oe 27--Real Estate For Sele 27--Real Estate for Sale ;29--Automobiles for Sale ,29---Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 24, 1962 _ i 27--Reel Estate For Sale 27--Reol Estate for Sale © 27-----Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT 50,000 SQUARE FEET LAND SPACE Commercial Zoned Land fronting on three streets with 120 Ft. on 20,000 99 Simcoe Street Sou Simcoe Street. SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE ios and 108 Celina Street includes 4,000 ibs. capacity elevator system, and finished offices. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING STORES FRONTING ON SIMCOE STREET OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY For Long-Term tenants will undertake alterations or costruction INQUIRIES PHONE OWNER 725-2802 PARKING of new building to suit. 1958 MG, white, excellent condition, a engine, knock-off wheels, low Call 3-3896 after 6. PRIVATE 's dream! Col- 1953 Lind dyad good running condition. er T 723-7484, STORAGE APARTMENTS Onial style brick, cast end, ea 725-1632. Ss n louvre drapes, chimes, doors, 3 bedrooms. Save realtor's 723-2481. Telephone LOT, Sunset Heights district, fully -|/'29 MODEL A Ford, good mechanically, e ae body solid, Telephone alter 5 p.m .MO| and tires, needs body 'work. Best offer, Apply 294 Eulalie Avenue. FOR SALE iChoices Offered "Si CHEVROLET two-door radio, excellent condition, must sell. Call 728-0366 2766 after 6. 1957 PONTIAC two door hardtop, 6 cyl- shift, real good condi- tion, $975. Telephone 723-3662, 61 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6.cylinder, New car condiiton. Tele- Phone 728-3140. Jand- So eat crs te tad ore water and standard, sewers. mileage, Telephone 728-815: 6 or 728- GooD Commercial Property on four corners 35 ond 7 highway with 3 acres land, house, 7 room and tteeds 1 'S6 STUDEBAKER, $190. °51 bg bo 331 Gibbon Street. Telephone 725- 6 a OLnMOREE, "98" fei hard- =a tl a . 16 Elena Street or Witt 'sq METEOR four-door hardtop, Va, au radio, condition. Under M SASKATOON (CP)--A patient; will have four choices and a doctor will have four ways of getting income under the gov- renovated, all floors tile, all aluminum storms, wi ond doors, oil furnace, 3 piece both. Sell or trade on |tomatte, , whitewalls, A-1 Ce rec room. $13,500, Call 728-0754; T * , oa. $350 DOWN, 30--Automobiles Wanted _ LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725- "$5 Chevrolet convertible, ernment - doctor agreement signed Monday to end Saskat- chewan's medical care dispute. TOP value, custom radio, whitewall tires, new bedroom wold brick home, many extras, . MO 6-823. transmission and motor job. grocery store or g store. Also German Shepherd Puppies, 9 weeks old. Very good watch dog - $10 - $15 Apply S. Hussel, 35 and 7. highway, 2 miles south of Lindsay. Phone 324-2067. |'60 BUICK or F om cylinder, di ill trade '58 Super Oldsmobile sedan, fully powered and equipped. Pay difference. No dealers. Write Bez 316 Oshawa Times. $ALL CASH$ For om reed we ane oo or MASSON Street, 842, tractive five-room brick preferred district. Spotless. mortgage. $11,900. ATTRACTIVE five - many other features, private sale, at- bungalow, in . 4% per cent between 7 '59 HILLMAN in good condition, Owner eeree agape $450, Telephone Ajax room % acre land, 1 and bus. Low Sacrifice! Reduced for) quick sale, $600 full down payment. gslew, Siumiaume' storms, large it storms, large lot, aluminum Kenoed and landscaped. Aer TF 5.30 p.m, -Iscreens, TV aerial, landscaped. Locat- $600 DOWN -- $11,900, full price. Six- room brick bungalow, garage, storms, FIVE-ROOM brick bungaiow, garage, North Oshawa, Carries for $79 monthly. Telephone 725-1641. double ed 314 Sharbot Street, Oshawa, neat Lake Vista Shopping Plaza. Immediate possession. Private, oe 7 and 9 725-0 RANCH STYLE bungalow partly now » attractive a, Hedwig's p.m. Ti PRIVATE SALE of one year old brick b : . galow. Bay Ridges - pagar, driveways, 2 bathrooms, sorapes, rugs 100', 'plus adjoining lot, yo or best offer. 310,300 down. 'ger landscaped. $2,550 down. NHA mortgage. Carries $115 monthly including taxes, Pickering 839-2771 eve- nings and weekends. INCOME apartments -- Elgin St. West $18,000.00 -- 3 Total monthly income $175.00. Each apartment is self-contained. The general | condition is very good. Down payment is only $2, 500. Vendor 4 BEDROOMS Seven minutes walk to shopping, all would consider trade for house in LOOK AT will hold mortgage -for the balance. Don't miss this one | | | rooms, split-level,.This home is in an ideal location, 5 schools and churches. Owner country. See ond make an offer OUTSIDE of ho Somerville, then call for appointment to see this lovely, 1% storey home in excellent condition inside and out. Asking $10,000 with low down payment LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? Your choice of colors if ordered in time -- Adelaide St. West Down payments from $950. Full price $13,200 WILSON & NORRIS Realtors OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 HOWE & PETERS, HESS _ SNELGROVE HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX 942-3364 REALTORS | 67 KING STREET $1,787 New N.H.A. bungalow 3 good size bedrooms, modern kitchen, EAST -- 725-4701 DOWN 43 PARK RD. SOUTH S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 $1000 DOWN Smort four room bungalow located on Simeoe North, Reduced for fast sale, Coll Lorne Hartford at 728-6286 TWO STOREY Home with attoched garage on Adelaide West. In tip top WITH WILLOUGHBYS|s2 Nash Road, gs down 'or apply | WH 86 William East, Oshawa. 'SS SEmemoeELE hydromatic transmis- kit- sion, A-1 condition. Telephone Whitby, MO 8-4844. cool CHEVROLET station wagon, two- tone brown and cream, two-door, radio, $450 or best offer. 728-1923. 38 PONTIAC or i eng wo he $1,000 CASH -- full peice toe, chia fear. + Slats » chock. ished cottage in Cedar Val-|Phone 723-7469 » kitchen and - |S CHEVROLET coach, radio, good -|mechanically, good body, new tires, .|battery generator, regulator, 561 Grier- son. 725-9329. 1953 | OL "98" perfect running order, four new tires and battery, custom radio. Telephone NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Biz ee ST..N., WHITBY 8-8001 se WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cosh" to the New Cor Dealer and SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANT TO SELL? LIST 9474 or 725-8152 evenings, 52% Simcoe Street North, We have a number of City buyers for good comfortable homes in the $8,000 to $12,000 bracket in the Port Perry - Raglan - Columbus and Brooklin 'areas. Call DOUG ANDREWS John A, J, Bolahoed Limited. PRIVATE SALE -- five-room, two-bed- room brick bungalow, quiet, north-east PATIENT'S CHOICES 1. He may choose a doctor who is enrolled with the govern- ment's Medical Care Insurance Commission for direct payment. His doctor will bill the commis- sion. 2. He may enrol with a vol- untary (private) health insur- ance agency to which he will pay an enrolment fee, and at his option a further premium to insure for further additional fringe benefits. The patient may then choose a doctor who has entered into a service con- tract with the voluntary agency. The 'doctor will send the to the agency. 3.'He may choose not to en- rol with a voluntary health in- neighborhood, 470 Beverly Street. Mortage arranged. 725-6398 for sp- pointment. PHONE 655-3195 Located on Highway 12, 1 mile north of Brooklin J. A, WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD Realtors, 46 Eglinton Ave, E Toronto 12. Ajax, WH 2-0393. 1955 FORD, four door, two tone. Very good condition throughout. Priced at $450. Telephone 725-4643. '#2 CHEVROLET BelAir, | fully 'equipped, low mileage. 725-514 after 6. ST PONTIAC, whitewalls, radio, fen- der skirts, A-1 condition, Tele- AIRS phone 728 8163 Apply 313 Olive Avenue. GENERAL REP 4 67 KING ST, WEST '55 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 auto- 723-7822 31--Automobile Repeirs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND $6,900--FULL PRICE. Large seven- room home in central part of city. Ideal for investment with only $2,200 down, Call Bill Johnston, 728-5123. Lloyd} Ralty, Oshawa, Lid,, Realtor. PRIVATE sale -- Total price $13,400. |Cash to first NHA mortgage, $1140. |Five-room brick, new house, early pos- pe owner taransferred. 1452 Oxiord |; automatic, Phone shape. An excellent buy for the discriminating person. Call Doug Builied ot 728- 6286 HARMONY HEIGHTS Five room NHA resale, A superb home with rec room and many extras. Call Glen MacKinnon et 728-6286. SEE THIS ONE A three bedroom brick bun- golow in Kingsmere Gardens. To inspect is to buy. See the exquisite features in this home. Call Harold Segol at 728-6286 $700 DOWN Five room brick. bungalows As modern as tomorrow. See the beautiful kitchens ond large bedrooms. Call Bob Stevenson ot 728-6286. co. LTD REALTORS 723-9810--725-8761 " ge ge are 5nd Bowmanville. wonnitaw Drive, nine-room older after 5 p.m meme condition. Save At Western Service Centre |home. Very good condition. Five rooms NvOoyY, to, jdewn three up. Hardwood and tile, Ka ine ENVO very ecopomical." one h 725-1) Repairs to All Makes LICENCED MECHANICS furnace. Will sell or smaller home in city, 723-4162. 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Parts and Service T DREAMING of an ESTATE We have just the home for you. An ultrascenic setting for @ 7 room ranch on 4 acres commanding a view of a beautifully lush green valley. This outstanding home is lo- coted at Greenwood on old Highway 7, only 13 miles from Oshawa. The home is well planned with a view ot every window, giving you over 1600 sq. ft: of luxurious living. A 14' x 30' family PONTIAC sedan, good condition, radio, four new tires. Telephone 655-3843. ss WILSON ROAD SOUTH -- Three-bed- room NHA brick Will take ane house trailer as part down pay- ment, Telephone 728-7146. $13,500 EXCELLENT terms, centrally located, eight room brick, new oil fur- nace, large lot with garage. Ready to move into, Call Paul Ristow Realtor, 72-974 or 725-6152 evenings, 5244 Sim- coe Street North. PRIVATE SALE, two-bedroom brick and natural stone bungalow, atta tached 16, garage. Landscaped. Many extras, ot oeaat3. ply 585 Grierson Street. "Si MONARCH V2 automatic ,A-1 me- 308 CRERAR STREET -- $11,000, $1,000|chanically and bodily, power equipped, id , radio, other extras, will con- down, six rooms, private drive. Must sell. See, make offer, MEirose 3-0684 or | Sider trade. Telephone 728-2185. 'S] CHEVROLET two-door standard, radio, mile- eg sell, Telephone 728-0366 or '$8 JAGUAR automatic, owner left country. Must sacrifice. Telephone 723- 7043 between 6and 8 p.m. 100 AUSTIN Hissiey Sprite, o: $900. After Ps "teigphous Statham Motor Sales DEALER FOR RENAULT 59 King West. 723-7712 surance agency and may choose Blackstock Guides Fete Boy Scouts By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The Local Girl Guides treated the Boy Scouts to a party recently. Lorna Wright, Helen Swain, Betty Bradburn and Judy Swain were hostesses, in order to ob- tain their hostess badges. Games and Dances were en- joyed and the girls served hot dogs, potato chips and marsh- mallows. room with fireplace, French iu ssell 7-3957, collect. 1953 PONTIAC sedan, good |FAMILY of three require house by radio, four dew. tires. eptember 1, Three bedrooms and , eed 655-3043, sd 32-- Articles for Sale ONE Crestone saxophone, alto. Reaegon- doors leading from dining room to patio orea, stone fire- place in living room, breeze. 1958 PONTIAC, aut Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright were chaperones. two-tone, rad able. MO 8-4704. way to garage and colonial type patio, If you desire se clusion, comfortable living, don't miss this chance of a lifetime. Full price is only $18,900. Call or write for en appointment FRED COOK baci mad buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2204. HARDWOOD lengths flooring, maple quantity to cover 600 square feet (ap- ) ible for cottage. Rea- . Telephone 725-2684. TENTS, camping = oer hardware, Scere an io, pol ytnny mileage, After "y Pm, Sooee 3 ACRE LOT IDEALLY LOCATED for church buliding, ete. Good quiet location SIMCOE ST. N. |CAR Sry transistor, in the dash, $39.95, Aerial and installation extra. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. '54 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 convertible, | oo) power steering and brakes, radio, auto- matic transmission, one owner. Phone VOLVO Tire, 48 Bond Congratulations to Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair or receiving honors on her recent Grade VIII Singing examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stainton, Mrs. Nevins and Mrs. nd) French, Bowmanville, were re- em/cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. outboard motors, bicycles, Best oe Street W ane REFRIGERATOR, section, $80. Gurney electric ran- gette, plug-in type, used four times, $50. Televhone 725-7046. REAL ESTATE LTD 59 MAIN STREET (withing city limits) THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS Orr Venning. i er a trip to Watertown, Cornwall and Upper Can- MARKHAM AX 3-7922 CALL 723-3096 REP AIRRATORS, Read Phillips, 10.5 ou. Wringer-type washing chine, $50 both excellent condition, Apply anytime NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage 45 Annapolis Street . ada Village recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells be eeveeee ° edicare a doctor who is not enroled with the Medical Care Insurance Commission for direct pay- ment. The doctor will bill him and the patient will be reim- bursed up to 85 per cent of "4 4 schedule of minimum fees the commission, , 4. He will be able to go to a doctor who elects to practise entirely for private fees. He will then pay the full fee him- self and will have no claim on | the Insurance Commission. DOCTOR'S CHOICES 1. He may elect to enrol for direct payment by the Medical Care Insurance Commission. His payment will then be as 4 agrees with the commission: By fee-for-service; by retainer and a smaller fee-for-service; or by fixed remuneration only. j 2, He may practise * largely, or pf st in: nae tion with one or more voluntary health insurance agencies, For patients' who re enroled with such agencies, he will submit bills. at the agreed figure (at present 85 per cent of the sched- ule of minimum fees). The ag- ency will collect from the Med-° ical Care Insurance Commis. sion a reimbursement on the general 85 per cent basis and pay to the doctor the amount of that reimbursement in full pay: ment of the doctor's bill. 3. He may practise partly, largely, or entirely outside any voluntary medical care scheme, and not be enroled for direct payment by the Medical Care Insurance Commission. He will bill such patients entirely at his own discretion. The only re- quirement will be the submis- sion of his bill to his patient in an itemized form. 4, He may choose to practise entirely for private fees, pro- vided that his patients also agree to make no use of the medical care scheme. Cites Number Ot Jews In Canada MONTREAL (CP)--The Cana- dian Jewish Congress considers 254,368 the correct figure for the number of Jews in Canada, says a\Dr: Louis Rosenberg, director of the congress' bureau of social Wi + Miss Donna Lamb, Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Wil Forder took a trip through Bancroft area re- 4 pe. tiled both, ravine lot with walk-out basement, 1 mortgage, 6% % interest. Call Earle Allen 725-7782 evenings FARM and economic research. The census figures on nation- alities, released by the bureau SPACIOUS SUBURBAN RANCHER FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S,--728-0921 WEDDING dress, lace and net over with poco veil, tlara and gloves included. Cost $100, METCALF 1% STOREY 78 ocre farm with 32 cores in apple orchord, 20 acres wheot, 10 eeres cats. Brand new home, 6 room brick, located only 15 minutes drive east of Oshawa. Coll Bob Johnson 728-2548 EXTRA BEDROOMS 5 bedroom split level, located outside City, 1 block from large lot now planted in garden, Excellent home to roise targe family. Coll Rolande Tierney 725-5207 2¥% ACRES 1¥ storey home, 4 bedrooms, 212 acres of good land Taxes only $122.00. Call Joe Crawford MA 3-3672 Lerge school, 7 room, BEURIN 3 room brick bungelow, located bl x Ae lot, close to all schools, aluminum storms and screens with low down payment. Call ond find out purchased Cal Fore" Allen 725-7782 92 ACRES Located in Courtice, on Trull's Rd. S., 92 acres of level land some bush, roned for 1350 sq. #. $5000. 00. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548 G AVE. in north west arec, oi] heated, house. Priced at only LVL WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Whitby, single room, pri- vate home, parking space, laundry in- cluded, 7-day week $9, with meals $16. MO 8-4761. -- APARTMENT ~ rent: Main floor, pri- entrance, nelied living room, open kitchen with yon bathroom ahd small bedroom, at \vsaaas Central. $75 monthly. MO 8-35' LADYS gold eich Ta aga band, lost | vicinity MMO 8-4303 ny .|Parkinig. Adults MO 8-3591. WASHING machine for sale. In good condition, $40.00. Telephone MO 8.3236; FOR RENT -- %65 monthly, three and four-room apartments, residential area, near downtown and school, laundry, parking and children's playground fa- nor 300 High Street Whitby. MO} 5 : | FOR RENT: August 1, ove bedroom| apartment in new apartment building,! .| stove, refrigerator, washing facilitiees, Preferred. Telephone and stove, kitchen Palace Street, Whitby. Call : Man's dark green nylon wind- on Saturday night at lacrosse Brooklin, in or near vicinity arena or east gate. Would of ans dd to owner. MO 8-427 Coltie dog, female, brown a3 » Sunday night, to the name - Reward. MO _ 86-2649. S, chairs, files, machines, on Une of office equip. Hamilton's 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. wsprint paper in convenient 100 ft. tele suitable for plenic tables, ; Available at the tion Depertaserhs Oshawa Times. Tre per roll. | b ghia 'antes, dictating) sui'able for elderly or young couple. Please coll 723-9810 or 725-8761 More thon just o house, full six rooms, completed in every respect for living ot its best, extra high basement, enclosed breezeway ond at- tached double garage, large landscaped lot, real volue ot $16,500. terms arranged. $10,900 FULL PRICE room bark brick bungalow, ce a few years old, good number of extras, storms and screens, venetian blinds, TV antenna ,hot water by oil heating, paved drive and gar- age, well landscaped lot with variety of fruit trees, central location, $2,400 down. GARRARD ROAD 3¥ Acres, 6 room family or income home, now selling ot only $11,500 $8,900 FULL PRICE 6 room duplex, central foca- on, $1,700 down. 154 ACRE FARM Only 12 miles from Oshawa, fair buildings with conven- iences, plenty of water, $17, 500. full price, easy terms. 50 ACRE RANCH Good spring creek and pond, older farm buildings, Port . Telephone 728-2976, cently. 6-ROOM BRICK With garage, living room, din- | Estate Limited : vr King *, co Tilden BOAT, 'plywood, Lies uty Me: CAR AND TRUCK "dono seat cot of statistics last week, gives two '132--Articles for Sale figures on Jews -- 254,368 as Dial 728-4678 NEW HOMES! ! ing room ond kitchen down 3 bedrooms and both up. Lot 40 x 135. List Price RENTALS DOUBLE bed, wpring and walnut finish, {All Makes and Models) AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, a Fox, 412 Simcoe North. sitabi for 450 square $10,200, Open to offers. Call Les Holl 728-5513 sauna ade AKER Good condition. After 5 p.m, Since 723-3637. 175 Muli Street. CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING For complete selections of new homes in 6 different subdi- visions, with prices starting es low os $11,295.00 with CONTINENTAL beds, pair, no head- boards, good clean condition, #5 each, grey Wilton rug, 9 x 12 with felt underpad. Phone 725-2125. feet, Used three seasons, $150, Tele- phone 725-3117, CEDAR. lawn furniture, tables, chairs, etc. Kitchen cupboards and furniture $565.00 down, Before you buy be sure to see -- Bella ' Vista Gardens -- Downsview EVENING gown, age rose; Connor washing machine; chrome table and chairs, carriage; garage for rent, ply 196 Ritson South. 728-3928, TED CAMPIN 360 KING Sr, WEST Ap- paris, attachments, made to order. CO 3-2573, Hampton. those reporting Jewish religion and 173,344 as those reporting Jewish ethnic origin. Dr. Rosenberg sald Monday the discrepancy usually arises from misunderstanding, either by the census enumerator or the person interviewed, of questions VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Pork -- West Brake Villoge --Northway Court end Som- erville Aveune. COURTICE RD. NORTH 1¥%. storey home -- all city RANGE Gumey, electric, 2l-inch white with uility drawer, just as new, $50. Apply 526 Rogers Road. 728-8757. OLD guns wanted, -- shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. 'Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vie, 728-0591 anytime. regarding religion' and ethnie¢ origin. Many who describe them- selves as of the Jewish religion STUDENTS, .a pee value, ag eat mately 630 sheets size paper (newsprint), for ol $1.00. Makes won- derful copy oe Apply Circulation a Times, or Whitby, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BANKRUPTCY HERTZ Drive-Y ourself PLAYHOUSE 5° x 8' plywood, shingled roof ith's beds Breer i conveniences -- 3 good size bedrooms --- separate dining room, family size living room, Morris chair, rangette, 728-4918. 1111 Dundas Street. 'West. 62 JOHNSON 4 Electromatic outboard Dew, cma a! ae For particulars $600 DOWN Six room brick home necr Oshawa Shopping Centre, cor- ries for $93.00 interest, prin- cipal, and taxes combined. Call Irwin Cruikshonks at 728-5205 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty we reg Ltd Realtors -- 5123 spotless kitchen with loads of cupboards -- stiuated on 17 acres of garden land with fruit trees. One block from highway ond. schools. Total ee $15,500.00 with $5,- 000.00 down -- balance on one mortgage. AFTER 5:30 CALL: THREE refrigerators from $49; heavy duty ranges from $29; apartment wash- ing machine $29; chrome suites from $19.95; one space saver $24.95; seven B continents! heds $24.95; seven unfinish- Foote's Shell Station ed $f chaste. of ina arbare $12.95; has- + walnut a) ite desk $19.95; 97 King E., Oshawa 1961 dryer $99.95; Mar- coni radio pee record player $89; seven TV sets from $49; bedroom lamps $2 SPOT CASH each; modern Sedroom suite, reg. $279, CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493 or 728-9641 WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. list themselvs as of the ethnic origin of the country from which they or their parents came 'to Canada. Dr. Rosenberg said that in fact those of Jewish religion are also of Jewish ethnic origin except for a few converts te Judaism, b-hsiyne hot 300 amp. truck d. with cutting, willing 'equipment, 200° table, heating oven, Durtibarton, TEmple 9-1434, fotchduc ne algae Smith-Corona super, Tele- phone 735-3886. 12.2 Per Cent PAI D FOR 6 months oid, $129, Mid Town Furniture, 19 Prince Street, across from Good clean cars. Trade up {the bus terminal. 728-1131, or down, Liens paid off, STOP Jock Osborne .. 728-5836 Ken Honn 723-7963 10h Simeoe SN Open Every Evening VIKING washing machine, one and half years old, like new, $50. Apply 243 King East, Bowmanville, MA 3-3509, Everett Elliott . 723-9290 Dick Barriage .. 725-6243 John Kemp .... 728-2392 DODD MOTOR SALES BEFORE YOU BUY APARTMENT TYPEWRITERS, adders, See, ren- tals, terms, service. New used, Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, Mo 8-84 12, 14 PARK RD, S. 3 Aluminum doors or windows Joe Mage 725-9191 723-9421 Get a_ iifetime Lge Perry Area, $8,000 full price RENTING two bedr: apartment suites, spacious, modern, range, refrig- erator, drapes, kitchen fan, ete. Tele- phone Mr. Daly, | MO &-4775. THREE-ROOM apartments in a conven- fent and pleasant location. Stove sup- Plied. Washer, dryer, parking, availabie, August 1. 305 St. John Street West or 1O 8-4728. TWO comfortably furnished rooms. Small kitchenette, stove, refrigerator. Perry Street, Telephone MO 8-4470. FOR RENT -- Three-room seif-contain- apartment, $50. Mr, Say at herd Street South or telephone MO SEPYIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone MO 8-2563. TWO large room . All con- po. ge Available August 1, $45 per Two adults. Telephore MO £2333. FOR SALE: Home freezer, 12 cubic) fnew Williams washing machine. | Both less than one year old. 504 Dunlop| Street West, rear entrance. | R RENT: Three room unfurnished, FREE PANTS-SUIT SALE -- Buy your new English worsted suit at the) | Mercantile and receive absolutely free) lan extra pair of pants. Suits $59.50 and} $75. Retail value of free pants $20 andj $25. All suite tailored to measure to} your individual style. Offer expires August 31. Mercantile Department Store, Whitby, Ontario. floor apartment. Refrigerator nd stove supplied. Pate J bath and ntrance. Telephone M¢ 0 8-276. Saad DUNDAS Street East: Unturnished three réom upstairs apartment. One downstairs; beggin A rooms with bath. Telephone Mi STUDENTS A super te 'approxi ye Dain for ak niy #100 Ap pa Inews prin o1 gg? Times Whitby. ply Oshawa jee. {111 Dundas Street West CLERK FULL TIME CASHIER Several Territories _ in Whitby and Whitby Township Available for women inter ested in having a good steady income. Avon sells itself WRITE AVON PRODUCTS General Delivery Oshowo Some office work Must Work Saturdays [eS ADIAN TIRE lappoin TAO 8-5828 3906 j No. 1 Stock Reduced QUICK SALE DISCONTINUED COLORS, PATTERNS, DESIGNS DON'T MISS A BUY! Fioor Tile, _ Duralite and Arborite Wallboard, Plastic Wall Tile, Armstrong Ceiling Tile. CASH -- NO RETURNS ALL SALES FINAL SAWDONS' WHITBY) LTD 244 BROCK S.--668-3524 | | | | | [OUPLEX --MARY STREET CARL B. OLSEN REALTOR VERDUN ROAD Four rooms, frame bungalow, two bedrooms, kitchen with good cupboards, oil heated ond large lot. Asking price $8,300.00 with $1,200.00 down: GARRARD ROAD Only 6 years old, 1400 square feet. Lot 99' x 200' land- scaped, living room 14' x 20', notura! fireplace. Large mo- dern kitchen, extremely large bedrooms. Owner leaving city, anxious to sell. LAKESIDE This is on exceptional one, cozy, attractive, well orrang- ed, five room bungalow with three. bedrooms, _ finished tec. room, paved drive, re- duced in price. $1,500.00 down, Six rooms for owner, four room self-contained apart- ment, with 4 piece bath, Listed ot $11,500.00 with $2,500.00 down OFFICE HOURS 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, SITES 6, 8 or 10 suite sites avail- oble Immediotely, all services paid by the 4 onl locat- ed neor Park Road N Call Exclusive hain, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1121 JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST, S. QUALITY : Free gallos SPECIALS 728-9257 or 7285-253 Boat, Crestliner 1959 PONTIAC COACH -- Automatic, radio, 4 new tires. 1962 . -- 14-ft jenna hi Notet, 40 h.p "In new car condition--Sove depreciation. Tee-Nee Trailer 1959 CHEVROLET -- radio After 6 p. 736 Whitman 4 automatic, a desist In. 725-7292 side and out' MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD SUBURBS 6 room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 1225 square feet plus ai gerage. Val- CEDAR strip boat for sale, $65. Apply 604 Centre Street North, Whitby, ot telephone MO 8-4050. bog boat, trailer, new, 28 horse le, 5 gallon gas tank, Kooy S41 Grierson Street. REFRIGERATOR 9% cubic foot, 8 sete » $60. Telephone Hampton CO LEICA, pene 3F, with Summitar F2 flash Harrison lens, Foca! filters, poicpraie ec tubes and focusing *|mount. Telephone 723-2635. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. WASHING machine, Westinghouse de- luxe automatic, pink; French snseen Be ey table: chest of drawers; set of Telephone 725-0087. ISN'T THIS SPOTLESS ! SCLID: MAPLE WHAT. YOU. WANT? | Senmone cosine wait ance box in living and dining room. Honover kitchen cup- DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, geen prs slip covers, drapes, Fitting a specialty, Mrs, Toms, MO 8-2372. CRIB pay you to see this shorp boards. Vanity with. large y, Large size, carved designs, car. mirror in bathroom, storie A good six room brick bun- FILTER Queen Sales and 'gable iy: stration. Telephone 728-4683 low priced at only $12,- planter in front, Full base- 50 with terms. Contains 6 spring filled mattress --$40. ment, oil heat. Lorge lot. 1956 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN-- Hl comfortably faraiaed rooms. Sm gett A otipp odd ns. Cor 725-1856 lovely rooms including din- 1edle; cai lke Haw Easy terms. Call Mr. Ratcliffe ing room, All nicely decora- ot 725-6544. Sultable for elderly or young 305 Perry Street. Telephone MO 8. Array ted and ready to move in. Lo- cation Chadburn St. A most desirable ond convenient lo- EAST END New oreo, 6 room brick ser BOATS FURNACES, forced air, 10-year gir antee, $2.25 week, no down per ment, package deal, $130, Teleplione 725-4729. cation. To see call Henry Stinson 725-0243. SCHOFIELD-AKER ranch bungolow. Built in oven ond stove, exhaust fan, la , only 2 years old. Full price. $13,500. with $1,200 down. Call Mr, Ap- play at 725-6544 of 723- 3398. $6,000 CASH For this 1% storey home, located in east end of city, duty wiring. Garage. Home is very clean. Phone 1956 PONTIAC, TWO-DOOR Larson, Traveier, Weymouth, HARDTOP -- Radio, "Excel- lent Mechanical Condition". Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Pento 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN LIMITED Radio,. "A real nice cor Gules 360 King St. West 11956 FORD "6 -- One ow- -- MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. / | | : | 28--Real Estate Wanted dining room in good area of city or) 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR | Bivoklin --- 655-3641 | % Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends "Marvellous Con- |SPOT cash or terms. We need homes| dition" in the $6,000 to $12,000 gor Pag os low os NOW WRECKING! Old blanket factory, corner Brock and Mary streets, Whitby. All materials for sale .Apply at site Dutch Construction Company, B .F. GOODRICH Stores --Tires, Lat teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, televi- sion. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, CHEQUE writer, pop cooler, sate, desk, filing cabinet, chairs, meat siicer, time clock, dictating, scale, multiplier, du- Plicator, Hamilton's, 187 Brock South, HIGHEST PRICES paid for good usd furniture. Pretty's Furniture Store, bontad a 444 Simcoe South only. Sale: t ndous, Cal] Ji oe A Soltheal LiceTarasu 'amine. "| 1954 MODELS Mr. Gower 725-6544. ue |27---Real Estate for Sale Other Cars to Choose From MOHAWK STREET 3 bedroom, split level home with attoched garage and carport, 14' x 22° living room, lorge treed lot, 54% N.H.A. mortgage: Listed ot $16,300.- 00 with $5,000.00 down Carl B. Olsen Wes Elliott Jack Cornish 19 Athol Street West 723-1133 joutside, Write Box 414 Oshawa Times.) SEDAN -- TED CAMPIN MOTORS | FOR AN. HONEST DEAL j SEE TED" 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494--Res, 725-5574 $595 DOWN Come and see our completely furnished and decorated economy home on Addison Avenue., (1 block east of Gertrude Colpus School on Wilson Road South) $11,595.00 with $595.00.down Solesmon on site all week from 1 p.m. until 9.00 p.m LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 ALUMINUM WI ALL SELF Special aa DOORS $38.95. NDOWS $14.95 STORING ALL INSTALLATIONS INCLUDED CALL 123-7679 Of Canadians Bilingual OTTAWA (CP)--Canada may be regarded as a bilingual. coun. try, but only 12.2 per cent of the population speak both Eng- lish and French, the 1961 census wees e proportion speaking only English was 67.4 per cent oS only French was 19.1 per cent. Another 1.3 per cent spoke neither English nor French. . The figures were within one a cent of what they were in English was the mother tongue for 58.4 per cent of the 'population; French for 28.1 per cent and all other mot tongues accounted for 13.5 per cent. DEFINE TONGUE The bureau of statistics said today a more detailed classifica- tion of the other mother tongues would be issued later. The lan- guage a person first learned in childhood and still understands is defined as his mother tongue: They may add other languages later. In Quebec, 3,254,850 of the province's 5,259,211 people spoke only French. Another 1,338,878 spoke both French and English and 608,635 spoke only English. All provinces but Quebec were predominantly English - speak- ing. Of Ontario's 6,236,092 people, 5,548,766 spoke only English, 95,236 spoke only French and 493,270 spoke both French and English. LEGENDARY PATH Legend says the Giant's Causeway, a series of columns extending three miles on Ire- land's north coast, was'built for giants to cross to Scotland. SHIPS FOR RUSSIA MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet news agency Tass says Yugo- slavia will build five diesel cargo ships of 12,000 tons each, and nine tankers of 20,800 tons each, for Soviet Rusgia by 1965.