MARRIED IN OTTAWA, AJAX AND OSHAWA MARRIED IN St. James' United Church, Ottawa, on Saturday were Elizabeth Alice Lindley and Robert Milton Armstrong. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lindley of MARRIAGE VOWS between Evelyn Marie Long and Michele Sirizzotti were taken recently in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. Pi nSONALS 5 jada. and Mrs. Hubert J. Long of Prince Albert and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sante Sirizzotti of Tor- rice, Italy. --Photo by Hornsby Windsor, formerly Ottawa, and granddaughter of Mrs. M. Lindley,. Whitby. The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong of Ottawa --Switzer Studio (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 8, 1962 '\from Antigonish, Nova Scotia, |street east, is visiting relations tea | lwhere they visited friends and 8T, BERNADETTE'S Roman Catholic Church, Ajax, was the setting for the wedding of Fayelenore Irene Gilchrist and William Sibeon, son of Mrs. Harold Sibeon of Ajax and the late Mr. Sibeon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Oren Mal- ley, Oshawa, and the late Mr. James Gilchrist. --Photo by Azzopardi, Ajax. Many Canadian Visitors Register at Canada House By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times Canadian visitors registered at Canada House, London, in} the last week of July included) the following from Thomson) Newspaper areas: ~ Barrie: Mr. J. Routtenburg and family; Miss Nora A. D. Hart; Mr. R. H. Macklem. Cornwall: Mrs. W. G. Snet- singer; Miss Velva True; Miss Dorothy Cunliffe; Miss Mar- garet Cunliffe. Judy Seneco Feted! Prior To Marriage Prior to her marriage to Mr. Vernon Brooks in St. George's Memorial Church this Satur- day, Miss Judith Seneco has been feted by several showers. | Mrs, Douglas Peggs, Green street, the bridegroom's sister, was h at a miscell shower. The associate teachers of Dr. C. F. Cannon school made a presentation to Miss Seneco. Also her pupils of Grade 2 and 3 presented her with glass bowls and cake plates. The bride's aunts, Mrs. Paul Plishka, Oshawa boulevard, and Mrs. Harry Hercia, Grassmere street, held a dinner party and Galt: Miss Dorothy Shepher, Preston. Marie Elizabeth McAdam Wed to Michael Rowinski The Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great, was the setting for a wedding at 12.15 p.m. Saturday, August 4, when Marie Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mc- Adam was united in marriage with Michael Joseph Rowinski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rowinski. The Reverend Lae rence McGough performed the double ring ceremony and said the nuptial mass. Present in the sanctuary was the Very Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer. The wedding music was played by Mr. Jack Driscoll who accompanied Mrs. Elmer Gib- son who sang 'Veni Creator Spiritus', 'Ave Maria", "Panis Angelicus" and "'On This Day". Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a dress of petal white silk organza sweep- ing into a train, with re-embroi- dered Alencon lace at the square sabrina neckline. Ap- pliques embroidered in pearls and sequins appeared on the skirt. The bouffant veil of tulle il- lustion was held by a crown of sequins and she carried a bride's prayer book crested with an or- chid and roses caught in the white streamers. Mrs. Roy Jorgenson was ma- tron of honor for her sister and the bridesmaids were Miss Isa- bel Thexton, Miss Colleen Mc- Guelph: Miss E. Grace Mu- trie; Mrs. Janet Louden; Miss Mary Catherine Louden; Miss Mary Janet Grant. Kamloops, B.C.: Mr. R. K. Gormley; Kelowna, B.C.: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bolton; Moose Jaw, Sask.: Miss Ruth Wolfe; Miss Maude McGuire; The Rev. and Mrs. Harold Tir- rell; Miss Marion C. Binning. Oakville: Mr. and Mrs. Carman McLean; Miss Eliza- beth Dymock; Mrs. Doris Speck, Clarkson; Mr. M. G. Al- exander, Orillia: Harrison. Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Farrow; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Meredith; Miss Lorraine Werry; Mr. and Mrs. William Bellingham; Mr. Reginald F. Geen; Mr. Ross S. Metcalfe, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forrest; Mr. B. Rahme. Quebec: Mr. Joseph L. Page. Port Arthur: Mrs. M. Davis, Linda and Neil; Sarnia: Miss Janet C. Clare; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Manktelow} Mr. Park D. Jamieson; Welland: Mr. Robert White, Port Col- borne; Woodstock: Miss Mar- garet Fuller; Brampton: Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Croll and fam- ily; Mr. Allan Swell. Miss Pamela M Adam and Miss Joan McAdam. They all wore street-length dresses of white eyelet organza fashioned with low sabrina necklines; short mittens comple- menting the brief sleeves, and on their heads they wore small pillboxes and circular veils, all white. They carried cascades of mauve and pink gladiolas and chrysanthemums. Miss Jane Driscoll and Miss Christina King were flower girls wearing short frocks of white eyelet. organza with matching caps and wrist length gloves complementing their short *\sleeves. They carried nosegays jof white and mauve chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Jack Driscoll Jr. was ring bearer and carried the rings on a white satin cushion. Mr. Frank Bronzewski' per- formed the duties of best man and the ushers were Kevin Cof- fey, Thomas Rowinski and James Dulney. The reception was held at the Piccadilly Room of Hotel Gen- osha where the bride's mo- ther received in willow green chiffon on sheath lines with matching accessories and an open crowned off the face hat and corsage of yellow tea roses. Assisting was the bride- groom's mother who chose tur- quoise organza, small white hat, matching accessories and corsage of white rosebuds. For the wedding trip to Po- cono Mountains, Pa., the bride travelled in a two-piece dress with lace jacket, white hat, matching accessories and an or- chid corsage. On their return the couple will reside in Oshawa. SPECIAL GROUP. The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wo- men's Clubs was founded in 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacMil- lan, Celina street, have returned where they were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm P. McNeil and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacMillan. Mrs. T. A. Adair, Colborne in Tamworth. Mrs. N. C. Bradshaw, Col- borne street east, has returned from a week's vacation with relations in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kadoski, Colobrne street east, have re- turned after spending a month's vacation touring Western Can- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hefferman of Toronto were guests in Osh- awa over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G, E. Petre, road and Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, Olive avenue, have returned after 10 days' va- cation at Kakabeca Falls and motoring around Lake Superior and Lake Nipigon. : Mr. and Mrs. John Rantanen, Kaiser crescent, are spending two weeks at Trout Lake, Parry Sound, after returning from a seven-week vacation to Finland relations in Helsinki, Tampere and nearby towns. Miss Kathleen S. Murray of Toronto who is leaving for a holiday in England next week was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Aldwinckle, Bonniebrae Lodge, during the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Campa, Ritson road north, ar- rived home today after spending a week's vacation in British Columbia visiting Mr. Campa's nephews, Mr. Frank Campa of Nanaimo and Mr. John Campa of Vancouver. the seaport town of Acapulo. From there they flew to the an- cient city of Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico, where the boulevards for miles are formed by roses and other flowers. While their they visited friends of Miss Pellow who gave them the opportunity to see the true life of the Mexican people throughout the country. After a two day drive tack to Mexico City they returned by jet to Canada. Mrs, Arthur H. Clapper, Hemet, California, who has been the guest of Mrs. Earle Kennedy, Hillcroft street, is leaving today to visit her father, Mr. T. Hall, Detroit, Michigan. Out of town guests at the Rowinski - McAdam wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hal. loran, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bronzewski, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bronzewski, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Bramp- ton; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Row- inski, Florida, U.S.A.; Mr. and Mrs, P. Shock, Bolton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Koloski Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coffey, Read; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Coffey, Wolfe Island; Mrs. Joseph Cof- fey, Shannonville. Others were Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna, Mrs. H. E. King, Mr. and Mrs. William Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Starvil, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Killoran, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Halloran, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jarman, all of Toronto: Miss Agnes Healey, Mr. and Mrs. P. Halloran, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. William Sibeon, Ajax. Mr. Elmer Beddone of Osh- awa is a guest at Wigwassan Lodge, Lake Rosseau, Mus- koka. Members of Myrtle Women's Institute and friends enjoyed a bus trip recently to see Sharon Mrs. Wilfred Lanteigne of | Montreal has been in Oshawa visiting her daughters, Mrs. Haagmans, also Mrs. Ronald Collins of Rexdale and their families. Mr. Jack McAdam was mas- ter of ceremonies at the Rowin- ski-McAdam wedding on Satur- day and Mr. Byron Worden proposed the toast to the bride. Miss Margaret Pellow, Col- borne street east, Miss Aileen Parker, Park road north and Mrs. W. J. Salter, King street east, have returned after spend- ico where they represented the University Women's Club of Oshawa and district at the 14th conference of the International Federation of University Wom- en. Amid the sound of trumpets and escorted by soldiers, the conference was: opened by the President of Mexico, Adolfo Lopez Mateos. Among the 41 countries represented were Japan, India and Pakistan in their native costumes. The delegates were able to visit the pyramids, art galleries, mu- seums, convents as well as the famous university of over 70,000 students and many places of historical interest. After the conference the three Oshawa representatives drove to the sil- ver mining own of Taxco, which is situated on a hill and Gerald Duguay and Mrs. Hans} ing nearly three weeks in Mex-| | FINAL 3 DAYS Temple. This is a worthwhile spot to visit and to see what labors of love can accomplish. Members of North York In- stitute served supper; and meet- ing these members was a |pleasure. | Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Duke jand Mr. and Mrs. John H. Long have returned from a two-week |vacation trip to Quebec and the Maritime provinces, visiting Upper Canada Village and tak- ing a taxi tour of Old Quebec jCity. In Quebec they saw the |United States Enterprise air- TO BE WED A September bride will be Sharon Ann_ Stephenson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Cecil Stephenson, whose engagement to Mr. William John Farndale, is announced today. The pros- pective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farndale, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place in Christ Memoral Church on Friday, Septem- ber 7, at 7.00 p.m. --tIreland Studio craft carrier, that picked Col. John Glenn up in the Atlantic after his orbital flight. The changing of the guard was a spectacular sight at. 'La Cita- delle'. Before leaving Quebec they went to beautiful Saint Anne de Beaupre, then crossing to the south shore of the St Lawrence and going around the Gaspe Peninsula, and down to New Brunswick and Nova Sco- tia. While in Halifax they in- spected a U.S. submarine. Then on to Cape Breton Island and over the deepest. causeway in Thertell - Severn Band after their marriage cere. W. Thertell. organist. trimmed with sequins uons and orchids. tions. ° ushers, Flving Dutchman Motor Hotel. The bride's mother wore a dress of medium blue lace dress with white accessories pink roses. When the bridal couple left for their honeymoon Gaspe Bay and the Maritime Legionnaires Pipe Pair From Church Escorted from the church by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe mony recently were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Orviile Thertell. The bride is the former Violet May Severn, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. R. G. Severn, Bowman. ville, and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend A. -W. Har- ding with Mr. Arthur Collison as Given in marriaoge by her fa- ther, the bride wore a_ floor length gown of silk taffeta and lace. The bouffant skirt was fashioned with a lace inset and the Chantilly lace bodice was and pearls and a cummerbund waist- line completed with two bows at the back. An orange blossom and pearl tiara held her bouf- font veil and she carried a bou- quet of pink roses, white carna- The matron of honor, Mrs. Derek Severn and Mrs. Denis fovern 6 attendant wore cock- tail-length gowns of deep pink ~-- U.,anza over taffeta, white accessories and carried cas- cades of pink and white carna- Mr. Harold Thertell was the best man with Mr. Derek Sev- ern and Raymond Thertell as The reception was held at the e with matching jacket and white ac- cessories. The bridegroom's mo- ther chose a navy blue sheath and they both wore corsageés of trip to Provinces the bride was wear. ing a pink linen sheath dress, matching three-quarter length jacket, white accessories and an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Thertell wif make their home in Bowman- ville on their return home, Knowlton Family Holds Re-Union The seventh annual Knowlton reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Knowl- ton near Hampton. It was a beautiful sunny day and the at- tendance was one of the best yet totalling about 85 people. A salad picnic was enjoyed at noon followed by the usual races and ball games. Several members left the party in the afternoon to visit Mrs. Ross Knowlton of Enniskil- len, who was in the Bowman- ville Hospital. There were also members absent visiting Miss Barbara LaChappelle of Cour- tice in the Toronto General Hos- pital. A wiener roast with a huge reunion cake ended the day after which there was a short business meeting. The meeting closed with two minutes' silence for the departed loved ones. Next year's reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thompson of Mansfield. Officers selected for 1963: President, Mrs. Albert Rod- well; secretary, Mrs. Harold Knowlton; treasurer, Mrs. Gor- don Greer; sports, Harold Knowlton, Albert Rodwell, Elva Rodwell, Nelson Knowlton, Jean Knowlton, Donald Knowlton. HOUSEHOLD HINT To avoid any shine, iron dark cottons on the wrong side. If touching up needs to be done on the right side, be sure to use a press cloth. the world, then back to Nova Scotia and by ferry to Prince Edward Island. This province is well named the Garden Prov- ince, with its large farms. At St. John they went to see the Reversing Falls between the St. John River and the Bay of Fundy. Returning home through the beautiful states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and the valleys and mountains of New York State, they stayed at Lake Placid and drove up White Face Mountain up the Memorial Highway after cross- ing Lake Champlain by ferry. | | This is your last chance to cash in on these trem- endous savings all summer merchandise going for | YOUNG MODERNS 38 King St. East, Oshawa 135 Brock St. South, Whitby 723-7428 MO 8-5022 When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Wome-Nursing Care ter EVERYONE" presentation when over 100 guests were present. The fu- ture bride received a chester- field, lamps, vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, kitchen set/ among the many gifts. | After the wedding rehearsal the bridal party will be enter- taned at the home of the bride's OSHAWA OSHAWA AND BAILEY FOODS LID. WHITBY THE FOOD SHOP WEST HILL WHITBY PLAZA mother, Mrs. Joseph S Harris avenue. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- parrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, laugh or talk? Just le a little F. ETH on 'eet alkaline (non-acid) Specials: Thursday, Friday and Saturday FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE Made With Fresh Frozen Blu DATE MUFFINS age 6/23° berries FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. "'LYCRA"' ELASTIC-STRETCH PANTIE-GIRDLES & GIRDLES Satisfaction Guaranteed RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Hurry to Zeller's and choose your "'Rose Marx' foundation made of the new, exciting "'Lycra" elastic stretch-fabric that is light and petal-soft, yet has magic in its firm control! Washable; odour-resistant. Enchantingly sheer-but giving strong, strong support! SEMI-LONG PANTIE-GIRDLE LEFT os sketched: Semi-Long "Lycra" Pantie-Girdle with satin panels in front and back. "'Lycra" hip control panels. S, M, L. Four 3-WAY ADJUSTABLE BRA by 'Rose Marx'. White. Nylon embroidered cotton; Sizes 32-38. A, B, C Cups; wired; light!l_ padded. Cut-Away CENTRE: S,M,L. satin panel in ers. Smooth fit suits. Zeller-Thrift-Priced inside garters. Zeller-Thrift-Priced. Pantie-Girdle . "Lycra"-stretch with front. Detachable gart- under shorts or sun- satin. Zeller-Thrift-Priced. .. 5.99 2.50 Hip-Control Girdle RIGHT: Sizes S,M,L. molding model with hip-contro!l panels of "Lycra"; front and back panels of "Lycra" curve- GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA Open Till 10 200 p.m. Daily Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat August 9 - 10 - 11 CHRISTIE'S BREAD CIGARETTES Choice FIRST GRADE BUTTER CATSUP AYLMER SHREDDED WHEAT neq. 23¢ pis. tor 19° INSTANT COFFEE "ins" Boys' Ivy League CAPS With 2.00 Meat Order 3-Ib. TOMATO JUICE """" 27 FRESH SLICED 2 , 37° carton 009 », 49° 27 11-02. bottles, each 17¢ limit "jr 89¢ 69° $., Mb Reg. 88c, To Clear ot CHOICE FRESH & SMOKED MEATS FRESH MINCED BEEF HAMBURG WIENERS sitoxt CHOICE LEAN ROUND STEAK or ROAST Fresh PORK CHOP Shoulder BREAKFAST BACO COOKED MEAT CHUBS CHICKEN BACKS BLADE ROAST BEEF 3... 1.00 ». 95 2». 1.00 Bulk Pok 55¢ Rindless. tb. pr each 2ic Su. 25° », 59° Sliced CHOICE FRUITS & VEGETABLES CARROTS "2:2" PLUM SOUTH AFRICAN EATING SPECIAL--DOZ. mz 25° 19° 2%" 59° SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENT COVER GIRL LIQUID MAKE-UP AND PRESSED POWDER *Y NOXZEMA BATH TOWELS GIRLS' TOOTHPASTE STRIPED CANADIAN MADE Flannelette BLANKETS ENGLISH TYPE HEALTH SALT Reg. 89c EACH SLEEVELESS UNDERSHIRTS "<< 29° Reg. 1.25 -- FOR 89° 21540" 1 Ze 100 ois 39¢ 35° or 2, 63° seocel 5.25 16-oz, 75¢ Btle. English Type DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 723-2294 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 Shop and Save at Glecoff's OPEN TILL 10:00 P.M. DAILY!