person requir- Sed es re emergency hospital, where vir-/ing such a large amount of sig had circumvented the tually. all automobile and other blood all at once." For such a '4: accident cases are brought. To it, too, are brought all victims from each of three living don-|invoked a regulation to kick ou' of sudden death from heart at- tacks or other conditions--as well as derelicts who die from| alcoholism or over-exposure. All cadavers are tapped for blond. Dr. Pafomovy said in an inter- view: "This hospital exists on ca-| daver blood because most of the patients are types who have lost large quantities of blood in accidents, and cadaver blood is a ready source for multiple transfusions. Seventy - five per cent of the blood transfussed in this hospital -- and we're all filled up most of the time--is cadaver blood. We used more than two tons of such blood in the last year alone." STARTED IN 1930 The doctor said the hospital began using cadaver blood in 1930 after a Soviet scientist em- ployed such blood for the first time "in a man who tried to commit suicide by cutting his own blood vessels." The man lived. The blood is drawn usually within half an hour to an. hour after death. {over blood from living donors, |of This was reported by Dr. because chemicals such as s0-|could initiate legal action. This potentially/led to a wave of protests and dium citrate are toxic to the liver if the trans- fusion of more than several pints of blood is required." Another advantage, he said, is that the 3% quarts that a cadaver gives 'provides a uni- large order, he said, a quart ors would be need ed. Lake Labor Probe To Open Tuesday OTTAWA (CP)--Mr. Justice T. G. Norris announced today he will open in Toronto Tues- day his inquiry into shipping disruptions and labor unrest on the Great Lakes. He said the hearing will con- tinue in Toronto until Friday Aug. 17 but gave no indication of future hearings. Party Readies Attac On JFK Test Proposal WASHINGTON (AP) Re publicans have closed ranks for 'routine government spending. Israel before his lawyer N | shook Premier David Ben-Gu- rion's four-party coalition. Wide sections of the Israeli public said Soblen had been un- fairly denied his day in court. Many charged the Israeli gov- They claimed that Israel had iT 4 MONTREAL (CP) --Agree- Soblen as an illegal immigrant/ment has been reached in the| |but at the same time by plac-|contract dispute between Can-; ing him aboard the El Al plane|ada's railways and their 100,000| had turned him over illegally non-operating employees, it was| to the United States without a! announced today. | hearing. H A government committee had ratification of the non-ops. been appointed to investigate Tt te baked th 7 \the complaints. t is based on the unanimous | Some members of the Knes- recommendations drawn up by set (parliament) criticized the 4 three-man conciliation board) move. They brought on de- that studied the dispute. bates on the action and de-| It marks the first time in the layed consideration of urgent history of the non-ops t The agreement is subject to; | | ihat jgovernment bills that needed board, has been able to reach) |passage in order to authorize 4 unanimous decision. | The agreement provides for! a k said in a Kennedy statement administration the|with new scientific data on the} had detection of underground tests on-Ops Rail Dispute Ends "| 1, 1963, a politically significant attack|"moved steadily toward the So-|that only became available 'in on President Kennedy's modi-| -T fied osals for a nucicar) blood,"' the doctor said, '"'is ita test ban. based on the fact that even i PEON wean though there is a slight clotting). In language so similar a to on this blood shorly after it is)!Mdicate a prior meeting of the) drawn, it contains large quan-|Minds, Senate Republican) tities of anti - coagulant subyLeader Everett M. Dirksen of] stances which are released by| illinois, Charles A. Halleck, Re-) the body, just prior to death, | Publican leader in the House of; Thus, the cadaver blood re-|Representatives, and Governor mains fluid, and it is unneces-| Nelson Roetefeller of New York sary to add preservative chemi- contended Wednesday Kennedy cals, such as sodium citrate,|is retreating toward the Rus- which must be added to the/Sian position. blood of living donors if it is) Dirksen and Halleck charged jin a press conference that Ken- nedy had sent U.S. negotiators to Geneva '"'hat in hand" with jconcessions to the Russians that} were promptly rejected. They "The ability to use cadaver CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 now was witnessing "another example by the Kennedy ad- ;ministration of how not to dea! |with the Russians,"' ' f added that the United States;comment on A few hours later Rockefellerjbring the viet position" in efforts to get a! June. treaty on nuclear weapons test- ing and controls. ' ** | DECLINES DETAILS He said the U.S. proposals He said that what he called). bee ' " " te _|included on-site inspections of weakening" of the U.S. propos- seismic. events als "made in March, 1961, On ae iar a : F the Kennedy administration|@%4_ international Po aty He even further seems to me t0| ined t ae aies an ee run a high risk of endangering' ° i Phe ing adn aaa US our national security." ' iy ihe 4 ee) ee delegate Arthur H. Dean was Rockefeller. who might be- reported to have told the dis- come Kennedy's republican op-/armament conference 'that the ponent in 1964 if he wins re-\United States is willing to re- election as governor this year,/duce controls posts to 80, less went on to say the Democratic|than half the number previously president appeared to be mak-/ proposed. a ing decisions without the pub-! Dirksen and Halleck said it lics knowing what proposals was their information tha: what were being made. they called a new set of conces- There was no White House'sions included "substantial re- remarks ference last week he and his|ing and the United States con- aides had been U.S. position in line| other way around. abandoned. cars as drivers fled|for two hours before a team of the French, in the early hours on foot to escape the flames. 'men pried it away. wage increases totalling eight cents an hour, | it also calls for a job secur-! ity program in which a fund of $2,500,000 will be set up. The fund will be used to pay long- time employees whose jobs have been eliminated by technologi- cal improvements and to pro- vide for re-training when pos- sible. The wage increase, to cost the railways an estimated $20,- 000,000 a year, provides a one- per-cent increase retroactive to March 1, another one per cent Oct.-1, 1962, two cents Jan. 1, 1963, and a final two cents July The non-ops now earn an av- erage of about $1.92 an hour. The agreement was an- nounced by Mr. Justice Craig Munroe of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, chairman of the board. In offering congratulations to both parties for reaching the agreement, he said he feels it is. "inconceivable" that the agreement will not be ratified by union membership. Murder Charged In Shooting Death SELKIRK M,an, (CP) -- Po- lice laid) a_ capital charge Wednesday against} George Baty, 31, an employee} of the Selkirk Mental Hospiia!, after a coroners jury ruled a} co-worker died of a gunshot} wound. | Rudolph Bendl, 34, was found dead in his hospital dormitory} room Aug. 1. He had been shot| twice in the chest. | 'Robert Bruce of Selkirk, 25 the Republicans|laxation of our. previous de-|miles north of Winnipeg, told| positively identify n mands for inspection.' The y|the inquest there had been trou-| graphed obj Kennedy told his press con-|said the Russians were demand-|ble with Baty's marriage. Mr.|by White. Bruce said a divorce had. been attempting to)ceding when it ought to be the|discussed and he had heard an-|he saw were the same as the one| Jordan,: a jother man was involved, of Sunday morning, surprisingly brought up the question of fi- nancing the Common Market's agricultural policy. This French action, in the} British view, served to compli-| cate the already difficult negoti- ; pile 80" LONDON (CP) -- Americaa French officials in Paris sub-/Nazi leader George Lincoln sequently said that Heath had| Rockwell today was hustled out given a one-sided account of|0f Britain, but not before snap- developments. ping out his _ in a last, de- The whole dispute -- highiy| fant Hitler salute. : | technical in nature--serves to), The 44-year-old ra . oe worsen the atmosphere sur-| {uehrer was driven from a Lon- rounding Britain's ; asi.|don police station right to the application} ' for membership of the six-coun.|St¢PS of a Boston - bound Pan try Common Market, | | American airliner. He was ar- servers feel ahig 0b-| ested Wednesday night near a The Brussels ministerial ne |London newspaper office. now ; Two detectives escorted the 'otiations now are in re | ; : til mid-October, oe | six-foot two-inch tall American invited him to visit the United! States. Before Rockwell's arrest, a British fascist leader was quoted as saying he thought Rockwell would try to stay for} a "secret" policy conference}! Aug. 15-17; The ban on the entry of Nazis into Britain was issued by the home office in the wake of a rash of incidents involving ex- treme right-wingers. Several meetings of fanatical groups have ended with scuffles i i ji irli he last The foreign office spokesman) into the airliner, but on t was asked tf he felt Heaths re-|SeP he paused long enough a port put the onus for the dead-| turn and yey it, his ie lock on France. He replied that| 2"™ in the aa 4 ZA te he the report speaks for itself and Slipped in Rockwell ) it was not up to him to offer Country last week, evading a an interpretation. ban on foreign Nazis trying to fa _\ attend meetings here. He showed up at. a weekend rally of the anti-semetic Brit- ish National Socialist party and US. Releases the h ffice issued a de- Mystery Space portation order for him. Scotland Yard detectives, or- Object Photos dered to keep a watch on Brit- |ain's newspapers in case he got MUROC, Calif. (AP)--Space agency officials released photo- |in touch with one, picked up | Rockwell Wednesday night in graphs of a mysterious hand- sized object seen tumbling the company of a reporter near above the X-15 rocket plane as| the offices of the mass-circula- it streaked to a record 314,750-| TELEPHONES PAPER foot altitude last July 17. | Before his arrest, Rockwell They said they could not iden-|telephoned The Daily Mirror tify or explain the object's| saying he wished to give him- presence in space. |self up. ' : The pictures were released| The Daily Mirror quoted Wednesday after air force Maj,|Rockwell as telling a reporter, Robert Rushworth completed a|'"my sole intention was to meet routine X-15 flight to 99,000 feet|/my friends in this country and tion Daily Mirror. and told reporters he saw bits/further our cause." murder! of insulation floating between| He said he. travelled wideiy the twin panes of the rocket|in Britain "and have had enor- plane's windshield. mous success everywhere I've The photographs, taken by ajbeen. My job is done now and movie camera in the tail of the| I will lose nothing by giving my- X-15, show a grey-white object/self up to Scotland Yard." above and behind the space-| He said he had set up the craft. They were taken as the|machinery "which will put the plane, piloted by air force Maj.|wheels of a highly organized Robert White, roared upward/ machine. into operation." to 270,000 feet on his way to the} His National Socialist host, record. {Colin Jordan, met briefly with Officials said they could. not|Rockwell at Cannon Row police the photo-istation where the American ect as the one seen|snent the night. Rushworth added that he did not believe the particles|GETS INVITE | suspended school White reported seeing. 'achool teacher, said Rockwel] between police and demonstra- tions and dozens of arrests. ROCKWELL AT LONDON a British patriot," the American Nazi Leader Deported By Britain The home office said he paid for his own ticket--$270.06. A request by Rockwell for an audience with the Queen went unacknowledged. "His letter was handed to the police," said a Buckingham Palace spokesman. A spokesman at Jordan's Lon- don headquarters said Rock- well's appeal for an audience with the Queen was delivered to Buckingham Palace by hand. "It pointed ou tthat he was simply a foreign patriot visiting spokes- man said. AIRPORT