16_ Pe emtwa rim, tr, fos 6 rr | Maple Grove TELEVISION LOG | = = Boy Captures CHUH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto . : Soe -- M s H ' wut-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo , ; tip, a4. i usic onors WKBW-TV Charvel 7--Buffalo © WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester . ; i ; y, eee CFTO-TV Channel $~Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie a r. & vali ' = By Mrs. Harry Freemyan Ax EV 5--Texas Rangers i : a Pie j y. , YM Mrs. Harry #lark, Oshawa, 3--World Soccer . : ( = * . 4 visited the férmer's sister, Mrs. . , Edward Cox on Maple Grove road while Mr. Cox is away at West Lake on a fishing trip. Mrs. Walter Richardson, Tuc- son, Ariz., and Mrs. Sam Dew- ell, Hampton; Mrs. D. H. Coates, ee Miidec', Mr. and Mrs. Jack Illidge and family, weekend visitors . L. C. Snowden and : Congratulations of the com- Ts] munity go to Mr. and Mrs. D. YOU, J / 'OOD Bothwell Sr., on reaching their 0 =E=e THINK DANNY WAS 50th wedding anniversary, < Ve: A SOINS TO, ANYWAY/ a | Mrs, LC. Snowden, Mrs, 1. In Musie 5 } = Zs, H. Coates, t Snowden 4Ted 'Mack's Amateur if / y\ c were Sunday supper guests with --Around The World | 3--Cannonball ; i 4 | ie f > the former's daughter and hus- 7--Adventurous Mission motif bed , i } Be R band, Mr. and Mrs. John Hu- 'Cone Jerry's Club Scoreme Magazine -- , cS <A es : -- ey band, Oshawa. 2--Cartoon Playhouse | 5.2Meet the Pre: " oy j y ' r Nigel Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ke A sounsioners | Seoereme | i) («e 2 cones, Mire sak ie ee P ° - : a al J WS cousins, Mr. an } li--Father Knows Best 11:00 A.M. a \ o \ RF Sal : Foley. lar ari |i." -- |_CROSSWORD = peas ZL : sooren Meal aa & $--This Peters é ; , Mr. . HG. S-Gantern Taees Pi bia. ig ; 4 A Freeman, cig vagy Bebe ~The Real M GUS eee OR Z day party for Mrs, H. R. Fo mee 11:30 A.M. ee meonre ACROSS DOWN 5 alAINiol MEAIBIelr) RZ ". . given by her sisters and daugh- 7--Leave It To Beaver|!i~Marian Day Rally | 7 "lawman 1, Antiquated 1. Devotion Pepese cone ters at the home of Mrs. S. T. ithe Detenders tne. Bible "Today | Bullwinkle Show" gy: ol "re . : Bae re Bartlett, Brooklin. ag S--Report From 4--Lassie [OIAIOMEAISISIAT [LIS] Congress je 3. Working Mr. and Mrs, Dawson Beck- ry 'Word Artiste . UOT og pe dog ; Ran ett and family attended the eckuwans Wah bexcpoideley GON 7--Follow The Sun , 4. Prosecutes ] SE p ? ya] |Lessels '- Beckett wedding at 6--Front Row Centre 12:00 N 6-3--Hazel judicially § 26, Kind ic) 4 "he Belleville. aio srintenmagtre, | Wal bur -- Meague § S.Go.astay ot ns Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens ' Pla' rid of le R i 9:30 P.M. Coa ONS CEE TOMORROW = i, Tr. and Mrs even 4--Dennis The Menace 6.A Boy----- cap it a few da last ik 41--Challenge The 'News; Weather: 8:00 P.M 7. Expressions 28, Sound, A FIREPLACE? 7 2 out Cece ns i Py asa | ; Pay at South Lake, guests of their Champion Sports Ed Sullivar ge ti erate ten apie tea reno daughter and husband and fam- ily Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping. babir yi? 3-Frontiers of Faith | 9 acagemy Pertorm Jim Topping joined his parents 10:00 P.M. : i ance--Part I after holidaying with his grand- 8:30 P.M. ll--Bourbon Street Beat parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ste- vens. (Sic) THmLIAISISIONs 7--Saturday Night Boxing 4--Gunsmoke T--Hollywood Special 5-2--Adventures of Sir Francis Drake E 20,Money for 33. Members , 4 > ' Y Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean t F Bonans ; small items of Lg Reserve ce 'a 4 : and family, Miss Lynda Mar- PEO od iy Plea a : oy i (2 was.) of Lori : tin are vacationing at Burnt Sports : E a Ts 14 : River. tot PLM. : M. % : E » | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin o_anthes: Sperte 200 P.M. : motored to Brampton on Sunday ti:l> PM. PE yh 27, Frosted and visited their sister-in-law, Li--News. Weather: «Film Featurette Sa New Landecapes ¥ Mrs. T. W. Martin and family. 1:30 P.M, . id ffragist Mrs. C. Barr and family i--It Is Written FED ao Y %-Great Music From | 3_Seattle World's Fair : have returned yoo hn -- : Dewan 10:30 PM 5 . g at Presqu'ile Point. 2--Award Theatre 7--Championship . Sing . A i / SO YOU'VE COME OVER T' EAT Mr. Barr spent a week there "1:30 Pe. Bowling acy hy LUNCH WITH ME, EH P CHANGE? also. : . 6-3--Cartoons 6-3--Cine Ballot | i " Recent visitors at M: a 1U--Blockbuster Movie §-Catholic Hour (What's My Ling . Mrs Mi Ts rT. an 'theatre were Reta Bats "abbr, . ¢ a 3 Mr. oar Pag ma: Secsiece, 12:00 P.M. 1--Cathedral Chimes Sports: Weather % 2 i 3 Wi ' - Campbellville, Mr. and Mrs, 1:00 A.M. 5--Behind Closed Doors| *--The Tom Ewell Show (3\ Gee Jim Gibson, Patty and Rickey, PPI i Bhan poral to PM. ee : Y, Y 3 re nd, gy tog 7--Mahalia Jackson 5 Measure : 3 J unk and Rona! 'ort Perry, Gtige 2:30 'Sports Highlights ; " : : Mr. Chester and Bruce Milis, SUNDAY M--Let's Talk With | S~Sunday Scoreboard | 39, Construct 4 "4 . : y VA Enniskillen, Miss Barbara BE od pov 2--Award: 'Theatre a 4 ) rr te : Hughes, Maple Grove, Fale Ge Pon 11:30 P.M. ' * ; Pare ; eo ee Er. a Mrs. nt to 5--Burns and Allen 11--Blockbuster Movie ; { .nedy, Reid, Lena, Beth, Cc 3:00 P.M. Soareaee Tee Miwetre wy < tee ton, spent a few days last week ae sak ee Wea 5--Sound of the Stars \ y Kan : A with their aunt and uncle, Mr, ae oe eae aoe PM cotns "iss Joyce Mills caf es Nees Steve. lt Whesting Barbara Heghes returned MICKEY MOUSE A wae Caen a holiday in ew Yor! y. WHY NOT @@e@ Take advantage of the high market value of used cars at the present time and make your deal now on a 1963 PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL Moet gone ty a tod or ACADIAN. We can allow you hundreds of dollars more for your car NOW than at any time after the introduction of the '63 models. ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED ON 1963 Br sw Mrs. ales, Cober, MODELS. Miss' Kathy is visiting her 230 KING ST. W. : THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PHONE 723-4634 [ino Mr Wane Congratulations to Master John McGuirk, on obtaining 1st class honors in both Grade 6 WISHT AH KNOWED Dow i j Mid fi | TOWARD IEANWHILE, THE LAND AGENT AND THE ASGAYER APPROACH] | Piano and Grade 2 Theory ex- i |) | eae | <= A ak Y, titi OH VERYIELOOK?' T YO"=TH MOTHER O° , aminations. HE GOT HISHAMHAS- / MAH CHILE-THINK 1 | WAS THAT TYPE, BEFO' THAT SHOT 8A WARNINGT Pa ' Miss Janice Beech attended STOOPIDHIDE. of THAT'S MARR) 70 KEEP YOUR Mh) ve ply : wl Virgin-Green wedding in shawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and family were among the 30 guests and cousins who 'gather- ed on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs, Ken Sumersford, Bowmanville, to meet their cousin, Mrs. An- gus McMillian (nee Laura Foley) Vancouver, her daugh- ter Marion, -and friend Dave Yare, who are at present in Toronto with the Student Chris- tian. Movement. |. The gathering was held at the Pig rat # 4 late Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Foley. d Seve | | WHAT, 2O.YOU MEAN, o Mrs. A. Laird, Mrs. Susie - Son ore. oe FOR? THE FIRST BATTER... /! || | Laird, visited the former's bro- STRIKES ON WORKING. ther-in-law and _ sister-in-law, ® f P F Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laird, Toronto. SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER IULIET JONES (ane Boe. 1962 Worid rights reserved. _Installation I GUESS HE MEANT HE'S Als om of Quality iG | ' MONRO SHOCKS Specialists in Lubrication WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING & RITSON RD. 725-8507 } LARRY BRANNON }