THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 8,1962 1§ | Notre Dame De Montreal TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel | Wuxk-TVY Channel 2--Buftalo WBEN-TV Channel spatiale) WKBW-TV Charve!l 7--Bultalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | *Y EITHER SHE'S IN A HURRY, OR SHE'S TRYING TO SHAKE US, HEY, STEP ON IT, SPEED! 'THAT OLD GAL'S DOING 80, CFTU-TV Channel $--Toronto = CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie| 9:00 A.M. 11-7----Romper Room | 5--Movie WEDNESDAY EVE.) 5:60 P.M. br Bad Theatre | ¢--Popeye 4--Five O'clock Show | 2--News 3--Captain Bob 9:15 A.M. 3:15 P.M. 2~The Debbie Drake 4--Dick Tracy's Show 9:30 AM Adventures 3:30 0.M. 4--People Are Funny 2--Susie 7--arly Show ae 6--The Living Se ' 4--CH 4 [heatre 10:00 A.M. 1l--Morning Movie 7--Jack Lalanne Show Jungle 3-2---Say When 2--Felix The Cat 4--Calendar -- Harry 6:00 P.M. Reasoner 10:30 A.M. 9--Domino 7--Day In Court $-2--Play Your 4--I Love Lucy 10:45 A.M. 3~Saivation Army 11:00 A.M. 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 5-2--Price Is Right 4--The Verdict Is. Yours 11:30 A.M. Tugboat Annie , 9--Free and Easy naa oh gual 7--Yours For A Song ee toy + 5-2--Concentration $--Real Merey® eianny | +The Brighter Day - , "g 12:00 NOON Tom Ewell li--Bugs Bunny and Friends 9-4--News: Sports 7--Jane Wyman Show 5-2--Your First Impression 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15. P.M, 9--Free and Easy 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 7---Window Shopping 5-2--Truth or Consequences 4--Search For To. morrow 3--Noonday Report 12:45-P.M . 4--Guiding Light 5--Theatre 3--Ramar of Thee a--The Lawman @--News 3--Three Stooges 2--Sea Hunt 6:15 ?.M. @--The People's Choice 6:30 P.M 1l1--Newt, 9-5-3-2--News, Sports 6:45 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 96--News, Sports $--Huntley Brinkley 7:00 P.M. Weather, 3--The Show 2--The Pioneers 7:15 P.M. 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M. 7--Howard K. Smith 6--Sea Hunt 4--The Alvin Show 5-2--Wagon = Train $--Bacneior father 3:00 P.M. 9--77 Sunset Strip 7--Miami Undercover 6-3--Dennis the Menace 4--Window On Main Street 8:30 P.M. U--Cheyenne 7--Top Cat 6-3--Parade $--The Rebel 4--Checkmate 2-The Rebe! 9:00 P.M, Weather: 9--Theatre 7--The Hawaiian Eye €-5-3-2--Krait Mystery Theatre 9:30 P.M {1--Zane Grey Theatre 4--The Dick Van Dyke 9--All Star Theatre Show 4--As The Worid lurns 10:00 P.M, 3--Movie U--Bob McLean 2:00 P.M. 7~--Naked City Cannonball 9--Theatre 5--Home Cooking 4--Password 2--Jan Murray Show 2:30 P.M. All Star Theatre | Seven Keys | §-2--Loretta Young Theatre 4--House Party 3:00 P.M. Pride of the Fam 7--Queen For A Day 6-3--Summerama 5-2--Dr. Malone 4--The Millionaire 3:30 P.M. l1--The Cap'n Andy Show 7~Who Do You Trust 5-2---Our Five Daughters To Tell The Truth 4:00 P.M. 9~--The Hideaway 7~American Bandstand 63--Tea Zone 4--Secret Storm 5-2--Make Room For Daddy 5--One O'clock Movie | 4---Meet the Millers | 3--Popeve and Pals 2--Mid-day Matinee 1:30 P.M 6-3--Sightline 5-2-- Piay Your Hunch 4--Steel Hour 10:30 P.M. 9-The Detectives 8-2--Brinkley's Journal 11:00 P.M. 11-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. T--Late Show €--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11--Blockbuster Movie @--Mahalia Jackson Sings #--Maverick 5-2--Tonight Show 2--Highway Patrol 4--Theatre THURSDAY 7:45 A.M. ¥--Popeye and His Pals 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo | 2--Dave Garroway | Show | THURSDA1 | 6-3--V 4:30 P.M, ii--Kit Carson ungle Jay Show ation Time 5--~Here's Hollywood Edge of Night 2--Three Stooges EVE. 5:00 P.M, j--Pramily fheatre 2--Huckieberis 6:00 P.M, 9--The Lawman §-- Metro News Huneb |", y-Brinkley PM 7:00 9~Leave It To Beaver 6--Seven-o-One Cat Flintstones 2--Shafnon 7:15 P.M. 1--News: Weather 7:30 P.M. ACROSS . Greek god of war . Genuine . Indian Div t signal 5:00 P medium 9--Big fed Z 2 1 . Mistake pe Reec 2, Actor ---- ge ni Lawford 3.A campaign - Part of "to be" . Man's nickname . Adjust 7. Japanese measure Confront . Large worm 18. 46, Harriet ae bh BS ek eck aa pcb as a) . Memorable ot CROSSWORD Tree covering DOWN - Patriotic hymn . Method of learning Piece out Indian measure Yesterday's Answer To blunder Ascend Likes Not dense Soaks flax One-spot 38. Embraces 40. Bend the head 41, Golfer ---- Snead 42. Biblical name container . Wealthy 2. 'The ---- Wise Man" card . Egyptian To irritate capital 21,"Gone With the Wind" ' 2 8 heroine ee . Relieves ; Theatre - Instruct 10:00 P.M, 29. Used as @ wall hanging 31, Fabulous bird 34, Pastry oe . Printer's 30 P.M. Gunn measure 36. Eskimo 37. At home 11:00 P.M. . Chinese 3-2--News: sagt 39. dynasty Once called 11:15 P.M. "Cathay" 41. Band- leader John 11:30 P.M Philip 11--Blockbuster Movie 9--P 43, White- plumed bird 6--Wire Service 4~'Theatre Celestial being 44, 45. Revolvers BUZ SAWYER. © King Feateres Syndicate, Ine, 1962. World righte reserved. Gets Repair By KEN KELLY MONTREAL (CP)--hSoulder- ing up between the concrete canyons of Montreal's financial district and the tubes of grain 'elevators of the city's harbor stands a parish church built on the scale of a cathedral. MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA JANE ARDEN | = Kae : 4 SIGN AN SUPPOSE YOLI'RE \AFFIDAVIT Zane TO WRITE COVERING UP ALLI TOLD YOU AND PUTITIN 77 AND ARE OLS T.4.1 GUESS IF WILLING TO TESTE Ss COURT? WHEN ARE YOU GONNA GET SMART? I JUST WANTED THE KID ROUGHED UIP ENOUGH TO Divtrfouted by King Features Sy niventa. WHO WON THE BALLOON ' aw Ate, au stil, - Cot % ih Get ee & 4 Whe ot ANN te ae wattle HAVE IT, G IF YOU DON'T WANT IT, MAY I RANDMA ? IF YOU SNAG ANOTHER,SAVE IT FOR ME.WILL YA,PLEASE? . MODELS. 230 KING ST. W. a WHY NOT e200 Take advantage of the high market value of used cars at the present time gnd make your deal now on a 1963 PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL or ACADIAN. We can allow you hundreds of dollars more for your car NOW than at any time after the introduction of the '63 models. ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED ON 1963 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PHONE 723-4634 Rp ORs" RIBS FINKNAGLE !! PUBLIC HAD BEEN LIVING IN ASUB: TERRANEAN ; HIDEOUT //-- THANK YOU SIRJFAS A CITY EMD: EE, ) COULD NOT CLAIM THE $100,000 REWARD! AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN -- IT'S MINE !! --s Soeie DONALD DUCK 2ER... MIND RLINNING L- THROUGH THAT BLY AGAIN ABOUT JF77 THE SECRET hs COMPARTMENT Seas wr 8&8 BR, DISNE > -- THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER ON INDIAN MESA A SURPRIGE AWAITS A "TOWN + + THE MEN FROM DUCK BEFORE SPO WE RE TTEO! WE MUST OUTWIT THAT 2m MASKED MAN AND THE INDIANS OH, T SBE You LOST A FRONT TOOTH, BETSY.. J FAIRY WILL TAKE IT WHEN I was YOUR AGE, SHE ONLY USED To LEAVE A DIME... PILLOW? THE GOOD AND LEAVE A QUARTER. +O YM HOLDING MY TOOTH AS A HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION. WHY DON'T SOU PAINT STUFF THE WAY IT REALLY LOOKS SOS 2 CAN TELL WHAT IT IS 2! BECWISE S AM AN ART AND ARTISTS Create! " Tease JULIET JONES PUM-MMMM....L FEEL LIKE ACONVALESCENT ON HER FIRST DAY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. THAT SMELL ESH AIR, ISN'T IT, Fee LAST TIME YOU KISSEC \AN2/ DON'T REMEMBER.| T ACTUALLY CAN'T] R HE'S NOT HOME AND SHE'S NOT H ae E TOGETT KY BOTTO TOM AND NLL ASK HIM WHEN II {|!1!! HE WAKES UP >"! LARRY BRANNON With a tradition of three cen- turies behind it, Notre Dame de Montreal, 'ike. a dowager hav- ing a double chin erased, is un- dergoing repairs which have uncovered a secret' of its con- struction. The huge edifice, which can faccommodate 10,000, is sup- ported by giant tree trunks hewn from forests familiar to Champlain and the early French | settlers. ' The grey stone exterior, with towers faintly reminiscent of the cathedral at Rheims, France, masks a glowing and ornate interior where wood and gold leaf, mural and stained glass have created an almost- Byzantine atmosphere. Notre Dame is the only gothic church of. importance in the world where wood, instead of stone or marble, has been used to decor- ate the interior, Until their removal this sum- mer, the 40 - foot - high yellow pine pillars hid behind carved, painted and gilded overlay. But the decay during 133 years of supporting the enormous roof threatened the landmark church, and reinforced concrete pillars are replacing the wood. ARCHITECT'S TOMB Helmeted workmen remove the 16 wo den columns--each a single tree trunk--while tourists flash camera bulbs and wander through the nave, peering in the dim light at altars and carvings overlaid with 24-carat gold leaf on almost every inch of exposed surface, Notre Dame was built within a few' paces of the chapel erected about 1642 when French |settlers founded Ville Marie, later: to grow from a handful of log huts to the inland port and finaacial centre that is |Montreal. For 75 years it dom- jinated the city until the city, crowding toward the slopes at ;Mount Royal, began to grow |upward from the streets, | The architect of this Roman Catholic church was an Irish Protestant, James O'Donnell, jwho moved here from New York to supervise construction of an artistic monument which became his tomb. He died a convert to Catholicism and is buried under a marble slab-- one of the few uses of stone in the building--in the crypt. The church is considered one of the best examples of gothie architecture on this continent. It has been called Notre Dame Cathedral but, in fact, has al- ways been a parish church, never a cathedral. BIGGEST BELLS | The roof, supported by the two-feet-thick wooden columns, Soars almost 100 feet above the 'floor of the nave. The observa- jtory in the towers flanking the entrance is 215 feet above the ;ground. Once it afforded a fine | view of the St. Lawrence River harbor but this now is blocked by buildings and port facilities. O'Donnell died before his jchurch, opened in 1829, was completed. Two bell towers -- the Tower of Perseverance and the Tower of Temperance -- | were added more than a decade after its opening and still dom- inate the south side of Place _/dArmes Square, They house the 29,000-pound gros bourdon--Grande Marie -- largest bell on the continent. Cast in 1847, it booms out at jchurch festivals and important |funerals. Ten smaller bells, still in use, were installed in 1843. O'Donnell's creation was car- ried a step further 70 years ago when a large chapel, now used exclusively for weddings, was added. Not a single nail went into construction of this ad- dition, 90 feet long by 85 wide by 55 high. As in the church proper, the chapel is lavishly decorated with gold leaf, stained glass and wood carvings. The whole is held together by wooden pins. YUGOSLAVIA ADVANCES PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (AP)~Yugoslavia's Davis Cup team won its American tone semi-final against The West In- dies as Boris Jovanovic and 'Nicolo Pilic whipped Peter Val- dez and J. Price 6-2, 6-0, 6-1 | Tuesday for a 3-0 lead in the | Mexico at best-of-five series. The victory advances the Yugoslavs to the American zone final against Mexico City Aug. & "Here are some symptoms of hia mental state,",