NET 9 ART TORTI Stretchability Is Keynote Of Latest Slipcovers By ELEANOR. ROSS What did we ever do without stretch fabric slipcovers? They solve so many decorating prob- lems at such little cost and so speedily, too. | Add to these qualifications the |bonus of easy care. They wash so well and dry so quickly. No wonder that more types of stretch covers are coming into the stores each year. MANY IMPROVEMENTS The first of their kind were, pretty drab -- just utilitarian,| that's all. But once the princi-} ple was attained, improvements) followed quickly. | The new range of color tones| as a room beautifier. stretches is a high-sheen nylon frieze that looks expensive but| isn't. And how it fits! TEXTURED PATTERN Anothr choice has gold rayon} threads to give it a textured! pattern. are shown mostly in soft, muted} |colors. BRIGHT AND BONNY This happy little fellow is Todd Bradley Wilson, ten- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Dieppe avenue. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. La Porte ANN LANDERS | and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wilson and also great-grandson of Mr- H. A. Smith and Mrs. F. Wilson, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography His Baseball Mania Leaves Wifie Cold Dear Ann Landers: Ihave a) rival who hangs around my home day and night, monopol- izes my husband's time and attention, takes over our din- ner conversation, and even in-| vades the bedroom. Her name is Baseball and I'm sick of her. My husband is seldom at home for dinner during the week, but whenever he is, we have to watch a game. I would not dare to open up my mouth during a play. When we go to bed he always has a game on around the seventh inning. The radio bothers me so I sleep on a lumpy cot downstairs. He; calls this "unfriendly." Ann, I like baseball and have} learned a great deal about it, but I think there's a time and place for it. He knows how I feel but it doesn't seem to mat-) ter. Shall I just continue to suf- fer with it-as I have for the last 14 years?--F.0.B. (Full of Baseball), Dear F.O.B.: Rejoice in the knowledge that your rival is an inanmate, seasonal thing. Also on the plus side--can't you see} that it's boyish infatuation (and) not true love) or he wouldn't fall| asleep in the seventh inning? | Dear Ann Landers: It did my heart good to read that letter from Maple Leaf who believes it is perfectly all right for a woman who is separated from her husband (though not di- vorced) to go out with men. Usually, I agree with you, but this time 1 was on the other side. Maple Leaf's colorful descrip- tion of Canada's divorce laws was not an exaggeration. Until changed there will be no place in society for the woman whose first marriage was a mistake. There is no alternative for women who are legally chained but living alone. They are sunk unless they accept dates. Mar- ried women never include us because they are fearful their husbands may find us attrac-| tive, Single girls are trying to snag men for themselves, so they aren't going to include us either. My advice to Maple Leaf is to use discretion. Her reputation will not be sullied. True friends will understand there is no other way. The rest of the loud. mouths don't count. If you are fair, Ann Landers, you will print this letter--Never - Never Land. Dear Never-Never: Thank you for your letter, It reflected the thinking of hundreds. of other Canadians who wrote in support of Maple Leaf. My position that married women should not be dating still stands. However, let's hope this furor may help to achieve sound legislation for Canadians. Dear Ann Landers: I just read the letter in your column about blind dates. You seem to be all in favor of them, in fact you make it sound like an ex- citing adventure. What do you think about a girl being picked up if the fellow looks respectable? This is even more adventurous and a whole lot more sensible than a blind date. After all, when a girl ac- cepts a blind date she has to take someone else's word that the guy is all right. Don't you think a girl is safer if she sizes up the fellow and decides' for herself? If he gets smart she can always tell him to get lost Several of wus girls have talked this over during lunch and we want your opinion.-- Dear Misses: A blind date is an . arrangement made mutual friend who knows some. thing about both parties. This is infinitely safer than deciding at a glance whether a man is mar- ried, a dope pusher, a psycho- path or heaven knows what. The girl who gets picked up admits' in a sense, that no one she knows will invite her out so she's willing to take a chance on.a stranger. Such a girl puts a cheap price-tag on her com- pany. | jthat has attracted much atten-| jtion is a stretch nylon-back) |material with a rayon loop sur-} | face. To give an idea of just! | DOW BREWERY APPOINTMENT W. J. BEAUPRE Appointment of W, J. Beaupre as |Vice-President --- Marketing of Dow Brewery (Ontario) Limited is announced by J- A. Descroches, President of the Company Mr |Beaupre has been 'one of Dow |Brewery's chief sales executives in| Ontario ever since he joined the company six years ago and in hi new position assumes responsibili-| ty for all marketing activities in| |this province. how elastic this fabric is, a 10- inch relaxed piece will stretch in one direction to 24 inches. That's stretchability! Unless you have recently looked at the wide variety of stretch covers now available, you can't have any idea of how many different types of furni- ture pieces they will fit. | For instance, one chair woven style claims to fit eighty per) cent of the chair styles on the! market! Other covers are espe- cially designed for wing chairs. Also available now are covers in two pieces for Danish modern chairs. | | CUSHION STYLES many different materials. ou're almost sure to get you buy stretches -- but don't take anything for granted. Al- ways ask, before you spend can't be laundered at home is something "for the birds"--not for the modern American home. BOUND TO SOIL For no matter how little a room is used, no matter how careful you try to be with your furniture, the covers are bound to get soiled in due time. It costs you money to let grime, dust, soil and stains remain in the fibers of the fabric. Dirt literally destroys fabric. When washing is so easy, so| inexpensive, why not enjoy clean, colorful covers the year round? | HOUSEHOLD HINT For picnic or patio meals, notato salad is always a favor-| ite. Add 2 cups of creamed cot-| tage cheese to three cups of po- is something to see and to use| For sofas, there are two or tato salad for extra nourish- | ; ithree cushion styles for many | ment. Among the newest jewel-toned|types of sofas and offered in) _____ UNIVERSITY WOMEN |washing-machine fabrics when| The Canadian Federation of University Women was founded) in 1920. by Mrs. R. F, MeWil- A particularly notable fabric) lyour money. A slipcover that'liams of Winnipeg. Nylon stretch waffle weaves} ; Be senaie are interesting, too, but these)" at Jutta's, GIANT SIZE HAIR SPRAY ct ABSOL- UTELY NO YOU, with every permanent, cost TO 12.50 No appointment necessary. Did vou know ? JUTTA IS BAC Every glass of Dow has it. E very ¢ sip reveals the uniform flavour that comes from masterful | MULTI-BLENDING of 36 smooth,. perfect individual b | rews. | Always satisfying, guaranteed to please, Dow is the easy-drinking | best in beer. Treat yourself, and you'll soon see... | | } | 1 Modérn Misses | K TO WORK? 725-4321 ~ 8e OR erm THE FASHION CHAIN Our superb unparalleled selection of fur fur-trimmed coats will thrill you. Whe buy at Northways you are assured the in quality, style and workmanship lowest possible prices! AUGUST SALE PRICE Q. 95 AUGUST SALE PRICE Q.50 AUGUST SALE PRICE from 3 8-9 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY easy terms available INSD-COA- See the wide range of styles and colors in wool and angora plush, all wool-worsted faille... Queen Anne and standaway collars; Outstanding Value! MISSES 8 to 18; PETITES 6 to 12 BROMLEIGH SALON COATS Top styling in the incomparable "Bromleigh" tradition. Finest im- ported fabrics. Sumptuous fur collars in snow beige fox, naturalpastel or wild mink, triple size Persian Lamb, and many others. Sizes 8 to 20. PASTEL MINK STOLES Beautifully crafted fully let-out top quality mink especially priced for this great event. A wonderful opportunity to save! from FUR COATS -- STOLES -- JACKETS: Available 240 Yonge St, i Hamilton James, Oshawa Shopping Plaza WIN A MINK STOLE! Pick up your free entry blank at.John Northways now! ENJOY A FASHION SHOWING OF COATS AND FURS Thursday evening; Aug. 16:, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 240 Yonge St. -- fur salon, You may Win a MINK STOLE! orthway | JOH a, Open Daily 9:30 to 6... Friday till 9 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE