27--Real Estate vor Sale |27--Real Estete for Sele 27--Real Estate tor Sole 27----Real Estate for Sale 28--Real Estate Wonted 29----Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sole THE OSHAWA TIME®, Wednesday, August 8, 1962 17 Modernized room bunga-|TEN room duplex, income house, gpd od Soar-coors bunks. Tee Tet is Breekiin. Telephone $2,300 BUILDER'S CHANCE FULLY SERVICED LOTS 30-FT., AND UP, N.H.A. LOTS, PREPAID SERVICES, READY PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single ond double, EIGHT-ROOM brick income home, very close to downtown, two oathrooms, three garages; excellent rental area, Owner lea' country $11,500, full SPOT cash or formas. Se. med. baenee ome in the $6,000. to $13,000 Peg 1954 PONTIAC, good condition, say now, | Private, Telephone 728-7937 afier 5,30. Sales are tremendous. Call. Jol lahood Ltd, 1951 % sedan, radio, in Bol - good. offer, Apply 256 0, Realtor, 0, » Joseph 29----Automobiles for Sale Television, Dining Room, Lunches Packed 725-0078 T BUILDERS TERMS, EASILY WORTH $1,000 MORE, : Tee QUANTITY. CALL MR. BOLAHOOD AT 725-6544 OR 725-8333. JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LTD, REALTOR } j CARL B. OLSEN REALTOR MUST SELL Owner moved to London ond must sell their seven room, brick home on Hortop Street. This property is in excellent condition throughout, Inspect this one ond make an offer. For further details, call COLDSTREAM GARDENS GRANDVIEW.AND OLIVE $2,300. Fully Serviced Lots Permits Available for Immediate Building N.H.A, Approved. Call MR. FREEDMAN TORONTO, MElrose 5-1170 MANN & MARTEL REALTORS LTD. KOWAL REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 6 room bungalow en Highway No, 2 east of Oshawa, Beautiful condition throughout. Oil heoting, broadioom in living room and dining room, 2-cor gorage. Paved drive. $1500.00 down. bedroom bungslow in Bowmanville neor school, spacious divided basement; oil heating. Asking $13,500.00 Immediote possession > rooms; Terms available, brick bungolow in Parkway Crescent Brond new 3-bedroom 4 Terrific value at $12,715.00. Only subdivisign in Bowmanville $1,645 down Maple Grove, neor school. Very attract- oil heating. Oniv-$10,900,00. Terms 3 bedroom bungal ive home. Spacious lot Centrally located in 10 room brick 2 storey home with garage Act at once Only Bowmanville. Lorge lot. Recreation room $12,000. Terms orranged EVENINGS MA 3-3098 MA 3-5868 J. A. BARTON P. KOWAL HOWE & PETERS REALTOR -- 725-4701 67 KING STREET, EAST BROOKSIDE ACRES --- Beoutiful split level with mony extros including double garage, twindow windows, stone fireplace, built-in dishwosher, range, oven, refrigerator, lazy susan, spacious lot, good volue. See this one tonight. BOWMANVILLE ----- Immoculote 6 yeor old, 3 bedroom brick bungelow with ottached garage, nicely landscaped lot, 5% mortgage, excellent location. Asking $17,800.00, $13,500.00 -- NEW --- 3 bedroom brick bufigelow In eost end close to shopping, schools, churches and transportation, mahogany cupboords in hollywood type kitchen, storms and screens, easy terms. SOMMERVILLE AVENUE ~~ 3 bedroom brick, just a few years old in a select location with large londscaped lot, paved drive priced ot $13,300 with terms. COLLEGE AVENUE --- $1,000.00 DOWN --- 6 room brick, paved drive and garage. $75.00 per month, P.I. OSHAWA BOULEVARD -- $1500.00 down, 5 room brick, nearly riew furnace, large kitchen. Asking $10,800.00 ENNISKILEN -- $8,950 -- 6 room home, low taxes of $88.00 cluminum storms and screens, will consider trade 12 ACRES WITH FABULOUS TROUT STREAM --= 9 miles from Oshewa. $1500 DOWN. Please call: Earle Allen 725-7782, Joe Crawford MA 3-3672, Bob Johnson 728-2548, Rolande Tierney 725-5207, Ralph Stutt 725-7732 MEET: 'Miss Bella Vista THIS WEEK-END Toronto's Lovely Miss Sally Jones will be waiting to meet you at the Grand Opening of -- BELLA VISTA GARDENS FOR THIS OCCASION MOST HOMES REDUCED $500.00. DOWN PAYMENTS AS LITTLE AS $840.00. Open Saturday and Sunday All Day Bella Vista KING ST. E. JUST EAST OF HARMONY LLOYD METCALF -- EXCLUSIVE REALTOR | Wesley Elliott at 723-1133, MOHAWK STREET Three bedrom split level home with ottoched garage ond carport, 14 x 22' liv- ing room, large treed lot, 5%4% NHA mortgage. Lis- ted "a $16,300.00 with $5,000.00 down, Call Carl Olsen for further details at 723-1132 $8,500 FULL PRICE Seven room, two storey home in spotless condition, o heated, garage, nice $1,000.00 down, $65. 00 monthly. Don't miss this one. For further informotion, call Jack Cornish st Olsens Real Estate, 723-1133 19 ATHOL STREET WEST Oshawa here DOWN. New, smart three bedroom brick bungalows, complete in avery Be- tail. Call now, John J. Bolahood Ltd. Realtors. condition. Best Athol Street East, 728-1300. 10 ZEPHYR sedan, spotless bi 'S83 CHEVROLET, two-door new paint, anne A-1 condition. Good tires, Tele- finish, motor in excellent condition, leather interior, 5 AIR conditioner, =e two-ton, used one season only. OUTBOARD motor, a Gas electric and controls, $350; also 3 horsepower heavy by A yor plant, $200. Tele- phone 723-3093. BUICK motor 5 to "57, Clothing , trunk, trun ola Fea a axle radio, en. SACRIFICE six-room bungalow, loaded with extras, owner ving Immediate $11,500. $1,506 down. 723-7818. $800, DOWN, lovely 4-year-old, 3-bed- room brick bungalow. condi-| fore her throughout. Owner go rade for country property. Mr. Mai rn 14, Joseph Bosco, i ey HARON By yeonivi lig Immaculate, bedroom NHA re-sale, owner trans- eat y Your chance to buy + less than cost, ae gr terms. consider | 1959 aera sedan, irtin,| dition throughout. 725-| $850, 1 Hn Nps ee V8 sedan, two-tone whitewalls and -~other extras. The elite of the British Ford, 6 25 ed cent, $745. Seaway Motors, ALD motor, sale, 12 HP, very good condition, like new, $210, 725-6875. $495. 'ieawis yay' Motors, Whitby. '6S Donde coach, two-tone bs Begin Migemagys pier daamgy Sy Bye ig Lgl cao Second family family 'car. after six, MO 86-2680, 1966 FORD Fairiane convertible, stand- ard transmission, custom radio, white- wall tires, one owner, Excellent condi tion. Apply 590 Wilson Road South. [ye e earuoow AVENUE, near Bhop- ping Centre, 8-room income home with room, Well + has many extras, asking $12,900, Koor- neef, 725-9870, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. itor, | 1954 BUICK Century, white, runs well, many new Fg sim Call Ajax WH 25074. '36 CHEVROLET convertible V8 auto- 'eon-| matic, power windows, seats, two-tone blue, radio, $1025. 728-8452. 1957 CHEVROLET twe door standard, roust sell, $850 or best off Alter 6. Telephone 728-2276. fer. | clock, gore agg ae multiplie mor until 9 p.m, for used appliances a ae. a tn west of r ances. Four m! Brooklin on No, 7 highway, Telephone 655-3440. CHEQUE writer, pop cooler, sate, desk, filing cabinet, chairs, meat sleet, ay if rock South, | 1058 BUICK sedan, automatic transmis- in good Tele- MOVIE camera, Keystone, 3 lens, sion, snow tires, in Phone 728-5564. power |P windows, power top, must eell, Tele- | phone after six, MO 8-2680. 1969 VAUXHALL Victor, blue and ivory, 1961 Teen eet | in exee! ood tres, #1. 'ine Arp four door, radio, back-up lights, motor his $650. MA 3-5018, case, projector, reen, light editor, exce)- lent pe oly; $150. 'elephone 728-3792. TENT Woods, 9 x 12' with floor, can- 1954 PONTIAC, custom radio, excellent phone} condition, spotiess inside and out, $350. After 6 telephone 728-1713. opy, Used once. 'elephone between 6 and 9 p.m. 723-1634 | BEFORE pentey or selling televisions, tors, stoves, THREE-BEDROOM sireet level bung low, 3 years old. Finished recreation room, patio, storms, screens, land- a-| '57 Bf ts agdelsios coach, be: or| Way Motors, utiful Light god finish, excellent Cevlinder wee ir good tires, guaranteed, $595, Whitby. '36 VAUXHALL Velox sedan, low original mileage, five excelient tires, | VAc refrigera! wash- ers, Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, nn perfect, $275. T 725-6985, jscapped front and back, | ber egg oreo Reasonable. side Street. $5,500 FULL Price, five-room Seaaae hardwood floors, three-piece bath, fore- ed air furnace, needs repairs and cleaning up. $500 down and $69 monthly including interest, principal and taxes, Call 725-6544. John A. J. Bolahood Lt, Realtors, - 1532 ake '06 FORD, automatic, radio, whitewalls, good clean condition, 725-8161 or eve- pings 7 728-6359, i660 CHEVROLET deluxe, four door, | automatic, 12,000 actual miles, Like/--" *? new. Must sell, Telephone 723-7970. is F FORD custom tudor, spotless two- tone black and white, with matching Ad interior, rebuilt six-cylinder en. fully guaranteed, $825. Seaway peti Whitby. 'ss CHEVROLET BelAir Vi saver. 'Se CHEVROLET, four-door, automatic, clean, Bg | fair, new battery, $800, ACREAGE -- 10 to 35 acres, with|; eedar bush, two miles from vesabipes ville, $300 per acre, MA 3-2363 38,900 -- City jimits "east. eg five- room frame bungalow, Situated on large scenic treed lot. A place you can enjoy modern living at reasonable cost. Large modern kitchen, spacious livingroom, two bright bedrooms, ity room. For terms and information, telephone Henry Stinson, 725-0243. Scho- field Aker Real Estate, 82,500 DOWN, clean and modern three bedroom brick bungalow, lovely recre: 723-1133 "PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM Gently rolling loam. 2 miles north of Brooklin, off High- way No. 12, 97 acres work- able. 1% storey house with new furnace Large dairy borns and out buildings with omple supply of water. Price includes 21 head of Holstein, feeds tractor, form simpie- ments, Craft cooler and Surge milker. Presently shipping up to 15,000 Ibs.. per month Can be bought os a going business for $38,000 full price with $20,000 down 100 ACRE STOCK FARM Productive sandy loam, 90 ocres workoble, 8 acres of good bush. 2 storey brick house, lorge barn and other out buildings, _ electrified. Ever running stream and good well. Just 10 miles north of Bowmanville on new county highway. Ideal for commut- $15,500 full price with $9000 down. For information on these ond other farm. properties call Jos. Lawrence at 728-9474 or 655-3583 evenings 5212 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa} | j | | | - GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 | $500 DOWN -- Full price $7,900. 5 large rooms and bathroom. Hot water ol! heat. 5 years old, Neat home with gorage and large lot : INVESTMENT SPECIAL -- $800 full price for this large corner lot on No 12 High- way North of Brooklin $21,000 IS THE FULL PRICE for this outstanding home on Grandview South. Seldom is a home of this colibre offer- ed for sale which has an in- come opartment, renting for $78. Entirely separate with two laundries. Double garage Scenic view | COMMERCIAL LOT -- One of the best business corner lots available in Oshowa on King St, W., overlooking the Shopping Centre ond on No. 2 Highway, while presently used gs a used car lot. A terrific location . for many other businesses, approx. size 76x 10 PARK LANE ----- We cre proud to offer for your in- spection this very beautiful semi split ranch, with double carport, paved drive, Large charming living room with open fireplace and twindow overlooking a super flond- scoped and hedged lot for complete privocy, The three bedrooms have built in furni- ture. Large attractive famil room, modern kitchen wi seperate dining area, oodles of cupboards. Give this home @ good look today. Owner leoving the city: For full porticulars call Guide Realty Ltd, 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT 50,000 SQUARE FEET LAND SPACE Commercial Zoned Land fronting on three streets with 120 Ft. on Simcoe Street. 20,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE 99 Simcoe Street South, 104 and 108 Celina Street includes 4,000 Ibs. capacity elevator system, and finished offices. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING STORAGE STORES FRONTING ON SIMCOE STREET 1 OFFICE SPACE . PARKING APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY For Long-Term tenants will undertake alterations or construction of new building to suit INQUIRIES PHONE OWNER 725-2802 tion room, Owner moving to Toront \Is willing to sacrifice, Telephone L. 'Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810, |#400 DOWN -- Four-bedroom home, |centrally located. Full Price $8,900, | Telephone 725-4606. \FOR SALE -- Tiiree-bedroom home| | beantifully eared for with nicely com- [pleted re garg room and all modern per cent mortgage, Telephone "Tis. ont \FiVE room rug brick "bungalow. an owner butlt home fn the |best condition, New oil furnace, attrage| jtive landscaping. Asking only $11 tg jterms. To inspect, call Phyliis Ju | 3240, Guide Realty Ltd., | _ | 723-1191 A FAMILY with younger dre | wants to buy those outgrown toys. Use an inexpensive Classified ad to get in touch with them fast, Dial today $695. FULL DOWN PAYMENT New bungolows, smort in every detail, aluminum storms and screens, storm doors, , sedded, mahogany kitchens, sparkling 4-piece ceramic tiled bath. Coll 725-6544, Will consider trading boat ond motor, os down payment or whot have you JOHN A BOLAHOOD LTD. Realtor " PRIVATE SALE | FOUR BEDROOM Attoched garage. Located on Grandview. Owner willing to sell for $2500 DOWN CALL BILL MILLAR @ 725-1186 or 725-2557 | | | | | | | = | H j Five Room Bungalow on Lot 50 x 175' with Goroge and privote driveway. Apply After 6 p.m |_.130 PARK RD. NORTH __ JOHN | BOLAHOOD Reoltors LTD. © fs Simcoe St, South 9 am. to 9 p.m, MORTGAGES--ARRANGED, BOUGHT and SOLD. : Large.5 room storey and half, all conveniences, garage, clase to schools, shopping ond transportation. Only $8,- 900. Full price $900 down, call Mr. Gower today 725- 6544 Insurance Let's trade, well designed 5- room bungalow, large 'lot, good area. Owner wonts smaller home. Must be seen. No reasonable offer refused. Loaded with extras. Call Mr. Gower at 725-6544. LLOYD. REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER GLENFOREST STREET 6% RESALE -- $14,700 5 room brick bungalow with carport, decorated, _land- scaped, back yard fenced, carries for $102.00 includ- ing taxes. Call Ed Drumm ct 728-5123. SAFE FOR CHILDREN 248 feet, fully landscaped and treed lot, consists of six large modern rooms, heated with hot water, nicely decor- oted, complete with storms ond screens, gorage, etc., carries for $75.00 monthly. Hurry call Bill Horner at 728. 5123. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa), Limited Reoltor, 728-5123 | i 10} Simcoe St. North Open Every Evening aS to be appreciated. Tel 723. bie . No Saturdays. 5027. i) vy VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, radio, white walls, car top carrier, exeellent condi- tion, One gay 4 Mileage 32,000 miles. Telephone 726-9968. 5 958 TEST EOLER: Delray, four door, imétellic gray, 6 cylinder, factory guar- anteed, radio. $1,100. Call Newcastle util | 3641 G0 MORRIS 650 excellent mechanically, needs tires, Asking $8775. Telephone 728-2540, \'4 QLDSMOBILE in good condition, adio, automatic. '50 Morris Minor, ecd running order, Telephone 7; '28-1095. $ MERCURY sedan, two-tone maroon --jand white, push-button automatic, re- |built motor, guaranteed, $095, Seaway fenccanbl Whitby. "58 "PONTIAC, four-door, excellent con- dition, good tires, Telephone 725-7636, [758 "BUICK Century hardtop, like new, $ perigee ible, automatic, black and white, hate ss roughout, aeey "Mel's OA parte, brushes, guaran: teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. 728-0591 anytime. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, n, Telephone * 728-4603, OI firnace, Atias, all attachments, $100 or best offer before the 10th of A August. Telephone 725-3264, one mile north of 401 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars! for wrecking. Highest prices paid,| 181. '|TyFEWniTERs, adders, gba jag ry terms, service, New and Hamilton' 5. 137 Brock South, MO 8- 412, |JOBSON spar motor lawn mower 2i" cut, oll and gas. good condition, Best offer, Telephone 723-4102, BOAT, | | Paceship, 15 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or ~y mileage, white walls, power steer- lings brakes, windows, radio. Has to be phone 725-| 6131, | ENVOY station wagon, four-door lexceilent condition, radio, clock, heat- jer. windshield washer, electric wipers, en} 3 CHRYSLER, Windsor, two - Dibardtop, beautiful tu-tone, lack white, sharp blue interior, radio, seat belts, power brakes and many other extras, This is a one-owner car. Don't mise this buy! $695. Seaway ~| Motors, Whitby. > door and | THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.~-728-0921 HERTZ Drive-Yourself CARS AND TRUCKS _|728-9493 or 728-964] Foote's Shell Stotion __97 King E., Oshawa __ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trode up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S 723-9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) __723-4494 _ Res 725-5574 Tilden CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes ond Medels CALL 725-6553 _14 Albert St. SAVE $$$$ 1953 FORD Station Wagon, good trans portation $95 1954 DODGE Sedan, two tone blue, good looking car. | $295 1953 METEOR ial light green, excellent oe ae 1955 DODGE Regent Coach, light good commuter $145 1956 FORD | Fairlane Tudor, Tutone blue, truly o sacrifice $295 1954 BUICK Sedan, spotless, light blue finish, 4 new tires. Excellent motor. $295 1955 FORD Coach, tutone black and white, motor in Al condition. Don't miss this buy. $245 Financing Can Be Arranged With | i | | | blue 1 30 MONTHS TO PAY SEAWAY 200 DUNDAS STREET. WEST, WHITBY YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER | automatic, | NO DOWN PAYMENT! |A most pleasant way to MOTORS LTD. Telephone 728-9403 down. Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 | ply ywood, hp Evinrude, call jafter 5 p.m {SAIL boat, 16 ft. 177 square feet, da- jeron sails, $200. 216 Adelaide East, 725-6762. 'CHL D'S sidwalk bieyéle, "erlb with mattress, deep freeze, dryer, all in ,Z00d condition. Telephone before seven, Brooklin 85 3859 | 726-5896,_ |3COT motor, "9, 25 hp, boat, trailer ----~-,complete or separate; box trailer with jeanvas top. Craftsman cutting and welding outfit a baby carriage. | Tele: phone 7m. 109, \COLEMAN ¢ Rarer Oi three burner, peed rollaway, fold-up single cot with mattress, $17; chest of five drawers, [sss heavy duty four-burner stove, $50. |nany carriage, Thistle, two-tone light Telephone 723-71 90. and dark blue, only one year old. Very good $40, she | * Weston ga owner, $1095. Telephone 723- |31--Automobile Repoirs Save At Western Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENCED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 | "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67. KING ST. WEST 723-7822 RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN Ports and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Deoler for Renault 59 KING Mis WEST 723-7712 32--Articles for Sale GAPTAIN set, Round fable and tour arm chairs, practically new. Telephone BOAT, with many extras, 10 bp motor, trailer, swimming pool, double air mat- cg Bro lady's wilt watch. Telephoi 8-4 Two a mowers; two televirions, RCA and Philco Telephone 725-2052, FOR SALE -- if fiberglass: water ski-| ing boat, with 40 hp, Westbend motor, electric starter, generator and trailer, two years old. Complete with controls and windshield, All equipment in top condition, For quick sale $1,000. Call 725-432) or 728-6495, BRAND new furniture balance of Ed, Wilson's stock is being cleared at sensational savings. Hostess chairs $8.98, arborite students desks $15.33, jspring-filled mattresses from $11.83, junpainted bookcases $1.99, nylon frieze {platform rogkers $38, large full panel cribs $22.79, chrome kitchen chairs $3.50, genuine Sandran floor coverings $1.39 per square yard. Wilson Furni- ture + 20 Chureh Street JUST arrived another load of new re. re- lor "thet and used furniture, in time for the holidays, 9 refrigerators from |$29.95; duty 10 heavy ranges from, | $19.95; 6 washers from $14.95; 6 chests pee drawers from $7.95; one new Korting ereo tape recorder mode! MT138 regu- liasly $259.95 only $169.95; 5 ehrome suites from $9.95. Plus many more ar- ticles such ag bed chesterfields, space savers, -radio record player, GE dryer, televisions, continental beds, desks, bedroom suites and even more, Mid- jtown Furniture, 19 Prince Street, Osh- Jawa, across from bus. station. Tele- | phone 728-1131, : STOP BEFORE YOU BUY Aluminum doors er windows Get a lifetime guarantee. Doors $39.95 Windows $16, Free Installation __728-9257 or 7285-253 _ FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer and guaran teed trouble-free all winter, if. you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from West. ern O11 C "DIAL 725-1212 BOATS Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin --~ 655-3641 Oven Till 8 Evenings, Weekends _| | j Food For Four $14.95 Weekly FOOD FREEZER 80% Regular Groceries Included | | Shop and Save | | Food Counsellors will into your home ond sist You in planning your FOOD SUPPLY to suit Your Family's taste ond fit your Food Budget needs, Jur come | | Mor MO 68-5962, a eee single aiiiba "é, with stag |gtips and holsters, just reblued. Regis- {tration upon request, $100 complete, | Telephone 726-4452, MATERNITY clothes, size 10, newest jstyles, in excellent condition. Reason- able 'Telephone 728-6305. |BOAT, Nipissing, 14-0, cedar strip, steering, oars, cover, Otaco boat tratier, some $195, B: O56-4525, é buy, sell and ex eu ite or anything you have. The City 'Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671, STUDENTS, a sper value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size paper bd eid for only $1.00, Makes won- derful copy paper. Apply Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West. |TENTS, camping ~ supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, guns and peyeles, 'Best prices, Try Dominion Tire, 8 Bond Street West. OLD guns wanted, "Fifles, , ¢hotguns, re- volvers and pistols: also Lag cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, HIGHEST PRICES paid oy good uad furniture. Pretty's Furniture Store, Ww penind 444 Simcoe South only. | \AWNINGS, canvas' Prompt servien, jfree estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bal Tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, /25-45: AQUARIUM 20 gallon tank fully eaulp- ped, with variety of tropical fish, $65, |Call at 21 Cedar Street, Ajax. ne | FURNACES ~ (oil) complete $259, less | ML. burner, $149, 4 per cent finance. Free | delive: ery Installation arranged, » 725- 4729. | DINETTE | suite, maple with We jdresser, $90, Telephone 725- $139. REFRIGERATOR, Electrolux make, Lary size, good working conditions, 55 ash, Apply 124 Jones Avenue. 45 MP Mercury outboard motor. elec- tric start and generator. Complete with jeontrols and extra Michigan prop, $875 lor best offer. Telephone 728-2896. BOAT, 14 foot fiber glass, 43,7 motor, electric start, trailer, convertible to complete outfit. Telephone Bowmanville MA 3-2737, |34--Lost & Found FISHING EQUIPMENT los oa No. 9 Highway between Thickson's Point and Oshawa, Tuesday, Phone 723-1700, |LIVED WITH ADDICTS "\for one who can handie most -| producer, everything in the the- Finder please tele- t VANCOUVER (CP) -- A six- month undercover job by a young RCMP constable who asa as a drug addict ended uesday in the first major cratkdown in Canada on the sale of goofballs. Thirty - four men and eight women were charged with traf- ficking in narcotics and goof- balls as a result of the work of Const. James Hunt, 24. Const. Hunt, who as a bearded, long-haired addict in the city's east end, bought goof- balls and narcotics, appeared in court clean shaven and in his RCMP uniform as the charges were read, Twenty suspects were ar- rested. A hunt was on for 12 more. Ten of those charged al- ready were serving prison terms for other offences. Most of the charges involve trafficking in goofballs--barbi- turates and sedatives usually mixed with alcohol by addicts who can't get narcotics. The sale of goofbails was brought under the control of the federal Food and Drug Act last September. _ With unkept hair, a goatee Major Crackdown "Qn Goofball Sale and rumpled clothes, Hunt lived with addicts here for ape narcotics goofbalis from re ped- diers every chance he got. The underworld knew some- thing was going on, sald city drug squad detectives, but Const. Hunt's identity was never revealed, His undercover work began as the use of among addicts here because of a shortage of heroin, forced prices up to $22 a@ cap sule, more thas tour times nor- mal underworld price. The shortage followed the ar- rest of 31 men and women here last January, brea up what police described as largest narcotics peer pie Po operate in western Canada. A week ago, two Vancouver Sun reporters sayd they could: buy goofballs almost as easily as candy or cigarettes while mingling with a few of the city's addicts. The price of a goofball ranged from 35 cents each to $5 a dozen. Coroner Glen McDonald said 18 deaths had been attributed to overdoses of barbiturates during the first six months of this year. By ALAN HARVEY LONDON (CP)--When Peter Ustinov was born, he was such a bouncing big baby his parents weren't sure which way was up. Today there are no doubts. Four intervening decades show that the only way he knows is up--and up again. At a mellowed, easy-going, 41, as outsized as ever, the erst- 4 furni.| While boy wonder of the British theatre swivels from one con- quest to another without hardly taking a deep breath. Currently he is: Finishing The False Hands, his second novel; Directing Billy Budd, an am. bitious film; Playing the lead role in his own play, Photo Finish. All these are concurrent. Somehow recently he found time to direct three operas at the Covent Garden opera house -- Ravel's L'Heure Espagnole, Schoenberg's Erwartung and Puccini's Gianni Schicehi. The blend of French, German and Italian was no strain at all European languages, including Russian. MANY TALENTS He is author, actor, director, atre except usherette; linguist, bon viveur, gifted story-teller; political analyst, Common Mar- ket advocate, commentator on tennis at Wimbledon--he loves the game--and collector of old masters. His father is Byelorussian, his mother Franco-Russian, his grandfather built Warsaw Cath- edral and a grandmother, he Says cryptically, came from Ethiopia. He has links with Canada hrough his actress wife Suz- anne Cloutier of Ottawa, who 35--Legol NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ond others havin cloims against the Estate o FRANK McNALLY, late of the City of Oshawa, ore re- quired to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Administrators on or before the 10th day of September,' 1962, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed hoving regord only to claims that have been re- ceived ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 7 King St, East Oshawa, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED canoe Jamaica Opens Ist Parliament KINGSTON (Reuters) -- Princess Margaret presided Tuesday at the state opening: of Jamaica's first Parliament as an independent country follow- ing 307 years of British rule, The solemn ceremony was a simplified version of the state opening of British parliaments. The princess, in a white full- Peter Ustinov Regarded As Cornucopia Of Talent appeared in the British film Doctor in the House and with the late Gerard Philipe in tfe French film Juliette, ou la Clef des Songes. Suzanne's beg Edmond, is former Queen's Printer of Can- ada, During the fuss four years ago over Cloutier's responsibil- ity for the new government printing building at Trail, Que., Ustinov took to reading the Ca- nadian Hansard from cover to cover. wy | Bot pretty mad, I remem- ber," says Ustinov, who con- firms his internationalism in typically tongue-in-cheek fashion by noting he was born in Lon- don's Swiss Cottage district, which has nothing to do with Switzerland. FINE RACONTEUR At a Commonwealth, lunck eon, he gave reporters a glimpse of his linguistic virtu- osity, switching into French and German as he recounted anec- dotes which The Evening Stand- ard described as "dazzling." Ustinov -- say it o0-steen-ov with the stress on the second syliable--knows the newspaper world, His father was a Reuters News Agency correspondent in Berlin and his earliest memor- jes include the noises Ustinov senior made as he excitedly telephoned stories to London, Introduced at the luncheon as the prototype of the new Euro- pean, as "'this bearded Common Market of a man, this towering accumulation of talents, this one-man national theatre, this cornucopia," Ustinov said blandly: "Hard to come on after that introduction. After all, most of it is true." In his speech he recalled war- time months stationed on the English coast at the nearest point to the continent. With him was a Polish tailor who spoke only German, "I 'often wonder what Hitler would have thought had he known that the two British soldiers closest to Germany could communicate Another story concerned a » witted English aristoeret listening to a French-Canadian senator explain Quebec separa- tism, and concluding: 'H-m-m --rather like our Mau Mau in Kenya, what?" But you have to ae Ustinoy tell th, eo complete with accents. monds, walked between the members of the Senate and House of Representatives hand- in-hand with her husband, the Earl of Snowdon. In a 'small, clear yoice, she read the four-page speech from the throne which had been handed to her by Prime Minis. ter Sir Alexander Bustamante. The speech reviewed in gen- eral terms Jamaica's new role as an independent member of COLUMNS i the Commonwealth and ithe "comprehensive develop- 'ment plan" being prepared in London for Jamaica, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK HAVE eae FROM THE SEAS RS, ALONG WITH HUNDREDS RECORDED: Per Bie of pancane SHAPED HAS PERCHED ON 4OP OF A CAP ARE STILL Rein 200 nsconseD S00 By R 1 SCOTT |f, SEA AIR > length gown studded with dia-|' Union Claims INCo. Could Match U.S. Pay TORONTO (CP)--The United Steelworkers of America (CLC) claimed in a brief to a e-ncilia tion board that the International Nickel Company of Canada Limited can afford to maich United States wages, The brief Tuesday said Inco now has a higher margin of profit than most base metal companine in the U.S, and would still have a higher mar- gin if it matched wages paid to workers in the U,8, industry. The union told the board, chaired by Judge Walter R, Lit- tle, that Inco should match the standard - $2,80-an-hour wage in large iron ore and steel plants in the U.S, Inco now pays an average $2.33. Representing 1,850 workers at Inco's Port Colborne, Ont., plant, the Steelworkers asked for a co-operative wage study program comparable to provi- sions for 50,000 Canadian work- ers covered by Steelworkers' contracts, Harry J. Weisglass, research director of the Canadian Sieel- workers, said no specific wage demands were placed before the conciliation board although the brief pointed out that Inco wages have been substandard since 1951. UPRIGHT Posrfied STEAD oF WORM BY WOMEN IN 4HE MOUNTAIN, MPIC OF CORSAW $1,000,000,000 BOVALLYs ite pe " "However," he added, "within a reasonable length of time we will expect Inco wage rates to reach Us 8. standard."