14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 2, 1962 Coll the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fi Soturdey 8 to BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Building T: Trades CLASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE brn stoops. chimneys, fireplaces, Gordon May, 7284 0384 PLASTERING Remodelling stucco, generol building repairs, interior ond exterior N. Wirsching & Son 5S words or less Cash Charge 375 4.13 2.25 2.48 If not paid within 7 days the |} Charge rote will opply | | 6 CONSECUTIVE insertions 3 Consecutive Insertions Above rates apply only to original erders for consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions ordered at o later date constitute a new original order Professional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additionol line $1.60 per month, (Ontario) Ltd. ROOFING DIVISION ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK abbreviation Ox Each word, initial, or figure counts as a word. charge 5c additiono! All Classified Advertisments must be in by 5 p.m, the day be- fore publication except Births, In Memoriam, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m Deadline for Lost and Found ond Cancellations and Corrections 8:30 am. Office Hours Daily 6 - 5 Saturday 6-12 REGULATIONS The Oshowo Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, mor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification New -- Re-Roofing Homes -- Commercial Shingles -- Flat Rooting Chimney Flashing Eavestroughing MO 8-8420 WE HAVE 30 YEARS OF ROOFING SERVICE IN ONTARIO, In the case of display advertise- ALL TYPES of buildi building rer repairs, roof |PRIV ATE sidewatks, | 16 | 725-6222 - 725-8718 | HARRISON CONST., ments, The Times will not be held rsponsible for more space than that in which the actual error ee The publishers endeayour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisment, if any inaccuracies |Cartage AND | Reasonable and insured | JOHN'S }Oshawa, Whitby |Fully equipped | 728-366 MOVING STORAGE, |Street_ Fast rates.|-- Phone | FIRST and second mortgages available in any form are contained therein Caterers, _ WEDDING. CAKES DECORATED Fancy Home-Baked Cookles, Miniature Tarts, Fancy Sandwiches, Baked by order. TELEPHONE 725-4570 Accountants _ LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified Public Accountant, Suite 205W, Osh awa Shopping Centre, WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-/ awa; Ronald F. D . Wilson, CAs/ G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert! fied Public Accountants, 17 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO, IM ach Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus-| tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East,| Oshawa. 728-7371. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, end} Co., Chartered. Accountants, egreal| Fuel and Wood FREE! Furnace cleaned every yeor. "Round the Clock" 24-hr burner service 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby, MO 8-4131 B CLANCEY'S Ont Accounting| Automatic delivery NCE ario Acc ing! ee y " ' pvelling Complete bookkeeping service,| It's "White Rose' Unified 184 Bond Street West, 725-9397, Res.,, Fuel Oil 723-7605. | WESTERN OIL CO. 'Appraisers | 725-1212 Real Gardening and Supplies WHY WEEDS in the lawn? jteed lawn spraying | Stolk, MO 8-5286, iy BACK, | Estate 'Appraiser and Broker, Whit Phone MO 8-2311. Guaran- Telephone \, Barrister, Solici-| to: -» 13% Simeoe Street North. | Office. 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. BRUCE V. MACKAY, BA, Ba Solicitor, Notary Public. 3644 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. LOUIS §. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soii-| eitor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King) Gtreet East, 723-4943. Mortgage mon- ies available. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, Notary Public, aM Simcoe North. 728-2801. Res. 728-276: 'BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister Solici- tor, 3 Simcoe South, 725-9592. Hesi- dence 728-0264. GREER pnd KELLY, Barrister, Solici- tor, ete., 114 King 'Street East. Dial '723-2278. Residence phones: J. M.j Greer, BA,\Sc., 725-3363. [erence V Kelly, BA, BCL. 728-5832. JAMES A. i ee Barrister and Solic lic. The Ceareereial | Seaiding. 288 rr West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking) available. OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LIMITED LOAM - FILL GRAVEL - SOD 723-3528 "LOAM, GRAVEL | WASHED STONE MULCH FILL Tractor and loader work Lots levelled. Reasonable rates HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING | For SODDING -- SEEDING Top dressing for your poor lawn, patios, walks. 10,000 cedars for hedge planting. Guaranteed 723-9020 OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3222 Your Gardening Needs. Also Top Soil and Sod Flag Stone, Patio Stone, Rockery Stone. Stone Work ; BA, and THOMAS Hi. jate Barristers and Soli- 0 King he 0 zen 728-6246. | Mortgage loans availa | McGIBBON and BASTY i Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. 725-3566; Charles C. MeGibbon,| ; Edga Bastedo, ae. { } JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister,| Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14) King Street Bast, Oshawa, 728-6252 | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | and Solicitor, 2644 King, Street E a st .| Telephones: Business; 723-2201; Resi- dence 728-5373. MANNING F, SWARTZ and DONALD L, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Money to loan, Henry Block,! 2644 King Street East, 723-4697. Resi-| dence, dial 723-4029. BUM REYS, BOYCH MAN, barristers, Solicitors Street. East .Oshawa. R. D phreys, QC; G5. Boychyn, BA, W. A. Hillman, LLB, Office * : 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby,) MO 68-2761, 725-5203. NHA and other! mortgage funds available CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors .Nota ies Public, Bank of Commerce Building, | 5 Simcoe Street Nortn, Oshawa; (n-; tario, 723-3446, Residences, T < Creighton, QC: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, 723-4768. Mort- 5a id agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged. L- M4 King | Hum. | aX All Best In Town, |Tailors | LEN PULLAN ~ (ENGLISH TAILOR) for all tailoring require- ments use our experienced services for both suit and dress repairs and alterations. 10 PRINCE ST.---728-5311 (next to Bus Station) Fv---Radio Repairs |TV RENTALS, [Instruction teacher, "student counsellor experience. By interview 725-1054. years' lonly. Act now |Lawn Mowers iWE SHARPEN and RENT | ALMOST EVERYTHING | GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS- 723-3224 |Money to Loan : MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available Mortgages at 7% without bonus available by the day, week coe North, 723-3043. TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, al) makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 €i- ott Avenue, 723" 9792 (Fred), T.V. TOWERS -- All galvanized, no paint, LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 TV Picture Dim: > REPLACE YOUR PICTURE TUBE 20% OFF NOW TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST 728-6781 Drive-In (and save) Service TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT! REPLACE NOW While weather and prices on First per annum | on ¢ Agreements sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ Sho term and Builders' Mortgage at reasonable rotes 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act for | Mortgages FIRST and second agreements purchased jnick and Hennick mortgages. Sale| and sold. Hen Barristers, 31 King 232. |W, Schatzmann, Mortgage Brock Building, Whitby ides ed and second mo: J, Van Herwerden Ii oker, 741 King Last, 447 |PRIVATE Broker, MO 6-3338, » bought. | Mortgage Oshawa are and corporation monies to| ot their best jlend on all types of mortgages; Mort asnee and agreements of sale pur sed. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan al TRIO TELEVISION (See heading "Barristers, *) | 171 BOND STREET EAST MORTGAGE LOANS CALL 728-6781 Available for loan on first and é SAMSON Ond mortgages and resi- TV TOWERS ial, industrial, city, sub- urban, country and summer ECONOMY AND DELUXE Buy Now ttage SUMMERLAND SECURITIES FOR BEST PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED : LIMITED -- | -- OSHAWA TV ursing Homes | SUPPLY LIMITED Ontario-- SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home, RN in 36] Gibbons : ibbons | attendance (No. 2 Highway between) Whitby and Oshawa), Call 725-2330, | 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT 112 Oshawa, North 725-3568 Optometrists |F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. | a Evenings by Appointment 723-4191 j etry, lenses. the examination of eyes, 136 Simcoe North contact} at Colborne.} OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 'A \C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Pleas Pay accounts at downtown {Bank or 74 Burk Street, jamined at home. Dominion Invalids ex Dial 725-4587- | | |FREE | |terior 6879. | Painting and Decorating ESTIMAT house painting TV - HI-FI ON VACATION "30 Day Special" Deluxe 'All-Channel ex-| 728-! interior and Telephone DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS | Painting, Paperhariging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 | BELTONE | | \rates. Bookbinde MASTER BO Instruction -- We sp aluable books, rehsieaae Grath Plumbing and Heating Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 ANTENNA 40' Galvanized Structure Completely Installed $59.95 7 Year P.L. and P.D. insurance Free removal of old antenna GEORGE'S TV TOWERS Oshowa licensed CALL 723-9525 723-7521, 728-3334 Well Drilling -- Digging Audiometric examination in BILL LEMON the home or office WELL DIGGING No charge Com. cleoring ond HEARING CENTRE} 42 Simcoe N. Oshawa 728-0004 Batteries, repairs and service to all types of aids or Cleanouts, Deepenings, pressor work, fencing 725-0665 _ "*W. WARD | WELL DIGGING by MACHINE | SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST obligation. Plumbing and Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. | id: Foley | i 'ALL PLE MBING and heating supplie Phone 3 Lid., jing |REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, jnew and used materials. Reasonable} tes, free estimates 1334 Me- phumbigg: heating and enginee Simcoe Street South TILE ~ |GOAT'S MILK or! {month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- | |LAKE | lakefront NORTH \sages 4--Market Basket 11--Articles for Rent 17--Male Help Wanted {17--Male Help Wanted 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent RED raspberries, fresh packed, righ or crate, your order, Also cucumbers. t from the patch. Special prices by dozen Idea) for freezing. Telepaone 723.0445. WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, -- walk- PAINTERS WANTED -- 82.50 hour, Must be willing to travel. tinctive Decorating, Whitby, MO 8- perl EXPERIENCED second cook required, full time. be tinge mornings to Mall Dis- 5271 re. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, alse single room, pre entrance, ton 96 Centre Street, ers, | 5--Farmers Column ED OATS ~ Gare Ricard 2, Bowmanville, » i, clean, 1962 crop, MA 3-7150. for sale, good for babies. Also 20 laying hens. 'Telephone anytime, 725-5084 CASH on the spot, for dead and Telephone collect, Hampton, ($2721, Margwill Fur Farm, | Licence 149. i | crippled farm stock. tyrone especially arm, RR 4, Highway, sianicerizing roll - awoy also and beds. FOR SALE OR RENT. 725-1644 crutches machines Highest prices paid COitax | 7--Trailers ~ TRAILER RENTAL ~ 2-WHEEL BOX TYPE Hitch Supplied Rotes by Hour - Day Contact MERCURY -TAXI 725-4771 | [RENT A-TRAILER- { Hitches supplied. Moving boat and cabin trailers | MONTY'S. BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-9131 "HOLIDAY SPECIALS! Glendette Travel Trailers; Awnings, Reese Hitches, all trailer parts. COOK'S TRAILER SALES - Week | | i | jpartnership is Guide Re LANSDOWNE TEXACO STATION _SIMCOE ST. NORTH _ TRAVEL TRAILER SILVERLINER COLLAPSIBLE ON DISPLAY DAILY 6 TO 11 P.M. RICHIE DRIVE-IN MYRTLE, ONTARIO FOR INFORMATION 728-1 468--728-1555 8--Resorts a WHITE PINE LODGE. For. a most. delightful holi- day ori Paudash Lake lets us send you o folder describing our excellent meals -- com. fortable accommodation private both--sandy beach-- good fishing. Sports Director. R.R. No. 3 Bancroft, Ont. Phone Bicroft 4500. Ameri- can Plan (with meals) $42 to $56 per week per person | WOODED LAKEFONT LOTS AND COTTAGES On beautiful Lake, government approved sub- division' Sondy beaches, ex- cellent swimming and fishing. Parking area and picnic facil- ities provided.. Roads ond hydro installed. 10 model cottages now available. 10% DOWN Easy Monthly Payments Drive north from Madoc on hwy. No. 62 and turn right one mile past Jordan Lake at Dept of Lands and Forests Office. Follow signs to the best in Summer living. Sales Personnel on propefty every week-end or contact Miss ANNE COLLINS, 344 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont or phone' 925-2495. Gunter 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom cot |tage on Stoney Lake. Safe sandy beach, boat, inside conveniences gust 25 on. MO 8.2638 SCUGOG cottage, stove, refrigerat season From Au- New three-bedroom hydro, furnished, ailable balance of Telephone 258. Bay area, two-bedroom cot- electrically equipped, flush toil- safe sandy beach, fishing boats, A. Wright, 108 Exeter Road, Ajax. WH. 2-2925. BALSAM LAKE, three. . , bedroom cot. tage, 100-foot lakefront lot, knotty-pine jlog interior, floors tiled throughout; in- side conveniences, $8,000. Toronto HU | 8-4512. SELEC TE D, lakefront lo Pigeon and Sturgeon geon and Fenelon prices. Terms, Realtors, ets, t . 100° and up. Lakes, Bobcay- Falls. Realistic | Newell and McInerney, | Bobcaygeon and Minden |STURGEON LAKE | Choice 3-bedroom place, breezeway, front beach, McInerney, ~ Fenelon Falls - new cottage, garage, 160° Terms $13,500. Newell and Realtors, Bobcaygeon and | Minden PIONEER VILLAGE BUCKHORN LAKE For Rent with hydro, boats, trailer parks. Good swimming, For con- Cottages, camping, fishing, 12--Articles Wanted ANTED gr trailer, suitable f for 14 ft. SIX delivery men, $1.50 per hour, car essential, for Oshawa area. Fuller Brush yt gd Toronto. Telephone WAlnut 4-8347 pages or va Help Wanted COZY two large room apartment, ly furnished, private entrance, jcontained, TV able rent. 723-3211. SHOBT order cook wanted. Apply Mr. TWO men to ork 5-9 p.m, daily, $50 Box oe Flying Dutchman Motel, Bowman- per week. 528, Oshawa Times. ltd uty nt al rent, $70 ag verte om, Ps 218 or 7284462. RAWLEIG INESS now open in clerk Oshawa, Trade well estabii Excel-|Apply stating full particulars to Box lent opportunity. Full time. Write at/607, Oshawa Times. PART-TIME desk d Ww boat, must once. Rawleigh, Dept. H-310-189, 05\Consre io work on Mink Ranch. y adults only. 'No previous| after 6 p.m. Meas 8086, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS (collect) TURNER _ 723- 2043 -- 723-3374 | -| | Scrap Iron and Metols | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metols, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone (725- 2311 -- 89 BLOOR E.| ss _Opportuniti es | RITSON Road, i, fully equipped welding shop, for rent or sale 30' x 40° vement| block building with eee front- age. Telephone 728-7141 VE-IN Root Beer stand, a gong | eomeare with all chattels and equipment included, Located on No, 12 highway| jnorth by Whitby, Owners must sell as being dissolved. Call! ity Limited 723-1121. tY and snack bar for| ed area, This is a great opportunity for one or two couples o| make a better than average income. Minimum of $3,000 required. Personai| reasons for selling. Only interested Himes. please. Reply Box 522, Oshawa imes. SERVICE STATION Paved frontage. 70,000 gallonage, beside supermar- ket, snack bar, On No, 2 highway. All utilities poid $135. monthly. | PHONE BOWMANVILLE MA 3-392] Kawartha Lakes, 8 mod- ern units plus owner's ul- tra modern 5-room home all brand new. Wonderful retirement business, $36,- 000 full price with half cash, can give immediate possession, A. R, Bennett R.R. 1, Fenelon. Falls, Ontario. |1, Hampton. experience Necessary, Good ages, new apartment. rough apeoiatment, a eeli (room, Hampton, C COMax 3-2464. -MEN OR WOMEN TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25.- 40 Top earnings. Apply: MERCURY TAXI 725-477 | WE HAVE OPENINGS for two men,| age to 58, sales and delivery, wus Products, Oshawa to hed Oshawa App! ik jetter. Frank Helferty, Box 36, ma LIGHT DUTIES THREE YOUNG MEN 17 to 21, Must be neot. .4 1. Business couple pre- edb Available August 1 Telephone 725-2536 KING STREET WEST, Ladbed unfurnished room, gor h and water supplied, i cant now. Can be -- S baouen and 6 p.m. 728-7611. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE room apartment, range and tor, private bath, garage, $35. phone 728-4827, : THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pine Hag to hospita' a bog = LARGE modern newly re-decorated, wo - bedroom apartment, stove, re- frigerter washer, dryer, Col- Jege Hill area. $95. Telephone 46-4945, SIMCOE Sireet North, 498: One and twe Drivers license helpful but not essential. Foreign speaking 20--Room and Board or un furnished. Apply Apartment 1, Bucking- an Manor. Pe 728-3945. boys accepted. |'ROOM and board for two close to North General Motors, in pri- APPLY MR, FORTER vate home. Telephone 725-6195. GENOSHA HOTEL } |14--Employment Wan Want |HUSBAND and Wife desire stead steady posi- |tion, Carpenter, tical nurse; apartments or dians). No would for farm triflers please. care estate, {Cobourg Franklin 2-3188, | | | | | handyman, wife prac- manager (Cana- | Telephone] 16--Female Help Wante | Si "ORDER COOK required. |ply Genosha Hotel. Ap- WAITRESSES and short order cook re- |quired immediately. Apply in the movn- ing to Carmichael's Drive-Inn on No, \2 Highway west of Whitby. | EXPERI |mediately. |24 Bond Street West, Oshaw RELIABLE middle-aged woman want-| led to look after none For further in- formation, telephone 725-8102. CED waitress required HOUSEKEEPER for father, five chil-| dren, one pre-school age, one or two children Woman with welcome, Good jhome, Write R. Palmer. RR 2, Whitby, \- | Ontario. GIRL, i6 or over, domestic, live in. Apply in person. No telephone calls Litue Buckaroo Ranch, end of Ross- land Road East. AGENTS, CLUBS, "ete. . Sell ¢ finest Christmas cards. Over 200 including Religious, Everyday Personal cards. Wraps, Toys and Nov- elties. Prompt service. For colored cat- alogue and samples on approval, Jean- dron Greeting Card Co., 1253 Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. NEED extra money? $50.00, and more, can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbors. Our excit- ing, 88-page color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders, No ex- perience necessary. Send no money. Write today for samples, on approval, of Christmad cards and free cat logue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 East Ave., Hamilton. HAIRDRESSER Experienced for THE MAYFAIR SALON 728-0662 King! Apply the Rose Bowl Guill, |For Interview LIVE RENT FREE | A modern, 2 bedroom apart- ment is available to the right |22---Storage Space _and Garages 1CE AVAILABLE, 7 nel levator service; bright, ireshiy paint-|~ ed, tiled floor. Can be available in| few days Moderate rent, lease avail-| EXPERIENCED : jable. Ask for T. L. Wilson, The! TIRE i SERVICE MAN itt tai mse tai Required immediately pio es ge Mage ag Agta i gh DOWNTOWN LOCATION ¢ tire service. Salary plus com- Suitable for Sales or 5 All I i Executive Suite ae in gig RENTS $85 MONTH IB. e GOODRICH One Month Free Rent, Telephone 728-7876 STORE dhe pe ing St ene, 360 Square Feet Space 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Telephone 725-4277--725.3911 SALES CAREER IDEAL FOR HAIRDRESSER, SHOE STORE, SMALL Well established Oshawa FOOD ane Ee Branch Office for a large | a ' National Firm desires to con- |23--Wanted to Rent tact a local. man, 25 to 45 years old for sales position. LADY 'requires furnished bed - Sales experience desirable, but not necéssary. Excellent room with kitchenette, near hospital Not more than $45 monthly. Write Box starting salary with oppor- tunities for advancement. | 428, Oshawa Times. Group benefit including hos- 10 am., August 3rd Friday Only sitting |awa with option to buy. Telephone 623- \3a |THREE - hs Sad lecatenl Apply 68 McMillan | wiTSON Road South, upper with ae cupboards, porte dg heavy wir ing. Suitable for couple or single pere son, Reasonable. Close to bus, 728-3991, |ELGIN Street East: Three room apart- |ment, separate entrance, private bath, MONTRAVE Ave! pt. room apartment in new ett es |building: refrigerator, range, washer, dryer, $95. 7123- 1747. |TWO-ROOM (large) apartment, 1 floor, unfurnished, private bath, trance, ample cupboard. clous grounds, gee? fi Rese hot _wi apartm: | conveniences, range, refrigeretor, wash- ing facilities, separate entrance, suit couple, Telephone 725-4388 or call at 176 Warren Avenue, Oshawa. partment, untarniat rive, partment, junfurnished, three rooms and bath, |ideal for couple, heavy «duty wiring, |separate entrance. Telephone 728-7770. ATTRACTIVE newly built. one- and two-bedroom apartments, sound-proof, walk-out balconies, range, refrigerator and laundry; school and shopping near- by. 723-! "2570, NORTH WEST A AREA, close to 1 new McLaughlin Collegiate, Furnished base. ment apartment. Ideal for two teach- ers, $65 month, Telephone 725-4154, ° CADILLAC AVENUE SOUTH -- Girl to share furnished apartment with same. Telephone between 5.30 and 7 P.m. 725-3129. $60--THREE-ROOM basement apart+ private bath, stove, private entrance, paid hydro. Available Sep- tember 1. Apply Apartment 2, 67 Gibb Street or 728-8180. |LARGE HOUSE wanted by large fam- jily for Sept. 1 around Whitby or Osh- pitilization. Life insurance and pension. UNFURNISHED apartment, 2-3 large rooms. Private entrance and bath, |business widow, Quiet area. Septem- ber 1, Reasonable. After 6, 728-6718. | BUSINESS lady requires two unfurnish- ed rooms, King - Ritson district, Aug- ugust 15, Telephone 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 728- 8421 BUSINESS 1 EXECUTIVE REQUIRES A 3-4 BEDROOM HOME in North End of City Immediately Telephone 723-2209 or 723-1862 All inquiries in strictest con- fidence Reply to Box 627, Oshawa Times, giving qualifi- cations SALES Opportunity | For the person who is RITSON | ROAD, 333. -- Four: |apartment, unfurnished. Private bath: jroom. Close to bus and schools, Park- jing space. _ Telephone 725-034 |EAST END --. Furnished a apartment, |three rooms and bath, heated, garage, jtelevision, Adults, abstainers. Avail- able August 15. Telephone 725-4233. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance, centrally located, $50 Heat, lights, water included. Telephone 728-7988. | PATRICIA AVENUE -- Three - room furnished basement apartment, stove jand refrigerator. Good shopping dis- \triet, Adults only. Vacant August 9, Telephone 723-3985. HAMPTON -- Main floor, 'four-room japartment, private bath and entrance, interested in progressing with a large bakery on wholesale selling. '.---Houses for Rent FIVE-ROOM bungalow, private drive- and church. Telephone 723-4844. Accepted applicants will be way, fenced yard, close to bus, schools |$60, Also second floor five-room apace ment, private bath and entrance, $55. Both apartments oil gear sae immediately. Telephone CO \NORTH OF HOSPITAL -- Clean three- |bedroom insul-brick bungalow, oi | |tenced yard. Suit couple with two chil- dren. $90. Telephone 723-2913. FARM house, on good "oad, furnished if desired. Good cea} to pre ferred caretaker. |appreciated, Phone 985-7994 provided with sales training fringe benefits, good working conditions, salary ond com- missions. Do not apply unless you renting, central location. toward a future. | 5205. Good earnings and se- curity for your family. garage and fireplace. Priced to sel option to buy at $150 monthly to re- anietes Party. . Telephone nks 728-5123 Lloyd Reaity, Osh- iwi three-be: |pould brick fuaanioe: large fenced Tot. | After 5.30 p.m. Telephone MO 8-5409. -ROOM ho ce large bed- Telephone 728-85 ] F 4 FIVE-ROOM house, three rooms, large living room and kitchen. New built-in cupboards, heavy duty wiring, three-piece bath, hot and: cold | water. Very central. 865 monthly. Tele- /phone 723. |NOW'S THE TIME | ny ) sell that boat. Dial 723-3492 today to start your fast- jaction ad on its way to buyers. semi- Must be séen to be are interested in building |£iGHT-ROOM home, suitable for sub- lnmediate possession $125 monthly. Telephone 728- |FOUR-BEDROOM split-ievel home with with only $2000 down or will rent with Erwin Oshawo's Finest PARK LANE APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM SUITES 1) 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 Evenings Howe & Peters, Rea-tors EXPANDING ! ! | WHITBY CLASSIFIED Increased business, Additional products Give you the oppor- tunity of joining. DUMONT A division of fleet air |FURNISHED rooms for rent, suitable |for light housekeeping. con- veniences. Apply 305 Trent Street West, |T Whitby. |FOR SALE: 1959 Meteor, 6 cylinder, | }low mileage. | Telephone MO 8-5616. lato DUNDAS Street East: One unfur- nished housekeeping room for rent. |Apply to Mr. Robinson at Apartment Number One, |APARTMENT wanted: Two or three rooms with bath, heated. T In excellent condition. | a FURNISHED room, cooking privileges if desired, all conveniences, Central, Telephone MO 8-5176. |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment 3 a 112 Brock Street South. Tele- MO 86-4405. Available imme- lately, FOR RENT: Two room apartment, $48 Pouce Apply 66 Church Street South, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fi a specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. MO 8-4316, FOR RENT Small craft manufacturing th a FOR RENT -- August 1, two bedroom ---- in new apartment self-contained, unfurnished apartment. asa Adults only $43 monthly, Telephone MO!) 3727. (THREE room apartment in con- |venient and pleasant location; stove, washer, dryer, parking. Available Aug just 1. 305 St. Johns Street West, MO/? | 8-4728, Sales Representative |APARTMENT for rent: Self contained, | jbuilt-in cupboards, hardwood floors, jstove supplied. All conveniences tor building, is facilitiees, parkini, Adults preferred. Telephone MO 8-3591 DESKS, eae files, safes, dictating machines, complete line of office equip. 137_Brock South. MO 8-842. iC tanks cleaned. 4 204 Chestnut Street West. MO 8-2563 FOR RENT: Furnished bed sitting {room with kitchenette, refrigerator, rd. Telephone ize in repairing gold stamping. G. Schmid, 1005 Walton Bivd., Whitby. MO 8-5143 P.O. BOX 329 1--Women' s Column su insist ae a 1 |PERMAN NTS | on special the best col {dressing, 396 Pine Avenue GUSCOTT PLUMBING hbesk and HEATING LIMITED |2--Personal -- 725-5132 iF "you | HAVE Tave 3 a drinking | prab- lem, write to x 333, Whitby, or call) Rug Upholstery Service MO 8-3034 or 725-0893 Removal of superfluous hair, |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| + jcovered like new. Get the best tor less venience, bar | stove, sink, built-in cupboards, private groceries, entrance. Vacant now, Apply 231 Palace 728-2301 snack | people. We require a married couple, with no children, |housekeeping. 225 Green Street, |FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment.| | Street. to housekeep and core for EXPERIENCE lone a modernized, heavy duty |=og weg -- GnreeToom sell Conta. 2 children in return ng, gas installed, central iocation,| pace fo wir ie rtment,. $50. Mr. Say at 208 apartment eccoredetion, (NOT NECESSARY parking. AYO 8.9601 Sy peal ee Street & LAKE SCUGOS | | {Brock Street South or telephone MO All modern conveniences. Re- \RENTING Tine Bedicom" apartment 8.5947. i ply stating age, etc., to Box jsultes, spacious, modern. Range, refrig. FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, three and We have cottages on _ 315 Oshawa Times, _ erator, drapes, kitchen fan, etc. Tele-/four-room apartments, residential area, ee 23: MO 8-4775. ed downtown and school, 'aundry, Scugog. Price range $3,- | NEED IE en Soh Ra king and children's playground fa- 950 to $9,200, THREE cilities. 300 High Street Whitby. MO CONTACT LEARN TO "DRIVE ALL WELL . Oshawa Driving School _| But if y DAY or EVENING | on Late Models, Standards Automatics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA and WHITBY _____CALL_728-0091 ~_ 207 Simcoe St. S MEN! BE ASSURED OF GOOD PAY STEADY JOB Page Hair Telephone Building Trades Sena CERAMIC plastic wall tile, woodwork- ing, all floor coverings. Free esti- mates. Work guaranteed. Dial 728-0850 BULLDOZER for hire, $8 per hour. Oshawa Garden Service. 1259 Simcoe Street North. - 322: BUILLDOZING and excavating. Free! estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill-| court Drive, Whitby. MO 8.5612. If you are mature, ambi- tious and sincere, we will thoroughly train you at our expense, you will be assured of steady employ- {phone Mr. Daly, DUFFERIN APTS. 1 BEDROOM SUITES. ----EEEE eae newsprint paper in convenient Morie Murduff will be in }100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, JAMES O'MALLEY CO} 3 For additions, renovations, or new homes. "Insist on the best." Cail) 723-7122. | Learn YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- Expert Meat Cutting neys built and repaired, gas linings Successful Meat Merchand vacuumed. Fre wapaer installed, furnaces vacu e SaihServics Macts estimates. 723-2997 Moke Retail Meat Cutting NICK DYRIW | res Sonera 8 EXCAVATING @ super-market manager, pervisor or store owner BASEMENTS DUG TRENCHING 723-3898 HARLEIGH MFG. CO. House Remodelling. Kitchen and bathroom planning. Wall tiling, Modernfold Doors. etc. Free estimates any time PHONE 723-7589 -f } SECURITY FOR LIFE sing $u Re- people must eat. FOR WOMEN Meat Wrapping Grocery Checking and Retail Cashiering For free information phone | 728-7933 -- in Oshawa | or WRITE MARKET TRAINING INSTITUTE 1166 Dundas St Torontog 3, Ont. WwW |Surveyors ii FLM jE ast [DONEVAN _ jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates CHESTERFIELDS like new. Why pay Oshawa Aug. 21) st and 22nd. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, ' ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) 3--Pets & Livestock POMERA with papers rebuilt, recovered nore? Our vates reasonabie Satistaction guaran Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up ] Bond, W. Dial j | CHESTERFIE LDS re "upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma- terial for re-covering Dalton 4 ar ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-72 a teed holstery 'o AN pup, female. Telephone 723-172: BEAGLE hound. maie dntari® | rabbits, good bugle Avenue! 428 Rowena Street BEAUTIFUL baby budgies. On- training, talking strain. Apply Commercial blue. 7 s t iy tutaiio' Sion sean Broad 4 Elgin Street Eas' - -- - irt --~------« | BATHING, _ . boarding, Waubena Kennels. Telephone 725-6321 | Want- Ads Don't |®oxtn puppies, six weeks oid. fawn! color. Registered, female, $40; male,! $50 Telephone Bowmanville MA 3-2477 FLOAT THROUGH on one of the terrific 8 months, | very AND TROLLOPE, voice. 7 Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Phone 725:6881 and FLEISHMANN, | ario Land Surveyor print 25-563! or "Teady for Mrs. THE SUMMER boats you find ered to you im the Classified Section. | f back today. | Cost-They Pay Root "on | - ~'the Oshawa Times Classified Ads tel -fleaing, FOUND REALTY LTD LINDSAY, ONTARIO Day or Evenings Telephone; Lindsay 324-2185 |11--Articles for Rent OFFER YOUR services regularly in the business building marketplace Dial 723-3492 now and a friendly will help you "COFFEE URNS" 25-30-55-75-100 DISH CUTLERY, GLASS- ES, ROASTING PANS, TAPE RECORDERS, PUNCH BOWLS SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 725-3338 cup sizes YOUNG LADIES 18 to 25, single, to assist in compiling publisher's lists in Southern Ontario region. Must be of pleasing personality, able to leave for training in Toronto area immediately. $250 starting salary APPLY MR. FOSTER GENOSHA HOTEL 2 p.m., Friday, August 3rd. only Ad Writer 17--Male Help Wanted -- MACHINIST Machinist for lathe and mill- ing machine work APPLY Andrew Antenna Co 46 Beech St., yritty , |NOT NECESSARY i 4 | Ltd. | | ment, substantial yearly earnings, plus many other bonuses and company sponsored benefit plans CAR $79.50 Available now,. newly built,- | recessed, balconies, dining | areas, TV outlet, Dryer, Park- | ing, heated, fans, etc. _ 725-3090 or MO 8-3906 Avon Requires Sales Personnel | LADIES, HAVE YOU | SPARE TIME ON YOUR HANDS ? AVON offers the opportun- ity to make your spore time profitable. Why not becorne o Representative of 9 leading cosmetic company ? | Write AVON for details | at P.O. Box 512 Oshawa. Discuss this' opportunity with our sales director at our LOCAL OFFICE 333 SIMCOE S. 728-1651 jply Oshawa Times banquets, etc, Available at the Circula- tion Department, Oshawa Times. 77¢ |per roll. |STUDENTS A super value, approxi mately 630 sheets of tetter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap Office, Whitby. Till Dundas Street West. No. '1 Stock Reduced QUICK SALE DISCONTINUED COLORS, PATTERNS, DESIGNS DON'T MISS A BUY! Floor Tile, Duralite and Arborite Wallboard, Plastic Wall Tile, Armstrong Ceiling Tile CASH -- NO RETURNS ALL SALES FINAL SAWDONS" (WHITBY) LTD | 244 BROCK 5.--668-3524