Pare vee Spetagee i 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 1, 1962 Gap In Information ee oe eee 5 OT PDO Ma Ie Se SP Re ee Allowed Drug In US. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena- tor Hubert Humphrey (Dem. Minn.) said today a "tragic, avoidable gap" in international exchange of information let the drug thalidomide get into the hands of 1,200 U.S. physicians. Humphrey, in private life a pharmacist, said in a statemen' prepared for the opening of hearings by a government op- erations sub - committee that sheer. luck played a part in pre- venting the drug from causing widespread deformities among) babies in the United States. | It was only by chance, he said, that Dr. Frances Kelsey of the food and drug adminis- tration found information on the effects of the drug in a letter to the editor of one of the world's 4,000 medical journals. | Dr. Kelsey, a native of Van-| couver Island, was called as a witness in the hearings which Humphrey said are directed at co-ordinating the exchange of|Frances 0. Kelsey, hailed as a/world with deformities because Chicago, drug information among U.S.) agencies and between American and foreign agencies. Humphrey said his sub-com- mittee would not go over the) ground already covered by the) from the time a new drug ap-; "It would appear that, despite plication for it was received in|a strong drug regulatory sys-| the United States, Sept. 12, 1960,/tem in the United States, there) until it: was withdrawn last are serious weaknesses in infor-| March 8. mation and communication of MARKED BY TRAGEDY new, experimental drugs." "During this time, supplies of 'Senator Joseph S, Clark] | the drug were apparently dis-|(Dem. Pa.) said in a statement) 7 tributed--for experimental pur-|he is joining Kefauver in spon-; poses only--to over 1,200 Amer-|soring the drug bill amendmen' ican physicans," he said. "It! "At present, human beings--| would appear that the case his-jincluding pregnant women--are) tory of this drug is marked by/being used as guinea. pigs," tragic, avoidable gaps and de--|Senator Clark said. lays in international communi-|that guinea pigs should be used cation. as' guinea pigs first." Canadian Doctor ™ Faces Drug Probe By FRANCES LEWINE j WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dr.\babies born there may be as many as 7,000! throughout the scientist-heroine who kept the their mothers took 'the drug in birth - deforming drug thalido-|early pregnancy. mide off the U.S. market, would) It was while poring over and like to keep herself out of the'evaluating applications for new limelight. jdrugs that she spotted "inade- There's not much chance. To-|quacies'"' in the data presented Senate's anti - monopoly sub-|day, she testifies before the sen-|for thalidomide back in Septem- committee in its study of phar-|ate government operations sub-|ber, 1960. maceutical legislation. man Estes Kefauver Chair-|committee which is looking into (Dem, |the situation. Dr. Kelsey asked for more in- formation and held up the li- Tenn.) announced Tuesday that} She hasn't been able to get censing. committee would be asked to|much work dome since her role) She's always worked closely approve an amendment to pend-/In preventing sale of the dan-| with her husband, F, Ellis Kel- ing legislation to require ade-| serous drug here became'sey, assistant to the surgeon- quate tests on animals before/known. _ 4 general of the U.S. public health new drugs are marketed. Her testimony will come just/service here. They, both had "TESTED ON MICE, RATS jtwo years to the day--Aug. 1,/been on the faculty of the Uni- Kefauver said in a statement/1960--that she stepped into her/versity of South Dakota's school that thalidomide, blamed for)job as medical officer with the!of medicine. | "We think! g . Wai en " a THREE DEAD IN CAR-TRUCK CRASH Jackson, Mich., Tuesday. Am- | ground and the damaged bulance attendants and others | truck at the rear. State police | o() | are shown at the scene with | said the Indiana car went out Three members of an East | Ind., family were killed, four others hospitalized in an auto-truck collision near | the wrecked car in the fore- 7 eee eS eS eS & iy WASHINGTON (AP)--A truce plan for breaking off the Demo- cratic filibuster against the Ken- nedy administration's communi- cations satellite bill has been killed by Republicans: Senator Mike Mansfield of) Montana, the Democratic leader, had filibustering Demo- crats seemingly ready Tuesday to agree to a 10-day referral of the bill to the Senate foreign re- lations committee. This would have given the Senate time to work on other business before the bill came up again. However, in order to pass the move had to have unanimous consent. Senator Barry Gold- water (Rep. Ariz.) objected. A short time later a similar at- tempt was made. This time Sen ator John G. Tower (Rep. Tex.)/ j objected. | The _ frustraetd Democratic leader then recessed the Senate until noon today to allow com- mittees to catch up with a back- log of hearings. They have been of control and caromed into |ynable to meet while the fili- the path of the truck. |buster has been --*. What F the next move woul e was ee lia a Sie, Police Probing New Bid Expected Bank Robbery For A-Test Bans In Vancouver i officials are reported consider-|spection procedures inside the VANCOUVER (CP) -- Police|ing a new bid to Russia de.|Soviet Union and the territory investigating bold daylignt|sioned to break the cycle of of other nuclear powers. bank robbery are mystified by|American and Soviet nuclear) President Kennedy scheduled discovery of the gunman's re- weapons testing. the latest in a series of nuclear volver a block and a half west) One proposal reported under|test policy conferences for late of the scene: The gunman WaS|serious study would call for ajtoday at the White House. He) last seen fleeing in the opposite|ban on tests which cause radio-|will go into that meeting with) WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S,|setting up new, international in- WANTED RESPITE Senator Everett Dirksen of Il- linois, the Republican leader, jhad joined Mansfield in propos- ing the 10-day referral motion with instructions for the foreign relations committee to report the bill back by Aug. 10. He Clemency' Plea For Killer lin Canada Decision Seen SPRINGFIELD, Ill, (AP) -- Governor Otto Kerner may an- nounce his decision today in the llth-hour plea for clemency for convicted killer Paul Crump, scheduled to die in the electric chair early Friday for a 1953 murder. |agreement might be made when tempers cooled. suggested another try for an The truce plan ran into Re- |publican protests that the 10- |day interval might give Demo crats a chance to ram through a bitterly disputed farm aid bill, Truce Plan Dies On Satellite Bill urged the leaders to wear down senators Wayne Morse (Dem. Ore.), Estes Kefauver (Dem. Tenn.) and the other filibuster- ers by holding round the-clock sessions. The group of Democratic lib- erals object to the bill's pur- pose of setting up a privately- owned, government - regulated corporation to operate a global srace communications system. They contend it would be a give. away of tax money spent on space research. Deaths Increased During Last Year OTTAWA (CP)--Births, mar: riages and divorces were lower last. year, Deaths increased, - A preliminary report on 1961 vital statistics issued today by the buréau of statistics shows that the national birth rate dropped to its lowest point since 1945, Last year's figure of 26.1 'births per 1,000 population com- 'pared with a 1960 rate of 26.9. A total of 475,700 babies were born, compared with 478,551 in 1960. Marriages dropped last year to 128,475 from the 1960 total of 130,338, bringing the national marriage rate, also based on. 1,000 population, down to 7.0 from 7.3. Divorces declined to - 6,486 from 6,980. While the national death rate decreased to 7.7 per 1,000 pop- ulation from the 1960 level of 7.8, the deaths increased to 140,985 from 139,693. causing birth deformities when given to pregnant women as a tranquillizer, had been tested only on mice and rats before it was distributed. He said that after it was put on the market, tests on rabbits showed defor- mities similar to those in hu- mans. Humphrey said his commit- tee wants to analyze the case history of '"'an_ international tragedy resulting from what was believed to be a harmless sleeping pill." "The drug has reportedly been used in 13 countries," he said. "Dr. Helen Taussig, an outstanding authority, has stated, based on her on-the- scene study in West Germany, that the drug (thalidomide)-- called "Contergan" there--was manufactured by the ton. By 1960, it became Germany's most popular sleeping tablet and tranquillizer."" He said the committee is in- food and drug administration. | She can tell the senators how luck, scientific knowledge and her biochemist husband's back- ing made her keep challenging hideous deformities in newborn babies. |FASCINATED BY DRUGS "Drugs can do _ wonderful things,' the career mother of two teen-age daughters, told an interviewer, And Dr. Kelsey, 47, would rather look toward the| cancer and mental She's been fascinated by drugs ever since she took a chance} course in pharmacology in her senior year as a zoology stu-/ dent in 1936. Mrs. Kelsey was} born in Vancouver. Island. | By the end of this month-- nine months after the warnings| were sounded--Dr. Kelsey esti-| mates the full extent of the} damage caused by thalidomide terested in the chain of events will be known. Experts say She called on him as a CON-| qi action, active fallout, meaning tests in|State Secretary Rusk, Defence! Mansfield said he would op- |day when drugs appear to cure|gers and toes--in persons who diseases./had taken thalidomide for three | sultant and he agreed with his wife's appraisal and action. HAD SOME LUCK After her husband's approval Dr. Kelsey backing for her ar- guments. Among the thousands of scien- tific journals published, Dr. Kei-| cal journal of February, 1961,) in which a letter to the editor} described "peripheral neuritis" --a numbness or tingling of fin- or four months. It was a danger signal and it) sent Dr. Kelsey seeking even| more information from the} manufacturers, including re quests to investigate whether it was safe for use during preg- nancy. Not long afterward, the grim reports came from Germany that it was far from safe and sey happened on a British medi-|45) lhe walked to a nearby parking | The holdup man got away/the atmosphere and under wa-|Secretary McNamara and other Tuesday with upwards of 3$40,-/ter, These can be detected at|top policy advisers. 000 -- the exact figure isn't great distances. The meeting was expected to known--after shooting a teller) Such a ban could be policed|/produce decisions on U.S the seemingly innocent, sleep-|came the bit of luck that gave); k branch in! wi ' yes in th : est nego-| t ; 3 ' | | vi rese! etec arrange-|moves in the nuclea st nego- i i i. that a eae | in the Royal Ban with present detection arrang: ves ii r test the hand with the .45-calibre/ments without the necessity of|tiations being carried on at 17- weapon. : oer ayes *_. nation Geneva disarmament Teller John E. Ellis was in conference. | satisfactory condition in hospi- be Zz Black Muslims TESTS NEARLY OVER : | The United States has sub- The gunman, who wore a jstantially completed its series black silken hood, rushed from ouc jof atmospheric and high altitude} the beg pee ong a tests over the central Pacific} flight bag containing the money . . that' began last spring. Under-} into one car which sped off as Prison Riot ground tests started earlier ) have beén continued in Nevada. lot and drove away in another' wasHINGTON (AP) -- Some The Soviet government, which car. : 40 youthful prisoners in a Dis-|resumed testing last September The teller said that at the|trict of Columbia reformatory|after a worldwide moratorium time of the roberry -- shortly rioted Tuesday, brandishing/of almost three years, has an after noon--there were four Ol) sticks, clubs and a pickaxe in a;nounced its intention to hold a five customers in the bank in|brief demonstration apparently|new round of nuclear experi- addition to the staff of 11. touched off by Black Muslim) ments. protests. The United States meanwhile JUMPS COUNTER , : J States The hooded gunman vaulted, The riot ended after a wild has indicated it might conduct the bank counter, dropped to|49 minutes but not before one a few more high altitude tests al] of Of the demonstrators hit Rev.jover the Pacific. lgranted 14 stays of execution, The governor who spent|pose such an effort but told the Tuesday studying records of the|Republicanms he could not guar- case and the transcript of the/antee the effort would not be! clemency hearing Monday by| made. the Illinois parole and pardon) wanstield and Dirksen still board, alone can intervene in were arened with 6 dabatediaul the scheduled electrocution. ing closure petiti i Crump, 32 - year - old Negro prey Hes petition for use if Under it, the Senate would have to vote within 48 hours after its introduction. Two-|f Fre thirds of those voting would CEMENT | WORK Patios Our Specialty | © WALKS © STEPS e CURBS @ BLOCK LAYING © -- Work G Recommendations Supplied is seeking commutation of his death sentence to life imprison- ment, 4 Kerner, a former judge in Chicago, does not have to ac-|f cept the recommendations of}! the parole and pardon board which did not disclose its find- ings submitted to the governor. Crump, a.recent convert to| Roman Catholicism, spent Tues- day praying and reading in his cell, 20 feet from the execution chamber in the Cook County jail. He has been in the jail since his conviction in 1953 for the murnder fo Theodore Zukow- ski, 44, a guard, during a $20,- 000 robbery of the Libby, Mc- nave to approve the debate lim- tation. | A number of Republicans, in;| CALL BERT McLEAN 723-2867 5 BUEHLERS: cluding Goldwater and Tower, 40% Fender EAT'N oe TRUE-TRIM BEEF (5 2" thalidomide was withdrawn. one knee and yelled: LITTLE CHANGE IN TEMPER ~lyou get back against the wall. This is a holdup." " |... Then the bandit's gun went off and I noticed my left hand was covered with blood. It didn't hurt at all. I don't know why he shot me. I hadn't moved and I hadn't tried to press the alarm." Mr. Ellis said the gunman, who spoke with an accent, didn't seem nervous and calmiy the money from two cages. 4 | | scooped | tellers' | Teamster Local | Strike Ended | KINGSTON (CP)--A strike of } \two - week - old Teamsters local |Donald Sheely, a Roman Catho-| {t announced that the launch- lic priest, with the pickaxe. Hel ing pad for rockets at Johnston |was not seriously injured. Island, heavily damaged by the | Donald Clemmer, director of |faijure of a rocket launching Neil and Libby plant. The U.S. Supreme Court has refused three times to hear his appeal. Four companions' convicted in 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 jthe institution, said the trouble | July 25, will be repaired for began while 300 prisoners|the remaining high altitude awaited the call to afternoon) tests" duties and ended when Clem-/---- mer met with five ringleaders and agreed to some of their de-| USEFUL ANIMALS mands. ) Domesticated yaks in Tibet From the lawn of the admin- are a source of meat and milk, istration building, the rioters! or may be used as saddle and ran to nearby dormitories, a ry pack animals. classroom building, a canteen, -- = the robbery drew prison sen-| | tences. | | SHORGAS ] HEATING & | APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial and a kitchen. They shattered windows and damaged equip- ment before being persuaded to return to the dormitories. Clemmer said three of the five ringleaders were members of the Black Muslim sect, a Negro group which preaches EYE EXAMINATIONS eppointment PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH The established, reliable Ges Stock-Up For -- The -- Holiday Weekend! Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) Negro supremacy. 728-9441 }$11,000,000 plant has ended. A | | WEATHER FORECAST STIFF TERMS Sunny Weather Moves Eastward Official forecasts issued by, the weather office at 5 a.m.| Synopsis: High pressure area,| giving clear skies, is moving) slowly eastward and is expected| to give mainly sunny weather to southern Ontario during to- day and Thursday. In the north-| ern portions of the province,| however, there will be a few) cloudy periods with the chance! of showers late Thursday. j Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-| tario, Windsor, London, Hamil-| ton, Toronto: Mainly sunny today and Thursday; Not much change in temperatures. Winds light. Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Al- goma, Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with a few BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP)--| | Two employees convicted of! stealing $20,000 from a pepper| marketing plant were the first! the Communist Sudbury ... : stiff new penal code, The su- Eariton Kapuskasing . White River.. Moosonee 75 75 75 75 45 15 years the 10- and 12-year court. Sault Ste. Marie... | [ /_sneseeeinnaimmmaaaeeeess---- Hungarians to feel the weight of|Brotherhoood of Team st government's) ). Pl same day the union tele. preme court increased to 12 and|{, allan on phe" terms handed out by a loweelseee the firm would have to which halted construction of an Details of the settlement of the one-day strike which ended Tuesday were not disclosed, The strike at the rollin i plant of the Aluminum Caiica of Canada was touched off when 4 contracting company refused to pay a Teamster member on extra $1 an hour a Mel Young, owner and oper-| ator of a truck, jast Thursday | joined Local 675 of the Dump Truck Owner-Operators' Union affiliated with the International ers "TODAY A Sive..."OW Fi Save. ater| bd * . |tion Company of Montreal and| 2 pay | 5 ; Mr. Young $4.50 an hour for his| ; 'truck instead of $3.50, | Mount Forest. Timmins ......... 5 ., _ FAMOUS NAME ECT ABERDEEN, Scotland | P 4 The ninth research vessel to be| called Discovery was launched here. The 3,000-ton vessel will be part of research expeditions to the Indian Ocean. The first Discovery was launched in 1602 but the most famous one was the supply ship for Capt. Robert' a Antarctic expedition of cloudy periods today and Thurs- day little change in tempera-| tures. Winds light today and| southwest 15 Thursday. | White River, Cochrane: Sunny with cloudy periods today and Thursday. Chance of showers| late Thursday. Not much} change in temperatures, Winds! westerly 15. Forecast temperatures Low tonight, High Thursday Windsor .. sce 0 Trenton ...- Killaloe ... Muskoka, .. North Bay..ecess (Beau Valley | 1S GROWING! Come and see our 1962 "Dream Homes" now under construction, DRIVE UP TONIGHT Salesmen Gn Location 7-9 P.M, Daily : 'A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE' OSHAWA BLVD. N, Gust East of Simcoe) ON ROSSLAND SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING WEST 723-2265 (Bo..ks of MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR ..-Is the Satisfaction, Service, and SAVINGS You'll Find During BLACK'S HOLIDAY SALE "The House of Style for Men & Boys' 74 SIMCOE N, 723-3611 BLADE STEAKS |b. 69° TOMORROW, AUGUST 2nd--1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. | at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. NORTH | Regular blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without an appointment WE ARE DESPERATELY SHORT OF ALL NEGATIVE TYPE BLOOD We need 400 bottles of blood to replenish our blood bank RIB STEAKS BONELESS, SHOULDER POT ROAST Salisbury STEAKS lb. 85° Ib. 49° lb. 69 Milk-Fed VEAL! LEGS - RUMP SIRLOIN ROAST SHOULDER CHOPS ©" LOIN & RIB CHOPS Ib. 79° VEAL STEW CUT-UP WINGS NECKS LEGS - BREAST TURKEY Ib. 59° Ib. 29° Ib. 10° CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS - BREAST ~ WINGS Ib. 29* @ NECKS lb. 10° lb. 59° SAUSAGE MEAT FRESH MADE VEAL PATTIES COUNTRY SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 49¢ 2 Ibs. 49° 3 lbs. 1.00 lb. 49¢ BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE Sausage & Bacon PATTIES BUEHLER'S CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, AUG. 6th oo &