16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 8, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Clessified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M, to 5 P.M. Mend Fi BUSIN ESS SERV E DIRE &8--Resorts 13--Business Opportunities 16--Femole Help Wanted 24--Houses for Rent \25---Apts, & Flats tor Rent CTORY CLASSIFIED AD RATES UTIVE + ee 5 words of less Cash Charge Cartage Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs JOHN'S MOVING AND | STORAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rate s. Fully equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661. PRIVATE and corporation monies to lend on all types of mortgages; Mort- gages and agreements of sale pur- chased. 'Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and |-- Murdoch, (See heading "'Barristers.') | 6 CONSECUTIVE _ Insertions 3 Consecutive Insertions 3.75 4.13 2.25 2.48 if mot paid within 7 days the Charge rote will oppiy Above rates opply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot 9 later date constitute a new original order. fessional and Business fistings $780 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additiong! line $1.60 per month. abbreviation h word wtial Foe J, Box figure counts as a word o 15¢ additiono! charge Ait Classified Acvertisments must be in by 5 p.m, the doy ore publication except Births, In Memoriom, Cords of : Thonks which will be accepted until 9 om Deadline for Lost and Found and Cancellations and o.m Office Hours Dai Saturday 8-12 REGULATIONS Bre The Oshowa nes Sie insibie for errors adve - foenit itted otherwise than in the price sert of charge for a insertion f the i ivertisement which erro: occurs. And also reserve the right to classify Ledger sed according to its own classificatio single In the case of display advertise ments, The Times will nof be i eid rsponsible for more spate than thot in which the actucl error occupies. The publishers endeavour ce all advertising matter but assume no liability a tisment, if any inaccurocies in any form are contained therein. Appraiser s : | PATRICK G. MeDANIEL, AACL, Real Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby./ Phone MO 86-2311, Accountants L NARD | JAMES BROOKS, Certified| pubue Accountant, Suite 205W,. Osh awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953 WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered) Accountants, 114 King Street East, -- a; Ronal F. D . Wilson, CA Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554 Gg BOB CLANCEY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res.,) 723-7605. MONTEITS, fa, MONTEITH, RIEBL, oo., Chartered Accountants, 725 527, | 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby, MO 6- 4131 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371, 8. TF. HOPKINS | and Company, Certi- fied Public 172 King Caterers bean and second mortgages. Sale d sold, Hen- WEDDING - CAKES DECORATED Fancy Home-Baked Cookies, Miniature Tarts, Fancy Sandwiches, Baked by order. TELEPHONE 725-4570 a nick and Hennick, Batristers, 31 King TV, RADIO, car, radio, repairs, all makes, Thompson Electronics, 157 El- hott A nue, f 723-9792 (F: red). TV RENTS ALS, by the days week | or month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe North, 723-304 SAMSON Street East, 723-7232. |Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nuraing Home, RN in| (No. | Whitby and Sawa: "Call 725-2330, | { } Optometrists: C, H. TUCK, RO, 'Optome ease pay "accounts at psig Dominion} Bank or 74 Burk Street. Baa en-| Fuel ond Wood etry, the of eyes, contact FREE! Furnace cleaned every year, "Round the Clock' 24-hr, Jnified WESTERN OIL CO 725-1212 Gardening and Supplies WHY WEEDS in teed lawn spraying Sto! MO 8-5286, 'LOAM, GRAVEL | WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL Tractor and loader work Lots levelled. Reasonable rates 725-2156 ran he lawn wn? Guai Telephone LOAM --- FILL GRAVEL ~ STONE | 723-3528 CALL HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING For SODDING -- SEEDING Top dressing fof your poor lawn, potios, walks. 10, 000 cedors for hedge plonting, Guaranteed 723-9020 Street East, 5 cy Ontario. 725-3509, | Barristers % T. SALMERS, BA, tor, etc., 13% Simeoe Btreet fice 1101 Residence 725-5542. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Golici| tor, 34% Simeoe South. 725-9592. Resi- dence 723- -- eee SRUCE V. MACKAY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage funds available, 3642 King Street East, 72-1107. Res. 965-7163. | LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli-| Alger Bidg., 37 King) oll North, | only. (Instruction PRIVATE teacher, 16 years' experience, Act now. 725-1054. "student counsellor, By interview) LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Lote Models, Standards, Automatics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA and. WHITBY CALL 728-0091 723-4943. Mortgage mon- ies available. GREER rnd KELLY, Barrister, Solici- tor, etc, 114 King Street East Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J, M. Greer, S¢., 725-3363, ference V BA, Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832, McGIBBON and BASTFDO, Barristers, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 2 Simcoe Street North. 725-3566; Charles C. MeGibbon, Qc; Edgar stedo, QC 70! PH P, MANGA QC,,, Barrister, | Solicitor, Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232 | | |Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN and RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS 723-3224 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street E a st Telephones: Business: 723-2201; Resi- dence 728-5373 MANNING F. SWARTZ | 0 LD . SWARTZ, Barrister "Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 264 King Street East, 723-4697. Resi- dence, dial 723-4029. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 5244 Simcoe North. 728-2891, Res, 728-2765. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H GREEB, Associate Barristers and Soli eitors, 180 King Street East, 728-6246, Mortgage loans available JAMES A. DONALD, BA, LLB, perry and Solicitor and Notary Pub- The Commercia) Building, 266 King Wank, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- MAN, barristers, Solicitors, 3644 King 7 , Oshawa, RB, D. Hum- phreys, QC; G, S. Boychyn, BA, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB, Office 725-1177, 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby, posi 8-2761, 725-5203. NHA and other e funds a able | EIGHTO: FRASER, DRYNAN and) MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries Public, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Osh- awa, Ontario. 723-3446, Residences: T, K, Creighton, QC; G. M. Drynan, QC, 724-8554; G, L. Murdoch, 723-4768 Mortgages agreements of sale! bought, sold and arranged Bookbinders MASTER BOOKBINDEN, We speciai- ize tm repairing valuable books, also) ge stamping, G. Sehmid, 1005 Waiton ivd., Whitby. MO 8-5143 .. Building Trades PRSTNE lartie wall tile, woodwork- Money to Loan MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. : Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased, M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgage ot reasonoble rates, 26% King St. Est Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act, on Is Your 2ND OR 3RO Mortgage COMING DUE ? Before Renewing See Us ABOUT A Low: Cost lenses, 136 Simcoe North Colborne, Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. and Decorating MA T Es, painting. ex- 74 [FRE jterlor house 6079 DODD & SOUTER -- PAINTING AND DECORATING INNTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 Boe gy 57,3, WHITBY DAYS MO, 8-523 NIGHTS 725- 7426 | Personal Service | MODERN GRILL | Bar-B.Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies ond Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 TRANSLATION SERVICE German, French, English Translations, general cor Legal, Commercial, Tech- nical. WRITE BOX 526 OSHAWA TIMES, _or_call 728. }-8523 BELTONE interior and Telephone | a | | | i | 42 Simcoe N. Oshawe 728-0004 | Batteries, repairs and service | # to all types of ids i Audiometri¢ e@xaminoti the home or office No charge or obligation, ' | | * in | 725-5363 HEARING CENTRE|---- TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Buy Now FOR BEST PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED OSHAWA TY SUPPLY LIMITED 361 Gibbons 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT WOODED 'LAKEFONT LOTS AND COTTAGES On beoutiful Gunter Lake, government approved sub- division. Sandy beaches, ex- cellent swimming and fishing. Parking area and picnic facil- ities provided. Roads and hydro installed. 10 model sotteges now available 10% DOWN Easy Monthly Payments Prive north from Madec on hwy. No. 62 and turn right one mile past Jordan Lake at Dept of Lands and Forests Office. Follow 'signs to the best in Summer living. Soles personnel on prope'ty every week-end or contact Miss ANNE COLLINS, 344 Bloor St. + Toronto, Ont» or phone 925-2495, DRIVE-IN Root Beer stand, a going concern with all chattels and SHORT Ap- ply four room bungalow on Gra- 725-0349, burn avenue, included, 'Located on No, 12 north by Whitby. Owners must Fase | 4 a Cc a Hotel, FULL TIME waitress, shift work, on ip person is Guide Realty Limited 723-1121. SERVICE STATION Paved frontage. 70,000 gallonage, beside supermar- ket, snack bar, On No. 2+ highway. All utilities paid $135, monthly PHONE BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3921 hts. Apply Envoy hicttertat, 522 Ritson Roa South. GIRL, 16 or over, domestie, Mve in, Aprly in person. No: tele calls, 'Little Buckaroo Ranch, end of Ross- land Road East, North, 86, f unfur- wished apartment, $70 month. 723.2118 or 725-4462. pope ad modern, th: south end, monthly. Telephone 725-2911. THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow with garage and paved drivew: House two P old, Available "hin hog of September, Telephone 723- $10. THREE room apartment, 'ate entrance, all conveniences, bing: of * ac and King. "Teleohone jays 728 THREE-ROOM apartment, prose ed, close to Genera! Motors, owo mine utes to bus stop, separate entrance, EXPERIENCED housekeeper for adult family, live in, Private room and bath- Apuly 328 Malaga Road. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent room, Excellent pay. Liberal time olf, Evenings free. 723-4029. NEED. extra money? $50.00, and more, can edsily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbors. Our excit- ing, 88-page color catalogue makes it easy.to get plenty of or » No ex- cS necessary, Send no money, of Christmas cards a) free cata- logue. Femi Card Co., Dept. 15, 47 East A' » Hamilton. " CLUBS, ete, Sell Canada's as cards, Bask 300 items veryday and bt! el Wanted desires jed. TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT! REPLACE NOW d price While weather on re ot their best TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST _CALL 728-6781 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV - HI-FI ON VACATION Well Drilling -- Digging BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Deepenings, Com. clearing and jo wiring, Langille, Honey's B rus RENT -- Ri 'ped three-bedroom cottage east of Bewdley. Apply phone Cold Spring 23R4 |BOBCAY 4-bedroo lakefront | McInerney, Minden, Cleanouts, pressor work fencing 725-0665. W. WARD WELL DIGGING by HINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO O 8-2563--MO 8- 3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Hait-| dressing. 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone Plumbing and Heating -- ALL types of repairs and remodelli: new and used materials. Reasona rates. Estimates free. Dial 724 J y. | J. Foley ALL PLU MBING and heating suppl "on | Phobe 725-3521. Harold H. Sta eRe plu: mbing, heating and engineer. | ing. 255 Simcoe Street South REPAIRS and remodelling of all 'types, | | new and used materi Reasonable} rates, free estimates. 334, Me- Grath Plumbing and Hosting. ALL WELL . But if you insist on the best. . . call \GUSCOTT PLUMBING)z and HEATING LIMITED 207 Simcoe St. $, -- 725-5132 Rug Upholstery Service |CHESTERFIELDS rebul recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran: |teed Mattresses rebuilt. Os! U jond 725-03 i old' chairs [* | | CHESTERFIELDS 142 Free estimates, ERFI re-uphoistered an d| e-styled. Free estimates. See our. ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Uphoister- ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor. Geninercial blue. | 6451, |2--Personal YOUNG LADY requires ride to Toron- to, Yonge Street at Ring: "arvving 84 a.m, Telephone MO 8-357: [IF "YOU HAVE a rite. to Box 333, Nc) 8-3034 or 72 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Aug. 21st and 22nd. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] "3--Pets & Livestock CHIHUAHUA puppies, tong coats ware and females, $50. Telephone 726- | purvis "for pale, German "Shepherd | crossed with Collie, Telephone 728-0343| any time after 5 p.m. | POODLE, registered, trom champion! stock, lovely white miniature, expecting | litter, $125 or make offer, Brookiia| | | tating ~ problem Whitby, or call DOS lakefront | stove, refrigerator, season |SORTH 1 ete. A. Wright, IW H 2-2925, -| COTTAGE _ }den Lake, Haliburton Highlands. Good- sized lot, excellent sand beach, paved highway Terms arranged. } Telephone Lind STURGEON LAK dise, theated, boat $40 weekly, or write 53 Howard Avenue, Lindsey, |DAKE sou GOG, Perry. 0 9--Summer Properties for Sole or Rent all convenien + available from 18th s zust until end of September, Te' MO 8.3488. SCUGOC cottage, ces, Lal New three-bedroo: hydro, furnish: available balance 723-4258. two-bed Telephone Bay area, "beac zt 108 Exeter Road, Aja New, -bedroom, $4,200 cash 4660, two-bedroom cottage, clean, Available from Aug Telephone Lindsay 314 miles north Pe Attractive 3-bedroom <oita: sale. Inside conveniences, he a+ good boating, swimming. § ach © Lake, fully equ four mil Vacant August Westington, Beaudley B, Te ke |* f in ed, ot friends. No canvassing Fisherman's pare-! mt ge ¥ ee ip- es! 11 on,} le} PIONEER VILLAGE BUCKHORN LAKE For Rent with hydro, trailer parks, swimming. For groceries 728-2301 "LAKE SCUGOG ~ We have cottages on Scugog. Price range $3,- 950 to $9,200 Cottages camping, fishing, venience, bar. boats Good n- snack FOUND REALTY LTD LINDSAY, ONTARIO Te ephor 73° nd . Experienc- Telephone 728-0197, RELIABLE lady would like domestic |work or housekeeping, full or part- jtime., Telephone after 6 p.m. 728-1 BABY SITTING, preferably in my "pri- vate -home; play; practical jnurse with references. Telephone 728- 13, |16----Femele _Help Wanted i WEEKLY for North American Fashion Frocks to investment, ex- orth American) » 3425 Industrial | fontreal 39. pashion. Frocks, Ui vd.» Dep. B-246h, OSHAWA CEREBRAL PALSY SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES TEACHERS with first class certificate for the opening of school in September. One teacher for mornings only. Salary based on qualifiactions, Apply to iH. M, Sparkes, gs Mad Cerebral Palsy Schoo 387 Simece i South, _Oshawa, Ontario _ "AVON REQUIRES SALES PERSONNEL Lodies! Hove you spare time' on your hands? AVON offers the opportunity to make your spare time profitable. Why not become a- representative of a leading Cosmetic Com- pony? Write AVON: for toils oF da. P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS WEEKEND New roads, 28 Hic field. Choice of treed or cope feet 'Cl ean 9 $3,550 with ct MeN 6 miles n cottages ighto ed hly. ns n Other terms may be 'dc: Riviera: Easy access by good rth of Peterborough, short distance oft Our signs are on 28 Highway just south of Loke. lots reline 80" frontage (1500 square and gradual. Full price $450. Balance on 'one open ceptable, t, Talk to the happy owners. For private appoint- information call Toronto 364-5500 and ask write B or Peterborough wes ond Cocks Limited, Realtors 655-3637. MINIATURE "Pinscher aad Fama ennick, baby budgies, re or re talking strain, Apply Mrs. 114 Elgin Street East 4--Market Basket \COME AND PICK large Willamette raspberries, Chomko's Farm, on Mon- days, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. | ie, pe No children, please. MO} BEAUTIFUL training, | Broad, 11--Articles tor Rent COFFEE URNS 5 cup sizes LERY GLASS- ES, ROASTING PANS, TAPE RECORDERS, PUNCH BOWLS SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 [3 | | |Phene 7: print, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 i, FLIM AND Ue hee, Iatario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue! East, Phone 725-6881 j ~|TV--Radio Repairs T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 _ TY Picture Dim ? REPLACE 5-----Farmers Column 7 200 BPD WYANDOTTE pullets, statt-| ing to lay, Téephone 655-3 i GOAT" MILK especially good tor for babies, 75c. quart delivered in eity| fonts Telephone 725-5084, FEED OATS -- good, clean, 1961 cr crop, Garnet Ricard Farm, RK 4, Highway! 2, Bowmanville, MA 3.7150, SASH on the "spot, Highest prices paid) ltor dead and crippled farm sto iTelephone collect. tlampton, $-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Licence 149, | 7--Trailers CABIN trailer, partly furnished wleepa| 2 LEY 961 Simeoe north. Telephone 7 TRAILER RENTAL COifax tyrone 12--Articles Wanted WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Scrap Iron and Metals (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wonts cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, ete,, bought Open Saturday all day, Phone YOUR PICTURE TUBE 2-WHEEL BOX TYPE Hitch Supplied Rates by Hour - Day - Week 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E, | 13--Business Opportunities o, 6--Fema le Help Wanted WAITRESSES and short order cook re- j aul ved immediately, Apply in the morn- ing to Carmichael's tae Inn on No, 2 Highway West of RELIABLE woman wanted to do light housework and care for children while | mother ariel Pde till 4.30 weekly, Tele- HAIRDRESSER Experienced for THE MAYFAIR SALON STENOGRAPHER- FOR LAW OFFICE Full time or part time Sood wages. Apply M. F. Swartz and R. L. Swartz 26% King St. 723-4697 East RECEPTIONIST wearing lovely) Personal ecards. Wie Toys and Nov- elties. Prompt serv For colored cat- alogue and samples on approval, Jean- dron Greeting Card Co. 1238 King |Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. 17--Male Help Wanted jf Has Times, LICENSED mechani |general repair: o needed, for . Ca Write today for samples, on approval, iM range, ietrerair Mr, drapes, , | kitchen vg ete., from Daly. apartment, centrally located, electrically equipped, stove and refrij tor, $65. Apply 295 Sim- th. modern five-room apartment, near Bhoppiag Centre. Available September' . After 6 7. UE room, un furnished apartment, private bath, heat, lights, water included, adults)' pda parking, $65. Telephone 725- a7. "and 13695 'ger' m (Adults KING STREET BAST, 13093 wo apartments, $40 725-1709 evenings, |ATHOL Street East, 114 large furnish: 50 |¢4 housekeeping © seca single person, $10 'eek, 723-758" FIVE-ROOM apatiment, Reavonabi rent. Apply 197 Church Street, eve- nings after 6 Pm, nadian 'Tir {South Osh: EXPERIENC Sorp., is Simeoe Street | Restaurant, Oshawa Shopping Centre. |SIX delivery men, $1.50 per hour, car essential, for Oshawa area. Ful Brush Company, Toronto, |WAInut 4-8347. | |312,000 for right man over 30 in tie ;Oshawa area. Take short auto ae a jcontact customers, Write N, W. | Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. LIGHT DUTIES -- Three young m 17 to 21. Must be neat. Drive: licence helpful but not essential. For-. eign speaking boys accepted, See Mr. | Lonigan, National Employment Office, | 314 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, 11 a.m,, Friday only | EXPERIENCED TIRE SERVICE. MAN Required immediately Young man 24 35 years to repair flats and work on tire service. Salary plus com- mission. All employee bene- fits. Apply B. F. GOODRICH STORE 88 King St. W. Oshawa 18--Male or Female Help Wanted PART-1IME desk | Apply stating full | 60 Ish 'mes. ra pickers wanted, 7c. per pint, wilt supply transportation jfrom oorner of Bloor and Ritson Road, |8.30 a.m, or telephone MA 3-2668 after 7 p.m i | | | | Fequired, particulare to Box clerk MEN OR WOMEN TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply: | MERCURY TAXI _725-477) 12 EXPERIENCED TOBACCO TYERS) Also 1 girl or woman for housework. Apply MR. PETER LAMERS R.R. NO. 1 CASTLETON, ONT. Telephone Grafton 6R2 | 20--Room and Board GENTLEMEN, good board, three meals daily, lunches packed, close to North GM and down town. Apply 19 Colborne Street | East, ROOM AND BOARD -- -- Gentleman, hice, clean quiet home, good meals, lunches packed, parking, close to Shop- ping Centre and South General Motors, 61 Park Road South. 22---Storage Space and Garages r {8-29 er A ne AVENUE -- Three = room|2"4 ! nay | Telephone 7 llow, Pres., Southwestern Pouce Co, 1 aR - |centrally | Dr jTHREE - ROOM furnished apartment, | |TWo- "ROOM furnished apartment, | also) KING AND PARK & jsingle room, private entrance, parking,| bedroom apartment, D second cook required, |'C@sonable, central, 9 Centre Baal fk ai fanee, ~~ Araions given you as bonus. Just show [fait time. Apply mornings to M211) las vets rooms ~ suey ce TT RACHVE asee entrance, Immediate pos- monthly er ed $i5 Telephone MO furnished basemen jand refrigerator, trict. Adults say, -3 oom Ter ant urpished located, Apply 68 MeMillan apartinent, stove; Good shopping dis- Vacant Anzum 9% ie Avenue, 238; Three room un- furnished apartment, heat lights. sup- piled. $60 month. Telephone 725-3608, |BEMCOE Sireet North, 498; One and two bedroom apartments; furnished or un- furnished, Apply Apartment 1, Bucking-| jham Manor, Telephone 728-3945, ELGIN Street East: Three room apart-| ment, separate trance, private bath, |close to schools. Immediate possession. | Telephone 723-1077, THREE-ROOM 1 apartment, private en- trance, centrally located, $50 monthly. Heat, lights, water included, Telephone 728-7988, private entrance, share bath, use of laundry facilities, suit two adults. Va- cant now. Telephone 728-5332. HAMPTON -- Main floor, fourroom japartment, private bath and entrance, 60, Also second floor five-room apart- se |ment, private bath and entrance, $55. |Both apartments oil heated. Available |{imuved lately. Telephone CO 3- +2453, "PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFERS THE LOWES RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedrcom apart- ments. Fridge, stove, paved parking, .T.V, outlet FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 Be Oshawoa's Finest PARK LANE APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony ----Poved Parking --Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe & Peters, Rea:tors 2 7a EET, 1i0 -- Main floor,|®' | YARVIS, 211 -- Large fu MALAGA toap -- Modern thee room a@.artment in apartment bulld- ing, Ceramic bath. Private balcony, sg Hest a September 1. Telephone IRavisE -- four-room apa ment, stove, elgoatee: private ig trance and bath. remest parking, $95. Telephone 723-273 ET two toom furnished apartment. Two plece bath, private en- trance. Telephone MO 8. 8.5488. NEW 3 cr 4 room apai riment, stove, refrigerator, private bath, furnished if desired. Adults. Rent from $70. Apply Vad ere an street. Three-room $60, Apply 303 Hillside Avenue. sane AI WHITBY -- Two large room apartment, . [ne lecorated, parking. MO 8-3804. BILL "AREA - level basement heavy wiring, am Sy laundry facilities, $50" monthly, 723-2754, rnished house- le | keeping room, $9 week. Two-room fur+ hished apartment, range, refrigeras tor, $9 week. 725-8384. Two- main floor, 'retrig- jeaneiy facilities, ATYRACTIVE newly two-bedroom all one- and apartinents, eres, walk-out balconies, range, refrig sebool and tiapolad pond by. 7 | TANsDo it i DRIVE -- Modern two- | redroom apartment, pefrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, aerial, parking. Avail- y | able. ptember 1. Telephone 725-2043, hehe A cn ble for one.or two furnished two-room basement apartment, close to the new re bepalaparen collegiate, separate en- trance, parking, television outlet. Tele phone 725-4154. 26--Rooms for Rent | GPLIN is, large housekeeping room, vxivate entrance, main floor, | Telephone 726-5253, FURNISHED room for rent, board op- tional, mira) location, parking. Tele- Phone 723-958! THIRD A me 65: One well 4 room with or without cooking accom- oe 87 weekly. Telephone 725-5784, Tier light housekeeping rooms, cen- Sth $16 weekly, adults only. Telephone FRENCH "STREET 818, two furnished housekeeping rooms, kitchen and bed- sore stove and refrigerator, Adulte on. McGREGOR STREET 46, one or twe or are rooms with cooking privi- leges, Private entrance. Available im- ediately, Prefer business or working person. OLEAN, Smead single room or jee to South Genera Motors, bus at door. Telephone 725-1 | MASSON erarer, 419 Single, fur- |nished room, close to: bus rad break- jfast if desired. Dial 725. bs get STREET EAST, = ~~ Furnish- ed room, hoveanoeriay Privileges, close ma Sonniown: Tel after 4 p.m, 4. | CONNAUGHT | AND ¢ GRE A STREET ares, furnished front room, for gentle man, abstainer, private home, $6. Ga- rage $2, Telephone 725.3989, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82. PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 3 (27--Real Estate for Sale LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME a little better a little cheaper © little different a little more convenient In a Subdivision Architecturally controlied | on Rolling terrain | with i Curved streets Prepaid services Then you will wont to see "DOWNSVIEW PARK by Holshawa + Contact LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E 728-4678 ____ |BTORE --. Downtown Oshawa, approx, imately 1,300 sq. ft, and a high base- ment. Write PO Box 455, Oshawa. OFFICE" AVAILABLE , newiy vmalits elevator service; bright, freshly paint- ed, tiled floor, Can be available in few days, Moderate rent, lease avail- able. Ask for T, Wilson, The Times Building, and King Mary WHITBY C LASSIFIED FOR RENT two-bedroom apartment, peivate $85 monthly, Avaliable Octo- ber 1, 725-8020, 640 DUNDAS Street East: One = nished housekeeping ron for Apply to Mr, Robingen al t Asiaeel Number One, 23--Wanted to Rent by August 15. Talentone '725-4141, room with kitchenette, near posite tale jable rent, lease if required, 728-6112, FwosED ROO apartments for rent, 06 and $19 per month. Call rf Realtor, Brock Building, W MO $-3338, evenings MO $-3263, FOR RENT; a room apartment, 948 monthly. Apply €6 Chureh street South, ickering. FURNISHED room, cooking if desired, all conveniences, Telephone MO 8-5176) Meera vale DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting &@ specialty, Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. $10 DUNDAS Street Bast: Apart for rent, children welcome. Large play- ground, low rent, Available now, Cali E. Robinson, Apartment No. 1. SELF eontained three room furnished apertment Ei rent, All conveniences. lO & 16, Streets, Oshawa, BUSINESS LADY requires two unfur- nished rooms, King and Ritson area, LADY requires furnished bed - altti Not more than $45 monthly. Write Box 428, Oshawa Times. {BUSINESS man with family would like jthree bedroom house in city, reason: THREE bedroom home or Duplex re- uired for 1 rite box 531, Oshawa Times. ET ie roe for Rent DREW STREET five room pome, Apply | THREr DESKS, chairs, files, safes, dictating machines, complete line of offi ed equip. Hamilton's 137 Brock South. MO 8-84 FOR RENT - $65 monthly, three and four-room apartments, residential area, Rear downtown and sehool, 'aundry, room apartment in eon: venient and pleasant location, * ove: washer, dryer, parking, Available now. 305 St, one cost West, SE parking and children's play, ind fae eilities, 300 High Street Whitby. MO | 6-2336. WHITE newsprint paper in eonventent = 100 ft. forle, tillanie for Pte chee A 'ard, banquets, ete, Availal al le 204 Chestnut *airect Wen Te Telephone |tion Department, Oshawa Times, Te MO 8-2563, per roll, SIX room house, tee, bedreoms, w heated and for obisn. 875, Henry "street, 'Telephone Mi MO DUFFERIN APTS. 1 BEDROOM SUITES $79.50 Available now, newly built, recessed, balconies, dining areas, TV outlet, Dryer, Park- ing, heated, fons, etc. M 20% OFF NOW TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST 728-6781 __Prive-in (ond sove) Service "30 Day Special' Deluxe All-Channel ANTENNA 40' Galvanized Structure Completely Installed ) BRR | 7_Year P.L, and P.D. insurance Free removel of old antenna. GEORGE'S TV TOWERS Oshawa license' CALL 723-9525 723-7521, 728-3334 631 Drew, Telephone 725-7009. (e. GIBB -- Brick amie for rent, $75 heavy idty wiring, Vaeant now. Telephone | 728-0754. EIGHT-ROOM ome, sullabi renting, central location. $L Tel 15205. |¥OR RENT--9 bedroomp, kitehe jing room, dining room, hot water heat. ed, Suitable for business couple. Call {Carl Olsen, Realtor at 723-1183. YOUR-BEDROOM split-level home with garage and fireplace. Priced to sell with only §2000 down or will rent with option to buy at $150 monthly to re- sensi party. Telephone rwis Cruikshanks 728-5123 Lloyd Realty, Osh- |awa Lid. 5 Wiitny --" Mi solid brick bungalow, larg After p.m. _Telephone |THREE-ROGM house, $50 monthiy, |Couple only. Apply 14 Whiting Avenue, | Oshawa, EIGHT-ROOM ~ house, Sresedrenm oll furnace. $75 monthly, A 106 Olive Avenue or telephone 7 HTX-ROOM house, close to eae my floor coverings, Free esti- werk uaranteed. Dial 728-0850, OZING and excavating, Free estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- tourt Drive, Whitby, MO 8.5612. your local chimney cleaner, Chim- Seve built and repaired, gas linings installed, ed vacuumed, Free estimates, 723- JAMES O'MALLE 5 am CONSTRUCTION. For additions, renovations, or new homes. "Insist on the best." Cail 723-7122 NOW'S THE Time 1 {@ sell that boat. Dial 723-3402 today to start your fast- action ad on its way to buyers. NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENTS DUG TRENCHING ___ 723-3898 ~ "AVAILABLE Loader with back hoe, Septic tonk dra work done Telephone MR, HAAKSMA 655-4746 | DOWNTOWN income property, Eetab- lished confectionery store and seven rooms for owner plus twe four-room apartments, four garages, workshop, reasonable. Write Box 532, Oshawa Times. COMMERCIAL dile, 2 "dorey building consisting of beautiful large modern store and apartment, low priced, easy terms, open for-offer, For appointment eall Art Weinberger 723-7244, also Eashenes, Sehotield-Aker Limited 723. Mortgage Loan Low Monthly Payments No Bonus No Extra Charges No Legal Fees SUPERIOR. DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- | Canadian Loan Company 17 SIMCOE ST. -N. OSHAWA 725-6541 WITH SALES ABILITY Typing essential. Must be attractive and neot. Perme- nent position. Contoct | MERCURY TAXI 725-477 | | RENT-A-TRAILER Hitches supplied. Moving boot and cobin troilers MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT .GIBB TREO A La |HOLIDAY SPECIALS! | Glendette Travel Trailers; Awnings, Reese Hitches, all trailer parts, COOK'S TRAILER SALES |LANSDOWNE TEXACO STATION | SIMCOE ST, NORTH 8--Resorts |LAREPRONT cottage wanted in Wit (Ham's Point ares. by adults for re maind Telephone 723-4453 gHROUGH THE aowER on on one of the terrific boats you find & back t STUDENTS A super value, aporom- mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby. Ut Dundas Street * » for « Holiday Equipment r Rent Telephone between 9:30 a.m, & 12 728-944] IMMEDIATE - EMPLOYMENT Young ladies, 18 to 26, ond hard-working to in compiling mailing list for Nationally known od- vertisers. Must be able to ak and Shopping Centre. lon' Au- leave immediately for paid {gust 15, 805 per month, Telephone 728- training in Toronto, See Mr, | #4. Nationol FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow with aoloubig three: finished rooms in basement, 14 Pwo bativvoms. One block fron p seheo), Asphalt drive, Storms, screens, | |Loeated on south end of Green had | | Whitby, Rent 8125 elephone Mr, Ray R. Jones at MO 8-4008, Canoes, cor top boots $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; boat, 5 h.p. motor and trail. er $35; boat, 18 h.p, motor, trailer $65; 5 h.p. motors $16; 7% hip, motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9' x 9 tourist tent $8: 9' x 12' tourlly tent $10; x 9, 9 x 12' woll tent 318, stoves, lanterns and coolers $2. We also sent cots, air mattresses, life jack- ets, etc. Lorge and small boat and box trailers. WILDE RENTAL i418 Dundas B. Whitby MO 8-3226 'OFFER VOUR ser r arly in |the business building marketplace juis Oshawa Times Classified Ads, Dial| '723-3492 now: and a friendly Ad Writer jwill help you STORAGE AND OFFICE Warehouse 4,000 ft, Office three rooms, All conveni- ences. Vicinity Wilson & King. Available immediately. APPLY: MACKIE'S VAN & STORAGE LTD. DAYS TELEPHONE 728-6279 No. | Stock Reduced QUICK SALE DISCONTINUED COLORS, PATTERNS, DESIGNS DON'T MISS A BUY! Floor Tile, Duratile and Arborite Wallboard, Plastic Wall Tile, Armstrong Ceiling Tile. CASH -- NO RETURNS ALL SALES FINAL SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LTD, - A 244 BROCK 3.--668-3524 10 §-5409. } | | nest, single, | Mortgages osslst MORTGAGE LOANS Available for loan on first end second mortgages ond resi- dential, industrial, city, sub- urban, country end summer cottages SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontatio--725-3568 and other n Lonigan oO Employ of season { South, Oshawa 2 p.m. Friday only ment mcoe to 7%, td the Classified Gecties,|