THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 1, 1962 17 GM PHILIPPINE NURSES LEARN ABOUT 'THE TROTS' | them are getting advice on to-right, the nurses are Wil- | how to read a harness racing | helmina Rowan, Teresiti Ber- | program, from St. Catharines | mejo and Aida dela Cruz, driver, Gary Campbell. Left- A group of nurses from Hotel Dieu Hospital in St. Catha- rines, were guests at Old Woodbine Raceway in Toronto last night. Above three of Ottawa Entries Lead ORA Shoot lation shooting with Staff Sgt. William Lochmanetz of Camp Emie Davis To Miss Big Game CHICAGO (AP)--The college, all-stars' chances of upsetting ; |Green Bay Packers of the Na-| Bonde, Ov BPS Fy |uonal Football League on Pr | 9 points of| day night's 29th annual all-star football. game sagged Tuesday |when star halfback Ernie Da-| vis of Syracuse was declared| (CP)--Ottawa marksmen won all three opening events of the Ontario Rifle Association'a an- ; nual four-day matches which/ton, Ont. Each had 4 started Tuesday at these army/a possible 50. ranges 14 miles west of Ot-| In the shootoff: Sgt. Loch- tawa. manetz had 23 points and Sgt. The victor, the ee si out of the game because of ill-| was reserve army Captain L.| . ; peels | H. Douglas. A medical health Ay. I nee wwateke ieee officer for the suburban town-} eC dy Fort to--Set. W. M It first was announced ships of Gloucester and , Ne- the City of s0r08 sree G_|Davis, last season's Heisman pean, Capt. Douglas shot 22 of ~ig won his on on 4 od "ex: e >. Cross, one 01 em- . ee area ee gag 10 hers of the British rifle team} unr Re: 'ie oy a po nt competing here. Sgt. Beattie Cage. Dousies and Cpl Brown|"ad 22. points in the shootoff, scored 145 of a possible 150 in|/°"® better than Cross. the regular. match, fired from| The Royal Canadian School of 600, 500 and 200 yards. Artillery won the City of Hamil- A three-way tie in the City of|ton team match with 190 points Hamilton match was broken in|0f @ possible 200. Members of| an evening shoot-off when Fit,|the team included S. Sgt. Loch- Lt, G. F. Sanderson of ie ae Station Rockcliffe shot 24} The Trades and Training points, He was tied after regu-|Corps cadet team from Camp points. He was tied after regu-|Borden was second. CONNAUGHT RANGES, won| that signed by Cleveland Browns of the NFL, SPORTS BRIEFS WAS WHL STAR VERNON, B.C, (CP) -- Bob) CP Wirephoto 1 | si a Veuyeeruye® SWIFTS PREMIUM OR BURNS SHAMROCK BRAND READY TO SERVE SHORT SHANK FULLY WHOLE or C SKINNED AND DE-FATTED (Smoked) vu. 69° COOKED COMBO STYLE (WHOLE OR HALF) Canada's Finest Government Inspected Red or Blue Brand Beef BONELESS ROUND Trophy winner, had the | However, preliminary hospital] tests indicated the fleet half- } back's ailment was of a differ-; ent nature, possibly infectious mononucleosis. Davis has been FD HAM for a Succulent, Tender Treat! Another tempting idea for the weekend: tender deli- cious smoked Ham, oozing with the sweet succulent taste your family will thoroughly enjoy. If you haven't tried a tasty Dominion Ham lately, why not take advantage of this week's special feature, and ask the Man Behind the Meat Counter for the cut of your choice to suit your individual needs! It's a grand idea in good eating! Shop SELF SERVICE or # AT THE COUNTER... 4 with Equal Co KING COLE, PRE-DRESSED YOUNG DUCKLINGS SWIFT'S PREMIUM SIDE RINDLESS BACON SWIFT'S PREMIUM SKINLESS FRANKS SHOPSY'S COLE SLAW OR POTATO SALAD u 99° ne. 89° u. 45° 33° 89 12-0Z, PKG. EACH EASY TO CARVE RUMP ROAST 09: Ballance, 39, former all-star left! winger with Vancouver oe of the Western Hockey League, | died Monday after a heart at-| tack. Ballance, who joined the! Canucks when the club turned Cassius Clay Now Ranked 7th ws S5.55) NEW YORK (AP) -- Heavy-|Floyd Patterson, New York, 1. weight Cassius Clay of Louis-|Sonny Liston, Philadelphia; 2 ville, Ky., was named fighter of|Eddie Machen, Portland, Ore,; the month for July by Ring)3, Zora Folley,.Chandler Ariz.; Magazine today and moved up/4. Ingemar Johansson, Sweden; in the publication's rankings. |5. Archie Moore, San -Diego,/Hamilton Tiger - Cats of the The unbeaten 20-year-old star|Calif.; 6. Cleveland Williams,/Rartern Football Confer-| was picked for his fifth-round) Houston, Tex.; 7, Cassius Clay, lence this year. Coach Jim} knockout of Argentina's Alejan-|Louisville, Ky.; 8. Henry/Trimble announced Tuesday dro Lavorante July. 20. Clay,Cooper, England; 9. Bob Cler-|that Dekker has obtained per- scored his 15th straight bout|0Ux, Montreal; 10. Mike DeJohn,| mission from his employers to and 12th knockout after brashly| Syracuse, N.Y play. Dekker said in February --and correctly--predicting the) Light - heavyweight (175)he couldn't play due to business kayo round. pounds): Champion, Hareld|commitments. The victory advanced Clay to| Johnson, Philadelphia. 1. Giulio} _ seventh from ninth: among'Rinaldi, Italy; 2. Deug Jones,! WINS EXHIBITION Ring's heavyweight contenders.|New York; 3. Mauro Mina,) FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP)-- In the same division, Mike De-|Peru; 4. Eddie Cotton, Seattle,|Jack Nicklaus fired a 66, five John, of Syracuse, N.Y., re-|/Wash.; 5. Gustav Scholz, Ger-|under par, and defeated South gained the listings, taking 'No.|many |African Gary Player by three 10 spot after his upset decision) Middleweight (160 pounds):|strokes in a $3,000 exhibition over Bob Cerloux of Montreal;Champion, Paul Pender, Brook-|match Tuesday. The young U.S last Saturday. Cleroux fell to|line, Mass. 1. Gene Fullmer,/open golf champion picked up ninth from sixth. NBA champion, West Jordan,|$2,000 in beating the PGA win- Cleroux is the only Canadian Utah; 2. Dick Tiger, Nigeria; 3.)ner in the annual exhibition in the rankings. Terry Downes, England; 4. Joey|feature of the Fort Wayne Ratings include: Giardello, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 5.|Country Club's 6,370 - yard Heavyweight: Champion, Denny Moyer, Portland, 943. | course. CHANGES MIND | HAMILTON (CP)--End Paul Dekker has changed his mind about retirement and will join} IKRESGE"S HOP KRESGE'S. FOR YOUR VACATION NEEDS We Still Have A Good Assortment of All Your Vacation and Cottage Requirements. SHORT SLEEVE & SLEEVELESS LADIES' BLOUSES LADIES' DECK PANTS SUMMER WEIGHT AND COLORS LADIES' SLIMS BC & JACKET 1.97 & 2.87 BOLEROS DECK PANTS "ims 2.47 & 3.98 MEN'S MEN'S AND BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS STILL AVAILABLE... ALSO STILL A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF BEACH TOYS 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STILL ONLY 99° ony 1.97 STILL 2.37 ONLY WHITE ONLY ONY AT DOMINION -- WHITE OR PINK LEMONADE 5 6%4-OZ. 59: TINS DOMINO CRINKLE COT POTATOES 16-O0Z. 2 7 C PKG. BEEF --- CHICKEN --- TURKEY SWIFT PIES 3. 85° PKGS. DOMINO FANCY. NEW PACK STRAWBERRIES 15-OZ. 25° PKG. ONLY AT DOMINION -- HILLTOP BLACK TEA BAGS on 65° MUSTARD 6-0Z 10° PARD -- FOUR PREM 37c OFF PACK LYNN VALLEY Cream YORK DOMINO DAY ( DOG FOOD LUNCHEON MEAT SURF DETERGENT ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLO INSTANT COFFEE BEANS with PORK GINGER ALE GRAPE OR ORANGE CORNATION DRINKS ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLOW SALAD DRESSING 16-0Z. JAR 29° ° 55° 8 »s 1.00 set "2" 09 31° = 85° 2" 25° 2" 27° 2 wits 25° 49° FLAVOURS 2 2-02. JAR STANDARD Style CORN 20-02. TINS 15-OZ. TINS PLUS DEPOSIT) 30-02, BOTTLES 64-02, JUG JAR McLARENS FRESH PACK WAFER PICKLES BORDEN'S DUTCH CHOCOLATE EXCELLENT FOR SALADS MAZOLA OIL COCA PUFFS *" FROSTY'OS «:" 16-0Z, JAR 49° 43° 7 2 1-LB. TIN 32-07. BOTTLE SPECIAL C for 89 net gage SUGAR JETS ° TRIX ©" PKG, McLAREN'S CORN RELISH JAR FIRST OF THE SEASON, EXCELLENT FOR PRESERVING B.C: APRICOTS AN 15-LB. CASE 1.99 CAROLINA NO. 1, RED RIPE AND SUGAR SWEET WATERMELON |: 2: un 69° 15 TO 22 LBS. CALIFORNIA NO. 1 SWEET AND JUICY (FAMILY SIZE 180's) SUNKIST ORANGES 4.1.00 FOR COOL, REFRESHING SUMMER DRINKS -- JUICY CALIFORNIA SUNKIST LEMONS 6 ««." 33° 140's NO. 1, CALIFORNIA SWEET AND CRISP » LB. 25° SEEDLESS GRAPES LB. 6° 5 DELICIOUS FLAVORS ROYAL GROWN Canned Soft Drinks 12 85° ~ 241,59 ONTARIO NO. 1 NEW CROP Everything Guaranteed WAXED TURNIPS OMINION Velues EHective 6 p.m. Saturday, August 4, At Your Dominien Stores in Oshawa & Whitby