DANCERS PRESENT JIGS New British Revival Of Farcical Playlets tertainments, on the quiet, but were never again performed in theatres, MAY TRY CANADA Miss Graham and her 38- year-old husband John Me- Clusky, who acts in the jigs and is the main financial backer of the group, want to take the group to North America. "J hear there is great interest in Canada and the United States in early English enter- tainment of this type," Me- Clusky said. He has started lay- ing plans for a tour. The Elizabethans performed in Ingelheim, Germany, in April as part of the British Festival Exchange. German audiences laughed heartily at such pieces as Sing: ing Simpkin and The Wooing of Nan and stared with amaze- ment at Morris dances. "They didn't understand much of the language of course," said Miss Graham," "but they grasped the over-all situation. This form of enter- tainment has a very direct appeal." as they watched the torch-lit spectacle. The jigs are rhymed and HITCHIN, England (CP)--An old form of popular British en- tertainment has been revived partly sung developments of the after centuries of obscurity. The Elizabethans, a small|ballad. Often bawdy and bit- group of actors and musicians|ingly satirical, they provided a organized by former Walt Dis-|final humorous. relief after a heavy tragedy. ney costume designer Sheila j Dances were an intimate part Graham, are touring with jigs-- farcical playlets originally per-|of the jigs when they were per- formed nearly 400 years ago. formed in the late 16th century after major dramatic produc-|Miss Graham has brought her tions. presentations even closer to the originals by mixing in Morris Miss Graham unearthed 20 fig texts from university and|dances which have their origins in fertility rites practised at museum libraries after she saw brief references to them in his|least 1,500 years ago in Britain. tories of drama. Now she is in| The dancers, all male, wear bells on their legs "'to frighten business. "Most of the jigs were impro-|away evil spirits' and whirl madly about waving thick vised and few have survived but ther is a sufficient number|sticks and white handkerchiefs "to encourage the crops." of texts to enable me to present Musical accompaniment for an interesting repertoire," she said in an interview at an out-|the Morris dancers is provided door theatre in this Hertford|hy the "pipe and tabor" or tin whistle and a small snare drum town near London. Village greens and open-air] tapped with the finger. The jigs had a_ short life. theatres supply the ideal setting Elizabeth I banned them in 1598 for the jigs. At the perform- ances here the players used a after authors had begun to find life in her court a prime target ground-level stage in the middle for their barbed wit. The jigs of a deep, wooded glen. Part of the audience sat on the hillsides|survived briefly as banquet en- 'Telstar Program Said Just The Beginning struction of a cable-repair ship to cost $8,042,065 and be ready od NEW YORK (CP)--'"This is|has suggested a much nar- like Edison and Marconi . . .jrower band, This is just a start." A conference of the Interna-|by 1965 would not' be delayed That is how officials associ-|tional Telecommunications Un-|despite the current austerity ated with the Telstar satellite|ion in Geneva in October, 1963,| program. program describe the present|is scheduled to assign frequen-| As for the rates, "'no matter stage of space communications.|cies for satellite communica-|what system is set up, it will Ultimately, they expect that|tions and the U.S. hopes to ironjbe under the FCC (Fed- a series of space relay stations out the difference with Russia|eral Communications Commis- will tie the world more closely before then. sion) and the FCC will have to together. But first a number of| TWO-YEAR LIFE set the rates," so far as the complex questions will have to| 'Telstar, 34 inches long and| U.S. is concerned. be answered, : weighing 170 pounds, was Telstar now is making three Who will own and administer|taunched from Cape Canaveral or four "usable passes" (times the system? How will interna-| July 10 and has a life expec- when it has both European and tional problems of assigning|tancy of two years. Its tracking | North American ground stations frequencies and arranging pro-| beacon will then be shut off to 'in sight") each day. The dura- gramming be worked out? How|avoid interference with future|tion of the passes varies widely will it tie in with existing | experiments. but the daily total amounts to means of communications? | By that time scientists hope| about one hour. There are no firm answers|they will have determined the| In addition to television and yet. , leffects of cosmic rays, radia-|voice signals Telstar has 'At present, the problem of|tion, micrometeorites and other proved itself capable of trans- ownership of the U.S. section of| space hazards on the satellite's| mitting cable messages at a a global network is under sharp} 5,000 intricate parts. They also|rate of 1,050 words a minute by debate in Washington. hope to learn the effects of at-|means of a high-speed "'data- PRIVATE CORPORATION | mospheric conditions and wea-|speed" system, en administration-backed bill) 'cr: The satellite's TV channel is to establish a government-regu- = me sonar set on theoretically equivalent to 600 lated private corporation to own | Sister satellite to be launched in|tejephone or dataspeed chan- and operate the U.S. portion | October Aft orgs | ole | ks . Bas been, paved bY tie HOM Teen ty charge fo 1 Wt annere ony Tor OF iWon But in the Senate it has run|Which to date has been largel¥|telephone 0 "tat speed chi 4 ; "fe lto exchange portions of televi-| phone or dataspeed chan- into determined opposition from| < n programs between Europe| "els while equipment on the eitooun of srl Democrat sot Nath AMIR yy sql tie gation a Andover Me a "giveaway" of a resource But Dr. Doren Mitchell, head equipped for 12 two-wa tele- made possible largely by gov-| the project, estimates that a pe tg channels while the Brit- ernment-supported technology working space satellite systeM/ich station can take only seven The American Telephone Yeaycould be in operation two for eight and th French statio Telegraph Company, which so three years after the go-ahead), i . t signal is given. ri yet there is no "'com- patible' equipment on the other far has sunk more than $50,000,- 000 into the Telstar project, re- BRITAIN'S PART jects the giveway charge. Britain's Postmaster-General| side of the Atlantic to han- "This is a lot of hot air," an Bevins estimates that there will| dle dataspeed transmission, al- A. T. and T. spokesman com- be "at least one universal sys-\though it has been tested be- mented. "There isn't one thin tem of satellite communications | tween U.S. points. nickel in that satellite from the|within the next seven to 10 If "channellizing" equipment government." years." Britain is to spend|were added at. each end to He added however that the £700,000 in the coming year on/allow use of the 60 two-way government had launched Tel-|development of satellite com- channels, Telstar would be ca- star -- for a fee approaching munications. pable of transmitting 63,000 $3,000,000. A. T. and T.. believes the| words a minute each way. The charge also is made that|space system eventually will) But the big advantage of Tel- A. T. and T. would dominate; mean faster and cheaper com-|star is in overcoming the prob- munications--but it won't sup-jlem of "bending" television the U.S. portion of the net- work. plant existing systems. signals around the earth's curv- The company says this would) 'We foresee that we will) ature. | be impossible, declaring that|need all sorts of diversified] While radio signals bounce under the proposed setup the |communications means," saidjoff the fonosphere--the layer of corporation would be divided|the spokesman, pointing out/electrified atoms high in the equally between participating] that the company has just com. atmosphere--ultra - high fre- companies and public stockhold-|pleted the building of a cable-|quency television waves pass ers, and that no company could|laying ship and plans several|right through it. have more than two directors| new cables in the next few) Telstar, orbiting 600 to 3,500 on the 15-man board. | years. miles up, receives a faint sig- Internationally, a small con-| Canada, which shares owner-|nal, magnifies it 10,000,000,000 troversy already has blown up|ship with the United Kingdom|times, changes the frequency between the U.S. and Russia|of a transatlantic cable, is also| and sends it down to a receiving over the total width of wave-|sharing in construction of a ca-| length bands to be assigned to|ble from Canada to New ea- communications satellites. \land and Australia. Canada has The U.S. has put forward an| also agreed to share in a cable informal proposal for two bands|from Australia to Malaya and| satellites, one of which would with a total width of about 3,000| Hong Kong. And late in July|always be "in sight" between megacycles. The Soviet Union'Ottawa announced that; con-|two ground stations. point on the other continent. Ultimately the space com- munications system may _ con- sist of several dozen low-flying me you present % your own ot smooth Richmello Ice Cream ..- and erchard-fresh home-grown fruit'. » + top» family's favourite syrup! It make a hit with young end old, thanks to low-cost Richmello Ice Cream from DOMINION. Stock the freezer this week and save! Bright little eyes will pop when CALIFORNIA--NO. 1--SWEET AND CRISP Wow YOUR Family with Whopping Home-made 1) Don't Forget FRESH FRUIT TOPPINGS SYRUPS ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLO 19+ |" ICE eedless Grapes B.C. APRICOTS "= 89° 4-QT. BSK. NEW CROP VALENCIA ORANGES Ya-GAL. 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